Personal Information:: Ivan Tasca

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Personal Information:
Address - Republic of Moldova, Chișinău, Alexandru cel bun 91 ap. 6

Telephone - +373 079113265

E-mail -

Nationality - Moldavian

Work Experience:

09/2016 – -Management of commercial space

Functional responsibilities:

sales, contracting;

maintenance of building, offices;

01/2014 – 05/2015 - Social Worker in “Urban Center” A.O., Kishinev

Functional responsibilities:
conducting lessons in high school;
conducting trainings;
preparing of social events;
maintaining of office equipment.

2008 – 2012 - Project Assistant in “IDIS” A.O. (Institute for Development and Social
Initiatives), Kishinev

Functional responsibilities:
translation of ads from Russian into Romanian;
assisting in preparation for conferences;
logistics documents.

Masterat în Drept financiar Fiscal la ASEM

2010 – 2013
Academy of Economic Study of Moldova (ASEM), Kishinev

Specialty: Finance and Banking

Trainings & Voluteer Programs:

July – August 2015 – Volunteer in CAUX – Iofc Foundation, Switzerland.
August 2017 – Volunteer in Norway - Florli

Outdoor trainer
Planning an outdoor course Risk
and safety management

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