Expert Systems With Applications: Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Andrew Beng Jin Teoh, Jaihie Kim

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Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901

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Biometric cryptosystem based on discretized fingerprint texture descriptors

Yadigar Imamverdiyev a,b,2, Andrew Beng Jin Teoh a,1, Jaihie Kim a,⇑
Biometric Engineering Research Center, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea
Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: This paper focuses on a biometric cryptosystem implementation and evaluation based on a number of
Fuzzy commitment scheme fingerprint texture descriptors. The texture descriptors, namely, the Gabor filter-based FingerCode, a local
Fingerprint texture descriptors binary pattern (LBP), and a local direction pattern (LDP), and their various combinations are considered.
Local binary pattern These fingerprint texture descriptors are binarized using a biometric discretization method and used in a
Biometric discretization
fuzzy commitment scheme (FCS). We constructed the biometric cryptosystems, which achieve a good
Error-correcting code
performance, by fusing discretized fingerprint texture descriptors and using effective error-correcting
codes. We tested the proposed system on a FVC2000 DB2a fingerprint database, and the results demon-
strate that the new system significantly improves the performance of the FCS for texture-based
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cryptosystems offer solutions for template protection or crypto-

graphic key release by binding a key to or generating a key from
One of the most urgent tasks for biometric systems is the reli- a biometric sample. The performance of existing biometric crypto-
able protection of biometric templates. By using a poorly protected systems is significantly lower than ordinary biometric systems.
or unprotected biometric template, an attacker can compromise a There is an urgent need for the development of biometric crypto-
biometric authentication system, recover the original biometric systems with high performance for practical applications. The per-
data, and extract private information from this data, among other formance of existing biometric cryptosystems is strongly affected
actions. Although numerous methods have been proposed for bio- by such factors as feature extraction, feature representation,
metric template protection, according to the authors of Jain, error-correcting code (ECC), biometric database, and the number
Nandakumar, and Nagar (2012), ‘‘most of the available template of training and testing samples (Jain et al., 2012; Kelkboom et al.,
protection techniques fail to meet all the desired requirements of 2010; Rathgeb & Uhl, 2011).
a practical biometric system like revocability, security, privacy, In this study, we concentrate on a practical implementation of
and high matching accuracy’’. This conclusion is entirely true for the fuzzy commitment scheme (FCS). We consider a fingerprint tex-
fingerprint recognition systems, which are the most widely used ture-based feature extractor and fusion scheme of different binary
biometric systems in practice. features that captures most of the discriminatory and reliable infor-
A biometric cryptosystem is the most encouraging technique mation. Specifically, we use three well-known texture descriptors
for biometric template protection (Rathgeb & Uhl, 2011). Biometric for fingerprint representation: Gabor filters (Jain, Prabhakar, Hong,
& Pankanti, 2000), a local binary pattern (LBP) (Pietikäinen, Hadid,
Zhao, & Ahonen, 2011), and a recently proposed texture descriptor
Abbreviations: BCH, Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem; BPA, belief propagation
algorithm; DROBA, detection rate optimized bit allocation; ECC, error-correcting
called a local direction pattern (LDP) (Jabid, Kabir, & Chae, 2010).
code; EER, error equal rate; FAR, false accept rate; FCS, fuzzy commitment scheme; We use a reliability based discretization scheme (Kevenaar,
FRR, false reject rate; GAR, genuine acceptance rate; LCM, least common multiple; Schrijen, van der Veen, Akkermans, & Zuo, 2005) for the binary rep-
LBP, local binary pattern; LDerivP, local derivative pattern; LDP, local direction resentation of fingerprint texture descriptors. Unfortunately, the
pattern; LDPC, low-density parity-check; MPA, message-passing algorithm; PEG,
use of a single discretized fingerprint descriptor does not allow a
progressive edge-growth; ROI, region of interest; SPA, sum-product algorithm.
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: B619, 2nd Engineering-building, Yonsei Uni- biometric cryptosystem to be constructed with the desired perfor-
versity, 134 Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Korea. Tel.: +82 2 2123 mance for numerous reasons, including insufficient accuracy of
2869; fax: + 82 2 312 4584. texture descriptors and loss in the discrimination power of the dis-
E-mail addresses: (Y. Imamverdiyev), cretization scheme. To overcome this problem, we propose a fusion
(A.B.J. Teoh), (J. Kim).
1 of discretized fingerprint texture descriptors. We also consider the
Tel.: +82 02 2123 2869; fax: +82 02 312 4584.
Tel.: +994 12 539 0167; fax: +994 12 539 6121.
appropriate selection of ECCs in light of recent developments in

0957-4174/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901 1889

security analysis of biometric cryptosystems, particularly attacks an FCS that cannot handle unordered data, the fuzzy vault scheme
that exploit the output statistics of ECCs (Stoianov, Kevenaar, & was proposed (Juels & Sudan, 2002). A fuzzy vault can tolerate the
van der Veen, 2009). A fusion of the most reliable bits from discret- above-mentioned errors and is therefore preferred for minutiae-
ized fingerprint texture descriptors and the use of effective ECCs based fingerprint recognition.
allow FCS to be implemented with a state-of-the-art key length A fuzzy vault is constructed as follows: During the locking stage,
and verification performance. a user, Alice, selects a polynomial p of variable x that encodes a se-
cret k. The polynomial projections, p(A), for the elements of an
1.1. Related works unordered set, A, are then computed. Alice adds some randomly
generated chaff points (for increased security) that do not lie on
Depending on the purpose of the application, we can distin- p to obtain the final set R. During the unlocking stage, another user,
guish two kinds of biometric cryptosystems (Rathgeb & Uhl, Bob, uses his own unordered set B to learn the secret k. If B sub-
2011): (1) key binding and (2) key generation cryptosystems. stantially overlaps with A, Bob can locate the necessary number
In key binding cryptosystems, the key is combined with a bio- of points in R that lie on p, and can successfully reconstruct poly-
metric sample into helper data during the enrolment. During the nomial p (and hence find k).
verification, a new biometric sample and the stored helper data Several implementations of the fuzzy vault for fingerprints have
are used to release the same key. Examples of key binding tech- been reported. Clancy, Kiyavash, and Lin (2003) were the first to
niques are the FCS (Juels & Wattenberg, 1999), fuzzy vaults (Juels apply a fuzzy vault for protecting fingerprint templates. Their con-
& Sudan, 2002), helper data systems (Kevenaar et al., 2005), and se- struction uses only minutiae locations. Their reported FRR was
cure sketches (Sutcu, Li, & Memon, 2007). Note that helper data around 20% to 30%. One drawback of their implementation is that
systems are fuzzy commitment-based schemes. In addition to a it assumes that the template and query fingerprints have been pre-
commitment, these systems store some user-specific helper data aligned. In fact, the requirement of a pre-alignment is one of the
for reliable bit selection. major drawbacks of fingerprint fuzzy vaults: the corresponding
Key generation techniques extract a cryptographic key from a minutiae positions of two compared fingerprints should be identi-
biometric sample during the enrollment, with helper data if neces- cal, and thus the fingerprints should be pre-aligned prior to the
sary. During the verification, the same key has to be extracted fuzzy vault construction. Most of the recent research into finger-
using a new biometric sample, and when available, the helper data. print fuzzy vaults deals with this major weakness.
Fuzzy extractors (Dodis, Reyzin, & Smith, 2004) are the most com- Yang and Verbauwhede (2005) proposed using reference minu-
mon type of key generation method used. A few reports have been tiae to handle the pre-alignment issue. The reference minutia was
published on fuzzy extractor implementation for fingerprints extracted by combining multiple fingerprint impressions during
(Arakala, Jeffers, & Horadam, 2007; Tong, Sibert, Lecoeur, & Girault, the fuzzy vault construction and verification. The evaluated FRR
2007). However, the results of the implementation were not re- using small private fingerprint database of 100 images was 17%.
ported in Tong et al. (2007), while the results of Arakala et al. Uludag and Jain (2006), Uludag et al. (2005) also used minutiae
(2007) show a 15% false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection location information only, and proposed an automatic fingerprint
rate (FRR), which are unacceptable for practical applications. alignment algorithm using the locations of the highest curvature
An FCS was the first example of a key binding cryptosystem. The of the fingerprint ridges as additional helper data (Uludag & Jain,
fuzzy commitment concept was introduced by Juels and Watten- 2006). But both of these systems have a high FRR (20% for the sys-
berg (Juels & Wattenberg, 1999) in 1999. It combines an error- tem in Uludag, Pankanti, and Jain (2005), and 16.5% for the one in
correcting code and a cryptographic hash function to embed a Uludag and Jain (2006)).
secret. An FCS may be based on any (linear) error-correcting code, Nandakumar, Jain, and Pankanti (2007) further improved the
and it works as follows: helper data extraction and alignment algorithm presented in
Assume that an error-correcting code and a secure crypto- Uludag and Jain (2006). The authors use the minutiae location
graphic hash function, h, are chosen, and the input biometric fea- and orientation information to implement the fuzzy vault, and
ture vector is represented in a binary form as x e {0, 1}n. During helper data extracted from the orientation field to align the tem-
the enrollment, cryptographic key K is mapped by an ECC encoder plate and query minutiae sets. Moreover, they used more than
to a random codeword c e C, where C is a set of codewords of one fingerprint impression for encoding and decoding. An evalua-
length n. The offset d = x  c and hash value h(c) are then stored tion using the FVC2002 DB2 database demonstrated an FRR of 9%
as a commitment. with an FAR of 0.01% when matching one query with one template.
During the verification, for a decommitment the system ac- One limitation of the fuzzy vault is its inability to effectively uti-
quires a query biometric x0 , computes d + x0 , and if possible, de- lize rich texture information of a fingerprint other than the minu-
codes to the nearest codeword c0 . Decommitment is successful if tiae. The authors in Nagar, Nandakumar, and Jain (2008) addressed
hash value h(c0 ) of decoded codeword c0 is equal to stored hash va- this limitation by incorporating minutiae descriptors, i.e. the ridge
lue h(c), and the secret codeword, c, is then released. frequency and ridge orientation information, around a minutia
One requirement of an FCS is that the biometric feature vector during the fuzzy vault construction. Experimental results from
needs to be in an ordered binary form. This condition is well satis- the FVC2002 DB2 database show that minutiae descriptors allow
fied for IrisCode, which uses a 2048-bit binary string representa- reducing the FAR from 0.7% to 0.01% without affecting the genuine
tion. In Hao, Anderson, & Daugman (2006), the authors were able acceptance rate (GAR) of 95%, as compared with the results in
to generate 140-bit cryptographic keys from IrisCode with a Nandakumar (2007).
99.5% verification rate. There has been recent interest in the implementation of an FCS
The main obstacle in the implementation of an FCS for finger- for fingerprints (Nandakumar, 2010; Teoh & Kim, 2007; Xu,
prints is that fingerprint recognition is typically based on specific Veldhuis, Kevenaar, Akkermans, & Bazen, 2008). The main advan-
features of the fingerprint pattern – minutiae (ridge endings and tage of an FCS for practical implementation is that it is the simplest
bifurcations). This representation is an unordered set with a vari- and most studied biometric cryptosystem, and its security is based
able length and is accompanied by a variety of errors in the minu- on well-formulated assumptions (Juels & Wattenberg, 1999;
tiae, including frequent insertions, deletions, and re-ordering, Kelkboom, Breebaart, Kevenaar, Buhan, & Veldhuis, 2011). As
which create various difficulties in the development of biometric shown in Merkle, Niesing, Schwaiger, Ihmor, and Korte (2010),
template protection techniques. To overcome the drawbacks of the entropy loss in a FCS is much lower than in a fuzzy vault
1890 Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901

scheme. Furthermore, it should be noted that a number of fixed- rate and high error correction capacity. It is particularly difficult
length binary representations based on a minutiae set have to satisfy these criteria simultaneously with a single ECC, and
recently been proposed (Bringer & Despiegel, 2010; Farooq, Bolle, therefore, in existing implementations, two ECCs are used in a con-
Jea, & Ratha, 2007; Nandakumar et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2008). catenated mode, which has been subsequently proven to be sensi-
Unfortunately, these methods suffer from various problems: tive to a number of attacks (Stoianov et al., 2009). Low-density
they need either an exhaustive search on the orientation/transla- parity-check (LDPC) codes are promising for an FCS implementa-
tion (Xu et al., 2008), or too long a binary presentation (Bringer tion since they may have a low code rate and large minimum dis-
& Despiegel, 2010; Farooq et al., 2007), or they tolerate only a small tance (high error correction capacity) simultaneously.
number of missing or spurious minutiae (Nandakumar et al., 2010). The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as
A biometric cryptosystem should allow to store and release of follows.
keys with the minimum length required for symmetric cryptosys-
tems (128-bit for the AES standard). However, this possibility has 1. We propose the use of discretized fingerprint texture descrip-
been demonstrated only for IrisCode, which managed to embed tors and their fusion for the implementation of an FCS. We pres-
140-bit keys at a level of error FRR = 0.0047% (Hao et al., 2006). ent the results from several experiments to justify the selection
The results for fingerprint-based FCSs thus far have been modest of the best combination of discretized texture-based descriptors
in comparison with IrisCode, with the best result being 76-bit providing a high performance in an FCS implementation.
key with an FAR of 5.4%, and FRR of 5.2% (Tuyls, Akkermans, 2. The biometric cryptosystem is constructed by appropriately
Kevenaar, Schrijen, Bazen, & Veldhuis (2005)). choosing of ECCs that provide a high error correction capacity
and allows preventing reported security attacks. We imple-
1.2. Motivation and contributions mented biometric cryptosystems using different ECCs and com-
pared the performances based on the experimental results.
This paper comparatively studies the implementation of an FCS 3. The fusion of discretized fingerprint texture descriptors and the
using a number of fingerprint texture descriptors and their combi- appropriate selection of ECCs and their parameters in the pro-
nations. The implementation of an FCS using fingerprints has re- posed biometric cryptosystem allows the generation of up to
ceived relatively little attention (Nandakumar et al., 2010; Teoh 120- bit keys with an acceptable error level. To the best of
& Kim, 2007; Tuyls et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2008) because a fuzzy our knowledge, this is the best result for an FCS based on tex-
vault is a native scheme that can be used for the same purpose. ture-based fingerprints.
As mentioned in the previous section, fuzzy vault implementations
usually do not completely use rich discriminatory information in a This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we provide an
fingerprint image other than minutiae. Texture-based descriptors overview of the proposed system and a description of feature
for fingerprints are potentially useful in fingerprint recognition extraction methods. In Section 3, we discuss the selection of the
based on a number of merits: these methods can extract richer dis- biometric discretization method. In Section 4, BCH and LDPC codes
criminatory information, and therefore, have a satisfactory level of are described for the construction of an effective biometric crypto-
accuracy; they do not require pre- or post-processing for minutiae system. In Section 5, we report the experimental results obtained
extraction and have a fast processing speed; texture-based descrip- from various fingerprint texture descriptors and ECCs using the
tors provide a fixed-length fingerprint feature vector, which can be FVC2000 DB2a fingerprint database. Finally, in Section 6, we offer
easily used in other systems including FCS. Therefore, FCS imple- some concluding remarks and discuss the directions for future
mentation based on fingerprint texture descriptors is worth research.
Despite the above-mentioned advantages, the performance of
fingerprint recognition methods based on fingerprint texture 2. Proposed biometric cryptosystem for texture-based
descriptors, is generally lower than that of minutiae-based finger- fingerprint representation
print recognition methods. The selected fingerprint texture
descriptors are real-valued; however, an FCS requires real-valued In this section, we present a general overview of the proposed
features to be discretized, and discretization methods deteriorate biometric cryptosystem for fingerprints, which consists of finger-
the classification performance of such features. Unlike traditional print enhancement/pre-processing; core (reference) point detec-
fingerprint recognition methods that use a threshold value for tion; fingerprint image cropping and tessellation; fingerprint
comparison, the verification in an FCS is deterministic, further texture feature extraction; including FingerCode, LBP, and LDP fea-
deteriorating the system performance. As a result, biometric cryp- tures; biometric discretization; reliable bits fusion; and an FCS.
tosystems built using a single texture descriptor have an unaccept- Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of the proposed biometric cryptosys-
able performance for practical applications. tem. A detailed explanation of the diagram in Fig. 1 is provided in
A possible solution to this is a fusion of two or more discretized Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 4.
texture descriptors for the implementation of an FCS. As in multi-
biometric systems, we can expect that a fusion of different texture
descriptors will help improve the performance of a biometric cryp- 2.1. Fingerprint image enhancement, core point detection and
tosystem in comparison with the use of only a single texture tesselation
descriptor. Furthermore, for the fusion of discretized texture
descriptors, we formulate a simple rule that takes into account Fingerprint images vary in quality, and the first step in finger-
the Hamming distance-based recognition accuracy of the descrip- print recognition systems is usually an enhancement to improve
tors and the number of reliable bits available from the fused the clarity of the ridge and valley structures of the input fingerprint
descriptors. image (Maltoni, Maio, Jain, & Prabhakar, 2009). To enhance finger-
This paper also discusses the biometric discretization method print images, the technique from Chikkerur, Wu, and Govindaraju
selection and substantiates the appropriate ECC selection to pro- (2004) is used, which divides the image into 16  16 overlapping
vide a high error correction capacity and avoid reported security blocks and filter blocks using a frequency and orientation selective
attacks, including attacks based on ECC output statistics. The selec- filter, the parameters of which are based on the estimated local
tion of the ECC depends on two contradictory criteria: high code ridge frequency and orientation using a Fourier domain analysis.
Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901 1891

Circular region Finger Code Cryptographic

Fingerprint tessellation Generation Key

Image Core point LDP Reliable Bits
Discretization Commitment
Enhancement detection Histogram Fusion Scheme

Sub-windows Discretization Secure
tesselation Template

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed biometric cryptosystem.

Fig. 2. (a) Reference point (+) and tessellation into sectors, and (b) corresponding FingerCode.

Existing texture-based fingerprint recognition approaches re- 2.2. FingerCode feature extraction
quire the pre-alignment of fingerprint images to achieve transla-
tion invariance. The FingerCode generation method uses a The texture-based fingerprint features used in the proposed
reference (core) point for this purpose. In our implementation, biometric cryptosystem are described below.
the core point localization algorithm based on a multi-resolution To experimentally test of the proposed approach, a well-known
direction field, which was proposed in Zhang and Wang (2002), texture-based fingerprint image representation, called FingerCode,
is used. First, a low-resolution direction field is used to find the is used. First introduced in Jain et al. (2000), FingerCode is a fixed-
area that includes the core point, and a high-resolution direction size real-valued vector that can be used for fingerprint matching
field is then used to search the position of this point. and classification. The matching is handled using a simple Euclid-
After core point localization, a circular region of interest around ean distance.
the core point is determined and tessellated into concentric bands, Gabor filters efficiently capture both the local orientation and
each of which is divided into sectors (Fig. 2). Depending on the fin- frequency information in a texture image. As pointed out in Jain
gerprint image size and resolution the following parameters were et al. (2000), four orientations are sufficient to capture the global
selected: structure of a fingerprint image, while eight orientations are re-
quired to capture the local characteristics (Jain et al., 2000).
 number of concentric bands (B = 4); To obtain a FingerCode, the images in the sectors are filtered in
 width of each band in pixels (b = 20); eight different orientations using the following bank of even sym-
 number of sectors in each band (k = 16); and metric Gabor filters:
 inner radius in pixels (r = 12).
( " #)
1 x02 y02 0
For extraction of the LBP and LDP features, the central part of Gh;f ðx; yÞ ¼ exp  þ 2 cosð2pfx Þ;
2 d2x dy
the fingerprint image around the core point is cropped. The height
and width of the cropped image in pixels is r + 2  B  b + 16 = 188.
This region of interest (ROI) is divided into 4  4 overlapping sub- x0 ¼ x sin h þ y cos h; y0 ¼ x cos h  y sin h;
windows of equal size, and the LBP and LDP features are calculated
for each sub-window. After conducting several experiments and where h e {0°, 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, 90°, 112.5°, 135°, 157.5°}, f- is the fre-
testing a range of overlapping ratios, the overlapping was set at quency of the sinusoidal plane wave along the direction h from the
60%. x-axis, and dx and dy are the standard deviations of the Gaussian
To provide invariance to the deformation of the fingerprint im- envelope along the x- and y-axes, respectively. According to the ori-
age, parts of the sectors and sub-windows are normalized using the ginal paper (Jain et al., 2000), for a 500 dpi fingerprint image, f is set
procedure described in Jain et al. (2000). to 0.1, and dx and dy are both set to 4.0.
1892 Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901

example thresholding weights After calculating the LBP pattern of each pixel, the texture im-
age is represented by a histogram. The number of histogram bins
200 165 142 1 0 0 1 2 4 for the original LBP is 281 = 255. Fig. 4 shows a fingerprint image,
as well as the corresponding LBP image and its histogram.
174 200 180 0 0 128 8 The original LBP was later extended to arbitrary circular neigh-
borhoods, and a number of extensions (uniform, rotation invariant,
228 234 243 1 1 1 64 32 16 multi-scale, etc.) for this have been developed.
The LBPP,R operator describes the texture at gc using a local
Pattern = 0111001 LBP = 1 + 16 + 32 + 64 = 113 neighborhood of P equally spaced pixels in a circle of radius
Fig. 3. Calculating the original LBP code. R (R > 0). The coordinates of the neighbors gp are given by
(xc + Rcos(2pp/P), ycRsin(2pp/P)), where (xc, yc) are the coordi-
nates of the central pixel. The value of the LBPP,R code of pixel
gc is given by:
The average absolute deviation of the gray values in the sectors
of the filtered images is computed to form a feature vector or X
1; if x P 0
FingerCode. LBP P;R ðg c Þ ¼ Sðg p  g c Þ  2p where SðxÞ ¼
The size of the FingerCode depends on the number of the con- p¼0
0; otherwise
centric bands, the number of sectors in each band, and the number
of Gabor filters in the filter-bank. A total of 4  16 = 64 sectors and where gc is the gray value of the central pixel and gp(p = 0, . . . , P1)
a FingerCode length of 64  8 = 512 were the chosen parameter is the grey value of its neighbors. When a neighbor does not fall ex-
values. actly within the center of a grid, its value is computed through bilin-
ear interpolation. Fig. 5 shows examples of circularly symmetric
neighbor sets for different values of P and R.
2.3. LBP features extraction
Uniform LBP patterns was first introduced in Maenpaa, Ojala,
Pietikäinen, and Soriano (2000), where it was observed experimen-
An LBP is a powerful feature for texture classification and it
tally through texture images that certain patterns account for
was first introduced in 1996 by Ojala, Pietikäinen, and Harwood
about 90% of all patterns when using an (8, 1) neighborhood, and
(1996). The important properties of an LBP are its invariance to
70% for a (16, 2) neighborhood. These patterns are deemed ‘‘uni-
any monotonic gray level and its computational simplicity. LBP
form’’, and have at most two bitwise 1 ? 0 or 0 ? 1 transitions.
patterns allow microstructures such as edges, line ends, corners,
For example, the LBP pattern 11111111 (no transition) or
spots, and flat areas to be detected (Ojala, Pietikäinen, & Mäenpää,
01100000 (two transitions) is uniform, where the pattern
10101011 (six transitions) is not uniform. There are 58 uniform
LBP features have been successfully used in various applications
patterns in the case of 8 sampling points. A single bin is assigned
including texture classification, face detection (Hadid, Pietikäinen,
to all non-uniform patterns. Therefore, the uniform pattern con-
& Ahonen, 2004), face recognition (Ahonen & Pietikainen, 2006),
cept reduces the number of LBP patterns from 256 to 59.
face expression recognition (Choi, Lee, Lee, Park, & Kim, 2011),
The rotation invariance of the LBP pattern can be achieved by
and gender and age classification (Shan, Gong, & McOwan, 2009).
defining (Ojala et al., 2002) the following:
In Nanni & Lumini (2008), a hybrid fingerprint matching system
based on an LBP was proposed, in which the best experimental re- LBPriP;R ¼ minfRORðLBP P;R ; iÞji ¼ 0; . . . ; P  1g;
sults for FVC2002 databases were an EER (equal error rate) of 6.2%
(the LBP operator is applied directly to the grey image) and an EER where ROR(x, i) (ROR – rotate right) performs a circular bit-wise
of 2.4% (the LBP is applied to the Gabor filter responses). The sim- right shift on the P-bit number x i times. For example,
ilarity between two LBP feature vectors is evaluated based on their 00011101 ? 10001110 ?    ? 00111010. In short, the LBPriP;R oper-
Euclidean distance. ator is computed by considering all circular rotations of the original
The original LBP operator is defined by thresholding the 3  3 LBP code and taking its minimum value. LBPriP;R is invariant with re-
neighborhood of each pixel value using the value of the central pix- spect to any monotonic gray-scale transformation and rotation
el. Pixels with values greater than the central pixel (or equal to) along the circular neighborhood. It is somewhat difficult to count
take a value of 1, while those that are less central take a value of the number of rotation-invariant LBPriP;R patterns in general cases.
0. Thus, an 8-bit binary LBP code describes the neighborhood of a For LBPri8;1 , there are 36 possible rotation-invariant patterns. There-
pixel. Fig. 3 illustrates the basic LBP operation. fore, LBPri8;1 produces 36-bin histograms.

Fig. 4. Fingerprint image, and the corresponding LBP image and its histogram.
Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901 1893

P = 8, R = 1.0 P = 8, R = 2.0 P = 16, R = 2.0 P = 24, R = 3.0

Fig. 5. Circularly symmetric neighbor sets for different (P, R).

We used the following LBP features: to 1. The remaining (8-k) bits are set to 0. The LDP pattern gener-
ation is illustrated in Fig. 6.
 LBP with P = 8, R = 1. The number of histogram bins is set to 32. In our case, the LDP pattern is obtained by setting k = 3 predom-
The resulting feature vector is termed LBP8. The size of the LBP8 inant directions to 1, and thus there are only 56 possible values
feature vector in our experiments is 32  16 = 512. (7, 11, . . . , 208, 224). We therefore calculate a 56-bin histogram
 LBP with P = 16, R = 2. The number of histogram bins is set to 32. for each sub-window. The histograms of each sub-window are con-
The resulting feature vector is termed LBP16. The size of the catenated, resulting in a 56  16 = 896 component length LDP fea-
LBP16 feature vector in our experiments is 32  16 = 512. ture vector.
 LBP with P = 24, R = 3. The number of histogram bins is set to 32.
The resulting feature vector is termed LBP24. The size of the 3. Feature discretization
LBP24 feature vector in our experiments is 32  16 = 512.
 Uniform LBP. The number of histogram bins is 59. The resulting An FCS scheme demands the presentation of biometric features
feature vector is termed LBPu2. The size of the LBPu2 feature in a fixed-length binary form. However, in many biometric sys-
vector in our experiments is 59  16 = 944. tems, biometric features are expressed in real-valued vectors. It
 Rotation-invariant LBP. The number of histogram bins is 36. The is therefore necessary to use methods of biometric discretization,
resulting feature vector is termed LBPri. The size of the LBPri which strongly affects the performance of the biometric
feature vector in our experiments is 36  16 = 576. cryptosystem.
Several biometric discretization methods have been proposed in
recent years (Chen, Veldhuis, Kevenaar, & Akkermans, 2009;
2.4. LDP feature extraction Kevenaar et al., 2005; Lee, Teoh, Jung, & Kim, 2012; Lim, Teoh, &
Toh, 2012; Tuyls et al., 2005). A concise overview of the existing
The original LBP and its extensions are sensitive to random biometric discretization methods can be found in Lim et al.
noise and non-monotonic illumination variations. Zhang, Gao, (2012), Lee et al. (2012). These techniques can be roughly catego-
Zhao, and Liu (2010) proposed a new local pattern descriptor called rized into static and dynamic schemes according to the bit alloca-
a local derivative pattern (LDerivP), which extracts high-order local tion mode. A static discretization scheme allocates a fixed number
information by encoding various distinctive spatial relationships of bits to every feature element (Kevenaar et al., 2005; Tuyls et al.,
contained in a given neighborhood. The authors extensively inves- 2005). Dynamic discretization schemes allocate a varying number
tigated the effectiveness of LDerivP patterns for face recognition in of bits based on the statistical distinctiveness of the feature (Chen
comparison with an LBP, which uses a first-order local pattern. Lee, et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2012; Lim et al., 2012).
Jung, and Kim (2011) applied the LDerivP technique for finger vein We tested the following static and dynamic biometric discreti-
pattern recognition. In a similar way, Jabid et al. (2010, 2011) pro- zation schemes experimentally for fingerprint features: the train-
posed a local directional pattern (LDP), which is based on eight ing bit statistics-based reliability discretization scheme by Tuyls
directional edge responses computed using Kirsh masks. Since et al. (2005), the reliability function-based discretization scheme
edge responses change less and are more stable than intensity val- by Kevenaar et al. (2005), the detection rate optimized bit alloca-
ues, LDerivP and LDP patterns are expected to be more stable val- tion (DROBA) scheme by Chen et al. (2009), and the dynamic reli-
ues in the presence of a gray-level distortion. As shown in Ferrer, ability-dependent bit allocation scheme by Lim et al. (2012). Note
Vargas, Morales, and Ordóñez (2012), LDerivP feature extraction that in Lim et al. (2012), the dynamic reliability-dependent bit allo-
is computationally more expensive, and we therefore prefer to cation scheme was tested only for face feature vectors.
use the LDP feature extraction. The EER value is used as a classification performance measure
The LDP technique uses only the k-most predominant directions for comparing the accuracy of the biometric discretization schemes
of the Kirsh mask responses. Here, the k bits of an 8-bit LDP pattern described herein, that is, the error rate is FAR = FRR. The lower the
which correspond to the k predominant direction responses are set achieved EER, the better is the biometric discretization scheme.

Mask Iindex m7 m6 m5 m4 m3 m2 m1 m0
85 32 26
Mask Value 161 97 161 537 313 97 -503 -393
53 50 10 Rank 6 7 5 1 4 8 2 3

60 38 45 Code Bit 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

LDP Code 169

Fig. 6. LDP pattern generation (Nanni & Lumini, 2008).

1894 Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901

remains below 5% for all values of k. The EER performance of Fin-

gerCode outperforms the other fingerprint texture descriptors by
approximately 3–5%. From Fig. 8, it is clear that when bit length
k > 200, almost all fingerprint texture descriptors exhibit an EER
performance of below 10%. As the bit length increases from the ini-
tial 64 bits to 200 bits, an EER performance of the fingerprint tex-
ture descriptors improves (decreases), and after 200–250 bits an
EER performance stabilizes; the EER performance does not deteri-
orate significantly with an increase in bit length.
We used the following simple rule for the fusion of the discret-
ized fingerprint feature descriptors: The relative number of bits, se-
lected from the discretized features to produce a bit string of a given
length, was determined according to the EER performance and
number of reliable bits available. To produce a bit-string with a gi-
ven length from two discretized descriptors, we selected more bits
from the descriptor with a lower EER. Let us denote the relative
number of bits (weight) allocated to the first and second fused
descriptors from the total number of bits as w1 and w2, respectively.
Fig. 7. EER performance of the biometric discretization schemes for FingerCode.
The optimal weights of the fused descriptors were determined
experimentally for each pair of descriptors. For example, to produce
a bit-string of 255 bits from FingerCode and LBP24, the optimal
The EER performance of a number of discretization schemes for the
weights were w1 = 0.65 (for FingerCode) and w1 = 0.35 (for
FingerCode feature vectors from the FVC2000 DB2a database is
LBP24). In other words, a bit-string of 255 bits was obtained by
shown in Fig. 7.
concatenating round (255  0.65) = 166 bits from the discretized
In our experiments, the reliability function-based discretization
FingerCode and round (255  0.35) = 89 bits from the discretized
scheme and the dynamic reliability-dependent bit allocation
LBP24. Our experiments show that most of the discretized finger-
scheme turned out to be more accurate methods for fingerprint
print texture descriptors have more than 250 reliable bits. Mainly
features discretization. With a length of 250–450 bits, they each
for this reason, for most pairs of combined descriptors used to
achieve the same performance, although the first scheme is com-
produce 511 bits, the optimal weights were equal to w1 = w2 = 0.5.
putationally less expensive. For this reason, we chose the reliability
function-based discretization scheme to implement our biometric
4. ECC selection for biometric cryptosystem construction
The reliability function-based discretization scheme is a static
one-bit discretization scheme that uses simple threshold-based
One of the important critical and non-trivial tasks in the devel-
binarization for the quantization of a feature element (Kevenaar
opment of biometric cryptosystems is the correct choice of ECCs
et al., 2005). The feature mean (median) of the entire training set
and their parameters. Biometric cryptosystems are susceptible to
is chosen as the threshold. The more reliable components of the ex-
some practical security attacks (Bringer & Despiegel, 2010; Farooq
tracted bits are then chosen based on the error function. The posi-
et al., 2007; Kelkboom et al., 2011; Merkle et al., 2010; Stoianov
tions of these reliable components and the threshold are stored as
et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2008). Some of the attacks are associated
helper data. These helper data are used for discretization of a query
with the ECCs used. The most important types of such attacks
biometric sample.
are running an ECC in a soft decoding or erasure mode attack,
The EER performance of the reliability function-based discreti-
and an ECC histogram attack. A general overview of these attacks
zation scheme for various fingerprint texture descriptors from
is given in Stoianov et al. (2009).
the FVC2000 DB2a dataset is shown in Fig. 8.
Reference Stoianov et al., 2009 discusses various security at-
FingerCode exhibits the best EER performance, and attains the
tacks on an FCS, particularly those that are caused by the ‘‘encoding
lowest EER of approximately 2.5% at a bit length of k = 250, and
by splitting’’ approach normally practiced by researchers in this
area. The authors in Stoianov et al. (2009) stressed that ‘‘eccs con-
sisting of a series of small chunks, such as in Hao et al. (2006), seem
to be the most vulnerable to attacks exploiting the output statistics
of the ECC.’’ The authors indicated that biometric cryptosystems
that use a single-block ECC, are by definition secure against these
types of attacks, and in Schipani and Rosenthal (2010), LDPC codes
are identified as possible candidates to overcome them.
The following should be taken into account when selecting an
ECC to implement a biometric cryptosystem. For some ECCs, the
number of bits that can be corrected depends on the error pattern.
For example, based on a detailed study of IrisCode error patterns, a
Hadamard code was chosen in Hao et al. (2006) to correct random
bit errors, while a Reed–Solomon code was chosen to correct errors
at the block level, i.e., burst errors. Modeling the exact error pat-
terns of biometric discretization schemes for fingerprint features
is out of the scope of this paper. We are instead limited to the
use of ECC codes for correcting random bit errors.
Considering the above arguments for the construction of a bio-
Fig. 8. EER performance of the reliability function-based discretization scheme for metric cryptosystem, we used BCH and LDPC codes, both of which
fingerprint features. can correct random bits errors. Some authors have reported error
Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901 1895

performance comparisons of LDPC and BCH codes (Kim, Cho, & LDPC codes generally outperform regular LDPC codes (Richardson,
Sung, 2010). Shokrollahi, & Urbanke, 2001).
Along with the parity-check matrix H, LDPC codes are often rep-
4.1. BCH codes resented using a bipartite Tanner graph. A bipartite graph is an
undirected graph, the nodes of which can be divided into two clas-
Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (BCH) codes are cyclic ECCs. ses such that no edge connects two nodes from the same class. The
The most commonly used BCH codes employ a binary alphabet. two classes of nodes in a Tanner graph are called variable nodes (v-
Binary BCH codes were discovered by Hocquenghem in 1959 and nodes) and check nodes (c-nodes). (In the literature, variable nodes
independently by Bose and Chaudhuri in 1960. BCH codes are a are also called symbol or bit nodes and check nodes are also called
popular choice for different applications including biometric cryp- function nodes.) The Tanner graph of a LDPC code is created
tosystems (Arakala et al., 2007; Kevenaar et al., 2005; Tuyls et al., straightforward: check node j is connected to symbol node i if ele-
2005) because they outperform most existing block codes at the ment hji in H has a value of 1.
same code rate with a block length of a few hundred bits (Sklar, The encoding algorithm in LDPC codes can be expressed by
2001). x = uG, where G is the generator matrix, u is the message bits,
Herein, we adopt a narrow sense binary BCH code (Moon, and x is the resulting codeword. All codewords must satisfy
2005). A cyclic code can be specified by its generating polynomial, xHT = 0. Encoding exploits the fact that any generator matrix for a
g(x), which divides all of its codewords. The generator polynomial linear block code can be represented in a systematic form. Gener-
of a narrow sense binary BCH code over a GF(2m) of length n = 2m ator matrix G and parity-check matrix H share a relation as GHT = 0.
1, capable of correcting at least t errors, is constructed through One way to construct G is to convert H into a reduced row echelon
the following method. form, H = [PT I], through Gaussian elimination, where H is m  n in
Let a be a primitive element in GF(2m). Let /2i1(x) be the min- size and P is m  (nm). Generator matrix G can then be formed as
imum polynomial of the element a2i1, 1 6 i 6 t. The generator G = [I PT], where G is (nm)  n in size.
polynomial of a narrow sense binary BCH code over a GF(2m) of Unlike BCH codes, LDPC codes generally use a probability
length n = 2m 1, capable of correcting at least t errors, is given by decoding strategy. For decoding, LDPC codes use message-passing
algorithms (MPAs) Ryan, 2004 (messages are probabilities (or like-
gðxÞ ¼ LCMf/1 ðxÞ; /3 ðxÞ; . . . ; /2t1 ðxÞg;
lihood) of 1 or 0 have been transmitted). At all algorithm iterations,
where LCM means least common multiple. Since the degree of each messages are passed from symbol nodes to check nodes, and from
minimal polynomial /2i1(x) is m or less, the degree of g(x) is not check nodes back to symbol nodes. Different MPAs are named
greater than mt. It means that, the code has at most mt parity check depending on the type of passed messages or operations per-
bits. formed at the nodes (belief propagation algorithm (BPA), sum-
The decoding procedure of the BCH codes includes three steps product algorithm (SPA), etc.).
(Moon, 2005): (1) syndrome computation; (2) error locator polyno- The performance of an LDPC code depends on the length of
mial determination, whose roots provide an indication of where the shortest cycles (the girth of the code) in the Tanner graph.
the errors are located; (3) and finding the roots of the error locator MPAs assume independence of posterior probabilities. Short cy-
polynomial using the Chien search algorithm. There are several dif- cles hurt the performance of MPAs as they invalidate the
ferent ways to find an error locator polynomial from the computed assumption of independence. The shortest possible cycle in bipar-
syndromes, and the Berlekamp–Massey algorithm for BCH codes is tite graphs has a length of 4. The absence of cycles with this
widely used. length can be determined by the scalar product of all columns
A binary BCH code is usually denoted by a triplet (n, k, t), where (or rows) of the parity-check matrix. If each pair-wise inner prod-
n = 2m 1 (for a certain value of m P 3) is the block length (binary uct of the columns (or rows) of the matrix is not greater than 1,
biometric template length), k is the message length (length of the it indicates that there is no cycle with a length of 4. Although we
secret key), and t is the error-correcting capacity (n  k 6 mt). can eliminate all cycles with this length, we may still have cycles
with a length of 6. There have been a number of papers devoted
4.2. LDPC codes to algorithms used for searching and removing the minimum
length of cycles in a parity-check matrix of LDPC codes, for exam-
Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are linear error- ple (Djidjev, 2010; Kim, Chung, & Shin, 2005; Wu, You, & Zhao,
correcting codes. Their binary parity-check matrix contains a small 2006).
number of 1s in each row and column. LDPC codes were invented For the construction of an LDPC code parity-check matrix, a
by (Gallager, 1962); they were ignored for several decades mainly large number of design techniques exist in the literature. LDPC
owing to their highly complex computation requirements, but they codes can be categorized into random codes and structured codes
were rediscovered by MacKay & Neal (1996) and Wiberg (1996) in based on the construction methods. Random LDPC codes are con-
the 1990s. These codes have been demonstrated as being capable structed based on certain structural properties of their Tanner
of approaching the Shannon limit (Kim et al., 2010). Other graphs, such as the girth and the degree distributions of the nodes
advantages are their simple and effective encoding methods, and (Richardson & Urbanke, 2001; Richardson et al., 2001). Structured
the fact that they provide linear time complex algorithms for LDPC codes are constructed based on certain algebraic or combina-
decoding. torial principles (Fossorier, 2004; Tai, Lan, Zeng, Lin, & Abdel-
At present, LDPC codes are included in several standards, such Ghaffar, 2006; Tanner, 1999; Vasic & Milenkovic, 2004).
as DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation), IEEE In this paper, for the construction of the parity-check matrix
802.11n (for WLANs), IEEE 802.16e (for WiMAX), and IEEE of LDPC codes, a progressive edge-growth (PEG) algorithm, intro-
802.3an (for 10GBase-T Ethernet) (Otsuki, 2007). duced by Hu, Eleftheriou, and Arnold (2005), is used. The PEG
The structure of an LDPC code is completely described by parity algorithm establishes edges between symbol nodes and check
check matrix H. If H has wc 1s per column and wr = wc(n/m) 1s per nodes consecutively in an edge-by-edge manner. The PEG algo-
row, the resulting LDPC codes are deemed regular. The above def- rithm can be used to construct regular and irregular LDPC codes
inition implies that wc << m, wr << n. wc P 3 is necessary condition with arbitrary parameters. Given the number of symbol nodes, n,
for good LDPC codes. When the number of 1s per column or row is the number of check nodes, m, and the symbol node degree dis-
not constant, the code is deemed an irregular LDPC code. Irregular tribution, the PEG algorithm allows progressively constructing of
1896 Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901

a Tanner graph such that with the addition of the next edge the Table 1
largest possible local girth is achieved (Hu et al., 2005). A good Selected BCH code parameters.

irregular degree distribution can be obtained with the density n k t Code rate Bit-error n k t Code rate Bit-error
evolution method (Chung, Forney, Richardson, & Urbanke, 2001). (k/n) rate (t/n) (k/n) rate (t/n)
255 107 22 0.419 0.086 511 130 55 0.254 0.216
255 91 25 0.357 0.098 511 103 61 0.202 0.239
5. Experimental results 255 71 29 0.278 0.114 511 85 63 0.166 0.247
255 63 30 0.247 0.118 511 76 85 0.149 0.333
255 47 42 0.184 0.165 511 67 87 0.131 0.341
5.1. Fingerprint database
255 37 45 0.145 0.176 511 49 93 0.096 0.365

For performance testing of the proposed approach, we used the

FVC 2000 DB2a fingerprint database (FCV2000, xxxx). The FVC
2000 DB2a database contains 8 images of 100 different fingers;
the image size is 256  364 pixels, the resolution is 500 dpi, with and n = 511 (Table 1). For a comparison, Table 1 also shows the cor-
an 8-bit depth. We use the first five fingerprints per finger for se- responding code and bit-error rates.
cure template generation, and the last three fingerprints per finger Note that for a block length of n = 255, the maximum number of
for verification. bits that can be corrected by BCH with the selected parameters lies
between 8.6% and 17.6% of the binary vector. BCH codes with a
block length of n = 511 and the chosen parameters has better bit-
5.2. Matching results based on fingerprint texture descriptors
error rates of between 21.6% and 36.5%.
Note that because one user has several training samples, and
For comparison, we implemented a fingerprint-matching sys-
a fuzzy commitment operation leads to different secured tem-
tem based on fingerprint texture descriptors using the Euclidian
plates (codewords) Ci, these templates have to be merged into
distance, the results of which are shown in Fig. 9. Note that in
one reference template, which is done by taking the mean of
the original paper (Jain et al., 2000), to ensure the rotation invari-
all Ci’s.
ance for each fingerprint during enrollment, ten FingerCode tem-
Three hundred genuine and 29,700 impostor comparisons
plates are generated and stored in the database, corresponding to
were conducted in the experiments. The biometric cryptosystem
all rotations of the fingerprint image in steps of 11.25°. The final
performance was evaluated in terms of the GAR (where
matching distance score is taken as the minimum value of the
GAR = 1  FRR) and FAR. In our experiments, the FAR value was
ten scores, i.e., matching of the input FingerCode with each of
0. This can be explained as follows. The error correction capacity
the ten templates (Jain et al., 2000). In our implementation, we
of the ECC acts as a verification threshold. Increasing the error
used only one template and our results for the FingerCode corre-
correction capacity is equivalent to increasing the verification
spond to one template.
threshold. Therefore, the FRR can be decreased by increasing the
The EER performance of the fingerprint texture descriptors on
error correction capacity. However, increasing this capacity will
the FVC2000 DB2a dataset for FingerCode, LBP8, LBP16, LBP24,
also increase the FAR.
LBPu2, LBPri, and LDP are 10.96%, 22.79%, 19.54%, 24.6%, 22.88%,
The Hamming distance distribution curves for genuine and
29.56%, and 15.95%, respectively.
impostor comparisons based on discretized fingerprint texture
descriptors are shown in Fig. 10. From these distance distribution
5.3. Performance of the biometric cryptosystem constructed using BCH curves, it is clear that genuine and impostor distances have an
code overlap only when the Hamming distance is greater than 100.
The error correction capacity (parameter t) of the selected BCH
In this section, we provide the results of the proposed biometric codes is less than 100 (see Table 1). Therefore, none of the key gen-
cryptosystem constructed using a BCH code for the FVC2000 DB2a eration attempts for the impostor can be successful, resulting in a
fingerprint image database. zero FAR. Note that the Hamming distance distribution for genuine
BCH codes do not exist for all triplets (n, k, t), and we choose and impostor comparisons behaves similarly for other fingerprint
from the list of possible BCH codes for block lengths of n = 255 features (Fig. 10).
Fig. 11 shows the dependence of the GAR from the key length
for BCH codes with n = 255 using single and fused fingerprint
As might be expected from the EER performance of a biometric
system without template protection (Fig. 9), the best performance
is from an FCS based on FingerCode and LDP. Among the LBP-
based fingerprint features, the best performance was achieved
by LBPu2 and LBP24. The BCH (255, 47, 42)-code can correct about
16.5% of the bit errors, resulting in almost all of the selected
features being able to generate a key with a length of k = 47
and a GAR of above 90%. The error-correcting capacity of the
BCH code with n = 255 is low. With an increase in the key length,
the error-correcting capacity decreases and consequently, GAR
falls very quickly.
The fusion of reliable bits from two fingerprint features allows a
significant increase in the key length at an acceptable GAR for BCH
codes with n = 255. For example, the fusion of discretized features
allows a key with a length of 80 bits to be generated with a GAR of
Fig. 9. Matching performance of the fingerprint texture features based on FVC2000 90–92% for all combinations of fused features. The FingerCode-
DB2a. LBPu2, FingerCode-LDP, and FingerCode-LBPri combinations
Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901 1897

Fig. 10. Distribution of Hamming distances for the discretized fingerprint texture descriptors.

Fig. 11. GAR performance of the proposed biometric cryptosystem using fingerprint texture features and BCH codes with a block length of n = 255.

achieve high performances in comparison with the other feature 5.4. Performance of the biometric cryptosystem constructed using
combinations. LDPC codes
Fig. 12 shows the dependence of the GAR based on the key
length for a BCH code of n = 511 using single and fused fingerprint Let LDPC (n, k) represent an LDPC code with block length n and
features. The error-correcting capacity of this code is high, and is information bit length k. For the LDPC, we also conducted experi-
more than 21% as a worst case (Table 1). Among single fingerprint ments with block lengths of n = 255 and n = 511. We chose an LDPC
features, LBPu2 feature achieves the best performance, as this fea- with a code parameter k of within 50 to 120 in steps of 5 or 10 for
ture is more stable and more accurately reflects the micro-textural n = 255. For a block length of n = 511, an LDPC with an information
elements of fingerprint images. bit length k of within 60 to 140 in steps of 5 or 10 was chosen.
The fusion of two fingerprint features allows keys with a length Based on the selected parameters, the code rate varies within the
of 80 bits to be obtained with a GAR of 92–94% for all combinations range of 0.13–0.27. Irregular parity-check matrices for the experi-
of fused features. The FingerCode-LBPu2, FingerCode-LBP24 and ments were generated using the PEG algorithm3.
FingerCode-LBPri combinations achieve a high performance in
comparison with the other feature combinations within the range
of 50–80 bits. The FingerCode-LBPu2 fusion can also generate 100- 3
The PEG C++ code is available at
bit keys with a GAR of 89%.
1898 Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901

Fig. 12. GAR performance of the proposed biometric cryptosystem using fingerprint texture features and BCH codes with a block length of n = 511.

Fig. 13. GAR performance of the proposed biometric cryptosystem for LDPC codes with a block length of n = 255.

Fig. 13 shows the GAR performance of an FCS implementation 5.5. Performance comparison with other biometric cryptosystems
using single and fused fingerprint features for an LDPC code with
n = 255. The error-correcting capacity of the LDPC code is higher The best-known biometric cryptosystem for a texture-based
than a BCH code with the same block length. The GAR performance fingerprint representation was proposed by Tuyls et al. (2005).
of single features for an LDPC code with a block length of n = 255 is Their system uses two types of feature vectors for fingerprint
similar to a BCH code with a block length of n = 255, while Finger- images: (1) a squared directional field and (2) four complex Gabor
Code, LDP and LBPu2 features achieve a higher performance. filter responses of the fingerprint. The resulting feature vector was
The GAR performance of an FCS using fingerprint texture fea- formed through concatenation of these feature vectors, and it con-
tures for an LDPC code with n = 511 is shown in Fig. 14. The LBP sists of 1536 elements. A static one-bit discretization scheme with
features, with the exception of LBPu2, have a lower GAR perfor- reliable bit detection was used for feature discretization. The reli-
mance for the selected LDPC codes. The FingerCode-LBPu2 combi- able bits are chosen based on the training-bit statistics and sig-
nation has the best GAR performance. This fusion allows 120-bit nal-to-noise ratio. For the performance test, one public-domain
keys to be generated with a GAR of about 92%. This is the best- database (FVC2000 DB2a) and one non-public domain database
known result for a fingerprint-based FCS implementation. were used. Six fingerprints per person were used during the
Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901 1899

Fig. 14. GAR performance of the proposed biometric cryptosystem for LDPC codes with a block length of n = 511.

Table 2
Performance comparison of the proposed biometric cryptosystems with similar systems from Tuyls et al. (2005).

BCH(n, k, t) Tuyls et al. (2005), Fig. 5 FCode-LBPu2 FCode-LDP LBPu2-LDP

GAR (%) FAR (%) GAR (%) FAR (%) GAR (%) FAR (%) GAR (%) FAR (%)
(511, 85, 63) 90.1 2.5 90.4 0.0 87.3 0.0 88.0 0.0
(511, 76, 85) 94.6 5.2 95.3 0.0 94.7 0.0 94.1 0.0
(511, 67, 87) 94.8 5.5 95.7 0.0 95.0 0.0 94.7 0.0

Table 3 other systems in terms of the key size, FRR, and FAR, except for a
Comparison between the proposed and other biometric cryptosystems. cryptosystem based on IrisCode (Hao et al., 2006).
Method Modality Key size (bits) GAR (%) FAR(%) In Table 3, the proposed biometric cryptosystem with a key
Hao et al. (2006) Iris 140 99.53 0.0
length of k = 76 is constructed based on a fusion of the discretized
Zhou (2007) Face 107 99.6 12.0 fingerprint text descriptors FingerCode and LBPu2, or FingerCode
Maiorana (2010) Signature 29 93.05 6.95 and LBPri, and for error correction, a BCH (511, 76, 85)-code was
Nandakumar (2007) Fingerprint 40 99.98 17.5 used. The proposed biometric cryptosystem with key lengths of
Arakala et al. (2007) Fingerprint 34 85.0 15.0
k = 100, 120, and 140, was constructed based on a fusion of the dis-
Li et al. (2012) Fingerprint 50 95.15 0.0
Tuyls et al. (2005) Fingerprint 76 94.6 5.2 cretized texture descriptors FingerCode and LBPu2, and using the
Proposed Fingerprint 76 95.3 0.0 LDPC (511, 100), LDPC (511, 120), and LDPC (511, 140) codes. Note
100 92.67 0.0 that the fusion of the discretized fingerprint texture descriptors,
120 92.0 0.0
FingerCode and LDP, also allows a biometric cryptosystem with
140 89.33 0.0
key length of k = 100 to be built at the same GAR (see Fig. 14(b)).

enrollment, and two fingerprints per person were used for verifica- 6. Conclusions
tion. As the ECC, a binary BCH code with a block length of n = 511
was used for the FVC2000 DB2a database. In this paper, we proposed an effective biometric cryptosystem
Table 2 compares the performance of the proposed biometric construction for biometric template protection using a number of
cryptosystem with the biometric cryptosystem for fingerprints discretized fingerprint texture descriptors and appropriate error-
from Tuyls et al. (2005). This biometric cryptosystem achieves correcting codes. Although fingerprint texture descriptors provide
the best performance in terms of the key length and verification a fixed-length fingerprint feature vector, their moderate discrimi-
performance of fingerprint cryptosystems. The fusion of a discret- natory power does not allow a biometric cryptosystem to be
ized FingerCode with LBPu2 and LDP texture descriptors using the implemented using a single texture descriptor. Fusion the most
proposed biometric cryptosystem achieves a slightly better perfor- reliable bits from different discretized fingerprint representations
mance than that in Tuyls et al. (2005). and using LDPC codes with good error correcting capacity allows
Table 3 compares the performance of the proposed biometric an FCS with a state-of-the-art cryptographic key length and verifi-
cryptosystem with other biometric cryptosystems found in the lit- cation performance to be implemented. The ability of LDPC codes
erature. The proposed biometric cryptosystem outperforms the to process large blocks may be promising for future developments
1900 Y. Imamverdiyev et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2013) 1888–1901

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the 6th ACM conference on computer and communications security (CCS ’99) (pp.
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Acknowledgments commitment scheme. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,
6(1), 107–121.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation Kelkboom, E. J. C., Molina, G. G., Breebaart, J., Veldhuis, R. N. J., Kevenaar, T. A. M., &
Jonker, W. (2010). Binary biometrics: An analytic framework to estimate
of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST). the performance curves under Gaussian assumption. IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 40(3),
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