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Azure cloud services: A

complete detail
Whenever someone asks questions about Azure, then the right answer is that “It is a cloud computing
platform for business matters that require an eye of detail.” Generally, it provides everything that a
business requires to manage the operations---which usually includes servers, databases, storage,
networking, analytics, and much more.

The old traditional way of managing business operation requires hardware for computing, which is rather
cost consuming. But now, with the Azure platform, businesses can use the system on rented equipment.
And it solved the hardware management problem for businesses. As a matter of fact, Azure
revolutionized the operations of massive companies.

Almost all modern businesses are choosing cloud computing platforms and rented data centers because
it is cost-effective and brings fewer problems.

Who uses the Azure Platform?

Public cloud space has a value that is considered by all businesses. That’s why 85% of Fortune 500
companies use it. Businesses of all sizes can streamline its operation with the introduction of Azure cloud
computing. The Azure platform removes all hardware problems, and it eliminates the task of upgrade
and maintenance. The computing resources are hard to manage, but Azure makes it simpler and more

Where does Azure store the data?

Your data is not stored in your physical hardware, but it is stored in a data center. Microsoft runs more
than 100 data centers in 36 regions. Azure takes your data and uploads it to cloud storage.
Security of data in the Azure platform

Cloud storage is perfectly secured, and you can monitor the data. Azure Security Center allows you to
view your data and erase threats. It regularly updates you on vulnerabilities.

Microsoft Azure Features

All features are not possible to mention in one article. That’s why we are mentioning a few features.

Disaster recovery

With the Azure platform, companies can recover from a disaster in minimum time. That’s why there will
be minimum downtime and maximum productivity of the business system related to big data.

Azure provides the following access.

 Multiple data centers for data storage

 Azure site recovery
 Azure traffic manager
 3X data replication


The Azure platform provides elastic resources management. The company can monitor the utilization of
resources. And it results in the effective management of business and uptime of the site. The analytic
tool gives the detail of the computing environment, and the site manager can adjust the computing
environment according to the resources.

September 2019
Developmental tools

Azure makes development super easy and affordable. The company does not have to pay for the
hardware and software. Azure provides developmental tools and resources, which cut down higher costs
and bring productivity in every developmental operation.

There are many templates and tools are available on the Azure platform. Azure DevOps is always ready
for developers. The features of Azure DevOps include the following.

 Microsoft’s visual studio team services

 Integration of traditional DevOps tools
 Azure DevTest Labs

These three facilities of Azure provides a super productive development environment, which is beneficial
for business. And it saves time and effort.

Cost efficiency

The greatest benefit of Azure is cost-efficiency. The following reasons make Azure practical in terms of

 Companies do not have to purchase the hardware of software tools. And that makes the initial
investment very low. With cloud computing, companies eliminate the need for hardware,
replacement hardware, and premium software tools.
 The cost of service calls and warranty renewals are no longer present in the company’s system.
 The companies only have to pay for the required resources. The Azure pricing system charges
only for used resources. If a component is not used, then there will be no cost in the bill.

September 2019
Easy access to resources

The Azure cloud platform provides access to the resources, which is not possible for on-premises data
centers. New companies want to incorporate machine learning and automation in their data computing.
With Azure, now companies can integrate the capabilities in their system. And there is no data science
expertise required to use the capabilities.

The Linux server setup takes several hours to few days to complete. But with the Azure platform,
companies can set up a Linux server in a few minutes. No other system can provide such productivity.

What is API?

API is the application programming interface. API works as the intermediary software between two
applications. It serves the purpose of communication between two applications. Due to an API, two
applications can talk to each other and send messages. You can API the messenger of applications.

How API works?

API connects with the application and receives the message in the form of an order. Then API delivers
the request to other applications. After that, the other application sends a response. The API receives
the response and carry it back to the first application. That’s how API performs between two applications.
In a real-world scenario, API receives dozens of messages and delivers plenty of messages within a
moment. An API is a necessary part. Without it, a network does not work.

September 2019
Types of APIs

There are many types of API. For example, Java APIs, which serve in Java programing language. And
there are also numerous Web APIs. Some cases are SOAP (system object access protocol), RPC
(remote procedure call), and REST (representational state transfer).

There are more than 1500 publically available APIs. And companies also use private APIs.

What is the Azure API Apps?

Azure API apps give platforms to use, create, and host on the cloud by using premises infrastructure.
These apps provide API based applications, software accessibility, connectivity to SaaS, and central API
management platform.

How is the Azure API used?

Azure API apps are built for developers, publishers, and vendors. And these apps provide the means to
create, publish, and use the Web API and software.

Azure API apps can be used as:

 SaaS connectivity--- it provides the SaaS publishers to publish and consume their set of API

September 2019
 Integration with other apps---businesses can use Web apps, Azure logic apps, and mobile apps.
 To automate the management of APIs.
 To automate the generation of software development kits in different languages such as C++,
Java, JavaScript, etc.

How do I use Azure API?

You need to follow the steps.

 You need to sign-in on the Azure portal.

 Then you need to select “all services.”
 After that, you need to search for API management in the search box.
 Then you need to select the API management in the search box.
 Then you can select the API management service.

If you want to import or publish a back-end API, then you need to follow these steps.

 Go to the Azure portal.

 Then sign-in to your account.
 Then you need to select APIs from API management.
 Then you need to select “open API specification.”
 There will be a pop-up in the window.
 You need to select “Full” from the pop-up window.
 You can select the API value from the settings.
 The red star will tell you the fields that need to be filled up.
 By filling the field, you have completed the process.
 Then publish the API by submitting.

September 2019
Working with Azure API management

You need to follow the steps.

 First, you must create an instance of API management

 So you need to log-in to the Azure management portal.
 Click the new tab.
 Then click app services.
 After that, you need to click app management.
 Then you need to click create.
 Then type the sub-domain name in the URL box.
 Then choose the subscription and region and click next.
 Then you need to enter the organization name and email id.
 Then you need to choose the API management service instance.
 You can choose a standard, developer, or premium.
 Then you need to click create on API management services.
 Then you need to click manage at the bottom of the screen.
 To create your first API, you need to click APIs in the API management menu.
 There will be six tabs in the API section. So you can choose the operation.

How to add an operation?

Follow these steps.

 Click the operation tab.

 The tab will be empty.
 Then you need to click “add operation.”
 The resources will show up on the screen.

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 Add your first API resource in the API management portal.
 This way, you can add any operation and resource to API management.

Final words to end the article

Microsoft Azure is the latest and most resourceful platform for any business. It provides every kind
of computing management. Azure has proven its value in recent years, and it is growing and
progressing towards maximum productivity. The future will witness new services and products. And
Azure will continue to bring solutions in the business world. Until now, Azure has cut down the
hardware cost, human resource cost, and maintenance cost. Now companies do not feel the need
for premises hardware.

If you are a business that needs to manage a lot of data, then you must use the Azure platform. It
will make your business disaster-proof, and you can manage the business computing without errors.
Azure can be the only platform you will ever need. And it’s true.

September 2019

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