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Job Title: BEL Jodhpur Rajasthan Date of Job Analysis: Sept-2019

Projects: MEP Work Reference No: JSA

Analyst Reviewer : Mr. Prashant Arora/TIRTHA Job No: V/18/0273

Description of Job: MS Pipe Unloading/ Handling operation Manual/ Mechanical.

[Length: 6m, Dia: 140-120, Weight: 123.245Kg]

Sequence of job steps Risks Identified Precautions advised

1. Untrained operator / hit to person 1. Driver should be valid driving license.
and body injury. 2. Helper should be available for guide for
vehicle activity.
2. Failure of lifting gear & tackles /Hit to
3. Valid inspection certificate for all lifting
person, body injury. equipments and also marked with SWL.
3. Tilting of vehicle. 4. Road should be proper evenness.
5. Ensure of overhead energized cable.
4. Overhead Energized cable
6. Obtain Permit to work before starting
5. Fall from height job.
6. Crush Injuries 7. Use ladder or platform for safe access
on vehicle.
7. Slip and Trip
8. Ensure that projecting nails, sharp
Unloading operation 8. Trapped finger and Body part. edges or burns etc. are removed before
Mechanical/ Manual. 9. Swinging lofting load/Hit to person, lifting a material.
body injury. 9. Mandatory PPE’s to be warned while
10. Pedestrian in the Unloading area. 10. Ensure proper gap is ready to insert
wooden planks, steel, plates and roller.
11. Gay rope to be used while unloading
12. Area to be barricade with caution
13. Unwanted person to be kept away
from hydra movement.
14. Training to be providing for safe
material handling.
Sequence of job steps Risks Identified Precautions advised

1. Ensure that projecting nails, sharp edges or

1. Cut fingers due to sharp edges.
burns etc. are removed before lifting a
2. Foot injuries due to dropped articles.
2. Personal protective equipment such as
safety gloves, safety shoes are to be used
3. Fingers getting caught underneath an
object while placing it on the floor. during lifting and carrying heavy, sharp edged
4. Strains to wrist or fingers because of
3. If the weight is too heavy for one person to
awkward handling of articles.
lift, then more than one person shall be
5. Protruding nails/ foot puncher injury. engaged for the job.
4. Removed all protruding nails.
6. Slipped discs due to improper 5. Load that is carried should not obstruct the
posture in lifting an object.
Handling operation view of the carrier. Ensure that the path way is
Manual/ Mechanical not blocked by obstacle.
6. When more than one person is engaged, it
is safer to have persons of similar capability,
height etc.
7. Ensure Firm grip over object to be lift by the
palm and not the finger.
8. Ensure manual handling for heavy load to
be kept as low as possible.
9. Ensure proper lifting technique.
10. Training to be providing for safe material

Date: 10/09/2019. Signature:

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