Technical Specification 150917

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Technical Specification Page 1


Sl. No. Description Page no.

1 CIVIL 3 - 235




7 LANDSCAPE 427 - 437
8 LIFT 438 – 465
9 FIRE FIGHTING 466 – 556
10 HVAC 557 – 593


Technical Specification Page 2


1 Excavation

Site Work

Subsurface Investigation

1.1 General
Contractor shall be deemed to have visited the site prior to submitting his Bid and made
all necessary inspection and investigations and to have decided for himself the means of
access and working space, the nature of the ground and subsoil, if any, level of water
table, extent of rock demolitions, alterations, support of neighboring properties, etc.

a. Related work
a) Clearing, grubbing and removing all vegetation from the site.
b) Excavation including getting out, and necessary dressing to make surface ready to
receive blinding.
c) Filling and back filling and compaction of fills
d) Removal and disposal of surplus material.
e) Stone soling to roads and paving.

The Contractor shall provide all labour, equipment, materials and any incidentals
necessary to complete all aspects of work included in the drawings and specifications.

b. Applicable Standards:
The following standards shall be followed:

a. IS: 3764-Safety Code for Excavation Work.

b. IS: 1498- Classification and identification of soils for general engineering purposes.
c. British Standard 1377-Methods of test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes.
d. British Standard 5930- Code of Practice for Site Investigations.
e. SP27 Handbook of method of measurement of building works.
f. Local Building Regulations and Statutory Regulations.

c. Definitions
Clear: The removal of trees, scrub and artificial obstructions including fences, concrete
slabs, kerb and channel, remains of old buildings and the like.

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Grub: The removal of tree stumps and roots.

Top soil: Topsoil is all surface soils, which have sufficient humus to support plant growth
without resort to artificial fertilization.

Cut: A general term for ‘in place’ material removed by digging from the ground. The
term ‘excavation’ or derivatives thereof may be used interchangeably.

Fill: A general term for material spread and compacted over the ground to make up
finished levels or levels to sub-grade. The term ‘Embankment’ or derivatives thereof
may be used interchangeably.

Sub-Grade: The finished, trimmed and prepared surface of the earth works after
completion of all cut and fills operations. The term ‘formation level’ or derivatives
thereof may be used interchangeably.

Sub-Base: A selected filling layer spread and compacted over the sub-grade to make up
levels to the underside of the base course or floor slab.

Base course: A selected filling layer spread and compacted to levels immediately below
road wearing course.

Spoil: Excess cut material remaining at the end of filling operations.

Bulk Earthworks: Earthworks to create, by excavation and/or filling and compacting,

building platforms, road formations, parking areas, reservoir, embankments, drainage
canals or any other formation where the unimpeded use of large earthmoving
equipment is possible. This is distinct from backfill of trenches, foundations or other
earthworks immediately adjacent to completed or partially completed structures.

1.2 Site Preparation

1.2.1 Site Inspection – Preamble

Any Site details or site information included in the Contract documents or Drawings are
provided for the Contractor’s guidance only. The information provided may not be a
complete or accurate description of conditions existing below the surface of the ground.
The correctness of the information is not guaranteed and the Contractor shall be
responsible to make its own interpretation of sub-surface conditions.

Technical Specification Page 4

The Contractor shall visit the site, examine the boreholes, and decide for himself the
nature of the ground and the subsoil to be excavated. No claim for extra payment will
be entertained because of any misunderstanding, incorrect information, assumptions,
or ignorance of existing conditions.

1.2.2 Site Quality Control

The Contractor shall provide in his quality assurance programme information to show
that a system will be used to ensure that all works carried out under this section
(including any done by sub - Contractor) will comply with all the requirements of this

1.3 Antiquities
Any ancient carvings, relics, coins or other curiosities discovered during the excavation
or other work shall remain the property of the owner and shall be handed over to the
owner as required under the General Conditions of Contract.

1.4 Setting Out and Clearing of the Site - Rates to Include.

The Contractor shall set out the building or other involved works after clearing the site
and get the same approved from employers representatives. It shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor to install substantial reference marks, bench marks etc
and maintain them as long as required by the Project Manager/Client. The Contractor
shall assume full responsibility for proper setting out, alignment, elevation and
dimension of each and all parts of the work.
1.5 Benchmarks and Setting Out
The Contractor shall engage a qualified surveyor to establish permanent benchmarks in
suitable locations around the site. These benchmarks shall enable the Contractor to set
out the location of all buildings, paths, roads, utility lines, storm water drains and all
other portions of the Contract work.
If an error in setting out causes some portion of the work to be constructed in the
wrong location, or to the wrong dimensions, the Contractor shall make good the
incorrect work at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Project Manager/Client.
The Contractor shall be liable for any consequential loss experienced by the Client.

1.6 Excavation Classification

a. Excavate foundation from existing ground level to the formation levels shown in

Technical Specification Page 5

b. Excavation to pit working level.
c. Earthworks outside property line.
d. Excavation, compaction and backfill to plinth and service trenches.

1.6.1 Related Works

a. Site clearance, layout and preparation

b. Dewatering, shoring and strutting.
c. Cast-in-Situ Concrete Excavation in Hard Rock

Blasting of rock is not allowed and if necessary rock cutting shall be carried out by
chemical splitting and mechanical means.

1.6.2 Classification of Soil / Rocks:

a. Soils: Material such as sand, gravel, loam, clay, mud, black cotton, moorum, shingle,
river or nullah bed boulders, disintegrated rock, soling of roads, paths, hardcore,
macadam surface of any description (water bound, routed tarmac etc.) lime
concrete mud concrete or any combination of these. This class of material will yield
to the application of picks, shovels, or any other manual digging implements.

b. Ordinary Rock: Material such as limestone, sand stone, laterite, hard conglomerate.
This is any material that will not yield to manual implements, but is capable of being
excavated by conventional earthmoving plant applicable to the site and the
distances that material has to be moved. The use of a pusher unit or small crawler
tractor with ripper to facilitate excavation shall be considered as part of
conventional plant.

c. The Contractor may with the written permission of the Project Manager/Client
resort to a small amount of blasting to loosen any of this material but this action
will not in any way entitle the material to be classified as ‘Hard Rock”.

Technical Specification Page 6

d. Hard Rock: Any rock or boulder the excavation of which requires blasting. Such
materials include quartzite, granite, basalt, reinforced cement concrete
(reinforcement to be cut through but not separated from concrete) located below
ground level.

e. Hard Rock (blasting prohibited): Hard rock as described at c) above but where the
blasting is prohibited for any reason and excavation has to be carried out by
chiseling. Wedging or any other method agreed to by the Project Manager/Client.

1.6.3 Classification of Soils - Rates to Include:

Excavation in all types of soil comprising any of the following:

a. Vegetable or Organic soil, turf, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, peat, black cotton soil,
soft shale or loose murrum.

b. Any mixture of soils in above.

c. Mud concrete below ground level.

d. Generally any material which yields to the ordinary application of excavation


e. Stiff heavy clay, hard shale, or compacted murrum requiring close application of
excavation equipment.

f. Soft rock

g. Gravel and cobble stone usually rounded, having maximum dimension in one
direction of 300mm.

1.7 Method of Excavation - Rates to Include:

If the excavation is carried out to a greater depth than specified, extra depth shall be
made up by filling with lean concrete in a ratio of 1:4:8 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand: 8
stone graded aggregate of 40 mm size) or as directed by the employers representatives.
The cost of such extra excavation and of the filling therein as specified shall be borne by
the Contractor. No extra claims whatsoever will be entertained in this regard. The
bottom of excavation shall be trimmed, leveled, rammed and sides dressed and
trimmed in accordance with the drawings/directions of the Project Manager/Client. The

Technical Specification Page 7

Contractor shall ensure that excavation is to be carried out as indicated on the drawings
with sufficient working space to permit erection of forms, shoring, inspection of
foundations and any other activity likely to be carried out below ground level. All ramps
for excavation except one will be cleared before completion (unless specifically noted
otherwise) and made good before final completion. One ramp as directed by the Project
Manager/Client will be left to enable access for the other Contractor. Contractor shall
advise Project Manager/Client when excavation is ready to receive concrete. No
concrete shall be placed in foundation until the Contractor has achieved Project
Manager/Client’s approval that a secure foundation has been prepared.

The Contractor shall ensure proper methods are adopted to control the creation of
Dust. Method adopted shall be approved by the Project Manager/Client.

1.8 Excavation and Preparation for Concreting:

Excavation shall include removal of all materials of whatever nature at all depths and
whether wet or dry necessary for the construction foundation and substructure
(including mass excavation for under ground reservoir where applicable) exactly in
accordance with lines, levels grades and curves shown in the drawing or as directed by
the Project Manager/Client. The bottom of excavation shall be leveled both
longitudinally and transversely or Sloped as directed by the Project Manager/Client.

Should the Contractor excavate to a greater depth or width than shown on the
drawings, then as directed by the employers representatives he shall at his own expense
fill the extra depth or width in cement concrete in proportion as directed by the Project
Manager/Client but in no case with concrete of mix leaner than 1:4:8 cement concrete.

The Contractor shall report to the Project Manager/Client when the excavations are
ready to receive concrete. No concrete shall be placed in foundations until the
Contractor has obtained Project Manager/Client approval in case, the excavation is done
through different strata of soil and if the same is payable as per provision in the
Schedule of Quantities the Contractor shall get the dimensions of the strata decided by
the Project Manager/Client for payment. If no specific provisions are made in the
Schedule of Quantities it will be presumed that excavation shall be in all types of soil
and other material and the Contractor's rate shall cover for the same.

After the excavation is passed by the Project Manager/Client and before laying the
concrete, the Contractor shall get the depth and dimensions of excavation and levels
(and nature of strata as applicable as per Schedule of Quantities like hard rock, soft rock
etc) and measurements recorded from the Project Manager/Client. Excavated pit should

Technical Specification Page 8

have adequate clearance from the face of concrete and all faces to have adequate
working space.

1.9 Stacking of Excavated Materials:

All materials excavated will remain the property of the Project Manager/Client and rate
for excavation includes sorting out of useful materials and stacking them on site as
directed but with a safe distance from the edge of excavation to avoid collapse/
shielding of excavated area. Materials suitable and useful for back filling, plinth filling or
leveling of the plot or other use shall be stacked in convenient place but not in such a
way as to obstruct free movement of men, animals and vehicles or encroach on the area
required for constructional purposes.

1.10 Disposal / Carting of Surplus Earth - Rates to Include:

Top layer of hard soil free from vegetation, spoils, rocks, boulders for a quantity of
approximately 15% of the total excavated earth quantity shall be stocked at locations as
directed by the Project Manager/Client for re-use up to a distance of 300m from the
periphery of the buildings. The remaining excavated earth, except for the hard rock
excavated, shall be disposed off including lifting out, transportation to locations
approved by local bodies, Government agencies or as directed by the Project
Manager/Client, as the case may be.

The Contractor is responsible for finding suitable dumping yard and for the removal of
all sub grade obstructions, whether indicated or not, wherever it is likely to interfere
with execution and completion of the Project is deemed to be included in its rates.
Project document to be maintained as per Client/Project Manager instructions.

All surplus and unusable earth shall be carted out and disposed off outside the Site but
at a location approved by local authority and confirming to their specifications. The
Contractor shall quote its rate for disposing off or carting away the item considering
requirements and standards of the local authority with whose permission surplus and
unusable earth shall have to be disposed off.

1.11 Dewatering:
Rate for excavation shall include bailing or pumping out water which may accumulate in
the excavation during the progress of work either from seepage, rain water or any other
cause and for diverting surface flow, if any by bunds or other means. Pumping out water
shall be done in such approved manner as to preclude the possibility of any damage to
the foundation trench, concrete or masonry or any adjacent structure inside or outside
the wall front. When water is met in foundation trenches or in tank excavation, pumping
out water shall be from auxiliary pit of adequate size dug slightly outside the building
excavations. The depth of auxiliary pit shall be more than the working foundation

Technical Specification Page 9

trenches / levels. The auxiliary pit shall be refilled with approved excavated materials
after the dewatering is over.

The Contractor shall adopt an appropriate method of dewatering work and shall submit
its proposal for carrying out the dewatering work for the approval of the Project
Manager/Client. The water shall be pumped continuously to keep the water level at a
minimum of two 2’ (feet) below the lowest point of excavation level. The operation
shall be continued until the entire excavation has been completed so as to ensure the
excavation is always dry. Scope of work under this contract to be carried till handing
over of project.Dewatering at site shall be carried out by the contractor without any
additional cost

Adequate number of pumps shall be deployed to ensure a continuous dewatering


Power / Fuel required for the operation of pumps etc shall be provided and paid for by
the Contractor .Electrically operated pumps are to be used to control sound pollution.

Softening of the bottom of excavation will not be allowed. If softening occurs due to
weather or any other source, the Contractor shall remove the affected area and replace
as specified and directed by the Project Manager/Client at no extra cost.

Necessary grading, trenching and temporary sumps shall be made around excavations
as required to prevent water runoff into excavation and to ensure proper protection to
slopes from erosion.

The excavation shall be kept free from water:

a. During inspection and measurement

b. From start to completion of concreting till they come above existing ground.
c. Till the Project Manager/Client considers that the concrete is sufficiently set.
d. Till the underground reservoir is tested for water tightness.

1.12 Shoring and Strutting - Rates to Include:

The Contractor shall uphold the faces of excavation work to retain the earth, if required,
at locations where considered necessary. Shoring and strutting shall be erected
depending on nature of soil and the work. The arrangement of shoring and strutting
including sizes and spacing of member used shall be approved by the Project
Manager/Client. All such necessary work, including but not limited to making /
preserving / maintaining adequate slopes, necessary precautions, etc for ensuring safety
of workmen below natural ground level shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. No
extra charges shall be admissible on this account. Similarly the Contractor shall be
responsible to protect the bottom of excavation from weather.

Technical Specification Page 10

1.13 Protection - Rates to Include
The excavated area shall be surrounded by strong barricaded safety barriers made of
wooden posts three to four (3 to 4) inches in diameter and cross planks/
runners/corrugated sheets shall be erected to a height of 1.2m all around the
excavation with reflective tapes and necessary lighting at night all as shown on
drawings. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of the
excavation, persons working, tools and plants working in and near the excavation pits,
property and people in the vicinity.

Protection and maintenance of all bench marks axis points and other similar reference
points if disturbed and/ or damaged, to be replaced by the Contractor at no extra cost
to the Client.

Location of existing utility lines; if shown on the drawings, is only approximate and only
for interpretation. The Contractor shall be responsible of their protection during the
duration of the Contract without causing any damage, dislocation, injury and/ or
interruption to these utility services. If so, to be replaced/ restored to their original
status at the Contractor's own cost.

All the temporary roads, constructions etc shall be made and maintained according to
the provisions of this Contract and as per the instructions of the Project Manager/Client
upon the completion of this Contract, the Contractor shall remove after getting the
approval from the Project Manager/Client all such temporary roads, structures, etc. and
restore the area in its original condition without any extra cost.

Sufficient safety signs /board to be placed in the site premises and all the safety
precautions should be strictly maintained.

1.14 Earthwork – Fills

1.14.1 General filling:

1. Deposit in horizontal layers not exceeding 300 mm thick before compaction.

2. Where material is dry, wet each layer to its optimum moisture content for
compaction purposes.

Technical Specification Page 11

3. Where material is wet, delay compaction and placement of additional fill until
optimum moisture content is attained.

1.14.2 Structural filling:

Deposit in horizontal layers not exceeding 200 mm thick before compaction.

Each layer shall be uniformly moist and at the optimum moisture content for
compaction purposes.

1.14.3 Crushed stone:

Deposit in horizontal layers not exceeding 200 mm thick.

Deposit material so that it is free from lenses, pockets, streaks and other imperfections.

Consolidate using hand tamping, vibratory tampers or other approved methods.

1.14.4 Testing of fill materials:

i) Tests shall be executed by an independent testing agency.

ii) In executing tests comply with the following IS Standards.

a. Sampling

b. Sample preparation

c. Sieve analysis

d. Liquid limits

e. Plastic limit and plasticity index

f. Moisture content

g. Moisture density relationship

h. Sand equivalent

Technical Specification Page 12

i. Specific gravity

j. Sand core density

k. Rubber balloon density

l. Classification

iii) Carry out moisture density tests on representative samples prior to placing.

iv) Carry out gradation of materials prior to placing as the work proceeds.

v) Carry out site density tests of materials as the work proceeds and as follows:

1.14.5 Frequency of Tests

Structural Fill:

One test for each 500 sqm. Placed.

One test whenever there is a change of gradation or placement conditions.

General Fill:

One test for each 3000 sqm.placed.

One test whenever there is a change of gradation or placement conditions.

Execute site density tests for compaction at a minimum depth of 100 mm below
compacted surface.

Execute a full compaction test or a one-point compaction test in conjunction with each
site density determination.

Execute a gradation test with each site density test and whenever there is an apparent
change in material being placed.

Execute the following site density tests and laboratory moisture density tests to
evaluate compaction achieved:

Technical Specification Page 13

(i) One test for every 200-400 sqm of backfill in trenches or surrounding structures.

(ii) One test for every full shift of compaction operations on mass earthwork.

1.14.6 General and Structural Fill:

 To conform to gradation of well graded soil.

 To be free from plastic fines and weakly elemented lumps of sand.
 To be homogeneous and at the optimum moisture content for compaction purposes
when placed.

1.14.7 Crushed stone:

To consist of either:

 Durable crushed rock comprising angular fragments obtained by breaking and

crushing solid or shattered natural rock, or
 Durable crushed gravel stone obtained by artificial crushing of gravel, boulders, or
 Rubble soling 20 cm in height consisting of random granite stone/ available laterite
stone including filling in voids with durable crushed rock comprising angular
fragments and consolidating with mechanical ramming.

1.14.8 Water
Water used for compacting fill or for washing crushed stone shall be clean and free from
oil, grease, organic matter, suspended sediments and other deleterious substances.

1.14.9 Adjacent excavations:

Where an excavation encroaches below a line drawn at an angle of 60 Deg. from the
horizontal from the nearest formation level of another higher excavation, the lower
excavation, all work within it and backfilling thereto shall be completed before the
higher excavation is done.

Technical Specification Page 14 Excavated formations:

1. In made up ground excavate foundations down to a natural bearing formation of

undisturbed subsoil, unless otherwise instructed.
2. Obtain instructions if a natural bearing formation of undisturbed subsoil:
 Is obtained at a lesser depth than shown on the Drawings
 Is not obtained at the depth shown on the drawings.
3. If, after inspection, formation becomes unsuitable for any reason, excavate further
and backfill with approved material all at the Contractor's expense.

1.14.10 Treatment of formations generally:

Trim excavations to required profiles and levels.

Remove all loose material.

1.14.11 Excess excavation:

Backfill any excavations taken wider or deeper than required with mass concrete.

Where such excess excavation is carried out without approval, necessary extra
backfilling shall be at the Contractor's expense.

1.14.12 Proof Rolling under Fill Embankments

After removal of topsoil, the existing natural ground that will be under fill
embankments shall be scarified to a depth of not less than 150mm and compacted so
that the criteria called for on the specification are met.

1.14.13 Compaction Requirement

Technical Specification Page 15

The required compaction of fills which are deemed to be part of bulk earthworks shall
be achieved by a minimum number of passes of compaction plant. This plant shall
unless the Project Manager/Client specifically allows in writing, include type

a. For primary compaction, and may include either or both types.

b. Of the following listed types for the final compaction of the surface.

1. Vibratory roller of either double or single vibrating drum of not more than 3.2
tonne mass per meter of roll width having a vibration frequency of not less than 37
Hz. Vibrating roller not exceeding the above weight limit but of frequency less
than 37 Hz are approved providing the nominal amplitude does not exceed that
shown relative to the weight in tones per meter roll width in figure1 any other
vibrating roller specifically approved by the Project manager. Vibrating rollers of
less than 1 tonne per meter of roll width shall not be used to compact any layer of
fill of more than 175mm of un-compacted thickness.

2. Three wheel steel- tired rollers having rear rolls each at least 0.50m wide and
having not less than 4.5 tonne per meter of roll width.

3. Pneumatic tyred roller having a minimum weight when operating of not less than
seven tonne, spread over at least seven pneumatic tyred wheels.

For filling in inaccessible places or against structures, hand tamping or small vibratory
compaction equipment may be used with the approval of the Project Manager/Client.

Care must be taken during compaction to ensure that no gaps are formed between
adjacent layers.

Fill material shall be compacted to attain the densities as called for in the

As filling proceeds, test to verify the compaction being achieved shall be conducted.
Tests shall be done at a minimum frequency no less than one test per 150 cum. of fill
volume. Testing locations shall be distributed evenly throughout the fill volume and

Technical Specification Page 16

each layer area. The locations shall be to the satisfaction of the Project
Manager/Client and copies of the results of all tests shall be submitted to them
whether successful or not.

In the event that tests do not verify the minimum compaction requirements, the
whole of the area for which the test is representative shall be reworked and retested,
unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager/Client.

Where the Project Manager/Client is of the opinion that a specific area within an
embankment cannot compact to the specified density, he shall order alternative
improvement works.

The following references shall be used to confirm compliance:

Sampling BS 5930 (or as updated), IS 2720

Field Dry Density: BS 1377: Clause 4.4 Test 15 (or as updated)
“Determination of the dry density of soil on the
site – Sand replacement test”
Standard Maximum BS 1377: Clause 4.1 Test 12 (or as updated)
Dry Density: “Determination of dry density / moisture content
relationship” using 2. Kg rammer
Moisture Content: BS 1377: Clause 2.1 Test 1 (or as updated)

‘Determination of the moisture content – Standard”

1. Remove all suitable and excess material from areas to be filled.

2. Surface of ground with a gradient exceeding 1 in 5, which is to receive filling must
have horizontal benches cut to match the depths of compacted layers of filling.
3. Do not place fill until the formation has been inspected by the Project
Manager/Client. Give the Project Manager/Client at least 24 hours notice of when
formations will be ready for inspection.

Technical Specification Page 17

Compact filling after grading and leveling surfaces. Compact filling in layers, adding
any necessary extra fill and water, to attain the minimum dry densities as tabulated in
the table appended at the end of this Section.

Backfilling and compaction shall be undertaken under full-time presence of the

Contractor’s Supervisor, and each layer shall be got checked by the Project
Manager/Client. Further layers are not to be placed without the approval of the
Project Manager/Client.

Compact filling using vibratory plate, roller or other approved (mechanical)

equipment, making the required number of passes with the equipment to obtain
specified densities. Each trip of equipment shall overlap the previous trip by 500mm.

If selected earth kept aside as per the provisions is not sufficient for the back filling,
the Contractor, with its own cost, shall bring in good quality earth, murrum etc. from
borrow pits, either approved at the site and/ or elsewhere by the Project
Manager/Client. The cost of developing and reinstating the same after use as per the
directions of the Project Manager/Client and/or local laws prevailing for such borrow
pits, loading, transporting and re-handling of earth/ murrum etc. deemed to have
been included in its rates by the Contractor.

The Contractor at its own cost rectify and / or restore the damage (s) occurred due to
improper backfill and compaction done by it.

If any settlement occurs due to improper backfill and compaction and/ or cracks
developing in the sub-structure/ super structure works due to the same, the
Contractor shall make good its damages/ defects at no extra cost to the Client.

The Contractor at its own cost protect by bracing the basement walls till the proper
back filling and compaction are completed with the satisfaction of the Project
Manager/Client and complying with the conditions of the Contract and Technical

Technical Specification Page 18

Specifications. The Contractor shall also undertake and execute the patching of the
basement wall after removal of such bracing at no extra cost.

All the back filling and compaction works shall be of acceptable standard to both the
Project Manager/Client and the Structural Engineer.

The Contractor shall include in its rates the cost of removal of debris/ rubbish etc.
from the bottom of the basement wall prior to back filling.

Schedule:Curve No. 1: To be referred.

Table for compaction requirements

Fill Materials Min. Min. Min.

Passes Energy* Compaction

General Fill 3 4550 Kg 90%

Structural Fill:

Confined spaces 4 1150 Kg 95%

Open spaces 3 4450 Kg 95%

Crushed stone:

Confined spaces 4 1150 Kg -

Open spaces 3 4450 Kg -

Catch 3 4450 Kg 95%


a. Forces applied for compaction shall be dynamic or impact loads.

b. Specified percentages of compaction shall be related to the maximum dry density
at the optimum moisture content as established by and verified on site by.
c. Correct field density to account for stone material larger than 19 mm in
accordance with suggested methods.

Technical Specification Page 19

1.15 Rates to Include for Excavation Items

Apart from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this Contract, rates for the item of
excavation shall also include for the following:

a. Clearing site.
b. Setting out works as required.
c. Providing shoring and shuttering to avoid sliding of soil and to protect adjacent
structures and subsequently by removing the same.
d. Collection of excavated spoil and Sorting out useful excavated materials and
conveying beyond the structure and stacking them neatly on the site for back
filling or re-use as directed.
e. Bailing and pumping out water as required and directed.
f. Excavation at all depth (unless otherwise specified in the Schedule of Quantities)
and removal of all materials of whatever nature wet or dry and necessary for the
construction of foundation underground reservoir etc and preparing bed for
laying concrete.
g. Necessary protection including labour, materials, and equipment to ensure
safety and protection against risk or accident.
h. Drilling of small holes as directed to explore the nature of substratum if

1.16 Measurement for Excavation

Excavation for foundation of columns, beams, walls and the like shall be measured
and paid net as per drawing, dimensions of concrete (bed concrete where so
specified) at the lowest level in regard to length and breadth and depth shall be
computed from the concerned excavation levels and ground levels taken before
excavation. Any additional excavation required for working space, planking
dewatering and strutting etc. shall not be measured and paid for separately but rates
quoted for excavation shall include for all these factors. No increase in bulk after
excavation shall be made.

Prior to start of Project the Contractor shall verify and approve the block levels and
benchmarks established for the entire Site and sign in acceptance of the same. In case
of any discrepancy the same shall be checked and will be recorded and agreed after

Technical Specification Page 20

cross verification at the Site jointly by the Contractor and the Project Manager/Client.
The above established benchmarks and ground levels will be the basis for computing
the quantum of excavation.

After site clearance a joint survey by the Contractor and the Project Manager/Client
will be carried out to establish ground levels before excavation which will be the basis
for computing quantities.

On completion of excavation, a joint survey will be carried out at the Contractor’s cost
to establish the excavated levels and ascertain if the work is as per Drawings and
Specifications with respect to depth and area. The portions excavated for working
space, slopes as shown on drawings will not be measured for payment. Extra portions
excavated, due to the Contractor’s working method, if any, will not be measured or
paid. No extra claims whatsoever will be entertained in this respect.

The method adopted for computing volumes shall be as per Simpson’s Rule.
Deductions for rock excavation quantity computed as specified will be made from
excavation in soil.

1.17 Rates to include for Backfilling Item

Apart from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this Contract, rates for the item of
backfilling item of work shall also include for the following:

a. Backfilling the trenches along side masonry or concrete with approved excavated
materials up to the natural ground level in layers as specified including watering
and ramming.
b. Earth filling in plinth: If there is approved surplus earth after backfilling the sides of
excavations, the same will be used for plinth filling if required. Any additional
approved earth if required for plinth filling the same shall be brought on the site,
by the Contractor from outside. No borrow pits shall be opened on the Site; Filling
in plinth shall be done in layers of 15cm thick each layer being consolidated by

Technical Specification Page 21

ramming and watering. The payment of back filling item shall be made on
measurement of finished consolidated quantity.
Soling used as sub-base

1.17.1 Location
Soling shall be constructed under floors and other areas where shown n the

1.17.2 Soling Materials

The size of stones to used soling shall not be more than 120mm, nor less than 50 mm
when measured in any direction, and their height shall be equal to the proposed soling
course depth of 75mm +/-25mm.

1.17.3 Preparation of the Sub-grade before laying soling

The top level of the sub-grade shall be lower than the level of the underside of the
floor or other structure, to be built over it, by a distance equal to the combine depth
of soling and metalling (due allowance being made for consolidation). The depth of
the soling shall be 75mm but to achieve this finished depth, an initial loose layer of
approximately 100mm will be necessary.

1.17.4 Laying and packing the soling stones

A layer of sand or small size gravel 50mm thick shall be spread and consolidated on
the sub-grade surface prepared.

The stones for soling shall be of a height equal to the required thickness of soling.
Their length or breadth shall not be greater than twice the soling thickness. This
means that the stones would pass through a ring 180mm in diameter but not a ring
100mm in diameter.

Soling stone shall be hand packed as close as possible with their broadest side
downward and greatest length across the road. Gauge pegs shall be driven at close
intervals to indicate the required thickness of the soling. The joints between stones
shall be placed at the edges of the area to be covered. All interstices between stones
shall be wedged in with smaller stones, well driven into achieve tight packing and
complete filling of the interstices. Consolidation of the soling

The soling shall be thoroughly consolidated with mechanical rollers of 8 to 10 tonne
weight starting at the edges and working towards the center. If the soling is to have a
cross fall the rolling shall commence at the lowest edge and work over and up to the
upper edge. Rollers shall pass over the same surface at least 8 times to ensure that

Technical Specification Page 22

the soling is well consolidated. The top surface shall be checked frequently to make
sure that it conforms to the design grade and level.

Vibratory compactors may be used, if approved by the Consultants / Project

Manager/Client instead of mechanical rollers. For areas where access is difficult or
restricted heavy hand rammers and hand rollers may be used if approval for this has
been obtained from the Consultants / Project Manager/Client.


Related Work

a. Concrete Formwork
b. Concrete Reinforcement
c. Concrete Finishing
d. Sealants

2.1.a Applicable Standards

IS - 299 Specification for Ordinary, rapid hardening and low heat Portland Cement

IS - 455 Specification for Portland blast furnace slag Cement

IS - 1489 Specification for Portland Pozzolona Cement

IS - 4031 Method of physical tests for hydraulic Cement

IS - 650 Specification for Standard sand for testing of Cement

IS - 383 Specification for Coarse and Fine aggregate for use in mass concrete

IS - 515 Specification for natural and manufactured aggregate for use in mass

IS - 2387 Method of test for aggregates for concrete.

IS - 516 Methods of test for strength of concrete.

IS - 1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete

IS - 3025 Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water used in

Technical Specification Page 23


IS - 2645 Specification for integral cement water proofing compounds

IS - 1791 Specification for batch type concrete mixers

IS - 2438 Specification for roller pan mixer

IS - 2505 Specification for concrete vibrators, immersion type

IS - 2506 Specification for screed board concrete vibrator

IS - 2514 Specification for concrete vibrating tables

IS - 3344 Specification for pan vibrators

IS - 4656 Specification for form vibrators

IS - 2722 Specification for portable swing weigh batchers for concrete (single & double
bucket type)

IS - 456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

IS - 1343 Code of practice for prestressed concrete

IS - 457 Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced concrete for
dams and other massive structures.

IS - 3370 Code of practice for concrete (Part I to IV structures for storage of liquids

IS - 3935 Code of practice for composite construction

IS - 3201 Criteria for design and construction of precast concrete trusses.

IS - 2204 Code of practice for construction of reinforced concrete shell roof.

IS - 2210 Criteria for the design of R.C. shell structures and folded plates.

IS - 3558 Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators for consolidating concrete

IS - 3414 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings

IS - 2571 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring

Technical Specification Page 24

IS IS IS - Code Code of practice for design and construction of foundations in soils

IS I I IS - C Cod Code of practice for design and construction of Raft foundations


IS IS IS - Code Code of practice for ductile detailing of reinforcement concrete

13920 structure subjected to seismic forces.


a. Water / Cement Ratio:

The ratio by weight of water to cement in a mix expressed as a decimal fraction.
Water being that which is free to combine with cement, including free water in
aggregate but excluding that.

b. Hot Weather:
Shade air temperature of 37o C and higher.

Quality Assurance

a. Supervising staff shall have qualifications and experience specified in the Contract.
b. The following tests shall be carried out by the approved agency:
 Testing preliminary test cubes;
 Testing work test cubes;
 Testing in situ concrete at site by hammer test, ultrasonic tests and core tests.
c. Standards: Comply with the following codes, specifications and standards and as
shown on the drawings.
 IS 456: 2000 - Specifications for plain and reinforced concrete.
 ii.IS 269:1976 or latest amendment - Specifications for ordinary and low heat
Portland cement.



Slide bearings


Technical Specification Page 25


All materials used in the works shall be of best quality of their respective kind as
specified herein, obtained from suppliers and sources approved by the Structural
Consultant and shall comply strictly to tests instructed by the Structural Consultant /
Project Manager/Client, and where tests are not laid out, with the requirements of the
latest issue of the relevant Indian Standard.

Test Certificate

All manufacturer’s test certificates, proof sheets, etc showing that the materials have
been tested in accordance with the requirements of the specification and of the
approved Indian Standard(s) are to be supplied free of charge on request to the Project


Cement shall be of Portland type /PPC and shall comply of IS: 269. The cement used
shall be of approved manufacture and the sources of supply shall not be changed
without approval of the Consultants / Project Manager/Client.

It shall be received in bags of 50 kg each confirming to IS 2580,IS 11652, or IS-11633- or

IS-12174. The bags shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name or its registered
trademark, if any, type of cement and grade legibly and each batch shall be
accompanied by a Test Certificate from the factory.
Samples shall be taken immediately on receipt of cement at about one sample per 1000
bags. Tests shall be carried out on fineness, initial and final setting time and
compressive strength as per IS:4031 and result verified by the Project Manager/Client
before use in the permanent works. Samples shall be taken immediately on receipt of
cement at site. Sampling shall be as per IS 3535.

Stacking and Storage of Cement

Cement shall be stored in such location so as to prevent deterioration due to moisture.

A dry and waterproof shed called as “cement godown” shall be best suited for this. Bags
shall be stacked on rigid waterproof platforms about 15 to 20 cm clear above the floor.
Flooring of the shed shall consist of the two layers of dry bricks laid on a well
consolidated earth to avoid contact of cement bags with the floor. It shall also be 35 to

Technical Specification Page 26

45 cm clear from the surrounding walls. A maximum high stack of Ten (10) bags is
permitted. The bags, shall be arranged in header and stretcher fashion. Stacks shall be
so arranged that the first batches are used first, and so that they permit easy access for
inspection and handling.

The size and dimensions of the cement godown shall get to be approved, before its
construction, from the Project Manager/Client.

For extra safety during monsoon, or when cement is expected to be stored for an
unusually long period, each stack shall be completely enclosed by a waterproofing
membrane, such as polyethylene which shall cover the top of the stack. Care shall be
taken to see that the stored cement is not damaged at any time during the use.

Storage of the cement at the Site shall be at the Contractor’s expense and risk. Any
damage occurring to cement due to faulty storage in the cement godown or on account
of negligence on its part, shall be the liability of the Contractor.


a. To be crushed naturally occurring materials conforming to IS: 383-All physical

properties and grading parameters must conform to this code.
b. Aggregate, 95% of which shall be retained on 4.75 mm test sieve.
c. Aggregate shall be from crush granite, quartzite, trap, and basalt quarries.
d. Free from soft friable thin porous laminated or flaky pieces.
e. Free and clean from dust and foreign matters, namely injurious amounts of
disintegrated pieces, alkali, vegetable matters and other deleterious substances.
f. Shall be chemically inert when mixed with cement.
g. The aggregate shall not contain any material that will attack the reinforcement.
The maximum quantities of deleterious materials in coarse aggregates shall not
exceed the limits laid down as per IS:2386 (Part I & II)
h. Shall be angular in shape
i. Maximum size of the aggregate shall be 20mm.
j. Shall have a minimum Specific gravity of 2.6(Standard surface dry basis)
k. When stone aggregate or gravel is brought to the site single sized (ungraded), it
shall be mixed with single sized aggregates of different sizes in the proportion to
be determined by the field tests to obtain graded aggregate or specified nominal
size. The Contractor is deemed to have included the cost for above in its rates.

Course aggregates shall be measured in stacks and adjustment shall be made by

deducting seven and half (7.5) per cent of gross measurements of stacks in respect of
aggregate of nominal size 40 mm and above. No deduction from the gross

Technical Specification Page 27

measurements of the stacks is to be made in respect of aggregates of nominal size
below 40 mm.

Course aggregates brought to site shall be washed clean if required and as directed by
the Project Manager/Client.

Fine Aggregate

a. Shall be washed dry sand and shall confirm to IS: 383 between Grading Zone I and
II for structural concrete.
b. Shall pass through IS sieve 4.75mm test sieve leaving a residue not more than 5%
c. Shall not contain any traces of silt, and the sand shall be thoroughly washed with
water so as to bring the percentage of silt content within the prescribed limit.
Nothing extra is payable to Contractor on this account.
d. Fine aggregates shall be so stacked as to prevent dust and foreign matter getting
mixed up with it as far as practically possible.
e. Since fine aggregates bulk to a substantial extent when partially wet,
measurements shall be taken when the stacks are dry or an appropriate allowance
has been made for bulking.


a. Water for mixing shall be from potable supply system.

b. Water shall be tested in accordance with IS:3025. Maximum permissible limits of
deleterious materials in water shall be as given in IS:456.
c. The pH value of water shall not be less than 6 and more than 9.
d. Water which may erode or discolour concrete or which has got more than 1000
ppm of chloride content shall not be used.
e. The Contractor shall make its own arrangements for storing of water if necessary
in drums, tanks or cisterns to the satisfaction of Project Manager/Client. Care shall
be taken to ensure that water is not contaminated anyway.

Expansion and Contraction Joints

a. Joint filler shall be Bitumen impregnated shalitex board 25mm or CAPCELL-HD100

supreme board (aerated plastic) for expansion joint.
b. Poly sulphIide /polyurethane based joint sealants shall be provided in expansion
c. Sliding type neoprene bearing pad of structural grade for expansion joints.
d. Extruded aluminium sections with EPDM profile sections with extruded
polystyrene sections and sealants.

Technical Specification Page 28


a. Chemical curing compound of approved make to form a membrane or surface

which will disintegrate and flake from that surface over a period of days
commencing at least 7 days after application.
b. Vapour barrier and separation layer to underside of concrete slab, as and when
necessary, and grade 10 mil (.25 mm) thick polyethylene sheets with laps 100mm
on sides and ends.

Proportioning, Batching & Mixing of Concrete


a. Aggregate

The proportions, which shall be decided by conducting preliminary tests shall be

by weight. These proportions of cement, fine and coarse aggregates shall be
maintained during subsequent concrete batching by means of weight batchers
conforming to I.S. 2722 capable of controlling the weights within one percent of
the desired value. Except where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the
Project Manager/Client that supply of properly graded aggregate of uniform
quality can be maintained over the period of work, the grading of aggregate shall
be controlled by obtaining the coarse aggregate in different sizes and blending
training the coarse aggregate in different sizes and blending them in the right
proportions. The different sizes shall be stocked in separate stockpiles. The
grading of coarse and fine aggregate shall be checked as per IS 383 or as
determined by Project Manager/Client to ensure proper grading in accordance
with the samples used in preliminary mix designs. The material shall be
stockpiles well in advance of use.

b. Cement

The cement shall be considered by weight, for design mix.

c. Water

Only such quantity of water shall be added to the cement and aggregates in the
concrete mix as to ensure dense concrete, specified surface finish, satisfactory
workability, consistent with the strength stipulated for each class of concrete.
The water added to the mix shall be such as not to cause segregation of
materials or the collection of excessive free water on the surface of the concrete.

Technical Specification Page 29

d. Definition of Water/Cement Ratio

The water cement (W/C) ratio is defined as the weight of water in the mix
(including the surface moisture of the aggregates) divided by the weight of
cement in the mix.

e. Water/Cement Ratio

The actual water cement ratio to be adopted shall be determined in each

instance by Contractor and approved by the Project Manager/Client.

f. Proportioning by Water/Cement Ratio

The W/C ratio specified for use by Project Manager/Client shall be maintained.
Contractor shall determine the water content of the aggregates as frequently as
desired by the Project Manager/Client as the work progresses and as specified in
IS 2386 (Part III) and the amount of mixing water added at the mixer shall be
adjusted as directed by the Project Manager/Client so as to maintain the
specified W/C ratio. To allow for the variation in their moisture content, suitable
adjustments in the weights of aggregates shall also be made.

Batching and mixing of concrete

a. The proportions of the materials for the concrete mix as established by

the preliminary test for mix design shall be followed for all the concrete in the
works and shall not be changed except when specifically permitted by the
Project Manager/Client.

b. If approved by the Project Manager/Client concrete may be produced by

volume batching the ingredients except the cement. Fine and coarse aggregate
shall be proportioned volumetrically by subsequent conversion of the weights of
volumes knowing their bulk densities as stipulated in Para 9.2.2 or I.S. 456. All
concrete shall be mixed in mechanically operated batch mixers complying with
I.S. 1791 of approved make with suitable provisions of correctly controlling

Technical Specification Page 30

water delivered to the drum. The quality of water actually entering the drum
shall be checked with reading of gauge or valve setting before starting the job.
The test shall be made while mixer is running. The volume of the mix material
shall not exceed the manufacturer's rated mixer capacity. The batch shall be
charged into the mixer so that some water will enter the drum in advance of
cement and aggregates. All water shall be in the drum by the end of 15 seconds
of the specified mixing time. Each batch shall be mixed until the concrete is
uniform in colour for the minimum period of 2 minutes after all the materials
and water is in the drum. The entire contents of the drum shall be adjusted in
one operation before the raw materials for succeeding batches are fed into the
drum. The entire contents of the drum shall be adjusted in one operation before
the raw materials for succeeding batches are fed into the drum. The weighing
gauge of mix shall be periodically checked or as directed by the Project
Manager/Client. The Contractor should carry our rectifications immediately if
found necessary.

Mixer and the weight batcher shall be maintained in clean and serviceable
condition. The accuracy of the weight batcher shall be periodically checked.
Both mixer and the weight batcher shall be set up level on firm base and the
hopper shall be loaded evenly. The needle shall be adjusted to zero when the
hopper is empty. Fine and coarse aggregates shall be weighed separately.

Each time the work stops, the mixer shall be cleaned out and the next
commencing he mixing, the first batch shall have 10% additional cement to allow
for striking in the drum.

Batching Aggregate by Volume

a. Obtain approval before using this method.

b. Batch cement by weight and water by either weight or volume.
c. Measure aggregate in metal container whose depth is not less than their greater
width and the size of which is such as to enable the whole to be easily checked.
d. Concrete shall be mixed in concrete mixers until a uniform distribution of the
material, and a uniform colour and consistency is obtained.
e. Concrete mixing shall in no case be less than two minutes.

Technical Specification Page 31

f. Each batch shall be so charged into the mixer that approximately 10% of the water
enters the drum before the cement and aggregate. Water shall be added
gradually while the drum is in motion, so that all the water is in the drum until the
first quarter of the minimum time.
g. The amount of concrete mixed in drum shall not exceed the rated capacity of the
mixer and the whole of the material shall be removed before a fresh batch enters
the drum.
h. Do not modify the mixed concrete either by addition of water or cement or other


Clean mixer and handling plant by washing with clean water at the end of the work and
at intervals of 30 minutes during mixing.

If old concrete mix remains in the mixer drum, rotate the drum with clean aggregate and
water before mixing the cement.

Planning of Concrete

a. Consultant shall be informed 24 hrs in advance before the pour of each concrete
to allow for inspection of reinforcement, sizes and levels of the members to be
concreted, concrete cover, cleanliness, filling of gaps and wide and supporting
b. Ensure that the spaces to revive concrete are clear free from debris and free from
c. Transportation: Use approved method to identify that the grade of concrete to be
placed in proposed location.
d. Use suitable stools, walkways, barrow runs, for traffic over reinforcement or
freshly placed concrete.
e. Clean the transportation equipment immediately after use or whenever cement
and aggregate is used by using clean water.

Following issues are to be noted while planning of concrete pours:

 Slabs: to be cast in strips and not in alternate bays.

 Walls: to be cast in successive pours working away in both directions from the
center with not shrinkage gaps except for final closure.
 Starters: shall be the same as for the main member and shall be vibrated /
rammed into place and prepared as for other joints. Starters to be cast for walls

Technical Specification Page 32

monolithically with foundation. In case of columns, they can be cast after
concreting of foundation / slab.

Ordinary Concrete

a. Ordinary cement concrete where specified shall be used

b. Proportions 1:3:6, 1:2:4, 1:1.5:3, etc., in the specification refers to the quantity of
cement by volume, dry coarse sand by volume, quantity of coarse aggregate by
c. Cement shall be weighed based on 1 cum. of cement weighs 1440 kgs or 1 full bag
of cement 50 kgs corresponding to 35 lts. by volume.
d. Correction factors to be applied for bulking of sand when the sand is either wet or
e. Water cement ratio used shall be just sufficient for the workability of concrete.
f. Minimum strength of concrete shall be obtained as below:

S No Proportion of concrete Preliminary tests Work tests

1. 1:3:6 135 kg/ 100 kg/

2. 1:2:4 200 kg/ 150 kg/

3. 1:1.5:3 265 kg/ 200 kg/

g. Comprehensive strength of concrete shall be obtained by testing 15 cm. cubes at

28 days curing.
h. Testing: 6 cubes shall be taken from any mix, 3 of them to be tested at 7 days, 3 at
28 days.
i. Strength of concrete at 7 days shall be 2/3rds of the strength of concrete at 28
j. Strength of concrete at 28 days shall be as mentioned in table above and the
criteria for accepting concrete is only the strength of concrete at 28 days.

Reinforced Cement Concrete

RCC comprises of formwork, reinforcement and concrete. Payment of Reinforced

Cement Concrete shall be item wise as specified in the BOQ. Concrete shall be classified
by its compressive strength at the 28th day. The concrete grade shall be as designated
in Table 2 of IS: 456.

Technical Specification Page 33

Bill of Quantities shall specify various types of concrete aimed to be used in the Project.
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to carry out Design mixes and approval of the
same from the Clients Representative well in advance of the actual pouring of concrete
at the Site in the permanent works.

The basic aim of Mix Design shall be to find the most economic proportion of cement,
aggregate and water which will give the desired target mean strength of concrete,
workability and durability for specified grade of concrete. Also it is important that the
Mix should be easily worked with the help of equipment available at the Site. The
operations involved are measurement of materials, their mixing, placing, compacting,
finishing required and curing. The design shall be carried out strictly to IS Specifications
and IS Codes of Practice, namely IS: 456- and S P –23-

In order to ensure that not more than the specified proportions of test results are likely
to fall below the characteristic strength, the concrete mix has to be designed for higher
average compressive strength for a specified grade of concrete is defined a target mean

Design Mix and Trial Mixes

Design Mix and weigh batching will be done as approved by the Project Manager/Client.
The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager/Client the tentative Mix Design it
proposes to use at the site.

On receipt of the above, the Project Manager/Client may immediately order to carry out
work or site test before the final approval. This shall be done with the mixer, weigh
batches, etc. and materials actually used in the Project.

This shall give the Contractor additional chance to check for itself actual workability and
make sure that the mix proposed by it will be satisfactory with regards to slump, water-
cement ratio and workability.

Test cubes shall be of size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm. These are to be legibly marked
with location and date of concreting. Where concrete (in works) is to be vibrated or not
vibrated, the cubes are to be cast as per IS Standards.

Where the concrete in the works is un-compacted, pour the concrete into the mould in
three layers and compact each layer with a 16mm dia tamping rod.

Six (6) cubes shall be taken from each of the three batches to test the mix. Cube shall be
cast, stored, cured, transported and tested as per IS:516-1959. The test may be carried
out at the Site or at laboratory as approved by the Project Manager/Client.

Technical Specification Page 34

Trial mix

a. Within 7 days of signing the Contract and before commencing work on site,
prepare trial mixes for each type of concrete and submit 6 preliminary test cubes
from each mix to the testing authority.

b. The testing authority shall test three test cubes at 7 days and three at 28 days for
each type of mix where the difference between the higher and the lowest test
results from any one trial mix at 7 days exceeds 15% of the average and any cube
weaker than the minimum requirement, make a further trial mix, increasing the
proportion of cement if necessary to obtain the required strength.

c. If any test results from any one-trail mix fail to exceed the minimum strength at
28 days:

i. Remove from site materials from which the trial mix was prepared.

ii. Provide new materials and prepare and test further trial mixes until specified
requirements are achieved.

The Design Mix shall hold good so long as the materials continue to be of the same
quality and from the same source. Minor adjustments are to be done daily based on the
tests of materials used.

Compression strength on 150mm. Cubes

Grade of concrete Preliminary test minimum
Work test minimum kg/
at 28 days kg/

(1) (2) (3)

M10 135 100

M15 200 150

M20 260 200

Technical Specification Page 35

M25 320 250

M30 380 300

M35 440 350

M40 500 400

Control concrete shall be proportioned to obtain the required strength by conducting

lab tests using the coarse aggregate, sand and cement based on the design mix.
Control concrete shall have suitable workability for proper consolidation.

At places having heavy reinforcement when compacting concrete is a problem, the

control concrete shall be designed with special care to the required strength and
workability at no extra cost.

Testing facilities to access the moisture content of aggregate at frequent intervals,

testing of concrete cubes and testing of aggregate shall be done at the site by
establishing testing laboratories.

Concrete shall be weighed batched. The dials of weigh-batching units shall be checked
with standard weights periodically.

Under special circumstances the conversion of weights to volumes will be allowed by

the Consultants / Project Manager/Client.

The minimum cement content to be used for the job is as per IS:456

Further the Contractor has to provide and maintain all the equipment and stock at the
Site throughout to carry out the following tests in a small Site laboratory or get these
tests done from approved laboratories without extra cost to the Contract.
 Grading of aggregate
 Silt content of sand
 Moisture content of aggregate
 Slump test of concrete mix
 Concrete cube test

The Contractor shall maintain full records for all above tests in a register. The format of
the records shall be prepared in consultation with the Project Manager/Client. It shall
have full access to the Contractor’s site laboratory. The Contractor shall include charges

Technical Specification Page 36

for these in its rates and no extra whatsoever shall be payable on this account of
designing, testing, maintaining laboratory, etc.

Assumed Standard Deviation

Where sufficient test results for a particular grade of concrete are not available, the
value of standard deviation given in Table below may be assumed.

Grade of Concrete Assumed Standard

Deviation N/

M 10 2.3

M 15 3.5

M 20 4.6

M 25 5.3

M 30 6.0

M 35 6.3

M 40 6.6

However, when adequate post records for a similar grade exists and justify to the
designer a value of standard deviation different from the shown in table above, it shall
be permissible to use that value.

Standard Deviation Based on Test Results

i. Number of test results - Total number of test results required to constitute an

acceptable record for calculation of standard deviation shall be not less than 30.
Attempts should be made to obtain the 30 test results, as early as possible, when
a mix is used for the first time.

Technical Specification Page 37

ii. Standard deviation to be brought up to date -The calculation of the standard
deviation shall be brought up to date after every change of mix design and at
least once a month.

Determination of Standard Deviation

i. Concrete of each grade shall be analyzed separately to determine its standard


ii. The standard deviation of concrete to a given grade shall be calculated using the
following formula from the results of individual tests of concrete of that grade
obtained as specified for test strength of sample.

iii. Estimated standard deviation S=Square root of (sum of squared deviations of the
individual strength of n samples divided by n-1) where n = number of sample test

iv. When significant changes are made in the production of concrete batches (for
example changes in the materials used. mix design, equipment of technical
control), the standard deviation value shall be separately calculated for such
batches of concrete.

Mixing of Concrete

Weigh Batching shall be followed if mixed at the site for all structural concrete works.
The Contractor shall provide Concrete Batch Mixers, Vibrators, Weigh Batchers
conforming to relevant IS Specifications and from approved and recognized
manufacturers. The capacity and number of mixers and vibrators required at the Site
from time to time shall be to the approval of Project Manager/Client. No equipment
from the site shall be removed without the prior written approval of the Project
Manager/Client. The Contractor shall maintain a platform weighing scale of capacity
300 kg with fraction of 100 gm at the site.

The machine will have to be got calibrated by the Contractor once in every two weeks or
after 200 cum of concrete whichever is earlier, and records of these calibrations shall be
maintained. The dials of the weigh batchers shall be checked with standard weights


Technical Specification Page 38

The concrete which will flow freely into the forms and around the reinforcement
without any segregation of coarse aggregates shall be used. The consistency shall
depend upon the type of vibrator etc. to be used. The controlling factor for the same is
the Slump Test.

When considered necessary by the Project Manager/Client, the workability of the

concrete shall be ascertained by compacting factor test and VEE BEE consistometer
method as per IS:1199-1959. The computing of values of workability of concrete by
above two methods, IS:456-2000 have to be referred to.

Temperature of Concrete

The placing temperature of concrete shall not be more than 38 degrees Celsius. If it is
more, the Project Manager/Client may order addition of ice or chilled water to the
concrete. Also the Contractor shall take following precautions:
 Mixer and Weigh Batcher shall be painted white color.
 Aggregate storing bin shall not be exposed to the sun.
 Water shall be sprinkled on aggregate well before concreting to keep the
temperature low.

Similarly, during the cold weather, concreting shall not be done when the temperature
falls below 4.5 Degrees Celsius. The concrete placed shall be protected against by
suitable covering. The concrete damaged by frost shall be removed and work redone
with no extra cost.

Shrinkage Cracks

Concreting shall be avoided in very warm weather. Under such circumstances, the
placed concrete shall be covered with damp hessian cloth within two hours of placing of

To achieve good result the concrete shall be immediately covered with a plastic sheet
and not allowed to any direct wind contact to eliminate shrinkage cracks.


All works shall be true to level, plumb and square and all corners and edges in all cases
shall be unbroken and neat.

Technical Specification Page 39

Any work not to the satisfaction of the Project Manager/Client or the Design Consultant
will be rejected and the same should be rectified or removed and replaced with work of
the required standard of workmanship at no extra cost.


Concrete shall be transported with the help of pumps of sufficient capacity to achieve
necessary heights wherever required from the mixer to the place of laying as rapidly as
possible by methods which will prevent the segregation or loss of any of the ingredients
and maintaining the required workability. The pumps can be either compressor type or
boom type. All the pumping equipments have to be maintained and kept operational by
the Contractor. Concrete shall be laid within 120 minutes from the time of batching as
per IS.

Placing of Concrete

Placing of concrete shall be done using pumps only at all levels. The pumps shall be of
sufficient capacity to achieve necessary heights wherever required.

The slump of concrete placed with the help of pumps shall not be more than 120mm
unless otherwise instructed by the Project Manager/Client. Concreting shall commence
only after formwork is approved reinforcement is recorded and permission to proceed
with concreting has been approved in writing from the Project Manager/Client.

Formwork should be clean, free from dust, pieces of wood or any other foreign material.
It should be treated by form releasing agent prior to the laying of reinforcement and
concrete, based on sample approved by the Project Manager/Client prior to start of
construction at Site. Concrete shall be as gently deposited as is practically possible, in
its final position to avoid re handling and shall be so deposited that segregation of
aggregates do not occur. In case of deep trenches and footings, it may be done with the
help of chutes. Concrete from wheelbarrows shall not be dumped away from the face
of concrete already been placed. It shall be dumped into the face of concrete already in
place. Concrete shall be laid during normal working hours. Concreting at night or on
holidays shall be permitted only on the written approval of the Project Manager/Client.
No concreting shall be done within half an hour of the closing time of the day, unless
permitted by the Project Manager/Client.

For concreting of slabs and beams wooden plant or catwalks of chequered MS plates or
bamboo mats or any other suitable materials supported directly on the centering by
means of wooden blocks or lugs shall be provided to convey the concrete to the place of

Technical Specification Page 40

final deposition without disturbing the reinforcement in anyway. In no case labour or
any other persons are allowed to walk over the reinforcement.

In case of columns and walls, it is desirable to place concrete without any construction
joints. The progress of concreting in the vertical direction, shall be restricted to one
meter per hour.

Concrete pouring shall be done by using appropriate methods like funnel system/chutes
for vertical elements, flexible hoses for horizontal elements etc.

Compaction of Concrete

Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted into a dense mass as depositing shall proceed
by means of suitable vibrators. The vibrator shall maintain the entire concrete under
treatment in an adequate state of agitation and shall continue during whole period
occupied by placing of concrete. Care should be taken not to over-vibrate the concrete.
While vibrating no holes should be visible in concreting. Compaction should be
completed before the initial setting time. Compaction shall be done till air bubbles
cease to appear. Concrete already set shall not be disturbed by successive vibration.

Hand tamping shall not be permitted. But only in exceptional cases, depending on the
thickness of the members and feasibility of vibrating the same, the Project
Manager/Client may permit hand tamping. Hand tamping or compaction shall be done
with the help of tamping rods so that concrete is thoroughly compacted and completely
worked around the reinforcement embedded fixtures, and into the corners of the form

The layers of concrete shall be so placed that the bottom layer does not finally set
before the top layers are placed. The vibrators are so applied so that the centre of mass
being compacted at the time of placing of concrete.

Vibrator shall be of immersion type with frequency of 100 Hz minimum when operating
in concrete, or the exterior with a frequency of 50 Hz minimum.
Care shall be taken to ensure that at no time the vibrators and /or vibration action is
used to push the concrete ahead. Vibrators shall be applied systematically to overlap
zones of influence.

It shall be ensured that the needle vibrators are not applied directly on the
reinforcement on the formwork which may destroy the bond between concrete and
When electric vibrators are in use the standby petrol, diesel or kerosene vibrator should
always be available at the concreting point.

Technical Specification Page 41

Construction Joints

Construction joint shall be avoided as far as possible. If provided, concreting shall be

carried out continuously up to the construction joints as directed by the Project
Manager/Client and/or at the location and arrangement shown in the structural
drawings. However, the number of such joints shall be kept to a minimum and they
shall be as straight as possible. Swelling bars or per formed plastic adhesive water stops
shall be used for construction joints at water retaining members

Proposed location of construction joints shall be submitted by the Contractor well in

advance for approval of Project Manager/Client/Structural Consultant. The joints shall
be at places where shear force is nil or at a minimum (normally at 1/3rd to 1/4th point
of a span) and these shall be straight and at right angles to the direction of the main
reinforcement. Stop ends provided shall be with necessary slots for reinforcement bars
to pass freely without bending or other obstructions. They should be supported firmly
so that the concrete can be properly vibrated and compacted at these points.

Before commencement of concreting after a break, adjacent concrete stopper and

surfaces shall be cleaned, chipped free of any loose mortar and roughened to expose
the aggregate and than brushed and cleaned. The concrete surface shall be sprayed
with water for 24 hours before casting and kept wet until casting.
All construction joints in concrete shall be treated with bonding agent prior to pour next
layer of approved makes at no extra cost. Water swelling bars at construction joints in
basement works shall be paid extra.

No construction joints are allowed in casting footings including stepped foundation

.Starters shall be of min 100mm high with necessary frame work and steels.

Horizontal joints in walls

Form horizontal joints in walls designed to be continuous with floor slabs at the top of
an integrally cast kickers minimum 25mm high. No other horizontal joints will be

Form horizontal joints in walls other than in (a) above

a) At the top of footings

b) At the top of slabs

c) At a minimum 20mm above the soffit of beam or girders connecting into


Technical Specification Page 42

d) 15mm above soffit of suspended floors.

Construction joints in ground slabs

a) To comply with IS codes

b) To align with column or grid lines where practicable.

Isolation joints

a) Form diamond shaped or circular separations around columns.

b) Ensure all edges of slabs are isolated from adjoining construction.

Control joints

a) Ace at 4 - 7 meter in width for one panel.

b) Form by either:

i. Sawing a continuous straight line in the top of the slab

ii. Grooving fresh concrete with hand grooves
iii. Placing strips of wood, metal or pre-moulded joint material at joint
locations. Top edges of strips shall be flush with concrete.
iv. Control joints shall be extended 1/5 to 1/4 times slab thickness into the

Construction joints in suspended slabs

a) Locate near the middle of slabs, beams, or girders, unless a beam intersects a girder
at the middle location, in which case offset joints in girders a distance equal to twice
the width of the beam.

b) Make provision for transfer of shear and other forces through construction joints.

Vertical joints in walls

Space not exceeding 5m centers and also locate where abrupt changes in thickness or
height occur, at least 2m from corner.

Expansion Joint

Technical Specification Page 43

As indicated in drawing or as directed by the Structural Consultant / Project


Curing of concrete is most important. There shall be no compromise on this activity as it

is for the Contractor to arrange for everything necessary to make sure that the concrete
is cured to the complete satisfaction of the Project Manager/Client. As said above after
concrete has begun to harden, i.e. about 1 to 2 hours after laying. It shall be protected
from quick drying with moist or damp hessian cloth or any other material approved by
the Project Manager/Client. After 24 hours of laying of concrete, the surface shall be
cured by flooding with water or covering with moist hessian cloth for period of 7 days to
keep it moist. For the next seven days surface shall be kept wet all the time by
sprinkling water continuously.

In order to properly monitor the curing activity, the Contractor shall write legibly with
paint, the date of casting the concrete of each member of the structure which shall
remain clearly visible atleast till the completion of curing atleast. Chemical curing is not
allowed at site.


Concrete surface shall be finished keeping in mind the next operation to be carried out
over the surface. For guidance the following points shall be noted:

 Roof shall be trowelled even and smooth with a wooden float, before the concrete
begins to set.
 Surface that will receive plaster shall be roughened immediately.
 Surfaces that will be in contact with masonry shall be roughened immediately
 Surfaces that will receive floor finishes, tiling, etc. shall be roughened while it is still
 Every care shall be taken not to disturb the freshly laid concrete.
 For Ramps and Basements concrete shall be broom-finished.

On finishing standards and quality / workmanship, the decision of the Project

Manager/Client shall be final and binding on all parties.

Inspection and Corrective Measures

Immediately on removal of formwork, the RCC surface shall be examined by the Project
Manager/Client. Till such time, no remedial measures shall be carried out by the

Technical Specification Page 44

Contractor. All remedial actions including breaking, if any, shall be on the instructions of
the Project Manager/Client. In case of any violation of this rule, the concrete poured
stands rejected. The decision of the Project Manager/Client in this regard shall be final
and binding to all parties.

Sagged, bulged, patched, honeycombed work to an extent detrimental to structural

safety or architectural concept shall stand to be rejected and Contractor shall rectify by
breaking or redoing, if required, as directed by the Project Manager/Client/Structural
Consultant and all expenses incurred due to this shall be to the Contractor’s account.

Surface defects minor in nature may be accepted as a special case by the Project
Manager/Client/Structural Consultants whose decision in this matter is final and binding
on the Contractor. Once accepted, the defects shall be rectified as follows and all
expenses incurred due to the rectification process, shall be to the Contractor’s account.

(a) Surface defects which require repair when forms are removed, usually consist of
bulges due to the movement of forms, ridges at form joint, honey combed areas,
damage, resulting from the stripping of forms and bolt holes, bulges and ridges are
removed by careful chipping or tooling and the surface is then rubbed with a
grinding stone. Honey combed and other defective areas must be clipped out, the
edges being cut as straight as possible and perpendicularly to the surface, or
preferably slightly undercut to provide a key at the edge of the patch.

(b) If permitted in writing by the Client’ Representative/ Structural Consultant, shallow

patches are first to be treated with a coat of thin grout composed of one part of
cement and one part of fine sand added with polymer modified cementitious
material as per manufacturer’s specification, and then filled with mortar (mixed
with non-shrink additives) similar to that used in concrete. The mortar is placed in
layers not more than 10 mm thick and each layer is given scratch finish to secure a
bond with the succeeding layer. The laid layer is finished to match with the
surrounding concrete by floating, rubbing or tooling on formed surfaces by pressing
the form material against the patch while the mortar is still plastic.

(c) Or as an alternative to paragraph (b) above, as directed by the Project

Manager/Client/Structural Consultant, the patch-work shall be treated with epoxy
based proprietary items like non-shrinking grouts etc. available in the market. In
such cases, the methodology as indicated by the manufacturer of the item shall be
followed. It permitted in writing by the Project Manager/Client/Structural

Technical Specification Page 45

(d) Large and deep patches require filling up with concrete held in place with try forms.
Such patches are reinforced and carefully drawled to the hardened concrete.

(e) Or as an alternative to paragraph (d) above, epoxy based proprietary items like
grouts as directed by the Project Manager/Client / Structural Consultants, shall be
used. The methodology as specified by the manufacturers of the proprietary item
shall be strictly adhered to.

(f) Holes left by bolts are to be filled with non-shrink grouts, as specified and directed
by the Project Manager/Client/ Structural Consultants carefully packed in to places
in small amounts. The mortar is mixed as dry as possible to allow enough water to
go into it, so that it will be tightly compacted when forced into the place.

(g) Tie-rod holes extending right through the concrete may be filled with mortar or
non-shrink grout, as the case may be, a pressure gun similar to the gun used for
greasing motorcars.

(h) Normally, patches appear darker than the surrounding concrete when uniform
surface colour is important, this defect shall be remedied by adding 10 to 20
percent of while portland cement to the patching mortar, the actual quantity being
determined by trial.

(i) The same amount of care shall be taken to avoid the material in the patches as with
the whole structure. Curing shall be started immediately after packing is done to
prevent early drying. A membrane curing compound is these cases will be most


Cracks observed shall be examined. It shall be kept under observation and a record shall
be maintained for a period of 45 days. It shall be shown to the Project
Manager/Client/the Structural Consultant and the following procedure shall be

 Cracks not propagating/developing further and according to the Structural

Consultant not detrimental to the strength of the construction shall be grouted

Technical Specification Page 46

with non-shrinking epoxy based cement slurry or as directed by the Project
Manager/Client/Structural Consultant.

 Cracks developing further and felt detrimental to the strength of construction shall
be tested as per the relevant Indian Standards.

 Based on results, the structural Consultant in consultation with the Project

Manager/Client shall order remedial measures or order the Contractor to
dismantle construction, cart away the debris, replace the construction and carry
out all the consequent works thereto as directed/specified.

 Cost of above shall be borne by the Contractor if the failure is on its part unless it
is due to a design fault, decided at the discretion of the Project Manager/Client.

Decision of the Project Manager/Client in the matter shall be final and binding on all
parties. This decision shall not be open for arbitration.

Quantum of Cube Testing

The minimum frequency of cube testing shall be as follows. Each set of sample shall consist of 6

Concrete Quantity Number of Sample sets

Up to 5 cum a day 1
5 cum to 15 cum a day 2
15 cum to 30 cum a day 3
30 cum to 50 cum a day 4
More than 50 cum per day 4 + one additional for each 50 cum or part
Three cubes shall be tested on the 7th day and three cubes on the 28th day.

Acceptance of Work

It shall be in accordance with in IS:456-2000, SP-23 and SP-24. The guidance brief is elaborated
below. Part or element of work shall be deemed to be accepted, provided the results of the
28th day cube testing confirm to the criteria stated as under:
Technical Specification Page 47
 The average of the three consecutive cubes strength shall not be less than specified

 No individual cube strength shall be less than 90% of the specified strength.

 If the individual cube strength exhibit more than 133% of the specified strength such
a cube shall be specified as freak and the criteria in above two points shall be
applied to remaining two cubes and their acceptability determined.

 If cubes fail at 7 days, defective concrete can be dismantled, removed and replaced
without awaiting 28 day test results.

 If the concrete tests fail to meet the acceptance strength required for respective
grades of concrete, the Project Manager/Client may take one of the following

 Instruct Contractor to carry out such additional tests (e.g. Core tests, load tests,
ultrasound, etc.) and/or remedial measures to ensure the soundness of the
structure at the Contractor’s expense

 The work will be rejected and any consequential action as needed shall be taken at
the Contractor’s expense, including cutting out and replacing a part or whole of

Concreting under Special Conditions

During hot or cold weather concreting should be done as per the procedure set out in IS:7861
Part I or IS:7861 Part II or as directed by the Project Manager/Client.


Any fixture, steel angles, holdfasts etc shall be embedded according to the drawing or as
instructed by the Project Manager/Client.

Precast Concrete

Technical Specification Page 48

Ready Mix Concrete

Reference - IS 4926-1976 or amended


Ready Mixed Concrete - Concrete delivered at site or into the purchaser's vehicle in a plastic
condition and requiring no further treatment before being placed in the position in
which it is to set and harden. All provisions for good workmanship, quality control and
treatment, as stated in previous clauses shall be applicable.

Agitation - The process of continuing the mixing of concrete at a reduced speed during
transportation to prevent segregation.

Agitator - Truck mounted equipment designed to agitate concrete during transportation to the
site of delivery.

Truck mixer - A mixer generally mounted on a self-propelled chassis capable of mixing the
ingredients of concrete and of agitating the mixed concrete during transportation.


Concrete-mix - Concrete shall be produced by completely mixing cement, aggregates,

admixtures, if any and water at a stationary central mixing plant and delivered in containers
fitted with agitating devices.


Cement - The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement or low heat Portland
cement conforming to IS-269* or Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455-or
Portland-pozzolana cement conforming to IS: 1489-or rapid hardening Portland cement
conforming to IS 8041E-as may be specified by Consultant at the time of placing the
order. If the type is not specified ordinary Portland cement shall be used.

Fly ash when used for partial replacement of cement, shall conform to the requirements
of IS: 3812 (part I

Water used for concrete shall conform to the requirement of IS: 456.

Admixtures shall only be used when so agreed to between the purchases and the
manufacturer. The admixtures shall conform to the requirements of IS 456 and

Technical Specification Page 49

their nature, quantities and methods of use shall also be specified. Fly ash when
used as an admixture for concrete shall conform to IS: 3812 (Part II

Measurement and Storage of Materials - Measurement and storage of materials

shall be done in accordance with the requirements of IS: 456.No redozing and
admixture at site is permitted.

Basis of Supply

The ready mixed concrete shall be manufactured and supplied on the following basis.
Specified strength based on 28-day compressive strength of 15-cm cubes tested in
accordance with IS: 456

When the concrete is manufactured and supplied on the basis of specified strength, the
responsibility for the design of mix shall be that of the manufacturer.

General Requirement

In addition to the requirements specified in this standard and subject to such

modifications as may be agreed to between the purchaser and the
manufacturer at the time of placing order, the ready-mixed concrete shall
generally comply with the requirements of IS: 456

The minimum quantity of cement and the details regarding proportioning and works
control shall be as per Clauses above.

When a truck mixer or agitator is used for mixing a transportation of concrete, no water
from the truck-water system or from elsewhere shall be added after the initial
introduction of the mixing water for the batch, except when on arrival at the
site of the work, the slump of the concrete is less than that specified; such
additional water to bring the slump within required limits shall be injected into
the mixer under such pressure and direction of floor that the requirements for
uniformity specified in Appendix A are met.

Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier, when a truck mixer
of agitator is used for transporting concrete, the concrete shall be delivered to
the site of the work and discharge shall be complete within 1.5 hours (when the
prevailing atmospheric temperature is above 20°C) and within 2 hours (when
the prevailing atmospheric temperature is at or below 20°C) of adding the

Technical Specification Page 50

mixing water to the dry mix of cement and aggregate or of adding the cement
to the aggregate, whichever is earlier.

Temperature - The temperature of the concrete at the place and time of delivery shall
be not less than 5°C. Unless otherwise required by the purchaser, no concrete
shall be delivered, when the site temperature is less than 2.5°C and the
thermometer reading is falling.

The temperature of the concrete shall not exceed 50C above the prevailing shade
temperature, when the shade temperature is over 200C. The temperature of
concrete mass on delivery shall not exceed 400C.

Sampling and testing: Adequate facilities shall be provided by the manufacturer for the
purchaser to inspect the materials used, the process of manufacture and the
methods of delivery of concrete. He shall also provide adequate facilities for
the purchaser to take samples of the materials used.

Sampling and testing - Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the
supplier, the sampling and testing of concrete shall be done in accordance with
relevant requirements of IS: 456-, IS: 1199-and IS: 516-

Consistency or workability - The tests for consistency or workability shall be carried out
in accordance with requirements of IS: 1199- or by such other method as may
be agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

Strength Test - The compressive strength and flexural strength tests shall be carried our
in accordance wit the requirements of IS: 516- and the acceptance criteria for
concrete whether supplied on the basis of specified strength or on the basis of
mix proportion, shall conform to the requirements of Table 5 and other related
requirements of IS: 456-.

Cubes casted at site shall be given the criteria for acceptance of concrete and RMC
vehicle shall be allowed only with the computerized batching sheets.

Cost of Testing - Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the
manufacturer, the cost of the tests carried our in accordance with the
requirements of this specification shall be borne as follows:

By the manufacturer if the results show that the concrete does not comply with the
requirements of this standard.

Technical Specification Page 51

By the purchaser if the results show that the concrete complies with the requirements
of this standard.

Manufacturer's Records and Certificates - The manufacturer shall keep batch records of
the quantities by mass of all the solid materials, of the total amount of water
used in mixing and of the results of all tests. If required by the purchaser, the
manufacturer shall furnish certificates, at agreed intervals, giving this

The concrete quality shall meet all requirements and Specifications of concrete as stated
hereof. Contractor shall be allowed to use own Batching Plant or procure concrete, but Quality
Tests will be the responsibility of the Contractor and off-site Batching Plants shall be open for
inspection to the Project Manager/Client throughout the Project.



Admixtures may be used in concrete only with the approval of Consultant / Project
Manager/Client based upon evidence that, with the passage of time, neither the
compressive strength not its durability get reduced. Calcium chloride shall not be used
for accelerating set of the cement for any concrete containing reinforcement, or
embodied steel parts. When calcium chloride is permitted to be used, such as in mass
concrete works, it shall be dissolved in water and added to percent of the weight of the
cement in each batch of concrete. When admixtures are used, the designed concrete
mix shall be corrected accordingly. Admixture shall be used as per manufacturer's
instructions and in the manner and with the control specified by Consultant / Project

Air Entraining Agent

Where specified and approved by Consultant / Project Manager/Client, neutralized

vinsol resin or any other approved air entering agent may be used to produce the
specified amount of air in the concrete mix and these agents shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM Standard 6 - 260, Air Entering admixtures for concrete. The
recommended total air content of the concrete is 4% plus or minus 1%. The method of
measuring air content shall be as per IS 1199.

Retarding Admixtures

Technical Specification Page 52

Where specified and approved by Consultants / Project Manager/Client retarding agents
shall be added to the concrete mix in quantities specified by Consultants / Project

Water Reducing Admixtures

Where specified and approved by Consultants / Project Manager/Client water reducing

lignosulfonate mixture shall be added in quantities specified. The admixtures shall be
added in the form of a solution.

Water Proofing Agent

Where specified and approved by Consultants / Project Manager/Client, chloride and

sulphide free waterproofing agent shall be added in quantities specified.
Other Admixtures

a. The Consultants / Project Manager/Client may at his discretion instruct the

Contractor to use any other admixtures in the concrete.

b. If the Contractor so wishes to use admixtures, then the following should be

adhered to (subject or Project Manager/Client's approval).

c. No reduction will be allowed to target mean strength when compared to

admixture free concrete of the same class.

d. Dosage of admixture shall be strictly in accordance with IS 456 and the

manufacturers instruction.

e. The following information about the admixture shall be submitted to the

Consultants / Project Manager/Client for record and approval.

- Long and short term effects of the admixture in the concrete.

- Effect of admixture of concrete permeability.

Technical Specification Page 53

- Effects of over and under dosage.

- Shortage life and special storage requirements.

f. The Contractor when requested shall provide the services of a full time field
technician of the admixture manufacturer to advise the proper addition of the
admixture to the concrete or adjustment of concrete mix proportions to meet
changing conditions.

g. The Contractor shall furnish a statement of responsibility from the admixture

manufacturer for their products.

h. If the use of admixture is approved by the Consultants / Project Manager/Client,

it shall be constructed as a constructing part of the concrete without any extra


Formwork and reinforcement shall be paid separately. Volume of concrete measured

shall include that occupied by:

 Reinforcement of other metal sections

 Cast in components more than 0.01 m3 in
 Rebates or internal each less than 0.005 m2 is 0005 sectioned area
 Pockets and holes not exceeding 0.01 m3 in volume

All works shall be measured in the Decimal system.

 Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 meter except for thickness of
slabs that shall be measured to the 0.005 meter.
 Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 Sqm.
 Cubic contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 cum.

Formwork and reinforcement shall be paid for separately.

The price of concrete shall include all labour, material, equipment, mixing, pumping,
gangways, tools, transporting, hoisting to any height and lowering to any depth, pouring

Technical Specification Page 54

or laying, consolidating, leaving pockets, holes, disconnecting them till the next
operation or completion of work, hacking the surface, to provide key for providing
further work including cleaning wetting surfaces, etc preparing construction joints as
described, and all other activities required as per good construction practice.

Unit rates shall allow for chamfers, grooves, lines etc. in reinforced concrete members
as well as necessary slope, drops, drip models etc.

No deductions shall be made for:

 Ends of dissimilar materials (for example beams, posts, girders, corbels, purlins
and steps) up to 500 sq cm. in section.
 Opening up to 0.1 sq m.
 Volume occupied by drainage, water, pipes, conduits, etc. not exceeding 100 sq
cm. each in cross-section.
 Small voids not exceeding 40 sq cm. in cross-section.
 Small moulds, drip moulds, chamfers, splays, rounded or covered angles, beads,
grooves, rebates up to 10 cm in depth and width.

Minimum cement content per cubic meter of cement concrete has been specified in
each item of cement concrete work, However, if cement is required to be used so as to
obtain the minimum strength specified for the grade of cement concrete, the Contractor
will not be paid for extra cement used.

Scope of Works

The following item are not intended to exclude any other items of works required by the
Design Consultants, or that may be required by local code or good construction practice.
The following work shall be included by the Contractor in its Tender and Contract Sum
as they may not have been detailed specifically on the architectural and engineering
drawings and specifications but we required in order that a complete job in every
respect can be.

a. The supply, maintenance and removal of all temporary rungs, and ramping as
necessary on the site

b. Placing of concrete will be pumps only or as approved by the Project


c. All finishes and to the concrete work as shown or specified.

Technical Specification Page 55

d. Allowed for the removal of constructions encountered.

e. The excavation and concrete construction of all sump pits, manholes, drains
under slabs, etc as described in the specifications and shown on the drawings.

f. Formwork, reinforcing, embedded items and layout for concrete tank cradles.

g. All roof mechanical and other building services equipment pads and kerbs at the
HVAC and Electrical openings, concrete including dowels, formwork and
roughing of concrete

h. All fire grading and removal of standing water before the placing of concrete.

i. Included for all below slab, surface water and drainage, including brickfill, within
the Tender.

j. Points and in steel below slabs lightening protection systems as detailed. The
Contractor, in the preparation of his Tender, is to allow for watertight

k. Allow for keeping the works clear and tidy at all times and for the removal of
debris arising from the works, and to be disposed off at locations designated by
the Project Manager/Client, and frequent removed off the site. Any surplus
concrete deposited at the workfront of on the site (concrete droppings) must be
removed by the Contractor at its own expense.

l. Provisions, hoisting, distribution and fixing of all embedded items required.

m. Leaving all necessary holes and pockets for steel work beams for lifts and for
making good after installation by other Contractors. Casting in all slots and
inserts for fixings to guides and runners to lift shafts.

n. All trench drain box-cut with necessary recesses and casting in all anchor bolts
and providing and installing trench drains and other embedded items as shown
on the drawings.

Technical Specification Page 56

o. Include design mix weight and storage box for samples and test cylinders.

p. Levelling of the floors to proper elevations as shown on the drawings to the

tolerances and cambers and slopes specified including all changes of slab

q. All means of transportation of concrete.

r. Providing and casting into concrete slots to receive masonry or blockwork ties to
support all such walls as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Project

s. Forming holes to riser ducts.

t. Forming necessary cutouts at pipe locations to accommodate electrical,

plumbing, sprinkler and electrical services.

u. Forming in the concrete members chases for any asphalt "track-in" and/or
flashing and the like.

v. Provide grout for lift saddle and floor closures prior to setting (setting by

w. Grout pumps and other mechanical equipment as required.

x. Provide temporary shoring and strutting as required due to the operations of

the Contractor.

y. Provide and maintain ladders until stairs are usable.

z. Provide adequate lighting at all areas

Technical Specification Page 57

aa. Erect sufficient safety signs, posters and maintain high level of safety during the
entire construction period.

3 Reinforcement

3.1 Related Works

A. Concrete Formwork

B. Cast in-situ Concrete

3.1.a Applicable Standards

IS - 432 Specification for Mild steel and medium tensile bars and hard drawn
steel wire.

IS - 1139 Specification for hot rolled mild steel, medium tensile steel and high
yield strength steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcement.

IS - 1566 Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete

IS - 1785 Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for prestressed

IS - 1786 Specification for cold twisted steel high strength deformed bars for
concrete reinforcement.

IS - 2080 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete

IS - 2751 Code of practice for welding of mild steel structures are folded

IS - 2502 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete

IS - 280 Specifications for annealed binding wire

IS 1139 Specifications for high yield strength deformed bars

Technical Specification Page 58

Steel Grades
Reinforcements for concrete from “grade” of steel indicated below, conforming to the
relevant Indian Standard and their latest amendments mentioned :

Grade Description Conforming to

Fe 500 High strength deformed / ribbed steel IS 1786

Type of Reinforcing steel is to be of Thermo-Mechanically Treated Ribbed bars (TMT)

BIS Certification

Material received at the Site shall have BIS Certification mark. Such bundle or coil
containing the bars shall be suitably marked with BIS Certification mark. Bars shall also
be marked to identify categories. This shall be done as per IS: 1387.

In case bars are without BIS Certification mark, the manufacturer shall give a certificate
stating the process of manufacture, chemical composition and mechanical properties.
Each certificate shall indicate the number or identification mark of the cart to which it
applies, corresponding to the number or identification mark to be found on the

All reinforcements shall be free from loose mill scale, excessive rust, loose rust, pitting,
oil, grease, paint, mud or any other foreign deleterious material present on the surface.
Cleaning should be done to the satisfaction of the Project Manager/Client.

Each batch of steel brought to the Site shall be tested prior to use. Cost of all tests shall
be borne by the Contractor.

Material acceptable as per IS Specifications will be allowed into the Project. All rejected
material shall be removed from the Site by the Contractor within 30 days of its rejection.
If the same is not done, the Project Manager/Client can get work done by third party at
the Contractor’s risk and cost shall impose a penalty of Rs 500 (Rupees Five Hundred

Technical Specification Page 59

only) per metric ton per day. This will be without any appeal and shall not be subjected
to arbitration.

Reinforcement bars received at the Site shall be stored on hard, concreted platform and
clear of the ground to a minimum of 200 mm with the use of timber sleepers or any
other means. Reinforcements shall be kept covered by tarpaulins or plastic to avoid
excessive corrosion or any other contamination. It is advised to follow storage methods
as described in IS: 4082.

Reinforcement steel shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid distortion and to

prevent deterioration and corrosion. Prior to assembly of reinforcement on no account
any oily substance shall be used for removing the rust.

Quality Assurance

a. Supervisory staff shall have qualification and experience in the above field.

b. Welders qualified and having approved certificates for welding shall be employed.


a. Bend test requirements shall conform to the following and shall be based on
1800 bends of full size bars around pins.

Bar diameter (mm) Pin diameter for test bend

10, 12,16 3.5 x bar dia

20, 22, 25 5.0 x bar dia

28, 30, 32 7.0 x bar dia

b. Spacers shall be of any of the following:

i. Wire

ii. Precast concrete

Technical Specification Page 60

iii. Moulded plastic

Spacer material shall be of durable quality and shall not lead to corrosion of
reinforcement or spilling of concrete.

Precast concrete spacers shall be of the same mix as that of surrounding


c. Tying wire shall be of 18 G black annealed mild steel wire or other approved type
double fold to tie the reinforcements confirming to is 280.

d. Cover blocks shall be non-corrosive material such as plastic, but not wooden or
broken bricks or stone. Specially made concrete blocks shall be used. Such
cover blocks shall be cast from concrete and not from cement mortar; strength
of these blocks shall be equal to the concrete in use.

e. Tying wire shall be of 18G black annealed mild steel wire or other approved type
double fold to tie the reinforcements. It shall be face from rust, oil, paint,
grease, loose mill seales or any other deleterious material undesirable for
concrete or reinforcement or which may prevent adhesion of concrete to

Unit Weights:

Unit weights payable per meter shall be as per IS:456


Cutting and Bending

a. Flame cut and hot bending is absolutely forbidden.

b. Cut and bend reinforcement to approved shop drawings and details shall be

Technical Specification Page 61

c. Bars to be cold-bend, either mechanically or by hand, but to correct radius using
proper tools, machine and platform and confirming to IS 2502-

d. Do not rebend without approval. In case of re bending, care shall be taken that
the rating of bend is not less than 4 x bar dia at construction joints for plain steel
bars and 6 x bar dia for high strength bars.

e. Reinforcement projecting from concrete shall not be bent without approval.

Bar bending schedule to be submitted for approval of the Structural Consultant

to the Project Manager/Client prior to commencement of any cutting, bending
and binding of steel at site.

f. Cracked end of bars shall not be used on this Project.

g. Bars should be inspected for visible defects such as cracks, brittleness, excessive
rust, loose mills scale, etc.


a. Do not weld reinforcement unless authorized by the Consultants / Project

Manager/Client and recommended by the manufacturers.

b. Site welding shall be done with suitable safeguards and techniques.

c. Welding, if approved, may be used for:

i. Lapping reinforcement in position

ii. Fixing reinforcement to other steel members.

d. The length of run deposited in a single pass shall not exceed 5 x bar diameters. If
a longer welded length is required divide into sections with the space between
runs not less than 5 x bar diameters.

Technical Specification Page 62

e. Welded joints:

i. Shall not be made at bends in reinforcement.

ii. Stagger joints in parallel bars of principal reinforcement unless

otherwise approved.

iii. The distance between staggered joints shall not be less than the
end anchorage length joints.

Mechanical Splicing

a. To comply with ISI 456-. ACI 318- and ACI 439-3R-83

b. Use as indicated in structural drawings.

c. Consultant has to approve mechanical splices before using it at site.


a. Ensure that the reinforcement placing is checked by Project Manager/Client.

b. Ensure that the Formwork to receive the reinforcement is clean and free from

c. Cracked end of bars to be cut out.


Anchoring of bars and stirrups shall be provided exactly as detailed in the structural
drawings or as directed by Project Manager/Client/Structural Consultant.

In case of reinforcement steel in tension, deformed bars may be used without end
anchorage provided the development length requirement is satisfied. Hocks shall
normally be provided for plain bars in tension. Development length of the bars shall be
determined as per relevant clauses of IS: 456 -

Technical Specification Page 63

The anchorage length of straight bar in compression shall be equal to the Development
length of the bars in compression as specified in relevant clause of IS: 456 -

Lapping of Bars

Laps shall be strictly as per the structural drawing or as directed by the Project
Manager/Client/Structural Consultant. For general guidance the following principles
shall be followed as given in IS: 456 -

 As far as possible bars of the maximum length available shall be used.

 Laps shown on drawings or otherwise specified by the Structural Consultant will

be based on the Contractor using bars of maximum length.

 In case Contractor wishes to use bars of shorter length, laps shall be provided at
the Contractor’s expense in the manner and the locations approved by the
Structural Consultant.

 Splices shall be provided as far as possible away from the sections of maximum
stress and be staggered.

 Not more than half of the bars shall be spliced at a section

 If more than half of the bars shall be spliced at a section, special case shall be
ensured such as increasing length of lap or closer spacing of stirrups around the
length of splice.

 Lap splice shall not be used for bars having diameter larger than 36 mm. For
larger diameters bars it may be welded. Lap length including anchorage value of
hooks in flexural tension shall be La (as defined in Article 26.2.1 of IS: 456-2000)
or 30 times the diameter of the bar whichever is greater and for direct tension
2La or 30 times the diameter of the bar whichever is greater. The straight length
of lap shall not be greater than 15D or 20 cm, whereas D is the diameter of the

 Lap length in compression shall be equal to the development length in

compression calculated as described in relevant clause of IS: 456-or as specified
in the structural drawing but not less than 24 times the diameter of the bar.

Technical Specification Page 64

 Overlapping bars shall not touch each other and these shall be kept apart with
concrete between them by 25mm or 1.25 times the maximum size of the coarse
aggregate, whichever is greater.

 When above is not possible, the overlapping bars shall be bound together at
intervals not exceeding twice the diameter of such bars with two strands of
annealed binding wise of 0.90mm to 1.6mm diameter twisted together tightly.

 As and when necessary welded laps shall be proved as specified by the Structural

Securing Reinforcement
a. Adequately secure with tying wire or approved steel clips.

b. Bend the tying wires well back clear of forms.

Concrete Cover
a. Shall be in accordance with ISI: 456- and as per the instructions in structural

Spacers Chairs and Other Supports

a. Provide necessary supports to maintain reinforcement in its correct position.

b. Provide spacer bars of same diameter as longitudinal bars but not less than
25mm diameter between two layers at 1.5 mm centers except where bundled
bars are detailed.

Precautionary Measures
a. Do not insert bars into placed concrete.

b. Do not damage forms and form linings, if any when fixing reinforcement.

Adjustment and Cleaning

Technical Specification Page 65

a. Check reinforcement prior to and during placing concrete with particular
attention to the top reinforcement in Cantilever sections.

b. Ensure that reinforcement is clean and free from corrosive pitting, loose rust,
loose mill scale, oil and other substances, which may adversely affect reinforcement
concrete or the bond between the two.

c. Protect the projecting reinforcement from weather where the rust staining of
exposed concrete surfaces may occur.

Reinforcement shall be measured as follows:
 Length of different diameters of bars actually used including laps shall be
measured nearest to a centimeter and their weights calculated as shown on the
drawings or as instructed by the Structural Consultant
 Weights per meter shall be as mentioned
 Rolling margin to be considered in quoted rates.
 The Contractor shall account for all these in its quoted rate.
 Rate build-up shall include, in addition to cost of material (ie will not be
measured and paid for separately):

- PVC Cover blocks of required thickness for keeping reinforcement bars in


- Unauthorized overlaps (allowed for Contractor’s convenience), spacer

bars, chairs and ties.

- Cutting, bending, placing and fixing in position in any size and shape and
placing in position as per detailed drawings

- Binding wire as approved (will not be measured and hence not paid

- Wastage

- Cleaning of bare reinforcement

- Welding where required as shown in drawings and specifications

Approved Makes

Technical Specification Page 66

Reinforcement bars shall be procured from one of the following manufacturers
only unless the same is approved by Consultants. (Reinforcement bars from
other sources will not be approved)

4.0 Formwork

4.1 Related Work

 Concrete
 Reinforcement

4.2 Applicable Standards

IS - 303 Specification for Plywood for general purposes

IS - 4990 Specification for plywood for concrete shuttering work

IS - 1629 Rules for grading of cut size of timber

IS - 2750 Specification for steel scaffoldings.

IS - 4014 Code of practice for steel tubular, scaffolding

4.3 Section Includes

Design, Fabrication, erection and striking of formwork for in - situ concrete

4.4 Quality Assurance

Design and construction shall be executed and supervised by fully qualified personnel.

In accordance with quality assurance programme, the Contractor shall provide the
Consultants / Project Manager/Client with information demonstrating that a system will
be used to ensure that the work carried out under this section (including that done by
sub-Contractors) will comply with the requirements of the specifications.

4.5 Formwork
Related Work
 Concrete Form Work
 Concrete Reinforcement

Technical Specification Page 67

 Cast - in situ Concrete

4.6 Quality Assurance

a. Supervisory staff shall have qualification and experience in the above field.

c. IS Standards – Note: Latest amendments shall be followed.

4.7 Design Criteria

Formwork system shall be executed and designed by a specialist qualified to the shapes,
lines, forms and dimensions shown on drawings. The Contractor shall submit to the
Project Manager/Client a method statement backed by design calculations. Required
drawings and sketches shall be enclosed along with the statement for the proposed area
to be taken up for working at a time. The number of repetitions expected, type of
material used, etc shall be detailed therein.

Formwork shall start only after written approval from the Project Manager/Client &
Structural Consultant has been received. Approval of the proposal in submitted form an
acceptance of modification does not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to achieve
its required line finish within accepted tolerance limits in terms of quality of works
completed and safety. Neither will it diminish the Contractor’s responsibility for the
satisfactory performance of formwork.

Basic points to be understood in designing the formwork are stated below:

a) Erected Form work shall be watertight, shall conform to shape, lines,

dimensions, verticality, rigid during placing, vibrating and configuring the

b) Formwork system shall be of 12mm thick water resistant Ply board, and
shall be continuous, straight and without any warping.

c) Design of formwork shall take into account:

 Height of pour
 Thickness of member
 Rate of pour
 Concrete slump
 Texture of finish
Technical Specification Page 68
 Placing temperature
 Concrete density
 Construction joints
 Wind load
 Method of Discharge

d) Form work design shall have

 Dimensional tolerance
 De mountable without shock, disturbance or damage to concrete

e) All construction joints in beams and slabs shall be provided as shown in


f) Ties shall be provided where required

g) Cambers shall be provided where shown.

h) Props / supports of extra ceiling height shall be specially designed.

4.8 Form Work Material

Plywood shuttering shall be considered for all the elements

a) Form material shall have strength adequate to withstand pressure of

newly placed concrete without excessive and adjustable bow or deflection.

b) Factory fabricated, adjustable length removable or snap of metal form

ties, design to prevent from deflection and to prevent spilling concrete surfaces
on removal.

c) Ties shall be such that

 A portion remaining within the concrete shall be at least 38mm from the
outer concrete surface.
 That will not leave a hole larger than 25mm dia meter on the concrete

Technical Specification Page 69

d) Form coating compound that will not bond with, stain, not adversely effect concrete
for required bond or adhesion not hamper the wetting of surface to be covered with
water or curing compound.
e) Shuttering scheme for retaining wall,shear walls etc shall be of Doka or equivalent.

All propping and centering shall be of adjustable steel supports (built-up sections of
rolled steel) and tubular props to full height without joints, and with sufficient bracing to
take into account the construction loads, namely full load of concrete with any live load
and impact load likely to occur during concreting.

4.9 Workmanship
Formwork shall be classified based on the ultimate finishes required of the concrete
surface as:
 Textured or decorative finish
 Fair-faced finish
 Rough finish

The Contractor shall account for all material and labour to achieve the above finishes to
the satisfaction of the Project Manager/Client in his quoted price.

Guidelines for Good Workmanship

Following are a few points as guidelines for good workmanship in formwork and shall be
accounted for in his quoted price.

 Erection of formwork may be from pre-moulded, pre-fabricated, pre-assembled

plates or form reasonable enough to transport and erect at site to correct lines
and levels as set at site.

 Supports shall be firm and maintained in position by nails, cross bracing, tie-rods,
locking bolts, nuts, etc. It shall be rigid and stiff so as to retain its shape during and
after concreting.

 Joints shall be water-tight and no cement slurry shall be allowed to get through

Technical Specification Page 70

 Pre-fabricated or site forms shall be assembled so as to de-shutter without any
jerk to the green concrete. For this double wedges shall be used. The wedges
shall be nailed. The heads left with, allowing easy removal while de-shuttering.

 Pre-fabricated or site formwork shall be sufficient thickness with supporting spans

in both directions. These shall be standardised in size for easy replacement and
universal use at site

 Props shall be of steel only. Its spacing shall be as per design. It shall be vertical
and plumbed. Base shall be of proper steel plate or timber plank for equal
distribution of load

 In case of multi-storied buildings, any upper floor shall be suitably supported on at

least one floor below the same, or as approved by the Project Manager/Client.

 Props shall be adequately cross-braced horizontally

 At the design and erection stage following additional points shall be considered
and be incorporated into the setting

 Opening of cleaning prior to the start of concreting

 Pouring points shall avoid high drops and provide easy access to vibrating needles

 Surfaces shall be treated with suitable releasing oil or emulsion prior to the
reinforcement laying. Such releasing oil shall be got approved from the Project

 Ensure that forms and adjacent surfaces are thoroughly cleaned to receive
concrete and debris.

 Locate construction joints in a manner so as not to impair strength and

appearance of structure.

Technical Specification Page 71

Following points shall be observed very carefully:

 Joints of formwork shall be watertight. It is easy to check from the bottom and
make sure no light is visible

 Props shall be on solid base, plumbed, in straight line, braced horizontally and

 Tie-bars, bracing and spacers in beams, walls and columns shall be at correct
place/location and fully tight

 Wedges shall be fully secured and nailed with heads left out for easy removal

 All saw dust, dirt, shavings and any other unwanted material shall be cleaned and
hosed out

 Provision shall be made for watching formwork while concreting and any other
platform needed for movement of workers without any disturbance to the

 Provision is made for traffic on formwork: not to bear directly on reinforcing steel.

 Number of reuses shall be decided by the Project Manager/Client on examining

the condition of formwork after each use. If during concreting any weakness
develops or formwork shows any distress, the work shall be stopped and remedial
action taken.
4.10 Finishing Formed Surfaces

The Contractor shall:

- Repair and patch defective areas with fins and other projections completely
removed or smoothed.

- To smooth concrete where fins and other projections have formed moisten
concrete surface within a day after forms have been removed and rub with
carborundum brick until surface is a uniform colour and texture within the
projection limits.

Technical Specification Page 72

- Not apply cement ground other than that produced by the rubbing process.

- Remove and replace concrete having defective surfaces if defects cannot be

repaired to the satisfaction of the superintendent.

Surface defects shall include colour and texture irregularities, cracks, spills, air
bubbles, honeycombs, rock pockets, fins and other projection on the surface, stain
and form tie holes.

The Contractor shall:

- Undercut voids larger than 25mm diameter and fill with fresh concrete after
thoroughly wetting concrete surfaces.

- Fill small holes and irregularities using 2:1 (Portland cement to fine sand by
volume) grout mixed with approved bonding admixture according to
manufacturer’s specification.

- Blend standard Portland cement with white Portland cement if necessary so that
final colour of dry grout will match adjacent surfaces.

- After applying grout to repair area, wipe with Hessian cloth to match adjacent
texture and within the specified surface tolerances.

- Keep concrete patch damp with fog *spray for at least 36 hours.

4.11 Measurements

Formwork shall be measured as the area (in square meters) of shuttering in contact with
the concrete including covers, angles, splays, mitres, bevels, etc. for which no special
rate shall be allowed.

 It shall be measured to the nearest centimeter and the area worked out correct
to two decimal places

Technical Specification Page 73

 No deduction shall be made for openings up to 0.4 square meter in plan

 Area of voids shall deducted from the face area of shuttering.

 No deductions shall be made from formwork of main beams where a secondary

beam intersects it. Formwork for secondary beams shall be measured up to
sides of the main beams.

 No deduction shall be made from the formwork to column casings at

intersection of beams.

 Lapping of formwork with previously laid out concrete will not be measured and
will not be paid for.

 The quoted rate shall be applicable for all working conditions and at all heights
and depths or lifts specified in the drawings. The rate shall include the cost of
materials and labour for various operations involved including, but not limited to
the following:

 Provision of formwork, its erection and treatment of the concrete surface

immediately after removal of the formwork

 Holes to be made in the formwork for inserting electrical conduits, piping for
plumbing works, etc

 Centering, bracing, tightening with bolts and nuts, staging, etc.

 Splayed edges, notchings, allowance for overlaps, centering, shuttering,

strutting, bolting, nailing, welding, casing striking and removal.

 Filling to form stop chamfered edges or splayed external angles to footings,

beams, columns and the like.

 Temporary openings in the forms for pouring concrete and removing rubbish.

Technical Specification Page 74

 Dressing with oil/approved emulsion to prevent adhesion of concrete with

 Raking or cutting.

 Fixing inserts and openings at the correct line and level and at any stage to
support the same at the directed height and place.

 Platforms if any to check forms while concreting is in progress.

 Filling and making joints watertight to the satisfaction of the Project


 Cleaning of the shuttering.

 Cleaning the complete floor immediately on deshuttering complete to enable

the start of next activity.

 Cleaning and washing of the complete floor during and after concreting to avoid
any damage to finished surface. It will be responsibility of the Contractor to
protect and retain all finished surfaces.

Should there be any laitance due to concreting of upper floors or other construction
activities within the said floor the Contractor shall be responsible to do all that is
required to bring the finish back to the original or as specified in the Technical
Specification/ directed by the Project Manager/Client.

No payment shall be made for temporary formwork used in concreting nor for
formwork required for joints or buttheads, in floors or elsewhere whether such joints
are to be covered late with concrete or mastic or other material.

4.12 Tolerances
Tolerance is a specified permissible variation from lines, grades or dimensions given in
drawings. No tolerances are specified for horizontal or vertical encroachments beyond

Technical Specification Page 75

the legal boundaries. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances given in the following
sections shall be permitted.

4.12.1 Tolerance for RCC Buildings

Variation from plumb should be as follows:

 In the lines and surface of columns, walls, and other vertical members, viz inside
face of lift shaft, etc. 3 mm per 3.0 meter but not exceeding 10mm for the full height
of the building.

 For exposed corner column and other conspicuous lines

In any bay up to 5 m maximum 3 mm
In 10 m or more bays 5 mm

 Soffits of slabs, ceilings and beams

2.5 m bays 3 mm
5.0 m bays 3 mm
10.0 m or more 10 mm

 Lintels, sills, parapets, grooves and other conspicuous lines

In any bay up to 5 m maximum 3 mm
In 10 m or more 5 mm

 Variation of the linear building lines from established positions in plan and related
position of columns, wall and partitions
In bay up to 5 m maximum 5 mm
In 10 m or more 10 mm

 Deviation from dimensions of footing / foundation:

(i) Dimension in plan (+) 50mm

(ii) Eccentricity in plan: 0.02 times the width of the footings in the direction of
deviation but not more than 50mm

(iii) Thickness: (+) 0.05 times the specified thickness.

(iv) Surface of foundation against ground: -5mm, +10mm

(v) Top surface of foundations, bases, piers: +5mm, -20mm

Technical Specification Page 76

 Variation in sizes and location of sleeves, opening in walls and floors to be 5 mm
(except for anchor bolts)

 Variation in cross-sectional dimension of columns and beams and thickness of slabs

and walls -5 mm, +10 mm

 Variation in steps
In a flight of stairs Risers Treads
In flight of stairs 3 mm 5 mm
In consecutive steps 1.5 mm 3 mm
All the tolerances mentioned above shall apply to concrete dimensions only, and not to
positioning of vertical steel or dowels.

4.13 Removal of Formwork:

Formwork shall not be struck until the concrete has reached a strength at least twice the
stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of formwork.

 Formwork shall be removed carefully without jarring the concrete and curing of
the concrete shall commence immediately. Sudden shocks / vibrations during
removal of wedges shall be avoided. Where finished edges have re-entrant angles,
remove formwork as early as possible to avoid shrinkage cracks.

 Concrete surfaces to be exposed shall where required by the Project

Manager/Client, be rubbed with carborandum stone to give a smooth and even

 Where concrete requires plastering or other finish later, the concrete surface shall
be hacked as directed.

 No extra charge will be allowed to the Contractor for such work.

4.14 Minimum time Requirements

For other cements the stripping time shall be suitably modified in consultation with the
Project Manager/Client.

For precast moulds the stripping time shall be 24 hours.

Technical Specification Page 77

Striking time shall be as follows:

Type of Formwork Minimum period before striking

(excluding the day of casting)

i. Walls, columns 12 hrs

ii. Vertical faces 12 hrs

iii Removal of formwork with props fully left under

spanning over 6m 7 days

iv Between ribs not more than 1 to 2 m 7 days

v. Ribs, joists, beams, soffits

- Up 3m clear span - Beams 7 days

- Between 3m to 6m - Beams 14 days

- Above 6m clear span beams 21 days

vi. One way floor slabs - up to 3m 7 days

vii. One way floor slabs - between 3m to 6m 10 days

viii One way floor slabs - over 6m 14 days

ix Beams and Girder Sides 12 days

x. Removal of props below slabs spanning over 6m 21 days

Striking of Formwork within the time limits listed above is subject to successful crushing
of cubes compressive strength results. However re-shuttering and re-propping can be
done if the required strength is attained as per the instructions of Structural Consultant
/ Project Manager/Client.

4.15 Cleaning and Oiling of Forms

Technical Specification Page 78

The contactor shall ensure that the surface of the forms that will touch the concrete
shall be free from encrustations of mortar, grout, or other foreign material. Temporary
openings shall be left at the bottom of formwork to enable sawdust, shavings, wire off-
cuts and other foreign material to be removed from the interior of the forms before the
concrete is placed. Compressed air shall be used to clean the complete formwork and
remove all traces of duct and debris before pouring concrete the temporary holes shall
then be closed.

The surface of the forms to be in contact with the concrete shall be coated with a
reliable coating that will effectively prevent the adherence of concrete and will not stain
the concrete surfaces. After each use, the surfaces of forms which have been in contact
with concrete shall be cleaned of mortar and any other material sticking to them, then
well wetted and treated with form oil approved by the Project Manager/Client.

The Contractor shall provide commercial form release agent that will not bond with,
stain or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatment of
concrete surfaces.

4.16 Openings / Inserts

Contractor shall provide all required openings, pockets, inserts as detailed in drawings.
The Contractor shall provide required material and labour for fixing and supporting
during concreting. In its quoted price, it is imperative to consider that all openings and
pockets shall be de-shuttered with care and all corners of openings shall be preserved,
ie shall be in correct line and level. After concreting the openings shall be secured
against any accident by proper covering and guard rail, warning notice, lighting, etc for
which no extra cost is payable to the Contractor.

5. Structural Steel



Extent and Intent

Technical Specification Page 79

The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labour operation, equipment, tools and plant
and incidentals necessary and required for the completion of all metal work in
connection items of metal work as called for in the drawings. The drawings and
specifications cover the major requirements only. The supplying of additional
fastenings, accessory features and other items not mentioned specifically herein but
which are necessary to make a complete installation shall be a part of the Contract.

Works Include anchorages in cast-in-situ concrete.

Related Work

i. Grouting base plates and bearing plates

ii. Metal fabricators
iii. Roofing sheets

Applicable Standards

IS-800-- Structural Steel for general purpose

IS-226-- Structural Steel (standard quality) (fifth revision)

IS-456-- Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (third revision)

IS-696-- Code of practice for general engineering drawings (second revision)

IS-786-- (Supplement) SI supplement to Indian Standard conversion factors and

conversion tables (first revision)

IS-812-- Glossary of terms relating to welding and cutting of Metals

IS-813-- Scheme of symbols for welding

IS-814 - Covered electrodes for metal arc welding of structural steels: 814 (Part
1)-1974 Part 1 for welding products other than sheets (fourth revision)

IS-816-- Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild
steel (first revision)

IS-817-- Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders (revised)

IS-819-- Code of practice for resistance spot welding for light assemblies In mild steel

Technical Specification Page 80

IS-875-- Code of practice for structural safety of buildings: Loading standards (revised)

IS-919-- Recommendations for limits and fits for engineering (revised)

IS-961-- Structural steel (high tensile) (second revision)

IS-962-- Code of practice for architectural and building drawings (first revision)

IS-1024--Code of practice for use of welding in bridges and structures subject to

dynamic loading (first revision)

IS-1030--Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes (second revision)

IS-1148-- Hot-rolled steel rivet bars (up to 40 mm diameter) for structural purposes
(second revision)

IS-1149-- High tensile steel rivet bars for structural purposes

IS-1261-- Code of practice for seam welding in mild steel

IS-1278-- Filler rods and wires for gas welding (second revision)

IS-1323-- Code of practice for oxy- acetylene welding for structural work in mild steel

IS-1363- Black hexagon bolts, nuts and lock nuts (diameter 6 to 39 mm) and
black hexagon screws (diameter 6 to 24 mm) (first revision)

IS-1364-- Precision and semi-precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts and lock nuts
(diameter range 6 to 39 mm) (first revision)

IS-1367-- Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners (first revision)

IS-1393-- Code of practice for training and testing of oxy-acetylene welders

IS-1395-- Molybdenum and chromium molybdenum vanadium low alloy steel

electrodes for metal arc welding (second revision)

IS-1477 - Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings: 1477 (Part
1)-1971 Part 1 Pretreatment (first revision)(Part 2)-1971 Part 2 Painting

IS-1929-- Rivets for general purposes (12 to 48 mm diameter)

IS-1977-- Structural steel (ordinary quality) (second revision)

IS-2062-- Weld able structural steel (third revision)

Technical Specification Page 81

IS-2155-- Rivets for general purposes (below 12 mm diameter)

IS-3613-- Acceptance tests for wire-flux combinations for submerged-arc welding

of structural steels (first revision)

IS-3757-- High-tensile friction grip bolts (first revision)

IS-4000-- Code of practice for assembly of structural joints using high tensile friction grip

IS-5369-- General requirements for plain washers and lock washers (first revision)

IS-5370-- Plain washers with outside diameter 3 x inside diameter

IS-6419-- Welding rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded arc welding of structural

IS-6623-- High tensile friction grip nuts

IS-6649-- High tensile friction grip washers

IS-7205-- Safety code for erection of structural steel work

IS-7215-- Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures

IS-7280-- Bare wire electrodes for submerged arc welding of structural steels

IS-8500-- Weld able structural steel (medium and high strength qualities)

Shop Drawings Include

a. Shop drawings for trusses, bracings, purlins, columns, ties, base plates, crane girders,
b. Indicate profiles, sizes, spacing and locations of structural members, connections,
attachments, fasteners, cambers, loads and designs of joints.
c. Indicate welded connections using standard welding symbols and net weld lengths.
d. Indicate the method of erection, shop and field joints.
e. Indicate and identify all transportable parts and sub assemblies, associates with
special erection instructions, if any.
f. Provide design calculations for splices, joints, other details not specifically detailed in
design drawings on fabrication drawings considering standard detailing practices
and developing full member strengths.
g. Submit 3 sets of shop drawings to Project Manager/Client for approval.
h. Allow three weeks for Project Manager/Client to approve Shop Drawings.

Technical Specification Page 82



a. Structural steel members.

b. Structural tubing.
c. Bolts, nuts and washers.
d. Welding materials.
e. Primer.
f. Shear studs.
g. Electrodes

All metal materials shall be free from defects impairing strength, durability and
appearance and they shall have structural properties that comply fully with the
standards set. All ferrous metal shall be free from rust, scale and other defects. All non-
ferrous metal shall have uniform finished surfaces, machined and buffed, free from
defects. All sections shall conform accurately to sizes and shapes required.


a. Fabricate structural steel members in accordance with IS Specifications 800 Section

V and approved shop drawings.
b. Defective material used shall be replaced by the Contractor.
c. Fabricated items delivered at site shall be suitably protected from any damages.


Clean, prepare and shop rime structural steel members. Do not prime surfaces to be
field welded or bolted or in contact with concrete.


a. Erect structural steel in accordance with IS Specifications.

b. Make provision for erection loads and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain
the structure in proper plumb and in true alignment until completion of erection and
installation of permanent bracing.

Technical Specification Page 83

c. Do not field cut or alter structural members without approval of Project
d. After erection, prime welds, abrasions and surfaces not shop primed, except
surfaces to be in contact with concrete.
e. Members shall be cut mechanically by saw or shear or by oxy acetylene flame and
not by electric metal arc.
f. Cut edges shall be ground as per IS 823.
g. Cutting tolerances shall be
 Members connected at bolt ends: + or - 1 mm.
 Other members: + or - 3 mm.
h. All bolt holes shall be drilled and to the sizes specified in drawings.
 Tolerance for spacing between two holes: + or - 1 mm.
 Tolerance between two perpendiculars of any oval hole: + or - 1 mm.
 Bolt holes for field joints shall be drilled in the shop to the required diameters
and tested.
i. Drilling holes for standard sizes if varies can be reamed to next higher sizes. The
tolerance for hole reaming shall not exceed 15% of the total number of holes for one

Preparation of members for welding

a. Proper jigs and fixtures shall be used to ensure correct positioning of structural
members during assembly.
b. Sharp edges, rusting of cutting edges, notches, irregularities, and fissures due to
faulty cutting shall be chipped and ground.
c. Edge preparation for welding shall be done properly taking care of cleaning,
providing dry surface, removing grease, dust or dirt, foreign matter, etc.
d. Finished dimensions of structure shall be ensured after taking into account the
shrinkage and distortions during welding.



a. Welders shall be fully trained, experienced and certified by the recognized welding
b. Welders’ qualification tests shall be as per ASME SEC IX and approved by Project


a. Welding shall be done in accordance with IS 823.

Technical Specification Page 84

b. Welded parts shall be marked with welders’ identification.
c. Protect the welded parts, electrode wires against wind and rain.
d. Discontinued seams shall be melted before resuming welding operation.
e. Welding seams shall be cooled slowly and not by any other quick methods.

f. Before welding a second layer over the existing layer of weld, the layer shall be
cleaned metal bright by light chipping and wire brushing.
g. Execution shall proceed in strict compliance with Section 2/ 7 Safety Procedures.


a. Welded parts shall not have any deformations.

b. Welded joints should compensate for Contractions due to welding.
c. Defective welds must be rectified.
d. Weld seams shall correspond to design shapes and dimensions.
e. Weld seams shall not have cracks, fusion, under cuts, rough surfaces, burns,
blowholes, and incomplete penetration.
f. Approval of finished elements, inspections and tests shall be as per Annexure



a. Bolts, nuts shall be in accordance with IS 1367 and tested as per IS 1608.

b. Washers shall be as per IS 2016.


a. Members shall be assembled for bolting with proper jigs and fixtures to sustain the
assemblies without deformation and bending.
b. All sharp edges, shavings, rust, dirt, etc. shall be removed before assembly.
c. Before assembly the contacting surfaces of the members shall be cleaned and given
a coat of primer.
d. Temporarily the assembly shall be done and checked for co-axiality of the holes after
which the assembly shall be finally bolted.


Technical Specification Page 85

 Bolts shall be fixed after all the defects have been rectified and approved by Project
 Bolts shall be tightened from the centre of joint towards the edge.


 Structural members prior to dispatch for erection shall be marked with a weather
proof light coloured paint. The size and thickness of members shall be so chosen as
to facilitate easy identification.
 Structural members small in size shall be bundled or crated and shall be marked with
metal tags for bundles and painted on crates for identification with particulars of the
bundle / crate size, weight, etc.

Shop - approvals

Pre Assembly

Pre assembly of bolted structures shall be done for all elements as well as for the
entire structure in conformity with the 'holes for field joints'.

Steel structures having same type of welding the shop test pre assembly shall be
performed at least one member out of ten members.


a. Contractor to provide facilities for Project Manager/Client to inspect the steel

assembly, welding, bolting, painting etc. at any time during fabrication of members.

b. Project Manager/Client shall have the access to the fabrication shop at all times for
satisfying himself regarding the fabrication of steel items to the drawings and

c. Shop approval by the Consultants / Project Manager/Client is only mandatory.

d. Contractor to bear all the expenses for testing required by the Consultants / Project
Manager/Client for satisfying regarding the quality of workmanship.

Technical Specification Page 86

e. Contractor to furnish necessary tools, gauges, instruments, technical and
non-technical personnel for shop tests at his own cost.


Intermediate approvals

a. For part of the work that cannot be inspected later.

b. For part of the work that will be difficult to perform inspection and even if done
results are not satisfactory.

Partial approvals

a. To the structural steel members and assemblies before the primer coat is applied.
b. of materials used for fabrication.
c. of test erection.
d. of markings.
e. of fillet joints.
f. of plain surfaces.
g. of special features such as rollers, etc.

Final approval

a. To all elements and assemblies of steel structures after having a shop primer coat
and ready for delivery.
b. Includes partial approval
c. Of shop primer coat.
d. Of mode of loading and transport.
e. Of storage of materials.

Technical Specification Page 87

Approved Fabricators

All metal work fabricated shall be approved by the Structural Consultant / Project
Manager/Client. The entire work shall be carried out by workmen skilled in this kind of
work in a shop fully equipped to carry out all phases of fabrication in accordance with
the best-accepted trade practices.



a. Surface to receive primer coat shall be sand blasted free of dust, oil, rust,
etc.toSA2.5 grade

b. Surfaces not accessible to painting shall be filled with approved type of oil and

c. Surface shall be completely dry.

d. Surfaces where water or aggressive agents may collect during transportation,

storage, erection and operation shall be filled with putty and provided with
drainage holes.

e. Structural steel members are inspected and approved.

f. Welds are approved.

g. After satisfying the above criteria the surfaces are to be provided with one coat of
red oxide / zinc chromate primer to the satisfaction of Project Manager/Client
before the material is dispatched for erection.

Do not prime the following areas:

a. Surfaces to receive weld at site.

b. Surfaces bearing markings.

Technical Specification Page 88

c. Surfaces as indicated in drawings.

d. Planned surfaces shall receive a coat of hot oil or any approved resistant lubricant

e. To coat the surfaces with hot oil to holes for links.

f. To give a coat of cement wash for any members either embedded or in contact
with concrete.

g. To give a bituminous coat for members in contact with ground, gravel, brickwork
and moisture.

h. Contractor to give a further coat of red oxide paint after erection and placing in
position of the assembly if called for by the Project Manager/Client.

Packing, Transportation, Delivery:

a. Structural steel members shall be marked and approved in shop before packing
and loading for transportation.

b. Adequate packing must be done for all the steel members to protect them against
warping during loading and unloading.

c. Suitable lifting devises to be used for loading and unloading.

d. Additional steel bracing to be provided for all slender projecting members to

prevent any warping during transportation loading and unloading.

e. Loading and transportation shall be done as per the transportation rules.

f. To provide additional splice joints where required in consultation with Consultants

/ Project Manager/Client in case the members to be transported are beyond the
limitations of transporting system.

g. To secure all small parts including gusset plates fish plates by securing them with
wire to their respective parts.

h. To crate all bolts, nuts and washers.

i. All structural parts to be delivered in the order required for construction and as
per instructions of Project Manager/Client and shall accompany the following

Technical Specification Page 89

- Quality and quantity of structure or members.

- Location of members in the structure

- Description of structure

- Identification number

Building/job symbol

Storage and Preparation of Members Prior to Erection

a. Place for storage of steel member shall be prepared in advance and got approved
by the Project Manager/Client.
b. To provide concrete platform at the site for preliminary erection work.

c. To verify the quality of material obtained at site and for workmanship to the
specifications and drawings.
d. To verify whether the parts obtained at site is free from defects due to loading,
unloading transportation.
e. To avoid warping of members during unloading by taking sufficient precautionary
f. To store the members as per the symbol and markings and in order of erection.
g. To place the steel members at least 150mm above the platform on wooden or
steel locks for protection against direct contact with ground and to permit
drainage of water.
h. To equip for rectification of members like straightening at site and to provide
sufficient space for the same.
i. To see that the parts are clean before erection.

Field Erection

a. To get approvals of foundation, columns, column pedestals or other related

structure on which the structural steel members are to be erected.
b. To get approvals of the members receiving structural steel members regarding their
levels, dimensions, alignments and verticality well in advance.
c. To carry out any minor discrepancies at no additional cost.
d. To get approvals of pockets, bolt locations, levels of base plates before erection.
e. Erection to commence after satisfying the above conditions.
f. Erection to be done in an organised way so that any individual member is not
subjected to instability during the erection time.
g. Precautionary measures to be taken during erection of trusses, purlins and other
steel members by providing proper bracing.

Technical Specification Page 90

h. Faulty erections done without caring for safety of members and of personal shall be
made good at no additional cost.
i. Contractor is not relieved of his responsibilities, guarantees even after the Project
Manager/Client approves the fabrication, erection, etc., at any stage of work.
j. Contractor is solely responsible for the correctness accuracy and quality of the
fabrication, erection and final approvals to be obtained by the Project

Erection and Tolerance

a. To check and inspect before, during and after erection.

1. Damage during transportation.

2. Alignment of structure.

3. Erection sequence

4. Progress

5. Workmanship

b. To erect members as per the predetermined plan approved by the Project


c. To position and level the structure including aligning and to plumb the stanchion and
fixing every member in position with bolts, erection bolts, weld as per design and

d. To inform the Project Manager/Client of any variation, deviation in location of

foundations, anchor bolts which shall deviate the prefabricated members.

e. Structural Consultants / Project Manager/Client to give suitable solutions in case of

above deviations well in advance for the Contractor to proceed with the fabrication
of members including any modifications necessary.

f. Contractor to rectify any minor deviations in foundations, location of steel bolts and
orientation of bolt hole positions at no extra cost.

Technical Specification Page 91

g. To erect structural steel members ensuring that the system is stable against inherent
weight, wind and any erected trusses.

h. To anchor and fasten the erection joints after duly checking the plan, elevation
positions of the members with reference to the drawings after the approval of
Project Manager/Client.

i. To fasten bolts to the final position with bolt heads and nuts resting on the member
and on tapered washers with members having a sloping surface.

Final Acceptance and Handing Over the Structure

a. Contractor to submit As-built shop drawings for the approval of the Structural
Consultant / Project Manager/Client, as per the stipulation given in Conditions of

b. Documents to be submitted for final acceptance are as follows:

1. Shop acceptance drawings
2. Quality certificate for structural members, plates, flats, bolts.
3. Quality certificate for material used for fabrication including electrodes, welding
wire, bolts, nuts, washers, etc.,
4. List of welders who welded the structures and their certificates for having
undergone a welding course.
5. Acceptance and intermediate control procedure adopted during the process of
fabrication, assembly, transportation, delivery and erection or structure.


a. Payment of structural steel members including bolts, nuts, washers, gusset plates,
etc., will be done on weight basis.

b. The weight of members will be assessed from the final fabricated and approved
drawings and the respective Bill of Materials prepared by the Contractor and
approved the Structural Consultant / Project Manager/Client.

c. The weight of members shall be as per IS handbook.

Technical Specification Page 92

d. Sections different than mentioned in IS handbook shall be taken as per
manufacturers’ information.

e. No rolling tolerance will be allowed.

f. Built up of members will be paid as per the actual weight of the members.

g. Gusset plates shall be paid to the nearest rectangle enclosing the shape and no
deduction shall be made for any skew cuts.

h. Welds, bolts, anchors, washers, etc will not be measured and paid for separately.

i. Payment do not include any other related temporary works connected with this
work including welds, shims, wedge plates, etc.

j. Rates to include any trimming, straightening, edge preparation, preparation and

approval of shop drawings, and one coat of red oxide / zinc chromate primer and
also including any handling, re-handling, loading and unloading, transportation to
the site of work and returning surplus material to the Project Manager/Client at the
place requested by him.

k. Rate to include necessary scaffolding, temporary support, tool and tackles, touching
up primer coat grouting etc.


a. To level, align and plumb the structural steel work and the base of stanchions by
providing steel shim plates.

b. To align anchor bolts in foundation to the required level, location and orientation
by using templates.

c. To clean the underside of base plates, pockets to receive grout by using

compressed air.

Technical Specification Page 93

d. To use cement mortar 1:2, 1 of cement and 2 of sand, non-shrink grout under base

e. To use grade M 30 concrete to fill up the grout pockets left for fixing anchor bolts.

f. To pour the grout under a sufficient head and tam until the voids are thoroughly
filled and the grout overflows.


a. Steel work for line and level ± 3mm

b. For structural steel for plumb 3.5mm for 10M and not more than 7mm for 30M

c. To follow any tolerance criteria provided on the drawings.

d. To provide tolerances for all structural steel members as per IS code other than
what is mentioned in a, b and c.

Technical Specification Page 94


Inspection of test Coverage Procedure Evaluation

findings & remedy
of Defect

Inspection of weld All welds Naked Eye or Lens All faulty welds shall be
seam rectified

Checking of Sizes At least Ordinary measuring Should faulty weld be

one for instruments (rule, found all welds shall be
each Weld templates) checked & all defects
shall be rectified.

Mechanical tests As per

for welding

Performance &



Defects Detailing of Allowed Cause of defects Mode of

sketching of tolerances & finding
defect remedy of defects

Unsatisfactory Uneven At discretion Uneven welding External

appearance width rugged cut weld & progress, voltage (visual
seam reweld fluctuations, inspection
varying arc length,

Technical Specification Page 95

Unsatisfactory Shallow or No variance Negligence Visual
shape jutting welds from design inspection
shape shall be template
allowed checking

Incomplete Not allowed fill Template

weld in weld checking

Molten metal Not allowed fill Excessive melting, Visual

flow in weld wrong ions handling of inspection

Pits Not allowed Wrong welding Visual

cut & reweld technique inspection

Surface cracks Not allowed cut Grerat stresses, Visual

& reweld sudden cooling, inspection
wrong type of

Technical Specification Page 96

Defects Detailing of Allowed Cause of defects Mode of
sketching of tolerances & finding
defect remedy of defects

Incorrect B1 = ±2mm Negligence Template

sectional checking
B2 = ±2mm
B = ±1mm

C = ±1mm
A) Depth weld
Chisel & grid

Insufficient For weld Negligence Rule

lengths checking
11+5mm, for
12+10mm for
seams cur &
reweld or
complete to

Back cuts If 0.5mm for Burnt material, Visual

10mm & excessive melting inspection
C1mm for

Surface Max 5% of Frequent Visual

porosities seam area interruptions or inspection
cut & re-weld welding electrodes


Technical Specification Page 97


Post – tensioning of the slabs /beams be carried out in accordance with

Below . – flat holded post – tensioning system shall be adopted the processing shall
consist of stands of 12.7 mm ( 0.5 “) dia and contained in a flat sheet metal duct.
Each strand is anchored by means of a barrel and wedge and individually stressed by
means of a nonstrand jack, which occupies limited space. The pre – stressing force is
transferred to the concrete by a flat anchor plate casting . By use of flat duct the static
depth of slab is more efficiently utilized compared to a round duct for same number of

6.2 Sheathing
The sheathing ducts shall be of the spiral - corrugated type. Unless otherwise specified ,
the material shall be Cold Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) Mild Steel conforming to IS 513
intended for mechanical treatment and surface refining but not for quench hardening or
tempering. The material shall be bright finished. The thickness of sheathing shall be
shown on the drawing, but shall not be less than 0.3 mm.

The sheathing ducts shall be manufactured at the project site using appropriate
machines or in the factory and dispatched to site as per suitable programme so as to
minimize period of site storage. Where sheathing duct joints are unavoidable, such joints
shall be made slurry tight by the use of corrugated threaded sleeve couplers, which
may be lightly screwed onto the outer side of the ducts.

The length of the coupler shall not be less than 150 mm but should be increased up to
200 mm wherever practicable. The joints between the ends of the coupler and the duct
shall be sealed with adhesive sealing tape to present penetration of cement slurry
during concreting. The couplers of adjacent ducts should be staggered wherever
practicable . As far as possible, couplers should not be located in curved zones.

The finished duct shall be flattered to form an oblong section out of the round pipes by
a suitable machine . The size of the flat duct shall be 70 mm x 26.2 mm for 405 size
anchorages (4 nos. of 0.5” strand )

Technical Specification Page 98

The sheathing duct of round pipes shall be periodically tested as per the
recommendations of the SRC 18 – 1995 for acceptance.

6.3 Cona – Flat Anchorages

Cona – Flat Anchorages unit shall consist of a flat cone costing with 4 nos of
Barrel and wedges for gripping of the 4 nos. 0.3” MT strand. The Flat cona shall
be of grey iron casting confirming to DIN 1691 OR equivalent . The barrel shall be
manufactured from HT alloy steel of CK 45 as per DIN 1720 or equivalent. For
405 Cona – Flat tendon, the overall thickness of the cone casting shall not exceed
75 mm preferably. Test certificates for the anchorages materials shall be
submitted by the system supplier.

No damaged anchorage shall be used. Steel parts shall be protected from

corrosion at all times. Threaded parts shall be protected by greased wrappings
and tapped holes shall be protected by suitable plugs until used. The anchorage
components shall be kept free from matter loose rust and any other deleterious

All bearing surfaces of the anchorage shall be cleaned prior to concreting and
tensioning . Anchor cone shall be securely positioned and maintained during concreting
such that the centerline of the duct passes axially through the anchorage assembly. The
anchorages shall be recessed from the concrete surface by minimum cover of 100 mm or
as per construction drawings which ever is higher.

At the fixed end of tendon, Cona – flat loop anchorage for 405 shall be supplied as per
system supplier’s detail.

Un –tensioned steel reinforcement , and anchorage shall conform to details of pro-stressing

system and as shown on the drawing.

6.4 Strand
12.7 mm ( 0.5”) dia HT strand shall conform to class 2 of IS : 6006. The normal cross –
sectional area of the 7 ply 12.7 mm dia strand shall be 98.7 mm2 with minimum breaking
load of 183.7 KN rest certificate of manufacturer shall be supplied along with each lot
dispatched to site.

Technical Specification Page 99

6.5 Cleaning
Tendon shall be free from loose rust, oil, grease, tar, paint , mud or any other deleterious

6.6 Straightening.
High tensile steel strand shall be supplied in coils of sufficiently larger diameter such
that tendon shall retain their physical properties and shall be straight as it unwinds
from the coil. Tendons of any type that are damaged , kinked or bent shall not be used.

The packing of pre- stressing strand shall be removed fast prior to marking of cable for
placement in ducts. Proper platform shall be provided to facilitate uncoiling of strand
without damage to steel. Care shall be taken to avoid the possibility of the such coming
into contact with the ground.

6.7 Post – Tensioning

Pre – stressing tendon shall be accurately profiled and maintained in position, both
vertically and horizontally, as per drawings. Tendon shall be so arranged that they have a
smooth profile. Without sudden bends and kinks. The positioning of pre-stressed cables
shall be such as to facilitate easy placement and vibration of concrete in between the
tendons. All stressing and fixed anchorages shall be allowed. The minimum spacing
between the tendons and edge distance shall be as per recommendation of the system
supplier and / or as per drawings.

Sheathing shall be placed in correct position and profiles suitable ladders / spacers made
from 4 or 5 mm dia rod may be provided at intervals of approximately 1.0 m. Sheathing
shall be tied rigidly with such ladders / spacers bars so that they do not get disturbed
during concreting. The method of supporting and fixing shall be such that profile of
cables is not disturbed during vibrations, by pressure of wet concrete, by workmen or by
construction traffic. Where possible tendons shall not be handled with care to avoid
damage or contamination to either the tendon or the sheathing. Any tendons damaged
or contaminated shall be replace.

In general, the work shall conform to IS 1343 or equivalent.

Technical Specification Page 100

6.8 Cutting of strands
Cutting and trimming of strands shall be done by suitable mechanical or flame cutters.
When a flame cutter is used, care shall be taken to ensure that the flame does not
come in contact with other stressed steel. The location of flame cutting of wire or
strand shall be kept beyond 100 mm of where the tendon will be gripped by the
anchorage or jacks. The ends of pre-stressing steel projecting beyond the anchorage shall
be cut after the grout has set.

Design Brief for Prestressed Slab / Beam

Governing Code: IS 1343

If Alternate Code is being planned to be used, copy of the code is to be submitted and any
deviations from IS code to be highlighted.


Concrete Grade : M35 and above

Reinforcement : TMT Fe 500

Strands : LR strands as per IS 6006

Additional Precautions
It is proposed that the strands are permanently anchored in concrete during casting.

The post tensioning force (actual) must be limited in such a way that accidental breaking of strand is
catered for.

Additional stresses during concreting of upper slab shall be considered to enable no back
propping of second or subsequent lower levels slabs beneath concreting slab.


 Design mix of concrete

 Approval of strands-Testing to be done by independent agency to confirm codal norms.

Technical Specification Page 101

 Methodology of pre-stressing, construction sequence, minimum and maximum concrete

 Designs to be submitted to consultants for their approval and perusal much before actual
commencement of works at site.

 Designs to be wetted by consultants and if need be modified as per consultants


 Design in soft /hard copy to be submitted to consultants and if required to forward and
support to the local authorities for approval.

 A copy of the stress details done at site shall be submitted to consultants for their perusal.

 Safety measures at site to be spelled and incorporated in work order.

 Co-ordination with consultants, architects, project managers, civil contractor and PMC team
is required at all times.

 Local technical representative should be available for any clarifications

 Final as built drawings to be submitted to consultant’s incl .soft and hard copies.

6. Miscellaneous Works
6.1. Anti Termite Treatment

6.2. Specifications for Anti Termite Treatment

All the buildings shall be adequately protected against attack by sub terrain termites by
suitable chemical treatment measures. The work shall be carried out by a specialist pest
control agency approved by Consultants / Project Manager/Client. The work to be
carried out by the specialist firm shall carry a guarantee for the satisfactory performance
of the treatment for a min. Period of ten (10) years.

The treatment shall be carried out generally in accordance with the stipulation laid
down by IS 6313 - Part II latest edition (Code of practice for anti termite measures in

Technical Specification Page 102

buildings and part II re constructional chemical treatment measures) subject to the min.
Requirement given in this specification.

6.3. Minimum Specifications

The earth filling immediately under the stone soling (under floors) bottom and side fills
of all foundations (excepting foundations) and soil along external perimeter of all
buildings shall be chemically treated against termites. The chemical to be used for the
treatment shall be Imdachloropid 30.5 SC, Dildrin, Aldrin, Heptachlor or Chlordane or as
specified conforming of the requirement and concentration laid down in IS 6313 (Part II)
- latest edition.

6.4. Application
The chemical solution shall be prepared by mixing the chemical with the appropriate
quantity of water to obtain a chemical emulsion of the correct concentration as
stipulated above. The prepared emulsion shall be applied as described below.

6.5. Column Pits, Wall Trenches, etc

The bottom surface and sides of the excavations (up to a height of 30cm from the
bottom) made for column foundations, wall foundations etc., (excepting RCC
foundations) shall be treated with the chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 ltr/m 2 of
surface area.

6.6. Treatment to Backfill

After the column foundations, wall foundations etc., are constructed, the back fill in
immediate contact with the foundation structure shall be treated at the rate of 7.5
ltr/m2 of the surface of the substructure for each side if water is used for ramming
operation completely by rodding earth at 15cm centers close to the wall face and
spraying the chemical with the above dose. The chemical emulsion shall be directed
towards the masonry wall surfaces so that the earth in contact with these surfaces is
well treated with the chemicals.

In the case of RCC walls and columns, the treatment shall start at the depth of 50 cm.
below natural ground level.

From this depth the back fill around the RCC columns, walls, etc., shall be treated at the
rate of 15 ltr/m2 of the surface.

1.1 Top Surface of Plinth Filling

The top surface of the plinth fill (just below the stone soling) shall be treated with
chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 ltr/m2 of the surface before the stone lay. If the

Technical Specification Page 103

filled earth has been well consolidated and does not permit the emulsion to seep
through, holes up to 50 to 75mm deep at 150mm centers both ways may be made with
crowbars to facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical emulsion.

1.2 Junction of Wall and Floor

A channel size of 3x3 cm shall be made at all the junction of walls and columns with the floor
(before laying soling) and rod wholes made in the channels up to the ground level at 15cm
centers. The solution is poured into the channels at the rate of 15 ltr/m2 of the vertical surface
and allowed to soak through the holes fully so that the soil is in contact with the chemical. The
soil shall be tamped back into the channel and consolidation to the original conditions.

1.3 External Perimeter of Building

After the building is complete, holes shall be made along the external perimeter of the building
at intervals 15cms and depth of 30cms and the emulsions shall be allowed to soak through
these holes fully at the rate of 5 ltr/m2 of the perimeter wall.

1.4 Soil Surrounding Pipes

Wherever any service pipes enter the soil inside the area of the foundations of any building, the
solid surrounding the point of entry of each pipe at the foundation, floor etc., shall be fully
soaked with the chemical solution for a distance of at least 1mtr. From the point of such entry.

1.5 Expansion Joints

Soil beneath the expansion joints at ground floor level shall be specially treated as
directed. The joints itself shall also be treated as directed by the Consultants / Project

1.6 Treatment Under Apron

The soil below the concrete for stone aprons to be provided around the perimeter
walls of all buildings shall also be treated with the chemical solutions at the rate of 5

1.7 Treatment Over DPC

Technical Specification Page 104

Top of concrete damp proof course in external and internal walls shall be given a
liberal coat of chemical solution when the concrete is still green.

1.8 Spraying Equipment

To facilitate proper penetration of the chemical into the soil, a pressure pump of
adequate capacity and sprayers shall be employed to apply the solution.

1.9 Measurements
The measurements shall be made in square meter on the basis of plinth area of the
building at ground floor only for all operations described in schedule of quantities.
Nothing extra shall be measured.

The rate shall include cost of all material and labour involved in all operations
described above.

1.10 Code of Practice:

Notwithstanding the above the specialist Contractor will ensure that all requirements
in accordance with the relevant Indian Codes are met with regards to materials,
application, handling and storage.

1.11 Guarantee:
On completion of the treatment in all respects, a guarantee that the building is safe
from subterranean species of termite infestation for a period of 10 years is required
on stamp paper in a format which shall be approved by the Client who shall have the
final decision.

In the event of re-infestation of the said structure at any time during guarantee
period, an undertaking is required to carry out such treatment as may be necessary to
render the structure free from termite infestation without any extra cost including any
remedial work, resulting sleeves, cutout etc.

1.12 Admixtures and Additives

 Chemical admixtures are not to be used until permitted by the Consultants. In
case their use is permitted, the type, amount and method of use of any admixture
proposed by the Contractor shall be submitted to Consultants for approval.

 The Contractor shall further provide the following information concerning each
admixture to Consultants.

Technical Specification Page 105

 Normal dosage and detrimental effects, if any, of under dosage and over dosage.

 The chemical names of main ingredients in the admixture

 The Chloride iron content, if any, expressed as a percentage by weight of


 Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used in the
manufacturer’s recommended dosage.

 Where two or more admixtures are proposed to be used in any one mix, the
manufacturer’s written confirmation of their compatibility.

 In reinforced concrete, the chloride iron of any admixtures used shall not exceed 2
percent by weight of the admixtures in accordance with IS 6925 and the total
chloride iron in all admixtures used in concrete mix shall not exceed 0.03 % by
weight of cement

 The admixtures when used shall conform to IS 9103 “The suitability of all
admixtures shall be verified by trial mixtures”.

 The addition of calcium chloride to concrete containing embedded metal will not
be permitted under any circumstances.

 Retarding admixtures when used shall be based on lingosulphonates with due

considerations to IS 7861

 Water proofing admixtures shall comply with IS 2645.

1.13 Grouts

1.13.1 Grouting

Technical Specification Page 106

 Grouting shall be done in 1:2 cement mortar (one part cement and two parts
coarse sand) of thickness 3’’ (75mm) or less, or as directed. Where the thickness is
more than 3’’ (75 mm) thick grouting shall be done in plain or reinforced cement
with coarse aggregate 3/8” and down gauge. The mix of concrete will be as shown
in the relevant drawings as directed.

 The base plate shall be temporarily supported on steel wedges and properly
aligned before grouting. Forms shall be built around the base and wet mortar shall
be placed under pressure around and under the base. To ensure that no air
pockets are left after grouting additions holes may have to be cut if directed in the
base plate so that pressure grouting can be carried out thorough these holes also
and proper inspection of the grout can be ascertained. The wedges shall be
removed after the grouting has set and recess shall be properly pointed.

 Grouting of machine foundations shall be done only after taking the written
instructions form the Consultants / Project Manager/Client.

 The grouting work is included in the respective item of concrete and the rate for
these items and inclusive of proper pressure grouting after preparations of
surfaces to be grouted, necessary form work providing and removing necessary
wedges, cutting holes in the base plate to ensure that the air pockets are left etc.
No extra rate will be paid for grouting or any work that will be necessary to carry
out and ensure proper grouting entirely to the satisfaction of the Consultants /
Project Manager/Client. If however a concrete mix richer than the foundation is
specified for grouting, only the difference of the quantity of cement used in richer
mix of grout and the mix of the footing shall be paid.

1.13.2 Special Grouts

Where so specified non-shrinking grouts such as ‘Conbextra’, ‘shrinkkomp’ or ‘Ferro
grout’ shall be used as per the instructions and specifications of the manufacturers.

1.14 Precast Concrete

1.14.1 Precast Nominal Mix Concrete


Technical Specification Page 107

All precast concrete shall be cast over vibrating tables or by using form vibrators. The
concrete mix shall conform in all respect to “ Various Concretes” described in the
appropriate paragraph under this section.

Exposed precast surfaces shall be finished as called for on the drawing or as directed
by the Consultants / Project Manager/Client. All surfaces coming in contact with in
situ concrete shall be wire brushed and hosed down until the aggregate is free from
cement slurry. Castellation shall be provided wherever called for. Leaving grouting
holes, grooves, inserts, projections reinforcements, lifting hooks etc., to conform to
the erection procedure. All edges and delicate projection likely to be damaged during
erection shall be protected by means of wooden cover fillets, until placed in position.

1.14.2 Precast Jali Blocks Louvers, Shelves, etc

All precast jali shall be exactly of the size and pattern shown on the drawings and shall
be made face up in the following manner. All units shall be integrally cast, steel
formwork shall be used for making jalis.

Provided in the formwork as shown in the drawings.

Stiff plastic concrete 1:1.5:3 shall be used with coarse aggregate 12mm and down size.

The precast units shall not be removed from the forms for three days. Precast work
shall be cured under cover and shall be kept under water for fifteen days before
placing in position.

Technical Specification Page 108

Samples of each part shall be approved by the Project Manager/Client before
proceeding with the work.

Unit may require wetting before bedding. The concrete base shall be wetted and
coated with slurry and minimum of mixing water shall be used in the bedding mortar,
which shall be Portland cement and sand 1:3.

The section shall apply also to prestressed precast controlled concrete work.

For all precast controlled concrete work a specially equipped site factory, with casting
yard, pre-tensioning beds of individual moulds for vibrating plants, cement store,
concrete laboratory erection equipment, etc., are to be provided. The Contractor is
deemed to have included in his rates all the above provisions needed for a workman
like construction in precast controlled concrete. All precast design mix concrete shall
be weigh batched.

1.14.3 Placing and Compacting of Concrete

All precautions in handling and placing of high strength concrete mixes apply. The
concrete placed shall be compacted thoroughly by using pin, vibrators, shutter
vibrators or other suitable means. No construction joints shall be allowed in precast
design mix concrete work. Un-shuttered top surfaces are to be finished smooth with

During the period of initial setting special precautions are to be taken to keep precast
members sufficiently moist to protect them against vibrations and any adverse loading

1.15 Waterproofing


1. Cement Based Waterproofing

Technical Specification Page 109

2. Membrane Type

1.15.1 Cement Based Waterproofing

Related Works

a) Includes de-watering, soling, PCC 1:3:6, drains.

b) Concreting for retaining walls, slab casting at toilets, terraces.
c) Overhead tanks, sump tanks.


a. Cement - @ 5 bags/100 Sft

b. Sand - Shall be clean river sand

c. Water Proofing Admixture - By approved Manufacturer

d. Aggregates - 20mm size

e. Brick bats


Box Method

A. Basement

a First layer shall be laid after cleaning, brushing the PCC layer/ blinding concrete.

b. First coat of waterproof plaster is done with CM 1:3 & approved waterproofing
admixture as per manufacturer’s specification to be used with cement and
20mm size aggregates are embedded over the surface evenly. Weight of
aggregates shall be 20kgs/Sqm.

c. Second layer of waterproof admixture mixed mortar shall be applied a day after
the first coat to the thickness of the aggregate.

Technical Specification Page 110

d. Grouting shall be done at selected points with cement slurry mixed with
waterproof admixture

e. Third layer or finishing coat is done with waterproof admixture mixed cement
mortar and surface is finished smooth. Curing shall be carried out for a
minimum period of 7 days.

f. Total thickness of water proofing layers shall be not less than 50mm.

B. Retaining Wall

a. Shall be done in two layers of waterproof plastering leaving 2 hours gap between
each coat.

b. Total thickness shall not exceed 35mm or 1.5” thick.

c. Water proof admixture to be used as per manufacturer’s specification with CM


d. Grouting wherever necessary and at construction joints shall be carried out.

e. Curing shall be done till 7 days.

f. Back filling shall be done carefully with specified material. Care to take not to
puncture the layer.

C. Roof

Surface Method

Part - 1

a. RCC surface to be cleaned brushed and watered.

b. First coat of bituminous water proof coating (two part highly purified Coal tar
and polyurethane polymer) shall be applied after necessary grouting at
construction joints and honey comb areas with cement grout

Technical Specification Page 111

c. Nylon fine mesh/ Geo-fabric shall be fixed with minimum overlap of 100mm

d. First coat of bituminous water proof coating (two part highly purified Coal tar
and polyurethane polymer) shall be applied over fabric layer

e. Treatment shall continue along the parapet for a height of 300mm above the
finished level.

Part - 2

a. RCC surface to be cleaned brushed and watered.

b. Cement slurry with waterproof compound shall be provided over the cleaned

c. Brick coba shall be laid for necessary gradient for easy flow of rain- water
(joints shall be filled with CM 1:1 with water proof compound)


d. Metal coba shall be laid for specified thickness and necessary gradient for
easy flow of rain- water with CM 1:1 with waterproof compound

e. Coba to be covered with joint less water proof plaster with CM 1:2 with
water proof compound as per manufacturer’s specification finish shall be

f. Impression markings of 300mm x 300mm square to be done with 3mm rod.

g. Parapet to be treated for a height of 600mm in shape of round water.

h. Curing shall be carried for 7 days.

Technical Specification Page 112

D. Sump, OH Tank and Toilets

a. RCC surface to be cleaned, brushed and watered

b. Toilets: Water proofing for floor shall be of 35mm thick, for walls shall be
25mm thick with CM 1:4

c. For OH Tank and UG Sump thickness of plaster shall be 35mm in two layers

d. Waterproofing admixture shall be as per the manufacturer’s specification.

e. Grouting shall be done with cement slurry wherever required and

honeycombing in concrete is found.

f. Curing shall be done for a minimum period of 7 days.



Work of this section includes “membrane type” waterproofing of foundations,

retaining walls, basement walls and roof.


 Provide products of manufacturers with not less than 10 years of successful
experience in supplying the principal materials for the required work.

 The manufacturer shall preferable holder of the ISO 9001:2000 quality certificate
with a validity period of at least two years.

Technical Specification Page 113

 The materials need to be used previously in similar climate areas.

Installation Company:
 Before starting the installation the contractor shall deliver a certificate, recognizing
the installation company as an approved applicator.

 Before awarding the works, the contractor must present all necessary certificates
that allow the company to perform waterproofing works.


Product Data:
Prior to delivering any waterproofing material the contractor shall submit two copies
of specifications, installation instructions and general recommendations by the
manufacturer of waterproofing materials.

Sample Installations:
Construct sample installations of waterproofing before proceeding with the work. Size
of samples shall be adequate to represent completed work and be retained for the
duration of the waterproofing work as minimum standards.

 All parties concerned will check materials prior to installation.

 The QA/QC-procedure of the manufacturer is implemented and where necessary

adapted to the requirements of the project.

 During the works a QA/QC engineer of the manufacturer will control the works
and carry out inspections.

 All materials need to be certified compatible by the manufacturer.

 All materials are delivered with a certificate of origin.

Technical Specification Page 114

 All related waterproofing materials need to be delivered by the same

 The applicator needs to provide the proof of its certification by the manufacturer.

Storage, handling & safety

 Materials delivered to site must be stored in a covered area.

 All membranes must be stored vertically with the overlap side at the bottom.

 Membranes shall not be dropped and shall be secured while lifting.

 A fire-extinguisher must be available on-site during installation.

 Worker’s safety shall be ensured by providing proper access and safety gear.


 The contractor shall deliver a clean site and wastage will be dumped at an
authorized location.

 At the delivery of the works, the owner will receive an original and signed 10 year,
insurance-backed warranty for waterproofing and root resistance

 A final quality inspection will take place and hand-over documents signed by all
responsible parties

Technical Specification Page 115



Waterproofing Membrane:

Underground waterproofing with a special mixture of elastomeric modified oxidized

bituminous membrane. The membrane shall be reinforced with a reinforcement layer
of non-woven polyester of minimum 200 g/m². The upper surface is finished with
calibrated granules of 1 to 2 mm, pressed mechanically into the bitumen. The under
surface is finished with a polyethylene foil of 12 micron thickness. The total membrane
thickness is as mentioned in the BOQ


Bituminous, solvent based primer, modified with elastomers.

The primer will be used at all vertical areas and details.

Specific gravity : +/- 0,95 kg/l (at 20 C)

Kinematic viscosity : 46 mm²/s (at 40°C)

Drying time : 3 to 5 hours (depending on weather conditions)

Technical Specification Page 116

The technical properties of the membrane shall have or exceed the following


1 Heat resistance (°C) 120 UEAtc

2 Breaking strength:

Longitudinal (N/5 cm) ≥ 900 UEAtc

Transversal (N/5 cm) ≥ 700

3 Elongation

Longitudinal (%) ≥ 45 UEAtc

Transversal (%) ≥ 45

4 Puncture strength (N) 720 ASTM D4833-88

5 Peel strength (N) 830 ASTM D4545-86

6 Puncture resistance

Static L3 UEAtc

Dynamic L3

7 Flexibility at low temperature (°C) - 15 UEAtc

8 Thickness (mm) ≥3.5 UEAtc

9 Weight (kg/m²) ≥4.5 UEAtc

10 Roll dimension (m) 1 x 10 UEAtc

11 Roll weight (kg) 45 UEAtc

12 Minimum pre-manufactured 100 UEAtc

overlap width (mm)

13 Water tightness 250 lb (1117 N) ASTM E154

> 60 KPa UEAtc

Technical Specification Page 117

14 Granule finishing (mm) 1-2 UEAtc

The Contractor must satisfy himself that satisfactory conditions exist for carrying out
the waterproofing work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions
have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer.


 Ground water level needs to be kept under raft concrete level by the contractor.

 The raft/lean concrete surface has to be free of standing water, debris and mud.

 All rough construction-joints or other rough particles need to be made smooth.

 All honeycomb-areas of the concrete wall must be repaired according to


 Tie-rod holes need to be filled according to specification.

 All formwork and nails need to be removed.

 The details of the waterproofing comprises of material specifications, installation

 Waterproofing of details is in conformity with the instructions and detail drawings

 The works need to be done according to the rules of good craftsmanship.

Technical Specification Page 118

 The vertical areas of beam, pile-cap and wall, receive the primer.

 The primer must be dry before waterproofing application can start.

 The membrane is either loose laid on the raft/lean concrete. Only the
prefabricated overlaps are torched or fully torched and bonded

 The membrane is torched fully bonded to all vertical areas of beams and pile-caps.

 Side-overlaps have a width of 100mm.

 The overlap of the head joint is 150mm. Head-overlaps cannot be next to each

 If required, a protection screed neds be applied on top of the membrane.

Waterproofing of grade slab, foundations and plinth beams

 The foundations are prepared to receive waterproofing by levelling the edge. A

150mm area on the lean concrete around the member is coated with a solvent
based bituminous primer at 300 g/m².

 A first layer is torched around the member and on top of the PCC. The width of
this reinforcement slab of membrane is 150mm.

 On top of the PCC the elastomer modified bituminous membrane with granular
topping shall be placed loose-laid and the pre-fabricated overlaps heat welded.

 The top of the membrane is finished at the factory by granules that create a
perfect bonding when the concrete is poured on top of the membrane.

 Side lapping of 100 mm and head lapping of 150 mm.

Technical Specification Page 119

 At the sides of the bottom slab, the membrane will continue for 250 mm. This
extra membrane is necessary to connect the waterproofing of the ground slab,
with the waterproofing at the wall.

Waterproofing at the sides (walls)

 The wall receives a solvent based primer of 300 g/m².

 A corner-strip of 3mm polyester reinforced membrane with sand finishing is

torched into the corner. 150 mm on top of the membrane of the ground slab and
150 mm against the wall. This strip has a width of 300mm.

 The elastomer modified bituminous membrane with granular topping shall be

torched fully bonded to the wall.

 At high walls the membrane shall be mechanically fixed at the overlaps.



Waterproofing Membrane:

A flexible waterproof membrane. The upper coating consists of a mixture of

penetration bitumen, improved with Amorphous Poly Alpha Olefins (APAO superior
than APP). The under coating consists of a mixture of penetration bitumen, improved
with Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS). The membrane is reinforced with a layer of
non-woven polyester of minimum 175 g/m², reinforced with a glass-fiber grill of 8
g/m². The upper surface is finished with colored slates, pressed mechanically into the
bitumen. The under surface is finished with a polyethylene foil.

Bituminous, solvent based primer, modified with elastomers.

Technical Specification Page 120

The primer will be used at all vertical areas and details.

Specific gravity : +/- 0,95 kg/l (at 20 C)

Kinematic viscosity : 46 mm²/s (at 40°C)

Drying time : 3 to 5 hours (depending on weather conditions)

The technical properties of the membrane shall have or exceed the following

Test Test Method Average values

Reinforcement UEATC A, BDA PO1 175 g / m² non-woven polyester

8 g / m² glass-fibre grill

Tensile strength longitudinal ASTM D412 ≥ 1000 N

Tensile strength transversal ASTM D412 ≥ 880 N

Ultimate elongation (Long.) ASTM D412 > 50 %

Ultimate elongation (Trans.) ASTM D412 > 50 %

Cold flexibility ASTM D146 APAO - 15°C

SBS - 20°C

Softening point (R&B) ASTM D36-84, APAO > 150°C

NBN T52-031 SBS > 120°C

Puncture resistance SP 2190 Ø 10 mm

Max. load penetration SP 2190 250 N

Water vapor permeability BS 3177 0,118 g / m²

Technical Specification Page 121

Total thickness UEATC A, BDA PO1 4.3 mm

UV-resistance ASTM D4355-92 100 %

Roll size UEATC A 10 m x 1m

Roll weight UEATC A ± 48 kg

 The roof waterproofing is covered by an international, insurance backed warranty,
issued to the owner.

 The warranty certificate has to mention the insurance policy number and project

Technical Specification Page 122

 The warranty covers product defaults and includes the following elements:
o Removal of the default waterproofing.

o Hiring of necessary labour to perform the reparation

o Hiring of necessary equipment to perform the works (e.g.: scaffolding)

o New product installation

 The approved applicator issues an installation warranty.

 Warranty period is Ten (10) years.


 The roof needs a minimum slope of 1%. The slope is achieved prior to the
waterproofing works. In case of a screed to fall, the minimum thickness of the
screed must be 25mm.

 Verify that the roof surface is clean, dry, smooth and free of oil and grease.

 Treat honeycomb areas prior to the start of the waterproofing works.

 All complementary items like roof drains, pipes, ducts and vents are solidly set.

 Apply primer at a rate of 300 g/m².

 Allow the primer to dry for at least 4 hours.

 Add an additional layer of primer if first layer got stained.

Technical Specification Page 123

Drains & other details
 All details are in conformity with the instructions

 The execution of the waterproofing comprises drains, vertical walls, concrete

curbs, roof penetrations, leaf catchers and roof edges.

 The works need to be done according to the rules of good craftsmanship.

 Inclusion of humidity must at all times be avoided.

 The roof receives the primer and is allowed to dry.

 The membrane is torched fully bonded to the concrete roof slab.

 Overlaps will follow the slope of the roof to prevent water stagnation.

 Side-overlaps have a width of min 70mm.

 Head-overlaps cannot be next to each other. The overlap of the head joint is

A. System description
 Waterproofing system for areas with vegetation like roof garden or planter

 One layer anti-root membrane system, pre-manufactured preferably from an

ISO 9001:2000 controlled factory.

 Drainage layer with geo-textile covering topped with soil OR Duo Drain,
Tailor made subsoil drainage technology.

Technical Specification Page 124

B. Quality Assurance
 A quality assurance engineer of the manufacturer inspects the works on-site.

 A QA/QC flow-chart has to be submitted before the works start. Quality

assurance documents include:
o Concrete condition form

o Installation inspection form

o Job Safety Analysis

 The details are performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.

C. Warranty
 The products and installation needs to be covered by an international,
insurance backed warranty, issued by the manufacturer to the owner.

 The warranty certificate has to mention the insurance policy number and
project data.

 The warranty covers product defaults and includes the following elements:
o Removal of the default waterproofing.

o Hiring of necessary labor to perform the reparation

o Hiring of necessary equipment to perform the works

o product installation

 The approved applicator issues an installation warranty.

 Warranty period is minimum TEN (10) years.

Technical Specification Page 125

D. Installation Company
 Before starting the installation the CONTRACTOR needs to deliver a
certificate, recognizing the installation company as an approved applicator.

 Before awarding the works, the installation company must present all
necessary certificates that allow the company to perform waterproofing
E. Materials
 All materials have to be delivered with a certificate of origin of the
manufacturer. This certificate indicates the quantity and type of products.

 All waterproofing materials should originate from one and the same

 The compatibility of primer, waterproofing and drainage layer is to be


Technical Specification Page 126

Test Test Method Testing values
Reinforcement UEATC A, BDA PO1 175 g/m² non-woven
8 g / m² glass-fiber grill
Root resistance DIN 4062 Root-resistant
Tensile strength ASTM D412 ≥ 1000 N
Tensile strength ASTM D412 ≥ 880 N
Ultimate elongation ASTM D412 > 50 %
Ultimate elongation ASTM D412 > 50 %
Cold flexibility ASTM D146 APAO - 15°C
SBS - 20°C
Softening point ASTM D36-84, APAO > 150°C
(R&B) NBN T52-031 SBS > 120°C
Puncture resistance SP 2190 Ø 10 mm
Max. load SP 2190 250 N
Water vapour BS 3177 0,118 g / m²
Total thickness UEATC A, BDA PO1 4.3 mm
UV-resistance ASTM D4355-92 100 %
Roll size UEATC A 1 m x 10 m
Roll weight UEATC A ± 48 kg

Technical Specification Page 127


Bituminous, solvent based primer, modified with elastomers.

Specific gravity : +/- 0,95 kg/l (at 20 C)

Kinematic viscosity : 46 mm²/s (at 40°C)

Drying time : 3 to 5 hours (depending on weather conditions)

Anti-Root Waterproofing membrane

A flexible anti-root waterproofing membrane with the upper coating consisting of a
mixture of penetration bitumen, improved with Amorphous Poly Alpha Olefins (APAO)
superior than APP. The under coating consists of a mixture of penetration bitumen,
improved with Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS). The bitumen-coating is mixed with
root-resistant products. The membrane has to comply with root-resistance test. The
membrane is reinforced with a layer of non-woven polyester of minimum 175 g/m²,
reinforced with a glass-fiber grill of 8 g/m². The upper surface is finished with colored
slates / granules, pressed mechanically into the bitumen. The under surface is finished
with a polyethylene foil. The membrane is treated with an anti-root additive.

Technical data waterproofing membrane:

Drainage layer + geo-textile filter

 A mixture of pebble stones/ granules of different diameters.

 Minimum thickness 2”.
 Polyester fleece of minimum 150g/m².


Technical Specification Page 128

Tailor made subsoil drainage technology

Product shall exhibit following characteristics:

 Fast installation
 Lightweight
 High water flow capacity
 High compressive strength
 Simple joints
 Flexible
 No on-site fabrication
 No aggregates required


Specifications Test Methods Units Drain

Core Properties

Core Structure - - Single cuspated

Core Material - -
Std. Compressive Strength Nominal kN/m²
Width Nominal mm
Std. Thickness Nominal mm
Free Surface Area %
Flow Rate / m-width

@Gradient, 200 kPa Pressure ASTM D 4716 Lit. /min


Geotextile Filter Properties

Structure - - Non-woven
Material - -

Technical Specification Page 129

Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 N PP/PET

Tear Strength ASTM D 4533 N 400

Permeability ASTM D 4491 m/s 150

1 x 10

Packing Details

Roll Length Nominal m 25

Roll Diameter Nominal m 0.850

G. Storage, handling & safety

 Materials delivered to site must be stored in a covered area.

 All membranes must be stored vertically with the overlap side at the bottom.
 Membranes shall not be dropped and secured while lifting.
 A fire-extinguisher must be available on-site during application.
 Make sure that the worker’s safety is ensured.

H. Application

 The planter area needs a minimum slope of 1%. The slope is achieved prior to
the waterproofing works. In case of a screed to fall, the minimum thickness
of the screed must be 25mm.
 Verify that the concrete surface is clean, dry, smooth and free of oil and
 Treat honeycomb areas prior to the start of the waterproofing works.
 All complementary items like floor drains and scupper drains are solidly set.

Drains & other details

 The execution of the waterproofing comprises drains, vertical walls, leaf
catchers and edges.

 Apply primer at a rate of 300 g/m².
 Allow the primer to dry for at least 4 hours.

Technical Specification Page 130

 Add an additional layer of primer if first layer got stained.

 The works need to be done according to the rules of good craftsmanship.
 Inclusion of humidity must at all times be avoided.
 The concrete receives the primer and is allowed to dry.
 The membrane is torched fully bonded to the concrete roof slab.
 Side-overlaps shall be min 70mm. Head overlaps are 100mm
 Head joints cannot be next to each other.

I. Completion
 The contractor shall deliver a clean site and wastage will be dumped at an
authorized location.
 At the delivery of the works, the owner will receive an original and signed 10
year, insurance-backed warranty for waterproofing and root resistance.

Optional Method
RCC surface to be cleaned, brushed and watered. Water stagnation test shall be done
for terrace slabs. RCC surface shall be Coated with compatible Multiplas primer / Cold
sticker / Multiplas blown bitumen of grade 85/25 or 90/15. Waterproofing treatment
with polymeric standard waterproofing membrane of 4kg/Sqm or 4mm thick
(Multiplas standard) shall be provided as per the manufacturer's specification
approved by Clients with an over lap of 10cms.Then membrane shall be bound by
torch application with 10cms overlap where required. Topping shall be done with
laying of 10mm thick thermo Cole sheet with necessary adhesive / hot blown bitumen.
Over thermo Cole sheet brick coba /Grano concrete / Lightweight concrete shall be
laid to slope and curing shall be done.

1.15.6 Expansion Joints, Water Stops, Premoulded Joint Fillers, Flashings Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be provided with filler boards and backer rods. Silicon sealant
of approved make shall be provided at floor tops and gap filler at soffit of slab. The
joint width shall be uniform throughout and special care shall be taken to ensure
proper bonding at expansion joints and the same shall be carried under approvals
from Management Contractor / Professional Team. Expansion joint covers also can
be provided as per the recommendation of Consultants
The filler board specs shall be as follows:

Technical Specification Page 131

S.No. Parameters Unit Tri Board Test

1. Water Absorption % 0.012 ASTM – D 3575

2. Density Kg/Cumt. 100 Min Do

3. Thermal Kca/mh°c. 0.038 Do


4. Recovery at 50% % 98 max Do


5. Tensile Strength Kg/ Sq Cm 1.8 Min Do

6. Fire Effect 60 Min Do

7. Weathering Thermoplast
Resistance ic material

8. Weathering test No Effect

9. Chemical No Effect As – 1530-

resistance 460.2-1982.

Option - 2
Expansion joints shall be provided with 20 gauge copper strips/m.s. hot dip
galvanized strips of 250 mm width at locations shown on drawings or as approved by
Consultants / Project Manager/Client. The strips shall be bent to the shape
indicated on the drawing and embedded properly in masonry. The joint width shall
be uniform throughout and special care shall be taken to ensure proper bonding at
expansion joints. Expansion joints shall be continuous and where two or more strips
meet, they shall be lapped to the extent of 75 mm and joints properly soldered. The
expansion joints shall be filled with pre moulded joint fillers and sealed with mastic
compound. For purposes of measurement, the laps provided will be neglected.
Wherever an expansion joint between the existing part and new part is proposed
the rate quoted shall be inclusive of making necessary connections with existing
part. Water Stops

Water stops shall be of 20 Gauge GI Sheet (230mm wide) of approved make. These
shall be provided at locations indicated on drawings. Water stops shall be lapped
100 mm and heat sealed to obtain continuity. Water stops shall be cleaned

Technical Specification Page 132

thoroughly of all concrete and mortar coating as directed before resuming concrete
work. Water stops shall be in long lengths to avoid joints as far as possible. Joint Filler

Premoulded joint fillers shall be of a non-deteriorating and resilient type. A sample
of material shall be approved by the Consultants / Project Manager/Client before
being brought to site. Installation shall be carried out properly and as directed. Flashings
Metal or tar felt flashing shall be fixed as directed by the Consultants / Project
Manager/Client. Metal flashing where provided shall be welded/ soldered to obtain
continuity. Tar felt flashing shall be lapped for a minimum length of 150 mm.

Flashing shall be measured and paid for in linear meters for the specified width
disregarding laps or joints.

1.15.7 Specification For Laminated Neoprene Pad

The scope of this specification shall apply to laminated free elastomeric bearings. Material

Chloroprene shall only be used in the manufacture of bearing.

Grades of raw elastomer of proven use in elastomeric bearings, with low

crystallization rates and adequate shelf life (e.g. Neoprene, WRT, Bayprene 110 or
equivalent) shall be used. No reclaimed rubber or vulcanized wastes shall be used.

The raw elastomer content of the compound shall not be lower than 60%. The ash
content shall not exceed 5% (as per test conducted in accordance with ASTM D-297)

Properties of Elastomer

The elastomer shall conform to all properties specified in the following table.

Sl Property Unit Test method I.S Value of the

No specification reference characteristic

Technical Specification Page 133

1.0 Physical properties

1.1 Hardness IRHD IS : 3400 (Part II) 60 ± 5

1.2 Minimum tensile strength

Mpa IS : 3400 (Part I) 17

1.3 Minimum elongation at

% IS : 3400 (Part I) 400

2.0 Maximum compression set

% IS : 3400 (Part X)

Duration Temperature
(h) (C)

C.R. (+0 to 100 ± 1 35


3.0 Maximum compression set IS : 3400 (Part IV)

C.R. (70) 100 ± 1

3.1 Maximum change in

IRHD + 15

3.2 Maximum change in tensile

Technical Specification Page 134

strength % - 15

3.3 Maximum change in

% - 40

Shear modules of the elastomer bearing shall not be less than 0.8Mpa nor greater
than 1.20Mpa.

The adhesive strength of elastomer to steel plates (determined as per IS 3400: Part
XIV method A) shall not be less than 7 kN/m Design Parameters of Elastomer Bearings.

The thickness of all internal layers of elastomer "hi" shall be as specified in the Bill of

Thickness of outer layers shall be he = hi/2 subject to a maximum of 6mm and side
cover shall be 6mm for all bearings.

Elastomer bearing shall satisfy the criteria enumerated in Clause No. 916.3.3,
916.3.5 & 916.3.6 of IRC 83 (Part II) – 1987 Fabrication

Bearing with steel laminates shall be cast as a single unit in a mould and vulcanized
under heat and pressure. Casting of elements in separate units and subsequent
bonding is not permitted nor shall cutting from large size cast be permitted.

Bearings of similar size shall be produced by identical process and in one lot as for as

Technical Specification Page 135

The moulds used shall have standard surface finish adequate to produce bearings
free from any surface blemishes.

Steel plates for laminates shall be sand blasted, clean of all mill scales and shall be
free from all contaminates prior to bonding by vulcanization. Rusted plates with
pitting shall not be used. All edges of plates shall be rounded.

Spacers used in mould to ensure cover and location of laminates shall be of

minimum size and number practicable. Any hole at surface or in edge cover shall be
filled in subsequently.

Care shall be taken to ensure uniform vulcanizing conditions and homogeneity of

elostomer through the surface and body of the bearing.

The bearings shall be fabricated with the tolerance specified in the following table.

Sl No Items Tolerances

1. Overall plan dimensions -0, +6mm

2. Total bearing thickness -0, +5%

3. Parallelism

a. Of top surface of bearing with respect to 1 in 200

the bottom surface as datum.

b. Of one side surface with respect o the 1 in 100

other as datum

4. a. Thickness of individual internal layer of ± 20% (max of 2 mm)


b. Thickness of individual outer layer - 0, + 1mm

5. a. Plan dimensions of laminates -3mm, +0

b. Thickness of laminate ± 10%

c. Parallelism of laminate with respect to 1 to 100

bearing base as datum

Technical Specification Page 136

The vulcanizing equipment press should be such that between the platens of the
press the pressure and temperature are uniform and capable of being maintained at
constant values as required for effecting an uniform vulcanization of the bearing.

The moulding dies utilized for manufacturing the bearings should be so set inside
the platen of the press so that the pressure development during vulcanization of the
product is evenly distributed and the thickness maintained at all places is within
acceptable tolerance limits taking into consideration, the shrinkage allowance of

The raw compound which has been introduced inside the metal dies for
vulcanization should be accurately weighed each time and it must be ensured that
sufficient quantity has been put inside the die for proper flow of material at every
place so that a homogeneous and compact bearing is produced without any sign of
sponginess or deficiency of material at any place.

Before any vulcanization of any batch of production is used for producing vulcanized
bearings, test pieces in the form of standard slab and buttons should be prepared in
accordance with prescribed standards and salient properties tested and recorded
regularly against each batch of production to monitor the quality of the products.

1.15.8 Quality Control Certificate The manufacturer shall certify for each lot of bearing under acceptance:

a. That an adequate system of continuous quality control was operated in his plant.
b. That the entire process remained in control during the production of the lot of
bearings under acceptance as verified from the quality control records / charts
which shall be open to inspection of the Consultants / Project Manager/Client on
demand. A certified copy of the results of process control testing done an samples of
elastomer used in the production of the lot shall be appended and shall include at
least the following information.

Technical Specification Page 137 Composition of the compound- raw elastomer and ash content, the grade of raw
clastomer used (include name, source, age on shelf), test results of hardness, tensile
strength, elongation at break compression set, accelerated ageing etc.,


These bricks shall be machine moulded and prepare in plant by appropriate proportion of flyash
and lime. The flyash bricks shall confirm to IS 12894 .the shall be sound, compact and uniform
shape ,free from visible cracks ,warpage and organic matters .The brick shall be solid with or
without frog and of 100/80 mm in length ,40mm in width and 10to 20mm deep one of its flat
side as per IS 12894 . The brick shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall
be uniforms in shape and colour .Flyash shall confirm to IS 3812 and lime shall conform to class
‘c’ hydrated lime of IS 712.

Bricks shall be classified on the basis of their minimum compressive strength as given below:
Class Average compressive strength
designation Not less than Less than
N/mm2 (Kgf/cm2) N/mm2 (Kgf/cm2)
7.5(75) 7.5 (75) 10 100

The brick shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corner and shall be uniform in colour
and emit clear ringing sound when stuck.
Water Absorption:
The average water absorption of bricks when tested in accordance with the procedure laid
down shall not be more than 20% by weight.

Soaking of Bricks:
Bricks shall be soaked in water before use for a period for the water to just penetrate the whole
depth of the bricks .Alternatively bricks may be adequately soaked in stacks by profusely
spraying with clean water at regular intervals for a period not less than six hours. When the
brick are soaked they shall be removed from the tank sufficiently early so that at the time of
laying they are skin-dry. Such soaked bricks shall be stacked on a clean place where they are not
again spolled by dirt earth etc.

Bricks shall be laid in English bond unless otherwise specified. for brickwork in half brick wall
,brick shall be laid in stretcher bond .Half or cut bricks shall not be used except as closer where
necessary to complete the bond .Closer in such cases shall be cut to required size and used near
the ends of the wall .Header bond shall be used preferably in all courses in all courses

Technical Specification Page 138

Bricks shall be laid with frog (where provided) up. However, when top course is exposed, bricks
shall be laid with frog down. For the bricks to be laid with frog down, the frog shall be filled with
mortar before placing the brick in position.

In case of walls one brick thick and under, one face shall be kept even and in proper plane,
while the other face may be slightly rough. In case of walls more than one brick thick, both the
faces shall be kept even and in proper plane.

Care shall be taken during construction that edges of jambs, sills and projections are not
damaged in case of rain. New built work shall be covered with gunny bags or tarpoulin so as to
prevent the mortar from being washed away. Damage, if any, shall be made good to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Finishing of Joints:
The face of brick work may be finished flush or by pointing. In flush finishing either the face
joints of the mortar shall be worked out while still green to give a finished surface flush with the
face of the brick work or the joints shall be squarely raked out to a depth of 1 cm while the
mortar is still green for subsequently plastering. The faces of brick work shall be cleaned with
wire brush so as to remove any splashes of mortar during the course of raising the brick work.
In pointing, the joints shall be squarely raked out to a depth of 1.5 cm while the mortar is still
green and raked joints shall be brushed to remove dust and loose particles and well wetted,
and shall be later refilled with mortar to give ruled finish. Some such finishes are ‘flush’,
‘weathered’, ruled, etc.

The brick work shall be constantly kept moist on all faces for a minimum period of seven days.
Brick work done during the day shall be suitably marked indicating the date on which the work
is done so as to keep a watch on the curing period.

Scaffolding shall be strong to withstand all dead, live and impact loads which are likely to come
on them. Scaffolding shall be provided to allow easy approach to every part of the work.

Single Scaffolding:
Where plastering, pointing or any other finishing has been indicated for brick work, single
scaffolding may be provided, unless otherwise specified. In single scaffolding, one end of the
put-logs/pole shall rest in the hole provided in the header course of brick masonry. Not more
than one header for each put-log/pole shall be left out. Such holes shall not be allowed in the
case of pillars, brick work less than one metre in length between the openings or near the skew
backs of arches or immediately under or near the structural member supported by the walls.
The holes for putlogs/poles shall be made good with brick work and wall finishing as specified.

Technical Specification Page 139

Double Scaffolding:
Where the brick work or tile work is to be exposed and not to be finished with plastering etc.
double scaffolding having two independent supports, clear of the work, shall be provided.

Brick work shall be measured in cubic metres unless otherwise specified. Any extra work over
the specified dimensions shall be ignored.

Brick work shall be measured separately in the following stages:

(a) From foundation to Plinth level

(b) Plinth (floor one) level to floor two level

Note : (i) Brick work in parapet walls, mumty, lift machine room and water tanks constructed on
the roof upto 1.2 m height above roof shall be measured together with the corresponding work
of the floor next below.

The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour required for all the operations


7.1. SCOPE

This specification covers the general requirements for the materials and construction of soling,
water bound macadam course and bituminous surface treatment of roads.


The following specifications, standards and codes are made a part of this specification. All
standards, tentative specifications, codes of practices referred to herein shall be the latest
edition including all applicable official amendments and revision. In case where the
requirements of this specification conflict with the requirements of those referred to herein,
this specification shall govern.

IS:73 : Specification for paving bitumen

IS:215 : Specification for Road Tar

Technical Specification Page 140

IS:217 : Specification for Cutback bitumen

IS:454 : Specification for Dig boi type Cutback Bitumen

IS:460 : Specification for Test Sieves

(part 1 to 3)

IS:1077 : Common burnt clay building bricks specification

IS:1124 : Method of test for determination of water absorption apparent specific

gravity and porosity of natural building stones.

IS:1195 : Specification for Bitumen mastic for flooring,.

IS:1196 : Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring.

IS : 1834 : Specification for Hot Applied Sealing Compounds for Joint in concrete.

IS : 2380 : Method of test for aggregates for concrete

IS : 2720 : Methods of Test for Soils : Part 5(Part 5)

Determination of Liquid and plastic limit.

IS : 6241 : Method of test for determination of stripping value of road aggregates/

IRC : 16 : Specification for priming of base course with bituminous primers.

IRC : 17 : Tentative specification for single coat bituminous surface dressing.

IRC : 19 : Standard specifications and code of practice for water bound macadam.

IRC : 29 : Specifications for bituminous concrete (Asphaltic concrete) for road


Ministry of

Surface trans-

Port ( road Wing) : Specification for road and bridge works.

7.3. Construction sequence

Technical Specification Page 141

It is the intent of this specification that the water bound mecadam road be constructed first.
This shall than be opened to traffic as directed by Project Manager. After such period of time as
decided by Project Manager, preferably when the major construction and / or erection activities
within plant limits are over, Contractor shall rectify all defects, wear and tear, etc. and surface
the road with bituminous treatment as specified hereunder



All materials shall be obtained from local sources and shall be subject to Consultants / Project
Manager’s approval prior to use.

Soling Stone

It shall be clean, sound, dense, hard, tough, durable stone of uniform quality free from unsound
material cracks, decay and weathering. Water absorption shall not be more than 5 percent.
The stone shall be in the smallest dimension equal to thickness of the soling course specified
with a tolerance of 25 mm. Soling stone shall be sufficiently flat bedded. The height of the
soling stone shall be equal to the specified thickness of soling. The length and breadth shall not
exceed twice the specified thickness. Contractor to note that available laterite stone of
specified strength at site shall be used as sling material in co-ordination with Project Manager

Stone Aggregatre/Metal

Coarse aggregate, stone chippings shall consist of natural or crushed stone, clean, hard tough,
durable and free from excess of flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated particles, dirt, salt, alkali,
vegetable matter, adherent coatings, organic and other objectionable matter, and shall
conform to the physical requirements given in Tables 1 or 2 hereunder, as applicable.
Aggregate for bituminous wearing courses shall in addition have good hydrophobic properties
i.e. capacity of retaining the film of bituminous material applied to the stone in all weather
conditions and especially in wet conditions. Basalt, dolerite are good in this respect; granite,
quartzite are comparatively poor.

Technical Specification Page 142



Sl.No. Test Requirements Test Method

1 Los Angles Abrasion 50 % (max.) IS:2386 (Part – IV)

Value* or

Aggregate Impact Value*

40 % (max.) IS : 2386 (Part IV)



2 Flakiness Index ** 15% (max.) IS:2386 (Part I)

(*) Aggregate may satisfy requirements of either of two tests.

(**) Requirements of flakiness index shall be enforced only in case of crushed

broken stone.

(***) Aggregates like brick metal, kankar, laterite etc., which get softened in
presence of water shall be tested for impact value under wet conditions in
accordance with IS:5640.

Technical Specification Page 143



Sl.No. Test Requirements Test Method

1 Los Angles Abrasion Value* or 40 % (max.) IS:2386 (Part – IV)

Aggregate Impact Value* 30 % (max.) IS : 2386 (Part IV)

2 Flakiness Index ** 35% (max.) IS:2386 (Part I)

3 Stripping Value 25% (max.) IS:6241

4 Water absorption 2% IS:2386 (Part III)

5 Soundness

Loss with Sodium Sulphate – 5 12 % (max.) IS:2386 (Part V)


Loss with Magnesium Sulphate – 5


(*) Aggregates may satisfy requirements of either of two tests.

(**) Requirement of flakiness index shall be enforced only in case of crushed broken stone.

The coarse aggregate for water bound Macadam shall conform to one of the
gradings given in Table-3 below:



Technical Specification Page 144

Grading Size Range Sieve Designation Percent by Weight
Passing the sieve

1 90 mm to 45 mm 125 mm 100

90 mm 90 – 100

63 mm 25 – 60

40 mm 0 – 15

22.4 mm 0–5

2 63 mm to 45 mm 40 mm 100

63 mm 90 – 100

53 mm 25 – 60

45 mm 0 – 15

22.4 mm 0–5

3 53 mm to 22.4 mm 63 mm 100

53 mm 95 – 100

45 mm 65 – 90

22.4 mm 0 – 10

11.2 mm 0–5


Screenings to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall consist of the same materials as the coarse
aggregate. However, where permitted, predominantly non plastic material such as moorum or
gravel (other than river borne material) may be used for this purpose provided liquid limit and
plasticity index of such material is below 20 and 6 respectively and fraction passing 75 micron
sieve does not exceed 10 percent.

Screenings shall conform to the gradings set forth in table-4. Screenings of Type-A in Table 4
shall be used with coarse aggregate of grading 1 in Table-3. Screenings of Type A or B, as

Technical Specification Page 145

directed, shall be used with coarse aggregates of grading 2. Type B screenings shall be used
with coarse aggregates of grading 3.



Grading Size screenings Sieve Designation % by weight passing

classification the sieve

A 12.5 mm 12.5 mm 100

10.0 mm 90 – 100

4.75 mm 10 – 30

150 micron 0–8

B 10 mm 10 mm 100

4.75 mm 85 – 100

150 micron 10 – 30

The use of screening shall be omitted in the case of soft aggregates such as brick
metal, kankar, laterites etc. as they are likely to get crushed to a certain extent
under rollers.

Binding Material

Binding material shall comprise of a suitable material, approved by Project

Manager, having plasticity index value of less than 6 as determined in
accordance with IS:2720 (part V)

Application of binding material may not be necessary when the screenings used are of
crushable type such as moorum or gravel.

9.1 Moorum / kankar / Gravel / Sand

Technical Specification Page 146

9.10.1 Moorum shall contain low plasticity binder material mixed with hard granular
particles such as sand and or gravel. Moorum shall be sound and hard of a
quality not affected by weather, to be screened at the quarry and free from all
impurities. Large lumps shall all be broken at the quarry and moorum delivered
at site must pass in every direction through a 63mm ring. Moorum shall not
contain more than 5% to 8% of fines passing a 75 micron sieve.

9.10.2 Gravel shall be composed of large, coarse, silicious grains, sharp and gritty to the
tough, thoroughly free from dirt, organic and deleterious matter. It shall be
hard, tough, dense and shall not contain particles bigger than 12mm and more
than 10% silt.

9.10.3 Sand used for blinding the bituminous road surgace shall be coarse, sharp, gritty,
clean, granular material. Only material passing through 4.75 mm sieve and
retained on 75 micron sieve shall be used.

9.2 Bituminous Materials

Bituminous materials shall conform to IS:73, IS:215, IS:217 or IS:454 as applicable and be
of the grade specified in this specification.


9.12.1 Earthwork in Excavation In general the excavation shall be in accordance to specifications mentioned herein

“Excavation” Profiles of road excavation shall be laid at 50m intervals to conform to the required
alignment, sections, grades and side slopes and the lines of cuts shall be clearly
marked. Contractor shall on no account excavate beyond the slopes or below the specified
grade unless so directed by the Consultants / Project Manager in writing. If
excavation is done below the specified level or outside the section it shall not be

Technical Specification Page 147

paid for and the Contractor shall be required to fill up at his own cost such extra
excavation with approved materials, in layers of 150 to 200mm, watered and
compacted as specified for the subgrade. The excavation shall be finished neatly, smoothly and evenly to the correct lines,
grades, sections and side slopes as shown in the drawings or directed by Project
Manager. Earth work in Embankment The embankment shall be formed of earth obtained from approved source. The ground over which embankment is to be formed shall be cleared of all
brushwood, loose stones, vegetation, bushes, stumps, and all other objectionable
mater and materials so removed shall be burnt off or disposed off as directed by
Project Manager. The cost of this clearing, burning and disposal shall be included in
the unit rates quoted for embankment construction. Profiles of embankment shall be set up with stout poles to mark the centre and
edges of the formation with the top levels of formation clearly marked by paint or
cut and the slopes with strings and pegs at every 10 meters on straight portions.
Toe line may be marked with pick marks. Before placing any embankment materials the top 150mm of soil strata receiving it
shall be scarified and watered and compacted with one pass of 12 T roller. Embankment material shall be placed in successive horizontal layers of 200mm

depth extending to the full width of the embankment including the slopes at the
level of the particular layer and 300mm more on both sides to allow compaction of
the full specified section. Before placing the next layer the surface of the under
layer shall be moistured and scarified with pick axes or spades to provide a
satisfactory bond with the next layer. The extra loose stuff at the edges shall be
trimmed later after completion of the bank work at no extra cost leaving the correct
section fully compacted. When boulders, broken stones and similar hard materials are mixed up with the
embankment materials care shall be taken to see that they are distributed uniformly

Technical Specification Page 148

into the bank and that no hollows are left near them. No stone or hard material shall
project above the top of any layer. Each layer of embankment shall be watered,
leveled and compacted as specified before the succeeding layer is placed. The surface
of the embankment shall at all times during construction be maintained at such a
cross fall as will shed water and prevent ponding. If the embankment materials contains less than the optimum moisture, water shall be
added to the loose layers of the embankment to bring the moisture uniformly up to
requirement. If the material contains more than the required moisture if shall be
allowed to dry until the moisture is reduced to the required extent. The moistured /dried loose layers shall be compacted with a power roller of 12
tonnes. The roller shall pass at least twice over the same area, once in the forward
move and the second time in backward move. To allow for subsequent settlement the finished level of the embankment shall be
kept higher than the specified level by one centimeter for every meter of the height of
the bank. Embankment shall be finished and dressed smooth and even to conform to the
alignment, levels, cross sections, and dimensions shown on drawings with due
allowance for shrinkage. Any damage caused by rain or any other reasons shall be
made good in the finishing operation.


9.13.1 Immediately prior to the laying of the soling the subgrade shall be cleaned of all foreign
substances, vegetation etc. Any roots or soft yielding patches that appear shall be
corrected and the subgrade dressed off parallel to the finished profile. The camber of
subgrade shall conform in shape to that of the finished road surface. Camber boards
shall be used to get the required section.

9.13.2 The prepared subgrade shall be lightly sprinkled with water, if necessary, and rolled with
power roller of not less than 12 tonnes, till the soil is evenly consolidated to 95% of
proctor density with 2% variation in optimum 5 runs on the subgrade. Roller shall pass
minimum 5 runs on the subgrade. Rolling shall commence at the edges and progress
towards the centre longitudinally. Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not
less than one third of the track made in the preceding pass. Any undulations in the

Technical Specification Page 149

surface that develop due to rolling shall be made good with approved earth and
subgrade re rolled.


9.14.1 Soling shall not be constructed on a wet subgrade with available approved Laterite
stones at site / Approved soling material brought from outside.

9.14.2 Unless otherwise specified, the width of the soling shall be 200mm more on either side
than that of the water bound macadam wearing course and the finished thickness of the
soling course shall be 200mm.

9.14.3 The soling stones shall be laid with the largest face downwards and in contact with each
other. The stones shall break the joint as far as possible. The height of the soling stone
shall be equal to specified thickness of soling.

9.14.4 As the laying of rubble advances the soling shall be hand packed by wedging and packing
with 80 mm metal in the joints of the soling and driving them by hammer in place so as
to fill the voids as completely as possible. This operation of hand packing shall be laid
and had packed true to grade and section and these shall be often checked by boning
rods, template boards and fish line etc. The grades, sections etc. of the soling shall
correspond to those of the surfacing coming on it. The soling thus laid shall be finished
by knocking out projecting stones and filing depressions by chips to come up to the
grade and camber.

9.14.5 The quality of the 80mm metal shall be same as specified for the soling and the longest
dimension shall not be more than 100mm and the shortest dimension not less than

9.14.6 The soling after it is properly laid and hand packed including filling of voids with 80mm
metal shall be rolled dry with 12T power roller to refusal i.e. till the stones in the soling
course cease to move under the roller and no more compaction can be achieved.
Rolling shall start at the edges and work towards the centre. The roller shall run over
the same surface of rolling for at least 8 times still the soling course is well consolidated.
The surface shall be checked by templates and in case of unevenness high spots shall be
knocked our and depressions filled by spalls and re-compacted fully. Bunds shall be laid
along the edges and compacted before starting rolling on soling to prevent spreading of

Technical Specification Page 150

9.14.7 Gravel shall be spread in thin layers over the above prepared soling surface, swept into
the interstices with brooms, watered lightly to assist the filling of voids. Spreading of
gravel, sweeping and watering shall continue till the interstices are completely filled. At
all times only enough water shall be sprinkled to force the gravel into the voids and
never so much as to soften the sub grade. The process of gravel filling shall be
accompanied by rolling as for dry rolling and soling with a power roller weighing not less
than 12 tonnes starting at edge and working towards the centre. The roller shall run
over the same surface for at least eight times. Each pass of the roller shall uniformly
overlap not less than one third of the track made in the preceding pass. The surface
shall be checked with templates of approved design (to be provided by Contractor) and
high and low spots corrected by removing soling and repacking.

9.14.8 Measurements shall be made for the finished work in square meters of the actual plan
area covered with the soling stone. The rate shall include the cost of all materials,
labour, plant and equipment required in all the operations described in 7.1 to 7.7 above
including soling stone and gravel.


9.15.1 The surface over which water bound macadam is to be laid shall be prepared to the
specified grade and camber and made free of dust and other extraneous material. Any
ruts or soft yielding places shall be corrected in an approved manner and rolled until
firm. To prevent the spreading of the course aggregate during rolling, if necessary, two
parallel mud walls 200mm wide and of height equal to un compacted Macadam course
shall be made along the outer edges of the Macadam course having a clear distance
between them equal to the width to be metalled.

9.15.2 W.B.M. Sub-Base Course of specified thickness shall be provided in lieu of a soling
course where specified in the schedule of quantities. The course aggregate for this shall
conform to requirements of sub-base in Table-1 and its grading shall conform to Grading
1 of Table 3 and screening to type B of Table-4. The total consolidated thickness of the
sub-base course shall be as specified in the schedule of quantities/drawings.

9.15.3 W.B.M. Base Course: The coarse aggregate for this shall normally conform to
requirements for Base in Table-1 and its grading shall confirm to Grading 3 of Table 3 and
screening to type B of Table 4. The total consolidated thickness of the base course shall be as

Technical Specification Page 151

9.15.4 Spreading Coarse Aggregate The coarse aggregate shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared surface
in such quantities that the thickness of each compacted layer does not exceed 75mm
or as otherwise specified. In no case, however, shall the thickness of each compacted
layer exceed 100mm. The spreading shall be done from stockpiles by raking the stacks with rakes so as to
leave behind mud and dust. In no case shall the aggregate be dumped in heaps
directly on the surface prepared to receive the aggregate not shall hauling over un-
compacted or partially compacted sub-base/base be permitted. The surface of the
aggregates spread shall be fully checked with templates and all high or low spots
remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may be required. No segregation of
large or fine aggregates shall be allowed and the coarse aggregate as spread shall be
of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine material. The surface shall be checked
frequently with a straight edge while spreading and rolling so as to ensure a finished
surface as per approved plan. The coarse aggregate shall not normally be spread in
lengths exceeding 3 days average work ahead of the rolling and bonding of the
proceeding section.

9.15.5 Rolling Following the spreading of the coarse aggregate, rolling shall be started with three
wheeled power rollers of not less than 12 tonne capacity or tandem or vibratory roller
of approved type. Rolling shall begin from the edges and gradually progress towards
the centre. First the edges/edge shall be compacted with roller running forward and
backward and then move inwards parallel to the centre line of the road, in successive
passes uniformly lapping preceding tracks by at least one half width. Rolling shall be
discontinued when the aggregates are partially compacted with sufficient void space
in them to permit application of screenings. During rolling slight sprinkling of water
may be done, if necessary. Rolling shall not be done when the sub grade is soft or
yielding or when it causes a wave-like motion in the sub grade or sub-base. The rolled
surface shall be checked transversely and longitudinally with templates and all
undulations shall be corrected by loosening the surface, adding or removing necessary
amounts of aggregate and re rolling until the entire surface conforms to desired
camber and grade. In no case shall the use of screening be permitted to make up

Technical Specification Page 152

depressions. Material which crushed excessively during compaction or becomes
segregated shall be removed and replaced with suitable aggregates. It shall be
ensured that shoulders are also built-up simultaneously along with water bound
macadam course.

9.15.6 Application of screenings. After the coarse aggregate has been rolled in accordance, screenings to completely fill
the interestices shall be applied gradually over the surface. These shall not be damp
or wet at the time of application. Dry rolling shall be done while the screenings are
being spread so that vibrations of the roller cause them to settle into the voids of the
coarse aggregate. The screenings shall not be dumped in piles but be spread
uniformly in successive thin layers. Screenings shall be applied at a slow and uniform
rate (in three or more applications) so as to ensure filling of all voids. This shall be
accompanied by dry rolling and brooming with mechanical brooms, hand brooms or
both. In no case shall screenings be applied as fast and thick as to form cakes and
ridges on the surface in such a manner as would prevent filling of voids or prevent the
direct bearing of the roller on the coarse aggregate. These operations shall continue
until no more screenings can be forced into the voids of the coarse aggregate.
Spreading, rolling and brooming of screenings shall be carried out in only such lengths
of the road, which could be completed within one day’s operation.

9.15.7 Sprinkling and Grouting After the screenings have been applied, the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with
water, swept and rolled. Hand brooms shall be used to sweep the wet screenings into
voids and to distribute them evenly. The sprinkling, sweeping and rolling operations
shall be continued, with additional screenings applied as necessary, until the coarse
aggregate has been thoroughly keyed, well bonded and firmly set in its full depth and
a grout has been formed of screenings. Care shall be taken to see that the sub-grade
or sub-base does not get damaged due to the addition of excessive quantities of water
during construction. In case the sub grade or sub-base gets damaged, the Contractor
shall, without additional compensation rectify the damaged portion.

9.15.8 Application of Binding Material After the application of screenings in accordance, the binding material

where it is required to be used, shall be applied successively in two or more thin layers

Technical Specification Page 153

at a slow and uniform rate. After each application, the surface shall be copiously
sprinkled with water, the resulting slurry swept in with hand brooms or mechanical
brooms to fill the voids properly and rolled, during which water shall be applied to the
wheels of the rollers, if necessary, to wash down the binding material sticking to them.
These operations shall continue until the resulting slurry after filling of voids, forms a
wave ahead of the wheels of the moving roller.

9.15.9 Setting and drying After the final compaction of water bound macadam course it shall be allowed to dry
overnight. Next morning hungry spots shall be filled with screenings or binding
material as directed, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled. No traffic
shall be allowed on the road until the macadam has set.

9.15.10 Multiple layered course When the total consolidated thickness of the water bound macadam course is more
than 100mm, it shall be constructed in layers. Each layer shall be constructed as per
all the operations described in the above clauses. The same degree of quality control
and refinement shall be used for constructing each layer.

9.15.11 Measurements and rates The measurements shall be made for the finished work in sqm. Length and width
shall be measured correct to a cm. For the water bound macadam surface. The rate shall include the cost of all materials, labour, plant and equipment
involved in all the operations described above including the coarse aggregates,
screenings and binding material.


9.16.1 This work shall consist of constructing in a single course of 40mm thick premixed
asphalatic carpet to the following specifications on a previously prepared base, to
serve as a wearing coat.

Technical Specification Page 154

9.16.2 Materials Binder

This shall be paving bitumen of suitable penetration grade within the range S-35 to
S-90 or A 35 to A 90 (30-40 ro 80/100) as per Indian Standard for Paving Bitumen
IS:73. The actual grade of bitumen to be used shall be decided by the Consultants
/ Project Manager appropriate to the region, traffic, rainfall and other
environmental conditions. Course aggregate

It shall be crushed material retained on 2.36mm (No.8 ASTM) sieve and shall be
crushed stone or gravel (Shingle) and satisfy the physical requirements set forth in
Table 2. Fine aggregates

The fine aggregates shall be the fraction passing 2.8 mm sieve and retained on 90
micron sieve consisting of crusher run screenings, natural sand or mixture of both.
These shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated dry and free from any injurious, soft
or flaky pieces and organic or deleterious substances. Filler
The filler shall be an inert material, the whole of which passing 710 micron, sieve,
at least 90 % passing 180 micron sieve and not less than 70 percent passing 90
micron sieve. The filler shall be stone dust, cement, hydrated lime, fly ash or any
other non-plastic mineral matter approved by the Consultants / Project Manager.

9.16.3 Mineral Aggregate Gradation

The mineral aggregates including mineral filler shall be so graded or combined as
to confirm to the either of the limits set forth in Table 5 below:




Technical Specification Page 155


20 mm --- - 100

12.5 mm - 100 80-100

10 mm 80 – 100 70 – 90

4.75 mm (No. 4 ASTM) 55 – 75 50 – 70

2.36 mm (No. 8 ASTM) 35 – 50 35 – 50

600 micron (No. 30 ASTM) 18 – 29 18 – 29

300 micron ( No. 50 ASTM) 13 – 23 13 – 23

150 micron (No.100 ASTM) 8 – 16 8 – 16

75 micron (No.200 ASTM) 4 – 10 4 – 10

9.16.4 Mix Design

Apart from conformity with the grading and quality requirements of individual
ingredients, the asphaltic concrete mix shall meet the requirements set forth in
table – 6 hereunder.

9.16.5 Weather and seasonal limitations

Asphalt concrete shall not be laid during rainy weather or when the base course is
damp or wet.



Sl.No. Description Requirements

1 Number of compaction blows, each and of 50

Marshalling specimen

2 Marshall stability (ASTM Designation-D-1559) 340 kg (min.)

determined on marshal specimen

Technical Specification Page 156

3 Marshall flow (mm) 2–4

4 Percent voids in mix 3–5

5 Percent voids in mineral aggregate filled with 75 – 85


6 Binder content percent by weight of mix 5 – 7.5

The Contractor shall intimate to the Project Manager in writing, well in advance of
the start of work, the job-mix-formula proposed to be used by him for the work
and shall give following details to the Project Manager for his approval.

i. Source and location of all materials

ii. Proportions of all materials expressed as follows where each is applicable:

Binder as percentage by weight of total mix.

Course aggregate } as percentage by weight of total

aggregate } including mineral filler

Fine aggregate } }

Mineral filler }

iii. A single definite percentage passing each sieve for the mixed aggregate.

iv. The results of the best enumerated in Table-6 as obtained by the Contractor.

v. Test results of physical characteristics of aggregates to be used.

Should a change in the source of material be proposed, a new job mix formula
shall be established and got approved from the Project Manager before actual
using the materials.

9.16.6 Preparation of Base

Technical Specification Page 157 The base on which premix carpet is to e laid shall be prepared, shaped and
conditioned to the specified lines, grade and cross section by repairing all pot
holes or patches and ruts. The pot holes shall be drained of water and cut to
regular shape with vertical sides. All loose and disintegrated material shall be
removed. The pothole shall them be filled either with

i. Coarse aggregate and screenings conforming to clauses and compacted with

heavy hadn rammer or approved mechanical tempers or

ii. Premix chippings binders (bitumen grade 80/100) content of 3 percent by

weight of total mix, after painting the sides and bottom of the holes with a thin
application of bitumen, or a combination of both as directed by Project
Manager. The surface shall be thoroughly swept and scraped clean and free of
dust and other foreign matter.

9.16.7 Tack Coat The binder used for tack coat shall be bitumen of suitable penetration grade within
30/40 to 80/100 confirming to IS:73. The actual grade of bitumen to be used shall
be decided by the Project Manager, appropriate to the region, traffic, rainfall and
other environmental conditions. Binder shall be heated to the temperature
appropriate to its grade and as approved by the Consultants / Project Manager.
The binder shall be sprayed on the prepared based at the rate of 1.0 kg/sqm. The
binder shall be applied uniformly with the aid of either self propelled or towed
bitumen pressure sprayer with self heating arrangement and spraying nozzle
arrangement capable of spraying bitumen at the above specified rate and
temperature so as to provide uniform unbroken spread of bitumen. The tack coal
shall be applied just ahead of oncoming premixed asphalt carpet.

9.16.8 Preparation of mix and laying: Hot mix plant of adequate capacity and capable of producing a proper and uniform
quality mix shall be used for preparing the mix. The plant may be either a weigh
batch type of volumetric proportioning continuous or drum mix type. The stone
aggregate shall be surface dry and contain not more then 2 percent moisture
before use. It shall be first screened of dust and measured in boxes, heated to
155oC – 163o C and then loaded into the drum mixer according to the capacity of
the mixing drum in the proportion specified. The binder shall be heated to 140 o C

Technical Specification Page 158

– 177o C in boilers and maintained at that temperature between the aggregate and
binder exceed 14o C. The heated binder shall be drawn from the boiler into
suitable container or in a bucket guaged to show the weight of bitumen in it.

Technical Specification Page 159 Mixing shall be done in two stages. The coarse aggregate of the correct standard
size and in the proportion as specified shall be fed into the mixer to which 2/3rd of
the total specified quantity of bitumen heated to the appropriate temperature
shall be added. When the coarse aggregate is wel coated, the fine aggregate in
the specified proportion followed by the balance 1/3rd quantity of total bitumen
shall be fed into the mixer. Mixing shall be continued until a homogeneous mix is
produced and all particles are uniformly coated with bitumen. The hot mix shall be discharged from the mixer carried to the point of use in
suitable tipler vehicles and shall be spread by means of a self propelled mechanical
paver with a suitable screeds capable of spreading tamping and finishing the mix
to specified lines and levels to a thickness sufficient to achieve after consolidation
the specified thickness. Temperature of the mix at the time of laying shall be in
the range of 120o C – 160o C. However, in restricted locations and in narrow width
where available equipment can not be operated in the opinion of the Project
Manager, he may permit manual laying of the mix. Longitudinal joints and edges
shall be constructed true to the delineating lines parallel to the centre line of the
road. Longitudinal joints shall be offset by at least 150mm from those in the
binder course )tack coat). All joints shall be cut vertical to the full thickness of the
previously laid mix and the surface painted with hot bitumen before placing fresh

9.16.9 Rolling Immediately after the spreading of mix it shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling
with a set of roller moving at a speed not more than 5 km per hour. The initial or
break down rolling shall be with 12 ton three wheel roller and the surface finished
by final rolling with the 12 ton tendem roller. Preferably before finishing with
tendem, breakdown rolling shall be followed by an intermediate rolling with a
fixed wheel pneumatic roller of 15 to 30 ton having a tyre pressure of 7 kg. Per
cum. The joints and edges shall be rolled with 12 ton three wheel roller. Any high
spot or depressions which become apparent shall be corrected by addition or
removal of mix material. The roller shall uniformly overlap not less than a third of
the track made in the preceding pass. The wheels of the roller shall be moistened
with gunny bags to prevent the mix sticking to the wheels while rolling, but in no
case shall fuel lubricating oil be used for this purpose. Rolling shall be continued
till the mix is thoroughly compacted and all roller marks are eliminated.

9.16.10 Opening to traffic

Technical Specification Page 160

Traffic shall be allowed on the road after a lapse of minimum 24 hours, preferably
48 hours after laying as directed by Project Manager.

9.16.11 Measurements and rates

The measurement shall be taken for the finished work in sqm. The rate shall
include the cost of all materials, labour, plant and equipment involved in all the
operations described above.

9.16.12 Seal Coat

This work shall consist of application of a seal coat sealing the voids in a
bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and camber. Seal coat shall
be of either of the two types below:

Type A Liquid seal coat comprising of an application of a layer of bituminous

binder followed by a cover of stone chippings.

Type B Premixed seal coat comprising of a thick application of fine aggregate

premixed with bituminous binder.

9.16.13 Materials Binder: This shall be 30/40, 60/70 or 80/100 grade straight run bitumen
conforming to IS:73, The actual grade of bitumen to be used shall be decided by
the Project Manager, appropriate to the region, traffic, rainfall and other
environmental conditions. The quantity of binder to be utilised, shall be 9.8 kg and
6.8 kg per 10 sqm. of area for type A and type B seal coat respectively. Stone chippings for Type A seal coat : These shall consist of angular fragments of
clean, hard, tough and durable rock of uniform quality throughout. They should be
free of elongated or flaky pieces, soft or disintegrated stone, vegetable or other
deleterious matter. Stone chippings shall be of 10mm size defined as 100 percent
passing through 12.5mm sieve and retained on 2.36mm sieve. The quantity used
for spreading shall be 0.09 cum per 10 sqm. Fine aggregate for type B seal coat: This fine aggregate shall be sand or fine grit
and shall consist of clean, hard durable, soft or flaky material organic matter or
other deleterious substances. The aggregate shall pass 1.7mm sieve and be
retained on 180 micron sieve. The quantity used for premixing shall be 0.06 cum.
per 10 sqm area.

9.16.14 Preparation of base

Technical Specification Page 161 The seal coat shall be applied immediately after the laying of bituminous course
which is required to be sealed. Before application of seal coat materials the
surface shall be cleaned free of any dust or other extraneous matter.

9.16.15 Construction of type A seal coat Application of binder

Binder shall be heated in boilers to 1630 C to 171o C maintained at the

temperature and sprayed on the dry surface in a uniform manner with the help of
mechanical sprayers. Excessive deposits of binder caused by stopping or starting
of the sprayer through leakage or any other reason shall be suitably corrected
before the stone chippings are spread. Application of stone chippings

Immediately after the application of the binder, stone chippings in a dry and clean
state shall be spread uniformly on the complete surface. If necessary the surface
shall be broomed to ensure uniform spread of chippings. The surface shall be
checked by means of a camber board laid across the road and a 3 meter straight
edge laid parallel to the centre line of the road and undulations if any, shall be
corrected by addition or removal of blindage. Rolling

Immediately after the application of the cover the material, the entire surface shall
be rolled with a 8 to 10 ton smooth wheeled roller. While rolling is in progress
additional material shall be spread by hand in whatever quantities required to
make up irregularities. Rolling shall continue until all material is firmly bedded in
the binder and presents a uniform closed surface. Generally five to six passes shall
be made for thorough compaction of the surface or as directed by Project
Manager. Along kerbs, manholes and at all places not accessible to roller,
thorough compaction shall be secured by means of steel rammers or hand rollers.
Traffic shall be allowed after 24 hours. After a period of seven days, surplus grit
shall be swept and collected and shall be used for binding the spots where
bleeding occurs.

9.16.16 Construction of type B seal coat

9.16.17 Preparation mix and laying

Technical Specification Page 162

The aggregate shall be surface dry and contain not more than 2 percent moisture
before use, and shall be heated to 155o C - 163o C and then loaded into the drum
mixer according to the capacity of the mixing drum in the proportion specified.
The binder shall be heated to 149o C - 177o C in boilers and maintained at that
temperature. At no time shall the difference in temperature between the
aggregate and binder exceed 14o C. The heated binder shall be drawn from the
boiler into a suitable container or in a bucket gauged to show the weight of
bitumen in it. The mix shall be immediately transported from the mixing plant to
the point of use and spread uniformly on the bituminous surface to be sealed.

9.16.18 Rolling

As soon as sufficient length has been covered with the premixed material, the
surface shall be rolled with 12 tonne smooth wheeled power rollers. Rolling shall
be continued till the premixed material completely seals the voids in bituminous
course and a smooth uniform surface is obtained.

9.16.19 Opening to Traffic

Traffic may be allowed soon after final rolling when, the premixed material has
cooled down to the surrounding temperature.

9.16.20 Measurements and rates

The measurement shall be taken for the finished work in sqm. The rate shall
include the cost of all materials, labour, plant and equipment involved in all the
operations described above. QUALITY CONTROL

9.17.1 GENERAL All materials incorporated and all works performed shall be strictly in conformity
with the specification requirements. All works shall conform to the lines, grades,
cross sections and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Project
Manager subject to the permitted tolerances described hereinafter. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the work in the entire
construction within the Contract. He shall therefore have his own independent
and adequate set-up for ensuring the same.

Technical Specification Page 163 The Contractor shall carry out quality control test on the materials and work to the
frequency specified. In the absence of clear indications about method and or
frequency of tests for any item, the direction of the Consultants / Project Manager
shall be followed and he shall provide necessary cooperation and assistance in
obtaining the samples for test and carrying out the field test as required by the
Consultants / Project Manager from time to time. This may include provision of
labour, attendance, assistance in packing and despatching and any other
assistance considered necessary in connection with the test. For the work of embankment, subgrade and construction of subsequent layer of
same or the material over the finished layer shall be done after obtaining
permission from the Consultants / Project Manager. Similar permission from the
Project Manager shall be obtained in respect of all other items of works prior to
proceeding with the next stage of construction. The Contractor shall carry out modification in the procedure of work, if found
necessary, as diirected by the Project Manager during inspection. Works falling
short of quality shall be rectified by the Contractor at his own cost as directed by
the Project Manager. The Contract rate quoted for various items of works in the bill of quantities or the
lumpsum amount Tendered shall be deemed to be inclusive of all costs of the
quality control tests and operations necessary for ensuring quality of the material
and work so as to be in conformity with the specification requirement.


9.18.1 Horizontal Alignments

Horizontal alignments shall be reckoned with respect to the centre line of the
carriage way as shown on the drawings. The edges of the carriage way as
constructed shall be correct within a tolerance of ± 25mm therefrom. The

Technical Specification Page 164

corresponding tolerance for edges of the roadway and lower layers of pavement
shall be ± 40mm.

9.18.2 Longitudinal profile

The levels of the subgrade and different pavement courses as constructed, shall
not vary from those calculated with reference to the longitudinal and cross-profile
of the road shown on the drawings or as directed by the Project Manager beyond
the tolerances mentioned below:

Subgrade ± 15mm

Sub-base ± 20mm

Base course ± 15mm

Wearing course ± 10mm

Provided, however, that the negative tolerance for wearing course shall not be
permitted in conjunction with the positive tolerance for base course if the
thickness of the former is thereby reduced by more than 6mm.

9.18.3 Surface Regularity

The surface regularity of completed subgrade, sub-bases, base course and wearing
surfaces in the longitudinal and transverse directions shall be within the tolerances
indicated in Table-7.

The longitudinal profile shall be checked with a 3 meter long straight edge, at the
middle of each traffic lane along a line parallel to the centre line of the road. The
transverse profile shall be checked with a set of three camber boards at intervals
of 10 meters.

9.18.4 Rectification

Technical Specification Page 165

Where the surface irregularity of subgrade and the various courses fall outside the
specified tolerances, the Contractor shall be liable to rectify these in the manner
described below and to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.

i. Subgrade

Where the surface is high, it shall be trimmed and suitably compacted. Where
the same is low, the deficiency shall be corrected by adding fresh material. The
degree of compaction and the type of material to be used shall conform to the

ii. Water Bound Macadam

Where the surface is high or low, the top 75mm shall be scarified, reshaped with
added material as necessary recompacted to clauses. The area treated at a place
shall not be less than 5 meter long and 2 meters wide.

iii. Bituminous constructions

For bituminous construction other than wearing course, where the surface is
low, the deficiency shall be corrected by adding fresh material and recompacting
to specifications. Where the surface is high, the full depth of the layer shall be
removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifications.

For wearing course, where the surface is high or low, the full depth of the layer
shall be removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to
specifications. In all cases where the removal and replacement of a bituminous
layer is involved, the areas treated shall not be less than 5 meter lon and not less
than 1 lane wide.




Technical Specification Page 166

Sl. Type of construction Longitudinal profile with 3 cross profile meter
straight edge

Maximum Maximum number Maximum

permissible of undulations permissible
undulation permitted in any variation
mm 300 meters length from
exceeding mm specified
profile under

1 Earthen subgrade 24 30 - - - 15

2 Granular / Lime / 15 - 30 - - 12
Cement / stabilised

3 Water bound 15 - 30 - - 12
macadam with over
size metal (45-90mm

4 Water Bound 12 - - 30 - 8
macadam with normal
size metal (22 4-
53mm & 45-63mm

5 Bituminous concrete 8 - - - 10 4


1 ** These are for machine laid surfaces. If laid manually due to unavoidable
reasons, tolerance up to 50 percent above these values in this column
may be permitted at the discretion of the Project Manager. However,
this relaxation does not apply to the values of maximum undulation for

Technical Specification Page 167

longitudinal and cross profiles mentioned in columns 3 and 8 on the

Surface evenness requirements in respect of both the longitudinal and

cross profiles should be simultaneously satisfied.

9.19 TESTS

9.19.1 General

For ensuring the requisite quality of construction, the materials and works shall be subjected to
quality control tests, as described hereinafter. The testing frequencies set forth are the
desirable minimum and the Project Manager shall have the full authority to increase the
frequencies of tests as he may deem necessary to satisfy himself that the materials and works
comply with the appropriate specifications.

Test procedures for the various quality control tests are indicated in the respective sections of
these specifications or for certain tests within this section. Where no specific testing procedure
is mentioned, the tests shall be carried out as per the prevalent accepted engineering practice
to the directions of the Project Manager

9.19.2 Tests on earthwork for embankment and sub grade construction

A. Borrow material

a. Sand content {IS:2720 (part IV)}: 1-2 tests per 8000 cum. of soil

b. Plasticity Test {IS:1270 (Part V)}: Each type to be tested, 1-2 tests per 8000 cum. of soil

c. Density Test {IS:2720 (part VII)}: Each soil type to be tested, 1-2 tests per 8000 cubic meters
of soil

d. Deleterious content test {IS:2720 (part xxVII)}: As and when required by the Project Manager.

e. Moisture content Test {IS:2720 (part II)}: One test for every 250 cubic meters of soil

f. CBR Test on materials to be incorporated in the subgrade on soaked/unsoaked samples

{IS:2720 (Part XVI)}: One test for every 3000 cum. at least or closer as and when required by the
Project Manager.

Technical Specification Page 168

B. Compaction control: Control shall be exercised by taking at least one measurement of
density for each 100 square meters of compacted area, or closer as required to yield the
minimum number of test results for evaluation a day’s work on statistical basis. The
determination of density shall be in accordance with IS: 2720 (part XXVIII). Tests locations shall
be chosen only through random sampling techniques. Control shall not be based on the results
of any one test but on the mean value of a set of 5-10 density determinations. The number of
tests in one test in one set of measurements shall be 5 as long as it is felt that sufficient control
over borrow material and the method of compaction is being exercised. If considerable
variations are observed between individual density results, the minimum number of tests in
one set of measurement shall be increased to 10. The acceptance of work shall be subject to
the condition that the mean dry density equals or exceeds the specified density and the
standard deviation for any set of results in below 0.08 gm/cc.

However, for earthwork in shoulders (earthen) and in top 500mm portion of the embankment
below the sub grade, at least one density measurement shall be taken for every 50 square
meters of the compacted area provided further that the number of tests in each set of
measurements shall be at least 10. In order respects, the control shall be similar to that
described earlier. Tests on sub-bases and bases

(Excluding bitumen bound bases)

The tests and their frequencies for the different types of bases and sub-base
shall be as given in table-8. The evaluation of density results for compaction
control shall be on lines similar to those set out in clauses.




Sl.N Types of construction Test Frequency


Technical Specification Page 169

1 Granular sub-base Gradation One test per 200 cum.

Atterbergs limit One test per 200 cum.

Moisture content One test per 250 sqm.

prior to compaction

Density of
compacted layer
One test per 500 sqm.


As required

As required

2 Lime / Cement Purity of lime (for One test for each

stabilised lime-soil consignment subject to a
stabilisation) minimum of one test per
5 tonnes of lime.
Lime / Cement
content Regularly, through
procedural checks
Degree of

CBR test on a set of Periodically as

3 specimens considered necessary

Moisture content As required

prior to compaction

Density of
compacted layer
One test per 250 cum.

Technical Specification Page 170

One test per 500 sqm.

As required

3 Water Bound Aggregate Impact One test per 200 cum. of

Macadam value aggregate


Flakiness Index One test per 100 cum. of

Atterbergs limits of
binding material One test per 200 cum. of

One test per 25 cum. of

binding material


The tests and their frequencies for the different types of bituminous works shall
be as given table-9 hereunder:



Sl. Types of construction Test Frequency


Technical Specification Page 171

1 Prime coat / Tack Coat Quality of binder As required

Binder temperature for As regular close intervals

a application
Two tests per day
Rate of spread of binder

2 Seal coat / Surface Quality of binder As required

Aggregate impact value One test per 50 cum of
Flakiness index
One test per 50 cum. of
Stripping value of
Initially one set of 3
representative specimens for
Water absorption of each source of supply
Subsequently when
Grading of aggregated warranted by changes in the
quality of aggregated.
Temperature of binder
of application One test per 25 cum. of
Rate of spread of
materials At regular close intervals

One test per 500 cum of


Technical Specification Page 172

3 Bituminous Concrete Quality of binder As required

Aggregate impact value, One test per 50-100 cum. of

flakiness index and aggregate
striping value of
One set of test on individual
constituents and mixed
Mix-grading aggregates from the dryer for
each 100 tonnes of mix
subject to a maximum of two
Control of temperature sets per plant per day.
of binder in boiler,
At regular close interval
aggregate in the dryer
and mix at the time of
laying and rolling.

Technical Specification Page 173


The following tests as well as other tests may be ordered during execution by PMC/
Architect/ Structural Consultant shall be carried out by the contractor within the quoted
rate and time schedule at the required frequency.


1 Cement:
a) Recommended tests:
i) Fineness
ii) Soundness
iii) Consistency
iv) Setting time
v) Compressive strength and
vi) Chemical analysis

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 4031- Method of physical tests for Hydraulic cement.

Part 2 – Determination of fitness by Blaine air Permeability method.

Part 3 – Determination of Soundness.

Part 2 – Determination of Consistency.

Part 2 – Determination of initial and final setting time.

Part 2 – Determination of compressive strength.

IS:4032-Chemical analysis of Hydraulic cement.

IS:3535-Method of sampling Hydraulic cements.

Technical Specification Page 174

IS:8112-Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement.

IS:12269-Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement.

IS:12330- Specification for sulfate resisting Portland cement.

Concrete workers

Guide – 1992 by Research and Consultancy directorate, A.C.C. Ltd., Mumbai

2 Fine aggregate:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Particle size and shape

ii) Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities.
iii) Specific gravity and density

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 383- Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from
natural sources for concrete.

IS:2430- Method of sampling of aggregates for concrete.

IS:2386- Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete

Part 1 – Particle size and shape

Part 2 – Estimate of deleterious materials and organic impurities.

Part 3 – Specific gravity and density.

Technical Specification Page 175

Part 6 – Mortar making properties of fine aggregate.

3 Concrete workers

Guide – 1992 by Research and Consultancy directorate, A.C.C. Ltd., Mumbai

4 Coarse aggregate:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Sieve analysis
ii) Flakiness index
iii) Specific gravity and density
iv) Soundness
v) Alkali aggregate reaction
vi) Mechanical properties
vii) Petrographic examination

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:

IS: 383-Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources
for concrete.

IS:2430- Method of sampling of aggregates for concrete.

IS:2386- Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete

Technical Specification Page 176

Part 1 – Particle size and shape

Part 3 – Specific gravity and density.

Part 4 – Mechanical properties

Part 5 – Soundness

Part 7 – Alkali aggregate reactivity

Part 8 – Petrographic examination

Concrete workers

Guide – 1992 by Research and Consultancy directorate, A.C.C. Ltd.,


5 Water

a) Recommended tests:
i) P-Alkalinity
ii) M-Alkalinity
iii) Inorganic solids
iv) Sulfates
v) Chlorides
vi) Suspended solids
vii) pH Value

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance criteria
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

Technical Specification Page 177

d) Relevant references
IS: 456- Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.

IS: 3025 –Method of sampling and tests (Physical and chemical) for water
and waste water.

Part 1 - Sampling

Part 2 - pH Value

Part 15 - Total residue (total solids dissolved and suspended)

Part 16 - Total dissolved solids

Part 17 - Total suspended solids

Part 23 - Alkalinity

Part 24 - Sulfates

Part 32 - Chlorides

6 Admixtures:
(Accelerating, retarding, water reducing/workability improvement and air
entraining admixtures)

a) Recommended tests:

i) Water content of concrete with and without admixture

ii) Setting time of concrete with and without admixture
iii) Compressive strength of concrete with and without admixture
iv) Change in length of concrete with and without admixture
v) Bleeding of concrete with and without admixture
vi) Workability of concrete with and without admixture
vii) Air content of concrete with and without admixture
viii) Heat of hydration of concrete with and without admixture
ix) Chloride content

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian standards.

Technical Specification Page 178

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS:9103 - Specification for admixtures for concrete.

IS:516 - Method of tests for strength of concrete.

IS:6925 – Method of test for determination of water soluble

chlorides in concrete admixtures.

7 Fresh concrete:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Slump/compaction factor/Vee Bee test

ii) Setting time of concrete by penetration method
iii) Air content
iv) Analysis for constituents

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guide lines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance Criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 1199 – Method of sampling and analysis of concrete

IS: 8142 – Setting time of concrete by penetration resistance

8 Hardened concrete:
a) Recommended tests:
i) Compressive strength
a) Accelerated curing

Technical Specification Page 179

b) Normal curing
ii) Permeability test

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As pe guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS : 456 – Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

IS: 516 – Methods of tests for strength of concrete

IS: 9013 – Method of testing of accelerated cured concrete

IS: 3085 – Method of tests for permeability of cement mortar and


9 Reinforcing Steel:

a) Recommended tests:
i) Tensile test on bars welded or otherwise.
ii) Bend and re-bend test
iii) Bond test
iv) Chemical analysis

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian standards.

Technical Specification Page 180

d) Relevant references:
IS:1786 –Specification of high strength deformed steel bars for concrete

IS: 1608 –Method of tensile testing of steel products.

IS: 228 –Method of chemical analysis of steel.

Part 1 : Determination of carbon by volumetric method.

Part 3 : Determination of phosphorous by alkali metric method

Part 9 : Determination of sulphur

10 Solid concrete blocks:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Dimensional tolerances
ii) Block density and compressive strength
iii) Water absorption
iv) Drying shrinkage
v) Moisture movement

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 2185 – Specification for concrete masonry units part-1
solid concrete blocks.

11 Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Blocks:

a) Recommended tests:

Technical Specification Page 181

i) Dimensional tolerances
ii) Block density and compressive strength
iii) Water absorption
iv) Drying shrinkage
v) Moisture movement

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 6072 – Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete wall

IS: 6441 – Method of tests for autoclaved cellular concrete


Part 1 : Determination of unit wt. And moisture content.

Part 2 : Determination of drying shrinkage.

Part 4 : Corrosion protection of steel reinforcement.

Part 5 : Determination of compressive strength

IS: 2185 – Specification for concrete masonry units.

Part 3 (1990) Autoclaved cellular (aerated) concrete blocks.

12 Door Shutters:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Dimensions and defects of square ness test

Technical Specification Page 182

ii) General flatness test
iii) Local plane ness test
iv) Impact indentation test
v) Edge loading test
vi) Shock resistance test
vii) Buckling test
viii) Misuse test
ix) Slamming test
x) Screw holding power test
xi) Additional test on wood particle board:
1) Determination of water absorption
2) Determination of swelling in water

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines n relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 4020 – 1994 Door shutters method of test

Part 1 : General

Part 2 : Measurement of dimensions & defects of square ness

Part 3 : Measurement of defects of general flatness

Part 4 : Local plane ness test

Part 5 : Impact indentation test

Part 7 : Edge loading test

Part 8 : Shock resistance test

Part 9 : Buckling test

Part 10 : Misuse test

Part 11 : Slamming test

Technical Specification Page 183

Part 12 : Screw holding power test

IS: 2389 Method of test for wood particle board

Part 16 : Determination of water absorption

Part 17 : Determination of swelling in water

13 Aluminium:

a) Recommended tests:
i) Thickness measurement of member
ii) Coating thickness
b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

d) Relevant references:
IS: 5523 –Method of testing anodic coating on aluminium

14 Tiles (Concrete):

a) Recommended tests:
i) Dimensional tolerance
ii) Flatness
iii) Perpendicularity
iv) Straightness
v) Water absorption
vi) Wet transverse strength
vii) Resistance to wear

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant reference:
IS : 1237-Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles.

Technical Specification Page 184

15 Glazed Earthenware Tiles:

a) Recommended tests:
i) Dimensional tolerance
ii) Warp age
iii) Water absorption
iv) Impact strength
v) Cracking test
b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance Criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

d) Relevant references:
IS: 777 – Specification for glazed earthenware wall tiles.

16 Marble:
Recommended tests:

Moisture absorption


Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

Acceptance criteria:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

Relevant references:

IS: 1237 –Specification for marbles (Blocks, slabs & tiles)

IS: 1124 –Methods of tests for determination of water absorption,

apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural
building stone.

Technical Specification Page 185

17 Non-destructive Testing of Concrete:

a) Recommended tests:
i) Ultrasonic pulse velocity test
ii) Rebound hammer test

b) Frequency of test:
About 5% of randomly selected reinforced concrete structural
components (in-situ of precast)

c) Acceptance Criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS:13311-Non-destructive testing of concrete

Part 1 : Method of test for Ultrasonic pulse velocity

Part 2 : Method of test for Rebound hammer

The testing of concrete in structures by J.H.Bungey, Surrey University

Press, 1982.

18 Core Test on Concrete:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Texture of concrete
ii) Compressive strength test

b) Frequency of test:
Core to be taken from walls, slabs and footings whenever in doubt.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

Technical Specification Page 186

d) Relevant references:

IS: 516 –Method of tests for strength of concrete

IS: 456 –Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

19 Load Test:

a) Recommended test:
Load testing of selected in-situ panels/pre-cast components (service load

b) Frequency of test:
On representative in-situ panels in each type of housing whenever in
doubt about 0.5% of the total precast floor roof components.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 456-Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.

IS: 6441 (part 7 & 8) Method of test for autoclaved cellular concrete
products subject to load test.

20 Earth-filling in Building:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Grain size distribution for material selection

ii) Proctor compaction test
iii) Field density by core extraction

Technical Specification Page 187

b) Frequency of test:
i) One sample from each borrow pit
ii) Three cores for every 1000 sqm. In compacted thickness of 30cm.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 2720- Method of test for soil

Part 2 – Determination of water content

Part 4 – Grain size analysis

Part 5 – Determination of liquid and plastic limit.

Part 7 – Determination of water content-dry density relation using

light compaction.

Part 29 –Determination of dry density of soils in place by core cutter


21 Mix design:
a) Recommended method:
Method outlined in SP-23-– Hand book on concrete mixes.

b) Frequency of design:
On every source of type of the following:

i) Aggregates
ii) Cement
iii) Admixtures and for different grades of workability.

c) Acceptance criteria of mix:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
SP:23- Hand book on concrete mixes

Technical Specification Page 188

SP: 10262 – 1982 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix

SP: 456-1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.


1 Properties of concrete by A.M>Neville, ELBS Publication 1981

2 (a) Elements of concrete making,

(b) Concrete workers guide,
(c) Control tests for quality user,
(d) Notes for the cement user, by Research and Consultancy directorate,
ACC Ltd., Mumbai.

3 SP: 24-Explanatory handbook on Indian Standard Code of practice for

plain and reinforced concrete.

4 Workshop on testing of fresh and hardened concrete Indian Concrete


5 SP:21 –Summaries of Indian Standard for building materials.

6 National building code,.

7 Non-destructive testing by Barry Hall, Macmillan Education,.


Sl. Item Tolerance


1 Variation from plumb in the lines and surface of columns, piers,

walls and arises.

a) In any 3.05 mt height.

Technical Specification Page 189

b) Maximum for total building height of approx. 50m. 6 mm

38 mm

2 Variation in plumb for exposed corner columns. Control joint

groves and other conspicuous lines.

a) In any 6.10 mt height.

b) Maximum for total building height of approx. 50m 6 mm

19 mm

3 Variation in level of slab soffits, ceiling, beam soffits and in

arrirers, measured before removal of supporting shores.

a) In any 3.05 mt height.

b) In any bag or in any 6.10m length. ± 6 mm
c) Maximum for total length of the structure
± 10 mm

± 19 mm

4 Variation in level of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal

grooves and other conspicuous lines.

a) In any bag or in any 6.10m length.

± 6 mm
b) Maximum for total length of the structure
± 13 mm

5 Variation in level of elevation control points for slabs on grade.

a) In any bag or in any 6.10m length. ± 10 mm

b) Maximum for total length of the structure
± 19 mm

6 Variation in linear building lines from the basic dimension in

plan and related position of columns, walls, beams and
± 13 mm
± 13 mm
a) In any bay
b) In bay 6.10m ± 25 mm
c) Maximum for the structure
7 Variation in size of sleeves, floor openings, and wall opening. ± 6 mm

Technical Specification Page 190

8 Variation in location of centre lines of sleeves, floor opening
and wall opening.
± 13 mm

9 Variation in cross sectional dimension of columns, beams, walls

and slab thickness

a) Upto 3.05 mm
+ 10 mm

b) More than 3.05mm - 6 mm

+ 13 mm

- 10 mm

10 Variation in horizontal dimension of footings with formed + 51 mm

- 13 mm

11 Variation in horizontal dimension of footing with unformed + 76 mm

- nil

12 Variation in misplacement or eccentricity of footing

Positive and Negative tolerance

Lesser of 51mm or 2% of footing dimension in the direction of


13 Variation in cross sectional thickness of footing. + no limits

- 5%

14 Variation in alignment of footing to receive masonry


a) In 3.05 m length
b) Maximum for 15.24 m length ± 6 mm

± 13 mm

15 Variation in level of footing to receive masonry construction

a) In 3.05 m length ± 6 mm
b) Maximum for 15.24 m length

Technical Specification Page 191

± 13 mm

16 Variation in dimension of an individual step of a stairway.

a) Riser ± 3 mm
b) Tread
± 6 mm

17 Variation in dimension of an extra flight of a stairway.

a) Rise ± 3 mm
b) Run
± 6 mm

18 Variation in finished slab surface determined as depressions in

floors between high spots using a 3.05 m long aluminium
straight edge over five consecutive measurements per day.
8 mm

19 Variation from specified gradient in longitudinal direction of

pavements as measured with a 3.05 m long aluminium straight
3 mm

20 Variation from specified gradient in turnover direction of

pavements as measured with a 3.05 m long aluminium straight
6 mm

21 Variation from specified gradient of ramps and intersection as

measured with a 3.05 m long aluminium straight edge.
6 mm

22 Variation from specified location of dowels. ± 25 mm

23 Variation in alignment of 450mm long dowels. ± 6 mm

24 Variation in length of precast non-prestressed elements.

± 3 mm
a) Per 3.05 m of length
b) Maximum for entire length. ± 19 mm

25 Variation in cross sectional dimensions of precast non-pre-

Technical Specification Page 192

stressed elements. ± 3 mm

a) Sections upto and including 152 mm ± 5 mm

b) Sections between 153mm and 456mm
c) Sections between 457mm and 913mm ± 6 mm
d) Sections above and including 914mm
± 10 mm

26 Variation from straight line of precast non pre-stressed

± 3 mm
a) In any 3.05m of length
b) Maximum for entire length ± 19 mm

27 Variation from specified camber of precast non-pre-stressed


a) Per 3.05 m of span

b) Maximum for entire width ± 3 mm

± 13 mm

28 Differential in camber between adjacent units in erected

position of precast, non pre-stressed elements.

a) Per 3.05m of span

b) Maximum for entire length ± 3 mm

± 13 mm


Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

1) Cement Concrete


a cum 1:1.5:3 8.000 400.000

Technical Specification Page 193

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

b cum 1:2:4 6.400 320.000

e cum 1:3:6 4.400 220.000

f cum 1:4:8 3.400 170.000

g cum 1:5:10 2.600 130.000


a cum M7.5 3.000 150.000

b cum M10 4.400 220.000

C cum M15 5.600 280.000

d cum M20 6.000 300.000

e cum M25 6.400 320.000

f cum M30 6.800 340.000

g cum M35 7.500 375.000

h cum M40 8.200 410.000

i cum M45 9.000 450.000

j cum M50 9.000 450.000

2) Mortars

a cum 1:1 28.800 1440.000

b cum 1:2 14.400 720.000

c cum 1:3 9.600 480.000

d cum 1:4 7.200 360.000

e cum 1:5 5.760 288.000

Technical Specification Page 194

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

f cum 1:6 4.800 240.000

g cum 1:8 3.600 180.000

3) Brick work - 230mm Thick

a cum 1:3 2.880 144.000

b cum 1:4 2.160 108.000

c cum 1:5 1.728 86.400

d cum 1:6 1.440 72.000

e cum 1:8 1.080 54.000

Half Brick work - 115mm

4) Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.290 14.500

b sqm 1:4 0.230 11.500

c sqm 1:5 0.193 9.650

d sqm 1:6 0.169 8.450

Half Brick work - 075mm

5) Thick sqm 1:4 0.101 5.040

6) Wire cut/Mech. mould bricks cum 1:6 1.250 62.500

8) Half BW - Honey combed BW

Technical Specification Page 195

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

a sqm 1:3 0.174 8.700

b sqm 1:4 0.138 6.900

9) Block work - 200mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.212 10.600

b sqm 1:4 0.158 7.900

c sqm 1:5 0.128 6.400

d sqm 1:6 0.106 5.300

10) Block work - 150mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.158 7.900

b sqm 1:4 0.119 5.950

c sqm 1:5 0.095 4.750

d sqm 1:6 0.080 4.000

11) Block work - 100mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.105 5.250

b sqm 1:4 0.079 3.950

Aerocon Block work - 200mm

12) Thick sqm 1:6 0.106 5.300

Technical Specification Page 196

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

Aerocon Block work - 150mm

13) Thick sqm 1:6 0.080 4.000

Aerocon Block work - 100mm

14) Thick sqm 1:6 0.053 2.650

15) Stone masonry Rubble

a cum 1:4 2.520 126.000

b cum 1:5 2.016 100.800

c cum 1:6 1.680 84.000

d cum 1:8 1.260 63.000

16) Coursed roubbled masonry

a cum 1:4 2.376 118.800

b cum 1:6 1.584 79.200

c cum 1:8 1.188 59.400

17) Ashlar masonry

cum 1:5 1.728 86.400

18) Cinder concrete

cum 1:15 2.590 129.500

Technical Specification Page 197

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

19) Plastering - 6mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.063 3.170

b sqm 1:4 0.050 2.500

20) Plastering - 10mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.106 5.300

b sqm 1:4 0.083 4.150

c sqm 1:5 0.066 3.320

d sqm 1:6 0.059 2.940

21) Plastering - 12mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.133 6.640

b sqm 1:4 0.104 5.200

c sqm 1:5 0.083 4.160

d sqm 1:6 0.074 3.680

22) Plastering - 15mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.202 10.100

b sqm 1:4 0.151 7.550

c sqm 1:5 0.121 6.050

d sqm 1:6 0.101 5.050

Technical Specification Page 198

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

24) Plastering - 20mm Thick

a sqm 1:3 0.212 10.610

b sqm 1:4 0.166 8.300

c sqm 1:5 0.133 6.640

d sqm 1:6 0.118 5.880

25) Punning - Neat floating coat

sqm 0.045 2.250

26) Rendering + Float coat

sqm 1:2 0.042 2.100

28) Pointing - 1:3 Brick Masonry

a Flushed/Ruled sqm 1:3 0.032 1.600

b Raised sqm 1:3 0.048 2.400

29) Pointing - 1:3 Stone Masonry

a Flushed/Ruled sqm 1:3 0.024 1.200

b Raised sqm 1:3 0.040 2.000

30) Lath Plaster

sqm 1:3 0.550 27.500

Technical Specification Page 199

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

Surface finishing to concrete

31) floors sqm - 0.027 1.350

32) Flooring

i) Flooring - Brick on Edging

a sqm 1:4 0.227 11.350

b sqm 1:6 0.165 8.250

Grano Flooring - 1:2:4 +

ii) Floating coat

25mm th. With 12.5 mm

a Aggregate sqm 0.251 12.550

40mm th. With 12.5 mm

b Aggregate sqm 0.350 17.500

50mm th. With 12.5 mm

c Aggregate sqm 0.416 20.800

75mm th. With 12.5 mm

d Aggregate sqm 0.581 29.050

iii) Mosaic/Marble/Blue
Tandoor/Kotah/Cudappah on
bed 20mm + slurry 4.4

a sqm 1:4 0.247 12.350

b sqm 1:5 0.218 10.900

c sqm 1:6 0.194 9.700

Technical Specification Page 200

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

iv) Mosaic/Marble/Blue
Tandoor/Kotah/Cudappah on
bed 20mm + slurry 4.4
kg/sqm - Skirting

a sqm 1:3 0.216 10.800

b sqm 1:4 0.184 9.200

Ceramic tiles on bed 20mm +

v) slurry 3.3 kg/sqm

a sqm 1:4 0.225 11.250

b sqm 1:5 0.196 9.800

c sqm 1:6 0.171 8.550

Ceramic tiles on bed 12mm +

vi) slurry 3.3 kg/sqm

a sqm 1:3 0.194 9.700

b sqm 1:4 0.162 8.100

vii) Ceramic/Glazed/Vitreous tile

- Flooring sqm 1:4 0.240 12.000

- Dado & skirting sqm 1.4 0.270 13.500

viii) Natural stone

- Flooring sqm - 0.280 14.000

- Dado & skirting sqm - 0.300 15.000

Technical Specification Page 201

Sl. # Item Unit Mix Cement ( Bags ) Cement ( Kg )

ix) Granolithic 50mm sqm - 0.380 19.000

x) Cement skirting sqm - 0.075 3.750

xi) Waterproofing

a Brickbat coba - toilets sqm - 0.650 32.500

b Brickbat coba - terrace sqm - 0.430 21.500

Cuddapah waterproofig -
c single layer sqm - 0.420 21.000

Cuddapah waterproofig -
d double layer sqm - 0.500 25.000


S.No Materials Approved Makes if any by
vendor Yes /

Chlorpyriphios De-Nocil// Cynamide/Tricel

Water proofing Percept / Fosroc/ BASF /

compound SIKA/ Carlisle

Grey Cement (43/53

3 Ultratech / Birla/ACC / Zuari

Technical Specification Page 202

S.No Materials Approved Makes if any by
vendor Yes /

4 White Cement Birla / JK


5 Tor Steel (TMT) VIZAG

Birla Ready Mix/ Fletcher/

6 Ready Mix Concrete

Granular Type Cork

7 Tara Cork Product

8 Polyurethane Board Armour Board / SIL-FIL

Polysulphide / BASF/ Fosroc / Carlisle

Polyurethane Sealant

10 Water Swelling bars BASF / Sika/ Hydrotite

Non-Absorbent Closed
11 Tristar intech /Supreme Ind
Cell PE Board

Polymeric Polyethylene Bitumat Co. Ltd / Soprema /


Expanded Polystyrene
13 Beardshell / Toshiba

14 Hessian Based Felt Bitumat Co. Ltd / Soprema

Technical Specification Page 203

S.No Materials Approved Makes if any by
vendor Yes /

15 Tile/ Stone Joint Grout Laticrete/ Bal

16 Building Lime Satna / approved equivalent

Dehradun / approved
17 White Washing Lime

Asian Paints/ Nerolac / ICI

18 Paints/ Primer
/Shalimar/ Berger

Fosroc/ BASF/ Mc
19 Concrete admixture

20 Non Metallic Floor Structural/CICO
technologies / STP

21 Fasteners for Anchors Hilti/ Fischer/ Canon

modified coatings

23 Injection grouts BASF / FOSROC/SIKA

Membrane water
24 proofing SIKA / Tristar

Special water proof Nina – AH –

25 treatment on raft slab Internaltional.USA /
and trenches equivalent.

Technical Specification Page 204

S.No Materials Approved Makes if any by
vendor Yes /

Extruded Polystyrene
26 Isofoam / Styrofoam

27 PVC / EPDM Membrane BASF / Carlisle

28 Tata / DP wires / Usha

PT Strands

Fire protection
29 HILTI / Promat
Sealants/ Spray

Note: In the List of recommended above, out of makes mentioned in the list, only 1st make shall
be quoted for and used. However if due to non-availability or any other technical reasons,
the alternative make is allowed, it shall be subject to prior approval of the Project Manager
and price adjustment.

1. The contractor shall produce all samples including natural stones, before procurement of
the materials, for approval of the Architects/Project Managers.

2. Where more than one manufacturer is listed, the names are given in the order of
preference. The contractor shall quote the rates for the various items of work based on the
materials of first preference after ascertaining the availability, delivery schedule of the
same. Unless the contractor stipulates in this tender, it shall be presumed that the rates
quoted are for material of first preference only.

Technical Specification Page 205

3. In the event, the contractor is permitted to use the material of lower preference because of
valid reasons, then the contract rates for the relevant items of work shall be suitably
adjusted on the basis of variation in prices of the materials of first preference and those
actually used. If the prices of the materials used are higher than the material of the first
preference, the owner shall not be liable to make any enhanced payment for the affected
items of work on this account.

4. In respect of materials for which approved makes are not specified above, these will be
makes to be decided by the Architects/Project Managers and as per samples getting


The Building is designed for an Energy Efficient Structure and hence all products have to
be green rated and wherever not mentioned clarifications should be sought from the
Project Manager.


The cement plaster shall be 6mm, 12 mm, 15 mm or 20 mm thick as specified in the


Scaffolding:- For all exposed brick work or tile work double scaffolding independent of
the work having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided. The supports shall be
sound and strong, tied together with horizontal pieces over which scaffolding planks
shall be fixed.

For all other work in buildings, single scaffolding shall be permitted. In such cases the
inner end of the horizontal scaffolding pole shall rest in a hole provided only in the
header course for the purpose. Only one header for each pole shall be left out. Such
holes for scaffolding shall, however, not be allowed in pillars/columns less than one
metre in width or immediately near the skew backs of arches. The holes left in masonry
works for scaffolding purposes shall be filled and made good before plastering.

Note : In case of special type of brick work, scaffolding shall be got approved from
Engineer-in-charge in advance.

Technical Specification Page 206

 Preparation of Surface:
The joints shall be raked out properly. Dust and loose mortar shall be brushed out.
Efflorescence if any shall be removed by brushing and scrapping. The surface shall then
be thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and kept wet before plastering is

In case of concrete surface if a chemical retarder has been applied to the form work, the
surface shall be roughened by wire brushing and all the resulting dust and loose
particles cleaned off and care shall be taken that none of the retarders is left on the

 Mortar:
The mortar of the specified mix using the type of sand described in the item shall be
used. It shall be as specified in Subhead 3.0. For external work and under coat work, the
fine aggregate shall conform to grading IV. For finishing coat work the fine aggregate
conforming to grading zone V shall be used.

 Application of Plaster:
Ceiling plaster shall be completed before commencement of wall plaster.
Plastering shall be started from the top and worked down towards the floor. All putlog
holes shall be properly filled in advance of the plastering as the scaffolding is being
taken down. To ensure even thickness and a true surface, plaster about 15 × 15 cm shall
be first applied, horizontally and vertically, at not more than 2 metres intervals over the
entire surface to serve as gauges. The surfaces of these gauged areas shall be truly in
the plane of the finished plaster surface. The mortar shall then be laid on the wall,
between the gauges with trowel. The mortar shall be applied in a uniform surface
slightly more than the specified thickness. This shall be brought to a true surface, by
working a wooden straight edge reaching across the gauges, with small upward and side
ways movements at a time. Finally the surface shall be finished off true with trowel or
wooden float according as a smooth or a sandy granular texture is required. Excessive
troweling or over working the float shall be avoided.

All corners, arises, angles and junctions shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case
may be and shall be carefully finished. Rounding or chamfering corners, arises, provision
Technical Specification Page 207
of grooves at junctions etc. where required shall be done without any extra payment.
Such rounding, chamfering or grooving shall be carried out with proper templates or
battens to the sizes required.

When suspending work at the end of the day, the plaster shall be left, cut clean to line
both horizontally and vertically. When recommencing the plastering, the edge of the old
work shall be scrapped cleaned and wetted with cement slurry before plaster is applied
to the adjacent areas, to enable the two to properly join together. Plastering work shall
be closed at the end of the day on the body of wall and not nearer than 15 cm to any
corners or arises. It shall not be closed on the body of the features such as plasters,
bands and cornices, nor at the corners of arises. Horizontal joints in plaster work shall
not also occur on parapet tops and copings as these invariably lead to leakages. The
plastering and finishing shall be completed within half an hour of adding water to the
dry mortar.

No portion of the surface shall be left out initially to be patched up later on. The
plastering and finishing shall be completed within half an hour of adding water to the
dry mortar.


All exposed joints shall be pointed with mortar as specified. The pointing when finished
shall be sunk from stone face by 5 mm or as specified. The depth of mortar in pointing
work shall not be less than 15 mm.
Masonry work in cement or composite mortar shall be kept constantly moist on all faces
for a minimum period of seven days. In case of masonry with fat lime mortar, curing
shall commence two days after laying of masonry and shall continue for at least seven
days thereafter.
Double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided. The supports
shall be sound and strong, tied together with horizontal pieces over which scaffolding
planks shall be fixed.
Rate:The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour required for all the
operations described above


Technical Specification Page 208

Wetting of Blocks - These blocks need not be wetted before orduring the laying in the
walls; in case the climatic condition so required,the top and the sides of the blocks may
be slightly moistened so as toprevent absorption of water from the mortar and ensure
the developmentof the required bond with the mortar.


Use of Mortar in Masonry - Mortar shall not be spread so muchahead of the actual
laying of the units that it tends to stiffen and looseits plasticity, thereby resulting in poor
bond. For most of the work thejoints, both horizontal and vertical, shall be 10 mm thick.
Except in thecase of extruded joint construction, the mortar joints shall be struck
offflush with wall surface and when the mortar has started stiffening, it shallbe
compressed with a rounded or U-shaped tool. This compaction isimportant, since
mortar, while hardening, has a tendency to shrinkslightly and thus pull away from the
edges of the block. The mortarshall be pressed against the units with a jointing tool
after the mortarhas stiffened to effect intimate contact between the mortar and
themasonry unit and obtain a water-tight joint.

Operations for Laying Block Masonry

First Course - The first course of cellular concrete blockmasonry shall be laid with greater
care, making sure that it is properlyaligned, levelled and plumbed, as this may assist the
mason in layingsucceeding courses to obtain a straight and truly vertical wall. The
firstlayer of cellular concrete block masonry on plinth should preferably
havegroove/offset outside so that rain water coming down the wall falls out.

Before laying the first course, the alignment of the wall shall be marked on the damp-
proof course. The blocks for this course shall first be laid dry, that is, without mortar
along a string stretched between properly located corners of the wall in order to
determine the correct position of the blocks including those of the cross walls jointing it
and also adjust their spacing. When the blocks are set in proper position, the two corner
blocks shall be removed, a mortar bed spread and these blocks laid back in place truly
level and plumb. The string shall then be stretched tightly along the faces of two corner
blocks and the faces of the intermediate ones adjusted to coincide with the line.
Thereafter, each block shall be removed and relaid over a bed of mortar. After every
three or four blocks have been laid, their correct alignment, level and verticality shall be
carefully checked.

The construction of walls may be started either at the corners firstor started from one
end proceeding in the other direction. If the cornersof the wall are built first, they shall
be built four or five courses higherthan the centre of the wall. As each course is laid at
the corner, it shallbe checked for alignment and level and for being plumb. Each
blockshall be carefully checked with a level or straight-edge to make certainthat the

Technical Specification Page 209

faces of the blocks are all in the same plane. This precaution isnecessary to ensure truly
straight and vertical walls.

 The use of a storey rod or course pole which is simply a board with markings 200
mm apart, provides an accurate method of finding the top of the masonry for
each course. Each course, in building the corners, shall be stepped back by a half-
block and the horizontal spacing of the block shall be checked by placing a
mason’s level diagonally across the corners of the blocks.
When filling in the wall between thecorners, a mason’s line shallbe stretched from
corner to corner for each course and the top outsideedge of each block shall be laid to
this line. The manner of handling orgripping the block shall be such as to position the
block properly withminimum adjustment.

 To assure satisfactory bond, mortar shall not be spread too far ahead of actual
laying of the block or it will stiffen and loose its plasticity. As each block is laid,
excess mortar extruding from the joints shall be cut off with the trowel and
thrown back on the mortar board to be reworked into the fresh mortar. If the
work is progressing rapidly, the extruded mortar cut from the joints may be
applied to the vertical face shells of the blocks just laid. If there be any delay long
enough for the mortar to stiffen on the block, the mortar shall be removed to
the mortar board and reworked. Dead mortar that has been picked up from the
scaffold or from the floor shall not be used.

Closure Block -Wheninstalling the closure block, all edges ofthe opening and all four
edges of the closure block shall be butteredwith mortar. The closure block shall be
carefully lowered into place.If any mortar falls leaving an open joint, the closure block
shall beremoved, fresh mortar applied and the operation repeated.


Vitrified tiles flooring

The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to IS 15622. They shall
be flat, and true to shape and free from blisters crazing, chips, welts, crawling or other
imperfections detracting from their appearance. The tiles shall be Group BI b and
thickness 9 - 10mm.

Preparation of Surface and Laying:-

Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted
and mopped. The bedding for the tile shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
coarse sand) or as specified. The average thickness of the bedding shall be 20 mm or as
specified while the thickness under any portion of the tiles shall not be less than 10 mm.

Technical Specification Page 210

Mortar shall be spread, tamped and corrected to proper levels and allowed to harden
sufficiently to offer a fairly rigid cushion for the tiles to be set and to enable the mason
to place wooden plank across and squat on it.

Over this mortar bedding neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be
spread at the rate of 3.3 kg of cement per square metre over an area upto one square
metre. Tiles shall be soaked in water washed clean and shall be fixed in this grout one
after another, each tile gently being tapped with a wooden mallet till it is properly
bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. The joints shall be kept as thin as possible
and in straight lines or to suit the required pattern.

The surface of the flooring during laying shall be frequently checked with a straight edge
about 2 m long, so as to obtain a true surface with the required slope. In bath, toilet
W.C. kitchen and balcony/verandah flooring, suitable tile drop or as shown in drawing
will be given in addition to required slope to avoid spread of water. Further tile drop will
also be provided near floor trap.

Where full size tiles cannot be fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size, and
their edge rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints.

Tiles which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 10 mm
under the plaster, skirting or dado

After tiles have been laid surplus cement slurry shall be cleaned off.

Application and sequence of activity as per methodology and instruction of Engineer-in-


Approved Check list shall follow at site for quality of work.

Any issue in the technical specification will withdraw from the item and will stand the
decision of the engineer-in-charge.


Pressed Ceramic Tiles:The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to
IS 15622. They shall be flat, and true to shape and free from blisters crazing, chips,
welts, crawling or other imperfections detracting from their appearance. The tiles shall
be .Group B Ib and thick 7 - 8mm.

Technical Specification Page 211

Preparation of Surface and Laying:

Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted
and mopped. The bedding for the tile shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
coarse sand) or as specified. The average thickness of the bedding shall be 20 mm or as
specified while the thickness under any portion of the tiles shall not be less than 10 mm.

Mortar shall be spread, tamped and corrected to proper levels and allowed to harden
sufficiently to offer a fairly rigid cushion for the tiles to be set and to enable the mason
to place wooden plank across and squat on it.

Over this mortar bedding neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be
spread at the rate of 3.3 kg of cement per square meter over an area upto one square
meter. Tiles shall be soaked in water washed clean and shall be fixed in this grout one
after another, each tile gently being tapped with a wooden mallet till it is properly
bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. The joints shall be kept as thin as possible
and in straight lines or to suit the required pattern.

The surface of the flooring during laying shall be frequently checked with a straight edge
about 2 m long, so as to obtain a true surface with the required slope. In bath, toilet
W.C. kitchen and balcony/verandah flooring, suitable tile drop or as shown in drawing
will be given in addition to required slope to avoid spread of water. Further tile drop will
also be provided near floor trap.

Where full size tiles cannot be fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size, and
their edge rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints. Tiles which are fixed in the
floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 10 mm under the plaster, skirting or

After tiles have been laid surplus cement slurry shall be cleaned off.

Pointing and Finishing:

Technical Specification Page 212

The joints shall be cleaned off the grey cement slurry with wire/coir brush or trowel to a
depth of 2 mm to 3 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed. Joints shall then be
flush pointed with white cement added with pigment if required to match the colour of
tiles. Where spacer lug tiles are provided, the half the depth of joint shall be filled with
polysulphide or as specified on top with under filling with cement grout without the lugs
remaining exposed. The floor shall then be kept wet for 7 days. After curing, the surface
shall be washed and finished clean. The finished floor shall not sound hollow when
tapped witha wooden mallet.


The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to IS 15622. The tiles
shall be pressed ceramic covered by a glaze thoroughly matured and fitted to the body.
The tiles shall be sound, true to shape, flat and free from flaws and other manufacturing
defects affecting their utility.

The top surface of the tiles shall be glazed. The underside of the tiles shall not have
glaze on more than 5% of the area in order that the tile may adhere properly to the
base. The edges of the tiles shall be free from glaze, however, any glaze if unavoidable
shall be permissible on only upto 50 per cent of the surface area of edges.

The glaze shall be free from welts, chips, craze, specks, crawling or other imperfections
detracting from the appearance when viewed from a distance of one metre. The glaze
shall be either glossy or matt as specified. The glaze shall be white in colour except in
the case of coloured tiles when colours shall be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge.
There may be more than one colour on a tile.

Preparation of Surfaces

The joints shall be raked out to a depth of at least 15 mm in masonry walls. In case of
concrete walls, the surface shall be hacked and roughened with wire brushes. The
surface shall be cleaned thoroughly, washed with water and kept wet before skirting is


Technical Specification Page 213

12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) mix of as specified
shall be applied and allowed to harden. The plaster shall be roughened with wire
brushes or by scratching diagonal at closed intervals.

The tiles should be soaked in water, washed clean, and a coat of cement slurry applied
liberally at the back of tiles and set in the bedding mortar. The tiles shall be tamped and
corrected to proper plane and lines. The tiles shall be set in the required pattern and
jointed. The joints shall be as fine as possible. Top of skirting or dado shall be truly
horizontal and joints truly vertical except where otherwise indicated. Odd size/cut size
of tile shall be adjusted at bottom to take care of slope of the flooring.Skirting and dado
shall rest on the top of the flooring. Where full size tiles cannot be fixed these shall be
cut (sawn) to the required size and their edges rubbed smooth. Skirting /dado shall not
project from the finished “surface of wall” by more than the tile thickness; undulations if
any shall be adjusted in wall.

Curing and Finishing

The joints shall be cleaned off the grey cement grout with wire/coir brush or trowel to a
depth of 2 mm to 3 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed. Joints shall then be
flush pointed with white cement added with pigments if required to match the colour of
tiles. The work shall then be kept wet for 7 days. After curing, the surface shall be
washed and finished clean. The finished work shall not sound hollow when tapped with
a wooden mallet.

Granite Slabs and Granite tile flooring:

The granite slabs shall be hard, sound, durable, and resistant to wear as per IS3376-1974 and
IS14223 (part 1): 1995. The granite slabs shall be without any soft veins, cracks or flaws and shall
have a uniform colour. Thickness mentioned in BOQ. The exposed surface of stone slabs shall be
machine polished to a smooth even and true plan and the edges to be chiseled to half its depth,
true and square to ensure uniform width of joint. The edges of stone slabs shall be machine cut
square the required shape if necessary. The stone slab shall be of approved colours and shades.
A few approved samples of stone slabs to be used shall be deposited by the contractor in the
office of the EIC.

i) Mortar Bedding:

Cement mortar shall be prepared in a mortar mill or pan. The amount of water added shall be
the minimum necessary to give just sufficient plasticity for laying and satisfactory bedding. Care

Technical Specification Page 214

shall be taken in preparing the mortar to ensure that there are no hard lumps that would
interfere with the even bedding of the stone slabs. Before spreading the mortar the sub floor or
base cleaned of all dirt, scum, loose materials and laitance if any by scrubbing with coir or steel
wire brush or by hacking if necessary, and then well wetted without forming any pools of water
on the surface. Before laying the mortar, the sub grade shall be got approved by the EIC. In case
of R.C.C. floors, the top shall be left little rough. All points of level of the finished paving surface
shall be marked out. The mortar shall then be evenly and smoothly spread over the base by the
use of screed battens, only over so much area, as will be covered with slabs within half an hour.
The thickness of the mortar bedding shall not be less than 20mm and not less than 10mm. The
required slope shall be given to the bed. Unless otherwise specified, the proportion of mortar
bedding shall be 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand). Sand for mortar bedding shall be from approved
source, and shall conform to I.S. NO.2116-1965 as applicable to unreinforced masonry work.

iii) Laying, Curing, Polishing, Finishing and Cleaning:

The stone slabs shall be laid on the neat cement float and shall be evenly and firmly bedded to
the required level and slope in the mortar bed. The stone slabs shall be laid in the approved
pattern in single or two-tone colour. Each stone slab shall be gently tapped with a wooden
mallet till it is firmly and properly bedded. There shall be no hollows left. If there is a hollow
sound on gentle tapping of the stone slabs, such stone slabs shall be removed and reset
properly. The mason shall make the joint of uniform thickness and straight lines. The thickness
of joints shall not exceed 1.5mm. The joints shall be grouted with neat cement slurry. No border
stone slabs shall be less than 4" in width, unless otherwise approved by the Architect. When the
bedding and joints of the flooring have been completely set, the surface shall be machine
polished to give a smooth, even and true plane to the floor and thoroughly cleaned.

iv) Rates to include:

Apart from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this contract the contractor's rate quoted shall
include for the following:

 Cleaning the base and providing and laying bedding mortar and levelling.
 Providing and fixing the stone slabs in neat cement float on the bedding mortar.
 Filling joints of stone slabs with neat cement slurry of required colour to match the
colour of the stone slabs.
 Chiselling, polishing, finishing and cleaning.
 All labour, materials and use of tools for carrying out the item as specified above.


Technical Specification Page 215

Kota Stone Slabs

The slabs shall be of selected quality, hard, sound, dense and homogeneous in texture
free from cracks, decay, weathering and flaws. They shall be hand or machine cut to the
requisite thickness. They shall be of the colour indicated in the drawings or as instructed
by the Client/Project manager.

The slabs shall have the top (exposed) face polished before being brought to site, unless
otherwise specified. The slabs shall conform to the size required. Before starting the
work the contractor shall get the samples of slabs approved by the Client/Project


Every slab shall be cut to the required size and shape and fine chisel dressed on the
sides to the full depth so that a straight edge laid along the side of the stone shall be in
full contact with it. The sides (edges) shall be table rubbed with coarse sand or machine
rubbed before paving. All angles and edges of the slabs shall be true, square and free
from chippings and the surface shall be true and plane.

The thickness of the slab after it is dressed shall be 16 mm as specified in the

description of the item. Tolerance of ±2 mm shall be allowed for the thickness. In
respect of length and breadth of slabs Tolerance of ± 5 mm for hand cut slabs and ± 2
mm for machine cut slabs shall be allowed.

Preparation of Surface and Laying

The specification shall be as described in 11.19.3 except that the edges of the slabs to be
jointed shall be buttered with grey cement, with admixture of pigment to match the
shade of the slab. The thickness of the joints should be minimum as possible. In any
location, it shall not exceed 1 mm.

Polishing and Finishing

The specifications shall be as described in 11.19.3 except that (a) first polishing with
coarse grade carborundum stone shall not be done, (b) cement slurry with or without
pigment shall not be applied on the surface before polishing.

Technical Specification Page 216

Kota Stone Slabs and Dressing shall be same as per Kotastone flooring except that the
thickness of the slabs shall be 16 mm or as specified in the description of the item. The
slabs may be of uniform size if required


The risers of steps and skirting shall be in grey or white cement admixed with or without
pigment to match the shade of the stone, as specified in the description of the item,
with the line of the slab at such a distance from the wall that the average width of the
gap shall be 12 mm and at no place the width shall be less than 10 mm, if necessary, the
slabs shall be held in position by temporary M.S. hooks fixed into the wall at suitable
intervals. The skirting or riser face shall be checked for plane and plumb and corrected.
The joints shall thus be left to harden then the rear of the skirting or riser slab shall be
packed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) or other mix as specified in
the description of the item. The fixing hooks shall be removed after the mortar filling
the gap has acquired sufficient strength.The joints shall be as fine as possible but not
more than 1 mm. The top line of skirting and risers shall be truly horizontal and joints
truly vertical, except where otherwise indicated. The risers and skirting slab shall be
matched as shown in drawings or as instructed by the Client/Project manager.

Curing, After the tiles/Slabs are laid all joints shall be cleaned of the grey cement grout
with a wire brush or trowel to a depth of 5 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed
and cleaned. Joints shall then be grouted with grey or white cement mixed with or
without pigment to match the shape of the topping of the wearing layer of the
tiles/slabs. The same cement slurry shall be applied to the entire surface of the tiles in a
thin coat with a view to protect the surface from abrasive damage and fill the pin holes
that may exist on the surface.

The floor shall then be kept wet for a minimum period of 7 days. The surface shall
thereafter be grounded evenly with machine fitted with coarse grade grit block. Water
shall be used profusely during grinding. After grinding the surface shall be thoroughly
washed to remove all grinding mud, cleaned and mopped. It shall then be covered with
a thin coat of grey or white cement, mixed with or without pigment to match the colour
of the topping of the wearing surface in order to fill any pin hole that appear. The
surface shall be again cured. The second grinding shall then be carried out with machine
fitted with fine grade grit block.

The final grinding with machine fitted with the finest grade grit blocks shall be carried
out the day after the second grinding before handing over the floor

Technical Specification Page 217

After the final polish, oxalic acid shall be dusted over the surface at the rate of 33 gm
per square metre sprinkled with water and rubbed .The following day the floor shall be
wiped with a moist rag and dried with a soft cloth and finished clean.


Length shall be measured along the finished face of riser, skirting or dado correct to a
cm. Height shall be measured from the finished level of tread of floor to the top (the
underside of tread in the case of steps). This shall be measured correct to a mm in the
case of risers of steps and skirting and correct to a cm in the case of dado. The area shall
be calculated in square metre correct to two places of decimal.


The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above.


Stone slab:
The slabs shall be red or white as specified in the description of the item. The stone
slabs shall be hard, sound, durable and tough, free from cracks, decay and weathering.
In case of red sand stone, white patches or streaks shall not be allowed. However,
scattered spots upto 10 mm diameter will be permitted. Before starting the work the
contractor shall get samples of slabs approved by the Engineer- in-Charge.

The slabs shall be hand or machine cut to the requisite thickness along planes parallel to
the natural bed of stone and should be of uniform size if required.

Dressing of Slabs

Every slab shall be cut to the required size and shape and chisel dressed on all sides to a
minimum depth of 20 mm. The top and the joints shall be fine tooled so that straight
edge laid along the face is fully in contact with it. In case machine cut stones are used,
chisel dressing and fine tooling of machine cut surface need not be done provided a
straight edge laid anywhere along the machine cut surface is in contact with every point
on it

The thickness of the slabs after dressing shall be 40 mm or as specified in the description
of item with a permissible tolerance of ± 2 mm


Technical Specification Page 218

12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) mix of as specified
shall be applied and allowed to harden. The plaster shall be roughened with wire
brushes or by scratching diagonal at closed intervals.

The tiles/slab should be soaked in water, washed clean, and a coat of cement slurry
applied liberally at the back of tiles/slab and set in the bedding mortar. The tiles/slab
shall be tamped and corrected to proper plane and lines. The tiles/slab shall be set in
the required pattern and jointed. The joints shall be as fine as possible. Top of skirting or
dado shall be truly horizontal and joints truly vertical except where otherwise indicated.
Odd size/cut size of tile shall be adjusted at bottom to take care of slope of the
flooring.Skirting and dado shall rest on the top of the flooring. Where full size tiles /slab
cannot be fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size and their edges rubbed
smooth. Skirting /dado shall not project from the finished “surface of wall” by more
than the tile thickness; undulations if any shall be adjusted in wall.


Dressing of Slabs

Every stone shall be cut to the required size and shape, fine chisel dressed on all sides to
the full depth so that a straight edge laid along the side of the stone shall be fully in
contact with it. The top surface shall also be fine chisel dressed to remove all waviness.
In case machine cut slabs are used, fine chisel dressing of machine cut surface need not
be done provided a straight edge laid anywhere along the machine cut surfaces is in
contact with every point on it. The sides and top surface of slabs shall be machined
rubbed or table rubbed with coarse sand before paving. All angles and edges of the
marble slabs shall be true, square and free from chippings and the surface shall be true
and plane

Technical Specification Page 219

The thickness of the slabs shall be 16 mm as specified in the description of the item.
Tolerance of + 3% shall be allowed for the thickness. In respect of length and breadth of
slabs a tolerance of + 2% shall be allowed.


Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the slabs are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted
and mopped. The bedding for the slabs shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
coarse sand) or as given in the description of the item. The average thickness of the
bedding mortar under the slab shall be 20 mm and the thickness at any place under the
slab shall be not less than 12 mm.

The slabs shall be laid in the following manner:

Mortar of the specified mix shall be spread under the area of each slab, roughly to the
average thickness specified in the item. The slab shall be washed clean before laying. It
shall be laid on top, pressed, tapped with wooden mallet and brought to level with the
adjoining slabs. It shall be lifted and laid aside. The top surface of the mortar shall then
be corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows. The mortar is allowed to harden a bit
and cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread over the same at the rate of
4.4 kg of cement per sqm. The edges of the slab already paved shall be buttered with
grey or white cement with or without admixture of pigment to match the shade of the
marble slabs as given in the description of the item.

The slab to be paved shall then be lowered gently back in position and tapped with
wooden mallet till it is properly bedded in level with and close to the adjoining slabs
with as fine a joint as possible. Subsequent slabs shall be laid in the same manner. After
each slab has been laid, surplus cement on the surface of the slabs shall be cleaned off.
The flooring shall be cured for a minimum period of seven days. The surface of the
flooring as laid shall be true to levels, and, slopes as instructed by the Client/Project
manager. Joint thickness shall not be more than 1 mm. The slabs shall be matched as
shown in drawings or as instructed by the Client/Project manager.

Polishing and Finishing

After the tiles/Slabs are laid all joints shall be cleaned of the grey cement grout with a
wire brush or trowel to a depth of 5 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed and
cleaned. Joints shall then be grouted with grey or white cement mixed with or without
pigment to match the shape of the topping of the wearing layer of the tiles/slabs. The
same cement slurry shall be applied to the entire surface of the tiles in a thin coat with a

Technical Specification Page 220

view to protect the surface from abrasive damage and fill the pin holes that may exist
on the surface.

The floor shall then be kept wet for a minimum period of 7 days. The surface shall
thereafter be grounded evenly with machine fitted with coarse grade grit block. Water
shall be used profusely during grinding. After grinding the surface shall be thoroughly
washed to remove all grinding mud, cleaned and mopped. It shall then be covered with
a thin coat of grey or white cement, mixed with or without pigment to match the colour
of the topping of the wearing surface in order to fill any pin hole that appear. The
surface shall be again cured. The second grinding shall then be carried out with machine
fitted with fine grade grit block.

The final grinding with machine fitted with the finest grade grit blocks shall be carried
out the day after the second grinding before handing over the floor

After the final polish, oxalic acid shall be dusted over the surface at the rate of 33 gm
per square metre sprinkled with water and rubbed .The following day the floor shall be
wiped with a moist rag and dried with a soft cloth and finished clean.


Marble stone flooring with different kind of marble shall be measured separately and in
square metre correct to two places of decimal. Length and breadth shall be measured
correct to a cm before laying skirting, dado or wall plaster. No deduction shall be made
nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20 square metre. Deductions for ends of
dissimilar materials or other articles embedded shall not be made for areas not
exceeding 0.10 square metre. Nothing extra shall be paid for laying the floor at different
levels in the same room. Steps and treads of stairs paved with marble stone slabs shall
also be measured under the item of Marble Stone flooring. Extra shall, however, be paid
for such areas where the width of treads does not exceed 30 cm. The width of treads
shall be measured from the outer edge of the nosing, as laid, before providing the riser


The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above. However, extra shall be paid for making special type of
pattern/design/flowers as per drawings.


Technical Specification Page 221

Base Concrete

Flooring shall be laid on base concrete where so provided. The base concrete shall be
provided with the slopes required for the flooring. Flooring in verandah, Courtyard,
kitchens & baths shall have slope ranging from 1 : 48 to 1 : 60 depending upon location
and as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. Floors in water closet portion shall have slope
of 1:30 or as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge to drain off washing water. Further,
necessary drop in flooring in bath, WC, kitchen near floor traps ranging from 6 mm to 10
mm will also be provided to avoid spread of water. Necessary margin to accommodate
this drop shall be made in base concrete. Plinth masonry off set shall be depressed so as
to allow the base concrete to rest on it.

The flooring shall be commenced preferably within 48 hours of the laying of base
concrete. The surface of the base shall be roughened with steel wire brushes without
disturbing the concrete. Immediately before laying the flooring, the base shall be wetted
and a coat of cement slurry @ 2 kg of cement spread over an area of one sqm so as to
get a good bond between the base and concrete floor

If the cement concrete flooring is to be laid directly on the RCC slab, the top surface of
RCC slab shall be cleaned and the laitance shall be removed and a coat of cement slurry
@ 2 kg of cement spread over an area of one sqm so as to get a good bond between the
base and concrete floor.


Panels: Flooring of specified thickness shall be laid in the pattern including the border as
given in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The border panels shall
not exceed 450 mm in width and the joints in the border shall be in line with panel
joints. The panels shall be of uniform size and no dimension of a panel shall exceed 2 m
and the area of a panel shall not be more than 2 sqm. The joints of borders at corners
shall be mitred for provision of strips.

Laying of Flooring with Strips : Normally cement concrete flooring shall be laid in one
operation using glass/aluminium/PVC/brass strips/stainless steel strips or any other
strips as required as per drawing or instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge, at the
junction of two panels. This method ensures uniformity in colour of all the panels and
straightness at the junction of the panels. 4 mm thick glass strips or 2 mm PVC strips or
2 mm aluminium or brass strips shall be fixed with their tops at proper level, giving
required slopes. Use of glass and metallic strips shall be avoided in areas exposed to
sun. Cost of providing and fixing strips shall be paid for separately.

Technical Specification Page 222

Concreting: Cement concrete shall be placed in the panels and be levelled with the help
of straight edge and trowel and beaten with thapy or mason’s trowel. The blows shall be
fairly heavy in the beginning but as consolidation takes place, light rapid strokes shall be
given. Beating shall cease as soon as the surface is found covered with a thin layer of
cream of mortar. The evenness of the surface shall be tested with straight edge. Surface
of flooring be true to required slopes. While laying concrete, care shall be taken to see
that the strips are not damaged/disturbed by the labourers. The tops of strips shall be
visible clearly after finishing with cement slurry.


The finishing of the surface shall follow immediately after the cessation of beating. The
surface shall be left for some time, till moisture disappears from it or surplus water can
be mopped up. Use of dry cement or cement and sand mixture stiffening the concrete
to absorb excessive moisture shall not be permitted. Excessive trowelling shall be

Fresh cement shall be mixed with water to form a thick slurry and spreaded @ 2 kg of
cement over an area of one sqm of flooring while the flooring concrete is still green. The
cement slurry shall then be properly processed and finished smooth.


The curing shall be done for a minimum period of ten days. Curing shall not be
commenced until the top layer has hardened. Covering with empty gunnies bag shall be
avoided as the colour of the flooring is likely to be bleached due to the remanents of
cement dust from the bags.


Length and breadth shall be measured before laying skirting, dado or wall plaster. No
deduction shall be made nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20 sqm. Deductions
for ends of dissimilar materials or other articles embedded shall not be made for areas
not exceeding 0.10 sqm.


Chequered Tiles The tiles shall be of nominal sizes such as 20 × 20 cm, 25 × 25 cm and
30 × 30 cm or of standard sizes with equal sides. The size of tiles to be used shall be as

Technical Specification Page 223

shown in drawings or as required by the Engineer-in-Charge. The centre to centre
distance of chequers shall not be less than 2.5 cm and not more than 5 cm.

The overall thickness of the tiles shall not be less than 30 mm. The grooves in the
chequers shall be uniform and straight. The depth of the grooves shall not be less than 3
mm. The chequered tiles shall be cement tiles, or terrazo tiles as specified in the
description of the item. The thickness of the upper layer, measured from the top of the
chequers shall not be less than 6 mm.


Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the slabs are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted
and mopped. The bedding for the slabs shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
coarse sand) or as given in the description of the item. The average thickness of the
bedding mortar under the slab shall be 20 mm and the thickness at any place under the
slab shall be not less than 12 mm.

The slabs shall be laid in the following manner:

Mortar of the specified mix shall be spread under the area of each slab, roughly to the
average thickness specified in the item. The slab shall be washed clean before laying. It
shall be laid on top, pressed, tapped with wooden mallet and brought to level with the
adjoining slabs. It shall be lifted and laid aside. The top surface of the mortar shall then
be corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows. The mortar is allowed to harden a bit
and cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread over the same at the rate of
4.4 kg of cement per sqm. The edges of the slab already paved shall be buttered with
grey or white cement with or without admixture of pigment to match the shade of the
marble slabs as given in the description of the item.

The slab to be paved shall then be lowered gently back in position and tapped with
wooden mallet till it is properly bedded in level with and close to the adjoining slabs
with as fine a joint as possible. Subsequent slabs shall be laid in the same manner. After
each slab has been laid, surplus cement on the surface of the slabs shall be cleaned off.
The flooring shall be cured for a minimum period of seven days. The surface of the
flooring as laid shall be true to levels, and, slopes as instructed by the Client/Project
manager. Joint thickness shall not be more than 1 mm. The slabs shall be matched as
shown in drawings or as instructed by the Client/Project manager


Technical Specification Page 224

Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready mixed concrete from
batching plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board
vibrator , vacuum dewatering process (VDF) and finally finished by floating, brooming
with wire brush etc. complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-incharge.


Seasoning and Preservation: All timber used for timber floors shall be thoroughly
seasoned in accordance with IS 1141. After seasoning the timber shall be treated with
preservative in accordance with IS 401. Seasoning and preservative treatment shall be
paid for separately unless otherwise specifically included in the description of the item
of flooring.

Supporting Joists: Main beams and joists of the class of wood sections specified in the
description of the item for beams and joists, or as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be fixed in position to dead levels. The width of the joints shall not be less than 50
mm. The arrangement and spacing of beams joists etc. shall be as per design furnished.

It shall be of the class of timber and thickness specified in the description of the item.
The timber shall be as specified as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge/ClientOnly
selected boards of uniform width shall be used. Unless otherwise specified or shown in
the drawings, the width of boards selected shall not be less than 100 mm nor more than
150 mm. The same width of boards shall not be maintained throughout except where
the width of the room is not an exact multiple of the boards. In the latter case, the
difference shall be equally adjusted between the two end boards (adjacent to walls).
The length of the boards shall not exceed 3 metre anywhere. Ordinarily, the minimum
length of boards shall be such that the boards shall rest at least on three supports,
except where otherwise required by the pattern specified in the drawings or as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The joists on which the planks shall be fixed shall be checked and corrected to levels.
The end boards shall be accurately fixed with the sides parallel and close to the walls.
Each adjoining board shall be carefully jointed and shall be tightened in position and
screwed. For fixing the boards to the joists, two screws shall be used at each end of the

Technical Specification Page 225

boards and one screw at each of the intermediate joists in a zig zag manner. The screws
shall be countersunk and screw holes filled with approved stopping.

The junction between timber flooring and adjacent flooring shall be formed by inserting
a metal strip (brass or aluminium) at the junction. The metal strip shall be fixed to the
end of the planks by screws. The strips shall be paid for extra.
The flooring shall be truly level and plane. The joints shall be truly parallel and or
perpendicular to the walls, unless otherwise specified.
The floor shall be plane in both directions and made perfectly even, true and smooth.

The boards shall be planed true on the top face only unless otherwise specified in the
description of the item. Where the bottom face is exposed and it is also required to be
planed, then such planing shall be paid for extra.

Unless otherwise described in the item, the longitudinal joints of planks shall be
tongued and grooved to a minimum depth of 12 mm while the heading joints shall be of
the square butt type and shall occur over the centre line of the supporting joists.
Heading joists in adjacent boards shall be placed over the same joists.

Rate:The rate shall include the cost of the labour and materials involved in all the
operations described above, with the exceptions noted in the relevant sub-paras


Unless otherwise specified all timber for frames of doors, should be best quality sal
wood. The timber should be free from knots, shakes, fissure, flaws, sub-cracks & other
defects. The surface shall be smooth & free from blemishes & discolorations.

All timber for carpentry and joinery in touch with masonry or concrete shall be painted
with wood preservative before fixing.

All fully fabricated timber shall be seasoned and chemically treated. The preparation of
timber for joinery is to commence simultaneously with the beginning of the project
work generally and should proceed continuously until all the wood work is prepared and
fixed / stacked on/ near the site as the case may be.

Workmanship and Construction:

The workmanship shall be first class and to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
Scantling and boardings shall be accurately sawn and shall be of required width and

Technical Specification Page 226

thickness. All carpenters work shall be wrought except where otherwise described. The
workmanship and joinery shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the
drawing and shall be framed together and securely fixed in approved manner and with
properly made joints. All work is to be properly made joints. All work is to be properly
shouldered wedged, pinned, braded etc. and properly glued with approved quality
adhesive to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Door / window frames shall have
cut rebates. Planted rebated shall not be permitted. Where door frames are fixed flush
with plaster to walls, wooden cover mould of 40mm x 12 mm to be provided.

Doors, Frames:
The specification for frames of doors, are described here. The frames shall wrought,
framed and fixed in position as per detailed drawing and as directed by the engineer in
charge. Specified timber shall be used, and it shall be sawn in the direction of the grains.
Sawing shall be truly straight and square. The scanting shall be planed smooth and
accurate to the full dimensions, rebates, rounding and mouldings as shown in the
drawings made, before assembling. Patching or plugging of any kind shall not be
permitted except as provided. A tolerance of 2 / 3 mm shall be allowed in the finished
cross section dimensions of door and windows frames.

These shall be of mortise and tenon type, simple, neat and strong. Mortise and tendon
joints shall fit in fully and accurately without wedging or filling. The joints shall be glued,
framed, put together and planned with hard wood or bamboo pins not less than 10 mm
diameter after the frames are put together in position by means of a press.

Gluing of joints:
The contact surface of tendon and mortise joints shall be treated before putting
together with synthetic resin adhesive of make, approved by the engineer.

Fixing in Position:
Before the frames are fixed in position, these shall be inspected and passed by the
engineer. The frame shall be placed in proper position and secured to walls or columns
as the case maybe with metallic fastener, iron hold fasts as per direction of the

In case of door frames without sills the vertical members shall be embedded in the
flooring to its full depth. When sills are provided, these sills shall be embedded and sunk
in the floor to its full depth. The door frames without sills while being placed in position

Technical Specification Page 227

shall be suitably strutted and wedged in order to prevent warping during construction.
The frames shall also be protected from damage, during construction.

Wood work wrought and framed shall be measured for finished dimensions. No
allowance shall be made for wastage and for dimensions supplied beyond those
specified. Length of each peace shall be measured over all nearest to one cm, so as to
include projections for tendons, scarps or meters, width or thickness shall be measured
to the nearest mm.
In case of moldings, rounding, rebates, circular and varying section, the sectional area of
the piece shall be taken as the area of the least square of the rectangle from which such
a section can be cut.

The rate is to include the cost of all materials required and labour involved in all the
operations, described above.


Flush door shutters shall have a solid core and may be of the decorative or non-
decorative (Paintable type as per IS 2202 (Part I). Nominal thickness of shutters may be
25, 30,32 or 35 mm. Thickness and type of shutters shall be as specified by
Client/Project manager.
Width and height of the shutters shall be as shown in the drawings or as indicated by
the Engineer- in-Charge. All four edges of the shutters shall be square. The shutter shall
be free from twist or warp in its plane. The moisture content in timbers used in the
manufacture of flush door shutters shall be not more than 12 per cent when tested
according to IS 1708.

The core of the flush door shutters shall be a block board having wooden strips held in a
frame constructed of stiles and rails. Each stile and rail shall be a single piece without
any joint. The width of the stiles and rails including lipping, where provided shall not be
less than 45 mm and not more than 75 mm. The width of each wooden strip shall not
exceed 30 mm. Stiles, rails and wooden strips forming the core of a shutter shall be of
equal and uniform thickness. Wooden strips shall be parallel to the stiles.
End joints of the pieces of wooden strips of small lengths shall be staggered. In a
shutter, stiles and rails shall be of one species of timber. Wooden strips shall also be of
one species only but it may or may not be of the same species as that of the stiles and

Technical Specification Page 228

rails. Any species of timber may be used for core of flush door. However, any non-
coniferous (Hard wood) timber shall be used for stiles, rails and lipping.

Face Panel
The face panel shall be formed by gluing, by the hot-press process on both faces of the
core, either laminate or cross-bands and face veneers. The thickness of the cross bands
as such or in laminate shall be between 1.0 mm and 3.0 mm.

Lipping, where specified, shall be provided internally on all edges of the shutters.
Lipping shall be done with battens of first class hardwood or as specified of depth not
less than 25 mm. For double leaved shutters, depth of the lipping at meeting of stiles
shall be not less than 35 mm. Joints shall not be permitted in the lipping.

Adhesive used for bonding various components of flush door shutters namely, core,
core frame, lipping, cross-bands, face veneers, plywood etc. and for bonding plywood
shall conform to BWP type, phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin adhesive conforming
to IS 848.

The rate includes the cost of material and labour and all hardware fitting & fixtures
involved in all the operations.


Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened etched glass door shutter of
approved brand with machine polished edges, including top & bottom pivot & spring
type fixing with an approved make including 450mm Stainless steel handle & patch lock
etc. for fixing required door fittings,as approved by the Client/Project manager.


The rate includes the cost of material and labour and all hardware fitting & fixtures
involved in all the operations.

Door shall be made of 1 mm thick MS Sheet door with 40x40x6 mm angle iron frame
and 3 mm MS gusset plates using flats 30x6 mm for diagonal braces and central cross
piece. All the steel surfaces to be thoroughly cleaned, free from rust, mill scales, dirt, oil

Technical Specification Page 229

etc by mechanical means, than applying a coat of red oxide zinc chromate primer and
finally finished with minimum two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved brand.


Providing and fixing of Hollow metal fire rated doors as per IS 3614,Part 2 & BS 476,Part
20&22 for stability and integrity. The framing is made out of pressed Galvanised steel
confirming to IS 277with the following specification. Recommended fire door shall have
door tested earlier for maximum rating of 4 hrs tested either with or without vision
panel. All door and frames should be finished with Thermosetting powder coating in
desired RAL shades.Any deviation in specification and sheet thickness other than what is
mentioned in the test certificates are not allowed .approved manufacturer should be
ISO & CE certified & IGBC registered company .Rate should include supply and
installation of door and hardwares set.

Door frame shall be double rebate profile of minimum size 154mm x 77mm madeout of
minimum 1.5 mm thick GPSP sheet.NDRF 154mm x 77mm frames shall be butt jointed
and field assembled with self bolted .All provision should be mortised,drilled and tapped
for receiving appropriate hardware ,Frames should be provided with back plate bracket
and anchor fasteners for installations on a finished plastered masonry wall opening.

Door leaf shall be minimum 49mm thick fully flush double skin door with or without
vision lite.Door leaf shall be manufactured from 1.0 mm minimum thick GPSP sheet.The
internal construction of the door should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving
appropriate hardware.The infill material shll be Rockwool treated with Viper FRS 881
LH.All doors NSD 12049 shall be factory prepped for receiving appropriate hardware and
provided with necessary reinforcement for hinges,lockand door closers. The edges
should be interlocked with a bending radius of 1.44mm.For pairs of doors astragals has
to be provided on the meeting stile for both active and inactive leaf. Vision lite wherever
applicable should be provided as per manufacturers recommendation with a beeding
and screw from inside.


o Material: The paint shall be (Textured exterior paint/Acrylic smooth exterior

paint/premium acrylic smooth exterior paint) of approved brand with low VOC and

Technical Specification Page 230

This paint shall be brought to the site of work by the contractor in its original containers
in sealed condition. The material shall be brought in at a time in adequate quantities to
suffice for the whole work or at least a fortnight’s work. The materials shall be kept in
the joint custody of the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge. The empty containers
shall not be removed from the site of work till the relevant item of work has been
completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.

o Preparation of Surface:- For new work, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned off all
mortar dropping, dirt dust, algae, fungus or moth, grease and other foreign matter of
brushing and washing, pitting in plaster shall make good, surface imperfections such as
cracks, holes etc. should be repaired using white cement. The prepared surface shall
have received the approval of the Engineer in charge after inspection before painting is

o Application: Base coat of water proofing cement paint

o Before pouring into smaller containers for use, the paint shall be stirred
thoroughly in its container, when applying also the paint shall be continuously
stirred in the smaller containers so that its consistency is kept uniform. Dilution
ratio of paint with potable water can be altered taking into consideration the
nature of surface climate and as per recommended dilution given by
manufacturer. In all cases, the manufacturer’s instructions & directions of the
Engineer-in-charge shall be followed meticulously.
The lids of paint drums shall be kept tightly closed when not in use as by
exposure to atmosphere the paint may thicken and also be kept safe from dust.

o Paint shall be applied with a brush on the cleaned and smooth surface.
Horizontal strokes shall be given, First and vertical strokes shall be applied
immediately afterwards. This entire operation will constitute one coat. The
surface shall be finished as uniformly as possible leaving no brush marks

PAINTING (Both interior & Exterior) with Acrylic emulsion paint:

Painting two coats to the wall surface by using 100% premium Acrylic emulsion
paint of approved make like NEROLAC ALLS CAPES 24 carrot emulsion/ BERGER luxel
luxury silk emulsion / ASIAN Royal / ICI velvetouch or equivalent make of approved
shade to interior wall surface over a coat of primer with water bond cement primer
after preparing the surface smooth by applying putty punning with Synthetic Acrylic wall
putty including finishing the surface smooth by sand papering in all heights including

Technical Specification Page 231

scaffolding charges with cost, conveyance, taxes of all materials, cost of all labours, etc.
as required for the work complete in all respect

i. Materials:
a. Paints to be used for interior wall shall be of 100% premium Acrylic emulsion paint
of approved make like NEROLAC ALLS CAPES 24 carrot emulsion/ BERGER luxel
luxury silk emulsion / ASIAN Royal / ICI velvet touch or equivalent make with low
VOC of approved shade
b.Paints to be used for exterior wall shall be of 100% Acrylic emulsion paint (1st
quality) exterior grade of approved make & shade manufactured by reputed
manufacturer like NEROLAC / ASIAN / BERGER / DULOX or equivalent of approved
shade with low VOC.
If for any reason thinning is necessary in case of ready mixed paint, the brand of
thinner recommended by the manufacturer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-
charge shall be used.
Approved, paints, oil or varnishes shall be brought to the site of work by the
Contractor in their original containers in sealed condition. The material shall be
brought in at a time in adequate quantities to suffice for the whole work or at least
a fortnight’s work. The materials shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor
and the Engineer-in-charge. The empties shall not be removed from the site work,
till the relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from
the Engineer-in-charge.
ii. Commencing Work:
Painting shall not be started until the Engineer-in-charge has inspected the items
of work to be painted, satisfied himself about their proper quality and given his
approval to commence the painting work. Painting of external surface should not
be done in adverse weather condition like hail storm and dust storm.
Painting, except the priming coat, shall generally be taken in hand after
practically finishing all other builder’s work.
The rooms should be thoroughly swept out and the entire building cleaned up, at
least one day in advance of the paint work being started.

iii. Preparation of Surface:

The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned from dust & other foreign materials. . All
rust, dirt scales, smoke and grease shall be thoroughly removed before painting is
started. The prepared surface shall have received the approval of the Engineer-in-
charge after inspection, before painting is commenced.

Technical Specification Page 232

iv. Application:
Before pouring into small containers for use, the paint shall be thoroughly in its
containers, when applying also the paint shall be continuously stirred in the smaller
containers so that its consistency is kept uniform.
Scaffolding shall be stout and strong to prevent any collapse or displacement.
Proper measures for safety of workmen working on scaffolding should be taken by
the contractorto reach heights in conformity with approved standards. As the paint
is to be applied over a coat of primer with water bond cement primer, the surface is
to be prepared smooth by applying putty, punning with Synthetic Acrylic wall putty
including finishing the surface by sand papering. The painting shall be laid on evenly
and smoothly by means of crossing and laying off, the later in the direction of the
grain of wood. The crossing and laying off consists of covering the area over with
paint, brushing the surface hard for the first time cover and then brushing
alternately in opposite direction, two or three times and then finally brushing lightly
in a direction at right angles to the same. In this process, no brush mark shall be left
after the laying off is finished. The full process of crossing and laying off will
constitute one coat.
The left over paint shall be put back into the stock tins. When not in use, the
containers shall be kept properly closed.
No hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint putties in the corners of
panels, angles of mouldings etc. shall be left on the work.
In painting nearer to doors and windows, the putty round the glass panes must
also be painted, but care must be taken to see that no paint stains etc. are left on
the glass. Tops of shutters and surfaces in similar hidden locations shall not be left
out in painting.
The additional specifications for primer and other coats of paints shall be as
according to the detailed specifications under the respective headings.
Brush and Containers:
After work, the brushes shall be completely cleaned of paint and linsed oil by
rinsing with turpentine. A brush in which paint has dried up in ruined and shall on
no account be used for painting work. The containers when not in use shall be kept
closed and free from air so that paint does not thicken and also shall be kept safe
from dust. When the paint has been used, the containers shall be washed with
turpentine and wiped dry with soft clean cloth, so that they are clean, and can be
used again.
v. Measurements:

Technical Specification Page 233

The length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. The area shall be
calculated in sq. meters (correct to two places of decimal), except otherwise stated,
small articles not exceeding 10 sq. decimeters (0.1 Sqm.) of painted surfaces where
not in conjunction with similar painted work shall be enumerated.
Painting up to15 cm in width or in girth and not in conjunction with similar
painted work shall be given in running meters.
Weather Coat Cement Painting to outside walls
i. Materials:
Paints, oil, varnishes etc. of approved brand and manufacturer shall be used
ready mixed paint as received from the manufacturer without any admixture shall
be used. All materials shall be low VOC levels.
If for any reason thinning is necessary in case of ready mixed paint, the brand of
thinner recommended by the manufacturer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-
charge shall be used.
Approved, paints, oil or varnishes shall be brought to the site of work by the
Contractor in their original containers in sealed condition. The material shall be
brought in at a time in adequate quantities to suffice for the whole work or at least
a fortnight’s work. The materials shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor
and the Engineer-in-charge. The empties shall not be removed from the site work,
till the relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from
the Engineer-in-charge.
ii. Commencing Work:
Painting shall not be started until the Engineer-in-charge has inspected the items
of work to be painted, satisfied himself about their proper quality and given his
approval to commence the painting work. Painting of external surface should not
be done in adverse weather condition like hail storm and dust storm.
Painting, except the priming coat, shall generally be taken in hand after
practically finishing all other builder’s work.
The rooms should be thoroughly swept out and the entire building cleaned up, at
least one day in advance of the paint work being started.
iii. Preparation of Surface:
The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned from dust & other foreign materials... All
rust, dirt scales, smoke and grease shall be thoroughly removed before painting is
started. The prepared surface shall have received the approval of the Engineer-in-
charge after inspection, before painting is commenced.

Technical Specification Page 234

iv. Application:
Before pouring into small containers for use, the paint shall be thoroughly stirred
in its containers, when applying also the paint shall be continuously stirred in the
smaller containers so that its consistency is kept uniform.
The painting shall be laid on evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and
laying off, the later in the direction of the grain of wood. The crossing and laying off
consists of covering the area over with paint, brushing the surface hard for the first
time cover and then brushing alternately in opposite direction, two or three times
and then finally brushing lightly in a direction at right angles to the same. In this
process, no brush mark shall be left after the laying off is finished. The full process
of crossing and laying off will constitute one coat.
The left over paint shall be put back into the stock tins. When not in use, the
containers shall be kept properly closed.
No hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint putties in the corners of
panels, angles of mouldings etc. shall be left on the work.
In painting doors and windows, the putty round the glass panes must also be
painted, but care must be taken to see that no paint stains etc. are left on the glass.
Tops of shutters and surfaces in similar hidden locations shall not be left out in
In painting steel work, special care shall be taken while painting over bolts, nuts,
rivets, overlaps etc.
The additional specifications for primer and other coats of paints shall be as
according to the detailed specifications under the respective headings.

Brush and Containers:

After work, the brushes shall be completely cleaned of paint and linsed oil by
rinsing with turpentine. A brush in which paint has dried up in ruined and shall on
no account be used for painting work. The containers when not in use shall be kept
closed and free from air so that paint does not thicken and also shall be kept safe
from dust. When the paint has been used, the containers shall be washed with
turpentine and wiped dry with soft clean cloth. So that they are clean, and can be
used again.

v. Measurements:

Technical Specification Page 235

The length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. The area shall be
calculated in sq. meters (correct to two places of decimal), except otherwise stated,
small articles not exceeding 10 sq. decimeters (0.1 Sqm.) of painted surfaces where
not in conjunction with similar painted work shall be enumerated.
Painting up to15 cm in width or in girth and not in conjunction with similar
painted work shall be given in running meters.


Laying Out:

A figure of the steel structure to be fabricated shall be drawn on a level platform to

full scale. This may be done in full or in parts, as shown on drawings or as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge. Steel tape shall be used for measurements.


Straightening, shaping to form, cutting and assembling, shall be as per CPWD clause
10.3.2 as far as applicable, except that the words “riveted or bolted” shall be read
as “welded” and holes shall only be used for the bolts used for temporary fastening
as shown in drawings.

Welding : Welding shall generally be done by electric arc process as per IS 816 and
IS 823. The electric arc method is usually adopted and is economical. Where
electricity for public is not available generators shall be arranged by the contractor
at his own cost unless otherwise specified. Gas welding shall only by resorted to
using oxyacetylene flame with specific approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Gas
welding shall not be permitted for structural steel work Gas welding required eating
of the members to be welded along with the welding rod and is likely to create
temperature stresses in the welded members. Precautions shall therefore be taken
to avoid distortion of the members due to these temperature stresses.
The work shall be done as shown in the shop drawings which should clearly indicate
various details of the joint to be welded, type of welds, shop and site welds as well
as the types of electrodes to be used. Symbol for welding on plans and shops
drawings shall be according to IS 813.

As far as possible every efforts shall be made to limit the welding that must be done
after the structure is erected so as to avoid the improper welding that is likely to be

Technical Specification Page 236

done due to heights and difficult positions on scaffolding etc. apart from the aspect
of economy. The maximum dia of electrodes for welding work shall be as per IS
814. Joint surfaces which are to be welded together shall be free from loose mill
scale, rust, paint, grease or other foreign matter, which adversely affect the quality
of weld and workmanship.

Precautions : All operation connected with welding and cutting equipment shall
conform to the safety requirements given in IS 818 for safety requirements and
Health provision in Electric and gas welding and cutting operations.
Assembly : Before welding is commenced, the members to be welded shall first be
brought together and firmly clamped or tack welded to be held in position. This
temporary connection has to be strong enough to hold the parts accurately in place
without any disturbance. Tack welds located in places where final welds will be
made later shall conform to the final weld in quality and shall be cleaned off slag
before final weld is made.
Erection : The specification shall be as described in 10.3.3 except that while erecting
a welded structure adequate means shall be employed for temporary fastening the
members together and bracing the frame work until the joints are welded. Such
means shall consists of applying of erection bolts, tack welding or other positive
devices imparting sufficient strength and stiffness to resist all temporary loads
and lateral forces including wind. Owing to the small number of bolts ordinarily
employed for joints which are to be welded, the temporary support of heavy
girders carrying columns shall be specially attended. Different members which shall
be fillet welded, shall be brought into as close contact as possible. The gap due to
faulty workmanship or incorrect fit if any shall not exceed. 1.5 mm if gap exceeds
1.5 mm or more occurs locally the size of fillet weld shall be increased at such
position by an amount equal to the width of the gap.

Painting : Before the member of the steel structures are placed in position or taken
out of the workshop these shall be painted as specified in CPWD clause 10.2.2


Synthetic Enamel Paint (conforming to IS 2933) of approved brand and manufacture

and of the required colour shall be used for the top coat and an undercoat of
ordinary Paint of shade to match the top coat as recommended by the same
manufacturer as far the top coat shall be used.

Painting on new surface:-

Technical Specification Page 237

Wooden Surface :The wood work to be painted shall be dry and free from
moisture.The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned. All unevenness shall be rubbed
down smooth with sand paper and shall be well dusted. Knots, if any shall be
covered with preparation of red lead made by grinding red lead in water and mixing
with strong glue sized and used hot. Appropriate filler material conforming to IS 345
with same shade as Paint shall be used where specified. The surface treated for
knotting shall be dry before Paint is applied. After obtaining approval of Engineer-in-
Charge for wood work, the priming coat shall be applied before the wood work is
fixed in position. After the priming coat is applied, the holes and indentation on the
surface shall be stopped with glazier’s putty or wood putty.
Stopping shall not be done before the priming coat is applied as the wood will
absorb the oil in stopping and the latter is therefore liable to crack.

Iron & Steel Surface :All rust and scales shall be removed by scrapping or by brushing
with steel wire brushes. Hard skin of oxide formed on the surface of wrought iron
during rolling which becomes loose by rusting, shall be removed.

All dust and dirt shall be thoroughly wiped away from the surface.If the surface is
wet, it shall be dried before priming coat is undertaken.
Application : The number of coats including the undercoat shall be as stipulated in
the item.

Under Coat : One coat of the specified ordinary Paint of shade suited to the shade of
the top coat, shall be applied and allowed to dry overnight. It shall be rubbed next
day with the finest grade of wet abrasive paper to ensure a smooth and even
surface, free from brush marks and all loose particles dusted off.

Top Coat : Top coats of synthetic enamel Paint of desired shade shall be applied
after the undercoat is thoroughly dry. Additional finishing coats shall be applied if
found necessary to ensureproperly uniform glossy surface.



Technical Specification Page 238

Interlocking paver block to be fixed on the bed 50 mm or specified otherwise thick of
coarse sand of approved specification and filling the joints with the sand of
approved type and quality or as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Interlocking Paver Block

Factory made precast paver block of M-30 or otherwise specified grade to be used.
Paver blocks to be of approved brand and manufacturer and of approved quality.
Minimum strength as prescribed by manufacturer and as per direction of Engineer-
in-Charge for the grade specified to be tested as per method mentioned in
specification of subhead cement concrete of CPWD Specification 2009 Vol. I.

Trenches shall first be made along the edge of the wearing course of the road to
receive the kerb stones of cement concrete of specified grade. The bed of the
trenches shall be compacted manually with steel rammers to a firm and even
surface and then the stones shall be set in cement mortar of specified proportion.

The kerb stones with top 20 cm. wide shall be laid with their length running parallel
to the road edge, true in line and gradient at a distance of 30 cm. from the road
edge to allow for the channel and shall project about 12.5 cm. above the latter. The
channel stones with top 30 cm. wide shall be laid in position in chamber with
finished road surface and with sufficient slope towards the road gully chamber. The
joints of kerb and channel stones shall be staggered and shall be not more than 10
mm. Wherever specified all joints shall be filled with mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) and pointed with mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) which shall be cured for 7

The necessary drainage openings of specified sizes shall be made through the kerb
as per drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for connecting to storm
water drains.

Finishing:- Berms and road edges shall be restored and all surplus earth including
rubbish etc. disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall
be paid for this.

Technical Specification Page 239

Measurements:-It shall be measured in cubic meters with Length of the finished
work (for specified width and height of stone) shall be measured in running metre
along the edge of the road correct to a cm.


Cement Concrete Pipes (with and without Reinforcement) (Light Duty, Non-
The pipes shall be with or without reinforcement as required and shall be of class
not lesser than NP2. These shall conform to IS 458 and shall be capable of
withstanding a test pressure of 0.07 MPa (7 m head). The reinforced cement
concrete pipes shall be manufactured by centrifugal (or spun) process while un-
reinforced cement concrete pipes by spun or pressure process. All pipes shall be true
to shape, straight, perfectly sound and free from cracks and flaws. The external and
internal surface of the pipes shall be smooth and hard. The pipes shall be free from
defects resulting from imperfect grading of the aggregate mixing or moulding.
Concrete used for the manufacture of un-reinforced and reinforced concrete pipes
and collars shall not be leaner than 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone
aggregate). The maximum size of aggregate should not exceed one third of the
thickness of the pipe or 20 mm whichever is smaller for pipes above 250 mm
internal diameter. But for pipes of internal diameter 80 to 250 mm, the maximum
size of aggregate should be 10mm. The reinforcement in the reinforced concrete
pipes shall extend throughout the length of the pipe. The circumferential and
longitudinal reinforcements shall be adequate to withstand the specified hydrostatic
pressure and further bending stresses due to the weight of water when running full
across a span equal to the length of pipe plus three times its own weight.
The minimum clear cover for reinforcement in pipes and collars shall be as given in

Sl. No. Precast concrete pipe/collar Minimum clear cover, mm

(i) Barrel wall thickness

(a) Upto and including 75 mm 8

(b) Over 75 mm 15

Technical Specification Page 240

(ii) At spigot steps 5

(iii) At end of longitudinal 5

Note : An effective means shall be provided for maintaining the reinforcement in

position and for ensuring correct cover during manufacture of the unit. Spacers for this
purpose shall be of rust proof material or of steel protected against corrosion.

 Laying and Jointing Cement Concrete Pipes and Specials:

(i) Trenches: Trenches shall be as described in 18.4.4.(CPWD specs) Where the
pipes are to be bedded directly on soil, the bed shall be suitably rounded to fit the
lower part of the pipe, the cost for this operation being included in the rate for
laying the pipe itself.
(ii) Loading, transporting and unloading of concrete pipes shall be done with care.
Handling shall be such as to avoid impact. Gradual unloading by inclined plane or by
chain pulley block is recommended. All pipe sections and connections shall be
inspected carefully before being laid. Broken or defective pipes or connections shall
not be used. Pipes shall be lowered into the trenches carefully. Mechanical
appliances may be used. Pipes shall be laid true to line and grade as specified. Laying
of pipes shall proceed upgrade of a slope.
(iii) If the pipes have spigot and socket joints, the socket ends shall face upstream. In
the case of pipes with joints to be made with loose collars, the collars shall be
slipped on before the next pipe is laid. Adequate and proper expansion joints shall
be provided where directed.
(iv) In case where foundation conditions are unusual such as in the proximity of trees
or holes, under existing or proposed tracks manholes etc. the pipe shall be encased
all-around in 15 cm thick cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) or compacted sand or gravel.
(v) In cases where the natural foundation is inadequate the pipes shall be laid either
in concrete cradle supported on proper foundations or on any other suitably
designed structure. If a concrete cradle bedding is used the depth of concrete below
the bottom of the pipe shall be at least 1/4th of the internal dia of the pipe subject to
the min. of 10 cm and a maximum of 30 cm. The concrete shall extend up the sides
of the pipe at least to a distance of 1/4th of the outside diameter of
pipes 300 mm and over in dia. The pipe shall be laid in this concrete bedding before
the concrete has set. Pipes laid in trenches in earth shall be bedded evenly and
firmly and as far up the haunches of the pipe as to safely transmit the load expected
from the backfill through the pipe to the bed. This shall be done either by excavating

Technical Specification Page 241

the bottom of the trench to fit the curve of the pipe or by compacting the earth
under around the curve of the pipe to form an even bed. Necessary provision shall
be made for joints wherever required.

(vi) When the pipe is laid in a trench in rock hard clay, shale or other hard material
the space below the pipe shall be excavated and replaced with an equalising bed of
concrete, sand or compacted earth. In no place shall pipe be laid directly on such
hard material.
(vii) The method of bedding and laying the pipes under different conditions
(viii) When the pipes are laid completely above the ground the foundations
shall be made even and sufficiently compacted to support the pipe line without any
material settlement. Alternatively the pipe line shall be supported on rigid
foundations at intervals. Suitable arrangements shall be made to retain the pipe line
in the proper alignment, such as by shaping the top of the supports to
fit the lower part of the pipe. The distance between the supports shall in no case
exceed the length of the pipe. The pipe shall be supported as far as possible close to
the joints. In no case shall the joints come in the centre of the span. Care shall be
taken to see that super imposed loads greater than the total load equivalent to the
weight of the pipe when running full shall not be permitted.

Suitably designed anchor blocks at change of direction and grades for pressure lines
shall be provided where required.

(ix) Jointing: Joints are generally of rigid type. Where specified flexible type joints
may also be provided.

(a) Rigid Spigot and Socket Joint : The spigot of each pipe shall be slipped home well
into the socket of the pipe previously laid and adjusted in the correct position. The
opening of the joint shall be filled with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the
proportion of 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) which shall be rammed with caulking tool.
After a day’s work any extraneous material shall be removed from the inside of the
pipe and the newly made joint shall be cured.

(b) Rigid Collar Joint : The two adjoining pipes shall be butted against each other and
adjusted in correct position. The collar shall then be slipped over the joint, covering
equally both the pipes. The annular space shall be filled with stiff mixture of cement
mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) which shall be rammed with caulking fool. After a
day’s work any extraneous materials shall be removed from the inside of the pipe
and the newly made joint shall be cured.

Technical Specification Page 242

(c) Semi Flexible Spigot and Socket Joint (Fig. 19.10): The joint is composed of
specially shaped spigot and socket ends on the concrete pipes. A rubber ring shall be
placed on the spigot which shall be forced into the socket of the pipe previously laid.
This compresses the rubber ring as it rolls into the annular space formed between
the two surfaces of the spigot and the socket, stiff mixture of cement mortar 1:2 (1
cement: 2 fine sand) shall then be filled into the remaining annular space and
rammed with a caulking tool. After day’s work any extraneous materials shall be
removed from the inside of the pipe and the newly made joint shall be cured.

(d) Semi Flexible Collar Joint: This is made up of a loose collar which covers two
specially shaped pipe ends . Each end shall be fitted with a rubber ringwhich when
compressed between the spigot and the collar, seal the joint. Stiff mixture of cement
mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand), shall then be filled into the remaining annular
space and rammed with a caulking tool. After day’s work, any extraneous material
shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and the newly made joint shall be

(e) Internal Flush Joint: This joint is generally used for culvert pipe of 60 cm dia and
over. The ends of the pipe are specially shaped to form a self centering joint with an
internal jointing space 1.3 cm wide the finished joint is flush with both inside and
outside with the pipe wall as shown in Fig. 19.10. The jointing space is filled with
cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) mixed sufficiently dry to remain in
position when forced with a trowel or rammer. After day’s work, any extraneous
material shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and the newly made joint shall
be cured.

(f) External Flush Joint : This joint is suitable for pipes which are too small for
jointing from inside. This joint is composed of specially shaped pipe ends . Each end
shall be butted against each other and adjusted in correct position. The jointing
space shall then be filled with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) sufficiently
dry and finished off flush. Great care shall be taken to ensure that the projecting
ends are not damaged as no repairs can be readily affected from inside the pipe.

(x) In all pressure pipe lines the recess at the end of the pipe line shall be filled with
jute braiding dipped in hot bitumen or other suitable approved compound. Pipes
shall be so jointed that the bitumen ring of one pipe shall set into the recess of the
next pipe. The ring shall be thoroughly compressed by jacking or by any other
suitable method.

Technical Specification Page 243

The number of pipes that shall be jacked together at a time shall depend on the
diameter of the pipes and the bearing capacity of the soil, for small pipes up to 25
cm diameter, six pipes can be jacked together at a time. The quantity of jute and
bitumen in the ring shall be just sufficient to fill the recess in the pipe when pressed
hard by jacking or by any other suitable method. Before and during jacking care shall
be taken to see that there is no offset at the joint.

(xi) Testing: For pressure pipes, the completed pipeline shall be tested for pressure
(Known as site test pressure) which shall not be less than the maximum pipeline
operating pressure plus the calculated surge pressure, but in no case shall it exceed
the hydrostatic test pressure. For nonpressure pipes the joints shall be tested as per
procedure laid down under CPWD specs19.2.1.2.

(xii) Refilling of Trenches: The specification described in CPWD specs19.2.1.2

(v) shall apply. In case where pipes are not bedded on concrete special care shall be
taken in refilling, trenches to prevent the displacement and subsequent settlement
at the surface resulting in uneven street surfaces and dangers to foundations etc.
The backfilling materials shall be packed by hand under and around the pipe and
rammed with a shovel and light tamper. This method of filling will be continued up
to the top of pipe. The refilling shall rise evenly on both sides of the pipe and
continued up to 60 cm above the top of pipe so as not to disturb the pipe. No
tamping shall be done within 15 cm of the top of pipe. The tamping shall become
progressively heavier as the depth of the backfill increases.


It is of outstanding merit in retention of shape and durability. The heart wood is one
of the most naturally durable woods of the world. It usually remains immune to
white ant attack and insect attack for very long periods. It is, however, not always
immune from fungus attack (rot). Taken as a whole, good quality teak is very
durable, it is relatively easy to saw and work. It can be furnished to a fare surface
and takes polish well. It is generally used for making furniture,door& window and all
important timber construction

Superior Class Teak Wood such as Balarsha, Malabar and Dandeli : Individual hard
and sound knot shall not be more than 12 mm in diameter and the aggregate area of
all the knots shall not exceed one half per cent of the area of the piece. It shall be
close grained.

Rates: The Rates shall be including of cost of all gasket hardware fittings.labours,
transportation etc. All complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge,

Technical Specification Page 244


Supplying fitting and fixing of partially Glazed flush door confirming to IS:2202 (part
01/1991) with select seasoned timber and 32 mm thick block board core framed
with seasoned hard wood battens and bonded at high pressure with phonol
formaldehyde resin under the cross banding process, termite resistant and moisture
proof with both side 1mm thick laminate and fixing of 5mm thick clear glass as per
detailed drawing & design including cost of ss fittings and fixtures such as Dead
lock,Towerbolt,SS hinges , SS handle,Floor spring etc also including cost of
conveyance, taxes of all materials complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.


Providing and fixing aluminium powder coated louvered ventilator confirming to ISI
with 4mm thick tinted/other glass. Including cost of all gasket hardware
fittings.labours, transportation etc. All complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-


Commencement of work: The surface shall be cleaned of all loose materials and
measurement shall be taken accurately. Aluminum multi chamber sections are done
to ensure proposed sections are capable to withstand the wind pressure of about
1.8 kpa and other loads. The glass is well supported and held properly by the
members. Properly designed gaskets (EPDM or Neoprene) is used which can
withstand the wind pressure and expansion due to temperature. Following points
are to be taken care of:

Design, supply and install semi unitized structural glazing system/curtain wall
designed to withstand the design wind pressure of 1.8 kPa confirming to IS -875 part
III.The system is with microwave cured EPDM gaskets in exposed and unexposed

Technical Specification Page 245

area, structural and weather sealants of GE or approved make, Norton spacer
tape,backer rod, Bracketing system with MS hot dip galvanized brackets designed to
accommodate three dimensional movements, SS 316 grade fasteners and anchor
bolts of approved make, nylon separators to prevent bi-metallic corrosion, all
complete required to perform as per specification and drawing in conjunction with

The system designed include pressure equalization with barrier gaskets for
improved thermal performance and weather performance, drainage at ground floor
level thru bottom, spandrel panel shall have pressure release & condensation
drainage provisions, to accommodate building movements, thermal expansions and
the seismic movements. All metal joints in the wet area shall be small joint sealant
applied to ensure water tightness.

The extruded aluminum sections of Alloy 6063 T6 & T5 and tolerances confirming to
DIN standard from approved extruder. All the internal and external visible surfaces
shall have average 65 microns Powder Coating finish. Glazing shall be with double
layer of 6mm toughened glass one reflective and one clear with a 12 gap filled with
argon gas for energy efficiency and thermal insulation.

The window system shall have a u value of 0.31, SHGC(g value)- 0.3 and VLT 50%
with high acoustics level. The vendor is to provide execution drawings and get the
same approved before construction. The rates shall be inclusive of drawings, design
for requisite wind load, getting the design approved, supply, installation inclusive of
all taxes, T&P etc. complete including all support structural members necessary
hardwares, sealants, tapes etc. complete and all inclusive.


Design, supply and install semi unitized structural glazing system/curtain wall
designed to withstand the design wind pressure of 1.8 kPa confirming to IS -875 part
III.The system is with microwave cured EPDM gaskets in exposed and unexposed
area, structural and weather sealants of GE or approved make, Norton spacer
tape,backer rod, Bracketing system with MS hot dip galvanized brackets designed to
accommodate three dimensional movements, SS 316 grade fasteners and anchor

Technical Specification Page 246

bolts of approved make, nylon separators to prevent bi-metallic corrosion, all
complete required to perform as per specification and drawing in conjunction with

The system designed include pressure equalization with barrier gaskets for
improved thermal performance and weather performance, drainage at ground floor
level thru bottom, spandrel panel shall have pressure release & condensation
drainage provisions, to accommodate building movements, thermal expansions and
the seismic movements. All metal joints in the wet area shall be small joint sealant
applied to ensure water tightness.

The extruded aluminum sections of Alloy 6063 T6 & T5 and tolerances

confirming to DIN standard from approved extruder. All the internal and external
visible surfaces shall have average 65 microns Powder Coating finish. Glazing shall be
with double layers of 6mm toughened translucent glass with a 12 gap filled with
argon gas for energy efficiency and thermal insulation.

The glazing system shall have a u value of 0.31, SHGC(g value)- 0.3 and VLT 50% with
high acoustics level. The vendor is to provide execution drawings and get the same
approved before construction. The rates shall be inclusive of supply, installation
inclusive drawings, design for requisite wind load, getting the design approved, of all
taxes, T&P etc. complete including all support structural members necessary
hardwares, sealants, tapes etc. complete and all inclusive.


Design, supply and install of fire stop smoke seal at every floor level with 48kg/m³
rockwool of approved make install in a G.I Tray of min 2.5mm thk . All screw used
shall be of SS grade.


Technical Specification Page 247

Providing and fixing the spandrel panel with the Rockwool wool insulation of 50mm
thick 48 kg/m3 density slab with inbuilt black veil of 0.65mm firmly held on the GI
tray of 1.0 mm thk. The assembly is kept atleast 50mm away from the glass
surface.The rock wool joints shall be not visible from outisde and shall have hair line

Providing and fixing and finishing of Canopy glass with 12.5mm(5mm clear H.S
glass+1.52mm(4layer of PVB)+6mm clear toughened )Laminated Glass with spider
fitting including 4way, 2way spiders 1 way spiders and Routels bolt(316 grade) for 12
mm fixed glass fixed at 100x50x2.5 & 75x50x2.5 mm square tube M.S Structure etc.
complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge


Providing and fixing of Cladding with external wall with solid exterior grade compact
high pressure laminates as per EN 438-6 type EDS and EGS manufactured using
specially treated acrylic resin under high pressure and temperature and hardened
with electron beam curing providing weather resistence and UV resistence. The cost
is inclusive of Aluminum framework for the same, fixing details with Aluminum/MS
cleats and all necessary arrangement inclusive cost of adhesive, all hardware
,materials ,labour & T&P etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.


Providing and fixing of 12 mm thick (minimum) co-extruded UV Protected Multicell

Polycarbonate panels with 3 cells - 4 walls structure with panel width of 700 -
900mm and having vertical standing seam at both sides of the panel minimum
protruded 15-20mm height for better connector engagement. Panels shall be fixed
on Purlin with the Z-type stainless steel fastener and snap on connectors. Panel shall
be secured with Snap on connector to interlock the panels shall have 2-4 tooth
locking with continuous connector mechanism along with Standing seam to ensure
maximum uplift capability. Fasteners shall be fixed on Purlins using minimum 3 self
drilling screws for maximum wind uplift capability. Panel shall be sealed with Anti-
dust Aluminium tape / Aluminium U Profile(mill finish) for ends. Panels shall be
tested against fire as per EN 13501-1:2007 in an international accredited laboratory
and classified B-s2, d0. Panel shall be manufactured in a manufacturing facility with
approved Quality Assurance procedure as per ISO 9001 & ISO 14001. Panel

Technical Specification Page 248

Manufacturer shall provide limited international warranty against any
manufacturing defects for a period of 10 years (minimum) with proven successful
project reference in Indian sub-continent for a project at least 10 years old with roof
area not less than 1500 sq mtr. Multicell Panels shall be fixed over structural steel /
MS purlin inclusive of cost and the MS sections power coated conforming to the
detail technical specifications as below and as per approved colour and directions of


Design, supply and install semi unitized structural glazing system/curtain wall
designed to withstand the design wind pressure of 1.8 kPa confirming to IS -875 part
III.The system is with microwave cured EPDM gaskets in exposed and unexposed
area, structural and weather sealants of GE or approved make, Norton spacer
tape,backer rod, Bracketing system with MS hot dip galvanized brackets designed to
accommodate three dimensional movements, SS 316 grade fasteners and anchor
bolts of approved make, nylon separators to prevent bi-metallic corrosion, all
complete required to perform as per specification and drawing in conjunction with

The system designed include pressure equalization with barrier gaskets for improved
thermal performance and weather performance, drainage at ground floor level thru
bottom, spandrel panel shall have pressure release & condensation drainage
provisions, to accommodate building movements, thermal expansions and the
seismic movements. All metal joints in the wet area shall be small joint sealant
applied to ensure water tightness.

The extruded aluminum sections of Alloy 6063 T6 & T5 and tolerances confirming to
DIN standard from approved extruder. All the internal and external visible surfaces
shall have average 65 microns Powder Coating finish. Glazing shall be with double
layers of 6mm toughened translucent glass with a 12 gap filled with argon gas for
energy efficiency and thermal insulation.

The extruded aluminum sections of Alloy 6063 T6 & T5 and tolerances confirming to
DIN standard from approved extruder. All the internal and external visible surfaces
shall have average 65 microns Powder Coating finish. Glazing shall be with double
layers of 6mm toughened translucent glass with a 12 gap filled with argon gas for
energy efficiency and thermal insulation.

Technical Specification Page 249


Min 750mm wide plinth protection by providing 50mm thick of cement concrete
1:3:6 (1 cement :3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over
75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and
consolidated and grouted with fine sand shall be provided around all buildings.


Making drilled hole of required diameter of approved depth followed by proper

cleaning and application of the specified chemical compound and there by fixing the
Rebar into the chemical filled hole.


The rate includes the cost of material and labour and involved in all the operations.


Core cutting of RCC Slab of required diameter and depth of the slab with the help of
required machineries as specified and direction of CLIENT/Project Manager specified
as per BOQ.


The rate includes the cost of material and labour and involved in all the operations



Technical Specification Page 250





















Note: In the List of recommended above, out of makes mentioned in the list, only 1st make shall
be quoted for and used. However if due to non-availability or any other technical reasons,
the alternative make is allowed, it shall be subject to prior approval of the Project Manager
and price adjustment.

5. The contractor shall produce all samples including natural stones, before procurement of
the materials, for approval of the Architects/Project Managers.

Technical Specification Page 251

6. Where more than one manufacturer is listed, the names are given in the order of
preference. The contractor shall quote the rates for the various items of work based on the
materials of first preference after ascertaining the availability, delivery schedule of the
same. Unless the contractor stipulates in this tender, it shall be presumed that the rates
quoted are for material of first preference only.

7. In the event, the contractor is permitted to use the material of lower preference because of
valid reasons, then the contract rates for the relevant items of work shall be suitably
adjusted on the basis of variation in prices of the materials of first preference and those
actually used. If the prices of the materials used are higher than the material of the first
preference, the owner shall not be liable to make any enhanced payment for the affected
items of work on this account.

8. In respect of materials for which approved makes are not specified above, these will be
makes to be decided by the Architects/Project Managers and as per samples getting

Technical Specification Page 252


The proposed Office site is located at bhuvaneshwar .


The scope of Public Health Engineering Services though not limited can be classified as follows

 Domestic & Flushing water supply system.

 Soil & Waste water drainage system.
 Water treatment plant
 Sewage Treatment Plant.
 Rain/storm water management system
 Solid waste management.






 Water treatment system for meeting domestic & drinking water quality requirement in
acceptance limits as per IS 10500-2012

Technical Specification Page 253

 Domestic Water shall be distributed to the top two floors by Booster pumps and by
gravity to the remaining floors.
 Sewage treatment is as per SPCB/CPCB norms
 Reuse of Treated effluent from STP for flushing, cooling tower makeup & Irrigation
 Peripheral Strom water drainage system
 Provision of Roof rain water drainage system and collection. Reuse of stored rain water
for domestic as per MOEF


1.1 Scope

The General character and the scope of work to be carried out under this section as illustrated
in the drawings, specifications and scope of work attached herewith. The contractor shall carry
out and complete the said work under this contract in every respect in conformity with the rules
and regulations of the local authority. The Contractor shall furnish all labour, materials,
appliances, tools and equipment necessary for the work for plumbing services installation
including testing and commissioning as specified herein, and as per the relevant Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS), British Standards codes, and as shown on the drawings. This also
includes any material, appliances and equipment not specifically mentioned here in or noted on
the drawings as being furnished or installed which are necessary and customary to make a
complete installation properly connected and in working order.

Carryout all incidental works connected with plumbing services installation such as excavation
of trenches and back filling, cutting and chasing in concrete and brick and making good,
cutting/drilling holes through walls, floors, and grouting for fixing of fixtures/equipment and so

Furnish and install complete workable plumbing services installation as shown on the drawings
and described in this specification and as per the latest Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), British
Standards (BS) specifications including all that which is reasonably inferred to all the buildings,
internally and externally.

Complete installation of the sewerage and sewerage appurtenances internally as well as around
the building.

Complete installation of all sanitary and plumbing fixtures in all buildings.

Co-operation with other trades in putting the installation in place. Any work done without
regards or consultation with other trades, shall be removed by the contractor without
additional cost to the Owner, to permit proper installation of all other work, as desired by the

Technical Specification Page 254

Repair all damage done to the premises as a result of this installation and remove all debris left
by those engaged for this installation to the satisfaction of Architect/Consultant.

Cleaning of all plumbing and sanitary fixtures, testing and providing the satisfactory
performance of all fixtures at the time of buildings are handed over to the Owner.

It is the responsibility of the contractor to take care of all the fixtures fitted until the time of
handing over to the Architect/Consultant.

Painting of all exposed pipes shall be done by contractor as specified in the specification.

Assume full responsibility for getting the entire installation duly approved by the authorities
concerned and for all expenses in connection with the same. Assume responsibility for
obtaining and delivering to the Owner certificate of final inspection and approval by the
concerned authorities.

1.2 Licensed Plumber

All work performed by the contractor shall be through licensed plumbing supervisor possessing
a valid plumbing contractor’s license employing Engineers, Technicians, Foremen, Plumbers,
Masons, Helpers, etc., as required.

1.3 Regulations and Standards

The installation shall conform in all respects to the following standards in general:

Pipes and Fittings

IS 13592 : Specification for unplasticized PVC pipes for soil and

waste discharge system inside building including
ventilation and rainwater.

IS 783 : Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes

IS 4985 : Specification for unplasticized PVC pipes for potable

water supplies (second revision)

IS 3114 : Code of practice for Laying of CI pipes

IS 458 : Specification for precast concrete pipes (with or

without reinforcement)

Technical Specification Page 255


IS 778 : Specification for copper alloy gage, globe and check

valves for water works purposes.

IS 1703 : Specifications for copper alloy float valves (horizontal

plunger type) for water supply fittings.

IS 4038 : Specification for foot valves for water works purposes.

IS 13095 : Butterfly valves for general purposes.

IS 12992 (Part 1) : Safety relief valves, spring loaded

IS 5312 (Part 1) : Specification for swing check type reflux (non-return)

valves: part 1 Single door pattern.

IS 5312 (Part 2) : Specification for swing check type reflux (non-return)

valves: part 2 Multi door pattern.

Sanitary Fittings

IS 2064 : Code of practice for selection, installation and

maintenance of sanitary appliances

IS 2692 : Specification of ferrules for water services

IS 2548 ( Part 1&2 ) : Specification for plastic seats and covers for water

IS 3004 : Specification for plug cocks for water supply purposes.

IS 1711 : Specification for self closing taps for water supply


IS 5600 : Specification for sewage and drainage pumps

IS 8034 : Specification for submersible pump sets for clear, cold,

fresh water.

IS 8418 : Specification for horizontal centrifugal self-priming


Technical Specification Page 256


IS 5329 : Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground

for buildings.

IS 12251 : Code of practice for drainage of building basements

IS 1200 ( Part 1) : Method of measurement of building earthwork

IS 1200 ( Part 16) : Method of measurement of laying of water and sewer

lines including appurtenance

IS 1200 ( Part 19) : Method of measurement of Water supply, plumbing

and drains.

IS 2527 : Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and down

pipes for roof drainage.

IS 6784 : Method of performance testing of water meters

(Domestic type).

IS 12235 ( Parts 1 to 11) : Methods of test for unplasticized PVC pipes for potable
water supplies.

IS 782 : Specification for Caulking Lead.( Third revision)

IS 1172 : Code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage

& sanitation (revised).

IS 1239 –(Part I) : Specifications for mild steel tube, tubular and other
steel pipe fittings.

IS 1239 –(Part II) : Specifications for mild steel tube, tubular and other
steel pipe fittings.

IS 1726 : Code of cast iron manhole frame and cover (third


IS 1742 : Code of practice for building drainage.( Second


IS 2064 : Code of practice for selection, installation and

Technical Specification Page 257

maintenance of sanitary appliances.

IS 2065 : Code of practice for water supply to buildings.

IS 732 & IS 2274 : Indian Standard code of practice for electrical wiring &

The installation shall be in conformity with the bylaws and requirements of the local authority in
so far as these become applicable to the installation. Wherever this specification calls for, a
higher standard of materials and /or workmanship than those required by any of the above
regulations and standards, then this specification shall take precedence over the said
regulations and standards.

Wherever drawings and specifications require something that may conflict with the regulations,
the regulations shall govern. This shall be referred to the Superintendent for arbitration.

1.4 Drawings and Specifications

The drawings and specifications shall be considered as part of this contract and any work or
materials shown on the drawings and not called in the specifications or vice versa shall be
executed as if specifically called for in both.

The tender drawings indicate the extent and general arrangement of the fixtures, drainage
system, etc.. The drawings indicate the points of supply and termination of work shall be
installed as indicated in the drawings. However, any changes found essential to co-ordinate
with this work and other trades shall be made without any additional cost. The drawings and
specifications are meant for the assistance and guidance of the contractor, and exact location,
distance and levels will be governed by the individual building and site conditions. Therefore,
approval of the Superintendent shall be obtained before commencement of work.

1.5 Shop Drawings

 The contractor shall submit to the Owner four copies of the shop drawings.

 Shop drawings shall be submitted under the following conditions:

 Indicate any changes in the layout in the contract drawings.

 Floor plans, Enlarged toilet details, schematic showing water supply and sanitary
installation works

 Pumps /Equipment layout, control panel, wiring and piping diagram.

Technical Specification Page 258

 Manufacturer’s or Contractor’s fabrication drawings for any materials or equipment.

 The contractor shall submit four copies of catalogues, manufacturer’s drawings,

equipment characteristic data or performance charts as required by the Owner.

1.6 As Built Drawings

On completion of works, the Contractor shall submit one complete set of original tracings and
two prints of “As built” drawings to the Owner. He should submit all drawings / information in
AutoCAD latest version. These drawings shall have the following information:

 Contractor shall provide exact length and sizes of all piping on all floors and vertical

 Ground and invert levels of all drainage pipes together with location of all manholes and
connections up to outfall.

 Run of all water supply lines with diameters, location of control valves and access panels.

 Contractor shall provide Location of all mechanical equipment with layout and piping

 Contractor shall provide four sets of catalogues, performance data and list of spare parts
together with the name and address of the manufacturer for all electrical and
mechanical equipment provided by him.

 All “Warranty Cards” given by the manufacturers shall be handed over to the

1.7 Manufacturers’ Instructions

Where manufacturers have furnished specific instructions relating to the materials used in this
job and methods of construction that are not specifically mentioned in these documents, such
instructions shall be followed in all cases. The contractor shall also furnish detailed instruction
and operation manuals in triplicate including detailed completion drawings and Fire Safety Plans

Technical Specification Page 259

on a tracing cloth to approved scale. Further it is the responsibility of the contractor to train the
Owner's personnel in the operation and maintenance of the system.

1.8 Materials
Materials shall be of approved make and quality specified. They shall conform to the respective
Bureau of Indian Standards, British Standards Specifications and supported by Manufacturing
Certificate / test certificate.

Samples of all materials shall be as per the list of approved brand manufacture, which shall be
approved by the Superintendent before placing the order.

In any case of non availability of materials in metric sizes, the nearest size of FPS units shall be
provided with prior approval of the Superintendent at no extra cost to the owner.

1.9 Guarantee
The contractor shall guarantee both the material and workmanship of first class quality
corresponding to standard engineering practice. Any defective materials / workmanship shall
be rejected, the contractor has to rectify / replace at his own cost. Guarantee certificate of the
materials supplied shall be handed over to the owner.


1.1 General Requirements

 Materials shall be of the approved make and quality specified. They shall conform to the
respective Bureau of Indian Standards, British Standards Specifications, supported by
Manufacturing Certificate and any other specification referred to herein.

 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or on slopes as required in neat

 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and
maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, and in suspended ceilings.

 Pipes shall be fixed securely to walls and ceilings by suitable pipe supports at intervals

 Access door for fittings and cleanouts shall be located that they are easily accessible for
repair and maintenance.

Technical Specification Page 260

1.2 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipes and Fittings Material

Soil, waste & vent pipes shall be PVC pipes & fittings.

PVC (SWR) class pipes conforming to IS 13592 of dia 63mm up to 250mm dia of Type A are used
in rain water & ventilation and Type B for soil and waste discharging system shall be used. The
pipes shall be supplied in nominal lengths of 2, 3, and 4 or 6 meters, tolerance on specified
lengths shall be +10mm and – 0mm. Any physical test requirements shall be as per IS 13592.
And Pipe of higher Dia i.e. 160mm Dia. and above shall be agricultural series (6kg / sq. cm
pressure rated) made as per IS 4985.


Because of their light weight, there may be a tendency for the PVC pipes to be thrown much
more. Reasonable care should be taken in handling and storage to prevent damage to the pipes.
Contractor should hold the fullest responsibility in this case. On no account the pipes should be
dragged on the ground. Pipes should be given adequate supports at all times.

1.2.2 LAYING

The PVC pipes shall be laid under the floors below slab or on walls either buried or exposed as
the case may be, as shown in the drawings. The minimum thickness of fittings shall be of 3.2
mm. the fittings shall be of injection mould type with solvent cement joint or rubber ring joint.
The pipes and fittings shall be capable of withstanding sun’s rays. PVC pipes laid below slab or
suspended in ceiling shall be supported by angle brackets / supports as detailed in the drawings.


The jointing of pipes to fittings shall be done as per the manufacturer’s instructions /
recommendations. The UPVC pipes and fittings shall be joined with Solvent Cement and jointing
shall be carried out as follows:

1. Cut the spigot end of the pipe square.

2. All burrs from the internal and external surfaces should be removed.

3. The spigot should be marked with a pencil line and a distance equivalent to the socket
depth. Clean the surface within the marked area.

4. Apply uniform coat of solvent cement on the external surface to the pipe and a lighter
coat on the internal surface of the fitting.

5. Insert the pipe end into the socket of the fitting and push it in up to the mark.

6. Remove the excess solvent cement and hold the joint firmly in position for 30seconds to
dry. Gluing should be avoided in a rainy or foggy weather.

Technical Specification Page 261

The other method of jointing shall be rubber rings. The material of rubber ring should conform
to IS 5382-1969.The ring is housed in groove formed in a plastic or metallic housing. The rubber
is compressed and makes a seal between the pipe and housing. Lubricating paste should be
applied before compressing the rubber. Where natural rubber rings are used, mineral oil or
petrol or grease should be used. Joining of UPVC pipes shall be made means of solvent cement
for horizontal lines and by rubber ring for vertical lines.


PVC pipes and fittings shall be tested for water tightness in accordance with IS 13592. The
openings of the pipes shall be sealed for the section to be tested. The water pressure of 1mtr
water column to be applied for a period of 15 minutes. The Engineer-in-Charge shall examine
carefully all the joints for leakage.


The PVC pressure pipes and fittings shall be used for conveying waste water from wash basins,
Urinals, kitchen sinks, floor drain connecting to washing machines, etc. The pipes shall be class
III, 6 Kg/cm2. PVC pipes and fittings shall be jointed with solvent cement. The pipes shall
conform to IS 4985. Fittings shall be of injection moulded PVC conforming to IS 7634 (Part1) -


The pipe laying and jointing shall be done in accordance with IS 7634 (Part 3) – 1975. Pipes shall
be cut to size and chamfered well. Pipes and fittings shall be jointed using solvent cement or
rubber ring joints. The pipes and fittings shall be jointed accurately without any stress to
achieve leak proof joints.


The method which is commonly in use is filling the pipe with water, taking care to evacuate any
entrapped air and slowly raising the system to the test pressure. The water pressure of 1mtr
water column to be applied for a period of 15 minutes.


Technical Specification Page 262

Soil, waste and vent pipes in shaft and basement ceiling, podium drainage pipes- shall be cast
iron pipes. All pipes shall be straight and smooth and inside free from irregular bore, blow hole,
cracks and other manufacturing defects. Pipes shall centrifugally spun iron soil pipes
conforming to I.S 3989-1984, 1729-1979.

Standard weight, dimension and DRIP SEAL required for joints shall be as follows:

For pipes conforming to IS 3989-1984 (centrifugally cast pipes)

Nominal Thickness Overall Weight6’ Internal diameter of Depth of

dia length 1.83mm socket lead

inches mm mm kg. mm mm

2 50 3.5 8.5 73 25

3 75 3.5 12.7 99 25

4 100 4.0 19.2 126 25

6 150 5.0 35.5 178 38


Tolerances on the external diameter of the barrel as mentioned below. The internal diameter
of the socket and the depth of socket shall be as follows:

Dimension Nominal diameter mm Tolerance mm

External 50, 57 + 3.0

Diameter in barrel 100 + 3.5

150 + 4.0

Internal diameter of barrel All diameters + 3.0

Depth of socket All diameters + 10.0

Dimension Nominal - Size A

Technical Specification Page 263

Pipe {External diameter, B 50 75 100 150

{Thickness, C 60 85 110 160

5 5 5 5

{Internal diameter, F 76 101 129 181

Socket {Thickness, H 6 6 6 6

{Internal depth, J 60 66 70 75

Overall length 1800mm

Nominal Weight of Pipe kg kg kg kg

(Exclusive of ears) 11.41 16.52 21.67 31.92

Weight tolerances in all items +10%

1.4.1 Laying and Jointing

Cleaning of Pipes and Fittings

All lumps, blisters and excess coating shall be removed from the socket and spigot end of each
pipe. The outside of the spigot and the inside of the socket shall be wire brushed and wiped
clean and dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid.

Closing the Ends of Pipe to Prevent Entry of Foreign Materials While Laying Pipe

Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material entering the pipe while it is being
placed in the line. If the pipe laying team cannot put the pipe into the trench and in place
without getting earth into it, the Engineer in charge may order a heavy tightly woven canvas
bag of suitable size be placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be made to
the adjacent pipe that before lowering the pipe into the trench. During laying operations, no
debris, tools, clothing or any other material shall be placed in the pipe. After laying and jointing
of a reach is completed the two free ends shall be kept closed to prevent entry of foreign
materials, rodents and other animals.

Technical Specification Page 264

Cutting of Pipe

The cutting of pipe for inserting fittings or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and good
workmanship without any damage to the pipe so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the
axis of the pipe. For this purpose use of a pipe cutter is recommended. Pipe cutting machines
are recommended for large dia of pipes. When pipe-cutting machines are not available for
cutting pipes of large diameters, the electric arc cutting method may be permitted using carbon
or steel rods.

Only qualified and experienced workmen shall be employed on this work. When the pipe-
cutting machine is not available and the site conditions do not permit pipe cutting by machine,
the pipe can be cut using a chisel. Flame cutting of pipes by means of ox-acetylene torches shall
not be allowed.

Direction of Laying of Socket End

On level ground, the socket ends should face the upstream. When the line runs uphill the
socket ends should face the upgrade. The permitted tolerance for deflection for lead joint shall
be 2.5 millimetres.


Jointing of socket and spigot pipes is done by DRIP SEAL (under dry conditions).

1.4.2 Testing

The method which is commonly in use is filling the pipe with water, taking care to evacuate any
entrapped air and slowly raising the system to the test pressure. The pressure of 1mtr water
column to be applied for a period of 60 minutes.

1.4.3 Mode of Measurement

Cast Iron Pipes shall be measured along the centre line of the pipeline including the specials in
running meter (Rmt). Quoted rate shall include specials and the pipes shall be measured

a. Chambers: Shall be recorded from the inside of one chamber to inside of another

Technical Specification Page 265

b. Gully trap and Chamber: Shall be recorded between socket pipe near gully trap and
inside of chamber.


The brackets should be of 25x5mm MS angle and 50x 5 mm MS flat. The length and profile of
bracket shall be as per site conditions. The brackets shall be provided hot dip galvanizing after
fabrication. The brackets shall be fixed in true alignment and level. The bracket shall be fixed to
the RCC members using 8mm dia anchor fasteners in adequate number based on length of
bracket. The brackets can be fixed to masonry wall using holdfast arrangement. In such cases
curing shall be done for at least 3 days.

The pipes shall be fixed to the brackets with the help of threaded U bolts or C clamp with 25x 6
mm GI Nut bolts. Spacing of bracket shall be governed by the pipe material.

1.6 PVC khurra

The khurras shall be straight type or bend type as per the location of outlet. It consists of a rigid
PVC body, leaf trap with grating, PVC sheet 400mmx400mm welded to collar. The khurra should
be fixed firmly on to the parapet wall or roof slab with concrete. Due consideration shall be
given to the finished level of roof while fixing the same.

1.7 RCC Hume Pipes:

The pipes shall be with or without reinforcement as required and of the class NP2 as specified.
These shall confirm to IS 458-2003. The reinforced cement concrete pipes shall be
manufactured by centrifugal (or spun) process. All pipes shall be true to shape, straight, perfect
sound and free from cracks and flaws. The external and internal surface of the pipes shall be
smooth and hard. The pipes shall be free from defects resulting from imperfect grading of the
aggregate, mixing or moulding.

1.7.1 Laying of pipes

Loading, transporting and unloading of concrete pipes shall be done with care. Handling shall be
such as to avoid impact. Gradual unloading by inclined plane or by chain block is recommended.
All pipe sections and connections shall be inspected carefully before being laid. Broken or
defective pipes or connections shall not be used. Pipes shall be lowered into the trenches
carefully. Mechanical appliances may be used. Pipes shall be laid true to line and grade as
specified. Laying of pipe shall proceed upgrade of a slope.

If the pipes have spigot and socket joints, the socket end shall face upstream in the case of pipe
with joints to be made with loose collars. The collar shall be slipped on before the next pipe is
laid. Adequate and proper expansion joints shall be provided where directed.

Technical Specification Page 266

In case where the foundation conditions are unusual such as in the proximity of trees or holes,
under existing or proposed manholes etc., the pipe shall be encased all round in 15cm thick
cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement, 5 fine sand, 10 graded stone aggregated 40mm nominal
size) or compacted sand or gravel.

In cases where the natural foundation is inadequate the pipes shall be laid either in concrete
suitably designed structure as specified. If a concrete cradle bedding is used the depth of
concrete below the bottom of the pipe shall be at least 1/4th of the internal dia and shall
extend up to the sides of the pipe at least to a distance of ¼ of the outside diameter of pipes
300 mm dia.. The pipes laid in trenches in earth shall be bedded evenly and firmly and as far up
the haunches of the pipe as to safely transmit the load expected from back fill through the pipe
to the bed. This shall be done either by excavating the bottom of the trench to fit the curve of
the pipe or by compacting the earth under around the curve of the pipe to form an even bed.
Necessary provision shall be made for joints wherever required.

When the pipe is laid in the trench in rock, hard clay, or other hard material, the space below
the pipe shall be excavated and replaced with an equalizing bed of concrete, sand or compact
earth. In all place pipe shall be laid directly on such hard material.

When the pipes are laid completely above the ground the foundations shall be made even and
sufficiently compacted to support the pipe line without any material settlement. Alternatively
the pipe line shall be supported on PCC saddle blocks. Similar arrangement shall be made to
retain the pipe line in the proper alignment, such as by shaping the top of the supports to fit the
lower part of the pipe, the distance between the supports shall be no case exceed the length of
the pipe. The pipe shall be supported as far as possible close to the joints. In no case shall the
joint come in centre of the span. Care shall be taken to see that superimposed loads greater
than the total load equivalent to the weight of the pipe when running full shall not be

1.7.2 Jointing of pipes:

Joints are generally of rigid type. When specified flexible type joints may also be provided.


The spigot of each pipe shall be slipped home well in to the socket of the pipe previously laid
and adjusted in the correct position. The opening of the joints shall be filled with stiff mixture of
cement mortar in the proportion 1:2 (1cement, 2fine sand) which shall be rammed with
caulking tool. After a day’s work any extraneous material shall be removed from the inside of
the pipe and the newly made joint shall be cured.


1.8.1 Material

Technical Specification Page 267

Stoneware pipes and fittings shall comply with IS 651-1992 in every respect and all stoneware
pipes, bends, etc., shall be of the best salt glazed variety, glazed inside as well as outside, hard
smooth, even textured, free from fire cracks, air blows and blisters. The pipe shall be truly
circular in cross section, perfectly straight and of standard nominal diameter, length and depth
of socket.

The pipes covered in this standard are not meant for potable water applications. The
dimensions are grouped into two sections Section A & B. Section A covers dimensions of straight
pipes and all such fittings which normally from part of pipeline and which are subjected to same
conditions. Section B includes dimensions of fittings, which are commonly used but do not form
part of the normal pipeline.

1.8.2 Laying

The pipes shall be carefully laid to the levels and gradients shown in the plans and sections by
making use of sight rails and boning rod and socket up the gradient. The pipes crossing the road
shall be encased in Plain Cement Concrete of 1:3:6 to the required depth as per the drawings
and bill of quantities. The pipes laid in the soil shall be enclosed with selected sand filling as per
the bill of quantities.

1.8.3 Jointing

Hemp rope socked in neat cement slurry shall be passed round the joint and inserted in it by
means of caulking tool. More skins of yarn shall be added and well rammed. Cement mortar
with one part of cement and one part of sand with minimum water content, but on no account
soft or sloppy, shall be carefully inserted by hand into the joint & more cement mortar added
until the space of the joint has been filled completely with tightly caulked mortar. The joint shall
be then finished off neatly outside the socket at angle of 45 degree.

1.8.4 Curing

The joint shall be cured at least for seven days.

1.8.5 Testing

As per IS 4127 – 1983 – code of practice for laying of glazed stoneware pipes, the pipelines and
fittings shall be subjected to a test pressure of at least 2.5 m head of water at the highest point
of section under test. This pressure shall be maintained for not less than 30 minutes. The
contractor shall also carry out the smoke test for the drains and sewers. Any leakage will be
visible & the defective part should be cut out and made good.

Technical Specification Page 268

1.8.6 Mode of Measurement

Stoneware pipes shall be measured along the centreline of the pipeline including the specials in
running meter (Rm.) between:

a. Chambers: Shall be recorded from the inside of one chamber to inside of another

b. Gully trap and chamber: shall be recorded between socket pipe near gully trap and
inside of chamber.

The quoted rate shall include the following:

i. The cost of pipes, specials and other jointing materials.

ii. Laying, jointing and curing.

iii. Testing and making good the defects if any.

Technical Specification Page 269


1.1 General

All fixtures shall be fixed in a neat workman like manner true to line and as recommended by the
manufacturer or shown in the drawings. Care shall be taken to fix all fixtures, brackets and
accessories by proper wooden cleats, rawl plugs, bolts and nuts.

Care shall be taken in fixing all approved chromium plated (CP) single lever fixtures and
accessories so as not to leave any tool marks or damages on the finish. All such fixtures shall be
tightened with fixed spanners. Use of `Stiltson' type pipe wrenches with toothed jaws shall not
be allowed.

All fixtures shall be thoroughly tested after connecting the drainage and water supply system. All
fixtures shall be thoroughly finished and any leakage in piping valves and waste fittings corrected
to the complete satisfaction of the Consultant/Engineer.

Upon completion of the work, all labels, stickers, plasters, etc. shall be removed from the fixtures
and all fixtures shall be cleaned with soap and water so as to present a neat and clean toilet.

1.1.1 In brief the scope of work involves following

Sanitary appliances and fixtures for toilets

Chromium plated bath fittings
Stainless steel sinks
Accessories like towel rack, toilet paper holder, soap dish, tumbler holder, coat hook etc.

All appliances, fixtures and fittings shall be provided with all such accessories are required to
complete the item in working condition whether specifically mentioned or not in the schedule of
quantities, specifications and drawings. Accessories shall include proper fixing arrangements,
brackets, nuts-bolts, washers, screws and required connection pieces etc.

1.2 European Type Water Closet

The closet shall be white or colored as per BOQ and made of vitreous China and shall be of the
best quality manufactured by an approved firm, and fixed by approved means. It shall have 100
mm dia `P` or `S` trap depending on the location of water closets and soil stacks with effective

Technical Specification Page 270

seal. The water volume shall be 3 and 6 litres per flush or 2 and 4 litres per flush. Each closet shall
be provided with the following accessories:

a. Double flapped heavy urea formaldehyde seat cover of approved make quality and color
with rubber buffers and C.P. brass screws fixed to the pan.
b. Exposed ceramic cistern of approved design.
c. Cast-iron chair or rag bolt for wall hung type with C.P bolt & nut.

1.3 Wash Basins

They shall be white or colored as per BOQ and of vitreous China with best quality manufactured
by an approved firm and size as specified. Oval/circular wash basins shall be supported on a RC
counter with necessary steel reinforcement and rectangular wash basins with or without
pedestals shall be supported by a pair of rag bolts of approved design. The washbasin shall be
circular or oval shape below or above counter or rectangular with or without pedestal type as
specified in Schedule of Quantities. The basin shall be provided with waste coupling, bottle trap,
angle cocks, pillar cock/ basin mixer, connecting pipes and other accessories. The flow rate of
pillar cock or basin mixer shall be less than 2 liters per minute at 60 psi pressure.

1.4 Shower Unit

The shower unit shall be brass chromium plated with hot and cold single lever mixer / 3/4 way diverter /
rain shower unit along with CP spout, pressure jet set. The shower unit shall be fitted with an overhead
shower set comprising of shower arm, rose, wall mixer etc., complete with wall flange. The make and
model shall be as specified in the BOQ.

 Bucket spout.
 Hand shower
 Overhead shower with rose-Rabbit cleaning system / Normal.
 Exposed mixer / concealed mixer – as applicable
 Rain shower set(24”x24”/normal size)

1.5 Sink

Technical Specification Page 271

They shall be Stainless steel of AISI 304 -18/8 grade and shall be supported on counter. Each sink
shall be provided with 40 mm CP waste coupling, CP bottle trap, Table/wall mounted sink
cock/mixer, angle cock and other accessories.

1.6 Bath Tub

Bath tub shall be of approved color made of Acrylic plastic, comprising of Hot & cold mixer, with
telephonic shower, Tub filler etc., complete with overflow arrangement, waste coupling.

1.7 Health Faucet

These shall be of brass CP .The make and model shall be as specified in the BOQ. These shall be
fixed by means of stainless steel counter sunk screws to wooden/ plastic cleats firmly
embedded in the wall.

 15 mm CP health faucet with 1.0m long flexible tube with end nuts & Hook.
 1 No 15mm CP brass angular stop cock with wall flange
 Hook with CP brass counter sunk screws.


These shall be of best approved make and type and capacity as per schedule of quantities.
They shall be mounted on the wall with necessary bolts of approved make. They shall have
braided hose inlet pipe, angle stop cocks, Built in safety valve, non-return valve. These shall be
measured per number and the quoted rate shall include.

 Cost of water heater with all the built -in electrical accessories like pilot lamp, thermostat,
standard length of cable and 3 pin 15A plug. Remote control assembly.(optional)
 Two angle stop cocks and connection pipes.
 Fixing accessories like bolts, nuts, etc.

1.9 Angular Stop Cock

These shall be of brass, CP. The make and model shall be as specified in the BOQ. These shall be
fixed by means of Teflon tape, extension nipple of suitable length shall be provided, if required.
The stopcock shall be provided with CP wall flange.

Technical Specification Page 272

2.0 Bib Cock & Stop Cock

A bibcock is a draw off tap with a horizontal inlet and free outlet and stopcock (stop tap) valve
with a suitable means of connections for insertion in a pipeline for controlling or stopping the
flow. They shall be of specified size and shall be screw down type. The closing device should
work by means of a disc carrying a renewable non-metallic washer which shuts against water
pressure on a seating at right angles to the axis of the threaded spindle which operates. The
handle shall be either crutch or butterfly type securely seated pattern. The cocks (taps) shall
open in anticlockwise direction. The bib cock and stop cock shall be polished bright (Chrome

2.1 Urinal

Urinal shall be back inlet type, white colored and of vitreous China with best quality manufactured by
an approved firm. The urinal shall be fixed with hangers and brackets. The urinal shall be provided with
auto flush system with sensor, solenoid valve / pneumatic push cock / angle valve etc., complete. Make
and model shall be as specified in the BOQ. The complete set shall comprise of the following.

 Urinal with auto flush system along with battery / electrically operated solenoid valve / with
push cock.
 Fixing brackets,
 32mm CP Bottle Trap, dome type grating, spreader etc., if the specified model is not having in-
built units as indicated above the same shall be part of the scope of work.
 CP wall flanges (if required).

2.2 Urinal Division Plate

Urinal division plate of size 700 x 340 x 120mm of approved make white glazed and is fixed to
wall by using CP brass counter sunk screws etc., complete

2.3 Jacuzzi

Jacuzzi shall be of approved color made of Acrylic plastic, comprising of Hot & cold mixer, with
telephonic shower, overhead shower, Tub filler, pressure pump, pressure tank, multiple jets etc.,
complete with overflow arrangement, waste coupling.

Technical Specification Page 273


The bidet shall be white or colored as per BOQ and made of vitreous China and shall be of the
best quality manufactured by an approved firm, and fixed by approved means. It shall have 100
mm dia `P` or `S` trap depending on the location of bidet and soil stacks with effective seal. Bidet
shall be provided with its fittings, seat cover, CI bracket/rack bolt for support,15mm CP bidet cock
with connection to spray outlet,15mm CP angle cock , CP bolts and nuts with all the
arrangements of approved make.

3.1 Toilet Accessories

3.1.1 Towel Rack

Towel rack shall be of C.P. with reinforced bends and circular flanges. The size of the rail shall be
as specified. The bracket shall be fixed by means of stainless steel screws to wooden/plastic cleats
firmly embedded in the wall.

3.1.2 Toilet Paper Holder

Toilet paper holder shall be of chromium plated as specified in the Material specification.

3.1.3 Towel Ring

These shall be of CP as specified in the material specification. These shall be fixed by means of
stainless steel screws to wooden / plastic cleats firmly embedded in the wall.

3.1.4 Grab Bar

The grab bars shall be of stainless steel of approved quality. The size and location shall be as
specified in the BOQ.

3.1.5 Floor Traps Frame and Grating

The floor trap frame and grating shall be of approved material as specified in the BOQ. The trap
shall be fitted with stainless steel square grating. A minimum of 40mm depth of water seal shall
be provided in the trap.

3.1.6 Double Coat Hook

Technical Specification Page 274

These shall be of CP as specified in the material specification. These shall be fixed by means of
stainless steel screws to wooden / plastic cleats firmly embedded in the wall.

3.1.7 Shower Basket Small

These shall be of CP as specified in the material specification. These shall be fixed by means of
stainless steel screws to wooden / plastic cleats firmly embedded in the wall.

3.1.8 Retractable Cloth Liner

These shall be of CP as specified in the material specification. These shall be fixed by means of
stainless steel screws to wooden / plastic cleats firmly embedded in the wall.

3.1.9 Hand Dryer

The electric hand drier shall be twin blower type integrated with timer range 0 to 3 minutes. The
drier shall be fully automatic. The make and model shall be as specified in the BOQ.

The hand drier shall be no touch operating type with solid state time delay to allow user to keep
hand in any position. The hand drier shall be fully hygienic, rated for continuous repeat use (CRU).
The rating of hand drier shall be such that time required to dry a pair of hands up to wrists is
approximately 30 seconds. The hand drier shall be of wall mounting type suitable for 230 V, single
phase, 15A, 50 Hz, AC power supply

Technical Specification Page 275


1.1 General

1.1.1 In brief scope of work involves following

Tapping of water from existing lines
Puddles, piping for Sump and OHT
Water lines within toilet, pantry, shaft, terrace etc
Isolation valves, Pressure regulating valves, brackets and other accessories
1.1.2 Manuals
Three sets of all manuals for the systems shall be submitted to the client. This shall
include instruction and maintenance manuals.

1.1.3 As-built Drawing

As built drawings as specified in the contract shall be submitted to the client on
completion of work. Drawing shall clearly show pipe routes, component details including

1.1.4 Training
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to train the Owner’s personnel in the operation
and maintenance of the system.



Each pressure reducing valve set shall be complete with pressure reducing and isolating valves,
pressure gauge on outlet. Each pressure reducing valve shall contain loading neoprene
diaphragm and a full floating, self aligning, ignition resistant seat and shall be of the single
stage, pressure reduction type with provision for manually adjusting the delivery pressure. The
valve shall fail safe to the low pressure.

Valves shall be capable of operating and maintaining automatically the respective delivery
pressure and flow rates as indicated and shall not be liable to creep. Valves shall also be
capable of maintaining the pre-set downstream pressure under static condition.

Technical Specification Page 276


Butterfly valves shall be slim seal, short wafer type with standard finish. The valves shall be suitable for
mounting between flanges drilled to ANSI 125. The valve body shall be cast iron. The disc shall consist of
disc pivot and driving stem shall be in one piece centrally located. The disc shall move in bearings on
both ends with ‘O’ ring to prevent leakage. The seat shall be molded with black nitrile rubber or nylon
and shall line the whole body. The spindle shall be of AISI 41 steel. The valve shall be suitable for a
working pressure of 16.5 kg/ and shall be complete with flow control lever and notches, factory
machined companion flanges and bolts and nuts. These valves conform to BS 5155 with electro steel
nickel coated SG Iron (N) and seat material EPDM3.The pressure rating & dia of valve shall be indicated
on the valve body for proper identification.


The ball valve shall be of high-pressure type and shall be of sizes as specified and/or shown in
the drawings the normal size of a ball valve shall be that, corresponding to the size of the pipe
to which it is fixed. Ball valves shall have body of carbon steel. The ball and the shaft shall be of
stainless steel. The seat shall be of PTFE. The valve shall be complete with socket weld ends and
the float of copper sheet. The minimum thickness of copper sheet used for making the float
shall be 0.45mm for a float exceeding 115mm dia. The body of the high pressure ball valve
when assembled in working condition with the float immersed to not more than half of its
diameter shall remain closed against a test pressure of 3.5kg/sqcm. The ball valve shall
generally conform to IS specification No.1703:1977. The weight of ball cock and the size of the
ball cock shall be as per IS specification.


Body : Brass

Bore size : Full bore

Ball seal : PTFE

O Ring seal : Nitrile rubber / viton

Threads : BS 21 taper threads

Technical Specification Page 277

Finish : Chrome plated

Pressure rating : PN 10 / 16 / 25

Application : water / Air / Oil.


CI Frame with Covers: Covers shall be of heavy duty cast iron with lifting hooks as per IS 1726 – 1991.
The details given in the drawing and fixed on the CI frame embedded in concrete. Cover placed on the
frame shall be airtight. Weight of the cover on frame shall be specified in the schedule of quantities. All
castings shall be free from voids whether due to shrinkage, gas inclusion or other causes. Covers shall
have a raised checkered design on the top surface to provide an adequate non-slip grip. The sizes of
covers specified shall be taken as the clear internal dimensions of the frame.

The covers and frames shall be coated with a black bituminous composition. The coating shall
be smooth and tenacious. It shall not flow when exposed to a temperature of 63° C and shall
not brittle as to chip off at a temperature of 0° C.

1.3 UPVC Sch 40 Pipes & Fittings

The pipes shall be UPVC (Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride) material for cold water supply
piping system with Sch 40 and using solvent welded Sch 40 fittings i.e. Tees, Elbows, Couplers,
Unions, Reducers, Brushing etc. including transition fittings (connection between PVC & Metal
pipes / GI) i.e. Brass adapters both Male & Female threaded and all conforming to ASTM D-2466
with only PVC solvent cement confirming to ASTM F-493, with clamps / structural metal
supports as required /directed at site, including painting of the exposed pipes with one coat of
desired shade of enamel paint. All termination points for installation of faucets shall have brass
termination fittings. Installation shall be to the satisfaction of manufacturer, client &

i. Joining Pipes & Fittings

a. Cutting: Pipes shall be cut either with a wheel type plastic pipe cutting or
hacksaw blade and care shall be taken to make a square cut which provides
optimal bonding area within a joint.

b. Deburring / Bevelling: Burrs should be removed from the outside and inside
of pipe with a deburring tool/ pocket knife or file otherwise burrs may
prevent proper contact between pipe and fittings during assembly. Also the
outer end of pipe should be slightly chamfered.

Technical Specification Page 278

c. Fitting preparation: A clean dry rag/cloth should be used to wipe dirt and
moisture from the fitting sockets and tubing end. Dry assemble the pipe and
fitting to ensure proper fit and alignment.

d. Solvent Cement Application: An even coat of solvent cement should be

applied on the pipe end and a thin coat inside the fitting socket, otherwise
too much of cement solvent can cause clogged water ways.

e. Assembly: After applying the solvent cement on both pipe and fitting socket,
pipe should be inserted into the fitting socket within 20 seconds, and
rotating the pipe ¼ to ½ turn while inserting so as to ensure even distribution
of solvent cement within the joint. The assembled system should be held for
10 seconds (approximately) in order to allow the joint to set up.

An even bead of cement should be evident around the joint and if this bead is not continuous
remake the joint to avoid potential leaks.

Set & Cure times:

Solvent cement set and cure times shall be strictly adhered to as per the below mentioned

Minimum Cure time prior to pressure testing upto 180 PSI

Temperature 1/2" to 1 1/4" 1 1/2" to 3" 4" to 8"

Above 15 deg C 1 hr 2 hr 6 hr

4 to 15 deg C 2 hr 4 hr 12 hr

Below 4 deg C 8 hr 16 hr 48 hr

f. Testing: Once an installation is completed and cured as per above mentioned

recommendations, the system should be hydrostatically pressure tested at
150 psi (10 Bar) for two hours. During pressure testing, the system should be
fitted with water and if a leak is found, the joint should be cut out and
replacing the same with new one by using couplers. No payment shall be
made for reworking of already finished works.

Technical Specification Page 279

ii. Transition of PVC to Metals: When making a transition connection
to metal threads, special Brass transition fitting (Male and female
adapters) should be used. Plastic threaded connections/ transition
fittings should not be used in the project.
iii. Threaded Sealants: For fixing of bath fittings Teflon tape shall be
used to make threaded connections leak proof. Hold tite shall be
used for other threaded connections like valve etc.
iv. Solvent Cement: Only CPVC solvent cement conforming to ASTMF
493 should be used for joining pipe with fittings and valves. Flow
guard CPVC cement solvents have a minimum shelf life of 1 year.
Aged cement solvent will often change colour or being to thicken
and become gelatinous or jelly like and when this happens, the
cement should not be used. The cement solvent should be used
within 30 days after opening the company’s seal and tightly close
the seal after using in order to avoid its freezing. The freezed
cement solvent should be discarded immediately and fresh one
should be used. The solvent cement usage should be adhered to
as given in table below

Diameter of pipe in inch ½” ¾” 1” ¼” 1½” 2”

Approx. nos. of joints which 200 180 150 130 100 70 o

can be made per litre of Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos s
solvent cement.

v. Hangers and supports

Spacing of supports should be as per the below mentioned table:

Pipe size 15.5°C 26.6°C 37.7°C 48.8°C 60°C

Inch Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft

1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 2 1/2 2 1/2

Technical Specification Page 280

3/4 5 4 1/2 4 2 1/2 2 1/2

1 5 1/2 5 4 1/2 3 2 1/2

1 1/4 5 1/2 5 1/2 5 3 3

1 1/2 6 5 1/2 5 3 1/2 3

2 6 5 1/2 5 3 1/2 3

2 1/2 6 1/2 6 5 1/2 4 3 1/2

3 7 7 6 4 3 1/2

4 7 1/2 7 6 1/2 4 1/2 4

6 8 1/2 8 7 1/2 5 4 1/2

1.4 Colour Code for Water Supply Pipes

Colour code for water-supply pipes shall be as per standard requirement. Details as mentioned





1 Cooling Sea green French blue ------

2 Boiler feed Sea green ------ ------

3 Condensate Sea green Light brown ------

4 Drinking Sea green French blue Signal red

5 Treated Sea green Light orange ------

Cold water from

6 Sea green French blue Canary yellow
storage tank.

Technical Specification Page 281

1.5 Disinfection of the Pipe Network

The entire water distribution network is to be disinfected by using residual chlorine of 0.2 ppm
for a period of 2 (two) hours. The entire chlorinated pipe network is to be flushed out with
fresh water before the water supply system is put into operation for domestic usage.

1.6 Valves, Strainers and Pressure Gauges

1.6.1 General

This section deals with different type of valves like butterfly valves, gate valves, ball valves,
check valves, balancing valves and Strainers and pressure gauges. The contractor shall refer to
the approved make of materials specified in the document & relevant drawings.

Valves shall be provided on branch pipe connections to mains and at connection to equipment
where indicated. All valves are to be located for easy access. All valves shall be supported
wherever necessary with MS brackets. Valves shall comply with IS 780 (Class I) for C.I sluice
valves and IS 778 for G.M valves and tested.

Pressure gauges shall have outer diameter not less than 115mm with 10mm BSP full thread,
brass body siphon and gauge cock of size10mm. Dial gauges shall have adequate response
for the pressures encountered within the specified (Range 0-15Kg/

1.6.2 Valves
All valves (gate, ball, check, safety) shall be of brass suitable for the particular service as
specified. All valves shall be of the particular duty and design as specified. Valves shall either
be of screwed type or flanged type, as specified, with suitable flanges and non-corrosive bolts
and gaskets. Tail pieces as required shall be supplied along with valves. Gate, ball and check
valves shall conform to Indian Standard IS: 776 and non-return valves and swing check type
reflux to IS: 5312.

Sl. No Type of Valve Size Construction Ends

a. Isolating Valve 15 mm to 50 mm Gunmetal Screwed

b. Butterfly Valve 65 mm and above Cast Iron Flanged

Technical Specification Page 282

c. G.M. non return valve 15 mm to 32 mm Gun Metal Screwed

d. Flap Type – Non return valve 40 mm and above Cast Iron Flanged

1.6.3 Flanges and Unions

Sufficient number of flanges and unions shall be provided as required to facilitate maintenance
work after the piping is installed. Mild steel flanges shall be used for pipes. The flanges shall be
connected to the pipeline by screwing or welding depending on the requirement. The flanges
shall conform to the relevant ASTM standard for the particular material used for its
manufacture. The flanges shall also conform to IS 5211.

1.6.4 Relief Vents

Drainage systems, especially those in tall buildings, are frequently found to develop extremely
high and objectionable pneumatic effects in several specific portions of such piping. Special air
pressure relief vents are recommended to control, within tolerable limits.

The air pressure relief vent ,at least one-half the diameter of the building drain , should be
provided at the top of vertical offset so as to supply such additional air to the drain as may be
required by the sudden increase in liquid velocity in the vertical offset Where a building trap or
other sharp change in flow direction is provided in the building drain downstream from the
vertical offset ,an air pressure relief vent should be provided at the base of, and within 3 ft
(0.900m) of, the vertical offset. Lower relief vent should be branch –connected to the upper
relief vent at a sufficient height.

The recommended provision for soil and waste stacks more than ten stories in height is to
provide a yoke relief vent at each tenth story of the drainage stack, counting downward from
the top story. The lower end of the yoke relief vent should connect to the drainage stack by
means of a Y located below the horizontal branch drain serving fixtures in that story, and the
upper end should connect to the vent stack by means of a T or inverted Y located at least 3 ft
(0.900m) above the floor level as shown in the drawing.

1.6.5 Installation of Valves

Valves should be installed in true tolerance of +/-5mm with respect to the center line of the
pipe. Where threaded joints are encountered the threads should be initially sealed with PVC
tape to avoid leakage due to improper tightening and leakage from threading.

Technical Specification Page 283

Proper care has to be taken in welded installation so that the centreline of valve should not
deviate from the pipe causing uneven load on the pipe and further stress during its operation.
The welding should be done only after proper inspection of the joint by the Engineer-in-charge
in the tacked position of the joint.

Before putting the line in operative mode the valves should be checked for free and easy
operation of the hand wheel. Any burrs or foreign materials should be removed by flushing
before final operation so that no choking in the valves should occur which might damage the
valve seat.


1.7.1 Submersible- Mono block Pump

Supply, testing & commissioning of Horizontal Single/ Multi- stage submersible pump suitable
for pumping clean, less viscous, non-aggressive liquids without solid particles or fibre. Pumps
are fitted with standard & approved motor. Impeller & other parts of pump are made of SS304
with 3-phase motor, sand shield, liquid-lubricated bearings and pressure equalizing diaphragm.
Pump Enclosure class (IEC 34-5):IP58. Pumps should contain integral suction strainer & fitted
with priming mechanism. Motor parts are CED coated, fitted with carbon bushes. Double lip
Seal back to back to arrangement to ensure no water leakage inside the motor. Motor should
be fitted with mechanical seal & withstand upto 6 kN having 4 SS segments and carbon thrust
pads. Pumps are provided with stop ring. Motors should be locally rewindable. Motor should
capable of good starting torque and low starting current. Pumps shall be of NEMA with
Standard AISI 416 Stainless steel shaft Rubber O-ring for all fasteners. All bearing should be
water lubricated and square shape to enabling sand particular from the pump. At the delivery
of the pump each pump shall be fitted with a NRV & a valve of appropriate size & make of
components shall be as per approved list. The pump shall be placed in a pump pit of adequate
size such that the minimum submergence level is maintained at all times. Dry run protection,
overload trip, shall be provided for each pump system. The pump shall be provided with a
chain/ guide rope to lift the same. The pump shall be placed such that dust particles, etc do not
enter the pump impeller & damage the same. A min clear ht of 100 mm shall be provided at the
base of the pump to avoid dust particles entering the pump. The pump shall work with a min
motor efficiency of 55-80%. Motor should be suitable for horizontal installation. Operating
voltage 220 + 10% -15% for single phase and 415+ 10% -15% for three phases.

Technical Specification Page 284

1.7.2 Storm Water Pump

Supply, testing & commissioning of Vertical single-stage stainless steel submersible pump
with vertical discharge port and integrated submersible 1/3-phase totally enclosed motor
in insulation class F with thermal overload protection. Pump should be fitted with a suction
strainer. The impeller is a SEMI OPEN impeller for 12 mm free passage suitable for
pumping groundwater, surface water & rain water and similar. Pump is with a double shaft
seal and an intermediate oil chamber pre-filled with non-toxic special oil.

The pump shall come with a riser pipe, a cooling jacket for continuous cooling of the motor
by the pumped liquid and long-life deep-groove greased-for-life ball bearings. The pump
shall fitted with carrying handle and supplied with a 10 m mains cable. The mains cable
should of the plug type with glass sealing compound in the socket to prevent penetration
of humidity into the stator windings. The pump shall work with a min motor efficiency of
55-80%. Operating voltage 220 + 10% -15% for single phase and 415+ 10% -15% for three

1.7.3 Horizontal Mono-block Pump

Supply, testing & commissioning of Horizontal centrifugal multi-stage pump with axial
suction port and radial discharge port close-coupled with a single/ three-phase TEFC motor
with thermal overload protection. Pump and motor are mounted on a common base plate.
The pump should be fitted with mechanical shaft seal. Impellers, intermediate chambers
and shaft are made of stainless steel. Suction and discharge chambers are made of Cast
iron. Motor should be IP 54 protection & Class F winding insulation. The pump shall work
with a min motor efficiency of 65-80%. Operating voltage 220 + 10% -15% for single phase
and 415+ 10% -15% for three phase

1.7.4 Vertical Multi Stage Pump

Supply testing & commissioning of vertical, non-self-priming, multistage, in-line,

centrifugal pump for installation in pipe systems and mounting on a foundation. Pumps
shall fitted with cartridge type mechanical seal. Impellers and intermediate chambers are
made of Stainless steel, Pump head and base are made of Cast iron. The shaft seal shall
have an assembly length according to EN 12756. Power transmission is via cast iron split
coupling. Motor should be with IP55 protection & Class F winding insulation. The pump
shall work with a min motor efficiency of 70-80%. Operating voltage 220 + 10% -15% for
single phase and 415+ 10% -15% for three phase

Technical Specification Page 285

1.7.5 Pump

The pumps shall be of the vertical multi-stage centrifugal design. The pump
suction/discharge chamber (base) shall be in CI or SS as per requirement. Motors tool and
pump shaft coupling shall be constructed of cast iron. The impellers, pump shaft, diffuser
chambers, outer discharge sleeve, impeller seal rings, and seal ring retainers shall be
constructed of stainless steel. Optional materials for the suction/discharge chamb er and
motor stool liner shall be stainless steel.

The pump impellers shall be secured directly to the pump shaft by means of a spine shaft
arrangement for model of the lower sizes, and the pump impellers shall be secured to the
shaft by a split cone and nut for higher sizes. The shaft journal and chamber bearings shall
be Tungsten Carbide and Ceramic/ Bronze. All pumps shall be equipped with a high
temperature cartridge mechanical seal assembly with Tungsten Carbide/ Carbon or
Tungsten Carbide seal faces mounted in stainless steel components. The shaft seal shall be
of the cartridge design; the larger pumps (with 7.5 Kw and above motors) shall be designed
so that the cartridge seal may be replaced without removing the motors.

1.7.6 Motor & Variable Frequency Drive

The motors shall be TEFC type, class F insulation, 2 pole, efficiency class “Eff –1”, should be
a NEMA standard motor. Drive-end motor bearings shall be designed to absorb thrust and
shall be adequately sized to ensure long motor life.

The variable frequency drive enclosure shall include dry-contact fault-output relay contacts
along with analog and digital inputs. The motor shall detect/protect itself against under voltage,
over voltage, excessive temperature, and set-point signal fault.

1.7.7 Electronic Controller

An electronic dedicated pump logic controller shall be a Hydro pneumatic system (Multi Pump
Controller) or approved equal. The controller shall operate the pumps to maintain the required
system pressure while using minimum energy and alternating between pumps to maintain
relatively equal pump operating hours.

As flow demand begins, one of the pumps will start at low speed. As demand increases, the
pump will speed up until it reaches full RPM. At this point the second pump will start in full

Technical Specification Page 286

speed. The speed of the first pumps will vary until it builds up required system pressure. This
sequence will continue for additional working pumps, if demand is not met.

Pumps shall changeover automatically to maintain the system pressure depending on demand,
time, and fault.

Electronic controller should perform flow estimation every 2 minutes so as to minimize or

utilize the number of duty pumps and stop all pumps in an event of no demand, thereby the
performance and energy consumption of the system is optimized.

If the system includes an optional standby pump, the controller shall exercise the standby
pump as a part of the system and equally run the pump as other pumps in the system.

The controller shall accept a low-suction pressure or other suction fault input to shut down the
system. The controller shall have a keypad and a graphical user interface display with
Installation wizard for easy commissioning of the system.

1.7.8 Programmable Functions

System functions shall be programmable through the keypad. These programmable functions
and information shall include, but not be limited to:

1) Closed loop control.

2) Automatic pump alternations
3) Automatic cascade control of pumps
4) Set point adjustment and control
5) Clock Program
6) Flow estimation function
7) Programmable pump testing
8) Programming of No of starts/stops per hour
9) Remote controlling of the entire Hydro Pneumatic System through Ethernet. (User
has to provide Static IP address to HPS system which can be accessed by BMS
computer for remote control)
10) Standby pump designation
11) Friction Loss Compensation (set point)
12) Pump status
13) Elapsed running hours for each pump
14) System pressure set point
15) Actual system pressure
16) Pump speed (percentage)
17) Fault memory up to recent 24 faults with time stamping
18) To display calculated system flow
19) Pressure transducer design settings
20) Redundant primary sensor for pressure monitoring

Technical Specification Page 287

21) High and low discharge pressure shut-down limit
22) Analog input for remote set-point control
23) Digital input for remote stop/start

1.7.9 Control Cabinet

The controller shall be mounted in a control cabinet with an IP 52 enclosure of suitable rating
(or specified optional cabinet) with the keypad and display screen mounted through the outer
door. In addition to the electronic pump controller, the control cabinet shall include circuit
breakers for each pump and the control circuit and control relays for alarm functions. Control
cabinet shall include the following, but not be limited to:

1. Motor protection
2. Dry run protection – Float switch / Inlet pressure monitoring device for suction lift
3. Ethernet connectivity (Web based control)
4. 320 X 240 pixels VGA display with adjustable backlight
5. Pump Fault Lights – A Red light for fault indications
6. Visual Alarm
7. Pump Elapsed Time Meters
8. Manual Operation

The entire packaged pumping system shall be mounted on a Hot Dipped Galvanized MS or SS
fabricated skid. The control cabinet shall be mounted in one of the following ways depending
on the size of the cabinet.

1. On a Hot Dipped GI or MS fabricated with powder coated control cabinet stand attached
to the system skid
2. On a Hot Dipped GI or MS fabricated with powder coated skid, separate from the main
system skid
3. Floor mounted control cabinet with plinth.

1.7.10 Plumbing

The suction and discharge manifolds shall be fabricated of Hot Dipped Galvanized MS or SS.
Both manifolds shall be designed to attach to the system piping at either end of the manifold.
Delivery manifold shall include a pressure gauge. The suction manifold shall have as standard a
pressure switch or pressure sensor to detect low suction pressure or a float switch to prevent
dry running. The discharge manifold shall include a pressure transducer with a 4-20mA output.
The pressure transducer shall be factory installed and wired.

Isolation valves shall be installed on the suction and discharge of each pump. A check valve shall
be installed on the discharge of each pump (optional on the suction side for suction lift

Technical Specification Page 288

The system shall include a diaphragm type pressure tank sized by the system manufacturer. All
systems shall be factory tested for performance and hydrostatic tested to at least 1.5 times the
system working pressure. The system manufacturer shall provide verified Factory Performance
Tests and Witness Factory Performance Tests.

1.7.11 Hydro pneumatic System Specification for Pressurised Water Boosting System Using
Variable Speed Drive

Supply of booster set consisting upto a maximum of six identical vertical multistage in - line
pumps in cast iron GG20 pump head & base c/w cataphoresis coating, cartridge type
mechanical seal, all internals in AISI 304 stainless steel, mounted on common galvanized steel
base frame and controlled by variable frequency drives & a logic controller, which have features
like application optimized software, regular optimization of operating conditions and read-out
of operating data, Bus Communication possibility, Digital remote-control functions, pump &
system monitoring functions, Display, Alarm & signal functions and clock programs. Panel to
have 2x24 character LCD display, green & red LED’s for operating & fault indication, potential
free contacts for remote interfacing, and an inbuilt lifetime battery backup for all clock

Booster set should include non return valves, isolating valves, pressure transmitter on discharge
side, non-return valve, and pressure gauge. Booster set should ensure constant pressure on
discharge side through continuously variable adjustment of speed of one of the pumps, while
the remaining pumps in operation are running on mains operating at full speed to bring about
pump performance to meet consumption levels. Also provision should be made for alternate
change over between pumps in operation once every 24 hours & frequency converter
operation of pumps by rotation - all should be built in, cyclically, in the controls to ensure equal
wear and tear of all pumps in the booster set. Means should be provided for friction loss
compensation for increased consumption rate.

Booster set should incorporate following “Power saving features” as standard.

Selection of 3 basis set points for pressure relative to time.

Pipe compensation i.e. Change of set point depending on water consumption.

Compulsory change of staring of sequence, i.e. Equal operating time for pump, both for
frequency control and ON/OFF regulation.

Inputs and outputs for external communication.

Technical Specification Page 289

A small sized pressure tank, (accumulator) to provide for reducing impact of water hammer and
minimize short cycling of the pumps. The accumulators are piped to allow for in service

The functions of the Controller should incorporate the following features,

 Closed loop control.

 On / off operation at low flow.
 Automatic cascade control of pumps
 Selections of switching sequences, automatic pump change and pump priority.
 Manual Operation.
 Analog set point influence
 Friction loss compensation
 Set point adjustment

The remote control functions should have the following features.

 System On / Off
 Set point control
 Switching of individual pumps

The monitoring functions should have the following features,

 Min / Max Levels

 Pre pressure
 Motor protection
 Water shortage monitoring

Enclosure Class: Control Box IP 54.

Motors IP 55.

1.8 Water Level Controllers

The water level controller shall be microprocessor based with LED indicators. Each transfer
pump shall be provided with a level controller. The level controller shall be integrated with
OHTs of all the four blocks. Tinned copper cable shall be run in conduits from pump room to
individual OHT’s. The level controller shall switch on the pump incase of low water level in any
of the OHT. However the OHT having low water level shall only receive water as flow of water

Technical Specification Page 290

to other OHTs shall be stopped by float operated ball valve. The pump shall stop once all the
OHTs are filled. Timer shall be provided to operate the working and stand by pumps alternately.

1.9 Connection to the RCC Water Tanks

The contractor shall provide all inlets, outlets, washouts, vents, ball cocks, overflows control
valves and all such other piping connections including level indicator to water storage tanks as
called for. All pipes crossing through RCC work shall have puddle flanges fabricated from GI pipes
of required size and length and welded to 6mm thick MS plate. All puddle flanges must be fixed
in true alignment and level to ensure further connection in proper order.

Valves of an approved make shall be provided as near to the tank as practicable on every outlet
pipe from the storage tank except the overflow pipe. Overflow and vent pipes shall terminate with
mosquito proof grating.

The overflow pipe shall be so placed to allow the discharge of water being readily seen, except for
flushing water tank, incase of which the overflow should be connected to waste pipe. The
overflow pipe shall be of size as indicated. A stop valve shall also be provided in the inlet water
connection to the tank.

1.10 Hot Water Piping Insulation

Insulation material for Pipe insulation shall be vidoflex/armaflex.

Thickness of the insulation shall be as specified for the individual application. Each lot of
insulation material delivered at site shall be accompanied with manufacturer test certificate for
thermal conductivity values.

Insulation for pipes in exposed on wall or roof / plant room.

Insulating material in tube form shall be sleeved on the pipes. On existing piping, slit opened
tube from insulating material shall be placed over the pipe and adhesive (as recommended by
the manufacturer) shall be applied as suggested by the manufacturer. Adhesive must be
allowed to tack dry and then press surface firmly together starting from butt end and working
towards centre.

Wherever flat sheets shall be used it shall be cut out in correct dimension. All longitudinal and
transverse joints shall be sealed as per manufacturer recommendations. The insulation shall be
continuous over the entire run of piping, fittings and valves. All valves, fittings, joints, strainers
etc. In hot water piping shall be insulated to the same thickness as specified for the main run of

Technical Specification Page 291

piping and application shall be same as above. Valves bonnet, yokes and spindles shall be
insulated in such a manner as not to cause damage to insulation when the valve is used or

All insulation work shall be carried out by skilled workmen specially trained in this kind of work.
All exposed insulated pipes shall be labelled (HWS / HWR) and provided with 300 mm wide
band of paint along circumference at every 1200 mm for colour coding. Direction of fluid shall
also be marked. All painting shall be as per relevant BIS codes.

Protective Coating over Insulation for exposed pipes (terrace)

To provide mechanical strength and protection from damage & UV rays all exposed pipe
insulated with nitrile rubber as indicated in BOQ shall be provided with 28SWG aluminium
Cladding. Due care shall be taken to ensure no damage is caused to the insulation while


Unless otherwise specified measurement for pipe insulation for the project shall be on the
basis of centre line measurements described herewith

Pipe Insulation shall be measured in units of length along the centre line of the installed pipe,
strictly on the same basis as the piping measurements. The linear measurements shall be taken
before the application of the insulation. It may be noted that for piping measurement, all
valves, orifice plates and strainers shall not be separately measurable by their number and size.
It is to be clearly understood that for the insulation measurements, all these accessories
including valves, orifice plates and strainers etc. shall be considered strictly by linear
measurements along the centre line of pipes and no special rate shall be applicable for
insulation of any accessories, fixtures or fittings whatsoever.

1.11 Solar Water Heating System

The system shall be of Thermosyphon type and system shall be provided with all accessories,
equipments whether specifically mentioned in BOQ, drawings or not to meet the daily
requirement as specified in BOQ- efficiently with due consideration for peak demands. Brief
specifications of components are as following.

1.12 GI Pipes and Fittings

Technical Specification Page 292

GI pipes and fittings shall be used for hot and cold water services other than internal concealed
pipes. All internal and external piping shall be of heavy quality (Class C) galvanized iron,
screwed socketed and shall conform to IS 1239 (Part-I). All fittings shall be malleable iron
galvanized fittings of approved best Indian make. The details of pipes and sockets regarding
nominal bore, thickness and weight in kg/m are as per IS-1879.

The following manufacturing tolerances shall be permitted on tubes and sockets.

i) Light tubes butt welded : + Not limited - 8 percent

ii) Medium and Heavy tube : + Not limited - 10 percent butt welded

iii) Medium tubes seamless : + Not limited - 12.5 percent

iv) Single tube (light series) : + 10 percent - 8 percent

v) Single tube (medium and heavy series) : + /- 10 percent

vi) For quantities per load of 10 tonnes, + /- 5 percent Min (light series)

vii) For quantities per load of 10 tonnes, + /- 7.5 percent

Min (medium and heavy series)

1.12.1 Laying and Jointing

Where pipes have to be cut or re-threaded, ends shall be carefully filed so that no obstruction
to the bore is offered. Approved quality thread seal tapes and sealants shall be used for joints.
For internal work all pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical and horizontal, either by
means of brackets or by hanger type supports or concealed as directed. For external work, G.I.
pipes and fittings shall be laid in trenches. The width of the trench shall be the minimum width
required for working. The pipes laid underground shall be not less than 60cm. from the
finished ground level and a minimum horizontal distance of 60CM shall be maintained between
other services lines. All buried pipes shall be provided with suitable anti corrosive treatment.

1.12.2 Testing

Before any pipes are painted or covered, they shall be tested to a hydrostatic pressure of
7kg/sqcm or 1.5 times the working pressure whichever is higher. Pressure shall be maintained
for at least 6 hours without an appreciable drop in pressure. In addition to the sectional testing

Technical Specification Page 293

of water supply pipes, the contractor shall test the whole installation to the entire satisfaction
of the engineer in charge. He shall rectify any leakages, failure of fittings or valves. However,
the testing period could be held for also about 24 hours, upon requirement of the engineer in

1.12.3 Mode of Measurement

G.I. pipes shall be measured along the centre line of the pipes and fittings. The quoted rate for
respective item shall be per Rmt and shall include the following:

a) Cost of respective pipes and specials.

b) Laying, fixing and jointing with standard pipe clamps available for different sizes inside the
wall chase and fixed on Hot dip galvanized MS angle iron brackets and GI U clamps for pipes in
ducts as shown on the drawing.

c) Cutting holes and chases in walls, floors, etc. and making good the same.

d) All supporting arrangements, brackets, etc.

e) Any other items mentioned in BOQ

1.13 Water Meter

Water meters of approved make and design shall be supplied for installation at locations as
shown. The water meters shall meet with the approval of local supply authorities, if they are
used at municipal inlet lines. Suitable valves and chambers or wall meter box to house the
meters shall also be provided along with the meters, but the same shall be measured

The meters shall conform to Indian Standard IS: 779 and IS: 2373/2104

• Tanker Water Inlet

• Softener Outlet
• STP Outlet
• Treated Water tank outlet in flushing line
• Treated Water tank outlet in domestic line
• Treated Water tank outlet in landscaping line
• Cooling tower makeup water line

Technical Specification Page 294

1.14 Electrical Works

All electrical works shall be carried out as per the specifications and special conditions
mentioned above under package – “Electrical works.”

1.15 Chlorinated PVC PIPES (CPVC)


This specification covers requirements, test methods, and methods of marking for chlorinated
poly (vinyl chloride) plastic hot-and cold-water distribution system components made in one
standard dimension ratio and intended for water service up to and including 180 0F (820C).
These components comprise pipe and tubing, socket-type fittings, street fittings, plastic-to-
metal transition fittings, solvent cements, and adhesives. Requirements and methods of test
are included for materials, workmanship, dimensions and tolerances, hydrostatic sustained
pressure strength, and thermo-cycling resistance. The components covered by this specification
are intended for use in residential and commercial, hot and cold, potable water distribution

The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.
Within the text, SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact
equivalents therefore each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values
from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the specification.


Basic Materials Description—Chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) plastics used to make pipe,
tubing, and fittings meeting the requirements of this specification are categorized by two
criteria; namely, basic short-term properties, and long-term hydrostatic strength.

Basic Short-Term Properties—This specification covers CPVC 41 pipe, tubing, and fittings made
from plastic materials meeting the mechanical strength, heat resistance, flammability, and
chemical resistance requirements for CPVC 23447-B in Specification D 1784.

CPVC 23447-B was formerly designated as CPVC Type IV Grade 1, and is herein designated as
CPVC 41. This is also used in marking pipe, tubing, or fittings.

Long-Term Hydrostatic Strength—This specification covers CPVC 41 pipe, tubing, and fittings
which are further defined by hydrostatic design stress as CPVC 4120. Pipe and tubing are so
defined on the basis of long-term hydrostatic strength tests and are made from compounds
having an established 180°F [820C] hydrostatic design stress of 500 psi [3.45 MPa] or greater in
accordance with Appendix XI and Test Method D 2837. Fittings are so defined by hydrostatic

Technical Specification Page 295

sustained pressure tests on fitting assemblies, required by this specification and based on the
hydrostatic strength of the corresponding pipe or tubing.

No hydrostatic design stress, as such, exists for finings until such time as long-term hydrostatic
strength test methods for fittings are developed.

Rework Material—clean rework material generated from the manufacturer's own production
may be used by the same manufacturer provided the pipe, tubing, or fittings meet all the
requirements of this specification.


Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings—This specification classifies CPVC 4120 pipe, tubing, and fittings by a
single standard dimension ratio which shall be SDR II, by a maximum continuous use
temperature which shall be 1800F [820C] and by nominal pipe or tubing diameters from 3/8
in.[9.5 mm] through 2 in. [50 mm].

Plastic-to-Metal Transition Finings—This specification classifies CPVC plastic-to-metal transition

fittings intended for use up to and including 1800F [820C] as CPVC-I800F on the basis of
resistance to failure by thermo-cycling.

Solvent Cements and Adhesives— this specification classifies solvent cements and adhesives
meeting the requirements contained herein as CPVC Solvent Cement or CPVC Adhesive.


Wall Minimums—Table 1 and Table 2 show wall thickness minimums. Calculated SDR 11 tubing
wall thicknesses that fall below 0.068 in. [1.73 mm] shall be arbitrarily increased to that value.
Calculated SDR 11 fitting wall thicknesses that fall below 0.102 in. [2.59 mm] for the fitting
socket bottom, or 0.I28 in. [3.25 mm] for the fitting body, shall be arbitrarily increased to these

Interference Fit—the diameters and tolerances in Table I and Table 2 provide for socket-type
joints having an interference fit based on the major diameter of pipe and tubing having a
degree of out-of-roundness. This does not necessarily imply interference based on the minor
diameter of the pipe or tubing.

Out-of Roundness—the maximum out-of-roundness requirements shown in Table 1 and Table 2

for pipe, tubing, and finings apply to the average measured diameter.

Technical Specification Page 296

Pipe and Tubing:

Outside Diameter and Wall Thickness—The outside diameters and wall thicknesses for pipe and
tubing shall meet the requirements for dimension and tolerance given in Table 1 when
measured in accordance with Test Method D2122.

Wall Thickness Range—the wall thickness range for pipe and tubing shall be within 12 % when
measured in accordance with Test Method D 2122.

Flattening—there shall be no evidence of splitting, cracking, or breaking when the pipe is tested
in accordance with 9.2

Length— Pipe and tubing supplied in straight lengths shall have a tolerance on any specified
length of +1/2 -0 in. [+12.5, -0 mm].

Socket-Type Fillings:

Dimensions—Fitting sockets, inside diameters (waterways), wall thicknesses, laying lengths, and
reducing bushing minimums shall meet the requirements for dimension and tolerance given in
Table 2. Table 3, and Table 4 when measured in accordance with Test Method D2122. The
spigot ends of street fittings shall meet the outside diameter and minimum wall requirements
of Table 1.

Alignment—the maximum angular variation of any socket opening shall not exceed 1/20 off the
true centreline axis.

Plastic –to-Metal Transition Fittings

Back Dimensions—Plastic parts of plastic to metal transition fittings shall meet the
dimensional requirements of Table 1 and Table 2 where applicable with
the following exceptions. Such parts shall be exempted from the requirements for inside
diameter (waterway) and wall thickness tolerance.

Thread Dimensions — Transition fittings that rely on interference fit and sealant shall be
threaded with American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads meeting
the dimensional requirements of ANSI B2.1

Thread Tolerance — The manufacturing tolerance on CPVC threads, measured with a ring
gauge, shall be a maximum variation of 1½ turns large or small when measured in accordance
with Test Method D 2122.

Technical Specification Page 297

Starting Threads — The entering ends of external CPVC threads shall have a Blunt Start (see Fig.
1) produced by making the width of the thread at the start approximately 50 to 75% of the full
thread. The Blunt Start provides for easy entrance and protection of the thread, and shall be
included in the measurement of thread length.

Hydrostatic Sustained Pressure

General — Pipe, tubing, and fittings (tested as assemblies) shall meet the minimum hydrostatic
sustained pressure requirements of both test conditions shown in Table 5 when tested in
accordance with 9.2.

Pipe and Tubing Quality—Test condition B shall be termed the primary sustained pressure test
for pipe and tubing and shall be used for quality control. Test condition A shall be termed the
secondary sustained pressure test for pipe and tubing and shall be used for periodic
performance qualification. Failure to pass either lest is cause for rejection.

Fitting Quality—Test condition A shall be termed the primary sustained pressure test for fittings
and shall be used for quality control .Test condition B shall be termed the secondary sustained
pressure test for fittings and shall be used for periodic performance qualification. Failure to
pass either test is cause for rejection.

Thermo cycling — Plastic-to-metal transition fittings (other than metal socket-type transitions
for use with adhesives assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions, shall not
separate or leak when thermo cycled 1000 times between the temperatures of 600Fand 1800F
[160C and 820C] in accordance with 9.3.8

Requirements of Solvent Cement and Adhesive Joints

CPVC Solvent Cements:

Note 6—CPVC solvent cements may exist which meet the requirements of the specification
when used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, without a primer or
cleaner. It is recommended that those CPVC solvent cements which may be used without a
primer or cleaner be dear or yellow in color. Otherwise, it is recommended that CPVC solvent
cement requiring the use of 3 primer or cleaner be orange in color. Color identification is
recommended to facilitate cement recognition to prevent the misuse of the cement and to the
minimize the unintentional use of other cements that may fail at elevated service

Technical Specification Page 298

General—CPVC solvent cements, for use in CPVC 41, plastic-to-plastic, socket-type joints shall
meet the requirements set forth in Specification F 493.

Hydrostatic Burst Strength—2-in. [50-mm] CPVC solvent cement joints shall exceed the
minimum hydrostatic burst strength requirements given in Table 6 after a maximum drying
interval of 2 h when tested in accordance with 10.1.3, Failure to pass the burst requirement at
either temperature is cause for rejection.

Hydrostatic Sustained Pressure Strength—½-in. [I5-mm] CPVC solvent cement joints shall meet
the requirements of 6.2 when tested in accordance with 9.3.

Safe Handling of Solvent Cement—Refer to Practice F402.


General—CPVC adhesives (other than CPVC solvent cement), shall qualify for use in CPVC
socket-type joints by a rigorous simulated use testing program as further defined in 7.2.2 and
7.2.3. CPVC adhesives shall be tested in the largest size joint and in the exact type of joint for
which they are intended; that is, 2-in. [50-mm] plastic-to-metal or 2-in. [50-mm] plastic-to-

Hydrostatic Sustained Pressure Strength—Socket-type CPVC adhesive joints, made and cured
according to the adhesive manufacturer's recommended procedure, shall not separate or leak
when tested in accordance with 10.2 at the
hydrostatic sustained pressure condition given in Table 7.

Thermo-cycling—Socket-type CPVC adhesive joints, made and cured according to the adhesive
manufacturer's recommended procedure, shall not separate or leak when thermo-cycled 10000
times between the temperatures of 600F and 1800F [160C and 820C] in accordance with 10.2.


The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and essentially uniform in color, capacity, density,
and other properties. The inside and outside surfaces shall be semi-matte or glossy in
appearance (depending on the type of plastic) and free of chalking, sticky or tacky material. The
surfaces shall be free of excessive bloom, that is slight bloom is acceptable. The pipe walls shall
be free of cracks, holes, blisters, voids, foreign inclusion, or other defects which are visible to
the naked eye and which may affect the wall integrity. Holes deliberately placed in perforated
pipe are acceptable. Bloom or chalking may develop in pipe exposed to direct rays of the sun

Technical Specification Page 299

(ultraviolet radiant energy) for extended periods and consequently these requirements do not
apply to pipe after extended exposure to direct rays of the sun.


Outside Diameters and Wall Thicknesses For CPVC 4120, SDR 11 Plastic Pipe As Per ASTM D-

Outside Diameter, Wall Thickness, in.

Nominal Pressure Ratting. PSI (Kg.Cm²)
in. (mm) (mm)
(in.) (mm
Averag Toleranc Minimu Toleranc 73.4°F (23°C 180°F (82°C
e e m e ) )

0.625 ± 0.003 0.068 +0.020

½* (15) 400 (28.1) 100 (7.0)
(15.9) (0.08) (1.73) (0.51)

0.875 ± 0.003 0.080 +0.020

¾ (20) 400 (28.1) 100 (7.0)
(22.2) (0.08) (2.03) (0.51)

1.125 ± 0.003 0.102 +0.020

1 (25) 400 (28.1) 100 (7.0)
(28.6) (0.08) (2.59) (0.51)

1.375 ± 0.003 0.125 +0.020

1¼ (32) 400 (28.1) 100 (7.0)
(34.9) (0.08) (3.18) (0.51)

1.625 ± 0.004 0.148 +0.020

1½ (40) 400 (28.1) 100 (7.0)
(41.3) (0.10) (3.76) (0.51)

2.125 ± 0.004 0.193 +0.023

2 (50) 400 (28.1) 100 (7.0)
(54.0) (0.10) (4.90) (0.58)

* For ½" wall thickness minimum is not a function of SDR.

Technical Specification Page 300

1.15.1 Support Spacing for PVC Pipe

Support and Spacing

To ensure the satisfactory operation of a PVC piping system the location and type of hangers
should be carefully considered. Hangers should not compress, distort, cut or abrade the piping.
All piping should be supported with an approved hanger at intervals sufficiently close to
maintain correct pipe alignment and to prevent sagging or reversal. Pipe should also be
supported at all branch ends and at all changes of direction. Support traps arms as close as
possible to the trap. In keeping with good plumbing practices support and brace all closet bends
and fasten closet flanges.

Recommended Horizontal or Vertical Support / pipe clamping

Pipe Size in inches Spacing in feet
½ “ to 1” (Cold) 5.0 (1.52 m)
½ “ to 1” (Hot) 2.5 (0.76 m)
1¼ “ to 2” (Cold) 6.0 (1.82 m)
1¼ “ to 2” (Hot) (1.06 m)

1.15.2 Handling

The pipe should be handled with reasonable care. Thermoplastic pipe is much lighter weight
than the metal pipe. There is sometimes a tendency to throw it around. This should be avoided.
The pipe should never be dragged or pushed from a truck bed. Pallets for pipe should be
removed with a fork lift. Loose pipe can be rolled down timbers, as long as the pieces do not fall
on each other or on any hard or uneven surface. In all cases, severe contact with any sharp
objects (rocks, angle irons, forks on forklifts, etc.) should be avoided.

1.15.3 Storing

If possible, pipe should be stored inside. When this is not possible, the pipe should be stored on
level ground, which is dry and free from sharp objects. If different schedules of pipe are stacked
together, the pipe with the thickest walls should be at the bottom.

The pipe should be protected from the sun and be in an area with proper ventilation. This will
lessen the effects of ultraviolet rays and help prevent heat build-up. If the pipe is stored in

Technical Specification Page 301

racks, it should be continuously supported along its length. If this is not possible, the spacing of
the supports should not exceed three feet (3').

When storage temperatures are below 32°F, extra care should be taken when handling the
pipe. This will help prevent any problems, which could be caused by the slightly lower impact
strength of PVC and CPVC pipe at temperatures below freezing.

1.15.4 Laying, joining, curing Systems should be installed in a good and workmanlike manner consistent with normal
industry standards and in conformance with all local plumbing, fire and building code
requirements. Failure to follow proper installation practices procedures or techniques can
result in system failure, property damage or personal injury.

Pipe and fitting systems should be used for their intended purpose as defined by local plumbing
and building codes and the applicable ASTM standard. Follow manufacturers' instructions for all related products.

Cut pipe square as joints are sealed at the base of the fitting socket. An angled cut may result in
joint failure.

Acceptable tools include miter saw, mechanical cut off saw or wheel cutter. Wheel type cutters
must employ a blade designed for plastics.

Remove all burrs from inside and outside of pipe with a knife-edge, file, or de-burring tool.
Chamfer (bevel) the end of the pipe 10° -15°

Remove surface dirt, grease, or moisture with a clean dry cloth.

With light pressure, pipe should go one half to one third of the way into the fitting socket. Pipe
and fittings that are too tight or too loose should not be used.

Use an applicator that is one half the pipe diameters. Too large an applicator will force
excessive cement into the inside of small diameter fittings. Too small applicator will not apply
sufficient cement to large diameter systems. Recommended initial set times Apply a full even layer of cement to the outside of a
pipe and medium layer of cement to inside of a fitting. Assemble pipe and fitting socket until it
contacts socket bottom. Give pipe a quarter turn. Hold pipe and fitting together until the pipe

Technical Specification Page 302

does not back out. See table for recommended cure times. Remove excessive cement from the
exterior. A properly made joint will show a continuous bead of cement around the perimeter.

Testing Pressure System

Prior to testing, safety precautions should be instituted to protect personnel and property in
case of test failure. Conduct pressure testing with water. DO NOT USE AIR OR OTHER GASES for
pressure testing.

The piping system should be adequately anchored to limit movement. Water under pressure
exerts thrust forces in piping systems. Thrust blocking should be provided at changes of
direction change in size and at dead ends.

The piping systems should be slowly filled with water, taking care to prevent surge and air
entrapment. The flow velocity should not exceed 1 foot per second.

All trapped air must be slowly released.

Primers are used in solvent cement joints of PVC plastic pipe and fittings as per ASTM F 656

Provided at all high points of the piping system. All valves and air relief mechanisms should be
opened so that the air can be vented while the system is extremely dangerous and it must be
slowly and completely vented prior to testing.

The piping system can be pressurized to 125% of its designed working pressure. However care
must be taken to ensure the pressure does not exceed the working pressure of the lowest rated
component in the system (valves, unions, flanges, threaded parts etc.) The pressure test should
not exceed one hour. Any leaking joints or pipe must be cut out and replaced and the line
recharged and retested using the same procedure

1.16 Water Hammer Arrestors

The effective fluid hammer, which results in breaking of pipeline caused due to series of
hydraulic shock, should be arrested by means of a water hammer arrestor. The arrestor shall be
capable of withstanding pressures upto 30 Kg/ and temperatures in the range of –400F
to 2120F (-540C to +1000C). It shall be maintenance free with a companion flange to suit in the
pipeline. The following materials are used for its manufacture

Barrel – MS Class C (heavy class) pipe

Cap - Malleable cast iron fittings attached to Barrel.

Technical Specification Page 303

The sealed chamber type shall be installed upstream of flush valves or quick closing valves. The
size to be as recommended by manufacturer’s recommendation submitted for approval.


A valve that releases air from pipeline automatically without loss of water or introduce air into line
automatically if the internal pressure becomes less than that of the atmosphere.

Body : CI

Pressure rating : PN 10

Type : Screwed end

Strainer : Inbuilt

Gasket : Synthetic rubber as per IS 638 type B

Ball : Rubber coated wooden valve

Air release : Automatic

Bolt & nut : Caron steel BS 916.

Technical Specification Page 304



Inspection chambers of minimum Internal size 600 x 600mm up to a depth of 1.0M and
manholes of varying sizes as per IS 4111 shall be constructed beyond 1.0M (depth of the
manhole from the formation ground level).


The size indicated in the drawings shall be the internal size of chamber. Unless otherwise
specified, manholes and inspection chambers are provided at all changes of direction of drains
and where branch drain meets the main drain. Chambers shall be of such size as to allow
necessary examination and clearance of drains. The minimum internal sizes shall be taken as
per detail drawings; standards specified and local bye laws if any. In the absence of local
byelaws, the requirements stipulated in IS 4111 (Part I) Code of Practice for Ancillary
Structures on Sewage System shall be followed. The work shall be done strictly as per
standard drawings and the following specifications:


Bed concrete shall be in 1:4:8 cement concrete 150 mm thick for inspection chambers, 200 mm
for depths upto 2 m and 250 mm for greater depths in case of manholes.


Brick work shall be with best quality table moulded bricks in 1:5 cement mortar as per
specification for brick masonry. The thickness of masonry shall be as per Bill of Quantities.


Inside walls of chambers/manholes shall be plastered with 15mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and
finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement. External walls shall be plastered in CM 1:3
mixed with waterproofing material and sponge finished.


Channels and benching shall be done in cement concrete 1:3:6 rendered smooth with neat
cement. The following sizes of channels for the bench shall be adopted:

Size of Drain Depth of Centre Depth at sides i.e, at walls

Technical Specification Page 305

100 mm (4``) 150 mm (6``) 250 mm (10``)

150 (6``) 200 mm (8``) 300 mm (12``)


Covers shall be of heavy duty cast iron or fiber reinforced cement concrete as per material
specification with lifting hooks as per IS 1726 - 1974 and as per the details given in the drawings
and fixed on CI frame or cement concrete embedded in concrete. Covers placed on the frames
shall be airtight. The weight of frame and cover shall be as per bill of quantities.

1.1.7 STEPS

PVC steps shall be provided wherever the depth of the manhole/chamber is more than 1.2M.
Steps shall be arranged in a staggered manner as per drawings.


In case the difference in invert levels between the main drain and the branch line requires a drop
more than 600 mm, a drop connection should be provided with a PVC fourway junction, fixed at
right angles to the drop pipe at the level where the branch pipe enters the manhole. Access for
cleaning the bend should be provided at finished ground level


PVC gully traps of specified size shall be provided as per relevant IS code. It shall be fixed on 15
cm. thick and 70 cm square 1:4:8 cement concrete bedding and the gully outlet shall be jointed
similarly to the jointing of stoneware pipes. A brick masonry chamber 300 x 300 mm (internally)
shall be constructed in 1/2 brick masonry with 1:6 cement mortar and the spaces between the
trap and the wall shall be filled up with 1:3:6 concrete and the upper portion of the chamber shall
be finished with neat cement. The corners and bottom of the chamber shall be rounded off so as
to slope towards the grating and the bottom of the chamber shall not be less than 230 mm. In
addition to 150mm x 150mm CI grating, the chamber shall have a CI frame cover (300mm x 300
mm). It shall then be placed on top of the brick masonry.


Technical Specification Page 306


SL no Material Make

Sanitary ware Hindware / Parryware / Cera/KHOLER

Jaquar / ESS ESS / Parryware /KHOLER

2 Toilet Accessories

CP fittings Jaquar / ESS ESS / Parryware /KHOLER

Gate valves/Non-return valves Zoloto /RB/HAWA/Leader

Water closet seats & Cisterns Hindware /Parryware/KHOLER

Mirrors Modifloat / Saint Gobain / Approved


Pumps Grundfos/Kirloskar/ Darling / Wilo

Pipe supports Hi-Tech pipe Support System / Intellotech

Liquid level indicator Interlink / Sridhan International / Midas


Kitchen sink Franke / Diamond / Nirali


uPVC pipes & fittings /Prince / Finolex/supreme

Technical Specification Page 307


Pipe protection tape (uPVC) underground Pypcoat /TWL / Rustech


Pipe protection tape (Concealed) Tapex / Approved Equivalent


Manhole frame & cover in Fiber Southern Concrete Industries / Approved

reinforced concrete Equivalent

Manhole PVC steps Southern Concrete Industries / Approved


Pressure relief Valves Zoloto /RB/HAWA/Leader


Butterfly valve Zoloto/Audco / Intervalve / Approved


Urinal flushing sensor Jaquar/ ROBO / UTECH System / AOS.


Ball Valve Zoloto /RB/HAWA/Leader


Pressure Reducing valves Zoloto/ RB / Hawk


Y strainer Zoloto / RB/ Intervalve / Leader


25 Soap Dispenser Kimberly Clark / Aerofresh

Technical Specification Page 308

26 Hand Dryer Nova-Tech / Prima / Technocrat

27 Water meters Dash-mesh / BHEL / Capstan

28 Water Heater Bajaj / Racold / Venus / Usha

30 CPVC Pipes & Fittings Ashirvad / Astral

32 Pressure gauge H Guru / Gluck / Wari

33 RCC Hume pipes Sudershan

34 RCC Chamber Covers Southern Concrete Products

NOTE : 1) Quote should be for the first preference make only, if not available then second
preference can be quoted same has to be mentioned in the BOQ.

2) All bought-out items shall be of makes approved by Architect, Consultants & Equivalent
makes to be got approved by Architect / Consultant / Owner prior to placement of


Technical Specification Page 309

1. All items of work mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities shall be read and executed
strictly in accordance with the description of the item in the Schedule of Quantities & read in
conjunction with the appropriate IS and conditions of Contract.

2. The rate for each item of work included in the bill of quantities shall unless expressly
stated otherwise included cost of: -

a) All materials, fixing materials, accessories, hardware, operations, tools, equipment,

consumables, civil works wherever involved and incidentals required in preparation for in the full
and entire execution and completion of the work called for in the item as per specification and
drawings completely.

b) Wastage on materials and labor.

c) All taxes, duties, octroi, including works contract tax, sales tax, transit insurance, packing
and forwarding charges, loading, transportation, unloading, handling, hoisting, to all levels,
setting and fixing in position, disposal of debris and all other labor necessary in accordance with
contract documents, good practice and recognized principles.

d) Liabilities, obligations and risks arising out of conditions of contract.

e) Liaison service charges.

f) Preparation of shop drawing, As built drawing, O & M Manuals, Soft Copies ‘CD’ to be
submitted after final completion of work.

3. All requirements of system whether such of them are mentioned in the item or not the
specifications and drawings are to be read as complimentary to and part of the schedule of
quantities and any work called for in one shall be taken as required for all.

4. In the event of conflict between the bill of quantities and other documents, the most
stringent shall apply and interpretation of the Architect shall be final and binding.

5. The installation price of switchboards, metering panels, DB's or any other items shall
include supply and fixing of supporting steel structures/MS channels grouting of the same civil
works etc., as required.

6. No change in unit rate shall be allowed for any change in quantity or for any other reason

Technical Specification Page 310

7. Supply of materials shall mean supply of materials at site. The rate for supply shall include
all taxes, octroi, insurance, packing and forwarding charges, transportation, unloading at site.
However the quote should indicate the tax structure separately with necessary details.

8. The successful contractors shall submit the Schematic diagrams, fabrication drawings with
details of all equipments wirings diagrams etc., for approval prior to supply/commencement of
such works. The approval of these drawings will be general and will not absolve to contractor of
the responsibility of the correctness of these drawings. Atleast four copies of the approved
drawings shall be supplied to Consultants for their distribution to various agencies at site at no
cost of Owner.

9. The tenderers must see the site conditions such as type of soil, locations etc., and take all
factors into consideration while quoting the rates as no extra cost will be allowed on any ground
arising out of or relating to the site conditions.

10. Any error in description or in quantity or omission of items from the contract shall not
vitiate this contract but shall be corrected and deemed to be a variation required by the

11. The Liason Service Charges shall include the following :

i) Follow up expenses with the Local Statutory authorities from the drawing approval up to
servicing the installation and getting the safety certificate.

ii) Preparation of detailed drawings required by the Local Statutory Authorities.

iii) Obtaining approval of drawings and installation from Local statutory Authorities as

iv) Obtaining route drawings from Local Statutory Authorities as applicable.

v) All incidental charge/expenses associated with the above work as applicable.

Official deposits paid to the above agencies will be reimbursed separately at actuals by the

12. The tenderer shall take into account the expenses of pre-commissioning tests to be
conducted as per specification of the complete installation by licensed agencies.
13. Tenders to submit performance curves, Schematic & GA drawing of pumps, Hydro
pneumatic system and other bought out components along with offer for proper

Technical Specification Page 311

Technical Specification Page 312



Technical Specification Page 313













Technical Specification Page 314


1.0 General

1.1 Scope

The scope of work covers complete electrical installation system for all buildings including but not limited

 Supply, storage, installation, testing and commissioning of all equipment, components, accessories,
labour, tools and tackles required for the operation of the buildings to the extent specified and
detailed on the drawings and specifications.

 All Civil works in connection with the Electrical Installation including supply, laying and fixing of
necessary inserts, hooks, brackets and sleeves etc.

 Any work which can be reasonably inferred as necessary for the safe, satisfactory operation whether
such work is specified or shown on the drawings or not.

 Arranging permanent supply including necessary submissions of drawings as required to the supply
authorities and arranging inspections and obtaining necessary approvals of all the concerned

1.2 Licensed Electrical Contractor

All work shall be carried out by a licensed Electrical Contractor who is approved by the Consultant /
Developer and who possesses a valid local Electrical Contractor's license employing licensed Supervisors
and licensed Electricians, Helpers, as required. Required 3 years of documented experience at least.

1.3 Regulations and Standards

The installation shall conform in all respects to the Indian Standard Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring
Installation IS.732-1963 and IS.2274-1963. It shall also conform with the current Indian Electricity Rules
and the Regulations and requirements of the local Electric Supply Authority applicable to the installation.
Wherever this specification calls for a higher standard of materials and/or workmanship than those
required by any of the above Regulations, this Specification shall take precedence over the said
Regulations and Standards.

In general, the materials, equipment and workmanship not covered by the above shall conform to the
latest Indian Standards.

All bolts and nuts used shall be metric size with corrosion protection suitable for the location.

1.4 Documentation

The indication and/or description of and item on the drawings or in the Specifications, unless otherwise
specifically stated, implies an instruction to supply and fix such items.

Technical Specification Page 315

Notes on drawings referring to individual items of work generally take precedence over specifications,
however all discrepancies shall be referred to the Consultant / Developer before ordering materials or
commencing work.

Drawings show general run of cables, approximate locations of outlets and equipment, utility symbols and
schematic diagrams of no dimensional significance. Refer to the Architectural drawings for locations and
also obtain approval from the Consultant / Developer wherever dimensions are not shown, or locations
cannot be determined from the drawings. Do not scale drawings to obtain locations.

1.5 Design Criteria

Electrical materials and equipment shall comply in all respects, as a minimum to the latest Indian
Standards Institution's recommendations.

Should any difference arise between ISI and the specification, the requirement of the Specification shall

The components of submain switchboards, distribution boards and other electrical equipment shall be
clearly labeled in English.

Distribution boards shall have circuit schedules fastened to the inside cover of the board showing rating of
the circuit breakers, type and number of points and their connected loads.

2.0 Submissions

2.1 Shop Drawings

Shop drawings shall be provided of the Main and Sub-Main Switchboards, Distribution Boards, Cable
Trays, Reactive Power Compensation Panel, and any other switchboards and panels, wherever applicable
and approval shall be obtained from the Consultant / Developer before commencing fabrication or

Any equipment or switchboard manufactured without the written consent of the Consultant / Developer
prior to the approval drawings shall be liable for rejection.

3.0 Foreman/Supervisor

3.1 Qualifications

The Electrical Contractor shall employ a competent, licensed qualified full time electrical
foreman/supervisor to direct the work of electrical installations in accordance with the Drawings and
Specifications. Required 5 years of documented experience at least.

3.2 Responsibility

The foreman/supervisor shall be available at all times on the site to receive instructions from the
Consultant / Developer in the day to day activities throughout the duration of the work.

The foreman/supervisor shall correlate the progress of the work in conjunction with all the relevant
requirements of the Supply Authority. The skilled workers employed for the work shall have the requisite
qualifications and shall possess competency certificates from the Electrical Inspectorate of Local

Technical Specification Page 316

4.0 Application for Power Supply, Fees, Permits and Tests

4.1 Responsibility
The Contractor shall be responsible for filing and follow up of application for getting the drawings/scheme
approved by the Electrical Inspector and finally the approval by the Electrical Inspector of the whole

4.2 Electrical Utility Supply to Site

The Contractor shall be responsible for negotiating with the TRANSCO / APCPDCL for providing the
required KVA electrical supply to the Project site.

Technical Specification Page 317

4.3 Statutory Approvals
The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all fees involved with obtaining Statutory Approvals.
On completion of the work, the Contractor shall obtain and deliver to the Consultant / Developer the
relevant final inspector, and approval certificates issued by the Local Electricity Supply Authority.

4.4 Tests

The Consultant / Developer shall have full powers to require the materials or works to be tested by an
independent agency at the Contractor's expense in order to establish their soundness and adequacy.

The Contractor shall notify the Consultant / Developer at least 7 working days before testing of each
system. The Consultant / Developer reserves the right to be present when such tests are being made.

If the Electrical Inspectorate requires manufacturer's test reports for HT cables, HT switch gear,
transformers or any other equipment used in the project, the Contractor shall obtain such approvals at no
extra cost to the Developer. Such approved reports shall be handed over to the Consultant / Developer.

Calibration certificates shall be obtained from the Meter and Relay Testing Department of the Electricity
Board for all relays and meters used in the project at no extra cost to the Developer.


1.0 Medium Voltage Distribution Boards for Power and Lighting

1.1 Approvals and Submissions

Distribution boards shall be deemed to be approved when a sample has been inspected and when the
sample workshop drawings have been approved, by the Consultant / Developer.

1.2 General

Distribution boards shall be suitable for 433 volts, 3 phase AC supply and 240 volts single phase AC supply,
as required. Distribution boards shall generally conform to IS:2675 or BS:214.

1.3 Type and Construction

All the distribution boards shall be of Class IP 54 with approved type of components of recommended
make of MCB. The sheet steel MCB DB shall be flush mounting type unless otherwise specified and shall
consist of MCB/ELCB as incomer and MCB as outgoings. The short circuit rating of MCB shall be 10kA as a
minimum, unless otherwise specified.

1.4 Bus Bars

Suitable bus bars made of high conductivity aluminium strips and mounted on non-hygroscopic insulating
supports shall be provided.

200% Neutral Busbar up to 200A

1.5 Circuit Breakers

Miniature circuit breakers shall be of approved make and of specified short circuit rating.

Technical Specification Page 318

1.6 HRC Fuses
Rating of the fuses and carriers shall be as per drawings. Fuses carriers and bases conform to IS:1300.
They shall be non-flammable and non-hygroscopic, with hard finish.
HRC fuses are unacceptable for power circuits.

1.7 Surge Diverters

Surge diverters shall be provided as specified in 16670 Lightning Protection.

1.8 Safety and Interlocks

All the live parts shall be shrouded such that accidental contacts with live parts are totally avoided.
Distribution boards shall be provided with a front hinged door. Distribution boards interior assembly shall
be dead front with the front cover removed. Incoming lugs shall be shrouded. Suitable insulating barrier
made of are resistant material shall be provided for phase separation. The ends of the bus structures shall
also be shrouded.

1.9 Cabinet Design

The Distribution Board cabinet shall be totally enclosed type with dust and vermin proof construction. The
cabinet shall be stove enamelled. The interior surface shall be finished to an off-white shade. The interior
components shall be mounted on a separate sheet steel which is mounted and locked onto the studs
provided inside the cabinet. Over this, a cover made of HYLAM sheet or stove enamelled sheet shall be
provided with slots for operating handle of breakers. The cabinet shall be equipped with a front door
having a spring latch and a vault lock. Cabinets shall have detachable glands plates at both top and
bottom with knock out holes of suitable numbers. And diameter for the required number, of cables.

1.10 Terminals
Distribution Boards shall be provided with an approved make terminal block of adequate size to receive
mains and outgoing circuits. The location of the terminal block shall be so located that crowding of wires
in the proximity of live parts is avoided. A neutral link having a rating equal to that of phase bus shall also
be provided.

1.11 Directory
Distribution boards shall be provided with a directory indicating the area or loads served by each circuit
breaker, the rating of breakers, size of conductors and other components as determined necessary for
clear identification of the function and operation of the distribution board.

Indication labels shall be machine engraved on laminated plastic and attached with approved adhesive or
mechanical fasteners. The font shall be ARIAL and sized to suit the application. The minimum font size
shall be 3.5mm. Hand painted directory or text is not acceptable.

 Bolted connections should be torqued and marked with paint.

 Provide provision plate for smoke detector at the top of Switchboard section.

2.0 LT Switchboards

2.1 General
The switchboard shall be metal clad, totally enclosed, rigid, compartmentalized design, floor mounting, air
insulated, extensible cubicle type for use on medium voltage power, 3 phase 4 wire 50 cycles system.

The equipment shall be designed for operation in high ambient temperature and high humidity tropical
atmospheric conditions. Means shall be provided to facilitate ease of inspection, cleaning and repairs for
use in installations where continuity of operation is of prime importance.

Technical Specification Page 319

2.2 Standards

The equipment listed below shall conform to tie requirements shown:

a. Air Circuit Breaker (ACE) - IS 13937 - 1.2 / IEC 947 - 1.2

b. Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) - IS 13947 - 1.2/ IEC 947 - 1,2
c. Contactors- IS 13947-1,4 Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)-IS 8828-1996/IEC898-1995
e. Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) - IS 12640 - 1988 / IEC 1008
f. HRC fuse link - IS 9224 and BS 8 :8
g. Current Transformer - IS 2705 and IEC 185
h. Potential Transformer- IS 3156
i. Relay - IS 3231 and IS 8686 (For Static Relays)
j. Indicating Instrument- IS 1248

2.3 Type and Construction

The switchboard shall be of :

a. Sheet steel enclosed, indoor floor mounted free standing cubicle type.
b. Made up of the requisite vertical sections modular type which when coupled together shall form
continuous dead front switchboards.
c. Dust, vermin and damp proof and enclosure protection of not less than IP 54.
d. Each feeder/instrument compartment shall be provided with a hinged door interlocked with
MCCB inside the compartment such that door can only be opened when MCCB in off position.
e. Readily extendable as required by the addition of vertical sections after removal of the end
f. Switchboards shall have access to the feeders, bus bars, cable termination, cable alley, etc. as
g. Main Breakers need to be lockable.

Each vertical section shall comprise:

a. A front framed structure of rolled/folded CRCA sheet steel angle section of minimum 3 mm
thickness rigidly bolted together. This structure shall house the components contributing to the
major weight of the equipment such as circuit breaker cassettes, main horizontal bus bars,
vertical risers and other front mounted accessories.

b. The structure shall be mounted on a rigid base frame of folded CRCA sheet steel of minimum 6
mm thickness and 75 mm height. The design shall ensure that the weight of the components is
adequately supported without deformation or loss of alignment during transit or during

c. A cable chamber housing the cable end connections and power or control cable terminations.
The design shall ensure generous availability of space for ease of installation and maintenance of
cabling and adequate safety for working in one vertical or horizontal section without coming into
accidental contact with live parts of the adjacent section.

d. A cover plate at the top of the vertical section, provided with a ventilating hood where
necessary. Any aperture for ventilation shall be covered with a perforated sheet having less than
1mm diameter perforations to prevent entry of vermin.

e. Front and rear doors fitted with dust excluding neoprene gaskets with fasteners designed to
ensure proper compression of the gaskets. When covers are provided in place of doors generous

Technical Specification Page 320

overlap shall be ensured between sheet steel surfaces with closely spaced fasteners to preclude
the entry of dust.

The height of the panel shall not be more than 2200 mm unless otherwise specified and maximum height
of switch operating handle shall not be more than 1800mm from FFL. The total depth of the panel shall be
adequate to cater for proper cabling space.

Doors shall be of minimum 14 gauge sheet steel and covers and partitions of 160 sheet steel. All sheet
steel work forming the exterior of switchboards shall be smoothly finished, levelled and free from flaws.
The corners shall be rounded.

The Components in the switchboards shall be so arranged as to facilitate ease of operation and
maintenance and at the same time to ensure necessary degree of safety.

Components forming part of the switchboards shall have the following minimum clearances:

a. Between phases 25 mm
b. Between phases and neutral 25 mm
c. Between phases and earth 25 mm
d. Between neutral and earth 19 mm

When, for any reason, the above clearances are not available, suitable insulation barrier/shielding shall be
provided. Clearances shall be maintained during normal service conditions.

Creepage distances shall comply to those specified in relevant standards.

All insulating material used in the construction of the equipment shall be of non-hygroscopic material
treated to withstand the effects of high humidity, high temperature and tropical ambient service

Functional units such as circuit breakers, MCCBs, etc. shall be arranged in multi-tier formation except that
not more than two air circuit breakers shall be housed in a single vertical section.

Metallic and/or insulated shrouding shall be provided within vertical sections and between adjacent
sections to ensure prevention of accidental contact with:

a. Main bus-bars and vertical risers during operation, inspection or maintenance of functional units
and front mounted accessories.

b. Cable terminations of one functional unit, when working on those of adjacent units.

All covers providing access to live power equipment or circuits shall be provided with tool operated
fasteners to prevent unauthorized access.Provision shall be made for permanently earthing the frames
and other metal parts of the switch gear by two independent distinct connections.

Only CRCA steel sheets shall be used for fabricating the cubicle.

Thickness tolerance for sheets shall be as applicable in relevant IS.

2.4 Metal Treatment And Finish

Generally the treatment and finish of the metal surface shall be as per detailed specifications in Clause 8.4
Metal Treatment and Finish.

Technical Specification Page 321

2.5 Bus Bars

The bus bars shall be made of high conductivity high strength E91E aluminium alloy suitable for 440 volts
3phase 4 wires 50 Hz 20KA unless otherwise specified.

The bus bars shall be suitably supported with non-hygroscopic supports to provide a fault withstand
capacity as specified.

High tensile bolts and spring washers shall be provided at all bus bar joints.

Fish plates of equal type and size shall be used at all joints.

The bus bars shall have uniform cross section throughout and shall be capable of carrying the rated
current at 433V continuously. The bus bars shall be designed to withstand a temperature rise of 45 Deg C
above the ambient. A current density of 1.00 Amp/Sqmm shall not be exceeded for copper bus bars.

The neutral bus bars shall have a continuous rating of at least 100% of the phase bus bars, unless
mentioned otherwise. 200% Neutral Busbar up to 200A

Bus bars shall be fully sleeved using heat shrunk PVC sleeves appropriately colour coded to identify
different phases and neutral bar.

An earth bus of size not less than 40 x 6 mm aluminium shall run throughout the length of switchboard at
top or bottom as required.

3.0 Air Circuit Breakers

3.1 General
The ACBs shall conform to IS 13947-172/IEC60947-1&2; confirming to test sequence 1. The ACBs shall be
suitable for 3 phase 415 Volts. 4 pole ACBs shall have settable neutral at site (0,50, 100% In). All the
breakers shall have tropicalisation as a standard feature.

3.2 CON S T RU C TI ON :

The Breaker shall be suitable for rear and vertical mounting and line load reversibility without duration.

The operating mechanism shall be designed such that the handle can only be in `OFF' position if the Main
contacts are actually separated and vice versa. It shall confirm to Isolation as per standard.

3.3 CON T RO L UN I T S:

The Control Units shall be housed in a separate enclosure and there shall be total insulation of the control
unit with respect to the power unit.

The Control Unit shall be suitable to provide short circuit, overload and earth fault protection (wherever
specified). The Control Unit shall not be a peak sensing device and shall measure the true RMS values to
make the measurement free from the influence of harmonics. It shall have thermal memory.

3. 4 Prot e cti on s:

Technical Specification Page 322

The overload settings shall be adjustable from 0.4 to 1.0 times the nominal rating (In) and shall have time
delay. short circuit protection shall be from 3 to 9 times the rated current(Ir) with time delay.
Instantaneous protection shall be settable upto 15 times nominal rating. Earth fault Protection (wherever
specified) from 0.2 to 0.7 times nominal current (In) with time delay.

All breakers shall have segregated Led fault Indications & mP failure indication.

3.5 AC CE SS OR IE S :

All ACB feeders shall have metering and local display features viz. Ammeter, Voltmeter, frequency, KVA,
KW, KWAh, p.f, maximum demand. It shall be possible via COM (485 port) to transmit the protection &
metering settings to PC.

ACB shall be provided with following accessories, in addition to the item specified in Bill of Quantities.
Further these devices shall be fit-table at site accessible from the top and front and shall be common for
all ratings.

The connection for the auxiliary shall be accessible from the front.
All ACBs shall have Under Voltage trip, shunt trip, auxiliary switches with NO. + NC. In EDO type, closing
coil shall be provided.


ACBs shall be provided with the following interlocking devices for interlocking the door of a switchboard:

Han d l e in t er lo ck to p r e v en t u n n ec e s sary man ip u lati on s o f t h e b r eak er .

Doo r in te rlo ck to p re v e n t d oo r b ein g op en ed w h en b r eak er i s O N p o s iti on .

De f eat in t e rlo ck in g d e v i ce to op e n th e d oor e v e n i f th e b re ak er i s in ON p o sit ion .

4.0 MCCB - Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

4.1 General
MCCB shall conform to IS 13947-1&2/IEC60947-1&2; confirming to test sequence 1 and Isolation as per
standard. It should be suitable for Horizontal and Vertical mounting and line load reversibility without any

The Moulded Case Circuit Breaker incorporated in the switchboard shall be of the current limiting type,
cat A, upto 630A. 800A and above shall be cat B i.e with Short time withstand capacity Icw/0.5 sec of
minimum 20kA. MCCB shall be suitable either for Single Phase AC 230V On Three Phase 415V. The MCCB
shall be available in fully rated four pole versions for neutral isolation. It shall have tropicalisation as
standard feature.

The MCCB cover and case shall be made of high strength heat-resistant and flame-retardant
thermosetting insulating material. The operating handle shall be quick make, quick break, trip - free type.
The operating handle shall have suitable `ON' `OFF' `TRIPPED' indicators and in order to ensure suitability
for isolation complying with IS 13947-2/IEC60947-2, the operating mechanism shall be designed such that
the toggle or the handle can only be in `OFF' position: if the main contacts are actually separated.

Technical Specification Page 323

All Breakers shall have adjustable overload and short circuit settings.

Overload – adjustable 0.4 to 1 times nominal rating(In)

Short-circuit – adjustable fro 2 – 9 times rated current(Ir)

Earthfault (wherever specified) – adjustable setting with time delay.


All M CC B fe ed e rs sh all h av e mon ito rin g & d i sp lay f ea tu r e viz . A m m et er, Vol t me te r,
fr eq u en cy , KV A, KW, K W Ah , p . f,, THD with C OM M p o rt.

4.2 Accessories
MCCB shall be designed to have following accessories and it shall be fittable at site.

a. Under voltage trip

b. Shunt trip
c. Alarm switch
d. Auxiliary switch
e. Remote operation using motor mechanism with facility of using the same in auto / manual mode.

4.3 Interlocking
MCCB shall be provided with following interlocking devices for interlocking the door of a switchboard.

a. Handle interlock to prevent unnecessary manipulations of the breaker.

b. Door interlock to prevent door being opened when breaker is in ON position.

n addition to the above, and other features indicated elsewhere shall also be provided.

Typical Features for MCCB ABB Schneider Siemens

Upto 160A rating T2N MG-compact NS VL-160X

Service Breaking Capacity(KA) 35kA 35kA 40kA

Type of Release TM TM TM

Overload protection Adjustable Yes Yes Yes

Short circuit protection Fixed Yes Yes Yes

Instantaneous - - - -

Earth fault protection (add on

Adjustable Yes Yes Yes

Technical Specification Page 324

Features ABB Schneider Siemens

MG-compact NS
S4H-200/250A VL-
STR 22SE- 200/250A
Upto 630A rating S5H - 400A 200/250/400/630A
STR 23SE -
S6H - 630A (mP rel)

Service Breaking Capacity(KA) 65kA 50kA 45kA

Type of Release mP mP mP

Overload protection Adjustable Yes Yes Yes

Short circuit protection Adjustable Yes Yes Yes

Instantaneous - - - -

Earth fault protection (add on

Adjustable Yes Yes Yes

* mP rel has to be
Default releaseis mP when adjO/,
Yes Yes mentioned in case of
adj S/c reqd-

* for mP release with Electromagnetic-compatibility(EMC), thermal memory.

* current limiting type upto 630A

5.0 Other Equipment

5.1 Contactors
Contactors shall comply with IS 13947-1 for general rules and IS 13947 - 4.1 for Standards pertaining to
Contactor and Motor Starter.

The Contactors shall be capable of withstanding breaking and making capacities per following:
AC3 Category AC4 category
Making Current 10 x Rated Current 12 x Rated Current
Breaking Current 08 x Rated Current 10 x Rated Current

Contactors shall be capable of withstanding an impulse voltage of 8kV and have an insulation voltage of

Contactors shall be suitable for copper termination with a maximum permissible temperature rise of 65
Deg; C at the terminals with an ambient temperature of 50 Deg; C.

Technical Specification Page 325

The coils shall have three terminals and the insulation shall be of class H type.

The auxiliary contact block shall have a switching capacity of 240V at 2A. Contactors shall have one
auxiliary in built and it shall be possible to have additional normally opened, normally closed contacts in
steps of two.

5.2 Miniature Circuit Breakers [MCB]

MCB shall be in 1,2,3 or 4, pole versions. MCB casing shall be made of self extinguishing, tropicalised

MCB shall comply with IS 8828-1996/1EC 898-1995. It shall be suitable for use in frequency range 40Hz to
60Hz and shall accommodate AC/DC supply according to requirements. It shall have a trip-free
mechanism and toggle shall give a positive contact indication. It shall be suitable for mounting on 35mm
DIN rail/surface mounting.

Line supply may be connected to either top or bottom terminals i.e. there shall be no line-load restriction.
Degree of protection, when the MCB is flush mounted, shall be IP40. MCB shall be supplied with clamping
terminals fully open. Contact closing shall be independent of the speed of the operator. The breaking
capacity of the MCB shall be 10kA. The MCB shall be capable of being used as Incomer Circuit Breaker and
shall be suitable for use as an isolator. In case of multiple MCBs in a single location (DB), it shall be
possible to remove any MCB without having to disturb other MCB's in the vicinity.

5.3 Surge Diverters

Surge diverters shall be provided as specified in Section 16670 Lightning Protection.

5.4 RCCB - Residual Current Circuit Breaker

RCCB shall be available in 2 pole and 4 pole versions and threshold sensitivities of 30mA, 100mA, 300mA
and current ratings from 25 to 80A. Rating and sensitivities shall be as specified.

RCCB shall comply with IS 12640-1988/IEC 1008. The short circuit withstand of the RCCB without the
associated short circuit/overhead protection shall not be less than 3 kA. It shall be operationally
independent of line voltage. The sensitivity thresholds (30mA, 100mA, 300mA) shall be of non-user
adjustable type by construction.

 Provide RCCB per 6 branch circuits for General Purpose (Normal Power) or when indicated.
 No RCCB will be provided at UPS Boards.

5.5 Current Transformers

Current transformers shall comply with the requirements of IS 2705. They shall have ratios, outputs and
accuracy as specified/required. All CT's shall be of resin cast type unless otherwise specifically called for.

All CTs shall be of bar type primary or suitable for the cable given type and size.

For all the CTs suitable type and size clamps are to be supplied for mounting in the switchboards.

Polarities and terminal markings of primary and secondary shall be clearly marked on all CTs.

5.6 Specifications for CTs

Technical Specification Page 326

a) Current Ratios:
1. Primary: As per feeder ratings
2. Secondary: 5A

b) Type: Resin Cast

c) Class: PS-Differential Protection

5P10-O/C,E/F, RPR
Class 1 for metering

d) System Voltage
1. LT:415V, 3Ph, 50Hz

5.7 Potential Transformers

All the Potential Transformers shall comply with the requirements of IS 3156 latest edition. All PT's shall
be resin cast type and shall have Voltage ratios, output and accuracy class as Specified in Data Sheer.

All PT's shall be single phase, dry type suitable for mounting inside the panel or cubicles. Clamps, brackets
and supports required for the mounting shall be supplied along with PT.

Polarities and Terminal markings shall be clearly marked in all PT's. Name plate indicating, voltage ratio,
burden, accuracy class, type, serial number, make and model plus other related data, shall be provided.

A common earth terminal for earthing of core, bolts, clamps (non current carrying metal parts) etc., shall
be provided.

For 415V system, Specification of the PT's shall be as follows:

a) Voltage ratio : 415V/110V
b) Type : Resin cast
c) Burden : 100VA
d) Class (Metering/Protection) : 0.5/3P

5.8 Instruments and Meters

All instruments and meters shall be enclosed in dust proof, moisture resistant black finished cases and
shall be suitable for tropical use. They shall be calibrated to read directly the primary quantities. They
shall be accurately adjusted and calibrated at Works and shall have means of calibration, check and
adjustment at site. Definition of various meters as follows:-

a. Power Qulaity meters Needs Complete Electrical Data that includes Analyzer Harmonics,
Voltage Sags,Swells, Current Peaks, Vectorial Information on V and I etc.

b. Load Manager : It is derived from managerial terms that to have effective Control (Manual or
Automatic ) over electrical loads need to have comprehensive information.

c. Multi Function meter : A meter that Can Monitor Control and Communicate meter and Expand to
Interface with External Environment like PC/PLC/DCS SCADA etc.

Technical Specification Page 327

d. Load Monitor or Energy Analyzer :Like EYES is to human body , Digital meters is for Electrical Panels ,
here look at Individual Paramaters

e. Power & Energy Energy meter is an Indication of Consumption it also needs to meter Show Work
Done , need to Have Power and Energy

f. Multi Data Meter A single Instrument will Display Many Electrical Parameters


5.9.1 Multi data meter

a. Individual Voltmeter /Ammeter (Used on all Outgoings feeders or DB feeders located outside
Sub Stations) ) – Equvalent to New Horizon’s VM 300 or AM 301 series)

1. Meter to Simultenously display all three Phases of the chossen parameter i.e V in
Voltmeter and Amps in ammeter
2. Suitable for Three Phase 3 OR 4 Wire LT Systems
3. in ammeter cabpable of Handling 1/5 Amps with programmable CT ratio from 0-8000
4. 3 ½ or 4 ½ Digit Meters

b. VAF POWER METER ( Used on Main outgoing Panels Located within Sub station) ( Equvalent
to New Horizon make model mdm)


2. high luminosity red led displays RMS measurement up to the 16th harmonic
3. Inputs: Voltage: 3 x 200 - 240 VAC Phase neutral ± 10% 50 / 60 Hz
4. Current:from external CT 0 - 5 A Field Programmable CT ratio thru Dip Switches
5. Accuracy: 0.5% of reading on V and I. 1% of the reading on P.Auto Scale Change for
Linearity of accuracy (Number of scales: 1 voltage scale , 2 current scales)
6. Protection level: Front panel = IP40
7. Temperature range: -10°C +50°C Relative Humidity: max 90%. Condensation not
8. Isolation: In accordance with group B VDE 0110 standards for 250 VAC rms operating

5.9.2 Energy meters with Power ( used in all panels where Loads are running 30 % of the utility Time of the
factory /Building ) (Equvalaent to New Horizxon make model mico 3 )

A. Must Indicate kw and Kwh through Selectable Display Switch on LCD display
B. Inputs: Voltage: 250V from 20 to 800 Hz

Technical Specification Page 328

C. Current: 5 A from 20 to 800 Hz with Field programmable Ct ratios
D. Input overload: Voltage: max.264 Vrms phase to neutral Current: max 20 Arms,
E. Automatic Scale Change on V and I for linearity of reading min scales: 2 current scales 1 voltage scale
and Auto offsetting of Errors for Consistent reading
F. Accuracy: Class 1 according to IEC1036 standards
G. IP rating : Instrument = IP20 Front panel = IP40
H. Temperature range: from -10°C to +40°C Relative humidity: R.H. max 90% Condensation: not
I. Isolation: in accordance with group B VDE 0110 standards for 250 VACrms operating voltages.
J. Output through RS 485 confirming to J MODBUS MODICON communication Protocol

5.9.3 Dual Energy meter ( Used in Multi tenant Billing or Multi product Energy Accounting) - Equvalaent to New
Horizon make model mico 3 2 T

A. Must Indicate kw and KWH of EB and Dg selectable through Seprate Display Switch
B. Tarrif Change to be initated through Volt Free Contacts ( NO Aux or DG power will be available
C. Inputs: Voltage: 250V from 20 to 800 Hz
D. Current: 5 A from 20 to 800 Hz with Field programmable Ct ratios
E. Input overload: Voltage: max.264 Vrms phase to neutral Current: max 20 Arms,
F. Automatic Scale Change on V and I for linearity of reading min scales: 2 current scales 1 voltage scale
and Auto offsetting of Errors for Consistent reading
G. Accuracy: Class 1 according to IEC1036 standards
H. IP rating : Instrument = IP20 Front panel = IP40
I. Temperature range: from -10°C to +40°C Relative humidity: R.H. max 90% Condensation: not
J. Isolation: in accordance with group B VDE 0110 standards for 250 VACrms operating voltages.
K. Output through RS 485 confirming to J MODBUS MODICON communication Protocol

5.9.4 Energy Analyzer Used in Electrical Panels (Equivalent to New Horizxon make model PLUS 96 )

1. To Display Voltage Current Frequency Active Power Power factor and kWh
2. LCD Display with Seprate switch for Selecting the Required parameters
3. Inputs: Voltmetric: 500VAC 20-800 Hz Input impedance: 2 Mohm
4. Current 0-5 A from external CTs with Field Programabamle CT ratio
5. Overload: V: max. 800 Vrms, A: max. 7 Arms
6. Connection: Three phase delta networks (3 phases without neutral wire) Three phase STAR
connection (3 phase + neutral )
7. Accuracy: ≤0,5% of the reading x V and I, 1% of the reading x P. as per IEC 1036
8. Automatic Scale Change on V and I for linearity of reading min scales: 2 current scales 1 voltage scale
and Auto offsetting of Errors for Consistent reading
9. Protection class: Front= IP40
10. Temperature range: -10°C + 50°C Relative humidity: RH: max. 90%. Condensation: not allowed.
11. Insulation: according VDE 0110, group C for rated voltages of 500 VAC rms.
12. Output through RS 485 confirming to J MODBUS MODICON communication Protocol

5.9.5 Load Manager /Multi Function meter used on All Transformer and Outgoing Panels (Equvalaent to New
Horizxon make model FLASH NH )

Technical Specification Page 329

1. To Display All Electrical parameter V,I,Hz,kw,kVA,kVAr ,Energy(kwh kVAh,kVArh), Max Demand, and
Neutral Current
2. To Display Individual harmonics from 0 to 31 on V , I and KW with Indication of Direction of Harmonic
from load to Source or Vice versa
3. Accuracy Class 1 on energy complying with IEC EN 61036. Quadrants ........ 2 and 4 quadrant
measurement (programmable) with Auto Automatic Scale Change on V and I for linearity of reading
min scales: 2 current scales 1 voltage scale and Auto offsetting of Errors for Consistent reading
4. Standards - Safety: .....IEC EN 61010 class 2 – E.M.C.: ......IEC EN 61326-1A
5. Protection degree .......... IP51 on front panel.
6. OUTPUT through RS 485 confirming to J MODBUS MODICON communication Protocol or Output
thru RS 4*20mA
7. 2 Set Points as 2 digital outputs rated 27Vdc-27mA (DIN43864) with programmable functionality
(pulse output or alarm)
8. Galvanic Isolation on all inputs and outputs to Attunate RFI Disturbance

5.9.6 Power Quality meter - Used on Main HT Incoming /UPS panels /Power Qulaity affects production
Equvalent to New horizon X3mH series

a) To Display All Electrical parameter V,I,Hz,kw,kVA,kVAr ,Energy(kwh kVAh,kVArh), Max Demand and
Neutral Current
b) To Display Individual harmonics from 0 to 31 on V , I and KW with Indication of Direction of Harmonic
from load to Source or Vice versa
c) POWER QUALITY EVENTS (EN 50160 standards) Meter should detect and stores, with individual date-
time stamp several events giving an accurate monitoring of the power supply quality according to the
EN 50160 standards. It should store on 2 MB Flash memory
d) Voltage sags/dips , Temporary over voltage/swell and Temporary current peak and direction of flow
i.e. short duration events (1 cycle resolution) with registration of date-time, event type, phase
involved, duration in number of cycles and min/max parameter value attained during each event.
e) Under voltage/voltage interruption Over voltage and Over current and direction of flow i.e. medium
and long duration events with registration of event start-end date/time, event type, phase involved
and parameter min/max value attained during each event.
f) MIN. AND MAX. VALUE per Phase of V A KW and PF
g) LOAD PROFILES AND CONSUMPTION DATA on all Energy and MD parameters
h) HARMONICS SURVEYS to Cover Individual harmonics with the direction of Harmonic recorded with
date/time stamped sample of 42 default readings is automatically saved to the instruments'built-in
memory on a circular buffer (FIFO) covering a 10-day survey period with samples taken every 2
minutes and data organised in daily files.
i) Accuracy Class 1 on energy complying with IEC EN 61036. Quadrants ........ 2 and 4 quadrant
measurement (programmable) with Auto Automatic Scale Change on V and I for linearity of reading
min scales: 2 current scales 1 voltage scale and Auto offsetting of Errors for Consistent reading
j) Standards - Safety: ...............IEC EN 61010 class 2 – E.M.C.....................IEC EN 61326-1A
k) Protection degree .......... IP51 on front panel.
l) OUTPUT through RS 485 confirming to J MODBUS MODICON communication Protocol or Output
thru RS 4*20mA
m) 2 Set Points as 2 digital outputs rated 27Vdc-27mA (DIN43864) with programmable functionality
(pulse output or alarm)
n) Galvanic Isolation on all inputs and outputs to Attunate RFI Disturbance

5.9.7. TVSS

Technical Specification Page 330


TVSS shall be as per IEEE standards & UL listed. The current rating of TVSS for different panels shall be as
specified below.

The TVSS shall be mounted in a separate chamber away from control components. The cable length
between bus & TVSS shall be less as much as possible.

Irrespective of TVSS rating a minimum of copper wire shall be used.


Th e T VS S sh a ll p r ov id e p rot e cti on fro m p o w er su r g e s & tran s i en t s for DB ’ s, M C C &

PC C’ s , AN SI /IE E E C 62 .4 1 Cat eg ory A, B & C 3 C o mp a tib le .

T VS S sh ou ld b e M OV b a s ed with ea ch cir cu itry p acka g ed in s id e a mu lt i ca vity , g la s s

fi ll ed p la st ic h ou sin g r a ted UL 9 4 - 5 V. Th e a s s e mb l y sh ou ld b e p a ck ed wi th sp ec ial ly
for mu lat ed s an d & th en ep o xy c ap su l at ed .

T e st ed i n a cco rd an c e wi th AN SI /IE E E C 62 .1 1 C6 2. 45 te st ed .

UL 14 4 9 ( 2n d ed it ion ) , UL 12 83 & CS A li st ed .

Th e mod u l e u s ed in th e T VS S sh ou ld b e UL at 60 0V A C an d 3 00, 0 00 AI C.

E ach M OV in sid e th e mod u l e to b e in d i v id u a lly f u s ed & mat ch ed to with in 1 % to

en su r e ma x. s h ar in g & f u ll su rg e cu r re n t h a n d l i n g c ap a city .

Sin e Wa v e Tra ck in g E M I & R FI fi lt er in g .

5 y ear w arr an ty a ga in st d e fe ct s in ma te ria l s & w ork man sh ip .


Connection Means : Parallel connection (10

Agency Listed : UL1449(2nd edition), UL1283, CSA

Protection Modes : All Modes Standard (L-N,L-G,N-G,L-L)

EMI/RFI Attenuation : 50db typical from 10khz to 100 Mhz.

Response Time : Less than 0.5ns

Enclosure : Gray Noryl HS-1000, rated 94-5V,NEMA

12,4, or 4x

Fault Current Rating : 300,000AIC @ 600VAC

Operating Frequency : 47 to 63 HZ.

Technical Specification Page 331

Line Voltage : +/- 15% Nominal

Operating Temp : -40 to 60 deg. Centigrade.

Storage Temp. : -55 to 85 deg. Centigrade.

Audible Noise : Less than 45 dBa.

Technical Specification Page 332





3000 ABOVE L-N, L-E, N-E 200KA

2000-3000 200KA L-N, L-E, N-E


1000-2000 80 -- 100KA L-N, L-E, N-E


400-1000 80KA L-N, L-E, N-E


225-400 40KA L-N, L-E, N-E 40KA

100-225 40KA L-N, L-E, N-E 40KA

30 - 100 40KA L-N, N-E 40KA

Technical Specification Page 333

Automatic Transfer Switch


1.1 Scope

A. Furnish and install automatic transfer switches (ATS) with number of poles, amperage, voltage,
withstand and close-on ratings as per schematic. Each automatic transfer shall consist of an
inherently double throw power transfer switch mechanism and a microprocessor controller to
provide automatic operation. All transfer switches and controllers shall be the products of the
same manufacturer.

1.2 Codes and Standards

The automatic transfer switches and controls shall conform to the requirements of:

A. UL 1008 - Standard for Transfer Switch Equipment

B. IEC 947-6-1 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear; Multifunction

equipment; Automatic Transfer Switching Equipment

C. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code

D. NFPA 99 - Essential Electrical Systems for Health Care Facilities

E. NFPA 110 - Emergency and Standby Power Systems

F. IEEE Standard 446 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and

Standby Power Systems for Commercial and Industrial Applications

G. NEMA Standard ICS10-1993 (formerly ICS2-447) - AC Automatic Transfer


H. UL 508 Industrial Control Equipment

1.3 Acceptable Manufacturers

Automatic transfer switches shall be ASCO 7000 Series.


2.1 Mechanically Held Transfer Switch

A. The transfer switch shall be electrically operated and mechanically held. The
electrical operator shall be a momentarily energized, single-solenoid
mechanism. Main operators which include overcurrent disconnect devices,
linear motors or gears shall not be acceptable. The switch shall be
mechanically interlocked to ensure only two possible positions, normal or

Technical Specification Page 334

B. All transfer switch sizes shall use only one type of main operator for ease of
maintenance and commonality of parts.

C. The switch shall be positively locked and unaffected by momentary outages,

so that contact pressure is maintained at a constant value and contact
temperature rise is minimized for maximum reliability and operating life.

D. All main contacts shall be silver composition. Switches rated 600 amperes
and above shall have segmented, blow-on construction for high withstand and
close-on capability and be protected by separate arcing contacts.

E. Inspection of all contacts shall be possible from the front of the switch without
disassembly of operating linkages and without disconnection of power
conductors. Switches rated 600 amps and higher shall have front removable
and replaceable contacts. All stationary and moveable contacts shall be
replaceable without removing power conductors and/or bus bars.

F. Designs utilizing components of molded-case circuit breakers, contactors, or

parts thereof, which are not intended for continuous duty, repetitive switching
or transfer between two active power sources are not acceptable.

G. Where neutral conductors must be switched as per schematic, the ATS

shall be provided with fully rated overlapping neutral transfer contacts. The
neutrals of the normal and emergency power sources shall be connected
together only during the transfer and retransfer operation and remain
connected together until power source contacts close on the source to which
the transfer is being made. The overlapping neutral contacts shall not overlap
for a period greater than 100 milliseconds. Neutral switching contacts which
do not overlap are not acceptable.

H. Where neutral conductors are to be solidly connected as shown on the plans, a neutral conductor plate
with fully rated AL-CU pressure connectors shall be provided.

2.2 Microprocessor Controller

A. The controller's sensing and logic shall be provided by a single built -in microprocessor for
maximum reliability, minimum maintenance, and the ability to communicate serially through an
optional serial communication module.

B. A single controller shall provide twelve selectable nominal voltages for maximum
application flexibility and minimal spare part requirements. Voltage sensing shall be true RMS type
and shall be accurate to ± 1% of nominal voltage. Frequency sensing shall be accurate to ± 0.2%.
The panel shall be capable of operating over a temperature range of -20 to +60 degrees C and
storage from -55 to +85 degrees C.

C. The controller shall be connected to the transfer switch by an interconnecting wiring harness. The
harness shall include a keyed disconnect plug to enablethe controller to be disconnected from
the transfer switch for routine maintenance. Sensing and control logic shall be provided on
multi-layer printed circuit boards. Interfacing relays shall be industrial grade plug-in type with dust
covers. The panel shall be enclosed with a protective cover and be
mounted separately from the transfer switch unit for safety and ease of maintenance. The
protective cover shall include a built-in pocket for storage of the operator's manuals.

Technical Specification Page 335

D. All customer connections shall be wired to a common terminal block to simplify field-wiring

E. The controller shall meet or exceed the requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
as follows:

1. EN 55011:1991 Emission standard - Group 1, Class A

2. EN 50082-2:1995 Generic immunity standard, from which:

3. EN 61000-4-2:1995 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) immunity

4. ENV 50140:1993 Radiated Electro-Magnetic field immunity

5. EN 61000-4-4:1995 Electrical fast transient (EFT) immunity

6. EN 61000-4-5:1995 Surge transient immunity

7. EN 61000-4-6:1996 Conducted Radio-Frequency field immunity

8. IEEE472 (ANSI C37.90A) Ring Wave Test.

2.3 Enclosure shall be provided by local switch gear manufacturer, manufacturer shall follow the guidelines of
ASCO while installing the same.

A. The ATS shall be furnished in a Type 1 enclosure

B. All standard and optional door-mounted switches and pilot lights shall be 16-mm industrial grade
type or equivalent for easy viewing & replacement. Door
controls shall be provided on a separate removable plate, which can be supplied loose for
open type units.


3.1 Controller Display and Keypad

A. A four line, 20 character LCD display and keypad shall be an integral part of the controller for viewing
all available data and setting desired operational parameters. Operational parameters shall also be
available for viewing and limited control through the serial communications input port. The following
parameters shall only be adjustable via DIP switches on the controlller:

1. Nominal line voltage and frequency

2. Single or three phase sensing

3. Operating parameter protection

4. Transfer operating mode configuration
(Open transition, Closed transition, or Delayed transition)

All instructions and controller settings shall be easily accessible, readable and accomplished without
the use of codes, calculations, or instruction manuals.

Technical Specification Page 336

3.2 Voltage, Frequency and Phase Rotation Sensing

A. Voltage and frequency on both the normal and emergency sources (as noted
below) shall be continuously monitored, with the following pickup, dropout,
and trip setting capabilities (values shown as % of nominal unless otherwise

Parameter Sources Dropout / Trip Pickup / Reset

Undervoltage N&E,3φ 70 to 98% 85 to 100%

Overvoltage N&E,3φ φ70 to 98% 85 to 100%

102 to 115% 2% below trip

Underfrequency N&E 85 to 98% 90 to 100%

Overfrequency N&E 102 to 110% 2% below trip

Voltage unbalance N&E 5 to 20% 1 % below dropout

B. Repetitive accuracy of all settings shall be within ± 0.5% over an operating temperature range of -
20°C to 60°C.

C. Voltage and frequency settings shall be field adjustable in 1% increments either locally with the
display and keypad or remotely via serial communications port access.

D. The controller shall be capable (when activated by the keypad or through the serial port) of sensing
the phase rotation of both the normal and emergency sources. The source shall be considered
unacceptable if the phase rotation is not the preferred rotation selected (ABC or CBA).

E. Source status screens shall be provided for both normal & emergency to provide digital readout of
voltage on all 3 phases, frequency, and phase rotation.

3.3 Time Delays

A. An adjustable time delay of 0 to 6 seconds shall be provided to override momentary normal

source outages and delay all transfer and engine starting signals. Capability shall be provided to
extend this time delay to 60 minutes by providing an external 24 VDC power supply.

B. A time delay shall be provided on transfer to emergency, adjustable from 0 to 60 minutes, for
controlled timing of transfer of loads to emergency.

Technical Specification Page 337

C. Two time delay modes (which are independently adjustable) shall be provided on re-transfer to
normal. One time delay shall be for actual normal power failures and the other for the test
mode function. The time delays shall be adjustable from 0 to 60 minutes. Time delay shall be
automatically bypassed if the emergency source fails and the normal source is acceptable.

D. A time delay shall be provided on shut down of engine generator for cool down, adjustable
from 0 to 60 minutes.

E. A time delay activated output signal shall also be provided to drive an external relay(s) for selective
load disconnect control. The controller shall have the ability to activate an adjustable 0 to 5 minute
time delay in any of the following modes:

1. Prior to transfer only.

2. Prior to and after transfer.

3. Normal to emergency only.

4. Emergency to normal only.

5. Normal to emergency and emergency to normal.

6. All transfer conditions or only when both sources are available.

F. The controller shall also include the following built-in time delays for optional Closed Transition and
Delayed Transition operation:

1. 1 to 5 minute time delay on failure to synchronize normal and emergency sources prior to closed
transition transfer.

2. 0.1 to 9.99 second time delay on an extended parallel condition of both power sources during
closed transition operation.

3. 0 to 5 minute time delay for the load disconnect position for delayed transition operation.

G. All time delays shall be adjustable in 1 second increments, except the extended parallel
time, which shall be adjustable in .01 second increments.

H. All time delays shall be adjustable by using the LCD display and keypad or with a remote device
connected to the serial communications port.

3.4 Additional Features

A. A three position momentary-type test switch shall be provided for the test / automatic / reset
modes. The test position will simulate a normal source failure. The reset position shall bypass
the time delays on either transfer to emergency or retransfer to normal.

B. A SPDT contact, rated 5 amps at 30 VDC, shall be provided for a low-voltage engine start signal. The
start signal shall prevent dry cranking of the engine by requiring the generator set to reach proper
output, and run for the duration of the cool down setting, regardless of whether the normal
source restores before the load is transferred.

Technical Specification Page 338

C. Auxiliary contacts, rated 10 amps, 250 VAC shall be provided consisting of one contact, closed when the ATS is connected to the
normal source and one contact closed, when the ATS is connected to the emergency source.

D. LED indicating lights (16 mm industrial grade, type 12) shall be provided; one to indicate when the ATS is connected to the
normal source (green) and one to indicate when the ATS is connected to the emergency source (red).

E. LED indicating lights (16 mm industrial grade, type 12) shall be provided and energized by controller outputs. The lights shall
provide true source availability of the normal and emergency sources, as determined by the voltage sensing trip and reset
settings for each source.

The following features shall be built-in to the controller, but capable of being activated
through keypad programming or the serial port only when required by the user:

F. Provide the ability to select "commit/no commit to transfer" to determine

whether the load should be transferred to the emergency generator if the
normal source restores before the generator is ready to accept the load.

G. Terminals shall be provided for a remote contact which opens to signal the
ATS to transfer to emergency and for remote contacts which open to inhibit
transfer to emergency and/or retransfer to normal. Both of these inhibit
signals can be activated through the keypad or serial port.

H. An Inphase monitor shall be provided in the controller. The monitor shall control transfer so that motor load inrush currents do
not exceed normal starting currents, and shall not require external control of power sources. The inphase monitor shall be
specifically designed for and be the product of the ATS manufacturer. The inphase monitor shall be equal to ASCO Feature 27.

I. The controller shall be capable of accepting a normally open contact that will allow the transfer switch to function in a non-
automatic mode using an external control device.

J. Engine Exerciser - The controller shall provide an internal engine exerciser. The engine exerciser shall allow the user to program
up to seven different exercise routines. For each routine, the user shall be able to:

1. Enable or disable the routine.

2. Enable or disable transfer of the load during routine.

3. Set the start time, .

- time of day
- day of week
- week of month (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, alternate or every)

4. Set the duration of the run.

At the end of the specified duration the switch shall transfer the load back to normal and run the
generator for the specified cool down period. A 10-year life battery that supplies power to the real
time clock in the event of a power loss will maintain all time and date information.

K. System Status - The controller LCD display shall include a "System Status" screen which shall be readily accessible from any point
in the menu by depressing the "ESC" key a maximum of two times. This screen shall display a clear description of the active
operating sequence and switch position. For example,

Technical Specification Page 339

Normal Failed Load on
Normal TD Normal to Emerg

Controllers that require multiple screens to determine system status or display "coded" system status
messages, which must be explained by references in the operator's manual, are not permissible.

L. Self Diagnostics - The controller shall contain a diagnostic screen for the purpose of detecting
system errors. This screen shall provide information on the status input signals to the controller
which may be preventing load transfer commands from being completed.

M. Communications Interface - The controller shall be capable of interfacing, through an optional serial
communication module, with a network of transfer switches, locally (up to 4000 ft.) or remotely
through modem serial communications. Standard software specific for transfer switch applications
shall be available by the transfer switch manufacturer. This software shall allow for the monitoring,
control and setup of parameters.

N. Data Logging - The controller shall have the ability to log data and to maintain the last 99
events, even in the event of total power loss. The following events shall be time and date
stamped and maintained in a nonvolatile memory:

1. Event Logging

1. Data and time and reason for transfer normal to emergency.

2. Data and time and reason for transfer emergency to normal.
3. Data and time and reason for engine start.
4. Data and time engine stopped.
5. Data and time emergency source available.
6. Data and time emergency source not available.

2. Statistical Data

1. Total number of transfers.

2. Total number of transfers due to source failure.
3. Total number of days controller is energized.
4. Total number of hours both normal and emergency sources are

O. Communications Module - A full duplex RS485 interface shall be installed in the ATS controller to
enable serial communications. The serial communications shall be capable of a direct connect
or multi-drop configured network. This module shall allow for the seamless integration of existing or
new communication transfer devices. The serial communication interface shall be equal to ASCO
Accessory 72.

P. External DC Power Supply - An optional provision shall be available to connect an external 24 VDC
power supply to allow the LCD and the door mounted control indicators to remain functional when
both power sources are dead. This option shall be equivalent to ASCO accessory 1G.


Technical Specification Page 340

4.1 Withstand and Closing Ratings

A. The ATS shall be rated to close on and withstand the available RMS symmetrical short
circuit current at the ATS terminals with the type of overcurrent protection shown on the

B. The ATS shall be UL listed in accordance with UL 1008 and be labeled in accordance with that
standard's 1% and 3 cycle, long-time ratings. ATSs which are not tested and labeled with 1%
and 3 cycle (any breaker) ratings and have series, or specific breaker ratings only, are not

4.2 Tests and Certification

A. The complete ATS shall be factory tested to ensure proper operation of the individual
components and correct overall sequence of operation and to ensure that the operating
transfer time, voltage, frequency and time delay settings are in compliance with the specification

B. Upon request, the manufacturer shall provide a notarized letter certifying compliance with
all of the requirements of this specification including compliance with the above codes and
standards, and withstand and closing ratings. The certification shall identify, by serial number(s),
the equipment involved. No exceptions to the specifications, other than those stipulated at
the time of the submittal, shall be included in the certification.

C. The ATS manufacturer shall be certified to ISO 9001 International Quality Standard and the
manufacturer shall have third party certification verifying quality assurance in
design/development, production, installation and servicing in accordance with ISO 9001.

4.3 Service Representation

A. The ATS manufacturer shall maintain a local service organization of company-employed

personnel located in India. The service center's personnel must be factory trained and must be
on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

B. The manufacturer shall maintain records of each switch, by serial number, for a minimum of 20 years.



A. Furnish data monitors at locations shown to monitor all functions Specified below.

B. The Data Monitors shall be listed to UL 3111-1, CSA, CE Mark, and industrially rated for an operating
temperature range of -20 °C to 60 °C.

C. The Data Monitor shall be accurate to 1% measured, 2% computed values

and display resolution to .1%. Voltage and current for all phases shall be
sampled simultaneously to assure high accuracy in conditions of low
power factor or large waveform distortions (harmonics).

Technical Specification Page 341

D. The Data Monitor shall be capable of operating without modification at nominal frequencies of 45
to 66 Hz and over a control power input range of 20 - 32 VDC.

E. Each Data Monitor shall be capable of interfacing with an optional communications module to
permit information to be sent to central locationfor display, analysis, and logging.

F. The Data Monitor shall accept inputs from industry standard instrument transformers (120 VAC
secondary PT's and 5A secondary CTS.) Direct phase voltage connections, 600 VAC and under, shall
be possible without the use of PT's.

G. The Data Monitor shall be applied in single, 3-phase, or three & four wire circuits.A fourth CT input
shall be available to measure neutral or ground current.

H. All setup parameters required by the Data Monitors shall be stored in nonvolatile memory and
retained in the event of a control power interruption.

I. The following metered readings shall be communicated by the DataMonitor, via serial
communication, when equipped with optional serial
communications module:

a) Current, per phase RMS and neutral (if applicable)

b) Current Unbalance %
c) Voltage, phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral
d) Voltage Unbalance %
e) Real power (KW), per phase and 3-phase total
f) Apparent power (KVA), per phase and 3-phase total
g) Reactive power (KVAR), per phase and 3-phase total
h) Power factor, 3-phase total & per phasei
i) Frequency
j) Accumulated Energy, (MWH, MVAH, and MVARH)

Technical Specification Page 342

5.10 Push Buttons

Push buttons shall be of momentary contact type with rear terminal connection. These shall be suitably
shrouded to prevent inadvertent operation. Integral inscription plates engraved with their functions shall
be provided. All push buttons shall have two Normally Closed and two Normally.

Open contacts comprising rivets of pure silver. The contacts shall be able to make and carry 5 A and break
up one amp inductive loads at 250V DC.

5.11 Cable Terminations

Cable entries and terminals shall be provided in the switchboard to suit the number, type and size of
copper conductor power cables and copper conductor control cable specified in the detailed

Provision shall be made for top or bottom entry of cables as required. Generous size of cabling chambers
shall be provided with the position of cable gland and terminals such that cables can be easily and safely

Barriers or shrouds shall be provided to permit safe working at the terminals of one circuit without
accidentally touching that of another live circuit.

Cable risers shall be adequately supported to withstand the effects of rated short circuit currents without
damage and without causing secondary faults.

Cable sockets shall be of tinned copper and of the crimping type.

5.12 Control Wiring

All control wiring shall be carried out with 660/1100V grade single core PVC cable having stranded copper
conductors with minimum cross section of 1.5Sqmm for potential circuits and 2.5Sqmm for current
transformer circuits.

Wiring shall be neatly bunched, adequately supported and properly routed to allow for easy access and

Wires shall be identified by numbered ferrules at each end. The ferrules shall be of ring type and of non-
deteriorating material. They shall be firmly located on each termination so as to prevent free movement.

All control circuit fuses shall be mounted for easy accessibility.

5.13 Terminal Blocks

Terminal blocks shall be of 500 Volts grade and of stud/screwless type.

Terminal blocks shall have a minimum current rating of 10 Amps and shall be shrouded. Provisions shall
be made for label inscriptions. At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided on each panel and these
spare terminals shall be uniformly distributed on all terminal blocks.

Terminal blocks for current transformer and voltage transformer secondary leads shall be provided with
test links and isolating facilities. Also current transformer secondary leads shall be provided with short
circuiting and earthing facilities.

Technical Specification Page 343

There shall be a minimum clearance of 250mm between the first row of terminal blocks and the
associated cable @land plate. Also, the clearance between two rows of terminal blocks shall be a
minimum of 150mm.

5.14 Relays
All Relays shall conform to the requirement of IS : 3231/IS 8686 or other applicable approved standards

All AC Relays shall be suitable for operation at 50Hz. AC Voltage operated relays shall be suitable for 110v
3 Volts PT secondaries and Current operated relays for 5Amp CT secondaries, as specified in this
specification. Voltage operated relays shall have adequate thermal capacity for continuous operation.

Auxiliary Relays and Timers, shall have pairs of contacts as required to complete the scheme. Contacts
shall be silver faced with spring action.

All Protective Relays, Auxiliary Relays and Timers except the lockout relays and Interlocking relays
specified, shall be provided with self reset type contacts. All Trip relays and Timers shall be provided with
externally hand reset positive action provided with inscription subject to Consultant/Developer approval.
Timers shall be of the electromagnetic or solid state type.

Wherever solid state relays are used the following requirement shall be met:

(a). All Relays shall be designed for operating under an ambient temperature 55 Deg; C and 100%
relative humidity.

(b) All accessories required for correct operation of each relay shall be supported by the Contractor
without any extra cost.

(c) The solid state relays shall be stable and suitably protected against transient or induced over
voltages. The Bidder shall state clearly in his list special requirements, if any, for DC input
arrangement or cabling considered necessary for satisfactory operation of solid state relays
quoted by him.

6.0 Labelling

6.1 General
Every switchboard, switchboard control contactor, time switch, relay, indicator lamp, meter. motor
starter, link and any control or protection equipment within or on a switchboard shall be clearly and
accurately labelled.

Labels shall be engraved laminated plastic or photo anodised rigid aluminium and shall comply with the
following requirements.

Except where otherwise required, labels shall be fixed adjacent to, but not on any item of equipment.

Engraved lettering shall be black on a white background, except that the label for a main switch shall have
red lettering on a white background, and warning and caution labels shall have white lettering on a red

The minimum height of lettering shall be 3mm and of sufficient definition to allow easy reading.

6.2 Fixing of Labels

Technical Specification Page 344

Labels shall be securely fixed by:

(a) Screws and adhesive, or

(b) Fixed in an extruded aluminium section which shall be countersunk screw fixed or countersunk
riveted to the panel.

Screws shall be tightened with nuts or into tapped holes in the switchboard. Mechanically expanded
plastic rivets of minimum 6mm head diameter are acceptable instead of screws. Aluminium rivets may be
used to fix aluminium labels only. Self-tapping screws, thread-cutting screws or other fixings are not

6.3 Labels on Exterior of Switchboards and Schedules

All switchboards shall be labeled with the manufacturer's name.

A switchboard designation label shall be provided. For other than main switchboards, the designation
label shall also state the source of electrical supply. Separate sections of enclosures shall be identified.
The label for any section or enclosure containing Supply Authority equipment shall be to the satisfaction
of the Consultant / Developer and the Supply Authority.

Every switchboard control shall be labeled and shall include:

(a) Circuit designation for all main switches, main controls and submain controls.
(b) Details of the consumer's mains and all submains.
(c) Incoming busbar or cable rating to the first tee-off.

The minimum height of lettering shall be 6 mm.

For identification of final sub circuits, a typed schedule, cross-referenced to the lighting and power layout
plans shall be provided. The schedule shall be protected by a plastic sheet and fixed in a suitable frame
mounted on the inside of the relevant switchboard door or, if the switchboard has no door, on the wall
immediately adjacent to the switchboard.

6.4 Labels on Interiors of Switchboards

Labels identifying equipment within a switchboard shall be located such that the item referred to is
obvious and the lettering is not substantially obscured by the temporary or permanent position of any
equipment or wiring.

For plug-in equipment where items are physically but not functionally interchangeable, the label wording
shall be expanded to clearly identify the removable section (e.g. to identify the contact configuration or
timing range). Where this is not possible, a second identifying label shall be glue fixed to the removable

The function and coding shown on the circuit diagram shall be used.

The MEN link shall be labeled, or stamped and infilled, `MEN LINK' on the link.

6.5 Warning Labels

Technical Specification Page 345

Where copolymer membrane coating is used anywhere on live conductors without further insulation, a
warning label shall be provided on the front cover near the main switch or local main switch and in a
prominent position within each section of the switchboard. The label shall have the following wording in
6mm high lettering:

If a stand-by power supply is installed, an appropriate warning label shall be fixed at the main switch or
local main switch. An example of a typical label is:

When anti-condensation heaters are fitted, a label shall be provided at each heater reading


7.0 Tests

7.1 General
The routine tests shall be conducted as per IS standards on each Power Control Center and shall comprise:

Inspection of the Switchboards including inspection of wiring and electrical operational and functional
tests where necessary.

Checking of protective measures and electrical continuity of the protective circuits.

7.2 Dielectric Tests

Insulation resistance of the power circuit between each pole and the earth and that between the poles
shall be measured.

Insulation resistance of all secondary wiring between phase and earth shall be measured. Insulation test
shall be carried out both before and after high voltage test.

7.3 High Voltage Test

A high voltage test with 2.5 kV for power circuit and 1.5kV for Control Circuit, Duration one minute shall
be applied between each pole and earth and between poles. Test certificate shall be submitted along with

8.0 Storing, Erection and Commissioning

8.1 Storing
The panels shall be stored in a well ventilated dry place.

Suitable polythene covers shall be pro-aided for necessary protection against moisture, dust, and vermin.

8.2 Erection
Switchboards shall be installed over trench/floor as required. Suitable grouping holes shall be provided in
the flooring. Suitable MS base channel shall be embedded in the flooring on which the panel can directly
be installed The switchboards shall be properly aligned and bolted to the flooring by at least four bolts.
Cables shall be terminated on the bottom plate or top plate as the case may be, by using brass
compression glands. The individual cables as shall then be led through the panel to the required feeder

Technical Specification Page 346

compartments for necessary terminations. The cables shall be clamped to the supporting arrangement.
Either side, the switchboard earth bus shall be connected to the local earth grid.

The base channel used for erection of panels shall form part of the cost of the panel and shall not be
measured or paid separately.

8.3 Pre-commissioning Tests

The panels shall be commissioned only after successful completion of the following tests. The tests shall
be carried out in the presence of the Consultant / Developer.

(a) All main and auxiliary bus bar connections shall be checked and tightened.

(b) All wiring terminations and bus bar joints shall be checked and tightened.

(c) Wiring shall be checked to ensure that it is according to the approved drawing.

(d) ll wiring shall be tested for insulation resistance by a 500 volt megger

(e) Phase rotation tests shall be conducted.

(f) Suitable injection tests shall be applied to all the measuring instruments to establish the
correctness and accuracy of calibration and working order if required by the Developer.

(g) All relays and protective devices shall be tested for correctness of settings and operation by
introducing a current generator and an ammeter in the circuit or shall produce calibration or test
certificate as required by the inspectorate or Consultant / Developer.

(h) Functional tests on all feeders.

(i) Make, type and ratings of all components shall be checked and verified as per the approved

8.4 Metal Treatment and Finish

All steel work used in this Contract shall in general, undergo the following process of treatment and finish.

(a) Degreasing: by hot alkaline degreasing solution followed by cold water rinsing to remove
traces of alkaline solution.

(b) Phosphating: by a recognised phosphating process to facilitate durable coating of the paint on
the metal surfaces and also to prevent the spread of rust in the event of the paint film being
mechanically damaged. This again shall be followed by hot water rinsing to remove traces of
phosphate solution.

(c) Drying in dust-free atmosphere.

(d) Primer : Primer coating with a coat of corrosion resistant primer applied on wet surface.

(e) Finish coat: Two finishing coats of stoving synthetic enamel paint to the specified shade of IS 5.
Both the finish coats shall be only spray painted.

(f) For outdoor units the finishing coat shall be of weather resistant stoving epoxy paint of specified
shade of IS5.

Technical Specification Page 347

8.5 Warranty and Maintenance

The installation shall be guaranteed against faulty workmanship for minimum of one year from the date
of practical completion. All faulty workmanship shall be replaced and restored to full operation at no cost
to the Developer within the guarantee period.

Manufacturer's guarantees and warranties shall be obtained in accordance with Clause 9.11 of the
Preliminaries. The warranty period shall be for eighteen months commencing from the date of installation
or twelve months from the date of practical completion, whichever is the first to occur.

Medium Voltage Cables

1.0 General

1.1 Type

Medium voltage cables shall be aluminium conductor, XLPE/ PVC insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire
armoured or steel tape armoured construction. The cables shall conform to IS 1554 Part I in all respects.
Cables shall be laid in tray/hume pipe/in ready-made trenches etc., as required.

1.2 Rating

The cable shall be rated for a voltage of 1100 Volts.

1.3 Core Identifications

Cores shall be provided with the following colour scheme of PVC insulation:

1 core : Red/Black/Yellow/Blue

2 core : Red and Black

3 core : Red, Yellow and Blue

3 1/2 / 4 core : Red, Yellow, Blue & Black

2.0 Storing, Laying, Jointing and Terminations

2.1 Storing

On receipt of cables at site the cables shall be inspected and stored in a safe place.

2.2 Laying

Technical Specification Page 348

Cables shall be laid as per the specifications given below:

2.3 Cables In Outdoor Trenches

Cables shall be laid in outdoor trenches wherever called for. The depth of the trenches shall not be less
than 75 cm from the final ground level. The width of the trenches shall suit easy laying of cable. Where
more than one cable has to be laid in the same trench, all attempts shall be made to keep the axial
distance between successive cables to be atleast 1d where 'd' is the diameter of the bigger cable. The
trenches shall be cut square with vertical sidewalls and with uniform depth. Wherever cables are bent,
the minimum bending radius shall not be less than 12 times the diameter of the cable. After the cable is
laid and straightened, it shall be covered with sand cushion. Over this a course of cable protection tiles or
burnt brick shall be provided on either sides and above. Trench shall be back filled with earth and
consolidated. Cables shall be laid in hume pipes / stoneware pipes at all road crossings & wall entries.
Approved cable markers made of CI indicating the voltage, no. of cables and the direction of run of the
cables shall be installed at regular intervals.

2.4 Cable In Indoor Trenches

Cables shall be laid in indoor trenches wherever specified. Suitable angle iron brackets, clamps, hoods and
saddles shall be used for securing the cable in position.

2.5 Cable On Trays/Racks

Cables shall be laid on cable trays/racks wherever specified. Cable racks/trays shall be of perforated steel
section slotted angles for suitable purpose. The trays/racks shall be complete with plates, tees, elbows,
risers and all necessary hardware. The steel trays shall be painted. Cable trays shall be erected properly to
present a neat and clean appearance. Suitable cleats or saddles shall be used for securing the cables to
the cable trays. The cable trays shall comply with the following requirements:

a) The trays are ladder type and shall have suitable strength and rigidity to provide adequate
support for all contained cables.

b) It shall not present sharp edges, burrs of projections injurious to the insulation of the

c) If made of Sheet metal, it shall be adequately strength protected against corrosion or shall be
made of corrosion resistant material.

Technical Specification Page 349

d) It shall have side rails or equivalent structural members.

e) It shall include fittings such as horizontal, vertical bends, tie rods, hooks etc., or other suitable
means for changes in direction and elevation of runs, fishplates and hard ware.

2.6 Installation

a) Cable trays shall be installed as a complete system. Trays shall be supported properly from the
building structure. The entire cable tray system shall be rigid.

b) Each run of the cable tray shall be completed before the installation of cables.

c) In-portions where additional protection is required, non-combustible covers/enclosure shall be


d) Cable trays shall be exposed and accessible.

e) Where cables of different system are installed on the same cable tray, non-combustible solid
barriers shall be used for segregating the cables.

f) Cable trays shall be grounded by two nos. earth continuity wires. Cable trays shall not be used
as equipment grounding conductors.

2.7 Jointing And Terminations

Cable jointing shall be done as per the recommendations of the cable manufacturer. Jointing shall be
done by qualified cable jointers.

Each terminations shall be carried out using brass compression glands and cable sockets. Hydraulic
crimping tool shall be used for making the end terminations. Cable gland shall be bonded to the earth
by suing suitable size G.I. wire/tape.

Suitable identification tags with the feeder designation inscribed on an aluminium/G.I. sheet shall be tied
to either ends of each cable.

Technical Specification Page 350

2.8 Testing

Cables shall be tested at factory as per the requirements of IS 1554 Part I. The tests shall incorporate
routine tests, type tests and acceptance tests. Copy of such test certificates shall be furnished to the
Developer prior to dispatch.

3.0 Aluminium Cable Termination Methods

3.1 Generally

The general requirements for all joints and terminations of aluminium cables shall be:

a. To remove oxide from the conductor and prevent the oxide re-forming.

b. To prevent corrosion resulting from contact between dissimilar metals.

c. To retain contact pressure under cyclic loading conditions.

For all aluminium cables, the oxide shall be removed by thoroughly wire-brushing the bare end of the
cable. After brushing, a liberal coating of an approved oxide-inhibiting, moisture-excluding thermally
stable grease shall be applied, and the cable shall be wire-brushed again through the grease. Cable
strands shall not be separated before brushing.

Bare aluminium lugs, ferrules and other connectors, unless factory-tinned or factory pre-filled with
inhibiting grease, shall be wire-brushed and grease coated in the same way as cables.

Before making any joints or terminations in aluminium cables, the Contractor shall submit the proposed
method for the Consultant / Developer approval. Notice of at least three working days shall be given
before making any joints or terminations, to enable the Consultant / Developer to witness the work.

3.2 Acceptable Termination Methods

a. Aluminium to aluminium connections shall be made by one of the following methods:

- Aluminium crimp lugs or tinned copper ferrules.
- Fusion welding with aluminium lugs.

Tinned copper ferrules shall be terminated using the compression method. For compression connections
on stranded cables, a hexagonal die shall be used, on solid conductor cables, indent type dies shall be
used, with at least two indentations per cable connection. Lugs of ferrules shall be selected to suit the size
and shape of the conductor. Compression dies shall be selected to suit the particular lug or ferrule.
Aluminium crimp lugs shall be filled with oxide inhibiting grease.

Joints by the fusion welding method shall be made by jointers experienced in this method. Particular care
shall be taken to protect the cable insulation from heat by fixing substantial heat sinks to the cable near
the joint. After completion of the weld the joint shall be wire brushed and all sharp projections filed

b. Aluminium to copper connections shall be made by one of the following methods:

- Bi-metal connectors, or
- Tinned copper ferrules. or
- Electro-tinned cast aluminium lugs.

Technical Specification Page 351

Bi-metal connections shall consist of lugs or pin type connectors having a cast copper palm or pin, friction-
welded to an aluminium barrel section which is subsequently factory filled with oxide-inhibiting grease.
The aluminium cable shall be inserted in the barrel section and fixed using the compression method as
detailed above. The copper pin or palm section shall be fixed to copper or brass connectors or bus-bars in
the conventional manner.

Tinned copper ferrules shall be terminated using the compression method.

Where electro-tinned aluminium lugs are used, they shall be fixed to the cable using the compression
method. The palm of the lug shall be bolted to the copper bus-bar or terminal using a stainless steel bolt
and nut, with one large diameter stainless steel flat washer and two "Belleville" spring cup washers.

All nuts shall be adequately torque tightened to manufacturer's recommended levels. Identification
tags for feeder designation shall be by using `Phoenix' plastic cable markers, tied to either end of each

4.0 Road Crossings

All pipelines laid below roads shall be taken through suitable underground trenches. The size of trenches
shall be as per drawings.

4.1 Construction Across Roads

All works across roads shall be carried out as per the directions of the Development Manager. Necessary
safety measures shall be taken to divert traffic. Care shall be taken not to disturb electrical and
communication cables.

4.2 Protection of Existing Services

All pipes, water mains, cables, etc. met with during the course of excavation shall be carefully protected
and supported. In any case damage is caused, the same shall be made good at no extra cost, failing which
necessary rectification will be done by Development Manager at the risk and cost of the Contractor.

4.3 Refilling:

The filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 15mm in depth. Each layer shall be watered, rammed and
compacted. Ramming shall be done with iron rammers where possible and with blunt end of the crow
bars where rammers cannot be used. Special care shall be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to
the pipes, drains, masonry or concrete in the trenches.

Filling in trenches shall be commenced soon after the joints of pipes, cables, conduits etc. have been
tested and approved by Development Manager. The space around the pipes shall be cleared of all debris
where the trenches are excavated in hard/soft soil. The filling shall be done with earth on the sides and
top of pipes in layers not exceeding 15mm in depth. Each layer shall be watered rammed and compacted.
The clods and lumps of earth exceeding 8cm in any direction shall be broken or removed before the
excavated earth is used for filling. Generally no test is done to determine the instu density of filled earth
but on the discretion of Development Manager the 95 proctor’s compaction test may be done to ensure
the in situ density after filling. Consolidation is removal of water from the pores and compaction is the

Technical Specification Page 352

expulsion of air from the pores. In case of refilling consolidation places most important role as the
watering of the each layer is being done properly. If required by the Development Manager proctors
needle may also be used for the proper checking of the refilling items of in situ density.

4.4 Contractor Shall Restore Settlement and Damages:

The Contractor shall at his own cost make good promptly during the whole period the works are in hand,
any settlements that may occur in the surfaces or roads, beams, footpaths, gardens, open spaces etc.
Whether public or private caused by his trenches or by his other excavations due to not using the method
of compaction as given in clause 3/ and he shall be liable for any accidents caused thereby.

He shall also at his own expense and charges, repair and make good any damage done to the building and
other properties.

4.5 Testing

Cables shall be tested at the factory as per the requirements of 1S 1554 Part 1. The tests shall incorporate
routine tests, type tests and acceptance tests. A copy of such test certificates shall be furnished to the
Consultant / Developer prior to dispatch.

VIII Wiring Devices

1.0 Switches, Sockets and Accessories

1.1 General Requirements

Light control switches shall be of a 240V, 6A rating for controlling light points as specified. Light control
switches shall be of plate type design with metal or PVC boxes suitable for flush mounting for general
lighting. Light control switch boxes shall be of metal or PVC as specified.

All sockets 6A and 16 A ratings shall be of flush mounting type (unless otherwise indicated with control
switches of plate type design of the same rating as that of the sockets. All socket outlets shall be of 3 pin
type with PVC boxes. UPS sockets should not contain switch, need to be different consistent color from

1.2 Industrial Type Sockets

Industrial tax: sockets shall be provided wherever specifically called for on the drawings. Industrial sockets
shall be rated as specified. Plugs and sockets shall have 3 pins for single phase applications and 5 pins for
3 phase applications. The sockets shall be provided with suitable plug top and cable entry device and shall
be controlled by a suitably rated rotary switch. The sockets shall be housed in suitable PVC housings of IP
54 protection class.

1.3 Light Outlet Accessories

Accessories for light outlets such as lamp holders, 3 plate ceiling rose, etc. shall be in conformity with
requirements of relevant IS specification. Only approved make of accessories shall be supplied.

1.4 Installation
All switch connections shall be made only after ensuring the continuity of wires and terminations. Tapping
of wires shall be done only at the terminals of switches, sockets and ceiling roofs and terminal blocks.

Technical Specification Page 353

Under joining and extension of wires in pipes and conduits shall not be carried out under any

The arrangement of switches and sockets shall be neat, systematic, and aesthetic. The Contractor shall
obtain approval from the Consultant / Developer with regard to the proper location of switches and all

The enclosures of sockets and pin of the sockets shall be connected to the ground through a proper size
insulated earth continuity wire. Metal or hylam phase barriers shall be interposed between switches
located in a common enclosure, when wired on different phases.

1.5 Sub-Mains and Circuit Mains

Wiring of sub-mains and circuit mains in concealed or surface conduit systems shall be with 2mm thick
rigid PVC conduits and conduit accessories with 660/1100V grade PVC insulated copper flexible wires for
phase neutral and earth.

Sub-main shall include Ms or PVC draw-boxes, sized as required to be located at every floor for easy
drawing of wires.

1.6 Point Wiring

Point wiring shall commence from the first point control box for the points connected to the same circuit.
Point wiring for lights, sockets etc, shall be carried out with PVC insulated copper conductor wires of
660/1100V grade. The point wiring shall be inclusive of suitably sized conduits of standard and approved
make (as specified before) along with approved quality of conduit accessories and shall be provided with
PVC insulated copper earth continuity wire for earthing 3rd pin of sockets at all points as specified.

Wiring of light points and 6A switched socket outlets by providing PVC or 16G rigid MS Box with
accessories, and 2.5 sqmm 660V/1100V grade PVC flexible multi strand copper wires, SP MCB 6A modular
plate switch, and other point wiring accessories and carrying out surface/concealed conduit point wiring.
All light points, 5A sockets shall be earthed using the third core of green colour insulated copper wires.

1.7 Labeling

The Contractor shall provide labelling for all light control switches, industrial-type sockets, socket outlets,
permanently connected devices, etc, identifying the distribution board and circuit breaker number, in an
approved manner, acceptable to the Consultant / Developer, to provide ready identification.

Hand painted labels are not acceptable.

Technical Specification Page 354



IS/IEC 62305-3 & NBC-2016


There are no devices or methods capable of modifying the natural weather phenomena to the extent that they can
prevent lightning discharges. Lightning flashes to, or nearby, structures (or lines connected to the structures) are
hazardous to the structures, their contents and installations as well as to lines. This is why lightning protection
measures are essential

Lightning Protection System shall be in accordance with IS IEC 62305-3 & NBC-2016. Lightning Protection consists of
external Protection for the building with Air termination, Down Conductors and Earthing and Internal protection for
power lines with Surge Protective devices.

Generally lightning between cloud and ground creates failures. How ever inter-cloud and intra-could lightning also can
create potential differences and failures in electronic installation. More than 95 % of Lightning strikes are of Negative
impulse and less than 5 % are of positive impulse. Positive impulses are mainly due to dry lightning in cold areas.

Current parameters as per IS/IEC 62305 and the effects of lightning are as below

Lightning Protection Level

Current Parameters Symbol Unit Effect

First positive Impulse

Peak Current I kA 200 150 100 Mechanical

Impulse charge QSHORT C 100 75 50 Thermal (arc)

Specific Energy W/R MJ/Ω 10 5.6 2.5 Mechanical & Thermal

Average Steepness di / d t kA / µS 20 15 10 Surges and flashover

Technical Specification Page 355

Time Parameters T1 / T2 µS / µS 10/350

First Negative Impulse

Peak Current I kA 100 75 50 Mechanical

Average Steepness di / d t kA / µS 100 75 50 Surges and flashover

Time Parameters T1 / T2 µS / µS 1 / 200

Damages from lightning strike are due to Peak Current (I), Charge (C), Specific Energy (W/R) & Rate of change of
current (di/dt). Lightning protection is designed to take care of these effects of lightning and hence the following
parameters shall be strictly followed.

Effect of Lightning on External LPS (Air termination, Down Conductor and Earthing)

Effects on air-termination systems arise from both mechanical and thermal effects. Effects on down-conductors are
thermal effects due to resistive heating & mechanical effects in parallel conductors and in Bends. The real problems
with earth-termination electrodes are linked with chemical corrosion and mechanical damage caused by forces other
than electro dynamic forces.

Sizing and fixing of Materials are selected to handle the mechanical and thermal effects. Bends in down conductor shall
strictly NOT be at 90 degree (right angles) & should have a curved path of 45 degree bend. Earth electrodes are
selected based on the current handling capacity up to 1 second. To avoid corrosion problems as explained in IS/IEC
62305 (clause E.4.3.4 and E., GI is strictly not recommended inside concrete and in soil.

Effect of Lightning on Internal LPS (SPD’s for POWER, DATA lines etc)

Effect on internal LPS is mainly due to coupling and the rate of change of current. Due to Very high di/dt of the first
negative stroke. The expected problem is the response time of SPD and the voltage drop in the connecting wires. SPD’s
at the incoming panels shall have a response time less than 1 nano sec & shall be of BUSBAR Mounted type to avoid
connecting wire length.

LPL (Lightning Protection Level)

LPL is a number associated with a set of lightning current parameters relevant to the probability that the associated
minimum & maximum values do not exceed the normally occurring lightning. LPL can be determined by Risk analysis as
explained in IS IEC 62305-2 or can be selected based on the guideline in NBC-2016.

Application LPL*

Computer Data Centers, Military Applications, Nuclear Power Stations, High raise 1
Hotels/Hospitals, airports, essential services such as telecom towers

EX-Zones in the industry and chemical sector, Low raise Hospitals & Hotels, fuel retail outlets, 2
gas station, compressor station etc

Technical Specification Page 356

Schools, Banks, Residential Buildings, Temple, Churches, Mosques 3/4

LPL levels, probability and basic design consideration:

Class of Lightning Lightning Interception Rolling Mesh Down

LPS current current probability Conductor
MINIMUM MAXIMUM sphere size Spacing

radius (m) (m)

1 3 kA 200 kA 98% 20 5*5 10

2 5 kA 150 kA 95% 30 10*10 10

3 10 kA 100 kA 88% 45 15*15 15

4 16 kA 100 kA 81% 60 20*20 20

Protection angle w.r.t Height

Class of LPS


a 60





10 20 30 40 50 60

H m

Air termination system:

Material, Configuration and Minimum cross sectional area of air terminal & down conductors

Technical Specification Page 357

Air Termination mesh conductor and down conductors: 8 mm Aluminium alloy round conductor (50 mm 2)

Air Termination Rod: 10 mm, 16 mm & 40 mm solid Aluminium rods (combination of sizes) (tubes are not allowed)

Joints / Connectors / Fixing materials:

Connection materials Connector type GI fixing materials shall not be used

Aluminium to Aluminium Aluminium or SS

Aluminium to Steel SS

Aluminium accessories if connection is between Aluminium materials are necessary. SS accessories if connections are
between aluminium and copper / copper coated materials.

Earth Termination Conductor: 10 mm solid copper coated steel conductor (100 microns min coating)

Earth Termination Joints in soil: Exothermic welding

GI material for earthing shall not be used as per the recommendation in IS/IEC62305 as well as Kerala electrical
inspectorate guideline.

If the structure height is more than 60 meters, top 20% of the height of the structure shall be protected with a lateral
air termination system. This is needed because the probability of flashes to the side is generally more for structures
more than 60 meters in height. More importance need to be provided to Corners, Edges and significant protrusions
such as balconies. Metallic handrails/ Aluminium frame of wall cladding if used in balconies shall be conned to air
termination / down conductors.

In PEB / Steel buildings where GI sheet roofing, air termination mesh / Rod shall be directly mounted on the sheet.
Fixing materials used shall be in good electrical contact with the sheet, shall not create water leakage.

No drilling is allowed in the terrace for fixing the air terminal, if the roof is made of concrete. Parapet wall is
exception to this.

Air terminal holder:

Concrete Roof structure: Conductors shall be securely fixed on the terrace by means of concrete air terminal holders
with suitable fixing materials which is fixed on the roof by adhesive or cement mortar taking care of varying weather
conditions. Plastic air termination conductor holder is not allowed. The minimum height of this air terminal holder shall
be 50 mm to avoid the contact of conductor with water

Metal Roof structure: Conductors shall be securely fixed on the terrace by means of air terminal holder which is fixed
on the roof by metal conductor holder made of Stainless steel. As metal roof structures are normally tapered at an
angle, there are no min height criteria for metal conductor holder.

Recommended fixing distance of air terminal and down conductors

Arrangement Recommended distance

Technical Specification Page 358


Horizontal conductor on horizontal surface 500 mm 1000 mm

Horizontal conductor on vertical surface 500 mm 1000 mm

Vertical conductor from Ground to 20m height 1000 mm 1000 mm

Vertical conductor above 20m height 500 mm 1000 mm

If antenna, Chillers or any other roof top electrical equipment is present in terrace, the same have to be protected by
using vertical air terminal after calculating the safety or separation distance. The vertical air terminal has to have
suitable supports to hold it. Wind speed need to be taken into account. Vertical air terminal must be connected to
horizontal air terminal by using suitable connectors.

At the crossings of the horizontal air terminals, suitable Cross connector has to be used.

Safety or Separation distance: (not required for LPS using structural natural components)

To avoid flash over to electrical/electronic apparatus, this equipment shall be kept at a distance away from LPS
components more than the safety distance as per the following calculation.

Safety/Separation distance (S) in m = (ki * kc*L) / km

Coefficient ki depends on class of LPL/LPS (ki = 0.08 for LPL1, 0.06 for LPL 2, 0.04 for LPL3 and 4)

Coefficient kc depends on no of down conductors: kc = 0.66 for 2 down conductors, kc = 0.44 for 3 or more down

Value of coefficient km = 1

Value of L is the total distance between the equipment to be protected (for e.g. Antenna) to the equi-potential bonding
bar situated just above the ground.

Expansion piece

In order to take care the expansion of the metal in summer and contraction of the metal in winter, expansion piece
with suitable connectors have to be used at every 20m distance of horizontal air termination mesh.

Joints and Bends

The lightning protective system shall have few joints as far as possible & air terminal & down conductor have to be
straight. Where it is not possible, it should NOT be bent at 90 degree (right angles) & should have a curved path of 45
degree bend.

Down conductor system

In order to reduce the probability of damage to electronic/electrical equipment, the down conductors shall be
arranged in equi distance in such a way that from the point of strike to earth, several parallel current paths should exist

Technical Specification Page 359

& length of the current path should be minimum. Down conductors should be installed at each exposed corner of the
structure as a minimum. Maximum distance between down conductors shall be as per the table above.

Test joints:

At the connection to the earth conductor, a test joint should be fitted on each down conductor at a height of 1 m from
the ground, except in the case of natural down conductors combined with foundation earth electrode. The purpose of
test joint is to measure the earth resistance value. The remaining portion of down conductor (i.e., after the test joint
should be mounted inside a plastic pipe of minimum 3 mm thickness.)

Earth Terminations

For earth termination system, 2 basic types of earth electrode arrangements are applicable. Type A & Type B

Type A arrangement: Comprises of horizontal or vertical earth electrode installed outside the structure to be protected
connected to each down conductor. Minimum Length of vertical earth electrode shall be as below

Class of Typical Length of each vertical earth electrode based on Soil resistivity
Up to 500 Ω M 1000 Ω M 2000 Ω M 3000 Ω M

1 2.5 meter 10 meters 25 meters 40 meter

2 2.5 meter 5 meter 15 meters 22 meter

3 2.5 meter 2.5 meter 2.5 meter 2.5 meter

4 2.5 meter 2.5 meter 2.5 meter 2.5 meter

If horizontal electrodes are used, the length shall be double. In type A arrangement, the total number of earth
electrodes shall not be less than two. Type A arrangement is suitable in places where electronic equipment are not

Type B arrangement: This type of arrangement comprises either a ring conductor external to the structure to be
protected, in contact with the soil for at least 80% of its total length or a foundation earth electrode. Ring earthing
must be 1 meter away from the building and 0.5m below the ground as a closed loop. Such earth electrodes can also be
meshed. For structures with extensive electronic systems or with high risk of fire, type B earthing is most preferable
method. There is no limit in the resistance of Ring Earthing if the ring radius of the ring is larger than 50 meters or 80
meters for LPL 1 and 2. For LPL 3 and 4 this radius is about 5 meters. The overall resistance of earthing system shall not
exceed 10 ohms.

Galvanised steel (GI) as earthing material shall not be used.

Lightning Counters: At least 2 down conductors in an installation shall have a lightning counter tested as per IEC
62561. The counter shall be digital type with replaceable battery. Battery life shall be minimum 3 years. The
minimum measuring current is 1KA (8/20) and the maximum is 100 KA (10/350). The counter shall be outdoor
type, IP65 and shall be able to record date, time and no of strikes.

Technical Specification Page 360

Quality and Confirmations

All materials and accessories shall be tested as per IEC 62561 for its mechanical / corrosion resistant / electrical
conductivity. Vendor shall provide test reports along with completion certificate. GI (Hot dip galvanised or zinc
electroplated) fixing materials and fasteners are not allowed.


Part 1: General Principles

Part 2: Risk Management

Part 3: Protection of structures

Part 4: Protection of Electrical & Electronic equipment within structure

NBC-2016: National Building Code of India – 2016

IS3043: 1987: Code of practice for earthing.


1.0 General

1.1 Scope
Supply, install and commission RATED KVA / 230V (single phase) UPS systems with necessary batteries for
a battery back up time of 90 minutes. For lighting & general power applications.

1.2 Related Work

Co-ordinate the work with other trades, especially electrical.

1.3 References and Codes

This specification shall be read in conjunction with the complete tender conditions and relevant

1.4 Submissions
Full details of the systems, including technical specifications and shop drawing showing precise layout of
UPS and batteries, shall be provided to the Development Manager.

Technical specifications must contain , but not be limited to:

 UPS rating KVA , for P.F 0.8, grater then 0.8

 UPS overload capability: Unit and Static Switch separately.
 Paralleling capability - for redundancy .
 Current walk in at least 4 sec.
 If charging limiting possible for remote signal
 Battery monitoring possibility ( 2 per string active or passive type).

Technical Specification Page 361

 Maximum numbers of strings ( >=3) for 15 min.
 Control card for communication RS232/ 485 for display.
 Monitoring software availability
 Maintenance support data,: batteries, UPS
 MTTR by vendor
 Time to arrive on site.

1.5 Project Conditions

The Contractor shall inspect drawings, visit the site, check aspects of required work and refer any
discrepancy to the Consultant / Developer.

1.6 Warranty end Maintenance

The installation shall be guaranteed against faulty workmanship for minimum of one year from the date
of practical completion. All faulty workmanship shall be replaced and restored to full operation at no cost
to the Developer within the guarantee period.

Manufacturer's guarantees and warranties shall be handover to Developer.

Once the warranty expires the Developer may at his discretion enter in to an annual maintenance
contract (AMC) or ask, the Specialist Agency to support the maintenance of the system on a per call basis
with the same commitment as in the case of AMC.

2.0 UPS System

2.1 Conditions
The following details are the minimum requirements:
 The UPS shall be fully covered on all the sides, and with front opening for servicing ventilation
 UPS shall have potential Free contacts corresponding to fault conditions I/P mains failure,
Inverter O/P failure, Battery low pre-alarm so that this information can be carried to the paging
 UPS shall have a LCD Panel for measuring various other parameters related to UPS operation.
 Output of the both UPS's shall be paralleled so as to form a parallel redundant configuration.

2.2 Batteries

All batteries shall be sealed maintenance-free batteries of appropriate rating to provide 90 minutes back
up at full load.

Battery mounting racks shall also be supplied with batteries.

3.0 Execution

3.1 Installation

The UPS System and batteries shall be installed as per the approved drawing.

All cable shall run through the cable turn provided

3.2 Commissioning
The Development Manager shall witness the commissioning

Technical Specification Page 362

The Contractor shall give minimum 7 working days notice to the Consultant / Developer before
commencing commissioning.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the testing and satisfactory performance of the complete UPS
system which shall include as a minimum:

(a) Switch off all the output breakers that are connected to the load. Run the UPS in no load
condition at least for 15 minutes.

(b) Measure and confirm output voltage. Phase difference, frequency and all other specified
parameter are within the allowed range.

(c) Conduct the load test of the UPS system by connecting the UPS to a dummy load like water load
Contractor shall arrange for test facility.

d) Measure and confirm at full load, voltage, frequency, phase difference, Battery backup time,
battery charging current, DC ripple, parallel redundancy operation, and all other necessary
and/or specified parameters are within the approved range.

e) Once the result of the load test is satisfactory, and approval is received for connecting the power
to the electric circuit; connect the UPS output to the actual computer load.

f) Check for any malfunctioning with the computers and UPS system. Observe for 15 minutes.

g) Repeat step

3.3 Manuals

Two sets of all manuals for the systems, including instruction, administration and maintenance manuals,
shall be submitted to the Consultant / Developer.

Technical Specification Page 363


 Extra slim luminaries to match the most aesthetic environment

 Certified to IEC 598-2-22 and EN 60598-2-22 standards quality mark ANCHOR

 Power Supply : 230V AC +/- 10%, 50/60 Hz. IP 42 IK 07, class II

 Suitable for mounting on inflammable surfaces

 Recharge time : 24 hours

 Non-maintained emergency lighting luminaries with 2 high luminosity LEDs (average life time
1,00,000 h) to ensure 1 lux along the center of an escape route.

 Sealed rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries, high temperature type.

 Screw terminals with high capacity : 4mm2 for mains and 2.5mm2 for remote control

 1 dia. 20 cable entry at the top and 1 rectangular one at the back side.


Scope of work
Supply and installation of all Earth Electrodes as enumerated in earthing schematic.

Supply installation of earthing conductors for the electrical works covered under this scope of work.

Supply and installation of Rigid PVC pipes up to the nearest shaft or cut in building or the cable trench in
the vicinity to enable laying of earthing strips by other agencies at a later date.

1.0 Earthing Electrodes

Earthing electrodes shall be designed as per the requirements of clause 17.2 of IS:3043. The number and
size of earth electrodes shall be calculated so that under fault conditions no electrode is loaded above its
maximum permissible current density. The resistance of earth electrodes shall not exceed one Ohm.

The number of earth electrodes shown in the drawing is indicative. The Contractor shall provide required
additional earth electrodes to contain the ohmic value at no extra cost.

Earthing electrodes of plate type shall be used. The choice of pipe or plate electrode shall be decided
according to the anticipated fault level of the network and local soil conditions.

All grounding electrodes shall be tested with earth meggers and grounding resistances are recorded.

1.1 Plate Electrode

Plate electrodes shall be made of copper plate of 3.15 mm thick and 60 x 60 cm size. The plate shall be
buried vertically in ground at a depth of not less than 2 meters to the top of the plate, the plate being
encased in salt and charcoal to a thickness of 15 cm all around. It is preferable to bury the electrode to a

Technical Specification Page 364

depth where subsoil water is present. Earth leads to the electrode shall be of copper and shall be laid in a
GI pipe and connected to the plate electrode with brass, bolts, nuts and washers. A GI pipe of not less
than 25 mm dia. shall be placed vertically over the plate and terminated in a funnel at 5 cms above the
ground. The funnel shall be provided with a wire mesh. The funnel shall be enclosed in masonry chamber
of 45 cm x 45 cm x 30 cm dimensions. The chamber shall be provided with GI frame and GI cover. The
earth station shall also be provided with a suitable permanent identification using painting.

Maintenance free grounding electrodes


 Shall have good Electrical conductivity.

 Shall high Corrosion Resistance.
 Shall be mechanically robust and reliable.
 Maintenance free Earthing System shall consist

1. Copper bonded Earth Rod at a depth of minimum 3 meters (3 rod per pit)
2. Ground Enhancing Material (GEM).
3. Earth Rod Clamps.

Copper bonded Steel Earth Rods:

Copper bonded Steel Earth Rods shall have the UL certification, which calls for a minimum molecular
bonding of 250 microns. These Coppers bonded rods are provided with a Nickel bonding interface to
avoid galvanic corrosion.
Ground Enhancing Material:

Earth Enhancing Material shall be supplied in bags consists of Earth Enhancing chemical for good

Method of Installation:

One number or three numbers as per Bill of material, Copper bonded Earth Rod shall be placed in an Earth
Pit of 10-inch diameter. The earth pit has to be connected by means of Copper Earth Rod Clamp. The
whole setup is treated by Ground Enhancing Material (GEM).

The resistance of earth electrodes shall not exceed one Ohm.

Earthing system shall be mechanically robust and the joints shall be capable of retaining low resistance,
even after passage of fault currents.

Joints shall be welded, bolted or double-riveted. All welded joints are painted with cold zinc galvanizing
paint. All the joints shall be mechanically and electrically, continuous and effective. Joints shall be
protected against corrosion.

Technical Specification Page 365


On the completion of the entire installation, tests on the earth resistance of the electrodes shall be
conducted using an earth-testing Megger.

All meters, instruments and labour required for the tests shall be provided by the Contractor. The test
results shall be submitted in triplicate to the AE / Owner for approval. Tests shall be conducted in the
presence of AE / Owner.

Ground resistance test shall be conducted to verify impedance of the electrical ground systems. For sizes
of conductors of earthing refer to earthing schematic.


1.0 Supply and Installation

1.1 General
Luminaries shall be installed in an approved manner and shall be complete with incandescent lamps,
fluorescent tubes, discharge lamps and accessories necessary for their proper functioning and shall be in
accordance with the provisions indicated herein.

All discharge luminaries shall be power factor corrected to a minimum of 0.8 lagging. Lead lag circuits or
blocking Inductors shall be incorporated where indicated.

Supply of Luminaries
Luminaries shall be purchased from a reputable supplier and shall be manufactured in accordance with
relevant standards.

The catalogue numbers or trade designations for luminaries used in the schedule of equipment are
intended to indicate the required quality, style and performance of the luminaries. Where alternative
luminaries are offered all performance data shall be submitted to the Consultant / Developer for
approval. If requested, by the Consultant / Developer, a sample shall be submitted for approval.

2.0 Installation of Luminaries

2.1 General
All screws, battens, roses, trims, packing, etc., necessary for the proper fixing of luminaries shall be
provided by the Contractor as part of the works. Packing pieces of approved material shall be fitted where
required to level the luminaries and to prevent distortion.

Where painted surfaces are damaged, they shall be made good by painting to the same standard as the
original paintwork.

Fittings are to be installed subject to the approval of the Consultant / Developer.

All luminaries shall be effectively earthed.

Where rod suspensions are indicated, rods shall be steel water pipe. Rods shall be gimbal mounted from
ceiling and lengths shall be adjusted so that the luminaries hang true.

2.2 Fluorescent Luminaries

Technical Specification Page 366

Luminaries shall be supported by two fixings at each end. One fixing at each end of a narrow fitting will be
accepted where a 1.6 mm thick back plate reinforces each fixing screw.

End to end luminaries shall be correctly aligned using packing strips where necessary.

Luminaries shall not be supported or suspended from plastic boxes or fittings.

Plastic boxes attached to luminaries or cable protection shall not be used as part of the fixing method.

Where a PVC conduit enters a luminary, a screwed PVC adaptor with circular lock nuts shall be used to
secure the conduit to the luminary. Lock nuts are not required for luminaries with screwed conduit

Where indicated, luminaries shall be suspended level with electroplated welded link chains at each end.

Technical Specification Page 367

2.3 Surface Mounted Luminaries

Luminaries shall be securely fixed to structural members of the ceilings or walls, or fixed by hangers or
brackets, which are securely fixed to structural members.

The minimum size of fixing for luminaries, hangers, or brackets for various surfaces shall be as follows:

(a) Fixing to timber: steel wood screw No.10 x 25, round head, cadmium plated.

(b) Fixing to concrete: approved screw expanding bolts M5 x 40.

(c) Fixing to hollow blocks: M5 electro-galvanized, round head screws with spring loaded butterfly
toggles. Where a deep cast iron junction box is provided in the centre, M5 metal screws shall be
used with approved expanding fixings at each end.

(d) Fixing to suspended ceilings shall be as indicated.

All fixings shall be fitted with large diameter (minimum 3 mm screw dia.) cadmium plated washers under
the heads of each screw.

2.4 Recessed Luminaries

Recessed luminaries shall be fitted with flexible cords and 3 pin plugs. The flexible cord shall be PVC
insulated, 3 core with 1.5 mm 2 conductors, and shall comply with the relevant IS. It shall be of suitable
length not greater than 1500 mm.

A plug socket shall be located within 500 mm from the edge of the access aperture to allow the luminary
to be plugged-in prior to fixing.

Recessed luminaries installed in timber-framed ceiling shall be fixed to the ceiling members and noggins
using the proprietary fixings supplied by the luminary manufacturer, subject to the approval of the
Consultant / Developer.

Recessed luminaries using incandescent or discharge, lamps and installed in a confined space (e.g.
covered way, counter canopy, integrated ceiling or roof) shall be wired to a near-by junction box using
cable having insulation at least rated to 200 deg.C maximum operating temperature.

Recessed luminaries for suspended or modular ceilings shall be attached to suspended ceilings with
proprietary mounting brackets supplied by the luminary manufacturer.

2.5 Post Top Luminaries

Unless otherwise indicated, post-top luminaries shall be mounted on tapered steel lighting columns.

Unless otherwise indicated, lighting columns shall consist of proprietary brand steel poles, hot dipped
galvanized and suitable for base plate mounting on galvanized rag bolt assembly set in a concrete pad.
The poles shall be adequately drained and shall be fitted with an approved weatherproof lockable
enclosure to house the control gear and fuse(s), in the lower section of the pole, within 1000 mm of the

Technical Specification Page 368

Recommended Make of Materials

Sl.No. Description of Items Make of Material

1 Manufacturer of Switchboards Elins / Load control / Pragathi Controls / Lotus Power


2 LT Cables Polycab / KEI / Ravin cable

3 End termination materials Hex / SMI / Dowells / Jainsons

4 LT - ACB / MCCB Schneider (Master Pact) / ABB / GE (Imported) / Siemens

5 Auto Transfer Switch (ATS) ASCO - 300 & 7000 sries

6 Digital meters ( A,V,kWh,kW, etc) Circutor / scheinder

7 Digital Load Monitors Circutor / scheinder

8 Indicating lamps / Push Buttons Technik / Vaishno / Siemens

9 KWH meters Circutor / scheinder

10 Push Button Stations Siemens / Telemechanique / Clipsal / L&T

11 Selector switches Schneider / Salzer / Kaycee

12 Earth leakage relay Prok Device

13 Relays Schneider / Siemens / ABB / L&T / Prok device / AVK


14 Current Transformers Kappa / Kalpa / Instrans

15 Potential Transformers Kappa / Kalpa / Instrans

Transient Voltage Surge

16 Suppressors ASCO

17 MCBs Legrand /Siemens / L&T / ABB

18 MPCB ABB / Siemens / L&T / Legrand

19 RCCBs [Si type] Schneider / ABB / MDS

20 Distribution Boards Legrand /Siemens / L&T / ABB

21 Cable Trays & Raceways Profab / Patny / Indiana / Storack

Technical Specification Page 369

22 Conduits - PVC Universal / VIP / Avon

23 Conduits - MS GB / Bharath

24 PVC insulated, multistrand Anchor / Rajnigandha / SBEE / Powerflex

Copper Conductor Cables - FRLS

25 Light Fixtures - Internal Wipro / Bajaj /Lighting Technology/ Philips

26 Light Fixtures - External Wipro / Bajaj /Lighting Technology/ Philips

27 Switch Socket Outlets Anchor / MK / North west /

28 Inverters Emersion / Eaton / Delta / Power one

Industrial Power Sockets with

29 enclosure Asian / Schneider / Neptune / Gewiss

30 Lighning arrestors Cape Electric / OBO Bettermann / DEHN India

Maintenance Free Earth

31 Electrodes Eric / Lightning Protection International

Technical Specification Page 370


The scope briefly shall include supply, erection, testing and commissioning of External Water
Supply Distribution Network , containing various requirements of piping, valves, supports,
specialities etc.
The water requirement for building shall be calculated as per Plumbing section of IS: SP: 7-2005.
The pipe shall be concealed and painted with anti-corrosive bituminous paint (as per IS:158)
wherever required as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in-charge /Client
The total water requirement shall be met with underground source by providing deep tube wells or
by any other nearby water source.
Construction of Borewells with adequate capacity of submersible pumps(Including complete set as
per requirement) shall be in scope of Work as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in-charge
Water source shall be tested for potable water quality and suitable water treatment shall be
provided as per WHO standards.

WATER TREATMENT PLANT (As per requirement)

The scope of the proposal includes Design, Engineering, Construction including supply of all
material, mechanical / electrical equipments i.e. pumps, motors, level switches, cables, MCC etc.,
Erection / Commissioning & maintenance of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to treat the required
water per day.
The contractor shall have to maintain the plant for a period of 12 months including all the materials
etc. at their own cost after satisfactory commissioning of the plant. The contractor shall provide
training to the operators of the owner for a minimum period of three months during the
maintenance of the plant. The responsibility for any defect due to design, construction,
performance lies solely with the contractor.

The scope shall cover the following activities and services in respect of all the works of WTP:
 Basic Engineering
 Detailed design of all the civil structures,
 Providing engineering drawings, data, Operation & Maintenance/ instruction manuals, as
built drawings and other information,
 Compliance with statutory requirements and obtaining clearances from statutory
authorities, wherever required,
 Finalisation of sub-vendors, manufacturing quality plans and Field quality plans,

Technical Specification Page 371

 Complete manufacturing including conducting all shop / routine tests.
 Packing and transportation from the manufacturer’s works to the site including customs
clearance & port clearance, port charges (if any),
 Receipt, storage of manufactured items, at the site,
 Erection, testing and putting into satisfactory operation all manufactured items
 Satisfactory completion of the contract.
 The contractor shall be responsible for making all connections at terminal points, and for
supplying any necessary jointing material, connectors, nuts, bolts etc.,

Special tools and tackles, if any, required for maintenance of the manufactured items.

Suitable capacity of Drinking water Pumps along with drive motor (Vertical turbine wet pit
type) (as per requirement including all) to be provided at underground water tank.

Earth pressure for all underground structures shall be calculated using coefficient of earth
pressure at rest or co-efficient of active earth pressure, whichever is applicable, depending
upon the structural configuration
Minimum 100 mm thick PCC of grade M-10 as per IS:456 shall be provided as mud mat
below the bottom slab / raft. The PCC shall extend 100 mm beyond the outer edge of the
structural concrete. A layer of bitumen paper or craft paper shall be provided over the
blinding layer (lean concrete) to destroy the bond between structural concrete and blinding
Water proofing cum plasticizer compound shall be mixed with the concrete.
For the design of substructure of pump houses, earth pressure at rest shall be considered.
Co-efficient of passive earth pressure shall be used only in design of shear keys for stability
against sliding.
The design of all liquid retaining structures shall be carried out by working stress method of
IS 3370 (All parts)

Design, drawing, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant as
per the Schematic, Flow Scheme, Specification consisting of :
 Bar Screen Chamber ( Bucket Screen )
 Equalisation Tank
 FRP treatment plant comprising of pre-aeration in contact media, aeration treatment,
sedimentation and disinfection. System is equipped with settling and anaerobic filtration as
an integral part of the FRP module.
 Semi Treated Effluent sump
 Treated Effluent sump
 Screen Filter
 Diffusers

Technical Specification Page 372

 Raw Effluent pump, Filter feed Pumps, Alum dozing system & Blowers.
 Pump House

 All works to be carried out to the relevant IS Specifications whether so mentioned in the
description of works or not.
 Including all Electrical, mechanical and piping works complete in all respects. Rate quoted
shall also include for obtaining necessary approvals from the Pollution Control Board &
other statutory bodies as applicable, for trial run & commissioning of the plant with
performance Guarantee for 12 months from the date of commissioning for trouble free
performance. The Total plant is to be above ground with only Equalisation tank, Semi
Treated water tank & Final treated water tank located below ground level. Galvalume sheet
roof with pump room in masonry to be provided above ground.
 The cost inclusive of all civil structure.

Technical Specification Page 373



Work under this section consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and
appliances necessary and required to completely install drainage system as
required by the drawings, specified herein after and given in the schedule of

Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the drainage system shall include
the following: -

a) RCC Hume pipes (light duty pressure pipes)

b) Connection of all pipes to Catch Basins as shown on the drawings.
c) Testing of all pipes lines.


These pipes shall conform to IS 458-1988. This shall be of class Non Pressure (NP)
2. The design and strength thickness and test requirements of pipes shall be as
per table 2. of IS 458.


The concrete pipe should be carefully loaded, transported and unloaded without
impact, the laying of pipes shall be done by using tripod stand and chain pulley

Joints shall be of collar joint and the caulking space shall be filled with CM. 1:1
mixture of cement & sand. The caulking shall be employed on both the ends and
finished neatly outside the socket at an angle of 450. Wooden caulking tool shall
be used for forcing the mortar home into the collar.

All the joints shall be kept moist by means of wet gunny cloth to protect them from
quick drying. The joints shall be cured at least for seven days.


Technical Specification Page 374

Testing of non-pressure pipes shall be subject to a test for 2.5 meters head of
water at the highest point of the section under test for 10 minutes. The leakage
or quantity of water supplied during testing shall not exceed 0.2 lt./mm dia of
pipes per Km length per day.


A leakage test shall be conducted currently with the pressure test. Leak age is
defined as the quantity of water to be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any
valve section thereof within 0,035 N/ /0.35 Kgf/, of the specified
leakage test pressure after the air in the pipeline has been expelled and the pipe
has been filled with water (in case of test pressure is 10 Kgf/ the leakage
test pressure will be 3.5 Kgf/

No pipe installation shall be accepted until the leakage is less than the number of as determined by the formula:

ND x (P)1/2

QL = -----------------


Where QL = The allowable leakage in,

N = Number of joints in the length of

the pipeline

D = diameter in mm and

P = The average test pressure

during the leakage test

in Kg/


The leakage or quantity of water supplied during testing shall not exceed 0.2
lts/mm diameter of pipe per kilometer of length per day.

Technical Specification Page 375


When pipes are laid under roads and payments subjected to heavy traffic loads
the trenches may be covered with plain cement concrete slabs of suitable
dimension, supported on edges to relieve the load on pipes to the adjoining


The Contractor shall at his own cost make good promptly, during the whole period that
the works are in hand, any settlement that may occur on the surfaces of roads, berms,
footpaths, gardens, open spaces, etc. whether public or private caused by trenches or
his other excavations and he shall be liable for any accidents caused thereby. He
shall also, at his own expense, repair and make good any damage done to the buildings
and other properties.

Technical Specification Page 376


The term Grading, Grading Plan, Site Grading shall mean the following in singular and

Surface dressing: Trimming of natural ground and / or excavated surface / filled up area to
remove vegetation and undulations not exceeding 150 mm deep shall be described as surface
dressing. Measured in sq Mts.

Rough excavation: Excavation not requiring surface dressing. Measured in Sq mts.

Surface Excavation: Excavation exceeding 1.5m width and 10 sq mts in plan but not exceeding
300 mm in depth.Measured in sq Mts.

Area Excavation: Excavation exceeding 1.5m width and 10 sq mts in plan and exceeding 300 mm
in depth. Measured in Cu M.

Classification of Ground to be Graded:

Materials to be Graded and measured shall be classified as follows:

Loose soil: Generally any soil which yeilds to ordinary application of, shovels

( faawda), rakes (panjaa) and any other ordinary digging implement.

Hard Soil: Soil which needs to be loosened by application of picks (tikau)andcrowbars

Soft rock: Rocks which can be split by picks and crowbars. This will include


Hard rock: rock that is to be displaced by wedging, chiselling (taapkari). Hard rock on site shall
not be blasted.

Technical Specification Page 377

1. Each dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 m. for dimensions exceeding 25
mts, the accuracy shall be 0.1 m
2. Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 sq mts.
3. Cubic content shall be worked out to nearest 0.1 Cu m.

Measurement of Cut: Where the ground is not uniform, levels shall be taken before the
commencement of works and after completion of works and the quantity of cutting calculated
from this measurement.

Measurement of Fill: Where the ground is not uniform, levels shall be taken before the
commencement of works. Works shall be measured during compaction of fills at suitable
intervals, and the final measurement taken after achieving and after completion of neat surface

The following works shall not be measured seperately and allowance for the same shall be
deemed to have been made in the description of the main item.

1. Setting out
2. Profiles
3. Site clearance
4. Informal Battering or benching of excavation
5. Pumping out water from excavated areas and sub soil.
6. Slinging or supporting pipes and cables encountered during work.



This specification includes furnishing all the materials, equipment and labour necessary for the
excavation, fumigation, pest control, pre and post and emergent weedicide application,
placement of soil mix, planting of plant materials, irrigation, protection, maintenance and
guarantee and all related items to complete the landscape work as shown in the drawings and
specified herein for plantation of trees, shrubs, groundcovers and lawns.


(a) Cleaning up:

The site shall be cleared of all debris and construction materials. Existing structures, planters,
fences etc. shall not be damaged. If damaged, they should be repaired.

Technical Specification Page 378

(b) Excavation

Excavation upto 2’ depth for shrubs, groundcover and lawn; and upto 1m depth for
trees, shall be carried out by contractor with his own labourers and tools necessary for
the operation. The contractor shall have to carry away and dump the rejected excavated
material to a place shown by the Engineer in charge and the excavated area shall be
filled with soil mixture as specified.
(c) Laying of the drainage layer (below soil surface):
If required, in absence of natural soil below 2’ depth, drainage will be provided as
described herein. Perforated PVC pipes 6” (150mm) in diameter cut into two half rounds
shall be laid as indicated in the drawing. These shall be laid to provide unobstructed
flow of water towards the drainage outlets at sub surface levels. A 3” (75mm) thick layer
of cinder (burnt bricks) shall be laid in between these pipes as draining bed. The soil mix
as specified herein shall be spread over this layer.


All plantation shall be done in the refilled pits or trenches containing a well mixed
composition of the following ingredients:

1. Stacked top soil/ Garden earth (2 parts)

2. Cocopeat (1/2 part)
3. Sieved sand (1 part) (grade as specified for construction) – to increase aeration and
reduce termite and other insect attack.
4. Organic sterilized manures like vermicompost granules (without mud), or any refined
manure or Amrut compost (1/2 part)

Conventional methods of using FYM in the soil mix, in the pre and post planting stage are
avoided since it heats up the soil, increases methane production, thus affecting plant roots,
it also increases weed, pest and disease incidence. This also reduces the cost of

The soil mixture shall have a pH of 6.5 to 7.

The soil used shall be properly screened into coarse texture and fine texture to suit the
type of plant (coarser for trees and shrubs and finer for lawns) containing adequate amount
of humus, friable and free from perennial weeds, stones and pebbles, foreign materials,
plastic bags, roots, half decayed leaves, debris etc. It shall be fine textured soil that breaks
into clods and lumps when crushed. All the soil should be of the same structure and
composition throughout. The soil shall not be delivered, handled or placed in a muddy

Technical Specification Page 379

The soil mix components should be thoroughly mixed before laying in place. This soil mix is
good for the growth of trees, shrubs, groundcover and lawn.

Manures used to upgrade and increase efficiency and richness of soil shall be sterilized (if
possible) free of smell, insect eggs and larvae, weeds, and harmless. Amrut compost is
recommended, since it contains cocopeat, sterilized and sun dried FYM, Neem, and
Trichoderma (N fixing) bacteria.

Contractor shall submit soil test reports of the soil, specifying pH values, N, P, K values,
micronutrient content, soil structure and texture, so that additives can be determined


Organic fertilizers like ValueMeal (5:10:5, N, P, K) should be top dressed, at the rate of half
kg/ cum, at every ten days interval during monsoon and fifteen days interval otherwise.
Groundnut cake or Neem oil cake can be used alternatively bi-monthly at the rate of half
kg/ cum.

For lawns, in addition to the organic fertilizer, Sufala (15:15:15, N, P, K) should be top
dressed at every fifteen days interval at the rate of half kg/ cum.

Avoid using inorganic fertilizers like urea etc. as they are harmful to the plants in the long

Tonics like Plantakola and Bahar at the rate of 0.01% should be sprayed at every fifteen days
interval alternately.

Growth regulators like Vipul can be used (0.01%) bi-monthly.

Adjuvants like APSA-80 (0.01%) should be mixed with any of the pesticides or fungicides
mentioned above and used as foliar sprays to increase their durability and efficiency.


After thorough mixing of the soil mix, the soil shall be levelled, graded and thoroughly wetted,
all depressions should be refilled to required levels. The soil shall then be allowed to dry,
and compact. Pre emergent weedicide and plant protection sprays shall be done at this

Technical Specification Page 380

stage. The soil is again tilled. This is again wetted and filled for final levels as per


One to two pre emergent sprays at fifteen days intervals (any commercial weedicide like
2,4-D or Grammaxone (0.5%) should be applied on the entire soil mix surface and
thoroughly mixed to a depth of 9”. Post emergent spraying of Glycel (0.5%) controls weeds
after emergence.


Synthetic Pyrethroides like Cypermethrin, Deltamethrine, or Alphamethrine should be
sprayed on the soil mix prior to planting at the rate of 0.05% to control insects at larval and
caterpillar stages. Saaf (Bavistin + Dithane-M-45) should be sprayed prior to planting to
control all fungal diseases.

Organic insecticides like Neemark, Go-Neem, Vermiwash, Humus Acid should be used as
post emergent sprays to control insects. Inorganic insecticides like Monocrotophos (Phoskil)
should be used alternating with organic insecticides. Bactericides like Streptocycline,
fungicides like Blitox should be used on the foliage as post emergent sprays.

Care should be taken to ensure that no single formulation should be used continuously
to avoid resistance building.

All plants shall be well formed, healthy, transplanted or pot grown with vigorous sound
roots, true to type. Plants which do not meet the specifications shall be rejected by the
Horticulturist/ Landscape Architect. No substitutions shall be made without the Landscape
Architect’s approval in writing. Detailed specifications for trees/ shrubs/ creepers/ lawn
discussed below.

a. Specification for trees


Technical Specification Page 381

Each tree sapling shall be planted in position shown on the plan in pits admeasuring 1m x 1m x

(2) Plant material

1. The pits of 1x1x1 mt are to be dug two to three weeks prior to planting. The pit should
be kept exposed to sunlight for these two to three weeks. Soil mix as specified above
should then be filled into the pit. For longer and better favourable conditions it is
suggested to plant at the beginning of monsoon. For proper and strong growth of the
plant pruning should be done at a regular interval at an early stage of the plant growth.
Manuring is necessary and should be done as per suggestions. Trees need generous
watering and should be done one time daily.

2. Trees shall be supplied in containers or the trees shall be burled. In the latter case, trees
shall be dug up with a ball of soil around the roots and the soil ball wrapped and tied in
polythene or hassian sacking. The trees shall be in good condition with no broken
branches or bark injury. The foliage shall be adequate and shall show no signs of wilting.
The roots shall be growing in a thick unbroken tangle.

(3) Stakes

Each tree shall be secured to a stout straight stake of average diameter of 2”. These stakes
of soft wood or bamboo should have a clear height of 6’-0” above the ground and 2’-0”
below ground. They shall be driven into the hole before the tree is planted and the trees
shall be secured to them immediately below the bottom branch. The second tie is to be
staked as practicable.

b. Specifications for shrubs/ creepers/ groundcovers

(1) Excavation

Since soil mix is loose and friable to 2’ depth, direct planting to be done with diameter of pit
being slightly larger than the root ball.

(2) Plant material

Shrubs/ groundcovers provided shall be in accordance with the specifications in the plant
list. They shall be in good condition with no broken branches. The foliage shall be healthy

Technical Specification Page 382

and shall show no signs of wilting. The root ball shall be intact and main top root shall be
free from injuries.

c. Specifications for lawn

(1) Excavation

Since soil mix is loose and friable to 2’ depth, direct turfing to be done

(2) Cultivation of lawn

The cultivation of lawn shall consist of excavation of area and refilling in with the soil
mixture as specified earlier. The soil mixture shall be laid to proper slopes for surface
drainage. The soil shall be properly raked and watered thoroughly before receiving the
strips of turf of specified grass variety (minimum 1’ wide).

(3) The contractor shall be required to do proper top dressing, rolling and periodical hand
cutting or machine mowing as per consultants instructions during maintenance period in
order to bring and maintain the lawn in perfect green thick and springy carpet of turf.


(A) Trees
(a) Tree pits: After making out the positions for planting the trees, pits shall be made
minimum 1 cum or at least 150mm wider and deeper than the space the roots will
occupy when they are spread out in their natural positions.
(b) Handling: The container of the trees shall be removed before planting the trees. The
tree shall be handled by the soil ball. The trunk of the tree shall not be used as a handle
as this may injure the tree by breaking of fragile roots or loosening the whole root
system, while planting a small hole shall be made in the centre of the pit slightly larger
than the ball of earth holding the roots.
(c) Placing/ Protection: If the plant is tall and likely to sway by the wind, it shall be
supported by a stick to which it is tied. For a young tree under 2.5” to 3” dia., support of
2” x 3” wooden stake 4’ long shall be used. The end of the stake shall go into the
ground. The tree shall be tied to the stake with coir tie (sutli). The stakes and ties shall
be removed after they have done their job between one year to three years.
(d) Planting: The pits shall now be filled with the prepared mixture of manure and earth,
working the soil between the roots. The soil shall be pressed down firmly by treading on
it, leaving a shallow depression all around for watering. When the tree has lawn around
it, the surface of the lawn shall have a slight slope around the tree.
Technical Specification Page 383
(e) Watering: The tree shall be watered heavily soon after planting in the absence of rain,
the trees shall be watered every three days for smaller trees and once a week for larger
trees. The interval between watering shall gradually be increased to twice a month,
once in a month to once in six months in the case of large trees only.

(B) Shrubs, groundcovers and creepers

(a) Ground preparation: The shrub and groundcover areas shall be marked prior to planting
on the prepared site. Since soil mix is loose and friable to 2’ depth, direct planting to be
done with diameter of pit being slightly larger than the root ball. The surface shall be
watered thoroughly at least three days prior to planting. The surface shall be carefully
levelled and graded as mentioned above.
(b) Planting: The shrubs and groundcover shall be planted in positions and spaced as
specified in the drawing and plant list. Planting shall not be too deep. When
transplanting/planting shrubs, there shall be a good ball of the original earth around the
roots and the tap root and side roots shall not be unduly cut or damaged when lifting
the plant.
(c) Creepers: Creepers shall be planted in the same manner as shrubs. Adequate support
shall be provided so as to enable the creeper to grow naturally without damage to the

(C) For planters:-

Appropriate care should be taken that a proper drainage should be given to the planter.
The planter is to be filled with clean and loose soil mix which should be free from stones, sticks
and plastic papers. Planting should be done as mentioned for shrubs and groundcovers.

(D) Lawns

 Ground preparation: Thorough and adequate ground preparation shall be carried out as
mentioned earlier. In absence of rain, the surface shall be watered heavily. Any weeds
that come up shall be removed thoroughly. As soon as the surface is dry enough, the
levels shall be rechecked, slight surface settling that occurs shall be filled in before grass
planting is commenced for turfing. Turf (minimum 1’ wide) shall be spread on the
ground without any gaps. Any cavities shall be filled with fine soil. The entire area shall
be watered liberally. Any soil settling/ turf settling should be corrected by removing the
turf at this stage and refilling with soil mix, and re-turfing. After six months, all levels
should be resurfaced to required grade by top dressing the turf with soil mix, and
washing it down.

 Growing and shaping: When the growth of the grass has progressed sufficiently to
require mowing, hand weeding shall be done. After each mowing, sieved soil mix shall
be spread, watered and smoothed down. Planks of wood shall be used for this purpose.

Technical Specification Page 384

Besides mowing, weeding, and watering of lawn, lawn shall be treated with organic
manures and fertilizers as mentioned earlier. The edges of the lawn where it meets
shrub areas, walkways, or structures shall be clipped by hand and well maintained.

The site will be inspected by the Architects, Clients, Landscape Architect and Horticulturist
from time to time at different stages of work. All the stages of work will be under
continuous supervision and observation by the horticultural supervisors appointed by the
Landscape Architect. Security measures will have to be provided by the Clients during the
entire period of planting and maintenance.


After completion of the landscape planting operations and prior to the beginning of the
formal free maintenance of six months, if the landscape architect and the clients are of the
opinion that all work has been performed in accordance with the drawings and
specifications, the Contractor shall obtain from the Landscape Architect a written notice or
preliminary acceptance noting any item which must be corrected and stating the date of
commencement of the formal maintenance period.

All the trees/ shrubs/ creepers will have free maintenance period of 6 months, during which
the contractor is supposed to maintain all these items in all respects such as watering,
pruning, spraying of pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, adding fertilisers, removing of
weeds etc. The maintenance of the horticultural work includes employment of required
malis and others continuously for period as per contract agreement.

All plant materials furnished or relocated shall be warranted for a period of six months from
the date of pre-maintenance inspection against defective, unsound, or diseased condition
that may appear. Any damaged plant material shall be promptly replaced with new material
of the same size and condition and installed according to the specifications. The expense of
replacement shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall not be held liable for the
loss of plants due to accidents, severe storms or inclement weather or theft.

Technical Specification Page 385

All accessories required for the horticultural maintenance work such as hosepipe,
insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, pump, lawn mower, tools sharpening, fertilizer,
rodenticide, sickles, khurpis etc. shall be provided by the contractor for which no extra
payment shall be made. The rate includes making arrangement for water supply and cost of
water required for maintenance.


Final acceptance shall be based upon a visual inspection operation by the Architect/ Landscape
Architect at the completion of the maintenance period.

Technical Specification Page 386



Scope the section death with technical requirement of lift installation. Its components safety devices
various type of controls and methods of operation will be guided by the requirements in individual case
such as nature of building, usage occupancy, traffic pattern etc. and has to be decided in individual cases.

1.0 Drive machinery :

1.1 Electric Supply :
Three phase, 50 c/s 415volt electric supply shall be made available. The entire lift
equipment should be suitable for operation at+10%to -20% of the rated supply voltage.
2.2. Gearless machine
The lift machine shall be of worm gear reduction type with motor, brake, worm gearing
and driving sheave and break – drum or brake disc completely aligned on a single shaft.
Gearless machine shall be a/c gearless with VVVF drive.
2.3. The lift machine shall be of worth gear reduction type with motor, brake. Worm gearing
and driving sheave and suitable for type of control specified.
2.4. Sheaves.
Sheaves and pulleys shall be of hard alloy. Cast iron. SG iron or steel and free from
cracks, sand holes and others defects. They shall have machined rope groves. The
traction sheave shall be grooved to produce proper traction and shall be of sufficient
dimension to provide for wear in the grove. The deflector sheave shall be grooved so as
to provide a smooth bed for the rope. The deflector or secondary sheave assemblies
where used shall be mounted in proper alignment with the traction sheave. Such
deflector sheaves shall have groves large than rope diameter as specified in clause 8 of
IS 14665 (part -4- sec -3):2000. The size of all the sheave shall be in accordance with
clause 8.4 of IS 14665 (part -4- sec -3):2000. Wherever necessary suitable protective
guards may be provided.
2.5. Shaft keys.
Shafts which support sheaves, gears, coupling and other members which transmit
torque shall be provided with light fitting keys of sufficient strength and quality.
2.6. Brake
The lift drive machinery shall be provided with and electro- magnetic brake or motor
operated brake normally applied means of springs in compression when the operating

Technical Specification Page 387

device is in off position. The brake shall be suitable curved over the brake drum or brake
disc and provide with fire proof friction lining. The operation of brake shall be smooth,
gradual and with minimum noise. The brake shall be designed to be of sufficient size and
strength to stop and hold the car at rest with rated load. The brake should be capable of
operation automatically by the various safety devices,current failure and by the normal
stopping of the car. The brake shall be released electricity. It shall also be possible to
release the brake manually such releases the permanent application of manual force so
as to move the lift car in short stops. For this purpose suitable brake release equipment
wherever necessary shall be supplied with each lift installation and the same shall be
kept in safe custody to prevent misuse.

2.6.1. Hand winding wheel or handle:

At times or lift stoppage due to any reasons it shall be possible to move the lift car to
the nearest landing manually. The manual operation shall be by means of a winding
wheel or handle mounted on the end of the motor shaft. The up or down direction of
the movement of the car should be clearly marked on the motor or at suitable location.
A warming plate written in bold signal red colour advising the maintenance staff to
switch off the mains supply before releasing the brake and operating the wheel is to be
prominently display.

2.7. Bearing :
Bearing shall be either of the anti-friction metal sleave type with oil reservoirs, self,
lubricant, oil, gauges, capped filler opening and drains of the ball roller type subject to
oil flood lubrication or grease lubrication.
Grease lubricated bearing shall have grease gun connection and drains plugs. The
bearing and lubricant reservoirs shall be dust tight and shall incorporate effective seals
to prevent leakage. The outer end of the bearing shall be closed with a removable oil
tight plate. Thrust bearing shall be of the ball or roller type and shall have two sets of
balls arranged to minimize backlash for efficient working.

2.0 Type of controls:

3.1 Single speed alternating current control:

A control for a driving machine induction motor which is arranged to run at a single speed.

3.2 Variable voltage variable frequency:

Incoming mains as power is first rectified to dc and then inverted to provide controlled ac
current to the elevator drive. Precision monitoring of motor speed and car direction position
and load enable the pulse width of the ac power supplied to the motor to be adjusted to ensure
that elevator speed is maintained very accurately to an ideal profile.

Technical Specification Page 388

Thus in VVVF controls pulse width modulation control of ac motors has following advantages
compare with the older servo controlled elevators:-

(a) Total control at all stage of the motions cycle.

(b) A consistent fully adjustable smooth ride.

(c) Better leveling accuracy under all conditions.

(d) A higher power factor.

(e) Lower staring current.

(f) Energy saving through reduced power consumption.

4.0 Installation aspects:

4.1. Installation in machine room- lift machine room to accommodate the drive machinery,
controller, etc., shall as far as possible be located on top of the lift shaft. The layout of
equipment there should be such as to allow free movement of maintenance personnel inside.
Machine room shall not be used for storage purpose.

4.1.1 Verification of machine room: - machine room shall be provided with natural air and
mechanical ventilation to avoid over healing of the electrical equipments and to ensure proper
operation of the controller. Entry of dust etc shall also be suitable prevented.

4.1.2 Vibration isolation- vibration and isolation arrangement shall be provided to prevent
transmission of vibration to the building and structure.

4.2 General illumination of lift well. : Suitable light points shall be provided in the lift well at
a spacing of not more than 10meters in suitable light at the ground floor. All the points should
be group controlled from the M/C room. The wiring shall be carried out in surface conduit as
per CPWD General Specification. One socket outlet shall be provided in the shaft for use by
maintenance personnel at a level slightly above the ground floor landing.

5.0. Guide rails :

Guide rails shall be in accordance with clause 3 of IS14665(part 4-sec.2)2000. Only machined
guide rails shall be permitted for cars for passengers and hospital lifts. Formed sheet metal rails

Technical Specification Page 389

shall be used upto speeds of 1.75mps for counter weight applications in the case of goods lifts.
Unmachined guides rails shall be permitted for the counter weight for all speeds and for the
cars only upto a speed of 0.5 m/sec.

The guide rails shall be supported by brackets secured to the hoistway frame at each floor. The
rails shall be securely fastened to the brackets or other supports by approved heavy rail clamps.
Ali necessary guide rails packing or additional supports shall be provided to prevent guide rail
deflection and stresses exceeding the prescribed limits. The stresses on the guide rail due to the
horizontal forces imposed on it during loading. Unloading and running calculated without
impact. Shall not exceed 1100 kg/sq cm based upon the class fastenings and supports shall be
capable of resisting the horizontal forces mentioned above. With the total deflection at the
point of support not in exceed of 3mm.

Guide rails shall extend from pit floor to the underside of concrete slabs or grafing at top of the
lift well. They shall be erected in plumb and parallel with a maximum deviation of 3mm. all
shimming required shall be of metal securely held in place. Jointing plates shall be so located as
not to interfere with supporting clamps and brackets. The bolts shall be used with spring lock
washers. The guide rail anchorage at pit floor must be made without puncturing the water
proofing. The expansion joints in the guide rails shall be so designed as to avoid jerks in the left
car. Machined guide rails shall be maintained till the commissioning of the installation. Before
the car is a placed in operation, the preventive coaling shall be removed and the guide rails
thoroughly cleaned and smoothened.

6.0. Lift Car

6.1. Car frame

The car frame shall be in accordance with clause -4 of IS 14665(part4-sec3):2001 made of sheet
steel of rigid construction withstand without permanent deformation the operation of safety
gear. The car shall be so mounted on that vibration and noise transmitted to the passengers
inside is minimized.

6.2. Car platform

Technical Specification Page 390

6.2.1 The car platform shall of framed construction and designed on the basis of rated load
evenly distributed. The dimensions shall conform to IS 14665(part1)2000 unless otherwise
specified. The flooring shall be smooth and of anti-skid surface. The flooring for goods lift shall
be strong enough to take the rated load without any deformation or damage.

6.2.2 A load place along with overload alarm, giving the rated load and permissible maximum
number of passenger should be fitted in each lift car in a conspicuous position.

6.3 Car body:

The car shall be enclosed on all sides by a metallic enclosure. The enclosure including the door
shall withstand deformation a thrust of 35kg applied normally at any point and as per IS
14665(per-4sec 3)-2001 ventilation specified shall be as per IS 14665(per-4sec3)2001.

6.3.1 Stretcher guards/ trolley guards made of PVC / rubber extrusion housed in a stainless
steel beading shall be fitted at suitable level (s) rear/side panels for bed lifts / goods lifts.

6.3.2 Lift car door shall have a fire resistance ration of one hour.

6.3.3 Grounding switch (es) at ground floor level shall be provided on all the lifts to enable the
fire service to ground the lifts.

6.4 Car roof:

The roof of the car shall be solid type capable of supporting a weight of at least 140 kg and as
per IS 14665(Part-4 SEC3)2001

6.5 Car thresholds:

Car entrance shall be provided with metal thresholds having a grooved surface. Thresholds for
lifts having horizontally sliding car doors or gates shall have machined or extruded guide

6.6. Toe guard aprons.

The toe guard apron of gauge not less than 1.6 mm sheet may be provided extending at least
15mm beyond entrance jambs at each side. The guards shall have a straight vertical face

Technical Specification Page 391

extending below the level of the finished car floor and not less than the depth of the leveling
zone plus. 7.5 mm. The bottom of guard shall extend 700mm for lifts upto speed of 1.5 mps and
1000 mm for lifts above speed of 1.5 mps below vertical lace and beveled at 15 th angle from the
vertical. It shall be seamed to car platform construction and be reinforced and braced.

6.7 Clearance

The clearance between the top of the car and the soffit of the lift shall roof. Bottom of the car
and the pit floor, the buffers etc. and the clearance between the car and the lift well, between
the car and the landing sill, between two lift cars in the same shaft etc. shall be provided as per
IS 14665(Part 1.2&4)and relevant lift rules mentioned in appendix-1.

6.8. Car apron, landing thresholds and sills.

An apron shall be fitted to the car platform such that no dangerous gap exists at any time when
the land door is opening. Thresholds and sill plates shall be provided at the landings also. The
distance between landing sill and the sill on car platform shall not be more than 30mm.

6.9. Inter – communication system.

6.9.1 Though Para 8.4.3 of IS 14665 (part2/sec: 1):2000 recommends for provision of either
and emergency signal or a telephone inside the car but as a general experience. It is seen that
over a period of time these devices become inoperative due to one reasons or the other.
Therefore, in order to have at least one device of communication functioning at all the times.
As an alternative arrangement, provision of both i.e. telephone with minimum two connections
– one at the operator’s room and other at guard room and the emergency signal with re-
chargeable batteries as source of supply shall be made in the lift cars.

6.9.2. The device used for emergency signals should incorporate a feature that gives immediate
feedback to the car passengers that the device has worked properly and the signal has been
passed on to the intended agency. This shall be achieved by pressing of button from control
room which shall give audio signal to the passengers in the car.

Technical Specification Page 392

6.9.3 Provision of group indicator panel in the control room shall be made to indicate working
of lifts.

6.9.4 Emergency power supply for lift car.

This shall include suitable secondary battery with trickle/ boost charge arrangement and
invertors power pack with necessary contactors for supplying the light fixtures in the lift car.
The same battery shall also feed the alarm bell and communication equipment.

6.10 Ratings and instructions

Inside the lift car, the lift supplier shall also provide a stainless steel metallic plate indicating the
rated load and detailed instructions for the passengers. This shall be mounted at a suitable

6.11 Lift car interior finish

The side, rear facia panel shall be of scratch free stainless steel sheet. The flooring shall be with
3mm thick PVC tiles for passenger lifts and chequered aluminium sheet for goods lifts and
goods –cum- passenger lifts. The false ceiling in the lift car shall be crafted from mild steel
power coated to suitable colour with CFL lamps and fan diffuse (s)in different colour.

6.11.1 Operating panel inside the car.

The car operating panel shall be of metal. Flush mounted and duly finished to match the car
interior décor and shall contain all the devices as may be specified depending upon the type of
operation required. In addition separate illuminated panel for indicating the floor and direction
may be provided on the top or the door way. All switches shall be fade proof and the devices
shall be of suitable quality.

Each device and its operating position shall be legible fade proof and marked.

7.0 Car and landing entrances.

Technical Specification Page 393

The car and landing doors shall be of flush type sheet steel only for power operation. The flush
type may further be of single sliding, centre opening or two speed construction. Power
operated car and landing doors shall be so designed as not to injure any person during their
closure by means of provision of a safety pressure switch which shall cause the doors reopen on
the slightest pressure. In case of power operated doors. It shall be possible on power failure, to
open them from the car side. All the openings for passenger lifts shall be 2000 mm clear in
height. For goods left vertical by – parting doors or collapsible gates as specified shall be used.
The door opening and closing shall be accomplished smoothly and quickly without undue noise.
Vibration and shock and their movement s shall be cushioned and checked at both limits.

7.1 Car doors

7.1.1 The car door shall be hung from the top M.S fabricated and means shall be provided to
prevent the door from jumping off the track. The doors shall be provided with two point
suspension sheave type hangers suitable for the type of door operation specified. The hungers
shall be securely fastened on bearings mounted on a malleable iron or steel bracket.
Arrangement shall be provided for vertical and lateral adjustment of car doors. The sheaves
shall move on a M.S fabricated track so shaped as to permit free movement of sheaves with
regard vertical adjustment of sheave bracket or housing.

The car door shall be centre opening horizontal sliding stainless steel scratch proof(moon rock
finish) for office. Residential and goods lift applications whereas telescopic horizontal sliding
stainless scratch proof surface(moon rock finish) for hospitals.

7.1.2 A potential cause of accidents could be the attempts made to open the landing door of
lower floor in case the car stops away from floor level due to power failure. Since the car door
can be opened in case of power failure so as to improve the ventilation and avoid
claustrophobic situation etc. as outlined in IS 14665(part2/sec1):2000para 10.9.1 there is a
tendency among trapped passengers to make attempts to open any accessible landing door
which can be opened by a electromechanical latch in the landing doors as the lock is accessible
through open car doors. This attempt in panic may result in accidental fall in to the lift pit. In
order to ensure that the trapped passenger do not attempt opening the landing door, the
electromechanical latch should be so designed that it is inaccessible or invisible to the
passengers in the car.

Technical Specification Page 394

7.1.3 In order to avoid accidental closure of doors while boarding or alighting the car, a temper
proof infrared curtain covering almost the entire height of the door should be provided in the
lift doors.

7.2 Provision as per barrier free requirement

7.2.1 wherever lift is required as per by- laws, provision of at least one lift shall be made for the
wheel chair user with the following cage dimensions of lift recommended for passenger lift of
13 persons capacity by Bureau of Indian standards.

Clear internal depth: 1100mm

Clear internal width: 2000mm

Entrance door width: 900 mm

7.2.2 A hand rail not less than 600mm long at 900mm above floor level shall be fixed adjacent
to the control panel.

7.2.3 The time of an automatically closing door should be minimum 5 seconds and the closing
speed should not exceed 0.25 m/sec. The interior of the cage shall be provided with a device
that audible indicate the floor the cage has reached and indicate that the door of the cage for
entrance/exit I either open or closed.

8. Landing doors

Each landing door shall be complete with locks. Headers, skill frames rims hanger supports with
cover plates etc. the finished work shall be strong, rigid and neat in appearance plain surfaces
shall be smooth and free from warp or buckle. Moulded surfaces shall be clean out,straight and
true. Fastenings shall be concealed from the face side of the material. Steel sills shall be
provided with a suitable noising of approximately 25mm depth on the shaft side.

Technical Specification Page 395

The opening for the landing gates or doors shall not be wider than that of the lift car. In the
case of bi- parting type steel doors, the locking of the two leafs locking of the doors should be

Car landings

All the lift car landings shall be well lit to an illumination level of 150 lux and shall be free from
obstructions. The control for landing lights and the sign lights shall be temper proof. Wherever
standby power supply is available, these lights shall be connected to standby circuits also.

For the purpose of identification, the lift number should be displayed outside the
landing door, inside the car and in the machine room. This numbering may be used as reference
for the purpose of routine/ preventive maintenance, for operating from machine rooms and
reporting of any incidental etc.


Details instructions as specified for guidance of passengers shall be prominently displayed

inside the car by contractor and outside the car at all landings by the department. The brail
signage will be posted by the department outside lift lobby at all landings for the lift meant for
barrier free requirements as per appendix vii.

It is seen generally, that though the instruction on DO’s and Don’ts, as per provision of the
relevant. IS, are displayed in lift cars but the same are either displayed in inconspicuous
location. Or are very small in size or are in one language only. To make these instructions serve
the intended purpose, and not a mare compliance of relevant IS clause. That these instructions
should be displayed at a conspicuous location with larger and understandable script and should
be written in Hindi, English and regional language (where official regional language is notified).


All lift (s) shall be incorporated with suitable floor leveling devices. In case of lifts automatic
power operated doors and with A.C VVVF controller a separate level device for automatic
leveling with leveling accuracy of ±5mm shall be incorporated.

Technical Specification Page 396

9. Counter weight

The counter weight for lift cars shall be in accordance with clause 6 of IS14665 (part4/sec-
3)2001 and shall be designed to balance the weight of empty lift car plus approximately
50percent of the rated load. If shall consist of cast sections firmly secured in relative movement
by at least two numbers steel tie rods having lock nuts/split pins at each end and passing
through each section and housed in a rigid steel frame work. Cracked and broken sub weights
shall not be accepted.

9.1 Counter weight guards

Guards of wire metal/mesh shall be provided in the lift pit to a suitable height above the pit
floor to eliminate the possibility of injuries to the maintenance personnel.

10.0. Guide shoes

Two numbers of guide shoes at the top and two numbers at the bottom shall be provided on
the lift car and counter- weight.

10.1 Type of shoes

10.1.1 For passenger lifts and bed – cum – passenger lifts.

a. For speed upto 1.5 mps sliding guide shoes shall be used. Sliding guided shoes for car
shall be always flexible and for counterweight solid guide shoes can be used up to

b. for speeds more than 1.5 mps roller guide shoes shall be used for car and counter

10.1.2 For goods lifts solid shoes can be used.

10.2 Flexible type/ solid type sliding guide shoes.

The car shall be provided with solid or spring loaded swiveling guide shoes with renewable
liners. Where the lift car speeds are upto and including 1MPS. The cars with speeds beyond
1MPS shall be provided with spring loaded guided shoes with renewable liners or the guide
shoes shall be of roller type.

Technical Specification Page 397

10.3 Roller type guide shoes.

Each roller shall be of an approved type consisting of rollers assembled on a substantial metal
base and mounted as to proved continuous contact of all rollers with the corresponding guide
rail surfaces under all conditions of load and operation. The rollers shall run on the three
finished guide rail surfaces and shall operate quietly.

10.3.1 Mounting of guide shoes

Guide shoes shall be provided with adjustable mountings and shall be rigidly secured in
accurate alignment at the top and bottom on each side of the car sling and counter weight
frame construction. When oil buffers attached to the bottom of counter weight are used,
Additional guide shoe shall be provided on each side of the buffer frame. The design of guide
and car safety device shall be coordinated so as to ensure the provision and installation of
equipment with clearance specified in clause 5.7of this chapter.

11.0 Lift ropes –IS 14665(part4/sec8)2001

Round strand steel wires ropes made from steel wire ropes having a tensile strength not less
than 12.5 tonnes.cm2 and of good flexibility shall be used for lift. Lubrications between the
strands shall be achieved by providing impregnated hemp core. The lift ropes shall conform to
IS 14665(part-4/sec-8): 2001 and the following factor of safety shall be adhered to. The
minimum diameter of rope for cars and counter weight of passenger and goods lift shall be

11.1 Rope fastenings

The ends of lift ropes shall be properly secured to the and counter weight hitch plates as the
case may be with adjustable rope shackles having individual tapers babbit sockets,or any other
suitable arrangement. Each lift rope shackle shall be fitted with a suitable shackle spring, seat
washer, shackle nut & lock & shackle nut split pin.

11.2 Guards for lift ropes

Where lift ropes run round a sheave or sheaves on the car and for counterweight of geared/
gearless machine suitable guards shall be provided to prevent injury to maintenance personnel.

11.3 Number and size of ropes

Technical Specification Page 398

The contractor must indicate the number and size of lift ropes and governor ropes proposed to
be used, their origin, type, ultimate strength and factor of safety. The contractor should furnish
certificate of ropes from the rope manufacturers issued by competent authority.

12.0 Safety equipments.

Every lift installation shall necessarily be provided with the following safety features.

12.1 The Safety gear shall be provided in accordance with IS 14665(part-4/sec.4)2001,each type
of car safety shall be actuated by a speed governor.

12.2 Governor – the car safety shall be operated by speed governor located overhead and
driven by governor rope suitable connected to the car and mounted on its own pulleys. The
rope shall be maintained in tension by means of weighted or spring loaded tension sheaves
located in the pit. Governor shall be provided for lifts with a travel of more than 5.5 meters. The
governor rope shall be not less than 6mm in dial and shall be made of steel or phosforbroze.
These shall be in accordance with IS 14665 (part4/sec-4):2001. Governor for car safety gears
shall be adjusted to actuate the safety gear at the following speeds.

a. For rated speeds upto 1m/s maximum governor tripping speed shall be either 140
percent of rated speed or 0.88m/s. whichever is higher. For rated speed above 1m/s maximum
governor tripping speed shall be 115percent of the rated speed plus 0.25m/s.

b. Minimum governor tripping speed shall be 115percent of the rated speed.

12.2.1 The governor shall be of “v” groove wheel design and only wheel is stopped to actuate
the car safety upon a pre- determined over speed downward without damaging the rope.

12.3 The governor, rope and sheave shall be so located so as to minimize danger of
accidental injury to the equipment.

12.3.1. The governor sheave and tension sheave shall be according to clause 2.4 and the sheave
bearing shall be according to clause 2.7of this chapter.

12.3.2. The requirements for field tests on car safety and governor and for drop tests to sliding
type car safeties shall be as specified in section IV of this specifications.

12.4 Terminal limit switches.

12.4.1 Terminal switches

Technical Specification Page 399

These shall stop the car automatically floors within the top and bottom permissible over
travel. They shall act independently of the operating devices. The ultimate limits switches and
the buffers. They shall be in accordance with clause 8 of IS14665(part3/sec-1):2000.

12.4.2 Terminal stopping devices located in shaft or in the car and operated by cams shall be
fitted with rollers having a rubber or other approved composition to provide silent operation
when actuated by the cam. When the lift car cross head is 60cm from the nearest obstruction
above it, no projection on the car shall strike any part of the overhead structure.

12.4.3 Lifts with speeds over 1.25 meters/ second shall have the normal terminal stopping
device located on the car or on the guide rails or in the machine room.

12.5 Ultimate Terminal Switches.

These shall be provided in accordance with the statutory requirements and standing practices.
When provided these shall arrange to stop the car automatically within top and bottom
clearances independently of the normal terminal switches but with the buffers operative. These
shall be in accordance with clause 8 of IS: 14665(part3/sec-1):2000.

12.6 Buffers – (IS 14665(part4/sec1-2001)

Buffers shall be oil resistant rubber pad type for speeds upto 0.25 mps and spring/ oil type for
speeds up to 1.5 mps and only oil type for speed higher than 1.5mps.

Buffers shall be suitable for installation in the space available. Buffer anchorage at pit floors
shall be installed avoiding puncturing of water proofing.

Oil buffers of the car and counter weight shall be of the spring return type or of gravity type.

The partial compression of spring return oil buffers when the car is in level with terminal land
will not be acceptable. All buffers shall be tested at manufacturer’s works and a copy of the test
report shall be submitted. When the lift car rests on fully compressed buffers there shall be at
least 60cms clearance between the lowest point in its car frame and any obstruction in the pit
exclusive of buffers and their supports. Similarly when the lift car cross head is 60cm from the
nearest obstruction above it, no projection on the car shall strike any part of the overhead
structure.The contractor must indicate the name of buffer manufacturers. Buffer stroke and
certified maximum loads.

12.7 Door locks

Technical Specification Page 400

Electro – mechanical door lock shall be provided for all the landing door and they shall
be such that the doors cannot open unless the car is at rest at the particular landing. It shall not
be possible to move the car unless all the landing doors and the car door are closed and locked.
This requirement however does not apply when the lift car is provided with automatic leveling
devices and in such cases. It shall be permitted to move the car with both the doors open in the
leveling zone for the purpose of leveling.

All the locks and contacts shall conform to IS 14665 (part 1/sec-6)2001 shall be positive and
pass the prescribed endurance and reliability test a recognized testing laboratory. They shall be
so located as to be inaccessible or invisible to the passengers in the car.

12.8 Other safeties

Besides these safety devices mentioned above, motor operated electro –mechanical brake
(clause 1.6) counter –weight guards (clause8.1) alarm bell, emergency door lock released
operating key and associated safety and other safety requirements shall also be included.

13.0 Lift operations

13.1 Automatic –cum-attendant operation

13.1.1 Single automatic push button with without attendant – the operating devices for this
operation shall incorporate in the car control panel, car buttons corresponding to the various
landing served and single landing button landing button at each landing, all electrically
connected to controller governing floor selection, direction of travel, Acceleration, retardation

This system shall be so arranged that when the car is not in use. On pressing a landing call
button the start automatically provided all the doors are closed during the movement of the car
and also when car stops at floor landing, other landing call buttons are in – cooperative or a
predetermined time. The pressing of a car button shall automatically start the car and send if to
the desired landing. In all the cases, the starting of the car is contingent on the establishment of
landing door and car inter – lock circuits. To indicate the availability or in use’ light shall be
placed in the landing call button panel. When light shall be OFF the passenger shall be able to
call the car. In case of manual operated door if the lift is standing at any landing with doors
open (when not in use.) the pressing of the landing call button shall ring a bell, fitted at the top
of car to attract the attention of the people soliciting their help for closing the lift door if any
one of the them happens to be near the lift.

Incase of power operated doors. The landing and car doors shall be arranged to open
automatically when the car is parked at landing after all the calls are served and the lift is

Technical Specification Page 401

parked at any landing. The doors can remain open or alliteratively if desired, the car shall be
arranged to close after a pre- determined time unless closing is prevented or interpreted by the
car doors re- opening device or the door open button.

The lift shall be suitable for dual operation with or without attendant by the provision of key
operated transfer switch indicating attendant and automatic positions. During attendant
operations the landing call shall be disconnected from the control system and shall be
connected to an annunciate in the lift car. The attendant shall then operate the car to answer
the registered calls. This operation is recommended for single speed control lift for low rising
building having a single lift installation.

13.1.2 Simplex selective – collective operation with / without attendant

Automatic operation by means of one button in the car for each landing level and by up and
down buttons at the landings. Wherein all stops registered by the momentary actuation of the
car made as defined under non- selective automatic operation but where in the stops
registered by the momentary actuation of the landing buttons are made in the order in which
the landings are reached each direction of travel (irrespective of the sequence in which the
buttons have been actuated). With this type of operation, all up landing calls are answered
when the car is travelling in the up direction and all down land calls are answered when the car
is travelling in the down direction, except in the case of the uppermost or lowermost calls
which are answered as soon as they are reached in respective of the direction of travel of the

13.1.3 Duplex collective selective operation with /without attendant.

The control system for this operation shall be similar to the one described under simplex
selective – collective operation except that in this system there shall be two lift cars in adjacent
wells. It shall be arranged to co- ordinate both cars for efficient service and prevent them from
answering the same calls by the provisions of only one set of landing call button fixtures. It shall
automatically assign each call to the car that will be in the best position to answer promptly.
The system shall be so arranged that when the cars are idle, normally one car will be parked at
the lower main landing with its doors closed or open and the other car shall be free car parked
with the doors closed or open to the landing where it answered its last call, shall be the one to
attend to the nearest call.

Each shall always respond to calls registered by its own car call buttons. When either car is
parked out of service for any reasons the other car shall function as single car (simplex)selective

Technical Specification Page 402

collective. Besides the control system shall also be arranged for independent service from
inside the car.

A by – pass button (non-stop button) shall also be provided inside the car to enable the
attendant to by – pass any landing if the car is full or if otherwise so required.

The two lefts shall be arranged with or without attendant operation and shall function as
described using single car selective – collective operation. When the transfer switch is in the
attendant position the operation of the cars shall be identical with that described for automatic
operations except that:

a. closing of doors and starting of cars shall be initiated by the car buttons

b. buzzers and directional lights in the car operative, and

c. landing by – pass shall be effective.

The pressing of an up down landing call shall illuminate appropriate direction indicator in the
car panel, which is to answer that call and if the doors open shall also sound buzzers as a signal
to the attendant. If both car ore parked at the lower landing the above signals shall be given to
the car which has been at the floor for longest time.

13.2 Automatic group supervisory controls

13.2.1 General operating principle

The call registered inside the car as well as the landings are answered in the sequence in
which the floors are reached irrespective of the sequence in which the buttons have been
pressed. Only one car will stop in response to any one landing call and will be the nearest car
travelling in the corresponding direction of the call. While this car is stopping at this landing, the
call will be automatically cancelled to prevent other cars stopping against the same call.

13.2.2 Automatic selection of traffic programme.

The group supervisory control continuously examines traffic conditions in the building and
automatically puts into operation the programme which can best cope with the demand at any
particular time. This is fully automatic and requires no supervision or attendant. To suit the

Technical Specification Page 403

traffic demand in the building, suitable traffic programmes can be selected for inclusion in this
control. The following are the traffic programmes available.

a. Up peak programme.

b. Down peak programme

c. Up down interfloor programme, and

d. Night programme

a. Up peak programme:- The group supervisory control responds to the increasing influx of
passengers at the main landing in the morning hours. At the start of work, by automatically
switching on the up peak programme. The car are dispatched from the main landing
automatically ot a pre- determined interval after the previous dispatched car. The leaves first
signal is transferred instantaneously from the car dispatched to another car at the main landing.
The car answers the registered calls in the natural sequence of the floors and returns directly to
the main landing after last passenger has been discharged. However, a car starts its up travel
the moment it becomes fully loaded,without waiting for the dispatch interval to lapse.

b. Down peak programme.:- An intense traffic flow from the upper floors towards main landing
will automatically switch on the down peak programme. The cars when fully loaded at upper
floors travel directly to the main landing and after discharging the passenger. Immediately start
up to answer further down landing calls. The down landing call which has been by passed gets a
priority over other down calls which ensure equal service to all floors.

c. Up down interfloor programme. :- A steady traffic between main floor and upper floor and
between floor to floor causes automatic switching on of the interfloor programme. Specific cars
are assigned to answer specific calls by traffic analyzer so that the calls are handled most
efficiently. The cars are so well distributed that every call gets equal service with short waiting

As soon as the number of calls drops to occasional calls only such as at night, the cars get
automatically parked in their assigned zones to give personalized service with minimum lift
travel. If no calls are registered for some time the motor generator sets are automatically
switched off.

Technical Specification Page 404

d. Night programme: - When the traffic ceases to occasional calls only, the supervisory control
automatically switches over to night programme. All cars remain at the main landing with doors
close,but are at all times ready for operation. One of the lifts has its leave first signal lighted. On
pressing of call button at the main landing the doors of this particular lift open and the
passenger can travel with the lift. The same lift also responds to landing calls from above. The
moment this car leaves the main landing the leave first signal is transferred to a second lift.
This second lift also responds to landing calls from above if one lift can no longer cope with the
demand. After these lifts have answered their calls, the one reaching the main landing last will
retain the leave first signal. Thereby, the service is practically confined to one lift alone and
motor generator sets of the remaining lifts remain switched off. If no calls are registered for
sometime, the major generator of the stand by lift also automatically be switched off. The
motor generator will start up again. The moment the call is received. The number of lifts going
in to action in automatically regulated to just so many as are necessary to cope with the
occasional traffic surge.

In case where more than 3lifts installed in a bank, a better utilization of these lifts can be
obtained by two additional programmes to deal with heavier traffic in each direction in difficult
time. These are (I) heaver up programme (II) heaver (DOWN programme)

I. Heaver UP programme :- This shall require the cars to make more stops in the up direction,
necessitating more time for the up travel. For this purpose the automatic – traffic analyzer shall
dispatch cars from both terminal at automatically adjusted time intervals so that the cars are
equally spaced. Thus reducing passenger waiting interval (this programme caters for the traffic
which is likely to be in both directions but predominantly in the up direction e.g. immediately
after the morning peak or after lunch.

II. Heaver DOWN programme :- This shall require the cars to make more stops in the down
direction and the dispatch times shall be adjusted accordingly by the traffic analyzer.

If any of the cars in the group develops any defect it shall be automatically disconnected from
the group control until it is rectified.

In the event of failure of automatic dispatch system the lifts shall function by auxiliary means to
avoid any disruption of service.

Audio visual indication shall be provided to bring such failures to notice.

The lifts shall be designed for attendant operation as described under single
(simplex) selective collective operation car except as follow.

Technical Specification Page 405

a. the indicating lights in car shall be operative to inform the attendant when to start loading a
car at a terminal and when to leave the terminal.

b. Landing call be pass switch and car reversal switch and switches shall be effective and load
weighting devices shall be inoperative.

c. Call above signal shall be illuminated whenever a call is registered at a landing above the car
location indicating to attendant that car is to proceed upwards. When the highest call has been
answered the light shall be extinguished indicating to the attendant that when the car is started
it will proceed downward.

14.0. Controlling equipment

The movement of the car shall be eclectically controlled by means of a controller located in the
machine room.

14.1 Control circuits:

The control circuit shall be designed to the type of lift specified for safety operation. It shall not
be possible to start the car unless all the car and landing doors are fully dosed and landing
doors locked. The circuit shall have and independent fuse protection for fault and over loads
and be arranged that for the stoppage of the car at specialized landing or for actuation of a
contactor by emergency switches or operation of safety gears the system shall not depend
upon the completion or maintenance of an electrical circuits to cut off power supply and apply
the breaks. This requirement is not applicable to dynamic breaking and speed control devices.

14.2 Terminal boards

All wiring for external control circuits shall be brought to a terminal board with means of
identification of each wire. Metallic/ plastic identification lags shall invariably be provided all
connections of wires to terminal boards shall be adequately clamped or screwed.

14.3 Auxiliary switches

14.3.1. Emergency stop switches:

On top of the lift car an emergency stop switch shall be provided for use by maintenance
personnel. Stop switch shall be provided in the machine room. Operation of these switches/
buttons shall cancel all the registered calls and landing calls for that particular lift.

Technical Specification Page 406

14.3.2 Maintenance switch on top of the car.

For purpose of inspection and maintenance, maintenance switch shall be provided on top of
the car. The control circuitry shall be so arranged that in the event of the operation of this

a. The car speed shall be less than the rated speed not exceeding 0.85

b. the car movement shall be possible only on the application of the continuous
pressure on a button. It shall be so mounted to prevent any inadvertent

14.3.3. Fireman switch:

Fireman switch with glass to break for access shall be provided at ground or main floor for all
the lifts. The operation of this switch shall isolate or cancel all calls to all the lifts and the lifts
will stop at the next nearest landing. If travelling upward. The doors will not open at this
landing and the lifts will start travelling to ground floor. If these were already travelling
down,they will go straight to ground floor direct without stopping enroute.

14.3.4 Inspection facility:

An inspector’s change over switch and set of test buttons shall be provided in the controller
operation of the inspector’s change over switch shall make both the car and landing buttons
inoperative and permit the lift to be worked in either direction from machine room for test
purpose by pressing corresponding test buttons in the controller. It shall not however interfere
with the emergency stop switches inside the car or on the top of the car.

14.3.5 Safety line indicators.

It specified visual tell tale lights may be provided to monitor the conditions of faults in the
safety line of the lift for easier fault finding. These indicators will remain lit when safety circuits
are normal. One indicator shall be provided for each safety on the controller. If any indicators
fail to light up as the lift proceeds in its sequence of operation, there shall be visual indication of
the safety line open circuit and also its location for easier fault finding.

14.4 Control wiring

14.4.1. Wiring in machine room:

Technical Specification Page 407

Power wiring between the controller and main board controller to various landings shall be
done in heavy gauge conduit or metal duct and shall conform to I.E Rules 1956 and CPWD
Specifications for electrical works. Following general principles shall be followed in wiring:

A. i. Control cables carrying DC and power cable carrying AC shall not be run in the same
conduit or metal duct and they shall be laid as per I.E rules.

II. Metal duct with removable inspection cover shall be preferred.

III. in case of control cables also the harness shall be separate as far as feasible for separate
functions and laid separately in suitably dimensioned metal duct or in a separate conduit such
as the signaling, locking lamp indication and safeties. Control cables for different voltages in the
lift installation works should be laid as per IE rules.

B. At least 5percent with a minimum of 5 unconnected spare wires shall be available out of
all the lines to be provided the wiring harness from the midway junction box to the machine

C. There shall be a master isolating switch fuse associated with the controller heavy duty
load break. Quick make quick break type. TP&N preferably interlocked with controller cabinet
door isolator handle shall have provision for external locking in off position.

All relay shall be suitable for lift service and shall incorporate adequate contact wipe for reliable
operation. Relay shall operate satisfactorily between 80 percent to 110 percent of their
voltage.Main motor contactors shall be suitable for A.C duty. Tenderer shall be required to
furnish full details of make, Type applicable standard. Voltage and current rating duty class,
type and routine tests done etc. on contactors and relays. Copies of type test certificates and
other lest certificates shall also be furnished by the successful tenderer. All cables shall be with
copper conductors and flame retardant or PVC insulated of appropriate size. The cables feeding
motor and in heavy current flow paths shall be so selected that the size matches the protecting
fuses and will not result in more than 2percent voltage drop from the main board in the
terminals of motor. Control cables shall not be less than 0.5 sq mm or equivalent of stranded.
Where installation of heavy gauge conduits present difficulties Short lengths of flexible conduits
will be permitted but effective electrical continued by earth bonding shall be ensured. Ferrules
shall be slipped at the ends of all cables as per standard control wiring practice. All terminal
blocks shall be suitable marked.

14.4.2 Trailing cables.

Technical Specification Page 408

A single trailing cable for lighting control and signal circuit is permitted. If all the conductors of
this trailing cable are insulated for maximum voltage running through any one conductor of this
cable. The lengths of the cables shall be adequate to prevent any strain due to movement of
the car. All cables shall properly tagged by metallic/ plastic tags for identification.

Trailing cable shall run from a junction box on the top of the car to a junction box located in the
shall near midpoint of travel and from those junction boxes conductors shall be run to the
various locations.

Trailing cables exceeding 30metres in length shall have steel supporting fillers and shall be
suspended directly by then without rubbing over other supports.

Cables less that 30metres in length shall have no metallic fillers and shall be suspended by
looping cables around supports of porcelain spools type or equivalent.

5 percent of the total capacity subject to a minimum of 5wires shall be available unutilized in
the trailing cable everywhere suitable distributed between various functions.

14.4.3 Earthing

Metal frames and all metal work of the lift controller frame etc. shall be earthed with double
earth leads taken to the earth bar. Looping shell be permitted if such routing is feasible all other
individual metallic work of components etc. shall be loop earthed.

14.5 Miscellaneous

Principle of segregation function wise shall be accepted as far as possible in the general
arrangement of components – All terminal blocks shall be of 650v grade.

14.6. Controller casing:

The controller unit comprising of the main circuit breaker adjustable overload and phase
reversal and phase failure protection all the elements transformer, rectifier for D.C control
supply, inverter power pack, terminal blocks etc. shall be enclosed in an insect proof, sheet
steel floor or wall mounted cabinet with hinged doors at front or at both from and rear. Proper
warming boards and danger plates shall be provided on both sides of the controller casing.
Sheet steel used for controller cabinet shall not be less than 18 gauge and shall be properly
braced where necessary. Suitable gland plate shall be provided for cable entry. The battery for
the charge unit shall be suitably placed in the machine room.

All sheet steel work shall be painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of suitable shade
both inside and outside over two coats of zinc primer.

Technical Specification Page 409

15.0. Lift rope compensation

The lift rope compensation for the travel shall be provided for lift travels beyond 40m in all

16.0. Automatic rescue devices (ARD)

The automatic rescue devices (ARD) meant for the purpose of bringing the lift car to the nearest
landing doors, are being used selectively and is generally restricted to commercial buildings
having heavy traffic. However, frequent power failures being the common phenomenon, the
provision of ARD shall be made in all the lifts in public buildings. The ARD shall have the
following specifications.

16.1. ARD should move the elevator to the nearest landing in case of power failure during
normal operation of elevator.

16.2. ARD should monitor the normal power supply in the main controller and shall activate
rescue operation within 10 seconds of normal power supply failure. It should bring the elevator
to the nearest floor at a slower speed than the normal run. While proceeding to the nearest
floor the elevator will detect the zone and stop. After the elevator has stopped, it automatically
opens the doors and parks with door open. After the operation is completed by the ARD the
elevator is automatically switched over to normal operation as soon as normal power supply

16.3. In case the normal supply resumes during ARD in operation the elevator the elevator will
continue to run in ARD mode until it reaches the nearest landing and the doors are fully
opened. If normal power supply resumes when the elevator is at the landing, it will
automatically be switched to normal power operation.

16.4. All the lift safeties shall remain active during the ARD mode of operation.

16.5 The battery capacity should be adequate so as to operate the ARD at least seven times a
day provided the duration between usage is at least 30 minutes.

Technical Specification Page 410

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Technical Specification Page 412








15.2 PUMPS








Technical Specification Page 413


This specification is intended to cover design, residual, engineering, manufacture, test and
inspection at works, delivery to site properly packed for transportation, erection, testing,
commissioning, performance demonstration at site and handing over to purchaser of Fire
Protection System as indicated in the schedule of Requirement and scope of work and as
required for reliable and effective fire protection at “Lodha Belleza” Phase-III at Kukatpally,

1.1 This specification also includes complete earthwork, i.e. excavation and back filling for the entire
buried piping for hydrant and Sprinkler System.

1.2 The specification also includes the supply of erection and commissioning of spares as specified
and special tools and tackles.

1.3 This specification also makes it obligatory for the contractor for arranging and obtaining
necessary clearance / approval from all Local / statutory authorities.

1.4 It is not the intent to completely specify all the details of design and construction herein. Never
the less the equipment and installation shall confirm to high standard of engineering, design, and
workmanship in all respect and shall be capable of performing continuous satisfactory operation
and acceptable to the purchaser as well as to the various statutory authorities. In case of any
violation of the above contract, the purchaser reserves the right to change / reject / modify the
equipment / system during detail engineering.

1.5 Wherever material or article is specified or described by the name of particular brand,
manufacturer or vendor, the specific item mentioned shall be understood as established type
function and quality desired. Other manufacturer’s product will be considered provided
sufficient information is furnished to allow the purchaser to determine that the product
proposed is equivalent to those brands.

1.6 The entire system shall be designed and engineered by the Bidder based on the guidelines
furnished in the specification, various codes / standards. Bidder’s experience and also good
engineering practice. Items and quantities, which have been furnished in this specification, are
tentative and indicative only. During quoting, the Bidder shall vet the above Bill of Material and
may furnish additional items necessary for satisfactory operation of the system.

1.7 Supplies and services to be covered under this tender specification and the conditions thereof
are detailed in the subsequent sections of the specifications. In case of conflict among various
sections, subsections, documents, drawings the same shall be referred to purchaser whose
decision shall be final and binding to the Bidder. In all cases, the best advantages will go to the

1.8 Bidder to note that no technical deviation shall be permitted for the system

Technical Specification Page 414



The Fire protection system for “Lodha Belleza” Phase-II at Kukatpally, Hyderabad. shall be
designed and installed as per National Building Code (NBC) of India 2005, Part- 4, Fire and life
safety and detailed specifications, also the recommendations made by the Andhra Pradesh State
Fire Services shall be followed.


Tower 7 have been classified, as Residential buildings, Group – A, Sub -division A4 (Above 60 m

in height).


Following are the various Fire Protection systems proposed,

 Centralized firewater tank and Fire pump room equipment

 Wet riser cum down comer system with multi risers for different pressures and heights.

 Foam monitors for helipad

 Yard Hydrants

 Automatic Sprinkler System

 Addressable Fire detection & Alarm system

 Conventional fire detection system

 Public Address system

 Fire extinguishers and Signage (Fire safety plans).

Technical Specification Page 415

As per National Building Code (NBC) of India 2005, part 4, Life safety, clause No. 6.0 and Table


 Electrically driven main pump multi out let type (two out lets) for Hydrant system.
(One outlet shall feed up to 14th floor at 120 MWC and other outlet shall feed from 15 th
onwards at 215MWC)

 Electrically driven main pump multi out let type (two out lets) for Sprinkler system.
(One outlet shall feed up to 14th floor at 120 MWC and other outlet shall feed from 15 th
onwards at 215MWC)

 Diesel Engine driven common standby pump multi out let type (two out lets) for both
systems. (One outlet shall feed up to 14th floor at 120 MWC and other outlet shall feed
from 15th onwards at 215MWC)

 Electrically driven common Jockey pump multi out let type (two out lets) for both systems
(One outlet shall feed up to 14th floor at 120 MWC and other outlet shall feed from 15th
onwards at 215MWC)


 A ring main at ceiling of Basement floor-1 with isolation valves.

 Wet risers cum down comers for all Blocks
 Landing Hydrants on all floors near Staircases inside the dedicated Shaft.
 Fire Brigade Inlet connection for filling the Firewater tank as well as wet riser system.


 Wet riser cum down comer for every 1000 sq.mts floor area for all buildings, there shall be
two risers one shall feed up to 14th floor at 120MWCand other shall feed from 15th floor
onwards. at 215MWC for each Block (Tower – 7)
 Wet riser cum down comer for every 1000 sq.mts floor area for all buildings.
 This is to reduce the constant pressure on the equipment and same is ease to operate. All
wet risers are interconnected with Terrace level water tank with Booster pump to increase
the pressure in case of emergency.

Technical Specification Page 416


 Yard Hydrants are at every 30m of periphery of the Building to protect the building from out
side. Yard hydrants are consisting with Single headed Hydrant valve fixed on the standpipe
and internal hydrants as required and all hydrant points consisting of 2 x 15 mts long fire
hoses, Branch pipe with Nozzle kept in the hose cabinet located next to the Hydrants.

 Internal hydrants shall be fitted on the wet risers which shall locate in side the dedicated fire
shaft. Wet risers shall be minimum 150 mm dia in size and shall run up to terrace.
 Internal hydrants shall be on each floor near landing of each staircase with single headed
hydrant valve for buildings which are less than 30 m in height and in case of buildings more
than 30 m in height hydrants valves shall be double out let type, 2x 15m long fire hoses.
Branch pipe with nozzle and a hose reel with 19 mm hose of 40 m long and nozzle. Internal
hydrants shall be installed inside the fire shaft and fire shaft shall be fitted with glass fronted


 Sprinklers at one level (at ceiling) in the apartments and basement floor parking areas
 Coverage per Sprinkler is 25 sq.mts and Sprinklers are Pendant / sidewall / upright (as
suitable at site) type with 79 deg. Temperature rating.

Addressable Analogue type fire detection and alarm system shall be designed and installed as per
NFPA 72E / BS 5839 for complete building and for all blocks.

Major Equipment (for each Block) are,

 Conventional Fire detection & alarm control panel

 Addressable system fire detection system for water curtain system
 Smoke & Heat detectors
 Manual call points
 Electronic Hooters cum strobes
 Conduits / wiring
 Coverage per Detector is considered approx. 50 sq.mts
 Manual call points and Hooters are provided at strategic locations.

Technical Specification Page 417


 Designed and installed as required by Local Fire force and NBC.

 P.A. Speakers shall mount on floors near each Staircase.
 Announcement shall be done in case of Emergency.


Portable fire extinguishers are provided at locations mentioned below,

 Dry chemical powder type fire extinguisher conforming to IS 2171 near car parking lots, main
switch board room, transformer, generator room, pump room, AHU rooms and lift machine
 Water expelled carbon-dioxide type fire extinguisher conforming to IS 940 located near each
staircase landing on every floor.
 Carbon dioxide type fire extinguishers conforming to IS 2878, located in electrical panel
room, pump room, lift machine room and Kitchens.
 Mechanical foam type fire extinguishers at HSD Yard, D.G. Rooms, and Firewater pump
house and near oil filled Transformers.


Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, all the applicable Codes and Standards published by the Bureau
of Indian Standards and their subsequent revision / BS Standards shall govern in respect of design,
workmanship, quality and properties of materials and method of testing; standards listed below shall be
applicable, in particular:

NBC ; National Building Code of India Part 4

Fire and Life safety

IS-1239 / IS 3589 : Specification for MS / GI Pipes

API 600 / BS 5163 : Specifications for Gun Metal gate, globe &
IS778/780/2906 check Valves for water supply.

IS-800 : Specifications for Structural steel

IS-814 : Specifications for covered electrodes for metal are

welding of structural steel.

BS-5155 : Specifications for C.I.butterfly valve.

IS-4927 : Specifications for Canvas Hose Pipes.

IS-903 : Specifications for Branch pipes Fire hose

couplings and auxiliary equipments

Technical Specification Page 418

IS-5290 : Specifications for hydrant landing valves.

IS-1200 : Method of measuring of building & civil

Engineering Works
(water supply, plumbing drain & sanitary fittings)

IS-4853 : Recommended practice for radiographic inspection of

fusion welded butt joints in steel pipes.

IS-636 : Synthetic, jacketed hose pipes.

IS-2198 : Control Panels.

IS-2159 : Hot dip galvanising of iron and steel

IS-5 : Specification for painting

IS 9137 : Specification for horizontal end suction centrifugal


BS-1965 Part I : Specification for butt-welded Pipe Fittings.

IS 8423 ; Controlled percolating hose for fire fighting.

IS 2871 : Branch pipe, universal for fire fighting purposes.

IS 884 : First aid hose reel for fire fighting

IS 2190 : Code of practice for selection, installation

and maintenance of portable first aid fire extinguishers.

IS 937 : Specification for washers for water fittings for fire

fighting system.

IS 9972 : Specification for automatic sprinkler heads.

IS 2171 ; Dry chemical powder type Fire extinguishers

IS 940 : Water type CO2 Fire extinguishers

IS 2878 : Carbon – di – oxide type Fire extinguishers

IS-2189 : Installation & Maintenance of Fire Detection and

Alarm System

IS-2175 : Detectors

IS-694 : Copper wire

Technical Specification Page 419

IS-9968 (Pt-1) : Rubber Insulated Braided Wire

IS-1554 (Pt-1) : PVC Insulated Cables

Shade No.536 of IS-5 : Paint Shade for main Equipments/accessories



The scope of work includes complete design, Engineering with necessary design calculations, Fit – up details,
Supporting details, Manufacture / Fabrication, supply, Storing. Installation / erection, testing, commissioning the fire
hydrant system, Hose Reel system, Sprinkler system, Fire detection and alarm system, Public address system, first aid
fire extinguishers & Signage and quoted rates should includes complete earth works ie, excavation, back filling for the
buried pipes wherever applicable & with all necessary accessories as per Specifications and National Building Code of
India, at “Lodha Belleza” Phase-III at Kukatpally, Hyderabad.


The drawings enclosed herewith are for the general guidance to Bidder. The contractor shall upon the award of the
work, furnish detailed working drawings (as mentioned under Clause No. 4.1 above) necessary to carryout the work
at site with detail design calculation. These shall be submitted to the Employer/Architect for the approval and the
work shall be commenced only after the approval of drawing by the Employer/Architect.


The contractor shall obtain approval to the installation from the Andhra Pradesh State Fire Services. Successful
Bidder shall be responsible for preparation of documents / applications / drawings & hydraulic calculations and flow
up action at all stages, (Drawing / completion) arranging inspections, revisions / modifications for obtaining approval
from Andhra Pradesh State Fire Services within the overall completion period stipulated in the Tender. The
Contractor shall also make payment of all statutory payments like payment for Andhra Pradesh State Fire Services
approval etc. The quoted rates shall take care of such contingencies.

The contractor shall guarantee both the material and workmanship of first class quality corresponding to standard
engineering practice. Any defective materials/workmanship shall be rejected, the contractor has to rectify/ replace at
his own cost. Guarantee certificate of the materials supplied shall be handed over to the clients.


Technical Specification Page 420

List of data/document/drawings to be submitted along with bid shall as mentioned below,

1) Preliminary Overall dimensions of pump sets /motors/engines

2) List of Deviations (Technical) if any, as an Annexure.
3) Technical parameters of all equipment offered (catalogues, G.A. drawings etc).
Preliminary pump house layout confirming adequacy of space provided for firewater pumps


List of data/document/drawings to be submitted after the award of contract shall be indicated. The list shall
essentially contain the following:

1) Design and operation philosophy of the complete fire system

2) Piping layout
3) Schematic drawings,
4) Data sheets of all the equipment envisaged
5) Detailed Hydraulic calculation

Bar chart/network schedule covering all milestone activities.


The contractor shall be responsible for training of the Employer's personnel (minimum 6 rounds) in the
period of operation and maintenance of the system and conduct Fire drill. The rates quoted shall inclusive of
submitting 6 sets of the following documents (HARD COPIES) along with CDs (Soft copy) and the following,

1. Detailed equipment data in the approved proforma

2. Manufacture’s maintenance and operating instructions manuals
3. Set of as built drawings, layouts, piping, ducting, cable routing, cable schedules etc
4. Approved test readings of all equipment and installations
5. Inspection certificates
6. Certificates of approval from statutory or Local Authorities for the operation and maintenance
of the installations, wherever such approval or certification is required. This shall include
Application filed along with enclosures and receipts of fees paid and deposits made.
7. Warranty / guaranty certificate for all equipments
8. List of recommended spares together with list of suppliers and their contact details.
9. Certificate from the main civil contractor that he has cleared the site of all debris and litter
caused by him.

Technical Specification Page 421

10. Undertaking that all the materials supplied by him at site are fully tax paid and shall produce all
documentation for satisfaction of the Employer / consultants / Architects / PMC or taxation

Submission of the above documentation shall form a precondition for final acceptance of the plant and
installation and final payments.

Technical Specification Page 422

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Technical Specification Page 424


1.0 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the fire hydrant system shall include the following:

1.1 Pumps, suction / delivery pipes, Valves, control panel and Instrumentation and pump set shall be in auto
1.2. M.S Class "C" (heavy grade) ring mains / riser main within the building and as well outside the building.

1.3 Landing valves, external hydrant valves, hose reels, fire duct shutters. Hose cabinets, fire brigade
connections and connections to pumps and appliances.

1.4 All materials shall be of the best quality and brand new, conforming to these specifications / standards and
subject to the approval of the Client / consultant.

1.5 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not
cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc.,

1.6 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed to walls and ceilings by suitable clamps at intervals specified. Only approved
types of anchor fasteners shall be used for RCC ceilings and walls.

1.7 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat manner.
The pipes shall be supported by structural steel fabricated (like, channel / angle / flat / plate etc) supports with
suitable anchor fasteners / suspended thread rods not less than M16 in size.

1.8 Valves and other appurtenances shall be as located that they are easily accessible for operation, repairs and
maintenance. Valves / other equipments fitted above the false ceiling shall be provided with trap / access

1.9 Pipes for wet risers within the Building shall be M.S. tubes conforming to IS 1239 (heavy duty 'C' class) with
flanged/welded joints.

1.10 Fittings for steel pipes shall be malleable iron or forged iron fittings with screwed / welded joints.

1.11 Inter connection between sprinkler and hydrant pumps shall be carried out at discharge side with
Check valve and isolation valves.

1.12 All equipment should be confirmed with Technical data sheets as enclosed along with this tender.
In case Technical data sheet for any of ht equipment is not enclosed Bidder shall consider reputed make of
equipment, manufactured under good engineering practice for the same details to be furnished along with bid.

1.13 Construction of Fire water tanks, Fire water pump house, Puddle flanges at water tanks for suction /
delivery / test lines and core cutting / opening if required on floor is exempted by Fire protection contractor.

Technical Specification Page 425


All pipes inside the building and where specified, outside the building shall be M.S. tubes conforming to IS:
1239 - heavy duty up to 150 mm dia. Fittings for pipes shall be as per IS: 1239, Part II (heavy grade) up to 150mm
dia,. and pipes 200mm dia & above shall be M.S. as per IS: 3589 with minimum 6 mm wall thick & fittings shall be
fabricated from pipes confirming to IS 3589.

Pipes shall be carefully laid to the alignment, levels and gradients shown on the plan and sections and great care shall
be taken to prevent any sand, earth or other matter from entering the pipes during laying. Pipes shall be kept
thoroughly clean during the course of laying. The ends of pipes shall be blocked with wooden plugs wedged home, at
the end of each days work to prevent dirt and rodents, insects etc., entering the pipe.

Pipes up to 50mm dia, tapered screwed / Socket welded / Butt welded type jointing shall be adopted, while for pipes
above 50mm dia welded or flanged connections shall be used. Flanged joints shall be made with 3 mm thick
insertion rubber washer / Gaskets. All boltholes in flanges shall be drilled & making hole by using gas cutting is not
acceptable. The drilling of each flange shall be in accordance with relevant Bureau of Indian Standards.

Flanged joints shall be used for connections to vessel equipment, flanged valves and also on suitable straight lengths
of pipeline at strategic points to facilitate erection and subsequent maintenance work.

The Bolts /Nuts / Washers used in the system shall be Galvanised as per IS 1367 and suitable length & not more
than 15mm beyond the Nut.



All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with two coats of Zincrich primer for G.I
pipes and etching primer for M.S. pipes and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade with
minimum thickness if 75 microns. The pipes should be initially brushed to remove all foreign matter before applying
paint / primer.


The pipes (buried) should be initially brushed to remove all foreign matter and apply the primer over the
pipe. Primer is allowed to dry until the solvent evaporates and surface becomes tacky. The tape 4mm thick and
150/250mm wide shall then be wound in a spiral fashion and bonded completely to pipe by thermo fusion process.
The overlap is to be maintained at 15mm.


2.2.1 Excavation for pipelines shall be in open trenches to line and grade or as required at site including disposal
outside of site at approved dumping yard with the prior approval of concerned authorities. Pipelines shall be buried
to a minimum depth of 1M (top of the pipe) from the finished ground level.

2.2.2 The contractor shall support all trenches or adjoining structures with adequate timber supports wherever

Technical Specification Page 426

2.2.3 On completion of testing and painting of the pipelines, trenches shall be refilled with excavated fine earth in
20cms. Layers and consolidated by ramming and watering.


Contractor shall provide suitable PCC blocks of suitable dimensions at Change – in – direction and regular intervals of
6 meters to support the pipes. Minimum Size of Blocks shall be 600mmx600mmx450mm.


Supports for above ground pipes of 65 mm dia and above shall be fabricated by structural steel of suitable sections
with suitable fasteners. The spacing of supports shall be 3mts minimum and painted two coats of enamel paint of
approved color over a coat of primer.

Suitable type hangers shall support pipes below 50 mm dia with clamps, anchor fasteners and suspended rods etc.

In any case fasteners shall not be less than 12 mm in size.



Butterfly valves shall be as per BS 5155 & provided for pipes 50mm dia and above on down stream (delivery side) of
the pumps. The valves shall be CI /C.S construction (as per the BOQ), seat shall be black nitrile rubber with insitu
moulding. The valves shall be PN 30 rating for high pressure side and PN 20 rating for Low pressure side PN 16 rating
for terrace .


Gate valves shall be as per IS: 14846 / 780, with C.I. body and bronze / brass internal parts and shall be used on
suction side of the pumps. Valve shall be flanged end type, PN 10 with rising Spindle type with C.I hand wheel etc.


Non – return valves shall be reflux swinging disc OR dual plate type The The valves shall be PN 30 rating for high
pressure side and PN 20 rating for Low pressure side, PN 16 rating for low pressure side as per the schematic drawing
with C.I. body and bronze / brass internals as per Technical data sheet enclosed and as per IS: 5312.


External (yard) hydrant valves shall be single headed as per IS: 5290 (Type A). The valves should be complete with
hand wheels, quick coupling connections, springs and blank caps. The hydrants shall be fixed to stand posts of 80mm
dia for single headed hydrants at 1.0M from ground level. External hydrant valves shall be consisting with 2 nos. fire
Hoses of 15m long 63 mm dia, One No. Gun metal Branch pipe with Nozzle housed in the M.S cabinet and cabinet
shall be mounted (next to stand post) on free standing support fabricated by suitable structural steel / pipe of not less
than 80 mm dia. Please refer the tender drawings for the details.


Technical Specification Page 427

Hose reel shall be swinging type for 180 deg with mounting base plate. Hose reel shall consist with 19mm dia high-
pressure rubber braided hose of 40 mts length with gunmetal nozzles. Hose reel water shall be tapped off from the
wet riser with Ball valve. The hose reel shall be installed in fire hose duct inside the building.


The landing valve (internal) shall be gunmetal Single headed type conforming to IS: 5290 complete with hand wheel,
quick coupling, spring and blank cap. 2 Nos. of RRL type hose pipe of 63mm dia and 15 mts. length as per IS: 636 with
63mm dia instantaneous type Gun metal heavy duty couplings & Gun metal Branch pipe and nozzle to be provided.
Fire hoses and branch pipes shall be mounted inside the fire shaft with suitable supports.

The Fire shaft shall be sealed at all floors with fire retardant material.


Fire hoses shall be Reinforced Rubber Lined (RRL) type as per IS: 636 & 63 mm dia and 15 mts long. Hoses shall be
bounded by G.I wire to heavy-duty instantaneous gunmetal couplings as per IS 903.


Branch pipe shall be gunmetal, 63 mm dia with Nozzle of 19 mm dia made as per IS: 903 and suitable fitted with
hoses as specified else where in this specifications.


Hose cabinet shall be fabricated by M.S. sheet of 16 swg and size shall be 750mm x 600mm x 250mm. Hose cabinet
shall have glass fronted door fitted with 4mm thick clear glass & powder coated finish of red out side & white inside.
Cabinet shall be suitable for stand mounting and shall have built in breakable glass type feature to keep key.


Fire shaft shall have shutter fabricated by M.S. sheet of 16 swg with glass-fronted door (glass shall be 4mm thick) and
size of the shutter shall be 900mm x 1500mm minimum. The door shall be in two leaves with necessary stiffeners.
Shutter shall be powder coated finish of red out side and white inside and on the glass label of “FIRE” shall be stick,
the letter size shall be min. 75 mm height. Also there shall be built in breakable glass type feature to keep key.


FBIC shall be as per IS 5131 & gunmetal four away connecting head with 4 x 63 mm dia instantaneous type inlets with
built in check valve and 150mm dia outlet connection to the fire main grid with 150mm dia Butterfly valve and non –
return valve. Also there shall be an additional fire brigade inlet connection to the fire water tank with necessary


Air release valve is 25mm screwed inlet GM single acting type and shall be fixed on all high points in the system (wet
riser) with Ball valves or as shown on drawings.


Technical Specification Page 428

Gun metal Gate / Ball valve of 15 / 25 / 40 / 50mm dia as per IS; 778 with fittings as required for instruments /
draining any water in the system / Risers in low points. (THE TEST PRESSURE OF THE VALVES SHALL BE EQAL TO 150%


Contractor shall provide suitable brick masonry chambers in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 Coarse sand) on cement
concrete foundations 150mm thick 1:5:10 mix (1 cement: 5 fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) 15mm thick cement plaster inside and outside finished with a floating coat of neat cement inside with cast
iron surface box ( OR top cover fabricated by M.S. chequered plate of 6 mm thick with frame / stiffeners etc)
approved by local fire brigade including excavation, back filling and additional Iron rungs for entering in to valve
chamber etc, complete.

Valve chambers shall be 1200mm x 1200mm x 1500mm depth.



All piping in the system shall be tested to hydrostatic pressure of 1. 5 times of the pump head without drop in
pressure for at least 120 minutes. The test should be made in the presence of and to the satisfaction of the Employers
/ consultants representatives. Any defects / leakage should be repaired or if necessary defective works / equipment
should be replaced with new work / equipment. Tests should be repeated until work is done to the satisfaction of
concerned representatives. After testing, all pipes shall be flushed with portable water to remove foreign materials.

Under ground Pipes after lowered in to trenches shall be Holiday tested for damages of the anticorrosion treatment
and damages should be rectified, bring it to the notice of the engineer – in –charge of site before closing the

Also the under ground pipes joints shall be tested for Radiographic for 10 % of the total under ground joints. The test
results and films shall be submitted for approval and any defects found in the welding process shall be rectified the
contractor with out any extra cost to the clients.

15.2 PUMPS

On completion of installation works at site the complete system shall be tested for satisfactory performance in line
with specifications as per Tender / requirements of Employer / Consultants. Pumps should test for Sequential Auto
start in case of using the Hydrants / sprinklers system. Also pump shall deliver minimum required flow & pressure at
top most hydrant point. All instruments for testing should be arranged by the Contractor. The performance test
includes commissioning spares like, diesel oil, engine oil, coolant, grease, gland packs and spare refills for Fire
extinguishers etc complete.


The pumps shall be exclusively used for fire fighting purposes and shall be BIS approved as mentioned in the BOQ.
One set main pump for each hydrant & sprinkler system with electrical motor driven direct couple centrifugal
pump of adequate discharge & head and in addition common standby Diesel engine driven direct coupled

Technical Specification Page 429

centrifugal pump of adequate discharge and head shall be provided. The pumping capacity of main and stand by
hydrant / Sprinkler system pumps shall be as mentioned in the specimen BOQ. The suction / delivery pipes, valves,
instrumentation and control panel shall be considered accordingly.


The pumps shall be horizontal centrifugal horizontal split casing multi out let type ( Two out lets) type, pump
designed for continuous operation and shall have a continuously dropping head characteristic without any zone of
instability. The pump shall deliver with one out let a low head of 12 and high head of 21.5 bar. The power capacity
characteristic shall be non-over loading type. The head vs. capacity, input power vs. capacity characteristics, etc.,
shall match to ensure load sharing and trouble free operation throughout the range. In case of accidental reverse
flow through the pump the driver shall be capable of bringing the pump to its rated speed in the normal direction
from the point of maximum possible reverse speed. The contractor under this specification shall assume full
responsibility in the operation of the pump and the drive as one unit. The pump shall be capable to discharge 150
percent of rated capacity at a total head of not less than 65 percent of the total rated head. The total shut off
head shall not exceed 120 percent of total rated head on the pump. An automatic air release valve shall be
provided to vent air from the pump discharge and also to admit to the pump to dissipate the vacuum there, upon
stopping of the pump.

This valve shall be located at the highest point in the discharge line between the pump and the discharge check
valve. Pump coupled with motor or engine on a common base plate shall perform smoothly without any excessive
noise or vibration. Also pump shall be provided with re-circulation piping with valves.


The casing shall be cast iron to IS 210 and capable of withstanding to the maximum pressure developed by the
pump at the pumping temperature.


The impeller shall be of standard bronze. The impeller shall be secured to the shaft with hydraulically balanced and
shall be retained against circumferential movement by keying, pinning or lock rings. All screwed fasteners shall
tighten in the direction of normal rotation.

16.4 SHAFT

Shaft size shall be selected on the basis of maximum combined shear stress. The shaft shall be of stainless steel
AISI-410 ground and polished to final dimensions and shall be adequately sized to withstand all stresses from
motor weight, hydraulic loads, vibrations and torque’s coming in during operation. Pump Shaft-Motor Shaft

shall be connected with adequately sized flexible couplings with spacer of suitable approved design. Necessary
guards shall be provided for couplings. Pump shall be consisting with Gland plate for gland packing.


A common base plate for mounting both the pump and drive shall be provided. The base plate shall be of rigid
construction, shall be fabricated by M.S. channels. Base plate and pump supports shall be so constructed, the

Technical Specification Page 430

pumping unit shall be mounted so as to minimize misalignment caused by mechanical forces such as normal piping
strain, hydraulic piping thrust etc.,


The rotating elements shall be so designed to ensure least vibration during start and throughout the operation of
the equipment. All rotating components shall be statically and dynamically balanced at workshop. All the
components of pumps of identical parameters supplied under these specifications shall be interchangeable.


A comprehensive instruction manual shall be provided by the sub-contractor indicating detailed requirements for
operation, dismantling and periodic operation and maintenance procedures. Recommended tools/spares shall be
provided along with the Pump set.



The diesel engine shall be of multi-cylinder type four-stroke cycle with mechanical (airless) injection, cold starting
type. The engine shall be manufactured as per IS 10000 and shall be ease of maintenance, repair, cleaning and
inspection. This will also provide interchangeability of parts. All parts susceptible to temperature changes shall
have tolerance for expansion and contraction without resulting in leakage, misalignment of parts or injury to parts.


The engine shall be capable of both automatic and manual start. Generally the engine shall start automatically but
in case of the auto-start system failure the engine shall be capable of manual start. Engine shall be able to start
without any preliminary heating of combustion chamber; cranking mechanism shall also be provided. All controls/
mechanism, which has to be operated in the starting process, shall be within easy reach of the operator. A DC
motor charged by battery shall initiate automatic start of diesel engine. The battery shall hold adequate retainable
charge to provide the starting of the diesel engine. Starting power will be supplied from two sets of storage
batteries. One set of battery is for automatic starting of the engine and the other provided for manual starting. A
selector switch will be provided at automatic starting control panel to select any of the two sets of battery for
manual / auto starting of the engine. The battery capacity shall be adequate for ten consecutive starts without
recharging with a cold engine under full compression. The battery banks shall be used for no other purpose other
than starting of the engine and shall be fully charged at all times with provision for trickle and boost charges. After
start of the engine the charger shall be disconnected, the battery being fed from the engine dynamo. The two-
battery charger of air-cooled type shall be able to charge on battery bank at a time. The D/E starting panel along
with the battery chargers should be of reputed approved makes.


The engine shall have a speed control device which will control the speed under all conditions of load, the
governor shall be suitable for operation without external power supply. The Governor shall offer following
features: An adjustable governor to regulate engine speed within a range of 10% between shut-off and maximum
load conditions of the pumps. The governor shall be set to maintain rated pump speed at maximum pump load.

Technical Specification Page 431


The diesel engine is to run on high-speed diesel, the tank provided being enough to hold the volume required for 6
hours (minimum) continuous operation. Fuel tank shall be double wall type, so that over flow of the fuel shall be
collected in the secondary tank. Fuel supply and return piping shall be metal with necessary valves. Fuel tank shall
be mounted on the fabricated consisting with air vent, over flow, drain, filling and manhole etc.


Direct cooling system shall be employed for the diesel engine. Water shall be tapped from the fire pump
discharge. This water shall be led through duplex strainer, pressure breakdown orifice and then after passing
through the engine, the outlet water shall be taken directly to the sump through an elevated funnel. Re-circulating
thermo siphon system of cooling using a fan cooled radiator or indirect cooling system using heat exchanger shall
not be accepted.


The engine shall be mounted on a base plate of fabricated steel construction. Adequate access shall be provided
for the big end and main bearings, camshaft and governor drives, water jackets etc., The engine shall have a base
plate made from MS sections. There shall be reasonable space at the big end, camshaft, water jackets, governor
drives and main bearings. The engine shall be provided with intake and discharge ductwork, inlet filter and
silencer, outlet muffler, expansion joints, dampers etc., as necessary for efficient operation. Intake air should be
taken from inside the building in which the engine is located, but the exhaust should be discharged outside the
building and exhaust duct shall be adequately sized for minimum pressure drop as per relevant code/standard, and
shall be housed clearing man height. The flywheel shall have graduated marking around the periphery to facilitate
checking of valve and fuel pump timings. Full set of diesel engine spares as per Standard requirement to be
provided along with tool kit.


The diesel engine shall be provided with adequate instrumentation. The gauges etc., as required are provided for
in the Engine Panel. Also Bidder shall supply one set of Spare parts recommended by the manufacturer for
maintenance purposes.



The sprinkler system shall be provided in all floors. This system shall include the following :

Technical Specification Page 432

Sprinkler main, branch and internal piping complete with valves, alarms and supporting arrangements, sprinkler
heads with spare sprinklers, connections to risers etc., all material shall be of the best quality conforming to
specifications and subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly
vertical/horizontal or on slopes required in a neat manner. Pipes shall be fixed in such a manner so as to provide
easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc., Pipes shall be
securely fixed to walls and ceilings by suitable clamps at intervals specified. Only approved types of anchor
fasteners shall be used for RCC ceilings and walls. Valves and other equipment shall be so located that they are
easily accessible for operation, repairs and maintenance.

Sprinkler risers shall be of two pressure levels, one can feed up to 14 th floor at 120mwc and other shall feed
from 15th floor onwards at 215mwc with necessary valves etc,-


The sprinkler heads shall be UL listed fixed temperature type with a quartzoid bulb containing liquid having high
vapor pressure held in position by a forged GM yoke and deflector. The rated temperature of quartzoid bulb shall
be 79°C.The spacing shall however conform to the detailed drawing, in Co-ordination with electrical and other
allied services at the ceiling level. Sub-contractor shall supply spare sprinkler heads and spanners neatly installed
in a steel box with glass shutter at an appropriate position approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.(THE TEST

A water motor gong and an inspection test connection shall be provided on the down streamside of the system.


The water curtain fire control system is designed to prevent the fire from propagating into adjacent cars and areas
in case of a fire incident. The system will encapsulate the fire between the water curtain sections in order to make
the evaluation of people who may be trapped inside.

The present system is designed as a fire controlling system where the curtains will effectively stop the fire from
propagation. The physics in this respect and the task is to create an effective water wall fire barrier. When hot
smoke and air is reaching the fire curtain, the ambient temperature in this area will be significantly reduced as a
function of rapid heat exchange/heat absorption. Water Curtain fire protection system, consisting of plurality of
nozzles are forming a water barrier.

For design water curtain system each compartment is envisaged as independent zone and each wall will protect by
independent system. Each system will consisting of Motorized valve, water supply pipe lines, isolation valves, Flow
switches, water curtain nozzles.

Water curtain system shall be interlocked with either smoke detection system OR flow swatches for activation. If
any zone comes on the adjacent zones also should discharge water and create curtain to avoid spread of fire /
smoke to another compartment. Logic control shall be done in such a way that three / four zones should operate
simultaneously to create compartment.

Technical Specification Page 433


Pipes for the sprinkler system shall refer to the clause No. 2.0,

2.1 and 2.5 of Section - A above.



1.1 General

The CONTRACTOR shall supply and install the electrical equipment and services necessary for the efficient
and safe operation of the fire protection systems detailed elsewhere in the specification, including :-

(a) Motors for Fire water pumps.

(b) MCC cum control panel housing the starters for all motors and complete with the switches, relays, push
buttons, indicating lamps, etc. necessary for the control of the fire protection system

(c) Power and control cabling between the MCC, motors, pressure switches, etc. including
accessories like conduits, cable trays ,etc.,

(d) To carry out the electrical installation works in accordance with specifications and as required by the local
statutory departments.

(e) To include the preparation of shop drawings and construction drawings for submission to the Consulting
Engineers to review prior to construction. Final as-built drawings after commissioning of the Fire Protection


The motor shall be as per IS: 325 and with class “F” insulation, totally enclosed fan cooled, horizontal induction
foot mounted type and rated not to draw starting current more than 6 times normal running current. Motor shall
be capable of driving the pumps at rated discharge and head & at 150% of its rated discharge at 65 % of the rated
head ( in any case 15 % safety load should add) and shall be designed for continuous full load duty. The motor
shall be capable of handling the required starting torque of the pumps. Speed of motor shall be compatible with
the speed of the pump. The cooling fans shall be directly driven from motor shaft. Motor situated outdoors or
exposed to the weather shall be weather protected. Motors shall be enclosed type and shall have dust tight
construction with suitable means of breathing and of drainage to prevent accumulation of water from
condensation. Drain holes shall exclude bodies greater than 6mm diameter.

All components shall be of adequate mechanical strength and robustness and shall be constructed of metal unless
otherwise approved. All motors shall be dynamically balanced.

Technical Specification Page 434

The enclosure shall be designed to provide an effective sealing between the primary and secondary air circuits.
Motor winding shall be vacuum impregnated with heat and moisture resistant varnish glass fiber insulated. Two
independent earthing points shall be provided in accordance with IS:3043 on opposite sides of the motor for
bolted connection. The cable boxes and termination shall be designed to enable easy disconnection and
replacement of cables.



The switch board shall be metal clad, totally enclosed, rigid, compartmentalized design, floor mounting, air
insulated, extensible cubicle type for use on medium voltage power, 3 phase 4 wire 50 cycles system. The degree
of protection shall be of IP55 incase of outdoor application as detailed in BOQ. The equipment shall be designed
for operation in high ambient temperature and high humidity tropical atmospheric conditions. Means shall be
provided to facilitate ease of inspection, cleaning and repairs for use in installations where continuity of operation
is of prime importance.

The entire logic of the fire protection system shall be built in this panel. It shall have necessary relays/contactors
for accepting contacts from Pressure/limit switches and for switching ON/OFF motors accordingly. It shall have
ammeter, voltmeter, start / stop push buttons, manual and automatic selector switches, pumps on, off, trip
indicating lamps, relays and other control equipment necessary for the efficient indication and operation of the
system. A visual and audio alarm shall also be provided to raise an alarm when any of the pumps is tripped. It
shall have provision for annunciating the water tank water level high / low / overflow conditions.

Provision shall be made for interfacing with the Building Automation system. Potential free contacts for motors
ON / OFF / TRIP, MCC trouble and fire water tanks level LOW/HIGH/OVERFLOW conditions be provided in the
control panel for BAS. Also provision shall be made for receiving signals from BAS.


Following equipment shall conform to the requirements of :

Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) - IS 13947 - 1,2 / IEC 947 - 1,2

Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) - IS 13947 - 1,2/ IEC 947 - 1&2

Contactors - IS 13947 - 1,4

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) - IS 8828 - 1996/ IEC 898 - 1995

Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) - IS 12640 - 1988 / IEC 1008

HRC fuse link - IS 9224 and BS 8 :8

Current Transformer - IS 2705 and IEC 185

Potential Transformer - IS 3156

Technical Specification Page 435

Relay - IS 3231 & IS 8686 (For Static Relays)

Indicating Instrument - IS 1248


The switch board shall be:

Sheet steel enclosed, indoor floor mounted free standing cubicle type. Made up of the requisite vertical
sections modular type which when coupled together shall form continuous dead front switchboards. Dust, vermin
and damp proof and enclosure protection not less than IP 52. Each feeder/instrument compartment shall be
provided with a hinged door interlocked with MCCB/SFU inside the compartment such that door can only be
opened when MCCB/SFU in off position. Readily extendable as required by the addition of vertical sections
after removal of the end covers. Switch boards shall have access to the feeders, bus bars, cable termination,
cable alley, etc. as required


A front framed structure of rolled/folded CRCA sheet steel angle section of minimum 3 mm thickness
rigidly bolted together. This structure shall house the components contributing to the major weight of the
equipment such as circuit breaker cassettes, fuse switch units, main horizontal bus bars, vertical risers and
other front mounted accessories. The structure shall be mounted on a rigid base frame of folded CRCA sheet steel
of minimum 6 mm thickness and 75 mm height. The design shall ensure that the weight of the components is
adequately supported without deformation or loss of alignment during transit or during operation. A cable
chamber housing the cable end connections and power/control cable terminations. The design shall ensure
generous availability of space for ease of installation and maintenance of cabling and adequate safety for
working in one vertical/horizontal section without coming into accidental contact with live parts of the adjacent
section. A cover plate at the top of the vertical section, provided with a ventilating hood where necessary. Any
aperture for ventilation shall be covered with a perforated sheet having less than 1mm diameter perforations to
prevent entry of vermin. Front and rear doors fitted with dust excluding neoprene gaskets with fasteners designed
to ensure proper compression of the gaskets. When covers are provided in place of doors generous overlap shall
be ensured between sheet steel surfaces with closely spaced fasteners to preclude the entry of dust. The height
of the panel shall not be more than 2200 mm unless otherwise specified and maximum height of operating
handle shall not be more than 1800mm from FFL. The total depth of the panel shall be adequate to cater to
proper cabling space. Doors shall be of minimum 14 gauge sheet steel and covers/partitions of 16G sheet steel. All
sheet steel work forming the exterior of switchboards shall be smoothly finished, leveled and free from flaws.
The corners should be rounded. The Components in the switch boards shall be so arranged as to facilitate ease
of operation and maintenance and at the same time to ensure necessary degree of safety.

Components forming part of the switchboards shall have the following minimum clearances:

Between phases - 25mm

Between phases and neutral - 25mm

Technical Specification Page 436

Between phases and earth - 25mm

Between neutral and earth - 19mm

When, for any reason, the above clearances are not available, suitable insulation barrier/shielding shall
be provided. Clearances shall be maintained during normal service conditions. Creep age distances shall
comply with those specified in relevant standards. All insulating material used in the construction of the
equipment shall be of non-hygroscopic material treated to withstand the effects of high humidity, high
temperature and tropical ambient service conditions. Functional units such as circuit breakers, fuse switches,
MCCBs, etc. shall be arranged in multitier formation except that not more than two air circuit breakers shall be
housed in a single vertical section. Metallic/insulated shrouding shall be provided within vertical sections and
between adjacent sections to ensure prevention of accidental contact with: Main bus-bars and vertical risers
during operation, inspection or maintenance of functional units and front mounted accessories. Cable
terminations of one functional unit, when working on those of adjacent unit/units. All covers providing access
to live parts/circuits shall be provided with tool operated fasteners to prevent unauthorized access. Provision
shall be made for permanently earthing the frames and other metal parts of the switchgear by two independent
distinct connections. Only CRCA steel sheets shall be used for fabricating the cubicle. Thickness tolerance for
sheets shall be as applicable in relevant IS.


Generally the treatment and finish of the metal surface shall be as per detailed specifications enumerated
elsewhere in this document.


Effective cleaning by hot alkaline degreasing solution followed by cold water rinsing to remove traces of alkaline


A recognized phosphate process to facilitate durable coating of the paint on the metal surfaces and also to prevent
the spread of rusting in the event of the paint film being mechanically damaged. This again shall be followed by hot
water rinsing to remove traces of phosphate solution. Drying in dust free atmosphere.

Primer : Primer coating with a coat of corrosion resistant primer applied on wet surface.

Finish coat : Two finishing coats of stoving synthetic enamel paint to the specified shade of IS:5. Both the finish
shall be only spray painted or powder coating. For outdoor units the finishing coat shall be of weather resistant
stoving epoxy paint of specified shade of IS5.


The bus bars shall be made of high conductivity high strength E91E aluminum alloy suitable for 415
volts,3phase 4 wires 50 Hz 20KA unless otherwise specified. The bus bars shall be suitably supported with non-
hygroscopic supports to provide a fault withstand capacity as specified. High tensile bolts and spring washers
shall be provided at all bus bar joints. Fish plates of equal type and size shall be used at all joints. The bus bars shall
have uniform cross section throughout and shall be capable of carrying the rated current at 415V continuously.

Technical Specification Page 437

The bus bars shall be designed to withstand a temperature rise of 45 Deg. C above the ambient. A current density
of 1.00 Amp/Sqmm shall not be exceeded for Aluminum bus bars.

The neutral bus bars shall have a continuous rating of at least 50% of the phase bus bars, unless mentioned
otherwise. Bus bars shall be fully sleeved using heat shrunk PVC sleeves appropriately colour coded to identify
different phases and neutral bar. An earth bus of size not less than 40 x 6 mm aluminum/GI shall run throughout
the length of switch board at top or bottom as required.


The Moulded Case Circuit Breaker shall be incorporated in the switch board wherever specified and shall be of
the current limiting type. MCCB shall conform to IS 2516, IS 13947-1/ IEC 947-1 (part I & II / section 1) 1977 for
general rules. It should be suitable for Horizontal and Vertical mounting and line load reversibility. MCCB shall
be suitable either for Single Phase AC 230V On Three Phase 415V. The MCCB shall be available in four pole
versions for neutral isolation. It shall have tropicalisation as standard feature.

The MCCB cover and case shall be made of high strength heat-resistant and flame-retardant thermosetting
insulating material. The operating handle shall be quick make, quick break, trip - free type. The operating handle
shall have suitable `ON' `OFF' `TRIPPED' indicators and in order to ensure suitability for isolation complying with IS
13947-2/IEC947-2, the operating mechanism shall be designed such that the toggle or the handle can only be in
`OFF' position : if the main contacts are actually separated.


MCCB shall be designed to have following accessories and it shall be fittable at site.

Under voltage trip , Shunt trip, Alarm switch, Auxiliary switch, Remote operation using motor mechanism with
facility of using the same in auto/manual mode.


MCCB shall be provided with following interlocking devices for interlocking the door of a switch board. Handle
interlock to prevent unnecessary manipulations of the breaker. Door interlock to prevent door being opened
when breaker is in ON position. The interlocking device to open the door even if the breaker is in ON position. In
addition to the above, ant other features indicated in the Bill of Quantities shall also be provided.


Short time with standing capacities different ratings of MCCB's shall be as follows :

Ratings Breaking Capacity

[Amps] [KA]

01. Upto 400 35

02. 630 to 800 50

Technical Specification Page 438

03. 1000 & Above 65


Contactor shall comply with IS 13947-1 for general rules and IS 13947 - 4.1 for Standards pertaining to Contactor
and Motor Starter. The Contactors shall be capable of withstanding breaking and making capacities per following

AC3 category AC4 category

Making Current 10 x Rated Current 12 x Rated Current

Breaking Current 08 x Rated Current 10 x Rated Current

Contactor shall be capable of withstanding an impulse voltage of 8KV and have an insulation voltage of 1000V.
Contactor shall be suitable for aluminum termination with a maximum permissible temperature rise of 650 C at
the terminals with an ambient temperature of 500 C. The coils shall have three terminals and the insulation
should be of class H type. The auxiliary contact block shall have a switching capacity of 220V, 2A. Contactor shall
have one auxiliary in built and it should be possible to have additional NO/NC contacts in steps of two. Miniature
Circuit Breakers [MCB] :

MCB shall be in 1,2,3,4, pole versions. MCB casing shall be made of self extinguishing, tropicalised material. MCB
shall comply with IS 8828-1996/IEC 898-1995. It shall be suitable for use in frequency range 40Hz to 60Hz and
shall accommodate AC/DC supply according to requirements. It shall have a trip-free mechanism and toggle shall
give a positive contact indication. It shall be suitable for mounting on 35mm DIN rail/surface mounting. It may be
installed horizontally, vertically on the ceiling in any place without any change in electrical performance. Line
supply may be connected to either top or bottom terminals i.e. There should be no line-load restriction. Degree of
protection when the MCB is flush mounted, shall be IP40. MCB shall be supplied with clamping terminals fully
open. Contact closing shall be independent of the speed of operator. The breaking capacity of the MCB shall be
9KA/10KA. The MCB shall be capable of being used as Incomer Circuit Breaker and shall be suitable for use as
isolator. In case of multiple MCBs in a single location (DB), it should be possible to remove any MCB without
having to disturb other MCB in the vicinity.






Current transformer shall comply with the requirements of IS 2705. They shall have ratios, outputs and accuracy
as specified/required. All CT's shall be of resin cast type unless otherwise specifically called for. All CT's shall be of
bar type primary or suitable for the cable given type and size and the CT’s shall be provided with shorting links
irrespective of the CT’s ratio’s preferably with ELMEX / PHOENIX. For all the CT's suitable type and size clamps are
to be supplied for mounting in the switch boards. Polarities and terminal markings of primary and secondary shall
be clearly marked on all CT's.

Technical Specification Page 439

Specifications for CT's :

a. Current Ratios :

i. Primary : As per feeder ratings

ii. Secondary : 5A

b. Type : Resin Cast

c. Class : PS-Differential Protection

5P10-O/C,E/F, RPR

Class 1 for metering

d. System Voltage

i. LT : 415V 3Ph 50Hz


All instruments and meters shall be enclosed in dust proof, moisture resistant, black finished cases and shall
be suitable for tropical use. They shall be calibrated to read directly the primary quantities. They shall be
accurately adjusted and calibrated at Works and shall have means of calibration, check and adjustment at site.


Indicating instruments shall be flush mounted with anti-parallel white circular scales with black pointer and
with black numbers and lettering. Knife edge pointers shall be preferred. Unless otherwise specified, the size of all
instruments shall be 96mm x 96mm type. The dials shall be free from warping, fading and discolouring. Spring
controlled instruments shall be provided with front of board zero adjuster, capable of being safely handled while
the instrument is in Service. Instrument covers shall also have red marks on the dial corresponding to rated
values of the associated primary equipment. Synchronising instruments shall also meet the requirements of this
clause. The indicating instruments shall conform to IS:1248 and shall have on an accuracy class of 1. The Ammeter
and Wattmeter current coils shall withstand 200% of rated current continuously and 10 times the rated current
for 0.5 seconds without loss of accuracy . Voltmeter and Wattmeter potential coils shall withstand 120% of rated
voltage continuously and twice the rated voltage for 0.5 sec. without loss of accuracy.


Voltmeter shall be suitable for operating directly on LT supply voltage 415V, 50Hz or with a PT as per the
requirements. All the Voltmeters used for rated operating Voltage of 415/110V as required at 50Hz AC. With a
scale as required at site.

All Voltmeters are 96 x 96mm, suitable for mounting on the panel. Type Sl.No. accuracy class and borders of
the Voltmeter shall be indicated on the dial.

Technical Specification Page 440


All the Ammeters shall be CT operated (5A) with a dial marked for line currents.

Type, Sl.No., Accuracy class, Operating Current, Burden etc., shall be indicated on the dial. All Ammeter shall be
of panel mounting type and shall be provided with zero setting screw.


Push buttons shall be of momentary contact type with rear terminal connection. These shall be suitably
shrouded to prevent inadvertent operation. Integral inscription plates engraved with their functions shall be
provided. All push buttons shall have two Normally Closed and two Normally Open contacts comprising rivets
of pure silver. The contacts shall be able to make and carry 5 A and break up one amp inductive load at 250V


Cable entries and terminals shall be provided in the switch board to suit the number, type and size of
aluminium conductor power cables and copper conductor control cable specified in the detailed specifications.
Provision shall be made for top or bottom entry of cables as required. Generous size of cabling chambers shall
be provided with the position of cable gland and terminals such that cables can be easily and safely terminated.
Barriers or shrouds shall be provided to permit safe working at the terminals of one circuit without accidentally
touching that of another live circuit. Cable risers shall be adequately supported to withstand the effects of rated
short circuit currents without damage and without causing secondary faults. Cable sockets shall be of tinned
copper and of the crimping type.


All control wiring shall be carried out with 1100V grade single core PVC cable having stranded copper
conductors with minimum cross section of 1.5 Sqmm for potential circuits and 2.5 Sqmm for current transformer
circuits. Wiring shall be neatly bunched, adequately supported and properly routed to allow for easy access and
maintenance. Wires shall be identified by numbered ferrules at each end. The ferrules shall be of ring type and
of non-deteriorating material. They shall be firmly located on each termination so as to prevent free movement.
All control circuit fuses shall be mounted in front of the panel and shall be easily accessible.


Terminal blocks shall be of 500 Volts grade and of stud/screwless type. Terminal blocks shall have a minimum
current rating of 10 Amps and shall be shrouded. Provisions shall be made for label inscriptions. At least 20%
spare terminals shall be provided on each panel and these spare terminals shall be uniformly distributed on all
terminal blocks.

Terminal blocks for current transformer and voltage transformer secondary leads shall be provided with test
links and isolating facilities. Also current transformer secondary leads shall be provided with short circuiting and
earthing facilities.

Technical Specification Page 441

There shall be a minimum clearance of 250mm between the first row of terminal blocks and the associated cable
gland plate. Also, the clearance between two rows of terminal blocks shall be a minimum of 150mm.


All Relays shall conform to the requirement of IS: 3231/IS 8686 or other applicable approved standards Relays
shall be suitable for flush and Semi-flush mounting on front At with connections from the rear. All Protective
Relays shall be of draw out or plug in type/Modular cases with proper built in test facilities. Test blocks and
switches shall be located immediately below each relay for testing. The auxiliary relays shall be self reset type.
All AC Relays shall be suitable for operation at 50Hz. AC Voltage operated relays shall be suitable for 110/v3 Volts
PT secondaries and Current operated relays for 5Amp. CT. secondaries as specified in this specification. Voltage
operated relays shall have adequate thermal capacity for continuous operation. Auxiliary Relays and Timers
shall have pairs of contacts as required to complete the scheme. Contacts shall be silver faced with spring

All Protective Relays, Auxiliary Relays and Timers except the lockout relays and interlocking relays specified
shall be provided with self reset type contacts. All, Trip and Timers shall be provided with externally hand reset
positive action provided with inscription subject to /Consultant approval. Timers shall be of the electromagnetic
or solid state type.

Wherever solid state relays are used the following requirement shall be met with:

All Relays shall be designed for operating under or ambient temperature 55.C and 100% relative humidity.
Electronic type timers shall be as far as possible avoided.

All accessories required for correct operation of each relay shall be supported by the Sub-contractor without any
extra cost. The solid state relays shall be stable and suitably protected against transient/induced over voltages.
The bidder shall state clearly in his list special requirements, if any, for DC input arrangement or cabling
considered necessary for satisfactory operation of solid state relays quoted by him.


The panel as well as feeder compartments shall be provided with name plate of anodized aluminum with white
engraving on black background. They shall be properly secured with fasteners/rivets. The panel/feeder
descriptions shall be as indicated in the drawings/ by the employer.

2.25 TESTS

The routine tests shall be conducted as per IS standards on each Power Control Centre and shall comprise:

Inspection of the Switch Boards including inspection of wiring and electrical operational/functional tests where


Insulation resistance of the power circuit between each pole and the earth and that between the poles shall be
measured. Insulation resistance of all secondary wiring between phase and earth shall be measured. Insulation
test shall be carried out both before and after high voltage test. Checking of protective measures and electrical
continuity of the protective circuits.

Technical Specification Page 442


A high voltage test with 2.5 KV for power circuit and 1.5KV for Control Circuit, Duration one minute shall be
applied between each pole and earth and between poles. Test certificate shall be submitted along with panel.



The panels shall be stored in a well ventilated dry place. Suitable polythene covers shall be provided for
necessary protection against moisture, dust and vermin.


Switch boards shall be installed over trench/floor as required. Suitable grouting holes shall be provided in the
flooring. Suitable MS base channel shall be embedded in the flooring on which the panel can directly be installed.
The switch boards shall be properly aligned and bolted to the flooring by atleast four bolts. Cables shall be
terminated on the bottom plate or top plate as the case may be, by using brass compression glands. The
individual cables shall then be led through the panel to the required feeder compartments for necessary
terminations. The cables shall be clamped to the supporting arrangement. Either side, the switch board earth
bus shall be connected to the local earth grid. The base channel used for erection of panels shall form part of the
cost of the panel and shall not be measured or paid separately.


The panels shall be commissioned only after successful completion of the following tests. The test shall be
carried in the presence of Architect's representative. All main and auxiliary bus bar connections shall be checked
and tightened. All wiring terminations and bus bar joints shall be checked and tightened. Wiring shall be checked
to ensure that it is according to the approved drawing.

All wiring shall be tested for insulation resistance by a 500 volt megger. Phase rotation tests shall be conducted.
Suitable injection tests shall be applied to all the measuring instruments to establish the correctness and
accuracy of calibration and working order if required by the Employer. All relays and protective devices shall be
tested for correctness of settings and operation by introducing a current generator and an ammeter in the
circuit or shall produce calibration/test certificate as required by the Employer / Inspectorate / consultant.
Functional tests on all feeders. Makes, type and ratings of all components shall be checked/verified as per
approved drawings.


3.1 TYPE

Low voltage cables shall be aluminum conductor, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed and steel wire armored or steel
tape armored Andhra Pradesh State Fire Services, FRLS- PVC out sheathed construction. The cables shall conform
to IS 1554 Part I in all respects. Cables shall be laid in tray/Hume pipe/in ready made trenches etc., as required.

Technical Specification Page 443

The FRLS outer sheath material shall meet the following requirements ( if used),

i) The oxygen index value shall be minimum 29 when tested at 27  2 C as per ASTM-D-
2863-77 and temperature index value shall be minimum 250 C when tested as per
NES 715.

ii) The maximum total acid gas generation as determined by titration shall be less than 20
% by weight. The test shall be conducted as per IEC-754-1 (1994).

iii) The smoke density shall be 60 % maximum, when tested as per ASTM-D-2843-77

iv) The finished cable shall pass the flammability test as per IEC-332-1 (1993), In addition,
it shall also pass flammability test as per Class F3 of Swedish Standard SS-424-1475

The sizes of cables shall be selected to limit the voltage drop during running and voltage dip during starting to 5%
and 10% respectively. Adequate derating factors shall be considered


The cable shall be rated for a voltage of 1100 Volts.


Cores shall be provided with the following colour scheme of PVC insulation:

1 core : Red/Black/Yellow/Blue

2 core : Red and Black

3 core : Red, Yellow and Blue

3 1/2 / 4 core : Red, Yellow, Blue & Black



On receipt of cables at site the cables shall be inspected and stored in a safe place.


Cables shall be laid as per the specifications given below.


Cables shall be laid in outdoor trenches wherever called for. The depth of the trenches shall not be less
than 75 cm from the final ground level. The width of the trenches shall suit easy laying of cable. Where more
than one cable has to be laid in the same trench, all attempts shall be made to keep the axial distance between
successive cables to be at least 1d where 'd' is the diameter of the bigger cable. The trenches shall be cut square

Technical Specification Page 444

with vertical side walls and with uniform depth. Wherever cables are bent, the minimum bending radius shall not
be less than 12 times the diameter of the cable. After the cable is laid and straightened, it shall be covered with
sand cushion. Over this a course of cable protection tiles or burnt brick shall be provided on either sides and
above. Trench shall be back filled with earth and consolidated. Cables shall be laid in hume pipes/stoneware
pipes at all road crossings & wall entries. Approved cable markers made of CI indicating the voltage, no. of
cables and the direction of run of the cables shall be installed at regular intervals.


Cables shall be laid in indoor trenches wherever specified. Suitable angle iron brackets, clamps, hoods
and saddles shall be used for securing the cable in position.


Cables shall be laid on cable trays/racks wherever specified. Cable racks/trays shall be of perforated
steel section/slotted angles suitable for the purpose. The trays/racks shall be complete with plates, tees, elbows,
risers and all necessary hardware. The steel trays shall be painted. Cable trays shall be erected properly to present
a neat and clean appearance. Suitable cleats or saddles shall be used for securing the cables to the cable trays.
The cable trays shall comply with the following requirements :

The trays are ladder type and shall have suitable strength and rigidity to provide adequate support for all
contained cables. It shall not present sharp edges, burrs of projections injurious to the insulation of the
wiring/cables. If made of Sheet metal, it shall be adequately protected against corrosion or shall be made of
corrosion resistant material. It shall have side rails or equivalent structural members. It shall include fittings
such as horizontal, vertical bends, tie rods, hooks etc., or other suitable means for changes in direction and
elevation of runs, fish plates and hard ware.


Cable trays shall be installed as a complete system. Trays shall be supported properly from the building
structure. The entire cable tray system shall be rigid. Each run of the cable tray shall be completed before the
installation of cables. In-portions where additional protection is required, non-combustible covers/enclosure shall
be used. Cable trays shall be exposed and accessible. Where cables of different system are installed on the same
cable tray, non-combustible solid barriers shall be used for segregating the cables. Cable trays shall be grounded
by two nos. earth continuity wires. Cable trays shall not be used as equipment grounding conductors.


Cable jointing shall be done as per the recommendations of the cable manufacturer. Jointing shall be done by
qualified cable jointers. Each terminations shall be carried out using brass compression glands and cable sockets.
Hydraulic crimping tool shall be used for making the end terminations. Cable gland shall be bonded to the
earth by suing suitable size G.I. wire/tape.

Suitable identification tags with the feeder designation inscribed on an aluminum/G.I. sheet shall be tied to either
ends of each cable.


Technical Specification Page 445

Cables shall be tested at factory as per the requirements of IS 1554 Part I. The tests shall incorporate routine
tests, type tests and acceptance tests. Copy of such test certificates shall be furnished to the Employer prior to




A. This section of the specification includes the Design, engineering, furnishing, installation, and connection
of a microprocessor controlled, analog addressable fire alarm equipment required to form a complete coordinated
system ready for operation. It shall include, but not be limited to, alarm initiating devices, alarm notification
appliances, control panels, auxiliary control devices, annunciators, power supplies, and wiring as per tender
drawings and specified herein.

1.2. SCOPE

A. A new addressable analogue reporting, microprocessor controlled fire detection system shall be installed
in accordance with the specifications and approved shop drawings.

B. The system shall be designed such that each loop shall limited to only 80% of its total capacity at initial


1. Alarm, trouble and supervisory signals from all intelligent reporting devices shall be encoded on type – A

2. All Detectors shall be wired Class A, as part of an addressable device connected by the loop Circuit.

3. Notification Appliances shall be wired Class A, as part of an addressable device connected by the loop

4. A single ground fault or open circuit on the system loop shall not cause system malfunction, loss of
operating power or the ability to report an alarm.

5. Alarm signals arriving at the FACP shall not be lost following a primary power failure (or outage) until the
alarm signal is processed and recorded.

Technical Specification Page 446


When a fire alarm condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices, the following
functions shall immediately occur:

1. The System (Detector) Alarm LED shall flash.

2. A local piezo electric signal in the control panel shall sound.

3. The LCD display shall indicate all information associated with the fire alarm condition, including the type
of alarm point and its location within the protected premises.

4. Printing and history storage equipment shall log the information associated each new fire alarm control
panel condition, along with time and date of occurrence.

5. All system output programs assigned via control-by-event interlock programming to be activated by the
particular point in alarm shall be executed, and the associated system outputs (notification appliances and/or
relays) shall be activated.

6. The audio portion of the system shall sound the proper signal (tone or voice) to the appropriate zones.


The integration of various systems is detailed below:

a. The monitoring of the status of various detectors/devices should be report at the Panel and at PC in
Security room /Reception

b. Alarms and trouble condition reporting at fire system central panel.

c. In the event of fire alarm, FAS shall directly activate the motorized butterfly valve for the water curtain



1. Six copies of all submittals shall be submitted to the Architect/Engineer for review.

2. All references to manufacturer's model numbers and other pertinent information herein is intended to
establish minimum standards of performance, function and quality. Equivalent compatible equipment from other
manufacturers may be substituted for the specified equipment as long as the minimum standards are met.

3. All substitute equipment proposed as equal to the equipment specified herein, shall meet or exceed the
following standards. For equipment other than that specified, the contractor shall supply proof that such
substitute equipment equals or exceeds the features, functions, performance, and quality of the specified

Technical Specification Page 447


1. Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance with drawings and

2. Include manufacturer's name(s), model numbers, ratings, power requirements, equipment layout, device
arrangement, complete wiring point-to-point diagrams, and conduit layouts.

3. Show annunciator layout, configurations, and terminations.


1. Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, complete operating and maintenance manuals listing the
manufacturer's name(s), including technical data sheets.

2. Wiring diagrams shall indicate internal wiring for each device and the interconnections between the items
of equipment.

3. Provide a clear and concise description of operation that gives, in detail, the information required to
properly operate the equipment and system.

4. Approvals will be based on complete submissions of manuals together with shop drawings.

5. Also contactor should submit operation and maintenance manuals with as built drawings in six sets. All
test certificates, field test reports, and performance test reports etc on handing over of the system.


1. Provide the services of a factory trained and authorized technician to perform all system software
modifications, upgrades or changes. Response time of the technician to the site shall not exceed 4 hours.

2. Provide all hardware, software, programming tools and documentation necessary to modify the fire alarm
system on site. Modification includes addition and deletion of devices, circuits, zones / loops and changes to
system operation and custom label changes for devices or zones / loops. The system structure and software shall
place no limit on the type or extent of software modifications on-site. Modification of software shall not require
power-down of the system or loss of system fire protection while modifications are being made.


Together with the shop drawing submittal, submit a certification from the major equipment manufacturer
indicating that the proposed supervisor of the installation and the proposed performer of contract maintenance is
an authorized representative of the major equipment manufacturer. Include names and addresses in the


A. All work performed and all material and equipment supplied & installed under this contract shall be free
from defects, Brand-new. The full cost of maintenance, labor and materials required to correct any defect during
DLP / Warranty shall be included in the quoted prices.

Technical Specification Page 448


A. Complete maintenance and repair service for the fire alarm system shall be available from a factory
trained authorized representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment for a period of five (5) years after
expiration of the guaranty.

B. As part of the bid/proposal, include a quote for a maintenance contract to provide all maintenance, tests,
and repairs described below. Include also a quote for unscheduled maintenance/repairs, including hourly rates for
technicians trained on this equipment, and response travel costs for each year of the maintenance period. Rates
and costs shall be valid for the period of five (5) years after expiration of the guaranty.

C. Maintenance and testing shall be on a semiannual basis or as required by the facility maintenance team. A
preventive maintenance schedule shall be provided by the contractor, describing the protocol for preventive
maintenance. The schedule shall include:

1. Systematic examination, adjustment and cleaning of all detectors, manual fire alarm stations, Sounders,
strobe lights, voice alarm speakers, control panels, power supplies, relays, water flow switches, modules and all
accessories of the fire alarm system.

2. Each circuit in the fire alarm system shall be tested semiannually.

3. Each smoke detector shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72 Chapter 7.


A. The contractor shall have the ability to provide parts and labour to expand the system specified, if so
requested, for a period of five (5) years from the date of acceptance.

B. As part of the Bid, include a quotation for all parts and material, and all installation and test labor of
intelligent or addressable devices for ten percent (10%) as mentioned under spare parts list. This quotation shall
include intelligent smoke detectors, intelligent heat detectors, addressable manual stations, addressable monitor
modules and addressable modules equal in number to one tenth of the number required to meet this specification
(list actual quantity of each type).

C. Do not include cost of conduit or wire or the cost to install conduit or wire.


A. The design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the entire fire detection and alarm system
shall conform to EN 54,or BS: 5839. The Detectors shall conform to relevant codes for Fire Alarm System.

The system installed shall comply with the following codes/publications:

a) LPCB for addressable detector, fire panel.

b) EN 54

c) BS 5839

Technical Specification Page 449



A. All equipment and components shall be brand new, and the manufacturer's current model. The materials,
appliances, equipment and devices shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized approvals agency for use as
part of a protected premises protective signaling (fire alarm) system. The authorized representative of the
manufacturer of the major equipment, such as control panels, shall be responsible for the satisfactory installation
of the complete system.

B. All equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with each manufacturer's
recommendations. Consult the manufacturer's installation manuals for all wiring diagrams, schematics, physical
equipment sizes, etc. before beginning system installation. Refer to the riser/connection diagram for all specific
system installation/termination/wiring data.

C. All equipment shall be attached to walls and ceiling/floor assemblies and shall be held firmly in place (e.g.,
detectors shall not be supported solely by suspended ceilings). Fasteners and supports shall be adequate to
support the required load.



1. Conduit shall be in accordance with The National Electrical Code (NEC), local and state requirements.

2. Where possible, all wiring shall be installed in conduit or raceway. Conduit fill shall not exceed 40 percent
of interior cross sectional area where three or more cables are contained within a single conduit.

3. Cable must be separated from any open conductors of Power, or Class 1 circuits, and shall not be placed
in any conduit, junction box or raceway containing these conductors.

4. Wiring for 24 volt control, alarm notification, emergency communication and similar power-limited
auxiliary functions may be run in the same conduit as initiating and signaling line circuits. All circuits shall be
provided with transient suppression devices and the system shall be designed to permit simultaneous operation of
all circuits without interference or loss of signals.

5. Conduit shall not enter the fire alarm control panel, or any other remotely mounted control panel
equipment or back boxes, except where conduit entry is specified by the FACP manufacturer.

6. Conduit shall be 3/4-inch (19.1 mm) minimum, all conduits / junction boxes / collars shall be painted
before installation and there shall be marking (for identification) on the conduits at interval of 2m minimum.


1. All fire alarm system wiring must be new.

Technical Specification Page 450

2. Wiring shall be in accordance with local, state and national codes and as recommended by the
manufacturer of the fire alarm system. Number and size of conductors shall be as recommended by the fire alarm
system manufacturer, but not less than 18 AWG (1.02 mm) for initiating device circuits and signaling line circuits,
and 14 AWG (1.63 mm) for notification appliance circuits.

3. All wire and cable shall be listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency for use with a protective
signaling system.

4. If Wires / cables not installed in conduit shall have a fire resistance rating suitable for the installation, may
be FRLS cables / wires used.

5. The system shall permit the use of Detectors and notification devices wiring in the same conduit with the
multiplex communication loop.

6. All field wiring shall be completely supervised. In the event of a primary power failure, disconnected
standby battery, removal of any internal modules, or any open circuits in the field wiring, a trouble signal will be
activated until the system and its associated field wiring are restored to normal condition.

7. All voice speaker and telephone circuits shall use twisted/shielded pair to eliminate cross talk.

C. Terminal Boxes, Junction Boxes and Cabinets:

All boxes and cabinets shall be as approved by the client / consultants for their intended purpose.

D. Initiating circuits shall be arranged to serve like categories (manual, smoke, water flow). Mixed category
circuitry shall not be permitted except on signaling line circuits connected to intelligent reporting devices.

E. The fire alarm control panel shall be connected to a separate dedicated branch circuit, maximum 20
amperes. This circuit shall be labeled at the main power distribution panel as FIRE ALARM. Fire alarm control panel
primary power wiring shall be 12 AWG. The control panel cabinet shall be grounded securely to either a cold water
pipe or grounding rod.


The main FACP Central Console shall contain a microprocessor based Central Processing Unit (CPU). The
CPU shall communicate with and control the following types of equipment used to make up the system:
intelligent addressable smoke and thermal (heat) detectors, addressable modules, panel modules
including initiating circuits, control circuits, and notification appliance circuits, local and remote operator
terminals, annunciators, and other system controlled devices.
The Bidder shall undertake the responsibility of the complete installation, commissioning, user trials,
training and maintenance of the System as required. The Bidder shall take all responsibility for
preparation and installation of System Software into the FACP. The Software shall be such so as to be
easily operated by the Client’s Personnel and secured against Software errors, ability to be upgraded so
as to incorporate more features at a later date.

The panel shall also have automatic dialer with speech processor for transmit fire message to select
telephone numbers in case of fire.

Technical Specification Page 451

The fire alarm control panel shall meet the modular listing requirements of Underwriters Laboratories
Inc. The control panel shall be capable of expansion via Loop cards. Each Loop shall support a minimum
of 100 analog addressable detectors/devices. The System shall be fail safe and adequate safe guards
should be under taken that in the event of a failure of a part of the System, say a loop card or CPU; it shall
not handicap the complete System. The Loop Control Module shall contain its own microprocessor and
shall be capable of operating in a local/degrade mode (any addressable device input shall be capable of
activating any or all addressable device outputs in that loop) in the unlikely event of a failure in the main

The logic circuitry shall be based on high noise immunity solid state hardware.

All addressable units shall be connected to the FACP through the Loop Cards and shall be addressed
through individual numbers. The FACP shall be able to obtain analogue value for all detectors in the
circuit through a pulsed digitalized current data. The FACP shall be able to analyse all analogue inputs
from all addressable units, and through its own software and ambient level screening the FACP shall be
able to identify fire, possible fire or fault conditions. The unit supervision shall be dynamic and

The FACP shall also give adequate warning signal whenever there is dust accumulation in detectors, and
up to the point of its replacement it should be possible to change the level of ambient alarm calibration
condition either by the use of software program operable by the owner or by resetting the detector.

Short / Open circuit units shall also be reported at the FACP In such cases, the system through the use of
fault isolators shall be able to isolate that segment between the two fault isolators. The missing
Detectors/Devices shall also be reported at the FACP with identification of the location.

The Bidder shall also undertake to trip the AHUs from the Fire Alarm Panel through the use of
Addressable Output Modules and necessary AC/DC relays, activated by the fire signal of specified
detectors and Input Modules for monitoring contacts from Fire exit doors.

The FACP shall also be able to discriminate between false alarms and fire conditions, as well as priority
selection of alarm in case alarm activates in two or more remotely located units simultaneously. In such
cases, the Manual Call Points shall have the highest priority.

The FACP shall have its own Battery Backup of a minimum of 24 hours in normal run and then 15 min in
alarm condition. The Battery shall be of sealed lead acid re chargeable maintenance free type. Necessary
battery calculations for the system shall be provided along with the bid.

It shall be able to withstand temperature variations from 00 centigrade to 500 centigrade. Further,
Relative Humidity (non-condensing type) up to 95% shall not hamper its performance. The voltage rating
shall be from 17V DC to 31V DC, though the voltage may be change depending upon the working voltages
of a proprietary FACP.

The FACP shall also capable of repeating all the events & messages to a Passive Repeater Panel.

Technical Specification Page 452

The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall include a full featured operator interface control for the field
programming and control of the fire alarm system. All programming or editing of the existing program in
the system shall be achieved without special equipment and without interrupting the alarm monitoring
functions of the fire alarm control panel


Display & Indication : The backlit LCD display shall atleast be of 168 characters that indicate all
information associated with the fire alarm condition, including the type of alarm point and its location
within the protected premises. It shall also provide Light-Emitting-Diodes (LEDs), that indicate the status
of the following minimum system parameters: POWER STATUS, TEST STATUS, FIRE ALARM, FAULT, CPU

Alarm Acknowledge: Activation of the control panel acknowledges function in response to new alarms
and/or troubles shall silence the local panel piezo electric signal and the associated LED on the panel shall
be turned ON.

Signal Silence: Signal Silence function shall cause all programmed alarm notification appliances
and relays to return to the normal condition. The selection of notification circuits and relays
that are silence able by this switch shall be fully field programmable within the confines of all
applicable standards.

System Reset: Depression of System Reset switch shall cause all electronically latched initiating devices
to return to their normal condition. And the system reset operation starts. The associated Yellow LED
shall flash during this operation to inform the user of the progress status of the reset cycle. The LED shall
flash fast during the smoke detector power down sequence, then it shall flash slowly during the restart
phase, and shall illuminate steadily for the restoral phase. The LED shall go out completely when the
system is back to normal mode.

Evacuation/ Fire drill: Depression of the Drill switch shall activate all programmed notification appliance
circuits. The drill function shall latch until the panel is silenced or reset.

Lamp Test: The Lamp Test function shall activate all local system LEDs, light each segment of the liquid
crystal display to check all the components are working OK..


The FACP shall minimum perform the following functions

Supervise and monitor all intelligent addressable detectors and monitor modules connected to the
system for normal, trouble and alarm conditions. System response to any alarm condition must occur
within 3 seconds, regardless of the size and the complexity of the installed system.

Supervise all initiating signalling and notification circuits throughout the facility by way of connection to
monitor and control modules.

Technical Specification Page 453

Detect the activation of any initiating device and the location of the alarm condition. Operate all
notification appliances and auxiliary devices as programmed. Visually and audibly annunciate any
trouble, supervisory, security or alarm condition on operator's terminals, panel display, and annunciators.

Upon alarm activation of any area smoke detector, heat detector, manual pull station, sprinkler water
flow, the following functions shall automatically occur:

The internal audible device shall sound at the FACP.

Display the alarm event on the Fire graphic workstation.

The LCD Display shall indicate all applicable information associated with the alarm condition including:
zone, device type, device location and time/date.

Any remote or local annunciator LCD/LED's associated with the alarm zone shall be illuminated.

The following audio messages and actions shall occur simultaneously:

A pre-evacuation message shall be sounded on all floors (zones), Stair cases, Lifts. It is the intent of this
message to advise occupants hearing this message that they are near danger and await further
instructions for leaving the building via the stairs (nearest exit).

Activate visual strobes /Sounders based on programmed sequence. The visual strobe shall continue to
flash or the sounders will hoot until the system has been reset.

An alert message shall be transmitted thro a telephone line on a preprogrammed telephone numbers.

Activate automatic smoke control sequences such as AHU tripping

All automatic events programmed to the alarm point shall be executed and the associated outputs

All Access Controlled doors shall unlock throughout the building.


The system shall be fully supervised for all fault conditions with distinctive alarm operated for fault and fire
conditions. Test buttons and software features shall be provided to test the electronic circuits and detector health

System Programming: Advanced Windows based software shall be used to configure the system during system
start-up or system commissioning. Time and Date Stamps of all modifications made to the program must be
included to allow full retention of all previous program version data. All System operational software is to be
stored in FLASH memory. Control Panel disassembly and replacement of electronic components of any kind shall
not be required in order to upgrade the operations of the installed system to conform to future application code
and operating system changes. It shall have the ability to download all system applications programs and
“firmware” from a computer through a single point into the FACP.

Technical Specification Page 454

The panel shall provide means for all SLC devices on any SLC loop to be auto programmed into the system
by specific address. The system shall recognize specific device type ID's and associate that ID with the
corresponding address of the device.

Event Buffer: The panel shall maintain a history file of at least the last 1000 events, each with a time
and date stamp. History events shall include all alarms, troubles, operator actions, and programming

Early warning capability: To obtain early warning of incipient or potential fire conditions, the system
shall support a programmable option to determine system response to real-time detector sensing values
above the programmed setting.

It shall be possible to set individual smoke detectors for pre-programmed pre-alarm thresholds. If the
individual threshold is reached, the pre-alarm condition shall be activated and an alert displayed on the

When the detector reaches a level exceeding the pre-programmed level, the control panel shall indicate
an action condition. Sounder bases installed with either heat or smoke detectors shall automatically
activate on action Pre-Alarm level, with general evacuation on alarm level.

Alarm verification delay: The FACP shall provide means to cause alarm signals to only sound in specific
areas with a delay of the alarm after start of alarm processing. If the alarm is not acknowledged within
programmed delay, all local and remote outputs shall automatically activate immediately. The control
panel shall ignore the alarm verification timer if another alarm is detected during the verification period.

Enable/ Disable points: The FACP shall allow the operator to restore a disabled point (device) in the system,
allowing that point (device) to operate as originally intended by the application program of the system.
Additionally, the system shall allow the operator to restore any group function, function, Panel, system module,
“software - defined zone”, operator control, or time control function.

The FACP shall allow the operator to disable any point (device) in the system, inhibiting that point (device) from
operating as originally intended by the application program of the system. Additionally, the system shall allow the
operator to disable any group function, function, Panel, system module, “software - defined zone”, operator
control, or time control function within the system.

Check/Alter parameters: The system shall allow the operator to manually turn on any system output point, or
system function. Alter Smoke Detector sensitivity, message routing within the system shall be modifiable with this
simple command from the control panel.

The system shall allow the operator to restore the primary (application program defined) operation to the Smoke
Detector sensitivity and the message routing functions with this simple command from the control panel.

The system shall allow the operator to manually command and control relays. Relays shall be able to be
commanded to “Latch”, to energize as a “High Priority”, or as a “Low Priority”, to “Energize”, or to “De-Energize”.

Technical Specification Page 455

AHU Shutdown: The panel shall be capable of shutting down the AHUs in the event of Fire Alarm. It shall
be possible to program the shut on zone basis

Sensitivity Adjust: The system shall provide Automatic Detector Sensitivity Adjust based on Day/Night

Environment Drift Compensation: The system shall automatically compensate for the drift in the sensitivity that
can occur due to dust & environment changes. Environmental compensation shall mean that the sensing element
adapts to long-term changes caused by dirt, humidity, aging etc. It shall even compensate for small amounts of
normal ambient smoke. The detector shall periodically adjust and updates the sensitivity (% obscuration) baseline
for its photoelectric sensing element. Periodically this information shall be written to its permanent memory.
When the detector accumulates dust in the chamber above the allowed limit, the control panel shall indicate a
maintenance urgent warning.


The system shall allow the operator to determine the status of individual system components, including active
points, disabled points, and active points by panel.

The LCD shall show the system time, and the number of active points and disabled points in the system in this
section of the LCD Display.

The LCD shall show the first active event of the highest priority. The text shall show the sequence number in
which the displayed event was received, as well as its event type. It shall also display an identification message
related to the displayed event.

The LCD shall show the total number of active events in the system, by event type. There shall be atleast three
different System Event Types that shall be displayed, “Alarm Events”, “Supervisory Events” and “Active Trouble
Events”. The Main LCD shall include queues for each of the System Event Types. The Main LCD shall allow the
operator to access to the System Status information contained within those queues by pressing an associated
select switch. Whenever there is an unacknowledged event in any of the System Event queues, the associated
Status LED shall flash. Viewing each event listed in a queue shall acknowledge all events in that queue, and shall
cause the associated LED to illuminate steady.

Passwords and Users: The system shall support at least two password levels, master and user.
Passwords shall be available, each of which may be assigned access to the programming change menus,
the alter status menus, or both. Only the master password shall allow access to password change

Report Generation capability: The system shall have the capability to connect to a printer to print at least the

It shall give a detailed description of the status of certain system parameters for corrective action, or for
preventative maintenance programs. The system shall provide these reports via the Main LCD, and shall be
capable of being printed on any of the connected system printers.

Technical Specification Page 456

The system shall provide a report that gives a sensitivity listing of all detectors that have less than 75%
environmental compensation remaining.

The system shall provide a report that provides a sensitivity listing of any particular detector or all detectors

The system shall provide a listing of all of the firmware revision listings for all of the installed network components
in the system.

One-Man Walk Test: The system shall provide walk test for testing the entire fire alarm system. The
walk test shall allow a single operator to run audible tests on the panel. When points are activated, each
initiating event shall latch the input. The test shall be audible and shall be used for pull station
verification, magnet activated tests on input devices, input and output device and wiring

Response based on event: The panel software functions shall provide means to program a variety of
output responses based on various initiating events.
The system shall support at least 500 general purpose software zones for linking inputs to outputs. When
an input device activates, any zone programmed into that device's zone map will be active and any
output device.

Maintenance Menu: The Main LCD in the FACP shall also allow the System Operator to access system maintenance
functions through a multi level password system.

Enclosures: The control panel shall be housed in cabinet suitable for surface or semi-flush mounting. The
cabinet and front shall be corrosion protected, given a rust-resistant prime coat, and manufacturer's
standard finish.

The back box and door shall be constructed of steel with provisions for electrical conduit connections into
the sides and top.

The door shall provide a key lock and shall include a glass or other transparent opening for viewing of all
indicators. For convenience, the door may be site configured for either right or left hand hinging.

Power Supply: The Addressable Main / auxiliary Power Supply shall operate on 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz,
and shall provide all necessary power for the FACP and the notification appliances.

The Addressable Main Power Supply shall also incorporate a battery charger for 24 hours of standby
power for normal working & another ½ hour in alarm condition using dual-rate charging techniques for
fast battery recharge

The Addressable Main Power Supply shall provide a very low frequency sweep earth detect circuit,
capable of detecting earth faults.

Event Display: here shall be an event display field to display the current event. When there are no
events then it shall display an ALL CLEAR message. It shall be possible to manually scroll all the current
events both forwards & backwards. Facility shall be provided to add notes to the current event display.
Each type of event shall be represented in different colours It shall be possible to acknowledge the event
Status Bars shall be provided for events such as Fire, Fault, Disabled and warning. The Status Bar shall

Technical Specification Page 457

flash in different colours when an event occur and shall revert back to its original status once the event is
acknowledged and are no other pending events for acknowledgement.

Graphic Screen Display: It shall be possible to view manually the events in graphic screens, to view the
site plan and also to view in graphics the current device in fault or in alarm

The scrolling of the current event display with corresponding graphics shall also be shown automatically.
It shall be possible to manually select, view the details of devices and zones by selecting the relevant sub
It shall also be possible to enable or disable any zone or device and the same shall be restricted to higher
level users only.
Control Functions: It shall be possible to mute the PC alarm sound and the fire Panel buzzer, activate &
silence all sounders and print automatically alarm events from the software. It shall be possible to
add/delete new users.


The Loop Control Module shall monitor and control addressable devices. This includes intelligent
detectors (Ionization, Photoelectric, or Thermal) and fault isolation / monitor / control / control relay modules.

The Loop Control Module shall contain its own microprocessor and shall be capable of operating in a
local/degrade mode (any addressable device input shall be capable of activating any or all addressable device
outputs) in the unlikely event of a failure in the main CPU.

The Loop Control Module shall provide power and communicate with all intelligent addressable detectors
and modules on a single pair of wires.

The loop interface board shall be able to drive an NFPA Style 4 twisted shielded circuit up to maximum
length. The loop Interface shall also be capable of driving an NFPA Style 4, no twist, no shield circuit up to
maximum length. In addition, loop wiring shall meet the listing requirements for it to exit the building or structure.
"T"-tapping shall be allowed in either case.

The loop interface board shall receive analog or digital information from all intelligent detectors and shall
process this information to determine whether normal, alarm, or trouble conditions exist for that particular device.
Each Loop shall be isolated and equipped to annunciate an Earth Fault condition. The loop interface board
software shall include software to automatically maintain the detector's desired sensitivity level by adjusting for
the effects of environmental factors, including the accumulation of dust in each detector. The analog information
may also be used for automatic detector testing and the automatic determination of detector maintenance


All wiring terminal blocks shall be the plug-in/removable type and shall be capable of terminating up to 1.5
wire. Terminal blocks that are permanently fixed to the PC board are not acceptable.

Technical Specification Page 458



1. Addressable devices shall provide an address-setting means using rotary decimal switches.

2. Addressable devices shall use simple to install and maintain decade (numbered 0 to 9) type address
switches. Devices which use a binary address or special tools for setting the device address, such as a dip switch
are not an allowable substitute.

3. Detectors shall be Analog and Addressable, and shall connect to the fire alarm control panel's Signaling
Line Circuits.

4. Addressable smoke and thermal detectors shall provide single / dual (2)status LEDs. Both LEDs shall flash
under normal conditions, indicating that the detector is operational and in regular communication with the control
panel, and both LEDs shall be placed into steady illumination by the control panel, indicating that an alarm
condition has been detected. If required, the flashing mode operation of the detector LEDs can be programmed off
via the fire control panel program.

5. The fire alarm control panel shall permit detector sensitivity adjustment through field programming of the
system. Sensitivity can be automatically adjusted by the panel on a time-of-day basis.

6. Using software in the FACP, detectors shall automatically compensate for dust accumulation and other
slow environmental changes that may affect their performance.

7. The detectors shall be ceiling-mount and shall include a separate twist-lock base which includes a tamper
proof feature.

8. The following bases and auxiliary functions shall be available :

a. Sounder base rated at 85 DBA minimum.

b. Form-C Relay base rated 30VDC, 2.0A

c. Isolator base

9. The detectors shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm condition and report that
condition to the control panel. Such a test may be initiated at the detector itself (by activating a magnetic switch)
or initiated remotely on command from the control panel.

10. Detectors shall also store an internal identifying type code that the control panel shall use to identify the
type of device (ION, PHOTO, THERMAL).


Technical Specification Page 459

1. Addressable monitor modules shall be provided to connect one supervised IDC zone of conventional 2-
wire smoke detectors or alarm initiating devices (any N.O. dry contact device).

2. The two-wire monitor module shall mount in a 4-inch square (101.6 mm square), 2-1/8 inch (54 mm) deep
electrical box or with an optional surface backbox.

3. The IDC zone shall be wired for operation. An LED shall be provided that shall flash under normal
conditions, indicating that the monitor module is operational and in regular communication with the control panel.


1. Addressable control modules shall be provided to supervise and control the operation of one
conventional devices of compatible, 24 VDC powered, polarized audio/visual notification appliances. For fan
shutdown and other auxiliary control functions, the control module may be set to operate as a dry contract relay.

2. The control module shall mount in a standard 4-inch square (101.6 mm square), 2-1/8 inch (54 mm) deep
electrical box, or to a surface mounted backbox.

3. The control module shall be wired with up to 1 amp of inductive A/V signal, or 2 amps of resistive A/V
signal operation, or as a dry contact relay. The relay coil shall be magnetically latched to reduce wiring connection
requirements, and to insure that 100% of all auxiliary relay may be energized at the same time on the same pair of

4. Audio/visual power shall be provided by a separate supervised power circuit from the main fire alarm
control panel or from a supervised remote power supply.

5. The control module shall be suitable for pilot duty applications and rated for a minimum of 0.6 amps at 30


1. Addressable Relay Modules shall be available to activate the motorized butterfly valve of water curtain
system. The relay shall be rated for a minimum of 2.0 Amps resistive or 1.0 Amps inductive. The relay coil shall be
magnetically latched to reduce wiring connection requirements, and to insure that 100% of all auxiliary relay may
be energized at the same time on the same pair of wires.



1. Shall be 12 volt, Gell-Cell type.

2. Battery shall have sufficient capacity to power the fire alarm system for not less than twenty-four hours
plus 15 minutes of alarm upon a normal AC power failure.

3. The batteries are to be completely maintenance free. No liquids are required. Fluid level checks refilling,
spills and leakage shall not be required.


Technical Specification Page 460

1. Shall be built in to FACP & completely automatic, with constant potential charger maintaining the battery
fully charged under all service conditions. Charger shall operate from a 120/240-volt 50/60 hertz source.

2. Shall be rated for fully charging a completely discharged battery within 48 hours while simultaneously
supplying any loads connected to the battery.

3. Shall have protection to prevent discharge through the charger.

4. Shall have protection for overloads and short circuits on both AC and DC sides.



A. Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72, local and state codes and as recommended by
the major equipment manufacturer.

B. All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished areas and may be
exposed in unfinished areas. Smoke detectors shall not be installed prior to the system programming and test
period. If construction is ongoing during this period, measures shall be taken to protect smoke detectors from
contamination and physical damage. Conduits shall be marked in color for easy identification OR colored conduits
shall be used.

C. All fire detection and alarm system devices, control panels and remote annunciators shall be flush
mounted when located in finished areas and may be surface mounted when located in unfinished areas.

3.2. TEST

Provide the service of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician authorized by the manufacturer of the
fire alarm equipment to technically supervise and participate during all of the adjustments and tests for the

1. Before energizing the cables and wires, check for correct connections and test for short circuits, ground
faults, continuity, and insulation.

2. Close each sprinkler system flow valve and verify proper supervisory alarm at the FACP.

3. Verify activation of all flow switches.

4. Open initiating device circuits and verify that the trouble signal actuates.

5. Open signaling line circuits and verify that the trouble signal actuates.

6. Open and short notification appliance circuits and verify that trouble signal actuates.

7. Ground initiating device circuits and verify response of trouble signals.

8. Ground loop circuits and verify response of trouble signals.

9. Ground notification appliance circuits and verify response of trouble signals.

Technical Specification Page 461

10. Check presence and audibility of tone at all alarm notification devices.

11. Check installation, supervision, and operation of all intelligent smoke detectors during a walk test.

12. Each of the alarm conditions that the system is required to detect should be introduced on the system.
Verify the proper receipt and the proper processing of the signal at the FACP and the correct activation of the
control points.

13. When the system is equipped with optional features, the manufacturer's manual should be consulted to
determine the proper testing procedures. This is intended to address such items as verifying controls performed by
individually addressed or grouped devices, sensitivity monitoring, verification functionality and similar.


At the final inspection a factory-trained representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment shall
demonstrate that the systems function properly in every respect.


A. Provide instruction as required for operating the system. Hands-on demonstrations of the operation of all
system components and the entire system including program changes and functions shall be provided.

B. The contractor and/or the systems manufacturer's representatives shall provide a typewritten "Sequence
of Operation."

C. The contractor / supplier should furnish the Operation and maintenance manuals along
with as built drawings in six sets of hard copies and a soft copy in CD.



The Fire Alarm system shall conform to IS 2189 in respect of design and installation, and it shall give Audio/visual
alarm signals when the Signals are transmitted form the Manual call points located at strategically at all escape
routes. The system shall give pin point location of fire with fore warning system zone or floor wise, two tone for
alert and voice communication for commands and instructions. Alternatively the main panel shall have the facility to
accommodate provision for (a) manual control of alarm (b) cut off facility of alarm in case of false alarm. The panel
shall also have selective audio facility for evacuation of particular zones and provision for floor/main control room
hook for communications.

The system shall be suitable to operate on 250 AC+10% or 24 volts DC. The design shall be modular so that
additional zones can be added to cater for large installations and to provide facility for future expansions up to 25%
more of present capacity. The system shall be fully supervised for all fault conditions with distinctive alarms operated
for fault and fire conditions. All audible alarms either for fire or fault conditions shall be push button cancellation

Technical Specification Page 462

arrangement with reset feature, to ensure that no alarm is inadvertently switched off. The fire or fault lamp shall
however continue to glow until the fault condition has been corrected or the fire extinguished. Test push buttons
shall be provided to test the electronic circuits in each zone. These test push buttons to be provided on the Main
Control Panel. Dual lamps shall be provided to indicate fire condition and to ensure against lamp failure. Both
lamps shall be connected in parallel . A common electronic audible alarm shall be provided but the fire signal
shall be different from the fault signal by providing different tones for fire and fault conditions.

The system shall be supervised for the following conditions:

a. Open circuit in detector wiring

b. Short circuit in detector wiring

c. Normal conditions

d. Fire conditions

e. A.C.Mains Failure

f. Battery low alarm

g. For optical detectors, failure of Exeter lamp opens circuit

A common fault meter shall be provided to indicate each of the 1 to 4 conditions, on the panel with push
button selection.

Dual tone hooter shall be of electronic type and shall give discontinuous / intermittent audible alarm
automatically whenever smoke detector operates. Hooter shall be complete with electronic oscillations, magnetic
coil (Sound coil) and accessories, ready for mounting (fixing);


Manual call point shall be of break glass type unit completely encased in a CRCA M.S. Sheet housing, with
provision for cable or conduit coupling. It shall have facility for voice communications for commands if required.
The Manual push button shall have the word prescribed in clear bold letters on facia window "In case of Fire
Break Glass". Installation of Manual push button shall be as per IS 2189. It shall be provided with a push button of
30V, 3 AMP rating and with 2 sets of NO & NC contacts. The manual push button shall be wall mounting type
and shall be provided with chain and hammer attached to it and shall be of weather proof type. The area of
Glass shall not be less than 30 sqmm.


The smoke detector shall work on dual chamber ionization principle to detect the products of combustion during
the incipient stage of fire i.e, to detect in its early stage by sensing visible and invisible products of smoke. The
radioactive sources shall be Americium 241 with max radioactive of 0.9 U micro curie. Each zone shall be
connected to the zonal or main control panel as called for by a multi core cable. Under fire condition, presence of
smoke shall trigger the circuit of the detector and shall send a signal to the control panel. Number of detectors
shall be connected in parallel to form a zone to cover larger areas. Coverage of one detector shall not be less than
50 sq.mts, of floor area. as per list of Fire officers committee, U.K. or Under writer’s laboratory U.S.A, or any other
international Testing Agency and also as included in the local fire body list

Technical Specification Page 463


Heat Detectors shall be of Electro Pneumatic type working on two methods, ie., rate of rise and fixed
temperature. The rate of rise element shall be an air chamber, a flexible metal diaphragm and a moisture proof,
trouble proof vent, carefully calibrated to ignore any normal fluctuation in temperature, but to respond quickly
when the temperature rise is 9 degrees centigrade or more per minute. The fixed temperature feature should be
of bimetallic type. The operating temperature of fixed temperature element should be of bimetallic type. The
operating temperature of fixed temperature element should be factory set at 72 degrees C, +5 and respond to any
when the room temperature indicator facility and to be with two wire system on DC low voltage. It shall be
possible to loop the heat detectors with smoke detectors and Manual Push Button, in the same circuit. The area of
coverage per heat detector will depend upon structural configuration, but for flat ceiling and un-partitioned space.
It shall be 50 SQM. as per list of Fire officers committee, U.K. or Under writer’s laboratory U.S.A, or any other
international Testing Agency and also as included in the local fire body list.


Response Indicator shall be provided in a weather proof box as shown on the drawings


Control panel in general shall conform to IS :2189. The panel shall be totally enclosed dust and vermin
proof type made of 16 gauge rust inhibited sheet with oven baked finish. The panel shall be of completely
solid state design. The primary function of control panel shall be to respond automatically to the operation of
one or more Manual call points to give fire alarm and to indicate area/areas, where the device has activated. The
operation of Manual call points shall result in alarm being given by the following :

a. The external alarm (hooters of Schedule A)

b. A visible indication on control panel.

c. Audible alarm on control panel itself (common to all zones)

d. Facilities as enumerated in "Fire Alarm System"

The secondary function on the control panel shall be to indicate the faults within the system. An
immediate fault warning shall be given by an audible and visual signal on the control panel. A fault warning
shall be given in case of any of the following occurring :

a. Failure or disconnections of normal supply or stand by battery or low batter voltage beyond 5%.

b. Failure of disconnections of leads to all zones of detectors

c. Short circuit or open fault

d. Failure of any fuss/protective device

There shall be one indicator for fire and one for fault in the control panel corresponding to each zone.
Each zone shall have two bulbs of fire fault indication. Each indicator shall be clearly labeled with zone no. and
inscribed with the "Code Name" i.e., words "FIRE" or "SERVICE". Separate indicator must be provided in green for
system stand by ON. etc. The control panel shall derive 230 volts power from normal supply. A stand by power

Technical Specification Page 464

supply shall be immediately available in the event of failure of normal supply and shall automatically be
connected as to maintain the equipment in condition such that fire alarm zone can be subsequently given. The
standby battery of secondary storage type shall be of when charged by associated battery charging equipment for
a period of 48 hours. Suitable arrangements shall be incorporated to prevent secondary batteries from discharging
through the charging equipment in the event of its break down or a failure in the supply. Each floor shall be
divided suitably into one zone for better maneuverability.



Please refer the clause D - I – 2.1 to 2.2 above section


A. Complete maintenance and repair service for the fire alarm system shall be available from a factory
trained authorized representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment for a period of five (5) years after
expiration of the guaranty.

B. As part of the bid/proposal, include a quote for a maintenance contract to provide all maintenance, tests,
and repairs described below. Include also a quote for unscheduled maintenance/repairs, including hourly rates for
technicians trained on this equipment, and response travel costs for each year of the maintenance period. Rates
and costs shall be valid for the period of five (5) years after expiration of the guaranty.

C. Maintenance and testing shall be on a semiannual basis or as required by the facility maintenance team. A
preventive maintenance schedule shall be provided by the contractor, describing the protocol for preventive
maintenance. The schedule shall include:

1. Systematic examination, adjustment and cleaning of all detectors, manual fire alarm stations, Sounders,
strobe lights, voice alarm speakers, control panels, power supplies, relays, water flow switches, modules and all
accessories of the fire alarm system.

2. Each circuit in the fire alarm system shall be tested semiannually.

3. Each smoke detector shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72 Chapter 7.


A. The contractor shall have the ability to provide parts and labour to expand the system specified, if so
requested, for a period of five (5) years from the date of acceptance.

B. As part of the Bid, include a quotation for all parts and material, and all installation and test labor of
intelligent or addressable devices for ten percent (10%) as mentioned under spare parts list. This quotation shall
include intelligent smoke detectors, intelligent heat detectors, addressable manual stations, addressable monitor
modules and addressable modules equal in number to one tenth of the number required to meet this specification
(list actual quantity of each type).

C. Do not include cost of conduit or wire or the cost to install conduit or wire.

Technical Specification Page 465


Please refer clause D- 2.9 above section



A. Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72, local and state codes and as recommended by
the major equipment manufacturer.

B. All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished areas and may be
exposed in unfinished areas. Smoke detectors shall not be installed prior to the system programming and test
period. If construction is ongoing during this period, measures shall be taken to protect smoke detectors from
contamination and physical damage. Conduits shall be marked in color for easy identification OR colored conduits
shall be used.

C. All fire detection and alarm system devices, control panels and remote annunciators shall be flush
mounted when located in finished areas and may be surface mounted when located in unfinished areas.

D Manual Pull Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting or semiflush mounting and shall be installed
not less than 1200 mm above the finished floor.

E. Sounders cum strobes / strobes shall be suitable for surface / flush mounting and shall be installed at
2200 mm above the finished floor level.

F. All Voice alarm Speakers shall be ceiling mounted type round in shape (color / finish shall be as approved
by Architects / clients).


A. Actuation of any manual station, smoke detector / heat detector or water flow switch shall cause the
following operations to occur unless otherwise specified:

1. Actuate all strobe units until the panel is reset.

2. Return all elevators to the primary or alternate floor of egress.

3. A smoke detector in any elevator lobby shall, in addition to the above functions, return all elevators to the
primary or alternate floor of egress

4. Smoke detectors in the elevator machine room or top of hoistway shall return all elevators in to the
primary or alternate floor. Smoke detectors or heat detectors installed to shut down elevator (if any) power and be
coordinated with the electrical contractor

5. Duct type smoke detectors shall, in addition to the above functions shut down the ventilation system or
close associated control dampers as appropriate.

Technical Specification Page 466

3.3. TEST

Provide the service of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician authorized by the manufacturer of the
fire alarm equipment to technically supervise and participate during all of the adjustments and tests for the

1. Before energizing the cables and wires, check for correct connections and test for short circuits, ground
faults, continuity, and insulation.

2. Each of the alarm conditions that the system is required to detect should be introduced on the system.
Verify the proper receipt and the proper processing of the signal at the FACP and the correct activation of the
control points.

3. When the system is equipped with optional features, the manufacturer's manual should be consulted to
determine the proper testing procedures. This is intended to address such items as verifying controls performed by
individually addressed or grouped devices, sensitivity monitoring, verification functionality and similar.

4. Open initiating device circuits and verify that the trouble signal actuates.

5. Open signaling line circuits and verify that the trouble signal actuates.

6. Open and short notification appliance circuits and verify that trouble signal actuates.

7. Ground initiating device circuits and verify response of trouble signals.

8. Ground loop circuits and verify response of trouble signals.

9. Ground notification appliance circuits and verify response of trouble signals.

10. Check presence and audibility of tone at all alarm notification devices.

11. Check installation, supervision, and operation of all intelligent smoke detectors during a walk test.


At the final inspection a factory-trained representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment shall
demonstrate that the systems function properly in every respect.


A. Provide instruction as required for operating the system. Hands-on demonstrations of the operation of all
system components and the entire system including program changes and functions shall be provided.

B. The contractor and/or the systems manufacturer's representatives shall provide a typewritten "Sequence
of Operation."

C. The contractor / supplier should furnish the Operation and maintenance manuals along
With as built drawings in six sets of hard copies and a soft copy in CD.

Technical Specification Page 467



The main objective of the Public Address System is to convey clear and audible instructions to all the
people on all floors / buildings incase of occurrence of fire / other emergency to reach a place of safety in
the open, outside the buildings. The sound output should not be so loud that people nearest to the
speakers feel uncomfortable, nor so weak that people away cannot discern what is being broadcast. This
is achieved by working the system at 60 to 75% power output and distributing speakers uniformly all over
floor area.


The system will comprise of a microphone of suitable for voice communication / Announcements through speakers
on various floors/buildings. The system shall consist of :

a. Control consoles with Microphones

b. Amplifiers

c. Speakers

d. Connecting cables and Racks for mounting above.

The local control console shall be placed in the security blocks. Announcement shall be made from the security


The control desk fabricated of sheet metal and designed to be mounted on table top and shall be located at
security room.

a. ON/OFF switch for the PA system with LED indication.

b. One gooseneck type moving coil / cardoid / hyper cardiod or equivalent microphone with ON/OFF switch.

c. Push switch buttons calling all the buildings with LED Indicator.

d. Push switch buttons, calling individually selected buildings with led indication.

e. Electronic chime to draw attention of the people to announcements.

Technical Specification Page 468

f. Push switch button/buttons to actuate standby amplifier/amplifiers with LED indicators.

g. Push switch button for selecting monitor with LED indicator.

h. Pre-amplifier with output connection to output transformer and a standby pre-amplifier should also be provided.

i. Monitor loudspeaker.

j. Volume unit meters (V.U.Meter) with red LED to flash if the input signal exceeds.

k. Push switch button for dual tone oscillator for testing the system

l. Terminal blocks for connecting to amplifier rack.


a. Amplifier shall necessarily have solid-state circuitry properly trivialized and capable of AC/DC operation.
This shall be able to drive low impendence speakers (2 to 16 ohms) and speakers with transformer for 100V/70V
systems. All amplifiers in the suitable racks located at respective Security rooms.

b. Amplifiers shall meet the following technical requirements

I. Power output - R.M.S ........Watts ( suitable )

ii. Distortion - less than 3% at the rated output power at 1 Khz.

iii. Hum and noise level below rated output. All volume controls minimum 68 db. One microphone volume
and master volume control maximum - 60 db.

iv. Sensitivity - impedance - for microphone 1.5MV 4.7 K - ohms.

v. Tone control-base +/- 10 db at 100Hz. treble +/-6 db at 10 Khz.

vi. Speech filter - microphone channel - 12 db at 200 Hz.

vii. Auxiliary inputs - for tape recorder or ceramic pickup.

viii. Frequency response - over the entire speech and music range.

c. Amplifiers should be in a module of suitable Watts R.M.S only. Maximum 75% capacity should be used.
Amplifiers should have standard concealed controls.

d. Mains AC power supply input, D.C output and standby automatically supplying power in case of mains
failure, shall be provided.

e. The amplifiers rack shall be of mild steel with suitable anticorrosion protective coating. The rack shall
have provision for fixing to floor/wall.

Technical Specification Page 469

f. The racks shall have appropriate amplifier mounting rails.

g. The racks shall have lockable steel doors having proper ventilation slots for heat dissipation.

h. Cable entry parts should be provided at the bottom.

I. Terminal blocks for connecting to control desk shall be provided.


The following type of speakers shall be used in public address system.

Wall mounted talk back speakers of 6 watts power rating on landings of staircases on all floors

These shall be 16 swg mild steel, welded, thread type and having perfectly circular tubing and capable of being
cleaned and tight fitting joints. Conduits shall be laid either surface or in recess as required. All conduits / junction
/ fittings should be painted with approved color and shall be marked for easy identification.

The wiring shall be approved make and PVC insulated copper multi strand as specified.

The contractor shall submit the samples of all equipments for approval by architects / consultants before


Fire extinguishers shall be in such a way that the occupants shall not travel more than 15m to reach a Fire
extinguisher. Also there shall be a Fire extinguisher for every 300 sq.m of floor plate / rooms of suitable type / size.
Fire extinguishers shall be on each landing of every floor, inside Electrical room, D.G. rooms, Meter rooms, RMU
and parking areas. In addition to above mention areas Extinguishers to be provided at Surface car parks, out door
Transformers / electrical instillations.

All Fire extinguishers shall be portable and hand held, a operating instruction should be pasted on the extinguisher

Portable Fire extinguishers should be BIS approved and valid ISI certificates to be furnished at the time of delivery
to site.


Required, as per Local fire force like exit signs & Floor indication (Eg: Ground floor, 1 st floor..), size shall 200mm x
500mm & action chart ( size shall be 600mm x 1000mm) in case of fire / emergency, Staircase location indication
etc. The location / quantity shall be on each landing of every staircase on each floor.

Technical Specification Page 470

Signs shall be made out of 3mm thick PVC foam board with PVC non – reflective self-adhesive vinyl foam board OR
equivalent material with Mirror fasteners for fixing complete.

Please refer the specimen BOQ format for the details to be printed on the Fire order boards.



Technical Specification Page 471















9. GATE VALVES ( Screwed end) : LEADER / ZOLOTO / ITAP











Technical Specification Page 472























Technical Specification Page 473


























Technical Specification Page 474


























Technical Specification Page 475



Technical Specification Page 476




The system has been designed on the following basic design parameters, tenderer has to
verifythe design before quoting. Any discrepancy in the design, shall be discussed in the pre-
bid meeting :

Outdoor Conditions 110 °F D.B., 78 °F W.B.

Room Conditions 75+/- 2 °F D.B., about 50% +/- 5% R.H.

Fresh Air 10 CFM/ Person or 1 Air-change per hour, whichever is higher.

Equipment Load 200W per work station

Underdeck Insulation No Underdeck insulation below terrace slab


The total calculated low side cooling load for the office space is estimated to be about 320 TR.

Outdoor Units will be installed at the terrace of the building.

Indoor units shall wall mounted type/ Ceiling Suspended Cassette type /Ceiling Mounted
Ductable type


All the equipment and ancillary work shall conform to the technical specifications and
standardsof workmanship described in section 9.


The following is an indicative List of Working Drawings to be submitted by the Contractor:

Technical Specification Page 477

1. Terrace level layout including outdoor units, ducts, refrigerant piping, fresh air &
exhaust air, HVAC power panels, etc.
2. SA & RA ducting layout for each floor/level including diffusers/grilles coordinated with
lighting, false ceiling & equipment layout, other services, etc. with indoor units details
3. HVAC plan & sections
4. Schematic refrigerant piping
5. Schematic electrical drawing
6. GA drawing of panel boards
7. Requirements of civil work (pedestals, foundations, cutouts, structural
supports/platforms, etc),drain, electrical power, etc.
8. Requirements of electrical power on schematic & layout drawings

Any other drawings required during execution



Supply of Air Cooled Inverter type VRF unit, comprising with Rotary Compressor Unit by using R-
410A refrigerent. Unit shall be provided with micro processor based panel for sequential
starting of condensing units,coils, Electronic expansion valves,fins with specially factory coated
hydrophilic treatment for heat & rust corrossion.

1.1 Condensing Unit (Outdoor Unit):

The condensing unit shall be capable of assessing the requirement of liquid refrigerant
volumetric flow of each evaporating unit at all times by means of a sophisticated
microprocessor controller and generating the required total volume of refrigerant liquid for
supply to the evaporator units. The condensing unit shall be a factory-assembled unit housed in
a sturdy weatherproof casing constructed from rust proof galvanized powder coated steel
panels. The noise level of the unit shall not be more than 70dB (A) measured horizontally 1 m
away and 1.5 m above base level.

The compressors shall be hermetically sealed Inverter driven variable speed type scroll or
rotary type, capable of changing the capacity in accordance to the cooling load requirement.
The condenser coils shall be constructed out of copper tubes mechanically bonded to aluminum
fins. The surface of the condenser coil shall be coated with suitable chemical coating to prevent
deterioration due to coastal climate. All necessary safety devices shall be provided to ensure
safe operation of the system. Unit should be equipped with a highly efficient oil separation
system to ensure stable operation with long refrigerant piping. The VRF condensing unit shall

Technical Specification Page 478

be located in open on a terrace with adequate clearance from nearby objects to ensure
unobstructed air flow and easy approach for maintenance.

1.2 Indoor Units (Evaporating Units):

Each unit shall be selected as the requirement of the cooling load and interior. layout in the
respective space to be air-conditioned as specified in the Tender BOQ. The unit shall be
equipped with an electronic expansion valve, which can communicate with the VRF controller
in the condensing unit. The fan shall of the dual suction multi blade type and statically and
dynamically balanced to ensure low noise and vibration free operation. Each indoor unit shall
be equipped with cordless local control unit for setting the operating parameters. The address
of the indoor unit shall be set automatically in case of individual and group control. Option of
centralized control should also be achievable.

Controls shall be provided to maintain the set room temperature within close tolerance limits.

1.3 Remote Control Unit:

A Remote Control Unit shall be provided for the system, suitable to be mounted near the
entrance door of the premises. It should be possible to operate the entire air conditioning
system and set working parameters of all indoor units and the VRF outdoor unit from this
control unit. The unit shall be equipped with self-diagnosis for easy and quick maintenance and
service. The remote controller shall memorize the latest malfunction code for easy
maintenance. The controller shall be equipped with a battery back-up and a real time clock. It
should be possible to control several number of indoor units and change fan speed and angle of
swing flap individually and in group.


HRV unit for Fresh air supply with heat recovery from exhaust, consisting of fresh air blower,
exhaustblower, air to air, non- flammable, cross- flow heat exchanger, all housed in a sheet
metal cabinet dulyinsulated.

1.5 Electrical Panel

The panel shall be fabricated from high quality 14 gauge sheet, stiffened and suitably
reinforced. Thesteel sheet shall be painted with seven tank process& the final paint coat shall

Technical Specification Page 479

be stove enamelled. Thehousing shall be of sectionalized construction with space provided for
separate vertical bus droppers &cable alley of minimum 200 mm width for each panel section.
The overall construction of the panelshall be dust & vermin proof.

All motor feeders above 7.5 KW shall be provided with ammeters. Indicating instruments shall
be tautbandtype only.

Minimum size of power wiring shall be 2.5 mm2 copper/4.0 mm2 aluminium. Control wiring
shall bedone with 2.5 mm2 stranded copper conductor, PVC insulated wires.All overload relay
shall be with built-in single phasing preventer. All spare contacts shall be wired upto terminal

Circuit breakers and large isolating switches shall be positioned as far as possible below the
bus-barchamber to allow for ease of cabling. All equipment such as meters and indicating lights
shall belocated adjacent or on the unit with which these are connected to achieve a neat and

arrangement. Facility shall be provided for termination of all normal types of cables entering
fromabove and clamps shall be provided to support the weight of cables. Name plates to
indicate theequipment of circuit controlled by the switches shall be fixed on the panels.

All Push Buttons shall have 2 NO & 2 NC contacts.


. The VRF system’s Indoor and outdoor units shall be tested in accordance the provision of
ARIstandards, AHRI -1230 2009 for VRF System.


Sr. Equipment/Material Makes


1 VRF System Daikin/Toshiba/Mitsubishi/Hitachi

2 HRV Unit Daikin/Toshiba/Mitsubishi/Hitachi

Technical Specification Page 480



(To be filled up by bidder and attached with the offer)



10 HP 12HP 16 HP 32 HP
Country of Origin
Nominal Capacity
Exact Ref. Capacity(TR) under given
design conditions
No. of Modules and capacity of each
No. of Fixed capacity Compressors per
No. of Variable capacity
Compressors per module
Compressor make
Compressor type
Compressor model no.
Method of capacity control

Maximum No. of Evaporating Units


Technical Specification Page 481

Noise level at 1m horiz. Dist

Noise level at 1.5m vert Dist


Indoor Unit Model nos and


Expansion device used

Safety devices provided
Type of oil recovery systemused.
Max. permissible dist between the
condensing unit and evaporator:
Vertical run (M):
Horizontal run (m):

-Type (R-410)
-Qty. Charged
-Any additional control
or features provided

Technical Specification Page 482

36 HP 40 HP 48 HP 50 HP
Country of Origin
Nominal Capacity
Exact Ref. Capacity(TR) under given
design conditions
No. of Modules and capacity of each
No. of Fixed capacity Compressors per
No. of Variable capacity
Compressors per module
Compressor make
Compressor type
Compressor model no.
Method of capacity control

Maximum No. of Evaporating Units


Noise level at 1m horiz. Dist


Noise level at 1.5m vert Dist


Indoor Unit Model nos and

Technical Specification Page 483


Expansion device used

Safety devices provided
Type of oil recovery system

Max. permissible dist between the

condensing unit and evaporator:
Vertical run (M):
Horizontal run (m):

-Type (R-410)
-Qty. Charged
-Any additional control
or features provided



1.6 TR 3.2 TR 4.0 TR 4.6 TR
Cooling Capacity (TR) at
design conditions

Technical Specification Page 484

Air flow (CFM)
Round-flow (air throw
indiagonal directions)
provided? (in case of

Guaranteed max noise level

at 1m from the unit (dBA)
Unit Dimensions (L x W x
Operating Weight
Drop-down panel provided for
routine maintenance (for
Cassette) Y/N
Filter cleaning-due lamp
provided? Y/N
Timer operation provided?
Night mode function
Additional Special control
functions provided, if any


6.4 TR 8.0 TR REF REF
Cooling Capacity (TR) at

Technical Specification Page 485

design conditions
Air flow (CFM)
Round-flow (air throw
indiagonal directions)
provided? (in case of

Guaranteed max noise level

at 1m from the unit (dBA)
Unit Dimensions (L x W x
Operating Weight
Drop-down panel provided for
routine maintenance (for
Cassette) Y/N
Filter cleaning-due lamp
provided? Y/N
Timer operation provided?
Night mode function
Additional Special control
functions provided, if any



1. Name of Bidder : ___________________________________

Technical Specification Page 486

2. Address of Bidder : ___________________________________

3. Bidder's Proposal No/Date : ___________________________________

4. Telex/Fax No. of Bidder : ___________________________________

5. Email ID / Mobile No. of Bidder : ___________________________________

6. Name and Designation of the Officer : ___________________________________

of the Bidder to whom all the

references shall be made for

expeditious technical coordination.

7. Nearest Service Center Available : ___________________________________

8. Nearest Spare Part store for routine : ___________________________________

maintenance spares

9. Proposal validity period : ___________________________________

10. Delivery Period : ___________________________________

11. Commissioning Period : ___________________________________

12. Payment Terms : ___________________________________

SIGNATURE __________________________

NAME __________________________

DESIGNATION __________________________

SEAL OF COMPANY DATE _________________________


Technical Specification Page 487

Sr. No. Equipment/Material Makes

1 VRF System

2 HRV Unit

3 Hi Wall Split /Ductable AC Units

4 Aluminum Grilles & Diffusers

5 G.I. Sheets

6 Nitrile Rubber Foam Insulation

7 Copper Piping

8 Metallic Grid Ceiling

9 G.S. Tiles for Grid Ceiling

SIGNATURE __________________________

NAME __________________________

DESIGNATION __________________________

SEAL OF COMPANY DATE _______________________

Technical Specification Page 488



1. __________________________________ ________________________________

2. __________________________________ ________________________________

3. _________________________________ _______________________________

4. __________________________________ ________________________________

5. __________________________________ ___________________________

Technical Specification Page 489


I, _______________________, certify that all the furnished data and information pertaining to
this offer arecorrect and are true representation of the equipment offered by our proposal
number_____________________ dated _____________.

I confirm that the plant offered has been designed to achieve performance as
per the design parameters andguarantee to achieve the same.

I confirm that I am duly authorized representative of the Bidder whose name appears below my

SIGNATURE __________________________

NAME __________________________

DESIGNATION __________________________

SEAL OF COMPANY DATE ______________________

Technical Specification Page 490



1.1 Refrigerant Piping:

The refrigerant piping interconnecting to indoor & outdoor units shall be made out of hard
copper tubes, in brazed construction. The refrigerant line sizing should be designed to achieve
minimum pressure drop and avoid oil return problem. The pipe sizes and connections shall be
designed such that the evaporator units do not face back pressure due to the functioning of the
evaporator next to it. All suction piping shall be insulated with closed cell elastomeric class ‘O’
nitrile rubber foam tubes of suitable diameter and thickness. All piping shall be neatly laid and
supported on galvanized perforated sheet metal trays and clamped firmly. Piping should be
shrouded, where necessary, to protect it from accidental damage/leaks during work by any
agencies. All the wiring interconnecting the indoor and outdoor units shall be PVC insulated
copper conductor flexible wires of appropriate rating, and shall be laid through PVC conduits.
The refrigerant piping for the VRF system shall be of minimum wall thickness as per Copper
pipe- ASTM B88, L-Type standard HARD drawn copper pipes. The copper pipe shall be
internally chemically cleaned, free of dirt, dust, oxidation and any other deposits. All joints shall
be made by brazing. Inert gas purging shall be used during the brazing process to prevent
oxidation Suction line shall be insulated with 19mm thick sleeve made out of closed cell
elastomeric nitrile rubber foam insulation of fire retardant ‘O’ class. Wiring interconnecting the
indoor and outdoor unit shall be done with PVC insulated copper conductor flexible wires of
appropriate rating. U-bends shall be provided for efficient oil return in suction line, at
appropriate locations. All piping shall be supported on GI perforated cable trays, and covered
by GI sheet channels from the top, to prevent accidental damage during work of other
agencies. The GI covers and trays shall be fixed to MS angle supports by bolting, to facilitate
removal of the trays for verification of pipe leaks. All pipe supports/clamps shall be painted
with red oxide primer followed by 2 coats of synthetic enamel finish paint.

The piping and wiring shall be laid such that it does not spoil the aesthetics of the premises, and
is safe, secure and approachable for leak detection/repair/replacement.


Technical Specification Page 491



The scope of this section will cover supply fabrication, installation and testing of all sheet metal
ductsand diffusers and balancing thereof in accordance with these specifications, general
arrangement shownon the Drawings and Bill of quantities.


All ductwork including straight sections, tapers, elbows, branches, shores, collars, terminal
boxes andother transformation pieces( except pieces to suit may be made at site ) must be
factory fabricatedwithin the following parameters :

Raw Material

1. Coil stock required to minimize longitudinal joints.

2. Material should be of the minimum gauge necessary to resist both deflection

caused by internalpressure* and vibration due to turbulent air flow

3. GI material in particular must be of Lock Forming Quality (LFQ) conforming to

the standards ofASTM A653 and A924 or conform to grade D of IS 1079:1988 or
IS 513:1986 as specified in IS277:1992.

4. Zinc coating may be of class VIII.

3. Dampers

All dampers shall be of robust construction and tightly fitting. The design, method of handling,
andcontrol shall be suitable for the location and service required.Dampers shall be provided
with suitable links, levers and quadrants as required for their properoperation. Control or
setting devices shall be made robust, easily operable and accessible throughsuitable access
doors in the ducts. Every damper shall have an indicating device clearly showing thedamper
position at all times.Dampers shall be placed in ducts and at every branch supply or return air
duct connection, whether ornot indicated on the drawings, for the proper volume control and

Technical Specification Page 492

balancing of the system.The entire air distribution system shall be balanced. Measured air
quantities at fan discharge and atvarious outlets shall be identical to or less than 5 percent in
excess of those specified and quoted.

4.Acoustic Treatment

The material for acoustic treatment of ducts, shall be resin bonded fibre glass, as described
earlier,conforming to I.S. 8183 of 1976. The density of fibre glass shall be 32 kg/cub.m and the
material shallbe in the form of boards of uniform density. The ‘k’ value at 10oC shall not be less
than 0.03 W/mK.Facing shall be provided with 0.5 mm perforated aluminium sheet held with
G.I. Nuts bolts or nailed tothe batten work as required.

5.Material Specifications

Ducts shall be made out of galvanized steel sheets of ducting quality. The galvanized sheet shall
havethickness as specified below and zinc coating of minimum 120 gms/sqm.

Fabrication of Ducts

The ducts shall be fabricated as per following specifications:

Max. Side Min. Thickness Weight Type of joints Bracing

of Sheet(mm) (Kg/Sqm.)

Up to 750 0.63 4.9 25mm x 3mm MS Angle None


Technical Specification Page 493

751 to 1000 0.80 6.4 40mm x 3mm 25mm x 3mm MS

MS Angle Flange Angle

at 1.2m centers.

1001 to 1500 0.80 6.4 40mm x 3mm 40mm x 3mm MS

MS Angle Flange Angle

at 1.2m centers.

1501 to 2250 1.0 8.0 40mm x 6mm 40mm x 6mm MS

MS Angle Flange Angle

at 1.2m centers.

1.3 Installation of Ducts:

Ducts shall be supported on hangers as per following specifications:

Duct Size Spacing of Size of M.S. Dia. of

(mm) Supports (m) Angle (mm) Hanger Rod (mm)

Up to 750 2.4 40 x 40 x 3 10

Technical Specification Page 494

751 to 1500 2.4 40 x 40 x 6 10

1501 to 2250 2.4 50 x 50 x 6 15

Duct hangers shall be fixed to R.C.C. slab of the roof by means of anchor fasteners and M.S.
anglecleats. Hangers for ducts running below pitched sheet roof shall be fixed to M.S. angle
cleats weldedto roof structure. Soft neoprene rubber gasket of uniform thickness and width
shall be used as gasketbetween flange joints. The gasket will be fixed with a suitable adhesive
to the flange.

Galvanized hexagonal full threaded nut-bolts of minimum 6mm dia. shall be used for fastening
theflanges. Spacing between two nut-bolts shall not exceed 125mm.All ducts shall be rigid and
shall be adequately supported and braced where required with crossbreaking of M.S. angle
bracings of ample size to keep the ducts true to shape and to prevent buckling,vibration or

Ducting over false ceiling shall be supported independently from the roof structure above. In no
casea duct shall be supported from the false ceiling hangers or be permitted to rest on a hung
ceiling.Bottom level of all ducts should be maintained as shown in the drawing. Leveling of
ducts should be

checked with a PVC tube water level from a reference point.

Fans shall be connected to duct work by a double canvass sleeve. Each sleeve shall be
minimum150mm long, securely bolted to duct and units. Each sleeve shall be made smooth and
the connectingduct work rigidly held in line with unit inlet or outlet.

1.3.1The supply and return air grills and ceiling diffusers

The supply and return air grills and ceiling diffusers shall be made of powder

coated extruded aluminium sections. The supply air grills/ diffusers shall be

provided with screw operated opposed blade volume control device made of

extruded aluminium in black anodized finish.

Technical Specification Page 495

All grills/diffusers shall have soft continuous rubber/foam gasket between the

periphery of the grills/diffusers and surface on which it has to be mounted. The

colour of grills/diffusers shall be as per the approval of the Engineer in Charge

1.3.2 Linear supply and return grills

The linear continuous supply/return air grills shall be made of powder coated

extruded aluminium construction with fixed horizontal bars. The thickness of fixed

bar louvers shall be 5mm in front and the flange shall be 20mm wide with round

edges. The register shall be suitable for concealed fixing and horizontal bars of

the grills shall mechanically crimped from the back to hold them.

The colour of grills shall be as per the approval of the Engineer in Charge. The

volume control device made of extruded aluminium construction in black

anodized finish shall be provided in supply air duct collars only.

1.3.2 Fresh air intake louvers with bird screen

The fresh air intake louvers atleast 50 mm deep will be made of powder coated

extruded aluminium construction. Bird/inspect screen will be provided with the

intake louvers. The blades shall be inclined at 45 degrees on a 40 mm blade

pitch to minimise water ingress. The lowest blade of the assembly shall be

extended out slightly to facilitate disposal of rain water.

Technical Specification Page 496



Insulation Material: Closed Cell elastomeric Nitrile Rubber foam, Fire retardant class’O’

Application Procedure:

Clean the surface of the duct to be insulated free from dust grease and other matter.Prepare
the pieces of sheet as per the dimensions of the duct and apply the adhesive on the duct
surface,the sheet surface as well as the edges of the sheets & leave it for 2-3 minutes for
drying.Once the adhesive is half dry and tacky, bring both the ends of insulation where the
adhesive is appliedin contact and stick them well. Ensure that both the surfaces are matched
properly.Apply self adhesive black cotton tape on all the joints. Before fixing the tapes it must
be ensured thatall the joints are sealed properly.


Closed Cell elastomeric Nitrile Rubber sleeve, Fire retardant class’O’

Clean the surface of the pipe to be insulated free from dust grease and other matter.

Prepare the pieces of sleeve as per the dimensions of the pipe and slide the sleeve or pipe.
Sleeveshould fit tightly over the pipe with no air gap.

Apply the adhesive on the ends of rubber sleeves & leave it for 2-3 minutes for drying. Once
theadhesive is half dry and tacky, bring both the ends of sleeves where the adhesive is applied
in contactand stick them well. Ensure that both the surfaces are matched properly.

Apply self-adhesive black cotton tape on all the joints. Before fixing the tapes it must be
ensured thatall the joints are sealed properly.


1.5.1 Electrical Panel

The panel shall be fabricated from high quality 14 gauge sheet, stiffened and suitably
reinforced. Thesteel sheet shall be painted with seven tank process& the final paint coat shall
be stove enamelled. Thehousing shall be of sectionalized construction with space provided for

Technical Specification Page 497

separate vertical bus droppers &cable alley of minimum 200 mm width for each panel section.
The overall construction of the panelshall be dust & vermin proof.

All motor feeders above 7.5 KW shall be provided with ammeters. Indicating instruments shall
be tautbandtype only.

Minimum size of power wiring shall be 2.5 mm2 copper/4.0 mm2 aluminium. Control wiring
shall bedone with 2.5 mm2 stranded copper conductor, PVC insulated wires.

All overload relay shall be with built-in single phasing preventer. All spare contacts shall be
wired upto terminal block.

Circuit breakers and large isolating switches shall be positioned as far as possible below the
bus-barchamber to allow for ease of cabling. All equipment such as meters and indicating lights
shall belocated adjacent or on the unit with which these are connected to achieve a neat and

arrangement. Facility shall be provided for termination of all normal types of cables entering
fromabove and clamps shall be provided to support the weight of cables. Name plates to
indicate theequipment of circuit controlled by the switches shall be fixed on the panels.

All Push Buttons shall have 2 NO & 2 NC contacts.

1.5.2 Cabling Work:

The work shall be carried out in accordance with specification of Indian Electricity Rules as
amendedup to date and local Municipal Bye-Laws.

The power wiring system shall be suitable for 415V, 3 phase, 50 cycles, 4 wire supply. Wiring
formotors shall be carried out in PVC sheathed and steel wire or tape armored cable.

The control wiring shall be in PVC insulated and PVC sheathed, multi core, stranded copper
cable(minimum 1.5 mm2 Cu) with the required number of cores.

Power cables and wire shall be of copper or aluminum of 1100 V grade, control wires of copper
660 Vgrade and shall confirm to IS: 1554 / IS: 694.

Cables shall be carried on walls or in racks or in cable trays suspended from hangers or laid in
trenchesas required. Where more than one cable is running, proper spacing shall be provided
to minimize theloss in current carrying capacity.

Technical Specification Page 498

Special care shall be taken to ensure that cables are not damaged at bends. The radius of bends
shallnot be less than minimum specified by the manufacturer to ensure that no undue stress is
caused tocable.

Where cables pass through pipes, PVC/Neoprene rubber bushes shall be provided at the ends.
Wherecables pass through floors or walls, pipe inserts shall be provided and opening shall be

Cables shall terminated using weather proof double compression brass nickel plated cable
glands andtinned copper crimped lugs shall be provided.

Conduits, where used, shall be of heavy gauge PVC. Metal saddles of approved type shall be
used forfixing conduits on surface. Bends and elbows shall be of inspection type where
required. All jointsshall be water tight. Conduits shall be secured to the switches, junction boxes
etc., by threaded

couplers. Flexible PVC conduits shall be used for connections with vibrating equipment.Suitable
means to isolate each motor in case of emergency shall be provided as per IS:900.

1.5.3 Earthing Work:

The main panel shall be connected to the main earthing stations by means of G.I. Strips as per
Indianelectricity rules and IS: 3043 - 1987.

All electrical equipment shall be provided with two separate earth connections. The current
carryingcapacity of earth conductors shall be as per IS: 3043-1987.

All earthing connections shall be visible for periodical checking.

Sizes of Earthing Conductors:

Equipment Earth Conductor Size

Motor up to 10 HP Copper Wire 10 gauge

Motor above 10 HP 25mm x 3mm Copper strip

1.6 Painting Work:

All equipment, ducts, pipes etc. shall be painted by the following colour code with 1 coat of
primer and2 coat of good quality enamel paint

Technical Specification Page 499

Standard Colour Code

a) Hot Gas Line : PO Red

b) Liquid Line : Orange
c) Suction Line : Green / Blue
d) All Supports / Stands : Black

All painting works shall form part of the cost of equipment, piping etc. No separate payment
shall beapplicable.

1.7 Parameters to be tested on Testing & Commissioning of HVAC System:

Before commissioning of the equipment the entire installation shall be tested in accordance
withIndian Electricity Rules and IS: 732 and the Test Report of a licensed electrical contractor
shall befurnished.

On Commissioning of the HVAC System, the following parameters shall be tested by the
HVACContractor under full load conditions, to confirm compliance with the data furnished
earlier andachievement of specified room conditions. All readings to be taken every 2 hours
during 12 hourscontinuous operation, for 4 days:

1. Balancing:

 Area-wise air balancing to establish air quantity as per design

 Balancing of refrigerant circuit

2. Room Conditions:

 Room conditions in each A/C Area to be recorded under full load conditions.
 Corresponding ambient conditions should also be recorded.
 Uniformity of temperature

3. VRV Unit Parameters:

 Air CFM
 Air Inlet / Outlet Temperature
 Power Consumption
 Corresponding Ambient Conditions
 Suction Pressure

Technical Specification Page 500

 Discharge Pressure
 Oil pressure
 Check Functioning of Unloading/Capacity Control
 Noise Level & Vibrations (should not be objectionable)

4. For Each Fresh Air And Exhaust Air Unit:

 SP
 Power Consumption
 Noise Level & Vibrations (should not be objectionable)


1. After completing air & refrigerant-side balancing, the HVAC Contractor shall carry out
testing of theentire HVAC System; and submit specified test results to Consultant in a Test
Results Format preapprovedby the HVAC Consultant. After carrying out
modifications/balancing/corrections (as required),the Contractor shall carry out final testing in
the presence of representatives of IPR & the Architect KGA.

2. The VRF system’s Indoor and outdoor units shall be tested in accordance the provision of
ARIstandards, AHRI -1230 2009 for VRF System.

3. In addition to the initial testing of the System on commissioning, two subsequent tests shall
be carried outonein the following summer and the second in the following monsoon.

4. Noise level & vibrations of all equipment shall be within acceptable limits appropriate for the
application& use of the Area.

5. All the instruments, special test materials (e.g. Nitrogen gas, helium gas for VAC) required for

6. If additional parameters are required to be tested/measured for the purpose of

troubleshooting, or forestablishing performance of the system/equipment, or if required by the
Consultant; the same shall becarried out by the Contractor, without additional cost to the IPR.

7. In addition to the above, tests & measurements specified in Technical Specifications of the
respectiveequipment shall also be performed, and test-results thereof submitted.


Technical Specification Page 501

The following is an indicative List of Working Drawings to be submitted by the Contractor:

1. Terrace level layout including outdoor units, ducts, refrigerant piping, fresh air &
exhaust air, HVAC power panels, etc.
2. SA & RA ducting layout for each floor/level including diffusers/grilles coordinated
with lighting, false ceiling & equipment layout, other services, etc. with indoor
units details
3. HVAC plan & sections
4. Schematic refrigerant piping
5. Schematic electrical drawing
6. GA drawing of panel boards
7. Requirements of civil work (pedestals, foundations, cutouts, structural
supports/platforms, etc),drain, electrical power, etc.
8. Requirements of electrical power on schematic & layout drawings

Any other drawings required during execution


Sr. Equipment/Material Makes


1 Aluminum Grilles &Diffusers Caryaire/ Cosmos/ Airpro/Air


2 G.I. Sheets SAIL/ Jindal/ Nippon/ National/


Technical Specification Page 502

3 Nitrile Rubber Foam Armacell/Vidoflex/ Aeroflex

4 Copper Piping Rajco/ Mandev


1. Proposal validity period : ___________________________________

2. Delivery Period (For receipt at site) : ___________________________________

3. Installation/Commissioning Period : ___________________________________

4. Payment Terms : ___________________________________

SIGNATURE __________________________

NAME __________________________

Technical Specification Page 503

DESIGNATION _______________________

SEAL OF COMPANY DATE _________________________

Technical Specification Page 504


Organization chart giving details of partners/executives and engineers, who will look after the
sales,project execution and site supervision for this project.

SIGNATURE __________________________

NAME __________________________

DESIGNATION __________________________

SEAL OF COMPANY DATE _________________________

Technical Specification Page 505


Sr. Equipment/Material Makes

1 VRF System
2 HRV Unit
3 Hi Wall Split AC Units
4 Aluminum Grilles & Diffusers

5 G.I. Sheets
6 Nitrile Rubber Foam
7 Copper Piping
8 Metallic Grid Ceiling
9 G.S. Tiles for Grid Ceiling

SIGNATURE __________________________

NAME __________________________

DESIGNATION __________________________

SEAL OF COMPANY DATE _______________________

Technical Specification Page 506



1. __________________________________ ________________________________

2. __________________________________ ________________________________

3. __________________________________ ________________________________

4. __________________________________ ________________________________

5. __________________________________ ________________________________

6. __________________________________ ________________________________

Technical Specification Page 507


I, _______________________, certify that all the furnished data and information pertaining to
this offer arecorrect and are true representation of the equipment offered by our proposal
number_____________________ dated _____________.

I confirm that the plant offered has been designed to achieve performance as per the design
parameters andguarantee to achieve the same.

I confirm that I am duly authorized representative of the Bidder whose name appears below my

SIGNATURE __________________________

NAME __________________________

DESIGNATION __________________________

SEAL OF COMPANY DATE ______________________

Technical Specification Page 508


No. Short Title B.I.S Number


1 to ordinary Portland cement 33 grade (4th Rev) 269-1989

2 for Portland Pozzolana Cement 1489-1976

3 Slag Cement (Fourth revision) 455-1989

4 for physical tests for hydraulic cement (Reaffirmed 1980) 4031-1968

5 of Chemical analysis for hydraulic cement (First revision) 4032-1985

Rapid6hardening Portland cement 8041-1978

7 Portland cement 8043-1978

High Strength
8 ordinary Portland cement 8112-1976


1 for coarse and fine Aggregates from natural source for 383-1970
concrete (Second Revision)

2 for sand for masonry mortars 2116-1965

3 of Tests for aggregates for concrete 2385-1969 (Part- I
to Part- VIV)

4 sand for testing of cement (First revision) with 650-1966
amendment 1 and 2 Reaffirmed 1980

5 for sampling of aggregates for concrete 2430 -1969

Technical Specification Page 509

6 of test for determining aggregates impact value of soft 5640-1970
coarse aggregates


Code 1of practice for bending and fixing of bars 2502-1963

2 for cold worked steel deformed bars for concrete 1786-1979

Code 3of practice for welding of MS Bars used for reinforced 2751-1966
concrete construction.

Code 4for practice for use of Metal are welding for general 818-1989
construction of mild steel

5 bars for concrete reinforcement hot rolled mild steel and 1139-1966
medium tensile steel (Revised)

6 for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced 5525-1969
concreted works

7 for Mild Steel and medium tensile steel Bars for 432-1966(Part I)
Concrete reinforcement.

Code 8for practice for safety and health requirement in Electric and 818-1968
Gas welding and cutting operations

Code 9for practice for fire precautions in welding and cutting 3016-1965

Measurement of building and Civil Engineering works, method part 1200-1974

VIII steel work and iron work
(Part VIII)

Code of procedure for manual or metal ARC and welding of Mild 823-1964

Specification for filler rods and wires for gas welding 1278-1972

Technical Specification Page 510

Recommendations for welding cold worked steel bars for reinforced 9417-1979
concrete construction

Hard drawn
1 steel wire fabrics for concrete reinforcement 1566-1982


1 of Measurement of building and Civil Engineer work Part-II 1200-1968
cement concrete works.

Code 2of practice for plain and reinforced concrete 456-2000

3 for pre cast concrete coping blocks. 5751-1969

4 of tests for strength of concrete 516-1959

Code 5of practice for laying in situ cement concrete lining on canals 3873-1993

6 for Admixtures for concrete 9103-1979

7 of Test for Autoclaved cellular concrete products. 6441-1972-73
(Part-I to IX)

8 of Sampling and Analysis of concrete 1199-1959

9 of Batch type concrete mixtures (Second Revision) 1791-1968

General requirements for Concrete Vibrators immersion type 2505-1980

Specification for concrete vibrating tables 2514-1963

Method of test for permeability of cement mortar & concrete 3085-1965

Specification for fly ash for use as pozzolana as admixture for 3812-1981

Specification for Portable swing weigh batch for concrete (single 2722-1964
and double bucket type)

Technical Specification Page 511

Code of practice for installation of joints in concrete pavements 6509-1972

Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced 457-1957

concrete for dams and other massive structures

General requirement for concrete vibrator screed board type (First 2506-1985

Code of practice for concrete structures for shortage of liquids 3370 (Part-1 to 4)

Code of practice for use of immersion vibrator for consolidating 3558-1983

concrete (First revision)

Method for testing performance of batch type concrete mixer 4634-1968

Form vibrators for concrete 4656-1968

Concrete batching and mixing plant 4925-1968

Ready mixed concrete (Second revision) 4926-1976

Code of practice for sealing joints in concrete lining on canals 5256-1992

Vibrating plate compactor 5889-1970

Concrete transit mixer and agitator 5892-1970

Concrete pavers 7245-1974

Concrete slump test apparatus 7320-1974

Method of making curing and determining compressive strength of 9013-1978

accelerated cured concrete test specimens.

Specification for 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement (First Revision) 8112-1989

Specification for 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement (First Revision) 12269-1987

3 for admixtures for concrete (First Revision) 9103-1999

Technical Specification Page 512


1 of Measurement of building and Civil Engineering 1200-1969

Works Part I, Earthwork. (Part-I)

Safety2 code for piling and other deep foundations 5121-1969

Code 3of practice for Design installation, observation and 6532-1972

Maintenance of uplift pressure pipes for Hydraulic structures on
permeable foundation.

Safety4 code for excavation works 3764-1966

Code 5of practice for protection of slope for Reservoir embankment 8237-1985

Code 6of practice for earth work on canals 4701-1982

7 for lining of canals in expansive soils 9451-19

8 of test for soils Part-II Determination of water concrete 2720-1973


Method9 of test for soils Determination of water content dry density 2720-1974
relation using light compaction.

Method of test for soils determination of dry density of soils in 2720-1974

place by the sand replacement method

Method of test for soils determination of dry density of soils in 2720-1975

place by the core cutter method

Classification and identification of soils for general 1498-1970

Safety code for blasting and related drilling operation with 4081-1967
Amendment No. I (Reaffirmed 1978)

Technical Specification Page 513

Portable Pneumatic drilling machine (First revision) 5441-1986

General requirement for black hold drilling rigs 7209-1974

Safety code for working with construction machinery 7293-1974

Code of practice for stability analysis of earth dams 7894-1975

Guidelines for design of under seepage control measures for earth 8414-1977
and rock fill dams

Filtration media sand and gravel 8419-1977(Part-I)

Guidelines for design of large earth and rock fill dams 8826-1978

Under drainage arrangements of lined canals. 4558-1995

Pre-cast cement concrete stables for canal lining 3868-1966

Methods of tests of soils 2720 (Part-1 to X)

Ammonium nitrate for explosive 4668-1967

Method of test for commercial blasting explosives and accessories. 6609

(Part-1 to V)

Detonators 7632-1975

Method of load test on soils (Second revision) 1888-1982

Method for standard penetration test for soil (first revision) 2131-1981

Glossing of terms and symbolic relating to soil engineering. 2809-1972

Method of sampling and preparation of stabilized soils for testing 4332

(Part-I of 1967)

Test in3 over burden 5529

(Part-1 of 1969)

Technical Specification Page 514


1 code for scaffolds and ladders part I scaffolds 3696-1966

2 code for scaffolds and ladders Part 2 ladders. 3696-1966


3 s on stacking and storage of construction materials at site. 4082-1977

4 for general purposes ( Second revision amendment 1 to 3) 303-1975

Test5 Sieves 460-1985

6 practice for under drainage of lined canals (2nd revision) 4558-1995

7 of for practice for in situ permeability test 5529 (Part-1 & 2)

8 steel (Standard quality) (with amendment No.1 to 3) IS: 226-1975

9 drawn steel wires (Third revision) IS: 432-1982


Concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) (2nd revision) IS: 458-1971

Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes IS: 783-1959

Specification for mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought Steel fittings Part-I mild steel IS:1239-1979
tubes (fourth revision) (With Amendments No. 1 to 5)

Hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement (Second revision) IS: 1566-1982

cement pressure pipe (Second revision) IS: 1592-1980

Preformed filler for expansion test in concrete payment and structures (non extruding and IS: 1838-1961
resilient type)

Cast iron detachable joints for use with asbestos cement pressure pipes. IS:8794-1978

Technical Specification Page 515

Structural steel (Fusion welding quality) (Second revision) IS: 2062-1980

Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipe (With amendment No. I) IS: 3114-1965

Methods of testing for concrete pipes IS 3597-1966

Rubber sealing rings for gas mains water mains and sewers IS: 5382-1969

Centrifugally cast (spun) iron low pressure pipes for water gas and sewage (First revision) IS: 6163-1978

Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement pressure pipes IS: 6530-1972

Cast iron detachable joints for use with asbestos cement pressure pipes IS: 8794-1978

Other Publications: Ministry of shipping and transport Specification for Road and Bridge No. 7900


1 bitumen (revised) (with Amendment No.1) IS: 73-1961

Cut back
2 bitumen (Revised) IS: 217-1982

3 of terms relating to bitumen and tar(2nd revision) IS:454-1961

4 type cut back bitumen (revised) IS: 454-1961

5 for hot tar and bitumen (first revision) IS: 2093-1974

6 for tar and bitumen (first revision) IS: 2094-1974

Hot 7asphalt mixing plants (with amendment No.1) IS: 3066-1965

8 emulsion for roads (anionic type) IS: 3117-1965

9 pavers’ finisher (first revision with amendment No.1) IS: 3251-1965

Bitumen drums IS: 3575-1977

Technical Specification Page 516

Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials at site (first IS: 4082-1977

Bitumen mastic for bridge decking and roads IS: 5317-1969

Method of test for determining aggregates impact value of soft coarse IS: 5640-1970

Safety code for construction involving use of hot bituminous materials. IS: 5916-1970

Method of test for determination of stripping value of road aggregates. IS: 6241-1971

Coarse aggregates for water bound macadam (first revision) IS: 6579-1981

Adhesive, bitumen emulsion IS: 7393-1974

Code of practice for road gullies IS: 774-1975

Bitumen emulsion for roads (Cationic type) IS: 8887-1976

Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials IS: 9381-1976

Method for testing tar and bituminous materials Determination of effect of heat IS: 9382-1979
and air by thin film over test.

Technical Specification Page 517

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