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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
School Division of Bulacan


Lias, Marilao, Bulacan

Senior High School Department

Scholastic Year 2018-2019



Submitted by:
Princess Claire C. Sanchez
Jwyneth Joyce Lagman
Maicah Mae R. Constantino
Chezka Mae D. Dadivo
Grade 11 – HUMSS 3

Submitted to:
Ms. Toni Joy P. Agao
RWS Teacher
Major Project in Reading and Writing Skills
“The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones” Cassandra Clare



The novel entitled “The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones” was originally published
in March 27, 2007. The genre of this book are Urban fantasy, Paranormal romance,
Young adult fiction, and Contemporary fantasy. This is New York times bestselling
series. The novel has been released in several languages, including Bulgarian, Hebrew,
Polish and Japanese. The cover of its book is the boy holding a sword.


The author of this book is Cassandra Clare. Judith Rumelt Lewis her real name.
She was born on July 27, 1973 in Tehran, Iran and now she is 45 years old. Her parents
are Elizabeth and Richard Rumelt, who are a business school professor and author,
respectively. Her maternal grandfather was film producer Max Rosenberg. Clare is
Jewish and has described her family as "not religious". When Clare was a child back
time she and her family traveled frequently spending time in Switzerland, France and
England. She continue her secondary education in Los Angeles. While living in Los
Angeles she began writing a fan fiction using her pen name Cassandra Clare and the
book are The Draco Trilogy based on Harry Potter and The Very Secret Diaries based
on The Lord of The Kings, but he also deleted her literary piece in the internet before
her first novel City of Bones was published under the name Cassandra Clare. She is
also friends with author Holly Black, and their books occasionally overlap, Clare
mentioning characters from Black's novels and vice versa, such as Val and Luis from
Black's Valiant. Cassandra currently living in Amherst, Massachusetts, with her
husband, Joshua Lewis, and three cats.


The primary purpose of the author is to share the story to others, The author
accomplish her purpose to bring the readers into fantasy world.
. The story focuses on adventure, underworld creatures, fantasy, and love.


The book is set in the present day in New York city, a home of evil spirits, angels,
warlocks, faeries, and shadowhunters. The setting was also in the Institute and
Renwick’s Ruin. The Institute is devoted to housing and educating young
shadowhunters and Renwick’s Ruin in the remnant of a hospital. The author provides
good descriptions for every scene which makes the reader will easily imagine the set
and the reader get involved in the story which helps him/her to get into the story more
deeply and to clearly understand the story


The main characters which are also considered as the protagonists in the story,
they are Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis, Isabelle Lightwood, Alexander

Major Project in Reading and Writing Skills
“The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones” Cassandra Clare

Lightwood. Clary Fray is a sixteen years old girl who likes paintings or other art related
thing, a girl who doesn’t have idea about her past, she thought that she’s just a simple
artist girl, but her mother tried to hide the truth to her, then one day she realize what the
real world is, that angels and demons are existing, that the all legends are true when
she entered the shadow world. Jace Wayland is one of the bravest shadowhunter
warrior in the shadow world, he is what they called golden haired boy, he is the type of
shadowhunter who is always focus in every mission but when a mundane entered the
shadow world especially when Clary entered his life everything has changed. He fell in
love with Clary but in the last part of the story they found up that they are siblings.
Simon Lewis is the best friend of Clary, he is a guitarist and an accounting student in
New York, every time that Clary needs him his always there for her until she also fell in
loved to Clary. Isabelle Lightwood is the hottest shadowhunter in the shadow world, she
has a unique type of fighting skills, she’s one of the brave warriors of shadow world and,
she guides Clary on how to fight demons. Alexander Lightwood also known as Alec
Lightwood, he is elder brother of Isabelle, he is also the parabatai of Jace, he’s a silent
type of shadowhunter and she doesn’t like Clary so much because Alec is strongly
following the rules in the institute and he also fell in love to Jace.
The supporting characters are Jocelyn Fray, Lucian Graymark, Magnus Bane,
Hodge Starkweather, and Valentine Morgenstern. Jocelyn she’s Clary’s mother and a
former Shadowhunter seeking isolation from the Shadow World as a means of
protecting Clary from Valentine, her estranged husband. An artist, Jocelyn is described
as elegant and beautiful, with long red hair darker than Clary’s. Lucian is once a
Shadowhunter and a former member of the circle, he is Jocelyn’s best friend and seems
to be in loved with her. Luke became a werewolf when Valentine betrayed him. He has
since become a pack leader twice. Magnus Bane is the High Warlock of Brooklyn, who
has a romantic interest in Alec Lightwood. When his name is found imprinted inside
Clary’s mind, Clary and her allies seek him out to uncover his connection to her past
and her mother. Hodge Starkweather he is Isabelle, Alec, and Jace’s eccentric tutor,
who, at the end, comes out to be a follower of Valentine. Valentine Morgenstern is the
antagonist of the story. A powerful, evil Shadowhunter, he reappears after years in
hiding, during which he was presumed dead. He attempts to steal the Mortal Cup from
his former wife, Jocelyn. He tells Jace and Clary that they are both his and Jocelyn’s


Clary goes to the Pandemonium Club with her best friend, Simon Lewis, where
she sees a blue haired boy and a black haired girl sneak into a storeroom, pursued by
two other boys; one armed with what appears to be a knife. She sends Simon for help
an she follows the group into the storeroom where she witnesses the blue haired “boy”

Major Project in Reading and Writing Skills
“The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones” Cassandra Clare

being killed whereupon he vanishes from the room, with the explanation that demons
“return to their home dimensions when they die”. Simon enters the storeroom with the
bouncer in to and questions why she is there alone; and realizing no else can see the
others, she mumbles an apology.
When she returns home, her mother, Jocelyn, scolds her for staying out so late.
The next day, Jocelyn announces that they area moving from New York City to the
country for the summer where Jocelyn’s best friend, Luke, has a house. Clary upset by
the unexpected move, confides in Simon that she knows almost nothing about her
mother or her entire family. Simon mentions seeing thin, white scars on Jocelyn’s back
and shoulders, but Clary dismisses this. They go to a poetry reading where Clary sees
Jace, one of the boys from the previous night, who privately tells Clary about demon-
hunters, called Shadowhunters or Nephilim, and claims Clary is not a mundae (ordinary
human). Clary answers a call from Jocelyn, who Frantically warns her not to come ll
home and to tell Luke that “he” has found her. The call ends abruptly.
After failure to phone back, Clary returns to her house and finds it is disarray, and
her mother gone. She attacked by another demon, which she kills with Jace’s Sensor;
and Jace brings Clary to the “Institute”: the local headquarters of shadowhunters, where
she introduced to two other hunters, Isabelle and Alec, and the tutor, Hodge. Jace and
Clary return to Clary’s House and meet her neighbor Madame Dorothea, who has a
teleportation portal. To find her mother, Clary, followed by Jace rushes through the
portal, and they land at Luke’s bookstore and find Simon, in search of Clary. The three
hide inside the store. Luke returns with two men, Pangborn and Blackwell, whom
Valentine sent to interrogate Luke about the Mortal Cup: a talisman sought by both
parties. Luke claims ignorance of where Jocelyn hid the Mortal Cup, and refuses to
negotiate with them or interfere with Valentine’s plans.
Clary and Jace, accompanied by Simon, tell Hodge what they learned, and
Hodge tells them about the Circle: group of Shadowhunters that Valentine formed to
eliminate all Downworlders (vampire, werewolves, faeries, warlocks, and others), which
Jocelyn, Valentine’s wife, was forced to join.
Clary and Jace go to the Silent City to speak to the Silent Brothers, who tell them
that a block in her mind prevents her from remembering the Shadow World; itself placed
by a warlock named Magnus Bane.
Isabelle meanwhile has been given an invitation to a party hosted by Magnus. At
the party, Clary meets Magnus, who says his spell is to complex to remove but will fade
naturally if it is not re-enforced every two years and was placed at the behest of Jocelyn
for Clary’s protection. During the party, Simon ignores Isabelle’s warning and drinks a
blue liquid that transforms him into a rat. Vampires take him away thinking Simon was
one of their own; but Clary and Jace rescue him and restore him to human form. That
night. Jace takes Clary to the Institute’s greenhouse on a midnight picnic to celebrate
Clary’s sixteenth birthday, where Jace then kisses her.

Major Project in Reading and Writing Skills
“The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones” Cassandra Clare

As her memories emerge, Clary deduces that the Mortal Cup is hidden in one of
Madame Dorothea’s tarot cards, Clary retrieves the Cup, but the demon Abaddon has
possessed Madame Dorothea and is disguised as her attempts to take it. Aided by
Simon, they escape and return to the Institute where escape and return to the Institute
where Hodge hands over the cup and an unconscious Jace to Valentines. Hodge flees,
pursued by Clary. Hodge attack her in an alleyway, but she is unexpectedly saved by
Luke, who is a werewolf. While Luke’s werewolf pack attacks Valentine’ followers, Clary
locates her mother, who is unconscious, and find also Jace, who says Valentine
identified Jace himself as his son; this dismays both Jace and Clary. Valentine entices
Jace to return to Idris-the Shadowhunter’s home country -with him. Jace refuses, and
Valentine through a portal with the cup, smashing the portal behind him.

The story was very thrilling and exciting book. As the readers read through the
book it leaves the readers with questions and leaves hungry for more it will help the
readers to control their emotions in every mission that they will do. It will help the
readers to focus.
The following are the famous or remarkable quotes in the story.
‘Love is to destroy’ – Valentine Morgenstern
‘Everything you’ve heard about monsters, the nightmares, the legend whispered
around campfires… All the stories are true. The are real.” – Jace Wayland
“Emotions cloud are judgements” – Jace Wayland
“The Law is hard, but it is the Law” – Isabelle Lightwood
“We all see what we want to see” – Simon Lewis


Major Project in Reading and Writing Skills
“The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones” Cassandra Clare

Major Project in Reading and Writing Skills
“The Mortal Instrument: City of Bones” Cassandra Clare


2. GRAMMAR - /15
3. FORMAT - /10
5. TOTAL = /50

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