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Effects of Exercise on Intraocular Pressure

and Ocular Blood Flow
A Review
David Risner, BA, Rita Ehrlich, MD, Nisha S. Kheradiya, BS, Brent Siesky, PhD,
Lynne McCranor, BS (Equiv), and Alon Harris, PhD

patients, etiologies beyond IOP and treatments beyond

Abstract: Glaucoma is a disease characterized by progressive optic pharmacologic and surgical IOP modulation must be
neuropathy resulting in retinal ganglion cell death, which affects considered. Vascular factors have become an important
approximately 68 million people worldwide. Risk factors include area of research in glaucoma management and other
intraocular pressure (IOP), genetics, race, age, and vascular factors.
methods for IOP lowering have also been explored both
Exercise is known to affect IOP and systemic cardiovascular factors
and, therefore, may affect glaucoma pathophysiology. This review recently and in past literature.
discusses the results of articles relevant to glaucoma, IOP, ocular Exercise has long been known to decrease risk of
blood flow (OBF), and exercise. Isometric and dynamic exercises many diseases. Exercise reduces risk for type 2 diabetes,
have been studied with respect to effects on IOP and OBF. hypertension, and various cardiovascular pathologies.11–15
Isometric exercise results in an acute decrease in IOP, which As early as Cooper et al16 in 1965, the link between exercise
correlates with hypocapnia. Dynamic exercise results in a more and glaucoma has been studied; specifically, that exercise
pronounced but also short duration decrease in IOP. Physical transiently decreases IOP. The precise mechanism by which
fitness is associated with lower baseline IOP but diminished acute exercise lowers IOP has yet to be clearly defined. With the
IOP-lowering response to exercise. Upon cessation of exercise,
advent of imaging technologies used to assess ocular blood
values return to pretrained levels within 1 month. In glaucoma
patients, these IOP-lowering effects are greater than in healthy flow (OBF), numerous studies have explored the effects of
subjects. In healthy subjects, OBF is unchanged during exercise due exercise on the vascular component of glaucoma. As IOP
to vascular autoregulation. This autoregulation fails at ocular and ocular perfusion are known risk factors for glaucoma,
perfusion pressures greater than 70% above baseline. In conclusion it is important to understand the effects of exercise on these
exercise in glaucoma patients results in acutely lowered IOP and ocular parameters.
lower baseline IOP. The effects of exercise on the prevention of This review article explores the relevant published
glaucoma and glaucomatous progression remain unknown. The literature regarding exercise, IOP, OBF, and glaucoma.
role of exercise in glaucoma management should be investigated.

Key Words: exercise, IOP, ocular blood flow, glaucoma DYNAMIC EXERCISE AND IOP
(J Glaucoma 2009;18:429–436) Dynamic exercise can be defined as work performed by
a muscle while changing the length of that muscle. In
practice, this can be achieved by walking, running, or
cycling for a period of time. In the studies reviewed, IOP
G laucoma is a disease characterized by progressive optic
neuropathy resulting in retinal ganglion cell death.
Approximately 68 million people worldwide are affected by
was typically measured in the minutes immediately after
cessation of exercise; however, this interval is not always
clearly defined. Dynamic exercise’s ability to decrease IOP
glaucoma making it a leading cause of blindness globally.1 was established in a 1963 paper by Janiszewska.17
Risk factors include intraocular pressure (IOP), genetics, Subsequent publications have confirmed these findings18,19
race, age, and vascular factors.2 The only currently (Table 1). Specifically, Qureshi20 showed that IOP is
treatable risk factor for glaucoma remains IOP. Hypoten- lowered by 5.07 ± 1.76 mm Hg after jogging. All
sive therapies have been shown to decrease disease of these studies agreed that IOP is lower in the imme-
progression in terms of visual field loss and visual acuity diate postexercise period compared with values taken
changes.3–10 However, the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial before exercise. The underlying mechanism of IOP reduction
demonstrated that as many as 45% of patients continue to during dynamic exercise has not been fully defined.
show disease progression despite IOP lowering.10 In many It is reasonable to consider the possibility that systemic
changes associated with exercise play a role in IOP
Received for publication February 27, 2008; accepted September 27, modulation and regulation. A study of systemic blood
2008. pressure changes created by dynamic exercise and the
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Indiana University School of observation of a postexercise decrease in IOP confirmed that
Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
Sources of funding: an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent
both phenomena are present and significant, but they are
Blindness Inc. unrelated to each other.21 Furthermore, Krejci et al22
Reprints: Alon Harris, PhD, MS, Lois Letzter Professor of concluded that there is no correlation between heart rate
Ophthalmology, Professor of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, and lowering of IOP during dynamic exercise. Another study
Department of Ophthalmology, 702 Rotary Circle, Room 137,
Indianapolis, IN 46202 (e-mail: alharris@indiana.edu).
showed no link between the decrease in IOP seen with
Copyright r 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins exercise and coincident elevation of blood pressure or the
DOI:10.1097/IJG.0b013e31818fa5f3 subject’s body mass index.23

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Risner et al J Glaucoma  Volume 18, Number 6, August 2009

TABLE 1. Summary of Publications Documenting Change in Intraocular Pressure With Dynamic Exercise
Exercise IOP Reported Change in
Study Subjects Protocol Effect IOP (mm Hg) Other findings
Leighton and 14 healthy 50 min brisk walk k OD 2.28, OS 2.07 —
Myers19 16 bikers, 10 min bicycle k Biking 1.5, running 2.27 —
63 runners ergometry,
Qureshi20 15 healthy Sitting, walking, and k Sitting 1.20 ± 0.66, —
sedentarians jogging walking 3.20 ± 1.19,
jogging 5.07 ± 1.76
Karabatakis 29 healthy Jog 20 min k 1 to 8 No correlation to BP or HR
et al21
Krejci et al22 17 healthy Bicycle ergometry to k OD 4.7, OS 5.1 Decrease was observed during
85% maximum HR exercise
Qureshi et al23 25 healthy 40%, 60%, and 80% k 40% of maximum HR 2.9 ± 1.1, IOP decrease is closely related
sedentarians maximum HR 60% of maximum HR to intensity of exercise
3.3 ± 0.9,
80% of maximum HR 4.5 ± 0.7
Marcus et al24 12 healthy 4 min treadmill k 5.9 —
Kielar et al25 7 athletes Bicycle ergometry k 60% maximum exertion 3.8, —
80% maximum exertion 3.9
Ashkenazi 22 healthy 110 kg march k 4.1 Correlated to osmolarity
et al26
Martin et al27 15 healthy Bicycle ergometry to k Hydrated 3.8, dehydrated 3.9
Related to colloid osmotic
exhaustion pressure
Vieira et al28 30 healthy 4th of 4 bench press m Exhaling +2.2 ± 3.0, Increase in IOP observed,
repetition breath held +4.3 ± 4.2 thought to be related to
Dane et al29 25 fit, Submaximal exercise, m and k Athlete OD +0.33 ± 1.99, Fit initially increased, then
24 sedentary not specified OS +0.29 ± 1.88; decreased at 30 min.
Sedentary OD 1.72 ± 2.78, Sedentary decreased
OS 1.92 ± 2.81 throughout
Dane et al30 25 fit, Submaximal exercise, m and k Athlete OD 12.56%, Male athletes increased,
24 sedentary not specified OS 6.52%; female sedentary decreased,
sedentary OD 25.87%, no effect in sedentary males
OS 28.8% or athletic females
Harris et al31 17 fit, 7 min bicycle k 30 W 2.7 ± 0.4, 90 W 4.7 ± 0.4 IOP decrease directly related to
11 sedentary ergometry at 30 W, intensity
90 W
Kiuchi et al32 Unknown 15 min running to k 40% maximum HR 4.3 ± 0.7, IOP decrease directly related to
healthy 40%, 55%, and 55% maximum HR 2.2 ± 0.7, intensity
70% maximum HR 70% maximum HR 0.6 ± 0.5
McDaniel 13 health Bicycle ergometry, k 3.4 Returned in 20-30 min
et al33 3-5 min, HR 130-
Qureshi34 7 healthy, Walking, jogging, k Walking 2.43 ± 0.30, Glaucoma patients experienced
7 glaucoma and running jogging 3.85 ± 0.55, greater drop, and longer
running 4.0 ± 0.37 duration
Ozmerdivenli 20 fit, Treadmill 30 min to k Aerobic 4.08, IOP decrease is diminished in
et al35 20 sedentary 60%-70% anaerobic 2.55 fit, aerobic better than
maximum HR, anaerobic
bicycle max speed
30 s
Price et al36 18 healthy Bicycle ergometry k 5.5 Baseline IOP returned in 30 min
4 min
Chromiak 30 healthy 3 sets of 10 at 70%, k Chest 8% to 14.5%, —
et al37 chest or leg press legs 6.9% to 13.2%
Sargent et al38 32 with IOP> 6 mo training k OD 2.0, OS 1.3 No change in average baseline
18 mm Hg IOP with fitness.
Passo et al39 10 sedentary 4 mo training k Before training 5.9 ± 0.6, Return to baseline after 37 min,
after training 1.6 ± 0.4, less IOP decrease in trained
baseline with training 1.3
Passo et al40 9 glaucoma 3 mo training k Baseline 4.6 ± 0.4 —
BP indicates systemic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; IOP, intraocular pressure; OD, right eye, OS, left eye.

430 | www.glaucomajournal.com r 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

J Glaucoma  Volume 18, Number 6, August 2009 Effects of Exercise on IOP

In 1970, a series of animal and human studies were Voluntary hyperventilation causes a similar lowering of
performed measuring IOP immediately after dynamic IOP.50–53 However, isometric exercise has no IOP lowering
exercise on a treadmill showing a significant decrease in effects if isocapnia is maintained.45 Confounding these
IOP from 15.5 to 9.5 mm Hg in humans. The study showed findings, one study concluded that although a 20% decrease
that increased plasma osmolarity, increased blood lactate, from baseline carbon dioxide for 5 minutes was sufficient to
and decreased blood pH were present in postexercise lower IOP, equivalent hypocapnia produced pharmacolo-
subjects. A significant but less prominent fall in IOP was gically does not produce significant decrease in IOP.54 This
elicited by infusing sodium lactate, and a correlation was suggests that there is some aspect of hyperventilation that
drawn between elevated blood lactate and a decrease in affects IOP, which is not accounted for by hypocapnia
IOP.41 The decrease in IOP was reproducible in rabbits by alone.
infusions of hyperosmolar sodium lactate and isosmotic Although the literature is generally in agreement that
hydrochloric acid in quantities mirroring those in the there is a decrease in IOP immediately after isometric
postexercise period.24 A follow-up by Kielar et al25 studied exercise, a few publications suggest that IOP remains
aerobic versus anaerobic exercise. Exercise is considered unchanged or increases with certain exercises.28–30,55–57
aerobic when the intensity level allows for sufficient oxygen These studies that show increase in IOP tend to focus on
transfer to facilitate oxidative metabolism of glucose at the weightlifting or exercise at maximal exertion. One study
cellular level; with insufficient oxygen exchange, anaerobic compared weightlifting with and without subjects holding
exercise has an abbreviated metabolism cycle and results in their breath and found that IOP increases are more
lactate production. The study showed that an increased prominent when the subject is holding their breath, +4.3 ±
blood lactate and decreased pH were seen only after 4.2 mm Hg, than when breathing, +2.2 ± 3.0 mm Hg.28 An-
anaerobic exercise. As such, infusion of lactate and other study concluded that elevated intracranial pressure
hydrochloric acid in the previous study are only represen- reduces ocular venous outflow and at least contributes to
tative of anaerobic exercise, and not exercise in general. the elevation in IOP in weightlifting subjects who are
Ashkenazi et al26 determined that only osmolarity corre- essentially performing a Valsalva maneuver, raising IOP an
lates to lower IOP and that blood pH and lactate have no average of 15 mm Hg with 1 subject reaching IOP of 46 mm
correlation to IOP lowering with dynamic exercise. Martin Hg.57 During maximal exertion the subjects are essentially
et al27 showed that dehydration resulting in elevated colloid performing a Valsalva maneuver. Brody et al56 showed that
osmotic pressure significantly reduced IOP compared with voluntary Valsalva increases IOP in the absence of other
hydrated subjects with normal colloid osmotic pressure. factors. The IOP quickly returns to normal after cessation
Other indices of hydration such as hematocrit, plasma of Valsalva, but these papers do not address the implica-
protein concentration, and plasma osmolality did not tions of these short-term increases in IOP. Another
correspond to lower IOP. They suggested 3 mechanisms important conclusion from the Brody paper is that physical
for the reduction in IOP: osmotic dehydration of the globe, fitness results in a smaller increase in IOP in response to
reduced aqueous production due to reduced ultrafiltration, acute stressors. This highlights an important issue regarding
and a hypothalamic reflex.42–44 exercise and glaucoma: the determination of whether or not
The premise that dynamic exercise lowers IOP is regular exercise can lower IOP in a reliable and possibly
widely accepted in the literature; however, the mechanism is therapeutic manner. This will be addressed later in the
poorly understood. Three leading theories of etiology in the review.
literature involve decreased blood pH, elevated plasma Although conflicting data remain, the consensus based
osmolarity, and elevated blood lactate. Although all these on these studies is that isometric exercise results
findings are present in anaerobic exercise, only increased in a decrease in IOP. Studies correlate hypocapnia with
osmolarity is seen in aerobic exercise. There has been the observed decrease in IOP; however, at least 1 paper
support in the literature for all 3 factors; however, the suggests that there are factors present in isometric exercise,
hyperosmolarity theory has the most support. Hypocapnia which lower IOP but are not unique to the hypocapnic
has not been shown to correspond with lower IOP in state.54 Maximal isometric exercise resulting in Valsalva
dynamic exercise.27 Further research must be conducted to causes increase in IOP,28 which is related to increased
develop a more complete understanding of the etiology and intracranial pressure.57 There is no clearly defined mechan-
mechanism of IOP lowering in dynamic exercise before ism that links hypocapnia to a decrease in IOP. However, at
specific recommendations can be made concerning therapy. this time no deleterious effects have been demonstrated and
However, most studies agree that it may be reasonable not it is reasonable to encourage isometric exercise on this
to discourage, but rather encourage dynamic exercise in basis.
glaucoma patients.
Isometric exercise can be defined as work performed DYNAMIC EXERCISE
by a muscle while maintaining constant muscle length. In There are a number of studies showing a decrease in
practice, this can be achieved by assuming a squat position IOP after either isometric or dynamic exercise, but only 1
or forcefully clinching ones fist for a period of time. study has compared the two. That study showed that the
Isometric exercise has been shown, like dynamic exercise, to isokinetic (dynamic) exercise had more pronounced IOP-
lower IOP in the acute postexercise period by 2.7 mm Hg.45 lowering effects: the IOP drop seen after isometric exercise
Decreased IOP following isometric exercise was also was 4.94 ± 2.63 mm Hg compared with a decrease of
demonstrated by Marcus et al.46 It is well established that 8.78 ± 3.43 mm Hg seen after dynamic exercise.58 An
isometric exercise leads to hyperventilation and hypocap- important conclusion of this study was that the decrease
nia, which correlates with the decrease in IOP.46–49 in IOP was directly related to exercise intensity.58 This

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Risner et al J Glaucoma  Volume 18, Number 6, August 2009

conclusion is supported by a number of other publica- of decreased IOP would have a great impact on long-term
tions.20,23,27,31–33,59 Specifically, Qureshi34 showed IOP glaucoma progression considering the goal of pharmaco-
decreasing 2.43 ± 0.30 mm Hg after walking, 3.85 ± logic IOP management is consistently lower IOP.
0.55 mm Hg after jogging, and 4.0 ± 0.37 mm Hg after It is important to study the long-term effects of
running. Importantly, the IOP-lowering effect of exercise exercise and fitness on IOP to determine if institution
was observed in patients with glaucoma; the effects are of an exercise regimen can positively impact a chronic
actually magnified in this population: IOP dropped an disease. In this vein, a number of studies have compared
average of 7.72 ± 1.25 after walking, 10.86 ± 2.12 after IOP in athletes and sedentary individuals; although,
jogging, and 12.86 ± 2.05 after running in the 7 glaucoma typically the criteria for athlete are poorly defined and
patients involved in the aforementioned study.34 These IOP rarely consistent between studies. One study showed that
changes have been observed independent of alterations in postexercise IOP is significantly decreased compared
blood pressure and heart rate.20 Kiuchi et al32 used a with preexercise values when measured after both aerobic
percentage of maximal heart rate to determine relative and anaerobic exercise in both athletes and sedentarians,
rather than absolute intensity and showed that relative and the amplitude of the decrease was not significantly
intensity is most closely correlated to IOP lowering; this different between the athletes and sedentarians.35 Conver-
was supported in studies by Harris et al31 and Qureshi sely, another study showed that in athletes, IOP immedi-
et al.23 ately increased to a significant degree before decreasing
In terms of aerobic versus anaerobic exercise, the when measured at 30 minutes and 2 hours postexercise.
previously discussed Kielar paper found that the IOP In sedentarians, IOP immediately decreased and remained
decrease was not significantly different between aerobic and decreased at 30 minutes and 2 hours postexercise.30
anaerobic trials.25 That study compared the 2 modalities Another study looking at individual sexes showed that
with matched intensity. However, another study found that male athletes were shown to experience an increase in IOP
aerobic exercise is more effective than anaerobic exercise in whereas in sedentary males IOP was not changed to a
lowering of IOP in the immediate postexercise period. It significant degree. Female athletes had no significant
showed that aerobic exercise results in a decrease in IOP change in IOP, whereas sedentary females had a significant
from 14.96 ± 2.12 to 10.88 ± 1.84 mm Hg, a 27% change, decrease in IOP.29 Qureshi61 showed that the acute
and anaerobic exercise resulting in a decrease from postexercise effect on IOP lowering is greatly diminished
14.96 ± 2.12 to 12.41 ± 1.87 mm Hg, a 17% change.35 This in physically fit subjects compared with sedentarians. In
study controlled for duration of exercise but did not summary, the postexercise IOP-lowering effects are no
attempt to match exercise intensity. Given the correlation better, or even diminished, in physically fit individuals. It is
between intensity and IOP lowering mentioned earlier, important to understand the long-term effects of physical
conclusions must be drawn from this study with caution. fitness on baseline IOP, as this would have the greatest
Overall, the literature indicates that dynamic exercise impact on chronic disease progression.
has a greater IOP-lowering effect than isometric exercise.58 An early study on the effects of fitness on baseline IOP
Importantly, the parameter that most closely corresponds conducted by Sargent et al38 in 1981, found that physically
with IOP-lowering effect is the relative intensity of the fit individuals had a lower baseline IOP compared with
exercise.23,31,32 The consensus is that IOP decrease in before starting exercise training. However, the control
isometric exercise correlates with hypocapnia, whereas group experienced a significant and comparable decrease,
in dynamic exercise lower IOP has been shown to be and the paper concluded that there is no correlation
independent of carbon dioxide levels. It is important to between fitness and baseline IOP. That is the only published
point out that there is little available literature regarding study, which has concluded that physical fitness is
dynamic exercise and carbon dioxide. As such the difference a nonfactor. Subsequent studies suggest the opposite.
between the effects of hypocapnia on IOP in dynamic Qureshi et al62 showed in a prospective comparative cohort
versus isometric exercise may be an artifact of limited data study using 40 subjects that exercise conditioning producing
and further research should focus on whether a true physical fitness—defined by increased oxygen uptake—
difference exists. At this time, a consensus on the etiology results in lower baseline IOP by approximately 0.8 mm Hg
for IOP lowering in dynamic exercise has not been reached; compared with levels before initiation of conditioning. This
however, this should not preclude the encouragement of decrease in baseline IOP seen in chronic exercise is an
exercise in the absence of deleterious effects. important conclusion with respect to therapeutic applica-
tion. However, as the paper describes, the impact to
glaucoma patients in terms of outcomes is yet to be defined.
LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON IOP Passo et al39 demonstrated that initiation of exercise
The publications discussed to this point have dealt training resulted in baseline IOP approximately 1.3 mm
with acute exercise and changes in IOP seen in the minutes Hg lower than before training, and it also showed that the
to hours postexercise. Some of the papers actually comment same was true in a group of glaucoma patients where mean
on the relatively short-lived nature of these changes, baseline IOP decreased by 4.6 ± 0.4 mm Hg after 3 months
demonstrating postexercise decreased IOP lasting between of training.40 It is important to mention that the baseline
15 and 60 minutes.36,41,60 There are factors that can affect IOP returned to pretrained levels within 3 weeks of exercise
the duration of IOP drop. One study showed that the cessation.40 This is one of the few papers to test the IOP-
upper-body resistance training had a more lasting effect lowering ability of exercise on glaucoma patients.
on IOP lowering compared with lower-body training.37 Overall the literature agrees that institution of a
Another study focused on a polymorphism of the b regular exercise program results in lowering of baseline
2-adrenergic receptor gene associated with decreased IOP IOP, while the acute decrease in IOP in the postexercise
for up to 3 hours after exercise.60 Even if these 2 factors period is diminished.39,62 This phenomenon has also been
could be exploited, it is unlikely that the marginal duration demonstrated in glaucoma patients.40 At this time, there is

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J Glaucoma  Volume 18, Number 6, August 2009 Effects of Exercise on IOP

no long-term data on the effect of regular exercise in terms choroidal blood flow during isometric exercise. It is worth
of outcomes with glaucoma patients. pointing out that this is the first study discussed to this
point that has measured parameters during exercise.
EXERCISE AND OBF Presumably this is due to the difficulty associated with
In patients who continue to show glaucomatous taking delicate IOP or OBF measurements on exercising
progression despite well-controlled IOP,10,63 a vascular subjects. The paper concluded that although mean arterial
etiology has become increasingly implicated as contributory pressure increased as expected, there was no significant
to the chronic disease process.64–67 A review by Siesky change in choroidal perfusion. The mechanism to maintain
et al68 summarizes the support for vascular etiologies in the stable perfusion has been shown to be ocular vasoconstric-
literature and states that vascular risk factors for glaucoma tion.77 This suggests autoregulation in the choroid, a
include aging, systemic blood pressure, nocturnal hypoten- conclusion echoed by Movaffaghy et al78 in a paper
sion, ocular perfusion pressure (OPP), migraine, disk concerning optic nerve head blood flow after exercise.
hemorrhage, and reduction of OBF. It is important to note that this study found no correlation
between autoregulation and carbon dioxide levels.76 This is
in contrast to the mechanism of IOP lowering seen in
DYNAMIC EXERCISE AND OBF isometric exercise and supports the concept that pressure
A recent study of 20 healthy individuals measured a and vasculature factors are not simply 2 surrogate markers
number of parameters at rest and immediately after stair of the same phenomenon. Riva et al79 found that although
climbing. Although IOP and systemic blood pressure the autoregulation through increased choroidal vascular
increased significantly, there was no significant change in resistance maintains consistent OBF to a point, the
retinal blood flow measured using Heidelberg retinal autoregulation fails once OPP increases more than 67%
flowmetry.69 Michelson et al70 supported these findings by above the baseline. This is supported by Kiss et al.76 These
demonstrating perfusion of the eye is constant despite autoregulatory changes have been shown to be enhanced in
elevation of systemic blood pressure. Similar conclusions normal tension glaucoma patients.80 Interestingly, this
were drawn using color Doppler imaging to measure central autoregulation is impaired in smokers.55 Although the
retinal artery and vein mean blood flow velocities, which implications of these findings are not known, presumably
were found to be stable after exercise. That study also the increased OBF would benefit ocular tissues in general
looked at the ophthalmic artery and actually found and ameliorate the decreased perfusion that has been
overregulation indicated by a decrease in blood flow due proposed as the pathophysiologic consequence of elevated
to vasoconstriction.71 Lovasik et al72 confirmed that OPP IOP that leads to glaucomatous progression.
(defined as 2/3 mean arterial blood pressure–IOP) and Nitric oxide (NO) was the subject of a study of
choroidal blood flow are not associated with each other, individuals performing isometric exercise while taking NO
suggesting an autoregulatory component. However, in synthase inhibitors intended to decrease NO production.
another study retinal blood flow was shown to increase The paper concluded that NO plays a role in choroidal
after a period of dynamic exercise. This study used scanning blood flow autoregulation during isometric exercise.81
laser Doppler flowmetry and laser speckle flowgraphy. The Okuno et al73 also concluded that NO has a role in OBF
results showed that choroidal blood flow was increased at regulation based on increased NO levels found in the
both 15 and 60 minutes whereas retinal blood flow was postexercise period. Fuchsjäger-Mayrl et al82 in addition
increased only at the 15-minute measurement.73 Another found that endothelin-1 but not angiotensin-II have roles in
study supports the findings of increased OBF but looked choroidal blood flow regulation during isometric exercise.
specifically at pulsatile blood flow and concluded that there In contrast b-blocker or atropine did not show any effect on
is a transient but significant increase in pulsatile blood flow the choroidal blood flow during isometric exercise.83
after exercise.36 Lovasik and Kergoat74 confirmed this The consensus in the literature regarding choroidal
finding. The increase in choroidal blood flow lasts only 5 to blood flow of healthy patients in isometric exercise is that
10 minutes, making it shorter lived than the concomitant there is autoregulation similar to that seen with dynamic
decrease in IOP, which tends to support the thought that exercise. Choroidal blood flow is autoregulated by vascular
the 2 parameters change independently. Harris et al75 resistance in proportion to increase in OPP up to the point
showed that dynamic exercise correlates with retinal of 67% to 70% above baseline OPP, which maintains blood
vasoconstriction and increased flow velocity with a net flow within 10% to 12% of baseline.76,79 Carbon dioxide
increase in overall blood transit in the immediate post- levels have no association with choroidal blood flow
exercise period. regulation.76 At this time, there is little research addressing
The consensus in the literature is that in healthy the effects of isometric or dynamic exercise on OBF in
subjects, retinal blood flow is autoregulated during dynamic glaucoma patients.
exercise by increased vascular resistance in proportion to
increase in OPP such that there is only a minor increase in
blood flow with increased OPP.72 The choroid is similarly DISCUSSION
autoregulated, but to a lesser degree as choroidal blood Nearly half a century of research has been conducted
flow increases somewhat in the immediate postexercise regarding exercise and its effect on IOP. It is well
period.73 At least 2 papers reported increase specifically in established that acute exercise, both dynamic and iso-
pulsatile OBF, presumably to maintain perfusion with metric, transiently lowers IOP in the acute postexercise
increased global demand.36,74 period.16–19,45,46,84 It is important to note that the
parameter most closely associated with IOP-lowering effect
ISOMETRIC EXERCISE AND OBF is intensity of exercise.20,23,27,31–33,59 This is true and
A study by Kiss et al76 used fundus pulsation perhaps even enhanced in glaucoma patients.34 It is also
measured by laser interferometry as a means to monitor widely accepted that physical fitness due to an exercise

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Risner et al J Glaucoma  Volume 18, Number 6, August 2009

regimen results in lower baseline IOP; although, in fit specific attention paid to clinically significant outcomes. It
individuals the acute IOP-lowering effect of exercise may be is important that future research is directed at elucidation
diminished.39,40,62 On the basis of these findings, it would of the mechanism for IOP-lowering parameters including
be interesting to see the effects of a moderately intense hypocapnia, plasma osmolality, and plasma lactate.
exercise regimen as adjunct to treatment for glaucoma. A uniform method for exercise and timeframe for IOP
At this time, the consensus recommendations are that measurement would have to be defined to allow for
exercise is most likely not harmful in terms of IOP and interstudy data comparison.
should not be discouraged in glaucoma patients. These
conclusions cannot be applied to all glaucoma patients,
however. Young adults with advanced glaucoma have been LITERATURE SEARCH
shown to experience a ‘‘vascular steal’’ during exercise, A literature search was performed including all articles
which can result in temporary loss of vision.85 It has also published up to February 2008. A PubMed search with
long been known that exercise provokes increased IOP in reference cross matching was used to identify all relevant
patients with the pigmentary subtype of glaucoma.86–89 In articles pertaining to glaucoma, IOP, OBF, exercise,
these patients, exercise could be harmful and so should not isometric exercise, dynamic exercise, choroidal blood flow,
be recommended. and retinal blood flow.
Compared with IOP, there is much less published
literature concerning the effects of exercise on OBF. This
may be due to the difficulty associated with obtaining data.
There is also limited information available regarding the REFERENCES
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