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aa AL Chap # Chapter Pages ‘Vector Analysis Scalars Quantity, Vector Quantity, Conditions for a Vector Quantity, Scalars, Vectors, Unit Vector, Resultant vector, Parallelogram method of addition of ‘two vectors, Subtraction of vectors. ‘Trigonometric functions, Component of a vector, Rectangular unit | vectors, ‘Components of Vector in two Dimensions, Component of a Vector in ‘Three Dimensions. Scalar Product of Two Vectors, Scalar product terms of rectangular components, Example of Scalar Product, The Vector Product of Two Vectors. Vector Product in Terms of Rectangular Components. Example of Vector Product, Vector Triple Product. Vector Identities, Scalar Field, Vector Field, Operators, Gradient of a Sealar Field, Mathematical Expression OR. Physical Significances. The Curl of a Vector Field, Physical, Significance, Divergence of a Vector Field, Physical Significance, Stokes" Theorem, Gauss's Divergence Theorem or Divergence Theorem. Spherical Polar Coordinates. Surface Integral, Line Integral, Problems Solved. 1-62 Laws of Motion Newton's Laws of Motion, (i) First Law (i) Seeond Law, (ii) Third Law, (v) Limitations of Fist and Second Lave («) Limitation of the Third Law, Frame of Reference, Escape Velocity, Equation of Trajectory. Total Time of Flight, Range, Rocket Equation, Sate Circular Orbit, Gravitation, Newton's Law of Universal Gravi Explanation, () Mass of Earth, (i) Rest, (ii) Motion, (iv) Speed, (9) Vglocity (vi) Force, (vi) Acceleration, (ii) Average Velocity, Gx) Sinstantaneous Velocity, (x) Average Acceleration, (Gi) Instantaneous Acceleration, (ait) Uniform acceleration, Centipetal Foree, Centrifugal Force, Centripetal Force, Problems. ‘Conservation of Energy ‘Work, Physical Dimension of Work. Joule, Erg, Foot-found, Power, Unit, Watt, Horse-Power (1 hp), Power. Kinds of Power, Units, One Kilo’ Watt Hour, (a) Work Done by # Constant Forze, Work Done, (@) Work Done by a Variable Force (One Dimensional Seale), Spring Case, (€) Work Done by Variable Force (Two-Dimensional Case), Inertial Reference Frames, Non-inertial Reference Frames, Invariant ‘Quantities, Non-invariant Quantities, Work-Eneray Theorem, General Proof of Work energy Theorem. Problems, 95-108 ‘Conservation of Linear and Angular Momentum Conservation of Linear Momentum, Derivation, Centre of Mass, Conservation of Angular Momentum, Torgue, (i) Caleulation of center (of Mass of Uniform Rod, (ii) Calculation of Center of Mass of & Uniform Solid Cylinder, (it) Calculation of Centre of Mass of a Uniform Solid Hemisphere (a) (i) Linear Momentum of « Particle i) Linear Momentum of a System of Particles (b) Conservation of Lineat [ot Momentum. a) Systems of Variable Mas. (by Rox on, Problems. Dynamic of a Rigid Body Rigid Body. Moment of Inet, Kinetic Energy. Moment of Inertia, (8) Perpendicular Axes Theorem, (b) The Theorem of the Parallel Axis (e) Gyroscopic. Procession, (i) ANis passing through its center “an perpendicular t0 its plane. (ii) Moment of Inertia of a Dise about @ Diameter (ii) Moment of inertia of Diss about a Tangent, Problems. 133-163, Inverse Square Law CCentrai Foree, Inverse Square Law, Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Kepler's First Law: (Law of Orbits}. Derivation of Kepler's First Law Kepler's Ill Laws. Kepler's Second Laws: (Lats of Areas); Derivation Problents. 165-189 Special Theory of Relativity (2) Trouble with Classical Mechaniss (Physics). (b) (i) Troubles with our Ideas about ime, (i) Troubles with Our Ideas about Length (Gi Troubles with Our leas about Velocity: (iv) Troubles with or Ideas about Light. (c) Finstein Parados. Postulates of Special Theory, Lorentz Yeansformation (LT). Lorentz Transformation, (b) Immediate Consequences of Lorenz Transforiation, (1) Length Contraction or Lorente Contraction, 2. Time Dilation. 3. Simoltanety or Relativity of | Simultancity, 4. Addition of Velocities. Introduction, Operation, Result (Positive). Results (Negative). Variation of Mass with Velocity, Alterative Form, Relativistic Momentum. Short Questions, Maxwells ‘Theory of Electromaunetish. Problems Solved | Fluid Mechanjes (a) Fhid Statistic,” Viscosity: Coefficient of viscosity, Poiseulle’s Viscosity of Liquid, Effect of Temperature on Viseosty (b) Poiseuiles Equation for the Fluid Flow. Elst Stress. Strain. Hooke's Law. Types of Elatcty. Modulus of rigidity (Shear Modulis) (a) Variation of Pressure ina. Fluid at Rest (8) Vaviation of Pressure in the Eanh’s Atmosphere, Surface Tension, Short Questions, 191-254 255-500 ‘Waves and Oseillation Oscillator. Simple Hernionic. Parameters of .H.O.. Amplitude, Time Period: (1), Frequency: (1). Phase (9). Velocity. Enetsy, Damped Harmonic Oscillaoe and the Equation of its Motion, (b) Equation of Damped Harmonie Oscillator, Amplitude. Frequency. Power Dissipated by @ Damped Harmonic Oscillator, Quality Factor Q. Forced Oscillations, (@) Complementary Functions, (i) Particular Inegral Frequency Dependence when Damping is Small, Simple Pendulum, Time Period, Frequency, Angular Frequency: (s) Alternative Method to Find W, Energy of Pendulum, Mass and Spring, Amplitude, Time Period, Frequency. Angular Frequency, Longitudinal. Oscillation of 301-337 ‘Two Coupled Masses, Problems. 10, Interference of Waves {a) Interference, Conditions for Interference, Phase Coherent Sources, (b) Analytical’ Treatment of Interference, Younger Double. Si Experiment. Description. Theory. Produced by Fresnel’s Biprisms, Interference in Thin Film, Reflected. System, Transmitted. System, Newton's Rings. Description, Reflecied System. Transmitted System, Wedge Shaped Film, Interferometers, “Types of” Interferometer, Michelson Inerferometer, Description, Theory, Problems. 339-364 il Diffraction of Light Diffraction, Condition for the Diffraction of Light, (?) Deviation, Types of Diffaction, Difference between Interference and Di faction, (a) Single Sli Diffaction, (a) Condition of Minima (8) Condition for masima of Intensity, (b) Double Patter, Location of Maxima and Minima, From 0s F; From Multiple Slit Diffraction Pattern or diffaction “Grating, Principle Maxima, (1) Resolving Power of Grating, (1) Use of Grating, Ul) Construction of Ruled Gratings. (IV) Difference between the Grating Spectrum and. Prisim’ Specttum, (a) X-ray’ Diffraction, (6) Huygens Principle, Explanation, (1) Reflection, (2) Laws of Reflection. (3). Regular Reflection, (4) "Diffuse "Reflection, (1) Refraction of iat, 2) Laws of Refraction, (1) Definition of Laser, (Q) The Later Principle, (3) Laser Operation, (4) Kinds of Lasers, G) Application, Solved Problems. 365-392, Heat ‘Thermodynamics, First Law off Thetmodynumics, Intemal Energy, Differential Form, (b) Applications, (1) Isothermal Expansion of Gs @) Isothermal Compression of Gas. (3) Adiabatic Expansion of a Gas, {(@) Adiabatic, Compression of Gas, (5) Isobarie Process, (6) Isochorie Process, (7) Heat Engines, Significance of the First Law. First Law of Thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible Process, Reversible Process, Irreversible Process, The Carnot Cycle, Camot ‘Theotem, Second Law of Thermodynamics (i) Clausius Statement )) Lord Kevin's Statement, Thi Law of Thermodynamics, Pressure of @ Gas (Kinetic Theory of Gases), Pressure of Gas, (a) Transport Phenomenon, (b) Mean Free Path, (e) Eniropy, (8) Clausius-Clapeyron Equation, Maxwell's Law of Distribution af velocities, Evaluation of a and Bi, (i) Calculation of Most Probable Velocity, (i) Calculation of Root Mean Square Velocity ii) Calculation of the Average Velocity. Kirchhoff's Lav, Efficiency of Reversible Heat Engine, (3) Production of Low Temperature, (1) Freezing Mixtures, 2) Joule-Thomson Eifect, Simon's Method, (3) Cooling due to Evaporation, (8) Liquefaction of Gases, (3) Adi Expansion Process, Paramagnetie Cooling (Cooling by & adiabatic demagnetization), (b) Messurement of Low ‘Temperauure, (A) Direct Mossuremont of Temperature, (B) Inditect 393-140 (b) Refrigerators and the Second Law. (c) Equivalence of the Clausius and Kelvit-Plarick Statements, Solved Problems, 1B. Electric Charge and Electrie Potential Electrostatics. Souree Point Charge, Field Point Charge, Convention, Coulomb's Law. For N. Point Charges, Electric eld Imensi Volume and Surface Charpe Density, Force on a Point Charue due (© the volume and Surface Charge Density. Electric Field Intensity Electro Static Field, Electrostatic Potential. Physical Interpretation of Electrostatic Potential, Electric Lines of Force. Gauss s. Law. Applications of Gauss Law. Electric Field due to finite Charge Line Electric Field due to Infinite Sheet of Charge. The Electric Field duc to Volume Charge Distribution. The Electric Dipole. Potntil Lnersy Dipole, Eleeine Potential. Electrostatic and. Gravitational “Forces (a) Electric Potental, (b) Absolute Potsttial and Electric Tela Intensity. (b) The Change a Potential ie independent of the Path, Absolute Potential. (a) Poteatial due to Charae, (il) Potential due to 8 Sollection of Point Charges OR Potential due to Charge Distbation, (ii) Potential Due to Volume Distribution of Change. (') Potential Duc to Surface Distribution of Charge. (vi) Pofential due to Dipole, (90) The Electric Potential of Continuons Charge Distribution, i) Eguipotential surfaces, Electrostatic Feld 441-481 1 Capacitor Capacitor and its Capacitance, Unis. CoeMiciets of Capacitance. Coerficient of Potential in case of 3 Conductors, Polarization, Gauss's Law in. Dielectric Medium. Eleciic Susceptbility. and. Dielectie Constant. Dielectrics. Simply Defined, Vol. Eleciton Volt (cv). 483-495, 15. Electric Current Electric Curren. Uni Of Cuneet. An pee, Drift \elosity. Conveniional Current. Curren Duity. cornet Deny. Equation of Conti Physical Significance of equation of Continuity. Ohm's Law, Ohm's Law (Microscopic. form of ohm's law) Om, Relation between Conductivity and Pecnritivity. Thermo-tectriciy OR See Back EVfest. Emission of Elecyons from Metals. Thermonic Emission and Richardson's Equation, (a) Capacitor and its Capacitance. Units, (b) Principle of Capacitor or Vondenscr, Caleuiating the Electric Field. Calculating the Potential difference, Parallel Plate Capacitor. Peltier Covefticient worst 16. Magnetism Nawal Magnet or Earth Magnet Field. Magnetic Field due 10 Hecirie Coment. Fundamental Propemies of Magnetic Fields, (1) Covlomb's Law. (2) Magnetic Fiel! Intensity (H), (3) Magnetic Moment (M), (4) Manette Potential, (5) Intensity of Maznetisation (I), (6) Magnetic Flux (@ m). (7) Magnetic Flux Density or Magnetic Induction (B). (8) Maunevic Susceptibility (K). (I) Molecular Theory. Facts in Support. Drawback in the Molocular Theory. (Il) Electronic "heory. Magnetism, Paramagnetic Substances. Properties, Diamagnetic S123, wit Substances. Properties, Ferromagnetic Substances. Properties Hysteresisloop, op. Dassipation of Energy dive Thomson Co-efTieent. Unit Conductor. (2), Ampere Biot Savan’s Law ‘due « Ton Seni Conductor. (b) Magnetic Pld I earrying Current. 2) Magnetic Field ofa Solenoid, TToriod. Problems. 525.517 Electromagnetic Induction () Faraday Law of Electconaanetic induction, (b) Differemial form of| Faraday's Law. (¢)Imeyral Form of Faraday Law. To Stady the curent Camying wire oF Conductor. Motional em Le-z's Law Statement Self Inductance, Derived Usit. Unt of Sell tinuetance: (3) Sell Inductance of a Long Solewid. (b) Self Inductance of Torodical ‘Winding, (e) Inductance of a Toros. Mutual Inductance. Unit, Mutual ductance between two. Torodical Coils or two Cosnial Solenoids wductance m Series. Allemative Method, Inductance. In Parallel Connestion, Problets 349-576 19. ‘Transient Currents Transient Current. Circuit Theorems for-Transiet Conditions Kirchhof's Laws, First Law. Second Law, Growth of Current in LR Growth of Current in LR Series Circuit. T Constants-Growth of Charge in — C Cis ) Decay of Charge in RC Series Circuit, R-L-C Series Cire ‘Time Period, Frequeics. Curtent through L-R-C Series Circuit. Decay of Charge L-R-C Series Cireuit. Inductive Reactance, “Capacitive Reactance, Reactance. Impedanoe. (Il) Impedance, Problems 577-606 Maxwell's Equations Maxwells Equation. Poynting Vector, Problems. 607-623 2 ‘Alternating Current D.C-AC, Frequency’ f Measurement of A.C. Resonant Frequency () Galvanometers, Ballistic Galvanometer. Dead Beat Action. Ammeter, Voltmeter, Eddy - Currents: Foucault. Curents. Transformer, Construction, Prieiple, Uses, Losses in the Transformers, (1) Primary Copper Loss. (2) Secondary Copper Loss. (3) Magnetic Leakage, (2) Core Loss, (iy Hystersis Loss, (i) The Eddy-Current Loss, (6) Advantages of A.C. in long distance Transmission, Poynting theorem, (25-643 Electronics Electronics, Basie Electronics Devices, Basic electronic Components, Rectifier, Amplifier, Oscillator, Basic Law of Electronics, Use Conductors, Insulator, Semiconductors, Solid State Physics, Classification of Solids, Metals. Non-Metals, Doping. Why semiconductor is doped?, Trivalent impurity (Group III), Tetravalent 645-681 Impurity (Group IV). Pentavalent impurity (Group V),N~Type Substances, Free Electron, P-type Substance, Hole, (6) PN hunstion ix 2. 24, ats like a Diode, 1. Forward Bias, 2. Reversed Bias, Behaviour of a Semi-Conductor. Forward Current and Reverse Currents, Use, Types fof Semiconductor Diodes, Zener Diode, Tunnel Diode, LED (Light emitting diode), Photovoltie Cell (Solar Cell, Advantages of the Solar Cell, Photo-Conductors, Half-wave Rectifier Circuit. Catculation of (DC) Average Load Current, Peak Reverse Voltage or (Piv) Peak inverse Voliage, Calculation of "R.MS” wave of Current, Full-wave Rectifier Circuit, Calculations of Average Load Current, Average Load Voltage Vide, RMS. Value of Curent. Bridge Circuit for Rectification, Advantage of the Full Wave Circuit, Transistor. How many PN-junetion in Trzesistor?, Condition for Transistor Conduction, Gain of Transistor, Advantage Uses, Transistors, Construction, Transistor as an Oscillator, Characteristic of Transistor, Base Characteristics. Collector Characteristics. Triode, Differenee between Triode and Diode. Use of Grid, Forward Bias, Reversed Biss, Draw Wave Form. Plate Resistance (15). Amplification Facior Definition, Mutual Conductance gx . Relation betiveer: ty ge and. a Triode as'an Amplifier. Amplification Produced by a Triode Valve Triode Valve as an Oscillator. Triode as 8 Detector (Triode as detector in radio waves receivers), Anode Bend Deiection, Tetrode, Syinbol of Tetrode, Screen Grid. Secondary Emissions, Circuit. showing the Biasing’ of Tetrodes, Characteristics Curve of Tetrode, Negative Resistance, Pentode. Symbol of Pentode, Suppressor Grid. Characteristics Curve of Pentode. Space Charge. Conduction. Space Charge Effect, Modulation, Denodulation or Detection, Fundamentals of Modulations of Modulation ‘Atomic Physies Accelerators, (i) The Ditect Voltage Accelerators (i) The Resonance Aceslerators, (a). Vande Graaf Generator (Elecirostatie Generator), (1) Principle: (2) Construction. (b) Tandem Generator. (1) Introduction, 2) Experimental Set up and Working, (€) The Linear Drift Tube Accelerator. (1) Tntroduction, (2) Consiruction and operation, 3, Advantages, 4. Uses, The Cyclotron (Lawrence €yclotron), introduetion, Construction and Operation, Limit, The Frequency Modulated Cyclotron or Synelro-Cyelotron, Betatron, (1) Introduction, (2) Principle, 3) Construction and Operation. Operation. ‘Quantum Mecha (@) Quantum Mectanies, Posttates of Quantum Mechanics, Firs Postulate. Second Postulate, Third Postulates, (b) Black" Body Radiation, Black Body. Characteristics of a Black Body Radiation Planks Quantum Theory of Radiations, Derivation of Formuta, Photo electric Effect. Apparatus. Procedure. Compton Effect Statement. Mathematical Treatment, De-Broglie Wave Length, Electron Diffraction Experiments of G.P Thomson, Dual Nature of Light Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, (I) Form, Important Application of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Bohr's Theory Uncertainty Principle, Paulle’s Exclusion Principle, Cathode Rays, Definition, Properties, Binding Energy. Principle. Apparatus, (i) Effect of Magnetic Field, Rutherford's Atom Model, ‘The Bohs Atom Model, Theory of 683-694 695-136 Hydrogen Ato fof Electron i Bohe's Orbit or any: Orbit Spectrum of Hsdeogen Atom of Emvssin of line Specter, Essision Spestum, Absorption Spectm, Kinds of Emission Speci. Line Specie, (i) Comlingous Spectrum. (i) Band. Spacrum, Uses of Shosttoscopy, Normal. State: Tavited State. ExcHaton. Fnerey_ or Excitation Poientia Ionization Eneray of lonizaion Potent. Zeeman Fflect @) Perpendicular o the Direction of Magnetic Feld (i) Parallel to the Direction ofthe Magnetic Field. Theore of the Zeeman Edel, Wilkon Summer Field Quantization, Rule. Veeior Atom Model 1 Principle of Total Quantum Number w". 2- Orbital Quantum Numer 23. Spin Quanuni Number “8-4 Total Anat quan Numer J, 5." Magnetic Orbital “Quantum Number "mf" 6. Magnetic. Spin nuit Nusnber "ms". 7. Magnetic ‘Total Angular Mosientum snd Raman EMet, Strk Eee. Flectomaunet, Interaction, Llestromagnetic Induction. Radiations. Fieewomaunete "Spectrom, Spectrom, rus Spectrum. Stern Gerlach Experiment Gi) Larmor Presession, Change. in t's Pracession, Probl Nuclear Physies Natural Radiowetivity. Nawre. Properties of a-riys. Properties of Denys, Properties of jorays, Half-life of Rodioaetive Element, Mathematical derivation | (Hall feof element). Avertge o Mean Life ofa Radioactive Llement, (b) To Prove that Average Life is Longer than Half Life. Half Life of the Element, Mean or Average Life of the Flement. Disintegration Constant oF Decay Constant 2 (b) Deseribe the method sed fo measure. (7) Megsurement of maderately short half lives. Gi). Measurement of very Long Half-Lives, Nature oF the ‘a-Pantcles, al Proof, Scattering of Particles, Gamma Rays. ‘Anniilation of Pair, Aniticial Radioactivity, Deseribe the Theory of Alpha Decay, Theory of Decay. Neutring, Radioactive Isotopes, (7) Use of the Radioactive-lsotope in Medicine, i) Industrial se of Radidactive Isotopes, (il) Use of Radio Isotopes in Agricultuce, Isotopes, Tmusuranie Elements, Nuclear Charges and Conservation Laws. Radiation Exposure, Different Units of Radiation, jerel. (2) Curies. (3) ‘Gray, (4) Sievert, (5) Roentgen, eal Effeeis) of Radiation, Measuring lonizing Radiation, (1) Curie (Abbreviation Ci), (2) Roentgen (abbreviation R). (3) Red, (Y) Rem, Prob 757-194 26. Neutron Physics and Elementary Particles Discovery of Neutrons, Properties of Neutrons, Uses of Neutrons, Prodution of Neutrons, (i) Radium-alpha-Beryllivin Source. (i) Photo. Disintegration Source, (ii) Particle Accelerators used as. Neutron Source, (iv) Nuclear Reactor (a) Nuclear Fission, Description, Energy Released in Fission, (b) Nuclear Fusion: (Nuclear Reaction inthe Sun), Nuclear Reactors, (i) Research Reactor, The Pluionium Reactor, (ii) The Energy Reactor OR Power Reactor, (1) Core, (2) Reflector, G) Cooling System, (4) Comtzol rods. (5) Protective Shield, (6) Heat 795-836 Exchanger. Atom Bomb, P) Isouopes. () Super Conducts (2) Pron. 8) Neutron. (4) Photon, 3) Nearing (0). (6) Amtineutine ple (ii) Hydrogen Bomb, Principle Elementary Particles. (I) Electron, (©). (% Positron (€), (8) Antiproton, Nuclear Forces, Features of Nuclear Forces, Nature of Nuclear Forces. Yukawa’ Theory of short Range forecs, Cosmie Rays, Discovery, Geiger-Muller Counter (G. M Counter). Avalanche Process?. Reason Plasma Physics Positive Rays oF Canal Rays, Properties of Positive Rays, Discovery of X-rays, Production of X-rays, i) Coolidge Tbe, Properties of Xr’, Used of | X-rays. (i) Radio Therapy. (i) Engineering, (i) Surgery. (i Indust (0) Scientific Research. (:i) Detective Departments. Band, Theory of Solids. Nuclear Reactor. Purpose, (a) Basic Principle of & Nuclear Reactor, (b) Different types of Nuclear Reaccors, (i) Power Reactor, i) Breeding and Broeding Reactor. Principle, Construetion, (i) Research Reactor, (¢) Advantages. Disadvantages, Problems. 27, | Sehrodinger Wave Equation 837-867 “Trapped particles and Probability devsities, Peculiat Features of Quantum Mechanics. 1. Electron cannot be at rest in the potential well, 2. Bleetron spends more time in gentain pars ofthe trap than in others, 3. Electron can escape from its rap. Quantum Theory of Harmonie Oscillator. The Schrodinger Equation, Meaning of y. Particle in one: Dimensional Box, Enegy ofthe Parce, Type of Wave Formed in the Box, Fre Particle, 28. | Nuclear Reactions 869-900 Law of Conservation of Mass Nuinber (A), Transmutation by Photons, (1. 9) Reactions. Transmutations by Protons (P, a) Reaction, (i) High energy Protons ean cause Transmutation of Atomic Nuclei, (i) (P.n) Reactions, (ii) (P, 7) Reactions. iv} (P.d) Reactions, 1) Transmutalion by (cn) Reactions, 2) (a. P) Reaction, (1) Transmutation by Deutron (du p) Reaction, (2) (@, «) Reaction. (3) (d-n) Reaction, (4) (4-p) Reaction. (5) (@. n) Reaction, Reactions Which Support Compound Nucleus Theory. Separation or Dissociation Energy. Nuclear Cross Section, Problems

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