Wang 2003

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The antecedents of Delivering quality service and product to
customers is essential for success and
service quality and survival in today's competitive banking
product quality and environment. The provision of products and
services of high quality enhances reputation,
their influences on bank improves customer retention, attracts new
reputation: evidence customers through word of mouth, and
from the banking increases financial performance and
profitability (Julian and Ramaseshan, 1994;
industry in China Zeithaml, 1996). However, although a
considerable amount of research has been
Yonggui Wang
done in the field of service quality (Bolton
Hing-P. Lo and and Drew, 1991; Parasuraman et al., 1988,
Yer V. Hui 1991) and in the field of product quality
(Garvin, 1988), there has been less research,
The authors if any, that has taken service quality and
Yonggui Wang is Associate Professor at Nankai product quality into consideration
University, China and PhD Candidate in the Department of simultaneously, and there has been a
Management Sciences, at the City University of Hong Kong, tendency to ignore the distinction between
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. service quality and product quality, and their
Hing-P. Lo is Head and Professor of Management Sciences
respective antecedents and consequences, in
Department and Yer V. Hui is Professor and Associate
Dean of School of Graduate Studies, both at the City service industries. Furthermore, much of this
University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. focus on service quality and product quality
in service industries has been conducted in
Keywords developed countries (Herbig and Genestre,
Service quality, Product quality, Banking, China 1996; Yavas et al., 1997) even though
services are among the fastest-growing
sectors in emerging countries. This rapid
Although an increasing number of studies is being performed
growth makes any attempt to generalize such
in the field of service management, less work is being done
on an integrated framework of service quality and product research findings from developed countries
quality, especially that supported with evidence from to emerging countries problematical.
developing countries. As a result, little is known about the Moreover, perhaps due to the prevailing
distinction between service quality and product quality, their sellers' market conditions in the emerging
respective antecedents, and their distinctive contributions to economies, studies of service-related issues
performance in service industries in the developing world. have long been neglected (Yavas et al.,
Generalization of related findings from developed countries
1997). Banks, in particular, have no
is not necessarily appropriate. Unlike most related studies
that are based on evidence from developed countries, recognized publicly available standard scale
focuses attention on the distinction between, and respective by which to measure the perceived quality
antecedents of, service quality and product quality in the (both service quality and product quality) of
Chinese context. Gives much emphasis to the importance of
a positive bank reputation. The findings are based on The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of
structural equation models developed by AMOS. the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(70202002), the National Natural Science
Electronic access Foundation of China and the China-Canada
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is University Industry Partnership Program (NSFC-
available at CCUIPP) (70142023), the National Social Science Foundation of China (02CJL004), the
Foundation of Outstanding Younger Scholars of
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is Nankai University (B27847), the Sumitomo
available at Foundation of Japan (018006), and a grant from the City University of Hong Kong. In addition,
valuable suggestions for further improvement of
Managing Service Quality
Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . pp. 72-83 the manuscript were received from the Editor,
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 0960-4529 Dr Jay Kandampully, and two reviewers. The
DOI 10.1108/09604520310456726 authors acknowledge their assistance.
The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

bank service in general and related issues are continuously improved product quality and
still subject to continued debate (Yavas et al., service quality if they are to build positive
1997; Bahia and Nantel, 2000). This lack of reputations and increase profits. For
measurable quality standards exists despite example, immediately upon China's
the strategically important role of banking accession to the WTO, foreign financial
services in any nation's economy, and institutions are likely to offer auto-financing
despite the significance of quality-related to Chinese customers. Already, foreign
issues as has been widely recognized banks are permitted to conduct local-
throughout the world. currency business with foreign clients in four
In China, over the past two decades, the cities (Dalian, Shanghai, Shenzhen and
centralized banking monopoly has been Tianjin), and foreign-currency business is
broken up, and a relatively open and free allowed without geographic restrictions.
competitive market has come into being. The Furthermore, foreign banks will be able to
four state-owned banks (Bank of China, conduct local-currency business with
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Chinese corporations in 2004, and will be
Agricultural Bank of China, and China's free to conduct local-currency business with
Construction Bank) are now struggling to corporate and private individuals in 2007.
become ``real' banks with full responsibility Consequently, competition in China's
for their own bottom line of profitability. The banking industry is already extremely
four specialized banks began competing each intense. There is competition among
other in 1985 when restrictions limiting each domestic and foreign banks for able
to its own designated sector were lifted, and managers and skilled staff who are aware of
competition intensified in 1994 when China innovative products and services of high
established three policy banks to take over quality, and competition for customers who
from the four specialized banks the task of are becoming increasingly knowledgeable of
extending policy loans and the four such products and services. This has
specialized banks were officially named produced an urgent need for Chinese banks
commercial bank. As a result, the previous to distinguish service quality from product
situation (in which they controlled about 80 quality, and to identify specific important
percent of banking business in China) is drivers and their different roles in building a
changing, and this requires significant positive reputation if the banks are to attract
changes in attitude, management style, and new customers and retain old customers
methods of handling business if they are to effectively.
remain competitive. By the end of 2000, Against the background of a lack of research
China had ten shareholding banks, more than in this area, this study addresses the distinction
90 urban commercial banks, and 3,000 urban between service quality and product quality,
credit cooperatives. In addition, China is and combines them into an integrated model
expected to approve the establishment of ten simultaneously within the specific context of
private commercial banks in a move that is China's banking environment. In particular,
designed to prepare the sector for intensified this paper aims to extend the study of quality
foreign competition in the near future (South and the key influences concerned into the
China Morning Post, 2000). However, despite setting of a new country, and uses a survey of
many fundamental banking reforms, domestic China's bank customers to investigate the
banks are still lagging behind on many fronts respective antecedents of service quality and
compared with their foreign counterparts ± product quality and their different roles in
including capitalization, overseas networks, building a positive bank reputation. To
modern management expertise and provide more direct and useful information for
experience and so on ± which results in a both academics and managers with respect to
relative weakness in service quality and service-quality and product-quality issues, the
product quality as delivered to domestic present paper deliberately conceptualises
customers. service-quality factors (such as reliability and
With China's accession to the World responsiveness) as being antecedents to
Trade Organization (WTO), it is inevitable customers' overall evaluation of service quality,
that China's domestic banks will meet rather than conceptualising them as
increasing foreign competition, and it has dimensions or components of the construct.
become imperative that they focus on Furthermore, the present study attempts to
The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

develop structural equation models by using . the defining of a baseline standard for
AMOS to study related effects simultaneously. good quality (Cronin and Taylor, 1992;
The paper is organized as follows. The first Brown et al., 1993).
section gives a brief description of the
Furthermore, problems of reliability,
background of China's banking industry.
discriminant validity, and variance restriction
Then follows some theoretical background
exist because of the computed difference
and the development of related hypotheses.
scores. As a result, some researchers have
Next, the survey method and data collection
tried to combine expectations and
of the study are presented, followed by the
results of the empirical analysis. Finally, perceptions into a single measure to alleviate
conclusions are drawn, implications are these problems, and have found that such a
noted, and limitations and future directions measure actually outperforms the
are discussed. SERVQUAL scale in terms of both reliability
and validity (Babakus and Boller, 1992;
Brown et al., 1993; Dabholkar et al., 2000).
Theoretical background and hypotheses On the basis of these findings, the present
paper adopts such a single-measure scale, and
In the field of services marketing, the present measures service quality by customer
authors are of the opinion that service quality perceptions only through the SERVPERF
receives excessive emphasis, with product model (Cronin and Taylor, 1992).
quality being relatively neglected, even Furthermore, as Dabholkar et al. (2000)
though the latter is very important in have established, it is better to consider
influencing the purchasing behaviors of factors associated with service quality (such as
customers. It is therefore necessary to reliability and responsiveness) as being
distinguish product attributes from service- antecedents to customer perceptions of
process attributes, and to differentiate the service quality rather than as dimensions or
specific contributions made by each to bank components of the construct. As Dabholkar
reputation. et al. (2000) have shown, such an approach
offers greater understanding of the evolving
Service quality service-quality construct. For example,
Over the past several years, there have been
satisfaction was originally defined in terms of
a variety of studies on different issues
disconfirmation and, later, disconfirmation
pertaining to service quality. Traditionally,
was considered an antecedent to satisfaction
service quality has been defined as the
(Oliver, 1981). In addition, although
difference between customer expectations
satisfaction was originally equated with
of service to be received and perceptions of
emotion, emotion has also later been viewed
the service actually received (GroÈ nroos
as another antecedent to satisfaction in
1984; Parasuraman et al., 1988, 1991).
These researchers posited that measuring attempts to ``fine tune'' the construct
service quality as ``disconfirmation'' (the (Westbrook and Oliver, 1991).
difference between perceptions and As a result of the above discussion, the
expectations) is valid, and that such a model present study proposes the following
allows service providers to identify certain hypotheses:
defined gaps in the service provided. H1a. ``Tangible'' has a positive impact on
However, several subsequent studies have customer perceptions of service
found a poor ``fit'' for the disconfirmation quality.
model in certain settings. As a result, the H1b. ``Reliability'' has a positive impact on
SERVQUAL scale (Parasuraman et al., customer perceptions of service
1988), has been criticized by an increasing quality.
number of researchers on several grounds, H1c. ``Responsiveness'' has a positive
including: impact on customer perceptions of
. the use of gap scores; service quality.
. the measurement of expectations; H1d. ``Assurance'' has a positive impact on
. positively and negatively worded items; customer perceptions of service
. the generalizability of its dimensions; and quality.
The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

H1e. ``Empathy'' has a positive impact on Because this study focuses on the retail
customer perceptions of service banking industry, durability and aesthetics
quality. might not be relevant. In contrast, some
attributes (such as serviceability, reliability
Product quality and customer-perceived quality) which have
Although there has been an increasing been taken into consideration in the famous
number of research findings on the subject of SERVPERF model or modified SERVQUAL
product quality in the past two decades, it is model, can be considered to be important
still worth noting that there have been several factors in determining the quality of bank
distinct conceptualisations of product quality. offerings. In addition, according to our
For example, in marketing and economics, qualitative study of customer focus groups,
quality has usually been viewed in terms of customers tend to consider factors such as
product attributes. In contrast, in operations product variety, product access or
management, quality has been defined as convenience and diverse product features as
having multiple dimensions ± such as fitness being important when they evaluate the
of use (whether the product or service does product quality of banks ± a finding that
what it is supposed to do, and whether it corresponds with the key dimensions of
possesses features that meet the needs of banking product quality as reported by Jun
customers), reliability (to what extent the and Cai (2001). Our survey results also
product is free from deficiencies) and so on. indicate that the main reason for customers
In the service literature, quality has been planning to switch to a new bank is that the
viewed in different terms again ± as an overall new bank provides a greater variety of bank
assessment (Parasuraman et al., 1988). products.
Among these different conceptions of Taking all of the above into account,
quality, the most comprehensive definition of product-quality attributes are simply defined
product quality has been that proposed by based on expert opinion and the comments of
Garvin (1988) which posits the following focus group discussions in this study as
eight attributes: performance, features, product availability (reflecting both product
conformance, reliability, durability, features and product variety) and product
serviceability, aesthetics, and customer- convenience.
perceived quality. In brief: The following hypotheses are therefore
(1) Performance means a product's primary proposed:
operating characteristics. H2a. Product availability has a positive
(2) Features refer to the additional features impact on overall product quality.
(or the ``bells and whistles'') of the H2b. Product convenience has a positive
product. impact on overall product quality.
(3) Conformance represents the extent to
which a product's design and operating It should be noted here that almost all of the
characteristics meet the established dimensions of quality as articulated in
standards. previous studies of the banking industry have
(4) Reliability indicates the probability that a been included in our characterizations of
product will operate properly over a ``service quality'' and ``product quality''
specified period of time under stated (Bahia and Nantel, 2000; Johnston, 1997).
conditions of use. For example, for the six dimensions identified
(5) Durability means the amount of use the by Bahia and Nantel (2000) in their study of
consumer gets from a product before it service quality in retail banking, ``access'' and
physically deteriorates or until a ``service portfolio'' can be represented by our
replacement is preferable. construct of product quality as proposed
(6) Serviceability refers to the speed, above, whereas ``reliability'', ``tangible'' and
competence, and courtesy of repair. ``effectiveness and assurance'' can find their
(7) Aesthetics refers to how a product appeals counterparts in the SERVPERF model.
to the five senses. Therefore, allowing for the distinction of
(8) Customer-perceived quality indicates service quality from product quality (as
the customer's perception of a product's described above), we have combined almost
quality, based on the reputation of all the key dimensions of quality, and propose
the firm. to study them in an integrated model.
The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

Bank reputation group information about the quality of its

It is widely accepted that quality products and products and services in comparison with
services produce benefits not only by lowering those of competitors, thus reflecting what
costs through reduced waste and decreased stakeholders think and feel about a firm and
deficiencies in product and service, but also indicating that an organization is highly
by increasing competitiveness through the esteemed, worthy, and meritorious (Weigelt
establishment of a good reputation and the and Camerer, 1988; Hall, 1993; Fombrun
attraction and retention of customers. In and Shanley, 1990).
addition, based on our qualitative study In assessing the resource base of a firm,
findings from focus groups, it is apparent that reputation should be considered as a key
bank reputation also plays an important role asset. Indeed, it is valuable, distinctive,
in the determining the purchasing and difficult to duplicate, and non-substitutable,
repurchasing behaviors of customers. and provides the firm with a sustainable
Customer loyalty is similarly enhanced competitive advantages (Wang and Lo, 2002;
(Barich and Kotler, 1991; Andreassen and Hall, 1993). Furthermore, a positive
Lindestad, 1998), especially in the retail
reputation can be a source of future rents and
banking industry where quality cannot be
profits, and can act as a barrier to imitation
evaluated accurately before purchase
(Barney 1991; Hall 1993). Reputation plays
(Nguyen and Leblanc, 2001). It is also widely
an especially important strategic role in
acknowledged that a positive reputation is a
service markets because the pre-purchase
strategic factor that can be employed to earn
evaluation of service quality is necessarily
above-average profits (Weigelt and Camerer,
vague and incomplete.
1988). As Nguyen and Leblanc (2001) have
From the above discussion, it is apparent
concluded, reputation can be used as an
that reputation is a function of financial
effective means of predicting the outcome of
the service-production process, and can, performance, production quality, service
perhaps, be considered the most reliable quality, management effectiveness ± or some
indicator of the ability of a service firm to combination of these various factors that
satisfy a customer's desires. appeal in one way or another to a firm's
As a result, interest in reputation has grown multiple constituencies (Rao, 1994). The
in the past decade, and the concept of following hypotheses are therefore proposed:
corporate reputation has been studied by H3a. Overall service quality has a positive
researchers in the fields of economics, impact on bank reputation.
organizational theory and marketing. H3b. Overall product quality has a positive
Economists have analysed issues of reputation impact on bank reputation.
in relation to product quality and price
(Shapiro, 1983). Organizational scholars have
examined reputation as being a social Methodology
identity, and have portrayed it as being an
Sampling and procedures
important and intangible resource which can
To collect enough data to test our hypotheses,
significantly contribute to a firm's
a face-to-face survey was conducted after a
performance, and even its survival (Fombrun
and Shanley, 1990, Hall, 1993; Rao, 1994). pilot study had identified and refined
Researchers in marketing have considered measurement items used in this study. In
reputation under the rubric of ``brand equity'' total, five bank branches were chosen
or ``customer equity'' (Aaker, 1996; Rust randomly in one big city in northern China,
et al., 2001), and have associated it with the with their customers acting as respondents to
credibility of the firm. the survey. Stratified sampling was then used
Different types of ``reputation'' have been to select approximately equal numbers of
studied. These have included being a tough customers for each chosen branch. Subjects
competitor, providing a good place to work, were asked to assess their perceptions of
and having quality products (Gatewood et al., various items of different constructs,
1993; Shapiro, 1983). However, in essence, including factors viewed as antecedents of
reputation is a result of the past actions of a service quality and product quality, overall
firm, and can be viewed as a mirror of the service quality, overall product quality, and
firm's history of communicating to its target bank reputation. Assessments were based on a
The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

seven-point scale in which the descriptors this could be obtained in the form of an
ranged from: average score of the five related dimensions,
(1) much worse than expected; to whereas others advocated measuring overall
(2) somewhat worse; service quality directly. Among the latter
(3) slightly worse; writers, only a few have used multi-item
(4) neutral; measures (for example, Dabholkar et al.,
(5) slightly better: 2000), whereas most have used a single-item
(6) somewhat better; and measure (for example, Babakus and Boller
(7) much better than expected. 1992; Bolton and Drew, 1991), which makes
In total, more than 350 respondents were it impossible to ascertain the reliability of the
construct. In the present study, four items
asked to answer the questionnaire when they
were used to evaluate overall service quality
visited the chosen bank branches to undertake
whereas three items were used to evaluate
transactions. Of the 350,292 of the responses
overall product quality. For bank reputation,
were considered valid and were used in this
two items were used, upon which customers
study after inadequate responses had been
were asked to assess the bank branch
discarded ± which made a valid response rate
reputation by overall perceptions of their total
of 83.4 percent. Of these, 11 percent had
experience in the branch and comparative
maintained a relationship with the bank for
perceptions with other branches.
less than one year, 34 percent for a period of
one year to three years, and 55 percent for
more than three years. Table I provides a
summary of the profile of the valid Analysis results
respondents. Assessments of measurement properties
The structural equation model consisted of
Measurements each item in the multi-item scales. Following
Specific items were developed for each factor the two-step approach recommended by
(tangible, reliability, responsiveness, Anderson and Gerbing (1988), the adequacy
assurance, empathy, product availability, of each multi-item scale in capturing its
product convenience, overall service quality construct was assessed using the
and overall product quality) either by measurement model of all constructs by
modifying SERVPERF or from our checking uni-dimensionality, internal
qualitative analysis, as shown in Table II. consistency reliability, convergent validity,
Tangible, reliability, responsiveness, and discriminant validity ± before testing the
assurance and empathy were all measured by hypotheses via the causal model.
related parts of SERVPERF with small The fit indices and the p-values for all factor
wording changes. Product availability was loadings showed that the measurement model
created by using three items from focus group was acceptable. The standardized factor
comments by asking them to evaluate the loadings for all items were above the
three most popular product categories suggested cut-off of 0.60, and all were
(savings, cards and personal loans) in terms of significant, most of them being above 0.80
product variety and product features. Product with a minimum of 0.701. This shows strong
convenience was created in a similar way. As evidence of convergent validity. Furthermore,
for the overall measure of service quality, the residuals and modification indices
Parasuraman et al. (1988) maintained that indicated that the scales exhibited satisfactory

Table I Profile of valid respondents

Period of transaction relationship with the bank
Age (years) Less than one year One to three years More than three years Total
Less than 20 years old 6 5 0 11
21-35 15 46 47 108
36-45 4 28 66 98
46-60 7 14 40 61
More than 60 0 5 9 14
Total 32 98 162 292

The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

Table II Constructs and composite reliability

Constructs and items Loading Composite reliability
Tangible 0.86
The physical facilities are visually appealing 0.737
Materials associated with the mobile communication service are visually appealing 0.772
The employees are well dressed and neat in appearance 0.742
The complementary equipment for automatic transactions, inquiries and product bulletin is adequate 0.875

Reliability 0.89
When the service provider promises to do something by a certain time, it does so 0.856
When customers have a problem, the service provider shows a sincere interest in solving it 0.864
The service provider delivers its services at the times it promises to do so 0.799
The service provider always performs the service right the first time 0.759

Responsiveness 0.87
The employees tell me exactly when services will be performed 0.808
The employees give me a prompt service 0.770
The employees are always willing to help me 0.844
The employees are never too busy to respond to my requests 0.794

Assurance 0.87
The employees instil confidence in customers 0.907
Customers feel safe in transactions with the service provider 0.838
The employees are consistently courteous with customers 0.823
The employees have the knowledge to answer customers' questions 0.764

Empathy 0.88
The service provider gives customers individual attention 0.854
The service provider has customers' best interests at heart 0.839
The employees understand customers' specific needs 0.704
The service provider has operating hours and locations convenient to all its customers 0.786
The employees give their personal attention 0.772

Overall service quality 0.89

Excellent overall service 0.825
Service of a very high quality 0.807
The average score of overall evaluation of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance is adequate 0.780
Superior service in every way 0.764

Product convenience 0.88

It is convenient and easy to get or use the bank's product mix in terms of difference kinds of savings 0.907
It is convenient and easy to get or use the bank's product mix in terms of all kinds of banking cards 0.875
It is convenient and easy to get or use the personal finance product mix including private loans 0.751

Product availability 0.91

Product variety and features for different kinds of savings are adequate 0.907
Product variety and features for different kinds of banking cards product are adequate 0.839
Product variety and features for personal finance products including private loans are adequate 0.701

Overall product quality 0.80

Product quality is adequate in terms of variety and features 0.808
Product quality is adequate in terms of product convenience 0.782
Overall product quality is adequate based on experiences 0.757

Bank reputation 0.81

Bank's reputation is adequate based on the overall ewxperiences 0.816
Banks reputation after comparing with that of other competitors is adequate 0.802
Note: All loadings are significant at 0.01 level

The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

uni-dimensionality. The composite reliability have a strong tendency to emphasize

for internal consistency was demonstrated reliability ± for example, they speak of the
because values for all constructs were above importance of being able to get their money
the suggested threshold of 0.70 (see Table II). back if they want, or the importance of
In fact, the composite reliability of all nothing going wrong when they obtain or use
constructs in this study were above 0.80, with a bank product. They also tend to take some
some of them (for example, reliability, visible factors into consideration ± such as
empathy, and product convenience) being promotion materials, introductory bulletins
about 0.9. In addition, the discriminant for bank products, and service facilities. We
validity of the scales was evaluated for all therefore modified our model by adding these
possible paired combinations of the two new relationships. The consequent
constructs and all 2 differences were goodness-of-fit indices are shown, and
significant, demonstrating good discriminant compared with those in the preliminary
validity for all scales. model, in Table III.
It is clear that the fit statistics for the revised
Structural equation models for model were more favourable than those in the
hypotheses testing preliminary model. Accordingly, each
According to our hypotheses, a preliminary hypothesis was tested via the path coefficients
model was developed (see Figure 1). of the revised structural equation model. This
However, the preliminary model had a GFI of demonstrated that most of the preliminary
0.792, AGFI of 0.755, and CFI of 0.883 hypotheses were supported by significant path
(which were below the recommended coefficients (see Table IV). As Table IV
minimum levels), and an RASEA of 0.077 shows, assurance had the most important
(which was above the maximum level of positive impact on customer perceived service
0.05). This indicated that further quality (the standardized path coefficient was
modification might be required. By checking 0.534), with responsiveness coming the
modification indices, we found that there second (standardized path coefficient of
were strong relationships between reliability 0.228), and tangible the third (standardized
and overall product quality, and between path coefficient of 0.197). These results
tangible and overall product quality. indicate that H1a, H1c and H1d were strongly
Another focus group was organized with supported. However, in neither the
three bank branch managers, two experts, and preliminary model nor the revised model was
ten customers. This concluded that both there any empirical support for the positive
reliability and tangible are important factors impact of reliability or empathy on customer
of product quality when customers assess the perceived service quality (as proposed by H1b
latter as a whole. In fact, when speaking of and H1e). This result differs from the findings
bank product quality, Chinese customers of Parasuraman et al. (1988, 1991). In their

Figure 1 Structural equation model with proposed relationships

The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

Table III Fit statistics for revised model and preliminary model planned to switch to another bank because
 /df RMSEA they preferred that bank's broader product
variety and features. In contrast, we did not
Preliminary model 0.792 0.755 0.828 0.883 2.71 0.077
find any evidence to support H2b. This
Revised model 0.854 0.824 0.889 0.947 1.809 0.053
insignificant impact of product convenience
on overall product quality might perhaps have
studies, reliability was found to be the most
been a result of the geographical over-
important factor in influencing service
expansion of branches of the four major
quality. This might be due to the fact that
commercial banks in China at the beginning
service quality and product quality were
of the 1990s, which has meant that it is really
combined together into an integrated model rather easy to find a branch in the big cities of
in our study, and were considered China. In these circumstances, product
simultaneously in our study, whereas convenience loses its ability to drive product
Parasuraman et al., focused on service quality quality significantly.
alone. The other possible explanation of the It is also of interest that the current study
insignificant influence of empathy on overall found reliability to be one of the key drivers of
service quality is that most customers in product quality (although, as noted above, we
China might not be as mature and critical as did not find any evidence to support the
those in developed countries as a result of the influence of reliability on customer perceived
deep influence of the long-term monopoly in service quality). This implies that more
the banking industry in China. At present, reliable bank offerings produced higher
they place more value on basic service perceived product quality. Based on our
qualities (such as assurance and preliminary model and the revised model,
responsiveness). However, the situation is tangible was the most important influencing
changing, and will change more rapidly and factor of product quality, followed by
fundamentally in the near future now that reliability and product availability.
China has become a member of the WTO and Finally, our structural equation models also
as more foreign competition is brought in. In indicate the significant influence of overall
the long run, empathy will inevitably become service quality and overall product quality on
one of the most important factors of service bank reputation (the standardized path
quality as customers in China become more coefficients being 0.549 and 0.469
demanding. respectively) ± which means that H3a and
Furthermore, the significant path H3b are also supported.
coefficient of product availability in Table IV In addition, the magnitude of R2 values for
shows that H2a was strongly supported (the latent endogenous variables shows that our
standardized path coefficient was 0.217 and revised model has strong explanation power.
significant) ± which indicates that product For example:
availability was one of the key drivers of . overall product quality and service quality
overall product quality. And this corresponds explain 83.6 percent of the variance in
with the fact that some bank customers reputation;

Table IV Results of hy[otheses testing

Hypotheses Relationships path coefficient p-values Results
H1a Overall service quality tangible 0.197 0.001 Supported
H1b Overall service quality reliability 0.285 0.332 Not supported
H1c Overall service quality responsiveness 0.228 0.048 Supported
H1d Overall service quality assurance 0.534 0.000 Supported
H1e Overall service quality empathy 0.049 0.635 Not supported
H2a Overall product quality product availability 0.217 0.026 Supported
H2b Overall product quality product convenience 0.232 0.322 Not supported
H3a Bank reputation overall service quality 0.549 0.000 Supported
H3b Bank reputation overall product quality 0.469 0.000 Supported
New added Overall product quality reliability 0.303 0.006 Supported
New added Overall product quality tangible 0.413 0.000 Supported

The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

. tangible, responsiveness, and assurance Second, although our findings agree with
account for 90 percent of the variance in most of the previous research findings in the
overall service quality; and field of service quality, we did not find any
. tangible and reliability explain 68.6 significant support for the impact of reliability
percent of the variance of overall product and empathy on overall service quality.
quality. Comparatively, we find that there is a
significant relationship between reliability and
overall product quality, and a stronger
Conclusions and implications influence of tangible on overall product
quality than that on overall service quality.
Our models disclose that both service quality Therefore, both managers and researchers
and product quality have a significant should be more careful in taking the five
influence on bank reputation. The models dimensions of SERVPERF or SERVQUAL
also distinguish specific antecedents of service as key drivers of service quality when they are
and product quality, even though it is considering service quality and product
sometimes difficult, in practice, to draw a quality simultaneously in one model in
clear line between products and services in practice. For example, if they identify service
the banking industry. It is therefore important quality as the key driver of bank reputation to
for any retail bank in China to take effective be improved given the relative poor level of
measures to improve both service quality and performance, it is hardly convincing if they
product quality if they are to build and plan to make any investment in the
enhance their reputations and thus attract a improvement of reliability since it contribute
larger share of profitable customers and less, if nothing, to overall service quality
maintain a sustainable competitive advantage perceived by customers based on the evidence
in the long run. of our model. Furthermore, as we have
Although these findings are based on confirmed, not all the antecedents contribute
evidence from the banking industry in China, equally to quality, and their contributions
they are helpful in other service industries as might be subject to variation in different
well (such as retailing, insurance and the industries and different countries at different
mobile communications industry). However, times. For example, in the retail banking
the following should always be kept in mind. industry in China, assurance and
First, in view of the fact that services and responsiveness are the two most important
products almost always co-exist, managers drivers of overall service quality, and tangible
can benefit by making a distinction between and reliability are the two most significant
services and products, and by acknowledging drivers of overall product quality currently.
their respective antecedents and the These should therefore be the focus of
distinctive contributions to the building of a management activities nowadays.
positive reputation. It is widely agreed in all Third, with respect to product quality
manufacturing industries, and in most service improvement ± a field usually neglected in
industries, that improvement in service service industries ± more attention should be
quality will certainly contribute to a positive given to reliability, tangible factors and
reputation. However, product quality should product availability. Increasing attention has
also become a priority of managers if they are been paid to service quality and related
to build a strong reputation for their firms. factors in recent times, and it is not unusual to
This is because customers value products as find major competitors providing similar
well as services in the course of accumulating services by imitating one other ± while
a judgment over time about quality ± which neglecting factors such as product availability.
determines the effectiveness of the reputation- For example, although the competition
building activities of a firm, especially in among domestic banks is intense, and
service industries (Nguyen and Leblanc, although they are struggling to improve their
2001). Therefore, managers must try to services, some banks have begun to realize a
distinguish the specific roles that service weakness in terms of product availability ±
quality and product quality play in building a that is, in product variety and features ± when
reputation and, when available resources are they benchmark their products against the
scarce, emphasize whichever of these has best of foreign competitors. Product
stronger influence. availability and product convenience should
The antecedents of service quality and product quality Managing Service Quality
Yonggui Wang, Hing-P. Lo and Yer V. Hui Volume 13 . Number 1 . 2003 . 72-83

be the important antecedents of product service industries. In addition, with the

quality and they sometimes interact with each increasingly important role of customer value
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by the opening of new branches has made it studies. Finally, the extension of our study to
convenient enough for customers to get what include business customers would also
they want from the nearest bank branch. And represent a potentially interesting challenge.
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