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National Service Training Program

Tel. No. 853-9800 local 9164


Ares, Jed Herbert O.

AB IS (1ST Yr) – NSTP1 AC3

SUBMITTED TO: Sir Jericho Barros Ramayan


I. Introduction

a. In your own understanding, explain, elaborate, and substantiate

the intention of the Area Exposure to the XU – NSTP Students.

- In my own understanding, the intention of the Area Exposure to us

NSTP Students, is to make us come out of our comfort zone and
develop the confidence of our social skills. It opened our minds for
us to be able to understand the different situations as to what the
people experienced. It helped us not to be judgmental to these
people and instead, learn from each of their different lives. Thus,
the Area Exposure helps exercise our patience in dealing with the
people in the community and helps us in being productive and
punctual with all the tasks given to us.

b. Explain the relevance of the Title. How did you come up with such?

- The relevance of the title is to give prominence on how the Area

Exposure has molded us to become even more humane and to
sympathize with the people. I came up with the title “Venturing
New Heights” because I experienced situations that some people
haven’t, especially because the activity was outside school. It is
an opportunity for us to be aware of what’s going on in the
different communities. Consequently, it is about experiencing
things we don’t get to experience every day.

c. Describe the areas where you visited.

- The assigned area for our class is Eco Park, Zayas, Carmen. When
we arrived, the first thing I noticed was how wide the place is. It
was full of dirt, grass, trees, and specific places where garbage
was distributed in a proper manner. Each specific area had a
different purpose of recycling the garbage into either fertilizer,
hollow blocks, and even fertile soil. As what I have observed, some
of the roads were not cemented especially in the tight corners.
Usually, in every corner, there is a “sari-sari” store located.

II. Documentation of the Interaction

a. Whereabouts of the person/people you interacted with

- The whereabouts of the people we interacted with, were located at Eco

Park, Zayas, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro city.
b. Other salient points as you do your interaction

- During our social interaction with the people from Zayas, I was
able to sympathize and understand their personal problems. I was
also mindful of their physical environment, garbage disposal and
collection, and also their livelihood. Also, I was able to blend in
with the people when we visited their community and I was able
to build rapport with them. Lastly, I was not only aware about their
community but also the way they engaged with us socially.

III. Reflection

a. What was/were your overwhelming feeling/s before and after the

activity? Why did you feel that way? Where could these feelings be coming

- Before going to our assigned area of Zayas, I felt motivated and

anxious at the same time. It made me feel motivated and anxious
because it was my first time to experience Community Engagement and
Area Exposure. After the activity, I felt contented that I was able to
complete the given task and I also felt exhausted due to the scorching
heat and how far we walked in finding a home to interview. Regardless
of the situation, I felt the satisfaction that I was able to experience and
participate well in a situation like this. It served as a lesson for us to learn
life lessons and problems in the real world and what we can do to help
solve the problems present throughout the community and society.

b. What was your most significant experience in the Area Exposure?

- The most significant experience in the Area Exposure was the

community engagement. In the first place, I did not expect the
people to right away welcome us into their houses even though it
was our first time in meeting them. The people were very
hospitable and warm. Also, I cherish how honest and open they
were in answering our questions. These people shared their life
stories and their issues in the barangay. Lastly, community
engagement opened my eyes to the concerns of the people as
well as the motivation to reach out to our fellow citizens as well as
establishing peace, order, unity, and cleanliness in the
c. How did this experience move you as you have your Green Campus

- This experience moved me in a way that we are part of the problems of

the community, and that we are also part of the solution. We need to
participate positively and be appreciative in accepting our tasks to
bring about change. It does not only benefit the people but also us
because when we entirely involve ourselves to the experience, we can
be more aware of the problems and find innovative ways on how to
solve these problems.

d. What seems to be your realization or challenge as an NSTP student through

that experience?

- I realized that the challenge in the experience, is how we can be able

to interact with the people in a natural and sympathetic way. I learned
that in order for me to be socially engaging, I must listen properly on
what they have to say and to show respect, politeness, and to give
proper attention to these people. Another challenge in the experience
is about being ready at all times to be rejected by the people refusing
to be interviewed. Being able to understand and by being aware of their
situation, maybe they are preoccupied or just diffident to be asked
several questions about them. Another important thing that I have
learned is that, it is important to keep a natural flow in the way we talk
to the people so that they can feel that we aren’t rushing them or doing
the assigned tasks just for the sake of passing but doing the Area
Exposure by heart. Apart from that, as an NSTP student, being able to
attain the value of integrity, dedication, and the contentment of what I
have, helps mold and shape me into the person I am today.
IV. Photo Documentation: Choose at least 4 – 5 best captured moments:

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