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The purpose of this study id to determine the effect of playing online games towards

the academic performance of the Junior High School Students in Cordova Catholic

Cooperative School. To accomplish this research. The researchers used stratified sampling

and selected 175 students filled out the survey questioners which the respondents really

answered the survey honestly.

It was then found out that the students of Junior High School in Cordova Catholic

Cooperative School are involve in Playing Online Games while they are studying which

shows that they are having a difficulties in time managing of their studies and in playing

online games.

It is recommended that a parallel study will be conducted with larger samples since

the study is stratified sampling (175) respondents only. Additionally, this study suggests

that future researchers examine the effect of playing online games to the academic

performance of university students. These findings appear to suggest that it would be too

simplistic to declare that playing online games are having a positive or negative factors for

young people.

The researcher would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following

people who offered their untiring support and help to make this research complete.

To Ms. Kimberly Villaruel, for her contructive critism, patience in checking the

grammatical errors, untiring efforts in sharing ideas, and encouragement which inspired

the researchers to make this study a success.

To our Parents, who sustained and motivated us throughout this whole semester,

for willingly giving us the moral and financial support for this study, and for the patience

in understanding us when we have our sleepless night while making this study.

To our Friends, who were really there to make us smile when things gone wrong,

and for their cheers and inspirational comments when we were so down.

To our Respondent, the student of Cordova Catholic Cooperative School, for their

participation in this study and for their time and effort in answering the questionnaires


And most of all, to the Almighty God who give us the strength to do this research,

for giving us courage to pursue this course. It was really wonderful to have all your

support during the process of completing his study. Thank you so much.


This Study was conducted to assess and find out the effects of online gaming on

the academic performance of the junior high school students in the Cordova Catholic

Cooperative School. Furthermore, this study sought answers on the significant relationship

between playing online games and academic performance of the students.

Internet as a source of information plays an important role in developing one’s mind

and nowadays, this can be a person’s most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to

take charge and cope with the fast growing technology.

Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people. For

some people it is said that playing video games has a number of reasons to be played, for

it can be a stress reliever, challenge and competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social

interaction, and even mentally escaping from the real world.

It is undeniably questionable that playing online games provide them something

that no one can give. According to some researchers it is beneficial. It enables the mind of

the players to be more active, especially those puzzle-based games. Furthermore, it helps

the player to come up with decisions in tight situations, especially those adventures games

that keep the players to be alert, active and strategic.

Students’ learning takes place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage of playing

online games also leads in some problems such as being distracted in school. Further, it is

Where the attention of the child were divided that even their health and social life is

unknowingly affected.

Studies revealed that the human brain is easy to destruct and one of the reasons is

using technology. The education system tends to go with the flow with this constant change

in the society in order to get things relevant with the generations today.

The researchers felt the need to determine the impact of online gaming to students’

academic performance and their social behavior. The purpose of this study is to find out

the effects of online gaming to the academic performance of junior high school students in


The purpose of this study is also to get the real effects of the online gaming to the

academic performance because on this day many teenagers are getting addicted to online

games especially those students. The study want to determine the impact of those activity

in their study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the perceived Effects of Online Gaming to the Academic

Performance of Junior High School Students in CCCS.

The research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How does playing online games effects the academic performance of the student

relation with:

1.1 Absentism

1.2 Low Grades

2. How does online games affect the academic performance of the student:

2.1 Academic Function

2.2 Participation in class

Scope and Limitation

This study would be conducted to the respondents and limited to the Junior High School

students in CCCS only. In a Strata Sampling, which every sections divided into 40-50

students but the researchers would choose 10 students in every sections who are playing

online games. Students would be given a survey or questioners to determine and evaluate

the reasons of the effects and getting information that is needed in the study.

Significance of the Study

This will discuss the benefits of the following subjects throughout the study.


This will provide with some knowledge the effects of online games and how it

can affect the academic performance. It will also give realization that playing online

games can destroy mind and maybe take away from the better future.


They will profit from this study, since the parents will be aware of the problems

of their children and the effects of online games to their academic performance. It will

help them to speak for their children and motivate them in their studies in order to

achieve higher academic performance.


The given data would guide the teachers on what to do to the student who are

always absent on the classes due to hanging out in the computer shop all day. The

teachers would be able to understand on why some student prefer to play online games

rather than to study.


This is to have a good first impression by demonstrating the excellence of the

research and the sophistication of the analyses and interpretations. It also offers a perfect

chance to establish important matters of style and formatting.


The given data would guide the administrator on how the student always absent

and tired of going to school. In order they will know the different reason why the student

had a low grade and academic performance. For this year 2019-2020. Knowing that

students should prefer attending online games rather than to study hard.

Future Researcher

The ideas presented can be used as reference data in conducting new researches

rather in testing the validity of other related findings. This study also serves as their cross

reference that will give them a background or an overview through the rest of the study.
Operation of Terms

Profound - means having a new idea or words to express.

Leisure -means free to choose whatever activities you want to do when you have free time.

Dynamically- means active on playing games, very energetic.

Restriction- means limitations in playing online games.

Independent -means can stand alone, not connected by others.

Gambling- means wasting money in playing online games.

Positions means having a group or clan. And changing the attitude of the students or the

Theoretical Background
This study anchored to the following theories: Social Learning Theory, Social

Cognitive Theory, and Eskasasnanda Theory

Social Learning Theory- theorized by Albert Bandura, posits that people learn

from one another, via observation, imitation, and modelling. The theory has often been

called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses

attention memory and motivation.

According to this theory people learn through observing others behavior and

explains human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive,

behavioral and environmental influence.

Social Cognitive Theory- the emphasis on external and internal social

reinforcement. The theory assumes that changes in the environment will automatically lead

to changes in the person. The goal of this theory is to explain how people regulate their

behavior though control and reinforcement to achieve goal-directed behavior that can be

maintained over time.

From this theory there are five constructs were developed as part of SLT; it refers to

the dynamic and reciprocal interaction of person (individual with a set of learned

experiences), environment (external social context), and behavior (responses to stimuli to

achieve goals).

 Behavioural capacity- essential knowledge and skills.

 Observational learning- witness and observe a behaviour conducted by others.


 Reinforcement – internal and external responses to a person behaviour that effect

the likelihood of continuing or discontinuing the behaviour.

 Expectation – anticipated consequences of a person behaviour.

 Self-efficacy- level of person confidence in his/her ability to perform.

Eskasasnanda Theory- this study reveal that students play video games online due to

peers pressure; and online video games are liked because they are considered more modern,

practical, realistic and varied. Initially, students play online video games to relieve the

fatigue due to studying at school, but subsequently, they are becoming addicted, and reach

a condition that they find it difficult to stop playing games. This condition will directly

affect their achievement in school.

Theoritical Framework

The Effects of Online Gaming

Social Learning Theory Social Cognitive Eskasasnanda Theory I

by Albert Bandura, 1977, Theory by Albert Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda
Bandura theory improves bandura, 1961, Famous August 2017.
upon interpretation of experiment bobo doll
Modelling provided by study. > It affects the student’s
Miller and Dollard 1941. academic performance
> The effects of online
> Main reasons of the games to the students
students who failed there
academic performance

The study help the students how to cope up the effects of online gaming to their
academic performances
Review Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature (Foreign)

Online games have both positive and negative effect on the people, especially to

the students.

According to Sujat Ali Hamzah, one of the negative is this, many cases among

students are addiction, and this addiction may lead to worse problems. The students might

steal money. They may become lazy when it comes to studying and prefer playing the

whole day long. Some may even skip school in order to have more time to play.

At times, addicted gamers spend so much time playing that their personal and

academic relation get neglected and sometimes disappear altogether. Among addicted

gamers who are still young and in early teenage, up to 50 percent report a strain in their

academic function as a result of their addiction. Addicted gamers also neglected the

responsibilities of everyday life such as; school activities like curricular and


Related Studies (Foreign)

As of today, most people relate online games to low academic performance.

Through the years, studies have yielded different results. Some of them say that they are

co-related when some say that they are not.


According to Anderson and Dill (2000), there is a negative correlation between the two.

Thus meaning that there is no relation between the number of hours played by a player and

his grades.

According also to Hitch and Duncan (2005), students defends the games they are

playing by saying that they do learn something from it. A paper from EDUCAUSE backs

these students up by suggesting that the faculty learn and know about these games so as to

help students in class learning experience.

Furthermore, another paper claims that these games are not just for entertainment.

They claim that these games may be used to learn and experience different things and

interact with other people and belong to a virtual community.




The research design used in this study was quantitative. The researchers measuring

the opinions and practices of Junior High School students of Cordova Catholic Cooperative

School about the effects of online gaming to the academic performance of Junior High

School students in CCCS.


From the population of Junior High School students of Cordova Catholic

Cooperative School, strata sampling was employed. The researcher used one hundred

seventy five (175) respondents which are composed of the limited students from different

grade level of Junior High School in CCCS.


The instrumentation used in this research is survey. The researchers prepared a

survey questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of seven (7) questions which includes

several inquiries about online games and academic performance. It will be given to one

hundred seventy five (175) chosen respondents. The instrumentation used to determine and

evaluate the reasons of the effects and getting information that is needed in the study. The

instrumentation is will give way and support in retrieving data for the research.


The gathering of data to this study was used by questionnaire since it sent to a

selected number of individuals. Also, questionnaires may serve as a most appropriate and

useful as a data gathering device. The researchers choose the random sampling which they

randomly gave the questionnaires to the Junior high school of Cordova Catholic

Cooperative School. The researchers gave 44 questioners to all grade 7 and also 44 in grade

8. The grade 9 had given 46 then the grade 10 had given 39 questioners to be answered by

the random students.


In analyzing the gathering data, the researchers used a stratified and weighted mean

method using the following formulas:

Nh = ( Nh / N ) * n
n is the sample size stratum h
Nh is the population size of stratum h
N is the total population size and n is the total sample size
Weighted Mean
x̄ = Σ (f) (w)
f is frequency
w is weighted mean
N is total of respondents


This chapter present the data gathered by the researchers which comprised the

perceptions of respondents.

In order to answer the main problem of the research which the researchers

determine how does playing online games effect the academic performance of the Junior

High School Students in Cordova Catholic Cooperative School. This chapter would present

the data gathered were it presented tabulated and analyzed.

The first table shows how the researchers select there random sampling through

strata/stratified sampling. The researchers wants 175 students out of 1,401 students that

will answer the statement and who played online games. The researchers divided 1,401

into 8 and come up with 175 that the researchers want to have.

Table 1
Grade 7 8 9 10 Total

Students 359 355 372 315 1,401

359 355 372 315 175

1401 1401 1401 1401

Total 44.8 44.3 46.5 39.3 174.9

Table 2
The chosen or selected random students answered.

I always skip classes 20 64 51 124 76 1.91
and play online
I have a low grade in 35 92 93 100 64 2.19
playing online

Playing online 110 152 132 74 34 2.87

games has a
negative effects to
my academic
When I am playing 75 164 129 84 34 2.78
online games, I often
forget to make my
projects and
I took my studies for 100 116 150 82 35 2.76
granted because of
playing online
. I feel sleepy when 120 168 126 76 29 2.97
I’m in school but
active in playing
online games.
I choose to play 60 96 108 100 53 2.38
computer games
rather than
participating in
school activities.

skip classes

low grade
2.38 1.91
negative effects
forget projects

2.87 taken for granted

2.78 feel sleep

Choosing online games that school


Graph 1 Effect of online games.

Most of the students fall sleep at school but active in online games. It has 2.97% of

the total percentage. The second has 2.87% which is online games had really a negative

impact to t6he academic performance of the students. Third is 2.76%, students took their

studies for granted. Fourth is 2.78%, students often forgot there projects and assignments.

Fifth is 2.38%, students choose to play online games rather participating on school. Sixth

is 2.19%, students has a low grades because of online games. Lastly is 1.91%, students skip

classes just to play online games.

From all the statement that the random respondents answered. The researchers

found out that the students had really much time with online games but some students are

limiting their time to online games and doing well in school.


By collecting answers received from the surveys given out to the respondents, each

criteria was tallied.

This study found out that there is no effects on academic performance of the junior

high students when they are fond of playing online games. They found out that the students

can focus on their studies, they can do their homework as well as their projects and other

activities even though they are playing online games.

Out of 175 respondents, 320 replied that they are not affected in their academic

performance by playing online games. From this, the researchers concluded that a number

of students playing online games could not an effect in their academic performance though

that 320 replied that they are not affected. It is about on students how he/she can balance

his/her academic performance. Most of students plays online games to cope up their stress

or bored.


For the parents of students currently studying, they should be aware of the effects

of playing online games and should regulate their children's time on it. For the students

playing online games, they should be disciplined when it comes to playing online games

which they could still perform satisfactorily in their studies. As it is only a form of

recreation, it should not be given much priority over higher and more realistic priorities

such as their studies. Finally, for the future researchers, they could conduct an

Experimental designed thesis. They should also consider other year levels or other age

groups for their selected respondents.


Personal Information

Name: Jhon Raffie Genito

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: December 21, 2001

Place of Birth: Manila City

Address: Calan-Poblacion, Cordova, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Elementary: Inapoy Seventh Day Adventist School

High School: Inapoy National High School (Gr.7 – 11)

Cordova Catholic Cooperative School (HUMSS 12)


Personal Information

Name: Angelie Dico

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: September 11, 2001

Place of Birth: Cogon, Cordova, Cebu

Address: Cogon, Cordova, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Elementary: Catarman Elementary School

High School: Cordova Catholic Cooperative School (HUMSS)


Personal Information

Name: Arvie Louiane Espra

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: September 28, 2000

Place of Birth: Manila City

Address: Poblacion, Cordova, Cebu

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Nationality: Filipino


Elementary: Cordova Central School

High School: Cordova Catholic Cooperative School (HUMSS)


Personal Information

Name: Airrah Care Pogoy

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: October 25, 2001

Place of Birth: Cordova, Cebu

Address: Sudlon - Catarman, Cordova, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Elementary: Catarman Elementary School

High School: Cordova Catholic Cooperative School (HUMSS)


Personal Information

Name: Archlie Singculan

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: April 26, 2001

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Address: Gabi, Cordova, Cebu

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Elementary: Gabi Elementary School

High School: Cordova Catholic Cooperative School (HUMSS)


Personal Information

Name: Christian James Manzano

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: November 12, 2001

Place of Birth: Cogon, Ozamiz City

Address: Suba Panas, Lapu-lapu, City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Elementary: Cogon Integrated School

High School: Cogon Integrated School (Gr.7 – 10)

Cordova Catholic Cooperative School (HUMSS)

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