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Chapter I


This chapter discusses and introducing the problem of the problem. It includes the
introduction, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation, significance of the study and
definition of terms used in conducting the study.


Students are expected to go to school every day. They will learn something in school and
they may apply it to their everyday living. There are so many activities that a student should attend.
If they can't attend school they might be left behind, and could affect their academic performance.
There are reasons why a student can't attend or tend to absent in class. Some of these are
because they are sick, they don't have money, and they can't come to attend because there's
something happen.
According to Keter (2014), absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school
without providing a genuine or any reason for not attending classes. Absenteeism is a truant
behavior that negatively affects the performance among students. Absenteeism is used by so many
factors such as lack of interest, teacher approach, pamperness, private couching, diseases, school
infrastructural facilities and entertainment.
William (2018) sited that people often consider grades first defining academic performance.
Academic performance depends on learning skills, on home environment, academic, interactions
and study habit. Although education is not only road to success in the working world, such effort is
made to identify, evaluate, track and encourage the progress of students in school. Parents care
about their child's educational performance because they believe good results will provide more
career choices and job security. Schools, though investing in fastening positive habits for the same
reason, are also often influenced by concerns about the school's reputation and the possibility of
monetary aid from government institutions, which can hang on overall academic performance of
the school. State and federal departments of education are charged with improving schools and so
devise methods of measuring success in order to create plans of improvement, according to Bell
Attendance in school is so important to a student. Absenteeism can affect their academic
performance in some instances. It could affect not just their grades but also their life. It is important
to study absenteeism and academic performance for the students to be aware about it so they can
avoid it. The main aim of the study is to determine the impact of absenteeism to the academic
performance of G12 students at LCSHS. The researchers also want to know the factors affecting
absenteeism in class because some of the students nowadays don't care about what can be the
effect of absenteeism to their grades.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the impact of absenteeism to the Academic Performance of
Grade 12 students at LCSHS, school year 2019-2020.
Specially, this study will seek answers to the following questions:
1. How can Grade 12 students be describe in terms of:
a. Sex d. general average
b.strand e. Birth order in the family
c. section f. monthly family income

2. What are the possible causes of absenteeism?
3. What can be the effects of absenteeism to students?
4. Is there a significant relationship between absenteeism and their academic performance?
5. What can be the implication based on the result of the study?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus to the absenteeism and academic performance of Grade 12 students at
Lipa City Senior High School in the current year. The researcher will give survey questionnaire
about the topic. The said students of Lipa City Senior High School year 2019-2020 will answer
questions, the survey will determine the cause and effects of absenteeism to the academic
performance of the students

Significance of the Study

The study aims to know the different causes and effects of absenteeism to academic
performance of Grade 12 students at LCSHS. The result of the study will be deemed important to
the following:
Students, with the help of the study. The students can have an information on how they will
be affected if they skip class. This study will give them knowledge about what's good it could bring
if they attend the class.
Teachers, the results of this study may serve as their guide to know the causes why a
student is being absent and through this study, they can encourage their students to attend their
Lipa City Senior High School, this study can be a helpful tool to create a good policy for the
students that always absent in their class because of different reason that is acceptable and
reasonable not the vice versa.
DepEd Authorities, the Department of Education main goal is to be able to produce
productive citizens of the community. Absenteeism is one of the factors that disturb the stableness
of this goal. When the result is evident, the DepEd authorities together with the different school
administration may arrive to a step by step planning to give solution to absenteeism.
Parents, through this study, parents can get information about bad effects of absenteeism
to their child specially in the class. This will allow parents to guide their children in their studies.
Future Researchers, this research will be a useful reference for the researcher who would
plan to make only study about absenteeism and academic performance of students.


The study will test the hypothesis in its alternative form.

There is significant relationship between absenteeism and academic performance of the
There is an impact if an individual doesn’t attend classes in their academic performance.
There is a significance difference between the student who's habitually absent in class and
student who's always attending class.
Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following terms are hereby defined conceptually
and operationally.
Absenteeism in school. It is the habit of staying away from school without providing a
genuine or any reason for not attending classes. (Eneza Education)
In this study it is one of the variables where in the researchers see it as a factor why a
student tends to get a low grade.
Academic Performance. It is the extent to which a students, teacher or institution has
achieved their short- and long-term education goal. (Wikipedia)
It is the performance task that teachers give to their students. It can be groupings or an
individual work.
LCSHS- Lipa City Senior High School
Lack of Interest. The quality or state of not being influenced by personal feelings, opinions,
or concerns. (Macmillan Dictionary)
In this study it is one of the factors why a student chooses to not to attend class.
Teacher Approach. A teaching where teachers are in passive or receptive mode listening
as the teacher teaches. (Eneza Education)
In this study it pertains on how a teacher approaches his/her student and a factor why
absenteeism of students exists.
Pamperness. it is the term use in describing an individual who treats or gratify with
extreme or excessive indulgence, kindness or care. (Eneza Education)
In this study it is the attitude of a student and one of the factors of why the academic
performance affects by absenteeism.
Monetary aid. It is the money that is given or lent to students in order to help pay for their
education. (Eneza Education)
In this study, it is one of the factors why an individual tends to skip class.
Diseases. It produces specific or sign or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is
not simply a direct result of physical injury. (Wikipedia)
In this study it is the common reason why a student can’t attend their class.

Chapter II

This chapter presents the summary of readings made from books and related literatures
which will support the hypothesis of this study. Relatively, the data and information gather are
distributed according to conceptual and research literature.

Conceptual Literature

The following literatures are based on the different information from articles, journal, and
books which talks about absenteeism and academic performance of the students.

According to the “Excessive Absences Intervention” Williams (2015), excessive absenteeism

by students may result in unlearned course material from fewer hours of instruction, and a
disruption of class instruction for teachers who have to administer remediation for the absent
student when he returns to school. Excessive absenteeism by students may additionally result in
poor academic achievement because students are not receiving instruction on a consecutive basis.
This problem also causes low standardize test scores because absent students are not present to
learn key concepts and skills that are assessed on standardized exams.

Absenteeism in students affect their school performances especially when they are in a
group or teamwork for their assignments and projects. Since groupings will help develops the
student’s cooperatives and ability to share and gain knowledge from their groupmates likewise the
groupmates will also miss the opportunity of gaining knowledge from the absent student
(Koppenhaver, 2015).

The presence of the students is one of the foundations of Swedish educational system. There
are many ways of being present or absent in school settings, and that teachers and students
negotiate the importance, impact and consequences of various forms and presences and absences
in situated context every day. When absenteeism is reduced to something individual and easily
identifiable, both explanations and actions can fail to reduce student’s absences. The relationship
between schools and families have been describe as a key aspect of school attendance and
absenteeism. Despite an increase focus on control, disciplinary actions and registration such actions
are not effective intervention to reduce absenteeism (Boden, 2016).

According to Miguel (2017), a student can’t learn if they were not in school. The desire of
the teacher to produce learning and understanding of the teacher and other school personnel
among other students can never been realized due to poor attendance. The Department of
Education through its D.O. no. 74, s. 2010 challenged the public impact o school in attendance:
secondary teachers to reduce dropout rate. it also said that teachers should be passionate about
teaching and learning conduct home visit for those students who irregularly attend their class
especially; show students they are important to a teacher, absences not due to illness so to prevent
the possible drop out of the students; encourage extra-curricular participation an in depth analysis
of why some students miss too much school and; adopt social-emotional learning program.

Research Literature

This research literature is based on the inquiries and researches that already conducted to
which proposed study related or has some bearing. These studies are also talk about the
absenteeism in school and academic performance of the students.
According to Obrador (2014), students in various gender groups, school levels, and
locations are at-risk of dropping out for various reasons. Some of these factors are common to all
dropouts, while others are more keenly associated with specific groups. The adverse effect of
poverty on children’s participation in school is clearly manifested in all dropouts, and in many
different ways depending on whether they are male or female, are in elementary or secondary, in
lower or higher school level, and in urban or rural areas. Those who come from rural areas are most
vulnerable in two ways. First, because their parents have little and irregular income, they often lack
money for school-related expenses such as school allowance, transportation, uniforms and class
requirements. Families with limited financial resources prioritize their expenses, allotting whatever
little money they have to more urgent family needs like food, a finding which supports earlier

Schoenberger (2014) sited to his study “Longitudinal Attendance Patterns” that excessive
absenteeism increases the chances of a student eventually dropping out of school, which can lead to
long term consequences for these students, such as lower average incomes, higher incidences of
unemployment, and a higher livelihood of incarceration. Schoeneberger asserts that students who
drop out of school face a higher risk of poverty because of their inability to secure quality paying
employment due to their lack of education and resources. Drop outs who lack of education and
resources are more likely to commit criminal activity leading to incarceration.

The study showed that being absent for three days in a month strongly correlates with poor
performance. For educators it is important to know the threshold. Drawing policies on school
intervention regarding absenteeism requires guiding information on where to draw the line.
Policies cannot be simply drawn out of thin air. Three days in a month, that number, a result of
research, is a useful guide for teachers and school administrators. The study as described by the
article is only an initial analysis of the data. Ongoing research will continue to unravel further the
underlying factors that result into absenteeism. This is an important task since this information
likewise is necessary to design the interventions that are relevant (de Dios, 2016).

Balkis (2016), sited to their study that student absenteeism was negatively related to
academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher and school, goal evaluation, motivation or self-
regulation, and academic performance. Results also reveal that student absenteeism differs in
respect to parents’ educational level and income. Results from the analysis notice that personal and
current students’ absenteeism significantly predict previous academic achievement.


This presents an overview of the comparisons and distinctions of the current study to the
aforementioned studies. The studies reviewed either support or contradict the present study.

Abrador (2014), sited that poverty is one of the factors why a student tends to absent in
class. Due to this, dropout in school is still increasing especially to those who live in rural areas. The
parents of the students don’t have enough income, they were allotting their money to their basic
needs like foods and that’s their most priority when it compares to education.
Too much absenteeism can result to increase of dropout rate which can affect not just the
academic performance of the students but also it could affect their future. Due to lack of education,

might lead to low income which results to poverty and some would rather commit criminal activity
(Schoenberger, 2014).
Being absent even if it was only three days in a month, has a big impact to the academic
performance of the students according to the study conducted by de Dios (2016). Having such
policies about absenteeism can be a guide to the teachers and school administrations. The said
polcy can be a helpful tool to give solution to that of absenteeism of students.

According to Balkis (2016) that the student’s absenteeism is not related to the self-
perception of the students when it comes to academic performance, attitude towards teachers and
school, etc. Absenteeism of students is more often affect by poverty because of the low income of
their parents.

Theoretical Framework

The student body is the greatest contributor to the success or the ground falling of the
school. An individual who have habitually made absences in class may have lost the chance of
learning. He or she might have less chances of getting an aimed position. The school who plays an
important role to a child’s motivation has known the impact of absenteeism to a student and to the
school performance itself.
The spread of absenteeism may have roots that affect the attendance of an individual. “A
constant doing may lead to a constant result, just like Domino” (Asia Child Data Trend, 2008).
Coping up is never easy, especially when there is a lot of work to be done. Some teachers are also
considerate that slows down the run of class discussion.
Absenteeism alone when a large part of the school population is involved may not only
cause a problem to the school but also to the local administration (Williams, L., 2001). The
performances being recorded at the diagnostic tests or midterm exams for example will determine
the school’s performance. And when absences are done, it can pull down even the highest scores.
That is why the results of absenteeism are to be identified as so the solutions can be formulated to
materialize the aims of the school and the individuals.

Conceptual Framework

The figure below shows how absenteeism affects the academic performance of the student.


Socio-Demographic profile of  Researches The effect of

the respondent:  Survey absenteeism to
Questionnaires student’s
 Gender  Gathering of Data
 Age  Compilation of
 Strand Data performance.
 General Average  Analyzing of Data
 Members of the Family  Interpretation of
 Monthly Family Income Data

Figure 1
Paradigm of the Study

The model shows that the input of the study is to know the socio-demographic profile of the
grade 12 students at Lipa City Senior High School. The process will be Grade 12 students at Lipa
City Senior High School will be given a survey questionnaire to gather some information. The
output of this study is to know the results and effect of absenteeism to the academic performance of
Grade 12 students.


This chapter discusses the procedure utilized by the researcher in the conduct of the study. It
includes the research design, the subjects of the study, the data gathering instrument used, the data
gathering procedure and the statistical data applied to the data gathered.

This study will use a descriptive research design (also called descriptive research) in order
to determine the impact of communication skills to the marketing strategy of the students. It is also
best served to answer the questions and the purposes of the study.
According to Calderon (2008), as cited by Alberto et al (2011), descriptive method is also known as
statistical research, it describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon
being studied. This research method is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical
The researchers choose the mentioned research design to answer the questions concerning
the present problems that the students are facing today. The characteristics of this method are used
as a tool to determine the impact of absenteeism to the academic performance of grade 12 students
at LCSHS. To gather information, the researchers will use a survey questionnaire which is related to
the study.

The respondents of the study will be the grade 12 students who is currently studying at Lipa City
Senior High School. It has a total population of 84 students. Forty six (46) of it were come from
Integrity and thirty eight (38) were from Purity. The researchers choose these respondents because
they suit to be the best and also because the researchers are ABM students too.


For the purpose of this study, the researchers will use a survey questionnaire to collect
data. It is composed of ten questions which is related to the study.

The researchers will give questionnaires to the respondents. The questions to be use are related to
the study about the impact of communication skills to the marketing strategy of grade 11 ABM
students. In constructing questionnaires, the researchers use internet as the reference it is also
conducted by brainstorming to come up with the final questionnaire to be distributed.

In preparing the final form of questionnaires, the comments and suggestions were considered after
the first draft of the questionnaire was given to Ms. Rensie Vique F. Falculan.
Administration and Retrieval
The questionnaires will administer to all the respondents personally by researchers. The contents
of the questionnaire and the overview of the study were introduced to the respondents. The
retrieval was made after the respondents finish answering the questionnaires.

Direction: check the column if your answer is strongly agree (4), agree (3), disagree (2), strongly
disagree (1).


1. Need to attend to extracurricular/personal activities.
2. Students did not finish the homework before the class start.
3. Relationship to the classmates.
4. Students are not interested in a particular subject
5. Students are interfere the learning process.


1. There’s a family problem.
2. Experiencing financial problem.
3. Being a working student.
4. Lack of sleep.
5. Student always felt sick and unhealthy life


1. Academic performance becomes low.
2. Subject knowledge is outdated compared to other students in the class.
3. Fail to score well in quizzes, tests and final exam.
4. Trying to copy answer from other student at exam.
5. Fail to enroll to the next semester.

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