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Online Examination System 2015-2019



1.1 Introduction
Online examination content suppliers center around making viable appraisal questions and
concentrating on test's input and conveyance to understudies. In the paper, we present strategies
that are appropriate to the components of evaluation process: answers accommodation,
mechanized reviewing, and input after accommodation.

As the advanced associations are robotized and PCs are filling in according to the guidelines, it
winds up fundamental for the coordination of individuals, item and PCs in a cutting-edge

The overseers, teacher, understudies who are going to the online examination can speak with the
system through this venture, subsequently encouraging compelling usage and checking of
different exercises of Online Examinations like leading Exams according to planned premise and
conveying result to that specific use or understudy. Furthermore, the subtleties of understudies
who endeavored Online Examination are kept up at executive.

1.2 Technology Used

• CSS3
• JavaScript

1.3 Requirements
• Operating System: Windows
• Web-Technology: PHP
• Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
• Back-End: MySQL

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2.1 PHP

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is a broadly utilized, universally useful scripting language that was
initially intended for web advancement, to deliver dynamic pages. It tends to be installed into
HTML and for the most part keeps running on a web server, which should be arranged to process
PHP code and make site page content from it. It tends to be sent on most web servers and on
pretty much every working system and stage for nothing out of pocket.

PHP was initially made by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has been in nonstop improvement from
that point onward. The primary usage of PHP is presently delivered by The PHP Group and fills
in as the accepted standard for PHP as there is no particular. PHP is free programming
discharged under the PHP License, which is contradictory with the GNU General Public License
(GPL) in light of limitations on the utilization of the term PHP.

PHP has developed to incorporate an order line interface ability and can likewise be utilized in
independent graphical applications.

2.2 Features of PHP

• Performance: Script written in PHP executes much faster than those scripts written in
other languages such as JSP & ASP.
• Open Source Software: PHP source code is free available on the web; you can develop
all the version of PHP according to your requirement without paying any cost.
• Platform Independent: PHP are available for WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX & UNIX
operating system. A PHP application developed in one OS can be easily executed in
another OS also.
• Compatibility: PHP is compatible with almost all local servers used today like Apache,
IIS etc.
• Embedded: PHP code can be easily embedded within HTML tags and script.

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2.3 HTML5

HTML, which represents Hyper Text Markup Language, is the transcendent markup language
for site pages. It gives a way to make organized reports by indicating auxiliary semantics for
content, for example, headings, passages, records and so forth just as for connections, cites, and
different things. It enables pictures and items to be implanted and can be utilized to make
intelligent structures. It is written as HTML components comprising of "labels" encompassed by
point sections inside the website page content. It can incorporate or can stack contents in
dialects, for example, JavaScript which influence the conduct of HTML processors like Web
programs; and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to characterize the appearance and format of
content and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both HTML and CSS principles, empowers
the utilization of CSS over unequivocal presentational markup.

Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML) is the encoding plan used to make and course of action a
web file. A customer need not be an authority programming designer to use HTML for making
hypertext reports that can be put on the web.Most graphical email customers permit the
utilization of a subset of HTML (regularly poorly characterized) to give organizing and semantic
markup not accessible with plain content. This may incorporate typographic data like shaded
headings, underlined and cited content, inline pictures and outlines. Numerous such customers
incorporate both a GUI editorial manager for making HTML email messages and a rendering
motor for showing them. Utilization of HTML in email is questionable due to similarity issues,
since it can help mask phishing assaults, since it can befuddle spam channels and in light of the
fact that the message measure is bigger than plain content.

2.4 Features of HTML5

• Web Workers: Certain web applications use heavy scripts to perform functions. Web
Workers use separate background threads for processing and it does not affect the
performance of a web page.
• Video: You can embed video without third-party proprietary plug-ins or codec. Video
becomes as easy as embedding an image.
• Canvas: This feature allows a web developer to render graphics on the fly. As with
video, there is no need for a plug in.

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• Application caches: Web pages will start storing more and more information locally on
the visitor's computer. It works like cookies, but where cookies are small, the new feature
allows for much larger files. Google Gears is an excellent example of this in action.
• Geolocation: Best known for use on mobile devices, geolocation is coming with

2.5 CSS3

Cascading Style Sheets is a template language utilized for depicting the introduction of a record
written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a foundation innovation of the World Wide
Web, nearby HTML and JavaScript.

CSS is intended to empower the detachment of introduction and substance, including format,
hues, and textual styles. This division can improve content openness, give greater adaptability
and control in the detail of introduction attributes, empower different website pages to share
designing by indicating the important CSS in a different .css document, and lessen multifaceted
nature and reiteration in the auxiliary substance.

Detachment of designing and substance likewise makes it possible to display a similar markup
page in various styles for various rendering techniques, for example, on-screen, in print, by voice
(through discourse-based program or screen peruser), and on Braille-based material gadgets.
CSS additionally has rules for substitute organizing if the substance is gotten to on a cell phone.

The name cascading originates from the predefined need plan to figure out which style rule
applies if more than one principle coordinates a specific component. This cascading need
conspire is unsurprising.

The CSS details are kept up by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C). Web media type
(MIME type) content/css is enlisted for use with CSS by RFC 2318 (March 1998). The W3C
works a free CSS approval administration for CSS archives.

2.6 Features of CSS3

• CSS Animations and Transitions: CSS liveliness are at last accessible in every
significant program, even in IE (since adaptation 10). There are two different ways to
make CSS liveliness. The first is extremely simple, it is done through invigorating the
progressions of CSS properties with the change revelation. With advances, you can make
float or mouse down impacts, or you can trigger the movement by changing the style of a
component with JavaScript. You can see the change underneath by floating over the
planet - this will make the rocket close in.

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• Advanced Selectors: Nowadays, on the off chance that you dole out IDs to components
just so you can style them, you are presumably treating it terribly. CSS 2.1 and CSS 3
presented various incredible selectors that can make your formats cleaner, and your
templates progressively wonderful.

• Generated Content and Counters: Created content is an amazing asset in the hands of
designers, made accessible by the when pseudo components. This element lets you utilize
less HTML to accomplish similar formats. This is particularly helpful in situations where
you need additional crate shadows or other visual components that would require
additional ranges or divs. At last, you get an increasingly insignificant and semantically
right HTML.

• Gradients: Inclinations enable website specialists to make smooth advances between

hues without turning to pictures. CSS inclinations additionally look extraordinary on
retina shows, since they are produced on the fly. They can be direct or spiral, and can be
set to rehash. They have been around for quite a while, however after a couple of minor
linguistic structure changes in the course of the most recent months, they are at long last
accessible almost all over the place, without prefix!

• Webfonts: Would you be able to envision that in the past we were constrained to just a
bunch of "web-safe" textual styles and that's it? It is difficult to trust, given that today we
have administrations like Google Fonts and typekit, which let you insert excellent textual
styles by basically incorporating a template in your page. There are even symbol text
styles like font awesome, which contain beautiful vector symbols, rather than letters or
numbers. This was altogether made conceivable by the code>@font-face rule, which
gives you a chance to characterize the name, attributes and source records for textual
styles, which you can later allude in your textual style/textual style family assertions.

• Box Sizing: The single greatest reason for cerebral pains for CSS novices is the container
model. The institutionalization bodies have likely had their reasons; however, it doesn't
feel at all instinctive to have the CSS width and tallness of a component influenced by its
cushioning and outskirts. This little (mis)feature breaks designs and unleashes
destruction, yet at last there is an approach to reestablish our rational soundness by
utilizing the case measuring rule. You can set it to fringe box, which influences
components to carry on precisely the manner in which you anticipate. See with your own

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• Border Images: The outskirt picture property enables you to show specially crafted
fringes around components. The fringes are contained in a solitary picture (sprite), with
every district of that picture relating to an alternate piece of the outskirt. Here is the
picture utilized in the underneath model.

• Multiple Backgrounds: With numerous foundations, originators can accomplish

exceptionally intriguing impacts. They can stack various pictures as foundations of a
similar component. Each picture (or layer) can be moved and enlivened freely, similar to
you can find in the demo underneath (have a go at drifting over the picture with your
mouse). All foundation releated CSS principles would now be able to take a comma-
delimited rundown of properties, each for the particular foundation picture:

2.7 JavaScript
JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to empower automatic access to objects
inside both the customer application and different applications. It is essentially utilized as
customer side JavaScript, executed as an incorporated part of the internet browser, permitting
the advancement of upgraded UIs and dynamic sites. JavaScript is a lingo of the ECMAScript
standard and is portrayed as a dynamic, pitifully composed, model-based language with top of
the line capacities. JavaScript was impacted by numerous languages and was intended to look
like Java, yet to be simpler for non-software engineers to work with.

2.8 Features of JavaScript

• Browser support: To get to streak content, you have to introduce streak module in your
program. In any case, to utilize JavaScript, you don't need to utilize any module
whatsoever. This is on the grounds that all programs have acknowledged JavaScript as a
scripting language for them and gives coordinated help to it. You should simply to deal
with a portion of the undertakings that are subject to DOM (Document Object Model) of
various programs appropriately.

• Can be used on client side as well as on server side: As JavaScript approaches

Document object model of program, you can really change the structure of site pages at
runtime. Because of this, JavaScript can be utilized to add various impacts to pages. Then
again, JavaScript could be utilized on the server side too. For instance, in Alfresco which
is a prominent open source endeavor content administration system, JavaScript is utilized
in making web contents. This makes adding custom assignments to in the open air very

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• Functional programming language: In JavaScript, capacity could be alloted to factors

simply like some other information types. That, however a capacity can acknowledge
another capacity as a parameter and can likewise restore a capacity. You can have
capacities with no name also. Plainly, this enables you to code in utilitarian programming

• Support for objects: JavaScript is an object-oriented language. In any case, the way
JavaScript handles objects and legacy is bit not the same as customary object oriented
programming languages like Java. Because of this, JavaScript bolsters the majority of the
object-oriented ideas while being easy to learn and utilize.
• These are a portion of the highlights that give JavaScript a capacity to deal with
straightforward just as mind boggling assignments. Because of this, JavaScript has
stayed as the most well-known programming language for quite a while. It is additionally
a decent language for individuals who need to learn.

2.9 MySQL

MySQL works utilizing client/server architecture in which the server keeps running on the
machine containing the databases and clients interface with the server over a system. The server
working systems is typically a Linux (like Redhat 9.0 and so on.) or Windows 2000 working
system. Regularly mySQL is bolstered on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Red Hat Fedora
Linux, and Debian Linux, and others. Similarly as with some other client/server application,
MySQL is a multi-client database system, which means a few clients can get to the database all
the while. Here:

The server (MySQL server) tunes in for client demands coming in over the system and gets to
database substance as per those solicitations and gives that to the clients. Clients are programs
that interface with the database server and issue inquiries in a pre-indicated design. MySQL is
good with the norms based (SQL represents Structured Query Language) language. The client
program may contact the server automatically (which means a program call the server amid
execution) or physically. For instance, when you are issuing directions over a telnet session to a
MySQL server, you are issuing the solicitations to the server by composing directions at your
order brief physically. Then again, in the event that you have input a few information (state your
Visa data on the Internet towards buy of certain products) in a structure, and the structure is
prepared by utilizing a server side program, at that point the MySQL server is reached

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automatically. This is frequently the situation in Mastercard endorsements, part memberships

and so on.

2.10 Features of MySQL

• Speed: Obviously, the speed at which a server side program runs depends basically on
the server equipment. Given that the server equipment is ideal, MySQL runs
exceptionally quick. It bolsters grouped servers for requesting applications.

• Ease of use: MySQL is an elite, moderately straightforward database system. From the
earliest starting point, MySQL has regularly been designed, checked, and oversaw from
the order line. In any case, a few MySQL graphical interfaces are accessible as depicted

• MySQL Administrator: This apparatus influences it feasible for chairmen to set up, to
assess, and tune their MySQL database server. This is planned as a substitution for

• MySQL Query Browser: Provides database engineers and administrators with a

graphical database activity interface. It is particularly helpful for seeing different question
plans and result sets in a solitary UI.

• Configuration Wizard: Administrators can browse a predefined rundown of ideal

settings, or make their own.

• MySQL System Tray: Provides Windows-based executives a solitary perspective on

their MySQL occurrence, including the capacity to begin and stop their database servers.
• Cost: MySQL is accessible free of expense. MySQL is an "Open Source" database.
MySQL is a piece of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) condition, a
quickly developing open source undertaking programming stack. An ever-increasing
number of organizations are utilizing LAMP as an option in contrast to costly restrictive
programming stacks in light of its lower cost, unwavering quality, and documentation.

• Query Language Support: MySQL understands standards-based SQL (Structured

Query Language).

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• Capability: Numerous clients can associate with the server in the meantime. Clients can
utilize various database all the while. You can get to MySQL utilizing a few interfaces,
for example, order line clients, Web programs.

• Connectivity and security: MySQL are completely organized, and database can be
gotten to from anyplace on the Internet, so you can impart your information to anybody,
anyplace. The availability could be accomplished with Windows programs by utilizing
ODBC drivers. By utilizing the ODBC connector to MySQL, any ODBC-mindful client
application (for instance, Microsoft Office, report journalists, Visual Basic) can associate
with MySQL.

• Portability: MySQL keeps running on numerous assortments of UNIX, just as on other

non-UNIX systems, for example, Windows and OS/2. MySQL keeps running on
equipment from home PCs to top of the line server. MySQL can be introduced on
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Red Hat Fedora Linux, Debian Linux, and others.

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3.1 Homepage

This is the index page of the website which is also called as Homepage of a website.

This page is created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP as well. This page mainly includes
validations for forms and navigation to other pages and services.

The validation code for this window is as follows:


function validateForm()

var y = document.forms["form"]["name"].value;

var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;if (y == null || y == "") {

alert("Name must be filled out.");return false;}

var z =document.forms["form"]["college"].value;

if (z == null || z == "") {

alert("college must be filled out.");return false;}

var x = document.forms["form"]["email"].value;var atpos = x.indexOf("@");

var dotpos = x.lastIndexOf(".");

if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length) {

alert("Not a valid e-mail address.");return false;}

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var a = document.forms["form"]["password"].value;

if(a == null || a == ""){

alert("Password must be filled out");return false;}

if(a.length<5 || a.length>25){

alert("Passwords must be 5 to 25 characters long.");return false;}

var b = document.forms["form"]["cpassword"].value;

if (a!=b){alert("Passwords must match.");return false;}}


3.2 Admin Verification

It is to verify the authenticity of the Admin and to deny the access for wrong credentials.

It is written in PHP.


include_once 'dbConnection.php';


$email = $_POST['uname'];

$password = $_POST['password'];

$email = stripslashes($email);

$email = addslashes($email);

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$password = stripslashes($password);

$password = addslashes($password);

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT email FROM admin WHERE email = '$email' and

password = '$password'") or die('Error');






$_SESSION["name"] = 'Admin';

$_SESSION["key"] ='aryan';

$_SESSION["email"] = $email;


else header("location:$ref?w=Warning : Access denied");


3.3 User Log-in

It is to verify the user authenticity. It is also written in PHP.


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include_once 'dbConnection.php';
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];

$email = stripslashes($email);
$email = addslashes($email);
$password = stripslashes($password);
$password = addslashes($password);
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT name FROM user WHERE email = '$email' and
password = '$password'") or die('Error');
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$name = $row['name'];
$_SESSION["name"] = $name;
$_SESSION["email"] = $email;
header("location:$ref?w=Wrong Username or Password");

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3.4 User Sign-up

This is to register a new user for the website.

include_once 'dbConnection.php';
$name = $_POST['name'];
$name= ucwords(strtolower($name));
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$college = $_POST['college'];
$mob = $_POST['mob'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$name = stripslashes($name);
$name = addslashes($name);
$name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
$gender = stripslashes($gender);
$gender = addslashes($gender);
$email = stripslashes($email);
$email = addslashes($email);
$college = stripslashes($college);
$college = addslashes($college);
$mob = stripslashes($mob);
$mob = addslashes($mob);

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$password = stripslashes($password);
$password = addslashes($password);
$password = md5($password);

$q3=mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO user VALUES ('$name' , '$gender' , '$college','$email'

,'$mob', '$password')");
$_SESSION["email"] = $email;
$_SESSION["name"] = $name;

header("location:index.php?q7=Email Already Registered!!!");

3.5 User Feedback

This is to receive feedback from the users or other visitors of the websites.
include_once 'dbConnection.php';

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$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$feedback = $_POST['feedback'];
$q=mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO feedback VALUES ('$id' , '$name', '$email' , '$subject',
'$feedback' , '$date' , '$time')")or die ("Error");
header("location:$ref?q=Thank you for your valuable feedback");

3.6 Logout

This is to sign out the users from the website.

$ref= @$_GET['q'];

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4.1 Gallery

Fig No. 4.1 Sign up Window

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Fig No. 4.2 Sign in Window

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Fig No. 4.3 List of Subjects

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Fig No. 4.4 Question Window

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Fig No. 4.5 Admin Login

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Fig No. 4.6 Admin Home Page

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Fig No. 4.7 Users List

Fig No. 4.8 Users Ranking

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Fig No. 4.9 Feedback Page

Fig No. 4.10 User Feedback

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5.1 Challenges/Weakness/Limitations

In general, the experience was overpowering and much investigating. It was highly startling for
me that I supported in the Mini Project great. The difficulties which I looked amid the Major
Project where my fundamental for specialized information, and the specialized was likewise not
up to stamp, for past semester.

5.2 Future Scope

• This application stays away from the manual work and the issues worry with it. It is a
simple method to acquire the data with respect to the diverse booked examinations data
that are Currently issued.

• Well, I and my colleagues have buckled down so as to show an improved site superior
to anything the current one's in regards to the data about the different exercises. All
things considered, we discovered that the venture should be possible in a superior
manner. Basically, when we demand data about a specific timetable it just demonstrates
the test date and stage. Thus, in the wake of getting the data we can gain admittance to
the online test.

• The improvement that we can include the looking choice. We can straightforwardly
pursuit to the specific understudy subtleties from this site.

5.3 Conclusion
• The bundle was structured so that future changes should be possible effectively.
The accompanying ends can be derived from the advancement of the task.

• Automation of the whole system improves the proficiency.

• It gives a neighborly graphical UI which demonstrates to be better when

contrasted with the current system.

• It gives fitting access to the approved clients relying upon their authorizations.

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• It viably conquers the deferral in correspondences.

• Updating of data turns out to be so simpler.

• System security, information security and dependability are the striking


• The System has sufficient extension for alteration in future in the event that it is

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Major Project Reports


6 %


Submitted to Amity University

Student Paper 3%
Submitted to Manchester Metropolitan
Student Paper

Submitted to Melbourne Institute of
Student Paper

Debi Prasad Tripathy, Charan Kumar Ala.
"Identification of safety hazards in Indian
underground coal mines", Journal of
Sustainable Mining, 2018

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Submitted to Universiti Teknologi MARA

Student Paper <1%
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Internet Source <1%
Exclude quotes On Exclude matches Off

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