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Answer Key

1. Networking
Exercise Time
A. 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) and (b) 5. (a)
B. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False
C. 1. WAN: Network which spreads over countries is called Wide Area Network (WAN). WAN is a
group of computers which can be separated by large distances and still tied together. It can
even be a group of LANs that spread across several locations and are connected together like
a big LAN.
2. Server: In a network, all the data, files, software, etc. which can be shared remain on a server.
Each server has a unique name on the network. All users of the network identify the server by
its unique name. A server is a computer that responds to the request of users and facilitates
sharing of hardware and software peripherals on the network.
3. Workstation: Computers that are connected to a network and share all the resources of the
network are called workstations. These are also referred to as nodes.
4. Ring topology: Each node in a ring topology is connected to two and only two nodes. This is
also called circular topology. Data transmitted from one of the nodes is passed to other node.
Therefore, the data travels in one direction only from node to node around a ring.
5. ARPANET: Networking started evolving way back in 1960 by the development of the first
network ARPANET, which led to the development of Internet. The seed of networking was
planted in 1969 when the U.S. Department of Defence sponsored a project named Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET).The goal of this network was to connect
computers at different universities and U.S. Defence Services.
D. 1. When a number of computers are interconnected, it is called a computer network. It may
be defined as a group of computers and related interconnected devices to share data and
Students are expected to do the rest on their own.
Star Topology Ring Topology
Star topology has a central computer, Each node in a ring topology is connected
i.e., server to which all the workstations to two and only two nodes. This is also
are connected using point to point called circular topology.
It is the topology used in the most existing Data transmitted from one of the nodes is
networks. It is easy to configure star passed to other node. Therefore, the data
topology. travels in one direction only from node to
node around a ring.
Nodes can be added easily in the existing Transmission of data on a ring goes
network and if a node fails to work, it through every connected node, if any
can be detached easily. However, if the node fails to pass through data itself, the
server or control node fails, then the entire entire network will fail and the detection
network stops functioning. of the faulty node will become difficult.

3. A network card is also called LAN card or Ethernet card. It is required for connecting a
computer to network. Nowadays, it is inbuilt on the motherboard.
4. The physical arrangement of nodes in a network is called topology. The arrangement of
hardware may be physical while flow of information within a network may be logical.
The networking topologies are as follows.
• Point-to-Point Topology
• Star Topology
• Bus Topology
• Ring Topology
• Tree Topology
• Mesh Topology
5. Follow these steps to access a file from a shared drive.
• Double-click on This PC icon on the desktop. A window appears showing the drives on
your PC.
• Double-click on the Network icon on the left side pane. A Network window appears
displaying a list of shared drives.
• Select the desired shared drive and find the required file on that drive.
• To copy the file, right-click on it and select the Copy option from the ‘Shortcut’ menu.
• Now, select This PC icon on the left side pane. Click on the drive ‘Local Disk (E:)’ where you
want to place the copied file.
• Right-click anywhere in the window that appears and select the Paste option.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do on their own.
Activity Corner
1↓ I
N 3↓
2→ B L U E T O O T H
4→ N E T W O R K
R P M 5↓
F 6→ N O D E S
A L 7→ S E R V E R


Bus Topology Star Topology Mesh Topology

Ring Topology Tree Topology

• Bus topology is also called linear topology. It has a single length of transmission medium, i.e.,
cable. Various nodes are attached to this cable. This central cable acts as the backbone of the
network. Data is transmitted only in one direction.
• Star topology has a central computer, i.e., server to which all the workstations are connected
using point to point connection.
• In a mesh topology, each node is connected to more than two nodes to provide an alternative
in case the host is down or busy.
• Each node in a ring topology is connected to two and only two nodes. This is also called
circular topology. Data transmitted from one of the nodes is passed to other node. Therefore,
the data travels in one direction only from node to node around a ring.
• Tree topology is a variation of bus topology. The shape of this network is like an inverted tree.
Transmission of data in a tree topology will be in the same manner as the bus topology.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Think and Answer (page 18)

1. (a) Storyboard 2. Audio files
Exercise Time
A. 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a)
B. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False
C. 1. Windows Movie Maker 2. My Album
3. Transition 4. Transition
5. Audio files
D. 1. Follow these steps to add photos and videos.
• Click on the Import Files option
• An ‘Import Media Files’ dialog box appears. Select the image or video. You can also select
multiple images using the Ctrl key.
• Click on the Open button.
• All images will appear on the storyboard. Click on the Play button on the ‘Preview Pane’ to
preview a movie.
2. Follow these steps to add audio files.
• Click on the MUSIC option on the timeline.
• Click on Load Music.
• ‘Add Audio Files’ dialog box appears. Select the file to be imported.
• Click on the Open button. An audio file gets imported.
• Select the audio file.
• Click on Apply to Timeline to add the audio file.
3. Follow these steps to add transitions.
• Add photos, videos to a timeline.
• Click on the TRANSITIONS option on the timeline.
• Select the desired transition.
• Click on Random to All to add transitions. Play the movie to observe the transition effect.
4. Follow these steps to add filters.
• Add videos and images to the timeline.
• Click on the FILTERS option on the timeline.
• Select the filter of your choice.
• Click on Apply to Timeline to add the filter. You can also drag the filter to timeline.
• Play the clip to observe the change.

5. Follow these steps to add overlays.
• Add videos and images to timeline.
• Click on the OVERLAYS option on the timeline.
• Select the type of overlay.
• Click on Apply to Timeline to add it. You can also drag the filter to timeline.

Play the clip to observe the change.
Follow these steps to add elements.
• Add images and videos to timeline.
• Click on the ELEMENTS option on the timeline.
• Select the element of your choice.
• Click on Apply to Timeline to add it. You can also drag it to timeline.
• Play the clip to observe the change.
E. 1. Following are the features of Windows Movie Maker.
• Easy to Use: It offers different file formats such as .WMY/, AFT, MPG (MPEG-1), .AVI (DV-AVI),
.WMA, .WAV and .MP3 which can be imported. Its files can be exported to many formats
like .MP$, .MP3, .MOV, .WMV and .AVI.
• Background Music: You can add background music to your videos with this software.
• Crop a Video: It is easy to edit a video with Windows Movie Maker. Crop and Zoom feature
helps to customise the screen of your video.
• Add Subtitles: Videos can be made clear and attractive with explanation of subtitles.
• Extracting Audio from Video: An important feature of this software is that the audio tracks
can be extracted from video tracks.
• Saving Projects Automatically: Movie Maker facilitates giving AutoSave option of projects
to avoid loss of data in case of unexpected situations.
• Availability of Online Library: The user can select and download appropriate audios
available at online music store of Movie Maker.
2. To add text-based information to the movie, titles and captions are used. Titles are added at
the starting of the movie and credits are added at the end of the movie.
3. Storyboard shows the transition and visual effects which are applied to the steps to make
videos. It is used to navigate through clips, split them as desired and arrange clips in sequence.
4. Follow these steps to export a movie.
• Click on the EXPORT option on the timeline.
• An ‘Export Setting’ dialog box appears.
• Give a name for a movie in the ‘Name’ box.
• Click on the icon on ‘Save to’ box to save a video in the selected folder.
• A ‘Select a folder’ dialog box appears. Select the folder or type a name in the ‘Folder’ box.
• Click on the Select Folder button.
• Click on Settings to add more details setting to your video.
• Click on the Export button.
• A dialog box appears showing the status of exporting.

5. Follow these steps to save a movie.
• Click on the FILE tab.
• Select the Save Project option.
• A ‘Save Project’ dialog box appears. Specify the desired name in the ‘File name’ box.
• Click on the Save button.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do on their own.
Activity Corner
A. 1. Win Movie Maker New
2. Music
3. Elements
4. Transitions
5. Text/Credit
B. Menu Bar Tabs

Quick Access Preview

Toolbar Pane

C. Students are expected to do this activity on their own.

3. Introduction to Access
Exercise Time
A. 1. tabular format 2. viewing, printing 3. particular field
4. Datasheet 5. UNIQUE, NULL
B. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False
C. 1. Database Management System (DBMS)
2. Flat File Database, Relational Database
3. Design View, Datasheet View
4. Tables group, Create tab
5. Ctrl + W
D. 1. Follow these steps to add a field in Design view.
• Open the table in the ‘Design’ view.
• Select the field above which you wish to add a new field.
• Select the Insert Rows option from the ‘Tools’ group on the ‘Design’ tab
• A new row will be inserted. Mention the name and data type for the field created.
2. Follow these steps to move a field.
• Open a table in the ‘Datasheet’ view.
• Select the field to be moved by clicking on its field header.
• Drag it to the desired location. As you drag the field, you will see a dark line. This indicates
the position where the selected field can be placed.
3. Follow these steps to hide a field.
• Open a table in the ‘Datasheet’ view.
• Select the field by clicking on its field header.
• Right-click on the selected field and select the Hide Fields option from the displayed menu.

The selected column will be hidden from the table.
Follow these steps to unhide a field.
• Open a table in the ‘Datasheet’ view.
• Select any field by clicking on its field header.
• Right-click on the field and select the Unhide Fields option from the displayed menu.
• An ‘Unhide Columns’ dialog box appears. It displays all the fields present in the table. The
field that is hidden is unchecked.
• Tick the checkbox and click on the Close button. The hidden field will be displayed.
4. Follow these steps to sort data.
• Select the field to be sorted by clicking on its header.
• Click on the drop-down arrow of the field header.
• Select any of the given options from the drop-down list: Sort Smallest to Largest or Sort
Largest to Smallest if the data is numeric. However, if the data is alphabetic, select Sort A to
Z or Sort Z to A. The data will be sorted as per the selection.

E. 1. A database is defined as an organised system to store and maintain data.
The structure of a database is as follows.
• Tables: Database files logically organised in the forms of rows and columns are called
tables. In a relational database terminology, the row of a table is called tuple (record) and
the column is called attribute (field). We enter the data in tables.
• Queries: The questions that are based on the data given in a database are called queries.
They allow you to extract data or information about the fields, records and summaries of
the table or database. Queries perform actions like addition, deletion and updation on the
• Forms: The input screens designed to simplify the data entry process are called forms. A
computer user generally prefers to enter data in a well-designed form, rather than a table.
• Reports: The layouts designed for viewing or printing the data of a database are called
reports. By using reports, you can view the records of a table in a well-designed layout as
per your requirement.
2. Following are the elements of a table.
• Fields: The columns of a table are called fields. Field actually defines the attribute of all the
records in a table. For example, ‘Name of the student’ will hold the names and ‘Percentage’
will hold the percentages.
• Records: The rows of a table are called records. For example, Shahid, 130, 200, 65, PASS is
a record in a table.
• Data: An individual value of a table is called data. Data must be a valid value. For example,
Kaira, 60 is a data of a table.
3. Following are the features of Microsoft Access.
• Microsoft Access allows to export and import data from and to word processing files,
spreadsheets or database files directly.
• Data is broken down to the smallest usable bit. For example, a person’s name would be
broken down into four separate sections namely, title, first name, middle name and last
• Each record has a unique identifier. This distinguishes a particular record from any other
• It helps in reducing the duplication of a data. This application makes sure that only one
copy of the data is available.
• It also provides data security features.
• Reports are used to present information in a meaningful format.
• Queries are used to access the required information from a database.
Following are the various components of Microsoft Access.
• Title Bar: Title Bar is present at the top of the window. It displays the name of the database
which we are currently working on.
• Quick Access Toolbar: Quick Access Toolbar is present at the top-left corner of the window.
It contains frequently used commands like Save, Undo and Redo. However, it can also be
customised to add additional commands as per our choice.
• Ribbon: Ribbon consists of various tabs such as Home, Create, External Data, Database
Tools, Fields and Table. When you click on a tab, a set of relevant commands is displayed.
Each tab on Ribbon has a group of commands that perform specific tasks.

• Navigation Pane: Navigation Pane is located on the left side of the Access window. Access
database has four main components (called database objects)—Tables, Forms, Queries
and Reports. Their names can be seen in the Navigation Pane. When you enter data in
workspace, you will find these options in Access Navigation Pane.
• Navigation Buttons: Navigation Buttons are used to navigate through the records. These
buttons basically display the current record number in an object.
• Workspace: Workspace is the place where you enter data and carry out other database
• Object Tabs: The currently opened objects appear above the workspace. They appear in
the form of a tab. These tabs are called Object Tabs. You can click on these tabs to display
the content of any workspace.
• Status Bar: Status Bar is present at the bottom of the Access window. It displays the name
of the current view on the left-hand side and on the right, it displays four view buttons.
• Tell me what you want to do: Tell me what you want to do is used to get help on any of the
commands or topics related to Access.
4. Access 2016 allows you to create tables in the following two ways.
(i) Using Datasheet View (ii) Using Design View
Creating a Table in Datasheet View: By default, a table is created in Datasheet view. When
you create a database, the workspace of the Database Interface window shows a table with
default name ‘Table1’ in the Datasheet view.
The data can be entered in rows and columns of the table (without entering headings).
Follow these steps to create a table using Datasheet view.
• Enter the data as shown. To enter next set of data, press the Tab key. In a datasheet, the field
names are by default seen as ID, Field1, Field2, Field3, etc. where ID is used for identification
number generated automatically as 1, 2, 3, ... and so on.
• After entering the data, you should save the table either by pressing the Ctrl + S keys
together or selecting the Save option from the File menu. Type the name of the table in
the ‘Save As’ dialog box.
• Click on the OK button.
• To change the name of a field, place the cursor anywhere on the column and click on the
Name & Caption button in the ‘Properties’ group of the ‘Fields’ tab.
• Type a new name of the field in the ‘Enter Field Properties’ dialog box.
• Click on the OK button. Your field with the name will be entered.
Creating a Table in Design View: Design view allows you to enter names of the fields in the
table and specify their data types.
A data type specifies the kind of data (Numbers, Currency, Short Text) to be added in the field.
Follow these steps to create a table using Design view
• Select the Table Design option from the ‘Tables’ group on the ‘Create’ tab.
• You will see the Table Design screen with three columns: Field Name, Data Type and
Description. Enter the field name, data type and description in each field of the table.
• Save the table either by pressing the Ctrl + S keys together or by selecting the Save option
from the ‘File’ menu. Type the name of the table in the ‘Save As’ dialog box.
• Click on the OK button.

• A message box appears on the screen giving you a warning that a primary key is not
defined. Click on the No option. Press the Ctrl + W keys together to close the table window.
5. Follow these steps to add a field in Datasheet view.
• Open a table in the ‘Datasheet’ view.
• Select the field to the left of which you wish to add a new field. Right-click on the dropdown
arrow of the field.
• Select the Insert Field option from the menu that appears.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
Activity Corner
A. Tell me what you
Title Bar want to do
Quick Access

Object Tab

Pane Workspace

Buttons Status Bar

B. Students are expected to do this activity on their own.


4. Working with Queries, Forms and Reports

Think and Answer (page 54)

Students are expected to do on their own
Exercise Time
A. 1. query
2. upper pane, bottom pane
3. Layout
4. Design, Format
5. report
B. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False
C. 1. from both the tables can be used by query or form.
2. a design grid where fields can be added to a query and a criteria can also be mentioned.
3. to enter data into the database.
4. in a form is stored in a table. If a record in a form is changed, the applied changes will reflect
in the table also.
5. modification cannot be made in this view.
D. 1. Follow these steps to create a query in Query Wizard.
• Click on the Create tab.
• Click on the Query Wizard button present in the ‘Queries’ group.
• A ‘New Query’ dialog box appears. Ensure that the Simple Query Wizard option is selected.
• Click on the OK button.
• A ‘Simple Query Wizard’ screen appears. Select the table that contains the data in the
‘Tables/Queries’ list box.
• Select the required field from the ‘Available Fields’ box. Click on the single forward arrow
button. The selected field gets shifted to the ‘Selected Fields’ box.
• After selection of the fields, click on the Next button.
• A new screen appears. Enter a new title. Ensure that the Open the query to view information
radio button is selected.
• Click on the Finish button. A query result will appear in the ‘Datasheet’ view.
2. Follow these steps to format a form using the Design tab.
• Click on the Themes button in the ‘Themes’ group.
• Select the theme from the drop-down menu.
• Click on the Title in the ‘Header/Footer’ group.
• Enter the desired title.

• Click on the Logo in the ‘Header/Footer’ group.
• An ‘Insert Picture’ dialog box appears. Select the picture and click on the Open button.
• Click on the Data and Time button in the ‘Header/Footer’ group.
• A ‘Date and Time’ dialog box appears. Select the required format and click on the OK button.
3. Follow these steps to format a form using the Format tab.
• Click on the Background Image button in the ‘Background’ group.
• Click on the Browse button displayed.
• An ‘Insert Picture’ dialog box appears. Select the picture and click on the Open button.
4. Follow these steps to print a report.
• Click on the File tab.
• Click on the Print option.
5. Follow these steps to export a report.
• Click on the View button in the ‘Home’ tab.
• Select the Print Preview option from the drop-down list of options. A report will be opened
in the ‘Print Preview’ layout.
• Click on the drop-down arrow of the More button in the ‘Data’ group of ‘Print Preview’ tab.
• Select Word.
• An ‘Export-RTF File’ dialog box appears. Give a specific name to the file.
• Click on the OK button.
• An ‘Export-RTF File’ dialog box appears. Click on the Close button.
E. 1. Follow these steps to build a relationship among tables.
• Create two tables with a common field.
• Open one table in ‘Datasheet’ view.
• Click on the Database Tools tab.
• Click on the Relationships button in the ‘Relationships’ group.
• A ‘Show Table’ window appears displaying the list of tables present in the database.
• Select the required table and click on the Add button.
• A selected table gets added to the ‘Relationships’ window. In the similar way, add another
table to the ‘Relationships’ window.
• Click on the Close button to close ‘Show Table’ dialog box.
• Drag the primary key (Roll No) of the parent table (student) and drop it over the same field
in the child table (Result).
• An ‘Edit Relationships’ dialog box appears. Click on the Create button.
• A relationship will be built among the tables. You can see a line linking two tables.
• Click on the Save button on ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ to save the relationship.
• Click on the Close button in the ‘Relationships’ group.
2. Follow these steps to create a query in Design view.

• Click on the Create tab on ‘Ribbon’.
• Click on the Query Design button in the ‘Queries’ group.
• A ‘Show Table’ dialog box appears. Select the table on which query will run.
• Click on the Add button and then click on the Close button.
• The selected table appears as a small window displaying a list of fields.
• Double-click on the fields that you want to add in the query.
3. Follow these steps to use a query.
• Select the table on which query will be generated. Here, we are selecting the ‘Result’ table.
• Select the required field from the drop-down list of the ‘Field’ row in the ‘Design’ grid.
• Select the order of sorting in the ‘Sort’ row.
• Mention the criteria in the ‘Criteria’ row, i.e., ‘> 70’ under the ‘Marks’ column.
• Click on the Run in the ‘Results’ group of the ‘Design’ tab.
• The result of the query is displayed showing only those records that satisfy the criteria.
• Click on the Close button of the ‘Query’ window to save the query. A dialog box appears
asking you to save changes to Query 1.
• Click on the Yes button to save the changes.
4. Follow these steps to specify multiple criteria.
• Select the table for the query, i.e., ‘Result’.
• Type two criteria on the same line, i.e., ‘> 50’ ‘Pass’.
• Here, only those records will be displayed whose both criteria will be met. It is called AND
5. Follow these steps to create a form.
• Click on the Create tab.
• Click on the Form button present in the ‘Forms’ group.
• A form is created and opened in the ‘Layout’ view. Three new tabs are shown on the
‘Ribbon’: Design, Arrange and Format.
• Click on the Home tab.
• Click on the View button and select the Form View option from the displayed options.
• Now you can enter or edit the data.
• Click on the Save option in the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ to save your work. A form object gets
added in the ‘Navigation Pane’.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.

Activity Corner
B. 1.
Views to
Form View Design View
Display Form

Layout View

Print View

Views to
Report View Design View
Display Report

Layout View

5. Adobe Photoshop CS6

Think and Answer (page 68)

1. Menu Bar 2. History Panel
Think and Answer (Page 77)
Quick Selection Tool is used for quick selection.
When you select the Quick Selection Tool and drag the mouse on the image, the selection expands
Exercise Time
A. 1. Adobe Photoshop 2. Adobe Camera Raw 7.0, 3. brush styles
4. Menu bar 5. Marquee Selection
B. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
C. 1. a rectangular, square form. 2. irregular-shaped area of an image.
3. until the entire object is selected. 4. the selection expands automatically.
5. similar-coloured area of an image.
D. 1. Crop Tool 2. Pencil Tool 3. Healing Brush Tool
4. Pattern Stamp Tool 5. Smudge Tool
E. 1. Follow these steps to use the Polygonal Lasso Tool.
• Right-click on the Lasso Tool on the ‘Tools Panel’.
• Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool from the list.
• Click on the image at any point. Hold down the left mouse button. Click at the next place
where you want the first line to end. Keep clicking till the entire object is selected. You will
observe the selected part in a dashed form.
2. Follow these steps to use the Magnetic Lasso Tool.
• Right-click on the Lasso Tool on the ‘Tools Panel’.
• Select the Magnetic Lasso Tool from the list.
• Click on the image to be selected and drag the mouse pointer around the object to select
it. Carry on the process unless you reach an end and double- click on it. You will observe
the selected part in a dashed form.
3. Follow these steps to use the Quick Selection Tool.
• Click on the Quick Selection Tool on the ‘Tools Panel’.
• Drag the mouse on the image to make the selection. The selected part appears in a dashed
4. Follow these steps to use the Magic Wand Tool.
• Right-click on the Quick Selection Tool and select the Magic Wand Tool.
• Click on any part of the image. All the adjacent pixels having the same colour get selected.
5. Follow these steps to use the Crop Tool.
• Open any image of your choice.

• Click on the Crop Tool from the ‘Tools Panel’.
• Click and drag to select the portion of the image you want to crop.
• Double-click inside the cropping boundary or you can also press the Enter key.
F. 1. Following are some of the notable features of Photoshop CS6.
• Photoshop CS6 provides a revised new dark user-friendly interface.
• It performs photo editing in a lesser time.
• It creates graphics for web applications with reduced file size, which helps in fast loading
of websites.
• Photoshop CS6 adds support for Adobe Camera Raw 7.0, a plug-in for editing raw image
• Raw image files contain the unaltered data captures by digital cameras, before processing
that turns them into viewable images.
• New Video Timeline Panel allows adding of effects to video clips.
• It provides new character and paragraph styles that make type formatting much easier.
• The Blur Gallery allows to apply three different kinds of blur and create effects.
• Powerful Vector Tools allow the designer to design and shape graphic elements quickly.
• It provides different brush styles to apply colours or patterns to the images.
2. Following are the different components of Adobe Photoshop CS6 window.
• Menu Bar: The Menu Bar is located at the top of the window. It contains all the menus of
Photoshop such as File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, 3D, View, Window and Help.
• Options Bar Control Panel: Options Bar Control Panel is located below the Menu Bar. It
displays the options related to the currently selected tool from the Tools Panel.
• Workspace: As the name suggests, Workspace is the place where one works. It displays the
image files that are being currently worked upon.
• Panels: The right side of the Photoshop window displays the Panels. By using different
options from these panels, one can modify the properties of an image. The panels can also
be placed anywhere on the screen. To move the panel, just click on it and drag it, keeping
the left mouse button pressed.
3. The Tools Panel is present on the left side of the Photoshop window. It contains various tools
to draw, paint and modify the images. Any tool in the ‘Tools Panel’ can be selected by pressing
a single letter key (shortcut key). Following are some tools of Tools Panel.
• Move Tool (V): It moves the selections or selected areas around the screen.
• Marquee Selection Tool (M): It makes rectangular, elliptical, single row and single column
selections. It allows you to select parts of the image.
• Lasso Tool (L): It makes freehand, polygonal (straight-edge) and magnetic (snap-to)
• Patch Tool: It repairs imperfections in a selected area of an image using a sample or pattern.
• Hand Tool (H): It enables you to move the image anywhere on the screen.
4. Follow these steps to create a new file.
• Click on the File Menu.
• Select the New option. A ‘New’ dialog box appears.
• Enter the details like name of the file in the ‘Name’ textbox, set up the size of the file in
different forms of measurements like pixels and inches.

• Specify the resolution value in the ‘Resolution’ textbox. It specifies the clarity of an image.
Mention the colour in the ‘Color Mode’ textbox and provide the background of an image.
• Click on the OK button.
5. Follow these steps to close a file.
• Click on the File menu.
• Select the Close option. The file will be closed.
Follow these steps to open an existing file.
• Click on the File menu.
• Select the Open option. The ‘Open’ dialog box appears.
• Select the desired file and click on the Open button. The selected image file will be opened.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
Activity Corner
A. 1. Magic Wand: Magic Wand Tool is used to select a similar-coloured area of an image.
2. Lasso: Lasso Tool helps to select an irregular-shaped area of an image.
3. Smudge: It smudges data in an image.
4. Sponge: It changes the colour saturation of an area.
5. Marquee: It makes rectangular, elliptical, single row and single column selections. It allows
you to select parts of the image.
Rectangular Marquee
Quick Selection
Spot Healing Brush
Clone Stamp
History Brush
Horizontal Type
Path Selection
Foreground Color Background Color

6. More on Photoshop CS6

Think and Answer (page 86)

1. Mixer Brush Tool 2. Pencil Tool 3. Gradient Tool
Think and Answer (page 90)
Blur Tool Sharpen Tool
Is used to soften an image. It basically Sharpen Tool improves the clarity of your
unfocusses the image area. image by sharpening the outlines.

Exercise Time
A. 1. painting, editing 2. Foreground Color
3. Color Replacement 4. Gradient
5. Layers
B. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True
C. 1. text to an image
2. where each layer has different elements. Layers are the transparent sheets that hold objects
3. Indicate Layer Visibility button before the layer name in the ‘Layer Palette’.
4. unfocussing the image area.
5. area of the image without the use of layers.
D. 1. Brush Tools 2. Pencil Tool
3. Gradient Tool 4. Patch Tool
5. Type Tool
E. 1. Follow these steps to create multiple layers and add elements to them.
• Click on the File menu. Select the New option.
• Enter the name in the ‘Name’ box and dimensions (Width and Height) in the respective
boxes and click on the OK button.
• Draw a rectangle using the Rectangle Tool as explained earlier.
• Click on the Layer menu and then select New → Layer. The ‘New Layer’ dialog box appears.
• Enter the name of the layer and specify the colour and opacity for the layer in the ‘New
Layer’ dialog box. Click on the OK button.
• Draw another shape using the Rectangle Tool in the new layer.
2. Follow these steps to duplicate a layer.
• Open an image having multiple layers.
• Select the layer from ‘Layer Palette’.
• Click on the ‘Layer’ menu to create a duplicate layer.

• Select the Duplicate Layer option from the menu.
• ‘Duplicate Layer’ dialog box appears. Give a new name to the duplicate layer and click on
OK button.
3. Follow these steps to use the Clone Stamp Tool.
• Open an image in ‘Photoshop’.
• Click on the Clone Stamp Tool on the ‘Tools Panel’.
• Press and hold the Alt key from the keyboard. Click on the part of the image that is to be
4. Follow these steps to use the Spot Healing Brush Tool.
• Open the desired image.
• Click on the Spot Healing Brush Tool in the ‘Tools Panel’.
• You can also select the size of the brush from the ‘Options Bar’.
• Click and drag on the spots. You will see a clear image.
5. Follow these steps to use the Pencil Tool.
• Right-click on the Brush Tool on the ‘Tools Panel’ and select the Pencil Tool from the menu.
You can also select the options for Pencil tool from the ‘Options Bar’.
• Select the foreground colour by clicking on the Set Foreground Color box on the ‘Tools
• A ‘Color Picker’ dialog box appears. Select the colour of your choice and click on the OK
• Drag the pointer to draw on the workspace.
F. 1. Brush Tool is used to add colour to an image by drawing strokes. It paints the current
foreground colour on an image. Various options are displayed in the Options Bar like Brush
Preset Picker, Mode, Opacity and Flow.
2. (i) Spot Healing Brush Tool: Spot Healing Brush Tool is used for repairing imperfections.
An imperfection can be a spot or something unwanted in an image.
(ii) Patch Tool: Patch Tool is used when you want to replace some unwanted parts from an
image and replace them with matching parts from the nearby area. For example, this
tool can be used to replace a dark spot with the skin colour of your face.
(iii) Content Aware Move Tool: Content Aware Move Tool is used to select and move a part
of an image to another area of the image without the use of layers.
(iv) Clone Stamp Tool: Clone Stamp Tool is used to copy one area of an image onto another
area of the image. Copying is done by taking the sampled pixel from an image.
(v) Blur Tool: Blur Tool is used to soften an image. It basically unfocusses the image area.
3. Content Aware Move Tool is used to select and move a part of an image to another area of the
image without the use of layers.
4. Photoshop image consists of multiple layers, where each layer has different elements. Layers
are the transparent sheets that hold objects.
5. Layers help in the following ways.
• You can draw objects on one layer without affecting the objects of another layer.
• You can add a number of layers, hide and lock them.
• Layers can be combined, hidden and duplicated.

Follow these steps to create multiple layers and add elements to them.
• Click on the File menu. Select the New option.
• Enter the name in the ‘Name’ box and dimensions (Width and Height) in the respective
boxes and click on the OK button.
• Draw a rectangle using the Rectangle Tool as explained earlier.
• Click on the Layer menu and then select New Layer. The ‘New Layer’ dialog box appears.
• Enter the name of the layer and specify the colour and opacity for the layer in the ‘New
Layer’ dialog box. Click on the OK button.
• Draw another shape using the Rectangle Tool in the new layer.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
Activity Corner
A. 1. C O L O R P I C K E R X T


Brush Tool ________________
Colour Replacement Tool ________________
Mixer Tool

Lasso Tool ________________
Spot Healing Brush Tool ________________
Gradients Tool

Patch Tool ________________
Clone Stamp Tool ________________
Lasso Tool

7. Visual Studio Community 2017

Think and Answer (page 100)

1. Toolbox 2. Title Bar 3. Run Mode

Exercise Time
A. 1. Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
2. Break
3. Solution Explorer
4. Relational
5. logical
B. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
C. 1. Programming language 2. Design mode 3. Form window
4. Code window 5. Arithmetic operators
D. 1. Follow these steps to create a new project.
• Click on the Create new project option in the ‘Start Page’. A ‘New Project’ window appears.
• Select the Visual Basic button on the left pane and select the Windows Forms App (.NET
• Click on the OK button.
2. Follow these steps to execute a Visual Basic project.
• Click on the Debug menu.
• Select the Start Debugging option from the menu.
3. Follow these steps to save Visual Basic project
• Click on the File menu.
• Select the Save Form1.vb option
• The ‘Save File As’ dialog box appears. Select the location to save your form.
• Enter the name of the form in the ‘File name’ textbox.
• Click on the Save button.
4. Follow these steps to close a Visual Basic Project.
• Click on the File menu.
• Select the Close Solution option from the menu.
• A window appears asking to save changes to the following items. Click on the Yes button
or click on the Close option to close the project.
5. Follow these steps to open an existing project.
• Click on the File menu.
• Click on the Open option.
• Select the Project/Solution option from the list. An ‘Open Project’ dialog box appears.
• Find the project and click on the Open button. The selected project will open.

E. 1. A Visual Basic program has three modes.
• Design Mode: This mode is used to write the statements for a program. Here, the
programmer plays a vital role.
• Run Mode: This mode is used to execute the statements written by a programmer. Here,
the result is shown for which it has been designed.
• Break Mode: This mode appears when the application you are trying to run contains errors.
Here, the execution is paused and the user is warned to remove the errors.
2. Following are the components of Visual Basic 2017.
• Title Bar: Title Bar is present at the top of the window. It basically displays the name of the
currently opened project.
• Menu Bar: Menu bar contain various menus like File, Edit, View and Project. Each menu
holds various options used to develop an application.
• Toolbar: Toolbar contains frequently accessed icons. These icons are taken from the Toolbar
instead of accessing various menus.
• Form Window: Form window is a blank form where we place control elements like
Textbox and button. It basically acts as an interface through which a user interacts with
an application.
• Properties Window: Properties window contains an object drop-down list and a list of
properties. The bottom section of Properties window displays the detailed description of
the selected property.
• Solution Explorer: A Solution Explorer displays a list of Forms, and other objects that frame
an application. If you wish to open any object, double-click on the icon present in the
Solution Explorer window.
• Toolbox: Toolbox contains various controls. Controls like Button and Textbox can be added
to a form by dragging them at the required location. You can use Ctrl + Alt + X key to reveal
the toolbox. The position of toolbox can be changed by dragging it anywhere.
• Code Window: Code window is displayed when you double-click on the object present on
the form. It is basically used to write code for the objects.
3. Following are the commonly used controls.
• Label: It displays the descriptive text of a control.
• Textbox: It gets the input from the user. We are allowed to enter text and numbers in it.
• Button: It is used to create an event. When a user clicks on the Button, the statements
interlinked with that button get executed.
4. Following are the various operators used in Visual Basic.
Arithmetic operators: Arithmetic operators are used to perform various arithmetic calculations.
They include the following operators.
• +: It is used to add two numbers, for example, 5 + 3.
• –: It is used to subtract two numbers, for example, 5 – 3.
• *: It is used to multiply two numbers, for example, 5 * 3.
• /: It is used to divide two numbers, for example, 5 / 2.
• %: It is used to calculate the remainder on dividing two numbers, for example, 5 % 3.

Relational operators: Relational operators are used to compare the values of two variables.
They include the following operators.
• >: It is used to find whether the first number is greater than the second, for example, 6 > 2.
• <: It is used to find whether the first number is less than the second, for example, 3 < 5.
• ==: It is used to find whether two numbers are equal, for example, 3 == 2.
• !=: It is used to find whether two numbers are not equal, for example, 3 != 5.
• >=: It is used to find whether the first number is greater than or equal to the second, 6 >= 2.

<=: It is used to find whether the first number is less than or equal to the second, for
example, 2 <= 2.
Logical operators: Logical operators are used to find whether one or both the conditions are
true or false. They include the following operators.
• &&: It is used to find whether both the conditions are true, for example, (5 > 3) && (5 > 2).
• ||: It is used to find whether one of the two conditions is true, for example, (5 > 3) || (5 > 6).
• !: It is used to find whether the condition is false, for example, !(8 > 3).
5. A variable refers to a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. Variables are like
mailboxes in the post office. The content of the variable changes every now and then. Each
variable is assigned a name. There is a set of rules that is to be followed while assigning a
name to the variable.
• It must be less than 255 characters.
• No spacing is allowed.
• It must not begin with a number.
• Period is not permitted.
Following are some valid variable names and invalid variable names.
Valid Names Invalid Name
My-Name My.Name
Vb2017 2017 Vb
It is necessary to assign a name to the variable and its data type. Variables are declared in the
general section of the code using the Dim statement.
Syntax: Dim Variable name As Datatype
Examples: 1. Dim Marks As Integer
2. Dim DOB As Date
3. Dim MyName As String
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Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
Activity Corner














B. Students are expected to do this activity on their own.

8. More on Visual Studio 2017

Think and Answer (page 119)

1. ListBox 2. PictureBox 3. Clear method

Exercise Time
A. 1. rectangular boundary (the area to be covered by the image)
2. Add ()
3. option button
4. conditional, logical
5. Do....While
B. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True
C. 1. Size List Box 2. CSS 3. Italics button
4. Dreamweaver Help Button 5. Page Properties
D. 1. Follow these steps to insert a picture in a form.
• Click on the PictureBox control in the ‘Toolbox’.
• Move the mouse pointer to a form. Click and drag to draw a PictureBox on the form.
• Set the size of PictureBox by changing the value of size in the ‘Properties’ box.
• Now sets the border property to ‘FixedSingle’ and its background colour to ‘White’ in the
‘Properties’ box.
• Right-click on the PictureBox to bring out its properties window. In the ‘Properties’ window,
scroll to the Image property.
• Click on the grey button on its right side. ‘Select Resource’ dialog box appears.
• Select ‘Local resource’ and click on the Import button. An ‘Open’ dialog box appears.
• Select the desired image of your choice from the set location.
• Click on the Open button.
• Click on the OK button. The selected image will be displayed in the ‘PictureBox’.
2. Follow these steps to add an item to a ListBox at the design time.
• Click on the ListBox control in the ‘Toolbox’.
• Move the mouse pointer to a form. Click and drag the mouse pointer to draw a ListBox on
a form.
• Right-click on the ListBox to access the ‘Properties’ window.
• Click on the collection of Items property.
• A ‘String Collection Editor’ dialog box will be displayed. Enter the items one by one by
typing the text and press the Enter key to enter the next item.
• Click on the OK button.
3. We can also delete an item from ListBox. To delete items at design time, simply open the
String Collection Editor and delete the items line by line or all at once using the Delete key.

To delete an item at runtime, Remove method is used.
Syntax: ListBox1.Items.Remove(“Name of item”)
4. Following are the three types of branching statements.
• If….Then Statement: It is the simplest control structure that instructs the computer to
perform a certain specified action, if the condition is true. When the condition is false, no
action will be performed.
Syntax: If (condition) Then
End If
• If….Then….Else Statement: It provides alternative output for the user. This control structure
will ask the computer to perform a certain specified action if the condition is true and if the
condition is false, an alternative action will be executed.
Syntax: If (condition) Then
End If
• If….Then.…ElseIf Statement: In certain cases, two alternative conditions will not be
enough. In such cases, If….Then….ElseIf statement will be used.
Syntax: If (condition) Then
ElseIf (condition) Then
ElseIf (condition) Then
End If
5. Looping refers to a process that runs repeatedly until a certain condition is met. For example,
we can design a program that adds a series of numbers until the sum exceeds a certain value
or a program that asks the user to enter data repeatedly until he or she enters the word ‘Finish’.
There are three types of loops in Visual Basic 2017, namely the For....Next loop, the Do....While
loop, and the While....End While loop.
Let’s learn about these loops.
• For….Next Loop: It repeats a set of statements, a fixed number of times.
Syntax: For Counter=Initial Value to Final Value
• Do....While Loop: It repeats a set of statements till the specified condition remains true.
The execution of statements is stopped as the condition becomes false.
Syntax: Do While condition

• While….End While Loop: It executes a set of statements till the specified condition
evaluates to be true. It first checks the condition and then executes the statements.
Syntax: While Condition
End While
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do this activity on their own.
Activity Corner
A. 1.

If..... Then If..... Then..... Else If..... Then..... Elself Select Case
Statement Statement Statement Statement


While.... End While

For... Next Loop Do... While Loop

C. Students are expected to do this activity on their own.

9. Creating Lists and Tables in HTML5

Think and Answer (Page 138)

1. <tr>
2. Cell

Exercise Time
A. 1. List 2. ordered 3. Definition list
4. cell 5. Table-layout
B. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True
C. 1. <tr> tag 2. <th> tag 3. <ol> tag 4. <td> tag 5. <dl> tag
D. 1. Cell 2. Table 3. Nested list
4. Unordered List 5. HTML lists
E. 1.
Star Topology Ring Topology
An unordered list can be created in HTML An ordered list starts with <ol> tag.
using tag <ul>.
The list items are marked with number by A list of colours is an example.
default. • Blue  • Green  • Orange  • Red  • White
2. Following are the terms used in a table.
• Caption: Title of the table which provides brief description of table is called caption.
• Rows: A row is also called a record. It represents the data of one object.
• Columns: A column contains the data of same type. It is called field.
• Headings: Headings contain label of columns which show the information contained in
• Cells: A cell is a intersection of row and column.
3. When a list occurs as an element of another list, it is known as nested list. The following code
illustrates the use of nested list.

4. Empty cells property of table specifies whether border and background are to be placed
around empty cells in a table or not.
Syntax: Empty-cells : value
Where value = show/hide
Default value is show
Example: Empty-cells : hide
5. Horizontal and Vertical Alignment: This property helps to set the horizontal and vertical
alignment of the text. The property is used with <th> or <td> tag.
Syntax: Text-align : value
Where value = left/right/centre
Vertical-align : value
Where value = top/middle/bottom
Table-Layout: This property helps to set the layout of a table.
Syntax: table-layout : Value
Where value : auto/fixed/initial
Auto: Column width is set equal to the maximum width of the contents in the column.
Fixed: Column width depends upon the table’s width and the width of the column.
Initial: Here, the default value is used for the column width.
The following code illustrates the use of table-layout: fixed property.

Apply Your Knowledge

Students are expected to do on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do on their own.

Computer Fun
Column Employee Caption

E. No. Name of Employee Salary Heading

1 Sheena 7000
Row 2 Advik 8000 Cell

3 Priya 9000

4 Rahul 5000

B. 1.  Ordered List

2.  Unordered List

3.  Nested List

C. Students are expected to do on their own.

10. Images, Links and Frames in HTML5
Think and Answer (Page 148)
1. Alt 2. <img>

Exercise Time
A. 1. Inline 2. <img> 3. website 4. active link 5. <audio>
B. 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False
C. 1. The <img> tag is used to insert a image in an HTML web page.
2. The images are inserted using anchor tag <a> to establish a link to image.
3. <audio> tag specifies a standard way to insert a audio in a web page.
4. We can add video to our web page with <video> tag.
5. Frames can be added in HTML using <iframe> tag.
D. 1. Formats of images 2. Unvisited link 3. Website
4. a:hover 5. Loop
E. 1. Following attributes can be used with <audio> tag.
Attribute Use
Controls It displays the controls on web page.
Src It specifies the source or (path/URL) of the audio file.
Loop It repeats or replays the audio files.
Autoplay It plays the audio files automatically.
2. There are two types of images that can be displayed on web pages: inline images and external
• Inline Images: These images are displayed as soon as web pages are accessed. To insert
inline images, <img> tag is used.
• External Images: These images are referenced and displayed separately by clicking on a
link. They are not displayed automatically. The images are inserted using anchor tag <a>
to establish a link to image.
3. Web pages can also be linked using images to other documents. Type the following code in
the file ‘linkimage.html’.

Now type the following code to define link for ‘linkimage.html’.

4. We can add video to our web page with <video> tag. Most of the available browsers support
the <video> tag.
Before using <video> tag, a plugin may be installed (like flash).

5. Frames are the ways to organise HTML web pages of the website.
Till now we are displaying one document on the entire window of the browser but with the
help of the frames we can display more than one document on the window.
With the help of frames, multiple HTML documents may be presented on independent
Frames make the web page attractive by displaying different content on a web page like
logo, banner and image.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do on their own.
In the Lab
Students are expected to do on their own.
Activity Corner
A. Students are expected to do on their own.
B. 1. <img src = “path of image”>
2. <a href = “value”>
3. <iframe src = value>
C. Students are expected to do on their own.
D. Students are expected to do on their own.

11. Internet Apps
Think and Answer (Page 148)
1. Tim Berners Lee 2. plug-ins
Think and Answer (Page 166)

Exercise Time
A. 1. Tim Berners Lee 2. Multimedia
3. buffering 4. Real-time communication
5. Skype
B. 1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a)
C. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
D. 1. Follow these steps to download Skype.
• Double-click on the browser and type Skype download for Windows 10.
• Click on Skype-Download. Skype setup will start downloading.
• Once the setup is downloaded, click on it.
• A pop up window appears asking you to allow changes in PC. Click on the Yes button. Next,
‘Installing Skype’ window appears on the screen. Select Language and click on the I agree-
next button to continue.
• Uncheck Make Bing my search engine and Make HSN my homepage. Then, click on the
Continue button.
• Let the installation get completed.
• The ‘Skype login’ screen appears. Click on the Create an Account option to create your
account on Skype.
• Enter details like country code, phone number and password. Click on the Next button.
• Enter the details in the ‘Add detail’ form and click on the Next button.
• Enter the code in the ‘Enter code’ box and click on the Next button.
• The ‘Skype’ window opens. Click on the Continue tab.
• After this you can add your profile picture and click on the Continue button. You can also
add your picture in the later stage as Add Later option is also available.

• After setting up the profile picture, click on the Start using Skype button.
2. Follow these steps to add contacts in Skype.
• Click on the Contacts tab.
• Select the Add Contact option from the menu.
• Select the Search Skype Directory option.
• Enter phone number/email id or full name/Skype name of a person in the ‘Search’ box.
• If a match is found, right-click on the contact and click on the Add to Contacts option.

A default message appears to be sent to the other person. Click on the Send button.
3. Follow these steps to create a blog.
• Go to The Blogger site will open.
• Click on the CREATE YOUR BLOG option.
• Enter your Google username and password. If you don’t have a Google Account, create an
account with Gmail and sign in by using your Gmail id and password.
• Once you sign in, a ‘Welcome to Blogger’ screen appears.
• Enter the Display Name in the ‘Display Name’ text box. The display name is the name that
your readers will know you by and click on the Continue to Blogger button.
• Click on the New Blog button and select the New Blog option from the left pane.
• A dialog box appears. In that box, type a title for your blog in the ‘Title:’ textbox. This title
will appear on the top of every page of your blog. Hence, it should reflect the contents of
your blog.
• Type a URL for your blog in the ‘Address:’ textbox. If it’s unavailable try other variations on
the name you want to use, but don’t use symbols like hyphens, underscores, colons. This
URL will be your identity on the web and will be used to read and link to your blog.
• Choose a theme from the ‘Theme’ section. This is the basic design and layout of your blog.
• Click on the Create blog! button. Your blog has been created.
4. Follow the given steps to make a call on Skype.
• Click on the Contacts tab.
• Select the Contact Lists from the menu.
• Select the All option.
• Person in contacts will be displayed.
• For voice call, click on the Audio Call button. If you wish to have a video call, then click on
the Video Call button. This allows you to make a video call along with voice call.
• After completing the call, select the Sign out option from the Skype menu and close Skype.
5. Follow the given steps create a post in a blog.
• After creating your Blog, click on the New Post tab. It appears at the top of the screen.
• A new window appears. Enter a post title in the text box to the right of ‘Post’.
• Write your post. Click on Compose to type your post as you would in a typical text editor,
which includes functions like different fonts and sizes, text colour, and the ability to insert
• Click on Post settings on the upper-right corner of the window. From this menu, you can
enable reader comments, select HTML settings, and post the time and date.

• Click on the Done button when you have made your changes.
• Click on the Save button. Doing so saves your work, so far.
• Click on the Preview button to see what your post will look like when it is finished.
• Click on the Publish button to take the blog live to your audience.
E. 1. Multimedia refers to the computer information that can be represented through audio, video
and animation in addition to traditional media (i.e., text, graphics drawings and images). This
combination of different media for communication has influenced and changed all aspects
of our life, including the teacher and the learner. Multimedia is a term used to describe how
multiple means of media like text, audio, graphics, animation, video and interactivity are
used to communicate information. This helps us to access information at a faster rate.
2. Today may companies and organisations are promoting and selling their products online.
This process is called e-commerce. These companies use their Internet apps and through
these apps they are able to reach millions of people. The people or the customers can easily
choose any product and place their order each time. These apps also provide easy e-payment
Amazon, Flipkart are two examples of e-commerce apps.
3. Blog is an online journal or diary where entries are posted by the Internet users called bloggers
for electronic publishing. A blog may comprise of text, images, hypertext and hyperlinks
to other web pages or files (document/ audio/video). Each entry posted by the blogger is
called a post and the activation of updating a blog is called blogging. Blogs are updated on a
regular basis by the bloggers. They may contain information related to a specific topic.
Some people use blogs as daily diaries about their personal lives and views on various topics
of public interest while others use them for business purposes to earn money. Blogs can be
shaped into a way the blogger wants them to be as they give him/her an opportunity to write
content that is based on his/her views and experiences.
4. Following are the four most popular communication apps.
• Facebook
• Twitter
• WhatsApp

Google +
5. Many apps are available on the Internet for communication. Most popular communication
applications are the apps where live communication can be done. This type of communication
is called real-time communication.
Real-time communication allows audio, video and text communication to take place in real-
time online. This type of communication includes the following.
• Audio: A telephonic conversation may be done on the Internet.
• Video: While talking to the person, you can also see that person.
• Chat: Text messages can be done in real time.
• Sharing of Application/Document: The user can share the desktop of another person.
Documents can also be shared.
• File Transfer: User can share files and send or receive files in real time.
Apply Your Knowledge
Students are expected to do on their own.

In the Lab
Students are expected to do on their own.
Activity Corner
A. 2↓
1→ A U D I O
N 4↓
3→ I N T E R N E T
T 6↓ T 7↓
5→ I M A G E S
8→ V I D E O E C O M M E R C E
G M 9→
10↑ B U F F E R I N G
11→ A

Answers to Test Yourself
A. 1. computer network 2. Networking
3. Storyboard 4. Titles, credits
5. database 6. Microsoft Access, Oracle
7. query 8. form
9. Blur Gallery 10. New Video Timeline Panel
11. Color Replacement Tool 12. Clone Stamp Tool
13. Visual Basic, Graphical User Interface (GUI).
14. Design Mode, Run Mode 15. ComboBox
16. RadioButton 17. ordered list
18. Reverse attribute 19. hyperlinks
20. <a>, href 21. text, images, audio, video
22. Amazon, eBay
B. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
6. True 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. False
11. True 12. False 13. True 14. False 15. False
16. True 17. False 18. True 19. True 20. True
21. True 22. False
C. 1. (a) 2. Nodes 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (d)
6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c)
16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (c)
D. 1. Wide Area Networks (WANs). 2. Bluetooth
3. Overlay 4. My Album
5. Queries 6. Forms
7. Print Preview 8. report
9. Swatches Panel 10. Layers Panel
11. Brush Tool 12. Clone Stamp Tool
13. variable 14. Operators
15. PictureBox 16. ListBox
17. Cell 18. Ordered list
19. Alt attribute 20. <img> tag
21. post 22. Blog
E. 1. When large number of computers are interconnected, it is called a computer network. It may
be defined as a group of computers and related interconnected devices to share data and
information. All the computers connected in a network can send and receive data from each

other, i.e., they can communicate with each other. Each computer in a network is called a
Railway line, a mall, a bank ATM, a hospital, or an airport, all these places are real-life examples
where networking can be observed.
2. In client-server network, several computers called clients or nodes or workstations are
connected to the main computer called the server.
A computer that provides services to control access to hardware, software, and other sources
is called server. The computers which request services like data retrieval and storage from the
server are called clients.
3. Windows Movie Maker is a video editing tool provided freely by Microsoft.
It was earlier known as Windows Live Movie Maker in Windows 7. This software is a part of
Windows Essential Software Suite. It can be downloaded freely from the Internet to create
and publish videos on OneDrive, Vimeo, Flickr, Facebook and YouTube.
This software helps the user to make professional movies using photographs, audios and
videos. All of them can be imported into one program on the computer and various effects
can be applied.
4. A transition adds visual effects to the movie. It adds connectivity to the scene of a movie.
Follow these steps to add transitions.
• Add photos, videos to a timeline.
• Click on the TRANSITIONS option on the timeline.
• Select the desired transition.

Click on Random to All to add transitions. Play the movie to observe the transition effect.
5. Let’s now get familiar with the terminologies of a database.
• Tables: Database files logically organised in the forms of rows and columns are called
tables. In a relational database terminology, the row of a table is called tuple (record) and
the column is called attribute (field).
• Queries: The questions that are based on the data given in a database are called queries.
They allow you to extract data or information about the fields, records and summaries of
the table or database. Queries perform actions like addition, deletion and updation on
the data.
• Forms: The input screens designed to simplify the data entry process are called forms. A
computer user generally prefers to enter data in a well-designed form, rather than a table.
• Reports: The layouts designed for viewing or printing the data of a database are called
reports. By using reports, you can view the records of a table in a well-designed layout as
per your requirement.
6. It is not possible to store and access huge amount of data required for business and other
applications without a database. A database has the following benefits.
• Saves Time: A database locates information with the help of a simple query and prevents
searching through the endless piles of paperwork. A user can enter specific keywords
in order to find information. For example, when you enter a keyword in Google Search
Engine, the required information is searched from a collection of databases.
• Saves Money: A database needs higher initial investment, however, over the long run, it
saves money by improving the efficiency of all employees, providing better services to
customers and saving on paper costs.

• Reduces Data Redundancy: Redundancy or duplication of data is reduced in a database by
arranging the data in a particular order.
• Supports Communication: Large companies can benefit from databases when information
needs to be provided to various users through a network. For example, a bank having
several branches shares information through data communication and allows you to
withdraw money through an Automated Teller Machine (ATM).
• Provides Security: Databases keeps the valuable information secure through passwords
and other security mechanisms.
7. A form looks very similar to a fill-in-the-blanks sheet that is filled by hand. A form can be
considered as a way to enter data into the database. Access links a form to a table, so the
entered information in a form is stored in a table. If a record in a form is changed, the applied
changes will reflect in the table also.
A form can be formatted using options available on the Design tab and Format tab.
Using Design Tab
Follow these steps to format a form using the Design tab.
• Click on the Themes button in the ‘Themes’ group.
• Select the theme from the drop-down menu.
• Click on the Title in the ‘Header/Footer’ group.
• Enter the desired title.
• Click on the Logo in the ‘Header/Footer’ group.
• An ‘Insert Picture’ dialog box appears. Select the picture and click on the Open button.
• Click on the Data and Time button in the ‘Header/Footer’ group.

A ‘Date and Time’ dialog box appears. Select the required format and click on the OK button.
Using Format Tab
Follow these steps to format a form using the Format tab.
• Click on the Background Image button in the ‘Background’ group.
• Click on the Browse button displayed.
• An ‘Insert Picture’ dialog box appears. Select the picture and click on the Open button.
8. Follow these steps to export a report.
• Click on the View button in the ‘Home’ tab.
• Select the Print Preview option from the drop-down list of options. A report will be opened
in the ‘Print Preview’ layout.
• Click on the drop-down arrow of the More button in the ‘Data’ group of ‘Print Preview’ tab.
• Select Word.
• An ‘Export-RTF File’ dialog box appears. Give a specific name to the file.
• Click on the OK button.
• An ‘Export-RTF File’ dialog box appears. Click on the Close button.
9. •  Move Tool (V): It moves the selections or selected areas around the screen.
• Marquee Selection Tool (M): It makes rectangular, elliptical, single row and single column
selections. It allows you to select parts of the image.
• Rectangle Shape Tool (U): It makes customised shapes selected from a custom shape list.

10. Polygonal Lasso Tool is also used to make freehand selections. But the selection using this
tool is done by clicking at a point and clicking at the next end points of the segment until the
entire object is selected.
Follow these steps to use the Polygonal Lasso Tool.
• Right-click on the Lasso Tool on the ‘Tools Panel’.
• Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool from the list.
• Click on the image at any point. Hold down the left mouse button. Click at the next place
where you want the first line to end. Keep clicking till the entire object is selected. You will
observe the selected part in a dashed form.
11. • Brush Tool: Brush Tool is used to add colour to an image by drawing strokes. It paints the
current foreground colour on an image. Various options are displayed in the Options Bar
like Brush Preset Picker, Mode, Opacity and Flow.
• Pencil Tool: Pencil Tool is used for freehand drawings.
• Color Replacement Tool: Color Replacement Tool replaces the existing colour of an image
with a foreground colour without painting over the image.
12. Follow these steps to duplicate a layer.
• Open an image having multiple layers.
• Select the layer from ‘Layer Palette’.
• Click on the ‘Layer’ menu to create a duplicate layer.
• Select the Duplicate Layer option from the menu.

‘Duplicate Layer’ dialog box appears. Give a new name to the duplicate layer and click on
OK button.
13. Follow these steps to start Visual Basic 2017.
• Click on the Start button.
• Scroll down the list and select Visual Studio 2017. The ‘Visual Studio 2017’ screen appears.
Follow these steps to create a new project.
• Click on the Create new project option in the ‘Start Page’. A ‘New Project’ window appears.
• Select the Visual Basic button on the left pane and select the Windows Forms App (.NET
• Click on the OK button.
14. The components of Visual Basic 2017 are as follows.
Title Bar, Menu Bar, Toolbar, Form Window, Properties Window, Solution Explorer, Toolbox,
Code Window.
15. Follow these steps to insert a picture in a form.
• Click on the PictureBox control in the ‘Toolbox’.
• Move the mouse pointer to a form. Click and drag to draw a PictureBox on the form.
• Set the size of PictureBox by changing the value of size in the ‘Properties’ box.
• Now sets the border property to ‘FixedSingle’ and its background colour to ‘White’ in the
‘Properties’ box.
• Right-click on the PictureBox to bring out its properties window. In the ‘Properties’ window,
scroll to the Image property.

• Click on the grey button on its right side. ‘Select Resource’ dialog box appears.
• Select ‘Local resource’ and click on the Import button. An ‘Open’ dialog box appears.
• Select the desired image of your choice from the set location.
• Click on the Open button.
• Click on the OK button. The selected image will be displayed in the ‘PictureBox’.
16. RadioButton allows the user to check only one option out of the number of choices displayed.
RadioButton is also known as Option Button. Let’s learn about some components of the
RadioButton control.

Name It identifies the label while writing the program.

Checked It identifies whether the RadioButton is checked or not.
Font It sets the font, font size, etc. for the RadioButton.
ForeColor It changes the foreground colour of the RadioButton, this colour is used
to display the text.
Enabled It checks whether the control is enabled or not.
Text It holds the text, which is to be displayed on the RadioButton.
Visible It determines whether the control is visible or hidden.

17. Following are the properties of a table.

Border: Border property helps to provide different types of borders in different styles and
colours in a table.
Syntax: Border : value
Where value = Value for border width Value for style Value for colour
Border Spacing: Border spacing property helps to specify distance between the borders of
the adjacent cells.
Syntax: Border-spacing : value
Where value = Horizontal spacing in px Vertical spacing in px
Border-Collapse: Collapse property is used to collapse (merge) into border or detached as
Syntax: Border-collapse : Value
Where value = Separate/collapse
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment: Horizontal and vertical alignment property helps to set
the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text. The property is used with <th> or <td> tag.
Syntax: Text-align : value
Where value = left/right/centre
Vertical-align : value
Where value = top/middle/bottom
Table-Layout: Table-layout property helps to set the layout of a table.
Syntax: table-layout : Value
Where value : auto/fixed/initial
Auto: Column width is set equal to the maximum width of the contents in the column. Fixed:
Column width depends upon the table’s width and the width of the column.
Initial: Here, the default value is used for the column width.

Caption-Side: Caption-side property is used for placement of a table caption.
Syntax: Caption-side : value
Where value = top/bottom
By default, the top value is taken for caption.
Empty Cells: Empty cells property of table specifies whether border and background are to
be placed around empty cells in a table or not.
Syntax: Empty-cells : value
Where value = show/hide
Default value is show.
Height and Width: Height and width property helps to set the height and width of the table.
Syntax: height : value;
width : value
Where value = length in px/cm/%
18. A table is a collection of information in form of record consisting of rows and columns. It is a
flexible and an attractive way of presenting information.
HTML table tags are as follows.
• <table> tag defines table.
• <tr> tag defines table row.
• <td> tag defines table data.

<th> tag defines table heading.
The following code illustrates the use of table tags.

19. Following attributes are used with <iframe> tag.

Attribute Syntax Use

Src <iframe src = value> It helps to specify path of document
where value = path of to be displayed in inline frame.
Height and width <iframe src = value These attributes control the size of
height = value, width = value> frame.
where value = value in pixels

20. Adding Audio: <audio> tag specifies a standard way to insert a audio in a web page. Most of
the browsers support the <audio> tag in HTML5.
<audio> tag supports .mp3, .ogg, .wav, etc. formats.
Adding Video: We can add video to our web page with <video> tag. Most of the available
browsers support the <video> tag.
Before using <video> tag, a plugin may be installed (like flash).
21. Follow these steps to download Skype in Windows 10.
• Double-click on the browser and type Skype download for Windows 10.
• Click on Skype-Download. Skype setup will start downloading.
• Once the setup is downloaded, click on it.
• A pop up window appears asking you to allow changes in PC. Click on the Yes button.
• Next, ‘Installing Skype’ window appears on the screen. Select Language and click on the I
agree-next button to continue.
• Uncheck Make Bing my search engine and Make HSN my homepage. Then, click on the
Continue button.
• Let the installation get completed.
• The ‘Skype login’ screen appears. Click on the Create an Account option to create your
account on Skype.
• Enter details like country code, phone number and password. Click on the Next button.
• Enter the details in the ‘Add detail’ form and click on the Next button.
• Enter the code in the ‘Enter code’ box and click on the Next button.
• The ‘Skype’ window opens. Click on the Continue tab.
• After this you can add your profile picture and click on the Continue button. You can also
add your picture in the later stage as Add Later option is also available.
• After setting up the profile picture, click on the Start using Skype button.
22. There are millions of websites that provide the Internet users with an opportunity to create
their own blogs. They may be categorised under different heads based on the following
• Profession of the bloggers such as writers, journalists, poets, celebrities, doctors and
• Bloggers’ area of interest such as politics, sports, cooking, health, movies, social issues,
religion, travel, photography and medicine
• Commercial interests such as stock market, human resources, finance, marketing,
production, government, education and training, and web designing
• Languages such as English, Hindi, Punjabi, German and French
• E-mail services used such as Google, Yahoo and Rediff
• Media such as blogs created by people on websites of newspapers and TV channels

Answers to Olympiad Practice Sheet
Logical Reasoning
1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (b)
4. (b)
5. (c)
Computers and IT
6. (d)
7. (a)
8. (b)
9. (d)
10. (b)
11. (b)
12. (a)
13. (c)
Achiever’s Section
14. (b)
15. (a)


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