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Business Name:

17th State Vape Lounge

History of E-Cigarettes:

The first smokeless, non-tobacco cigarette device was patented by Herbert A. Gilbert from
Beaver Falls, PA in 1967. This non-tobacco cigarette was thought to be a safe and harmless
method of smoking by replacing burning tobacco and paper with heated, moist, flavored air.
In 2003, a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik, was credited with the first generation e-cigarette
that used a piezoelectric element to vaporize the liquid containing nicotine diluted in a
propylene glycol solution.
Hon Lik invented the e-cigarette as a safer and cleaner way to inhale nicotine as a tobacco
cessation resource, after his father passed away from lung cancer.
By 2004, Hon Lik introduced e-cigarettes to the Chinese market through his employer, the
Golden Dragon Holdings. Later the company changed its name to Ruyan meaning “almost
like smoke” to resemble its product.
After the success of e-cigarette sales in Asia, products were sold through the internet in
large quantities. E-cigarettes gained popularity in many different countries. In 2007, e-
cigarettes were introduced to the American market. The major tobacco companies that have
purchased or developed e-cigarette products include: Lorillard acquired Blu, the leading e-
cigarette brand in the United States. Altria acquired GreenSmoke and has its own Mark Ten
brand, and Reynolds created its own brand Vuse. Additionally, British American Tobacco
sells Vype, Imperial Tobacco sells Ruyan, and Swisher sells E-Swisher. Logic and NJOY are
also leading e-cigarette companies. In the United States, e-cigarette sales have grown at an
annual rate of 115 percent in the 2009-2012 period. It is estimated that the global e-
cigarette market could increase to $10 billion by 2017. In August 2013, a leading tobacco
analyst predicted that booming e-cigarette sales in the U.S. will more than double this year,
hitting $1.7 billion.

Electronic cigarettes came to be as a safer alternative to smoking, and as a smoking

cessation aid. E-cigarettes and traditional tobacco cigarettes vary in many ways. The first,
and most important difference between the two is that e-cigarettes don’t contain the 4,000+
carcinogenic bi-products that cigarettes do. This provides a safer way of ingesting nicotine
while still maintaining the same physical act of inhalation as smoking.

17th State Vape lounge started as a partnership between two vapers who wish to
build a small business by selling vape juices. When they noticed the number of vapers
needing vape shops in the city, they started to build this business step by step. Due to small
space, only a small amount of vapers are accommodated. But now it had already upgraded.
17th State Vape Shop ensures high quality equipment and grooming for the customers to be
satisfied. The shop is fully air-conditioned with 2 ventilations for exhaust fan that is run only
if the shop is pack of smoke. The Shop also has sofas and tables for the customers to be
E-cigarettes are less harmful than smoking because they don’t contain tobacco. Inhaling
burnt tobacco - but also chewing it - is hugely damaging to human health. Remove the
tobacco and the combustion and it is hardly surprising that risk is reduced. That doesn’t
mean e-cigarettes are harmless. But it does mean that we can be relatively confident that
switching from smoking to vaping will have health benefits.In Vaping, we could say that you
could save more because, you will only buy the needed products commonly the juice. Let’s
Say, every day you consume 4-6 sticks. The price per stick is 5 therefore, 5x6 = 40. The Vape
shop is dedicated to a smoke-free lifestyle. Our devices are intended for entertainment
purposes only. These are smoke free alternatives, not smoking cessation devices.
As a vape shop, we also offers vape equipment like atomizer, mod, vape juices,
cotton, wire, tools for vape and etc. at a very affordable price. The Following are the
products that the 17th State Vape lounge sells:
Product Name:
Mr. smokies
Vape funk (Strawhaze)
Cloud Check
Dr. Cloud
Who will benefit the study?

First of all, the people who will benefit this business will be us, the businessmen.
Second, we believe that in the small incentives that we pay for our taxes, we can help to
improve the economy of our beloved City and nation. E-cigarettes were believed to help
individuals gradually reduce their nicotine dependence and were viewed as a much better
alternative to stopping smoking. While other types of nicotine reduction therapies were not
discussed, some retailers alluded to vaping as more successful than other smoking cessation

Why did you choose this kind of business?

First of all, we know we are soaked in this kind of business, we always encounter these
because it became a part of our habit. We want to enhance our experiences with vaping by
starting a business. Second, We noticed the increasing number of vapers in our city. We also
want to help people to quit smoking because unlike e-cigarette, there are many chemicals
inhaled in an ordinary cigarette that can actually harm a person.

Statement of the Problems:

1) The Vape shop seeks to provide customers with a safe, healthy vaping environment.
Products are one of the important features why the vape shop is visted by customers. Since,
we ensure that the products are Safe we ensure the quality of the products first before
selling it;

Vapers sometimes complains that vape products often arrives damaged.They said that it is
during the shipping products are damaged. Many Customers reports that they experience
damaged products such as Mod. Others Report having problem with mods that autofires.

In response to this problem our, we concluded that we should always double check the
products after delivering the products to our shop and test it manually to avoid complaints.
2) Having a good place to vape is one of the reasons why a vape shop is always visited by
customers. It is very important because in that area you could vape freely unlike outside that
smoking e-cigarettes and ordinary cigarette is forbidden in public places. To have a good
place to vape, we make sure that the customers are fully satisfied with our state of the art
vape shop.

Despite of the good set up, our shops still faces problems regarding this situation,

Having Dirty environment due to some negligence of cleaning is one of the blocking
problems, sometimes it causes accident and leaves stains when juices accidentally poured in
the tables. We believe that this also affects the appearance of the whole shop.

To solve this problem, we hired staffs as janitors to control the trashes left during shop

3) One of the factors that customers are attracted to a comfortable place is it has a very
unique style of internal design. 17th State Vape Shop offers the Customers a State of the art
design for the customers to be relaxed and enjoy their vaping.
We have observed that, the increasing number of customers who don’t buy is our
mainly concern. We always worry to the number of customers who just sit and vape.
Sometimes it causes the shop to be full. It is sometimes the cause of accidents happening in
the shop. We also believe that this might be the cause of stampede during emergency like
earthquakes, fires, etc.
To answer this problem, We started to limit the number of people who enters the
Shop. We also put luminous hand rails in the walls to avoid stampede. Shop also planned
easy ways for Emergency Exit.

Significance of Study:
The vaping revolution has changed lives for many. For most, vaping is an escape from the
hazardous and unappealing habit of smoking, but for some, it has become a hobby. Vaping
hobby-ism came about shortly after the first big jump in vaping technology, which was about
a year after it gained mainstream popularity.
17th State Vape Shop, Enables the users to be healthier because unlike the ordinary
cigarettes, E-Cigarettes don’t contain Tar. It is a good news to people who wants to quit
smoking because E-Cigarette are useful aid to quit smoking. As we observed in our city, we
ranged ages 17-32 who uses e-cigarettes.

(According to the statement of problems)

1) The Study of the Damaged products concludes us that it can be a good start-up lesson for
us and also for the customers because with these, they will be learned on how to ask. On our
part, it will be a lesson to always be strict in checking arriving products. Its be good to learn
from mistakes and making change.

Who are the engaged in this kind of Business?

Manger/Owner - someone whose job is to control or organize someone or something, esp. a

Investor - An investor is a person or organization that buys stocks or shares, or pays money
into a bank in order to receive a profit.
Customer - one that purchases a commodity or service
Janitor / janitress - a person whose job is to clean and take care of a building

How and Why it can help to your study?

Primarily, It will help us to excel our competitiveness and vital planning by reaching this kind
of business. Also, the profits we can get from this kind of business can help us to achieve the
needs of our family and our personal obligations.

Scope of Delimitation of Study

This feasibility study centers on running a vape shop business in Tacloban City, wherein the
target market potentials clients and customers are primarily tobacco smokers and the
people who want to quit smoking because E-Cigarette is a useful aid to end smoking. The
vape shop can provide or can give a service to the clients only in vaping stop-bys, buying
vape products, providing a free consultation about vaping tools.
Definition of Terms

Piezoelectric - relating to or involving electric polarization resulting from the application of

mechanical stress.

Nicotine - a toxic colorless or yellowish oily liquid that is the chief active constituent of
tobacco. It acts as a stimulant in small doses, but in larger amounts blocks the action of
autonomic nerve and skeletal muscle cells. Nicotine is also used in insecticides.

Tobacco - a preparation of the nicotine-rich leaves of an American plant, which are cured by
a process of drying and fermentation for smoking or chewing.

Combustion - the process of burning something.

Vape - inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.

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