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Christianity  Betrayed by disciple Judas

What is Christianity?  Put on trial for being a revolutionary & a

political threat to Roman and Jewish authorities
 A diverse, 2000 year old religion
 Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate
 Followed by almost 1/3 of the world’s
population – condemned and put to death by means
of crucifixion
– 2.1 billion
 The following Sunday, He appeared to his
 Based on the life, teachings, death and
followers as a triumph over death
resurrection of Jesus
– Later ascended into Heaven
– Believed to be the Christ (messiah,
savior) by his followers (thus called List of the Twelve Apostles as identified by the
“Christians”) Bible

– Yehoshua/Joshua/Yosef (Jesus, son of

Joseph) Acts of
Gospel of
Gospel of Matthew the
The Historical Jesus Apostles
James ("son of
 Born, lived, and died a Jew in the first century in James James
Roman occupied Palestine
Thaddaeus (or Judas son
– Nazareth Thaddaeus
"Lebbaeus") of James
 Knowledge of Him based on New Testament Simon
Simon ("the Simon ("the
– Little is known of childhood Canaanite") Cananaean")
 Baptized at age 30 by John (“the Baptist”) (Judas
Judas replaced
– Blessed by Holy Spirit as He came out of Judas Iscariot
Iscariot by
water Matthias)
12 Disciples
– “thou art my beloved Son, with thee I
am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11) Peter Thomas

Jesus’ History, continued James Philip

 Then began a mission of preaching, teaching, John Judas

and healing as an itinerant teacher
Bartholomew or Nathanael Andrew
 Had a following of 12 primary disciples
James, the Lesser or Younger
– Countless multitudes attracted by his
miracles and words of wisdom Jude or Thaddeus

Jesus’ Death Matthew or Levi

 Jesus claimed that he spoke with the authority Simon the Zealot
of God
Jesus’ Teachings – Code of Canon Law

 Focused on the kingdom of God  Eastern Orthodox

– Standards of human conduct – 217 million

– Merciful God—how people should treat  Protestant

each otherGolden Rule
– 365 million
– Personal God --“Our Father”
Roman Catholicism
 Used stories and parables to teach
 Pope is supreme spiritual leader and Vatican
 Known as miracle worker and faith healer head of state

 Religious and social reformer – Vatican City is an independent country

surrounded by Rome
– Accepted a variety of people
– St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Peter’s Square
– Go above and beyond the letter of the
law  First pope was Leo I (officially), or St. Peter

 Preached forgiveness of sin over punishment Orthodoxy

for sin
 Literally means “right teaching or right worship”
– Turn the other cheek
– Derived from two Greek words: orthos
History of Christianity (right) and doxa (teaching or worship)

 Jesus’ work was continued after resurrection by  Followers believe that there were false
St. Paul and St. Peter teachings and divisions in early Christian times

– Established churches throughout – Threatened the identity and purity of

Europe the Church

 Church remained small and persecuted – Followers believe the Orthodox

Church carefully guards the truth
– Roman Emperors Nero, Domitian, against all error and schism
 Believe in saint worship, Eucharist, confession
 Constantine promoted Christianity of sins, baptism
– Became official religion of Rome Protestantism
 Great Schism, 1054  Movement from 16th century “Reformation”
– Split western (Roman Catholic church)
– To reform the (Catholic) church
and eastern (Orthodox church)
• Corruption, leadership,
Major Divisions authority, etc.
 Roman Catholic – Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox
– 1.1 billion – Brought to America in various forms
 Usually recognize only 2 sacraments of
baptism and communion

– 7 in Catholicism

– No saints, no rosary, no pope, etc.


 Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible)

 New Testament (written after Jesus’ death, by

his followers, during the first century; not
canonized until the 4th century)

– Four gospels (“good words”) about the

birth, life, teaching, acts, death, and
resurrection of Jesus. Written by Mark,
Matthew, Luke & John
Beliefs and Customs
– The Book of Acts of the apostles –
 Baptism: outward sign of commitment to Jesus
earliest history of the developing
church  Eucharist (communion): symbolic meal of Jesus’
last meal with disciples; taken in thanks and
– Epistles (“letters”) of Paul addressed to
the churches they founded and led
throughout the Mediterranean  Trinity: belief in God as the Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost; not 3 different gods
– The Book of Revelation – of John - a
vision of the end of time, or the  Saints: celebrated people who led good lives,
Apocalypse. often associated with miracles

The Holy Trinity Other Beliefs

 Original sin: all humanity is inherently

separated from God

 The sacrifice of Jesus – a sinless representative

of humanity (a “scapegoat”) - as the ultimate
atonement for the sins of humanity

 Heaven and Hell:

– Eternal life for those who are “saved

by the blood of the lamb (Jesus)”

– Eternal damnation for those who are

not so saved

Problem for Humans

 Damnation
– New covenant based on Christ needed • Easter Sunday (celebrating the
to atone for Adam’s sins resurrection)

– Efforts and good deeds alone cannot  Pentecost: the 50th day (seven weeks) after
save you; you must have faith in Christ Easter (commemorates the coming of the Holy
Spirit upon the apostles)
 Ecumenism
Protestant Groups
– Use of Contraceptives
 Lutheran
– Homosexuality
 Church of England, Anglican, Episcopal
– Same sex marriage
 Presbyterian, Congregational
Christian Holy Days
 Baptist
Two major seasons in the Christian calendar:
 Methodist
 Christmas – celebrating the birth of Jesus
 Latter Day Saints (Mormons)
 Easter – commemorating the resurrection of
Christ  Pentecostal

 Christmas:  Shaker

– Advent (four weeks leading up to  Mennonite

Christmas day)
 Amish
– Christmas Day (December 25 ) th

 Quaker
– Epiphany (the “twelfth day of
 Separatists

More Christian Holy Days  Brethren (Puritan)

 Easter: (early spring, date varies)  Christian Scientist

– Ash Wednesday and Lent (40 days  Jehovah’s Witness

before Easter, a period of sacrifice and  Seventh Day Adventist
spiritual renewal in preparation for
Easter)  Unification Church

– Holy Week including: Parables

• Palm Sunday (Jesus’  Is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate

triumphant entry into or teach some truth, religious principle, or
Jerusalem) moral lesson.

• Maundy Thursday (communion  a statement or comment that conveys

meal/Last Supper) a meaning indirectly by the use of comparison,
analogy, or the like.
• Good Friday (Jesus’ Passion
and crucifixion) Parables of Jesus
1. Parable of the Sower - Matthew 13:3-8 we seek: Show us the straight way. The way of those
on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose
2. Parable of the Weeds - Matthew 13:24-30 portion is not wrath and who go not astray.”
3. Parable of the Mustard Seed - Matthew 13:31-
Basic Facts of Islam
 Islam is the third in succession
4. Parable of the Pearl - Matthew 13:45-46 of the three great monotheistic
5. Parable of the Fishing Net - Matthew 13:47-50 faiths born in the Middle East (Judaism,
Christianity, Islam)
6. Parable of the Unmerciful Servant - Matthew
18:23-35  Islam is the second largest religion in world
(1.2 billion adherents)
7. Wise and Faithful Servants - Matthew 24:45-51
 There is an estimated 650 000 Muslims living in
8. Parable of the Wedding Feast -Matthew 22:1- Canada
 Islam is the fastest growing religion in the
9. Parable of the Growing Seed - Mark 4:26-29 world

10. Forgiven Debts - Luke 7:36-50 Islam Terms

11. Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37  Islam: an Arabic word that means “submitting
to God” and “peace”
12. Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12:16-21
 Muslim: a person who follows the teachings of
13. Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:3-7
Islam and “submits to God and finds peace in
14. Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - Him”. All creation is Muslim.

15. Parable of the Lost Son - Luke 15:11-32  Shahadah: “There is no god but God and
Muhammad is the Messenger of God”.
16. Parable of the Shrewd Manager - Luke 16:1-12
 Allah: Arabic name for God. It is preferred
17. Parable of the Persistent Widow - Luke 18: 1-8 over other names because it has no gender
affiliation and does not have plurality
18. Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector -
Luke 18:9-14 Beliefs

19. Parable of the Good Shepherd - John 10: 1-5 1. Belief in only One God. He is defined as Eternal,
and 11 Absolute, Infinite, Compassionate and Merciful, the
sole Creator and Provider.
20. Parable of the Talents -Matthew 25:14-25:30
2. Engage only in Righteous Actions in all areas:
spiritual, intellectual and physical activity.
al-Fatihah (The Opening)
3. All God’s creation is “Muslim”. Only humans are
Qur’an 1: 1-7
given CHOICE to submit (be Muslim) or reject
“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful. submission to God’s will.
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the
4. All children are born without sin and are Muslim.
Worlds. Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Master of the
As they grow older, they make their religious CHOICE.
Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship and Thine aid
5. God created human beings with a body and soul. Fasting
The body is a temporal host for this life, whereas the
soul is eternal. It is the soul that will survive beyond  month of Ramadan (ninth month of lunar year)
death. to test the spirit, discipline the will and remind
of the hungry and poor
6. Universality of the call. All Muslims are brothers
and equals without any distinction of class, race or  Numerous important events took place during
tongue. Superiority is only based on the greater fear Ramadan (first revelation in 610 CE, flight to
of God and greater piety. Mecca in 622 CE, victory in 624 CE)

 Ramadan ends with Eid al-Fitr (period of

spiritual and moral renewal)


 Muslim place of worship Muslims come

together in a mosque for prayers at midday on
Friday (Muslim Holy Day)

 MIHRAB= small arch or hole in wall indicates

the direction of the Ka’bah in Mecca

 MINARET= high tower or dome from which a

muezzin calls the faithful to prayer

 WUDU= cleansing process before prayer


 IMAM= chief officer in the mosque who leads



 Holy book of Islam which means “recitation”

 Records the revealed word of God that came

through Angel Gabriel to Muhammad over 23

 Muhammad dictated revelations to scribes and

companions who memorized passages

 It is the only revealed book that has remained

intact and unchanged since its revelation (oral
Practices tradition)

Prayer  Principle source of Muslim faith and practice

 worshippers line up in rows and  Children learn to memorize the Qur’an as a

enact ritual in unison (prostration) child

 Friday midday prayers at mosque

 Divided into 114 suras (chapters); longest  Muslims believe in the Second Coming of Jesus
chapter has 286 verses, the shortest has 3 before the end of time
verses; approximately 78 000 words in length
Islam and War
 Like Christianity, Islam permits
 Ka’bah- cube shaped building that was built by fighting in self defense, in defense
Abraham to honour God of religion, or on the part of those who have
been expelled forcibly from their homes
 Viewed as Adam’s original place of worship
 Strict rules for combat, which includes
 Was filled with idols as people in Arabia prohibitions against harming civilians and
followed polytheism against destroying crops, trees and livestock.
 Muhammad- received revelations that led to Day of Judgment
Islam and monotheism (and removal of idols)
 All humans will be bodily
 Site of hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca resurrected and assembled
Muhammad for final accounting of deeds

 SEAL of the Prophets (last in a line of 28  Soul will move on to afterlife

Prophets who all preached the religion of Islam)  Upon the Final Judgment = world will end and
 Born in 570 CE we will stand before God to confront our own
life and actions
 Each succeeding Prophet added or improved
upon the cumulative message of Islam  Desire for purified soul= heaven (eternal
abode of beauty and majesty)
 Through Muhammand (PBUH), the message of
Islam was completed and is preserved intact in  Disbelievers and unpure soul= hell (abode of
the Qur’an great torment and anguish)

 In 622 CE, hijrah (migration) where Jihad

Muhammad moved from Mecca to Madinah  Jihad does not mean “holy war”
(marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar)
 Literally, jihad means to strive, struggle and
 Islam spread to Arabia, Spain and as far East as exert effort.
 Concept includes struggle against evil
Other Prophets inclinations within oneself, struggle to improve
 These Prophets are regarded as most quality of life in society, struggle in the
significant: Muhammad, Moses, Abraham and battlefield for self defense or fighting against
Noah tyranny or oppression

 Jesus is highly respected and considered as a  There is no such thing as “holy war” in Islam,
great prophet by Muslims but it is the frequent repetition in the West
that many people accept it as if it were a fact
 Qur’an re-affirms the miraculous birth and
abilities of Jesus Women’s Rights
 According to Qur’an, men and women are
equal before God

 Under Islamic law, women have the right to

own property, receive an education and take
part in community life

 Islamic rules for simple, modest and dignified

dress applies to women and men equally

 In many Muslim countries there are cultural

practices that are inconsistent and contrary to
the authentic teachings of Islam

Islam: Controversial Issues  Founder: Abraham

 Polygamy  Formed: 2000 BCE
 Jihad vs. Holy War  Where: Canaan
 Hijab : liberation or suppression  God: Yahweh
 Muhammad Cartoons: freedom of speech vs Sacred Text
freedom of religion
 Torah
 Appeal of Suicide Bombers
 Poetry
 Afghanistan's Taliban
 Prophets
 War on Islam
 Talmud

Origin of  Mishnah
 Torah “The teaching/the Law”
According to most historians, Judaism began around
2000 BC when Abraham made divine covenant with - the most significant text.
God. Because of this, Abraham is considered to be the
Father of the Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity  First 5 books of Moses
and Islam).
 The whole Jewish Bible (Old
Judaism testament/Tanakh)

 A monotheistic religion.  The whole body of Jewish law

and teachings.
 The religious faith and set of practices shared
by Jewish people. Important Texts

Canaan  Tanakh (called the Old Testament by Christians)

– The Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,

Numbers and Deuteronomy)

 “Teaching or Instruction”
– The Nevi’im (Joshua thru Malachilsaiah) The Prophets

– The Ketuvim (Psalms thru Chronicles)  Navi or Niv Sefatayim

– Books of history, - meaning “Fruit of the lips”

prophecy, poetry and
etc.  Refers not just to the ability to see the future
but more than just a person with the gift of
Torah prophecy “spokesman for God”

 Bereishith- Genesis Prophets of Israel in Jewish scripture (55)

 Shemoth- Exodus  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joshua,

Pinchas, Elkanah, Eli, Samuel, David, Solomon,
 Vayiqra- Leviticus Hosea, Elijah, Isiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
 Bamidbar- Numbers Zechariah, Sarah, Meriam, Deborah, Hannah,
 Devarim- Deuteronomy
Important Texts
Nevi’im (The Prophets)
 The Talmud -a collection of writings (stories,
 Yehoshua (Joshua) laws, medical knowledge and so on)

 Shoftim (Judges) – “Learning or Study”

 Shmuel (I&II Samuel)  The Mishnah (1st major written ‘Redaction’)

 Melakhim (I&II Kings)  The Gemara (a HUGE collection of sayings from

 Yeshayah (Isiah)
Talmud (Shas)
 Yirmyah (Jeremiah)
6 parts into which the Mishnah is devided:
 Yechezqel (Ezekiel)
 Zera’im (seeds)
Kethuvim (The Writings)
 Mo’ed (Festivals)
 Tehillim (Psalms)
 Nashim (Women)
 Mishlei (Proverbs)
 Nezikin (Damages)
 Iyov (Job)
 Kodashim (Holy things)
 Shir Ha- Shirim (Song of songs)
 Toharot (Purities)
 Ruth
Basic Jewish Beliefs
 Eikhah (Lamentations)
 God exists.
 Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes)
 God is one and unique.
 Esther
 God is incorporeal.
 Daniel
 God is eternal.  Blood must be drained from the meat or
broiled out of it before it is eaten .
 Prayer is to be directed to God alone and to no
other.  Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be
eaten with either meat or dairy.
 The words of the prophets are true.
 Utensils that have come into contact with
 Moses was the greatest of the prophets and meat may not be used with dairy, and vice
his prophecies are true.
Basic Jewish Beliefs cont.  Anything in the water that has fins and scales
 The Torah was given to Moses. is acceptable. This therefore excludes shellfish
such as lobsters, oysters, shrimp, clams and
 There will be no other Torah. crabs, all of which are forbidden.

 God knows the thoughts and deeds of men.  Rodents, reptiles, amphibians, and insects are
all forbidden.
 God will reward the good and punish the
wicked. The Rabbi

 The Messiah will come.  Earned by passing extensive examinations on

the Torah and Talmud.
 The dead will be resurrected.
 Study at a yeshiva, or holy school, like a
seminary program.

 He is not required to wear a particular uniform,

and he can dress just like any other Jew.

 Permitted to Marry.

 May have children.

 Neighborhood counselor.

 Inspire community members to become better


All people of the Jewish faith worship on Saturday,

Synagogues follow
strict discipline…the laws set forth in the Torah,
 Synagogues are led by Rabbis (teachers well
regular attendance at Synagogue.
educated in Jewish law and thought)
Passage into Adulthood
 Temples…the temple is in Jerusalem.
 Children are ushered into adulthood with a big
 The temple was the only place a sacrifice could
be administered.
– usually around age 13
Kosher Practices
 Bar Mitzvah for boys
 Specific Dietary Practices
 Bat Mitzvah for girls
Important Jewish Holidays:

 Passover – Celebrates the birth of the Jewish


 Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year

 Yom Kippur – Day of Atonaement," is the

holiest day of the Jewish year

 Sukkoth – Harvest festival

 Hanukkah – Rededication of the holy temple in

Jerusalem after a military victory

 Purim – Queen Esther saved the Jews of Persia

from annihilation.

 Shavout – Commemorates the giving of the

Ten Commandments to the Jewish People on
Mount Sinai.

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