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7/28/2019 Chapter 8 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

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You correctly answered 10 questions for a score of 66 percent.

8-1. Modern managers are:
a. action oriented.
b. able to build a sense of shared values.
c. able to manage change efficiently.
d. all of the above.

You answered correctly!

8-2. Planning, organizing, directing and controlling are the:

a. functions of management.
b. goals of management.
c. results of management.
d. all of the above.

You answered correctly!

8-3. Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals

is the process of:

a. planning.
b. directing.
c. management.
d. leadership.

You answered correctly!

8-4. Which of the following would be included in the "controlling function" ?

a. measuring results against corporate objectives.

b. explaining routines.
c. setting standards.
d. giving assignments.

You answered correctly!

8-5. Specific, short-term statements detailing how to achieve an organization's

goals is known as its:

a. vision.
b. mission statement.
c. objectives.
d. operational planning.

You answered correctly!

8-6. An outline of the fundamental purpose of an organization is called its:

a. mission statement.
b. objectives.

7/28/2019 Chapter 8 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

c. policy.
d. all of the above.

Your choice of "c" was incorrect. The correct answer is "a".

8-7. Strategic planning is done by:

a. top managers of the firm.

b. middle managers.
c. supervisory managers.
d. non supervisory employees.

You answered correctly!

8-8. Mr. X is a branch manager for Microsoft. He is:

a. top management.
b. middle management.
c. supervisory management.
d. none of the above.

Your choice of "b" was incorrect. The correct answer is "c".

8-9. The most effective leader is one who:

a. makes managerial decisions without consulting others

b. works with managers and employees to make decisions
c. has the leadership style most appropriate to the situation and
the employee involved.
d. none of the above

Your choice of "b" was incorrect. The correct answer is "c".

8-10. Empowerment is related to:

a. planning.
b. organizing.
c. directing.
d. controlling.

You answered correctly!

8-11. Technical skills are most important for which of the following:

a. first line managers.

b. middle managers.
c. vice president-Production.
d. top managers.

You answered correctly!

8-12. Motivation is related to:

a. planning.
b. controlling.
c. leading.
d. tactical decisions.

You answered correctly!

7/28/2019 Chapter 8 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

8-13. Supervisory management spends most of his/her time:

a. planning and controlling.

b. directing and controlling.
c. planning and organizing.
d. organizing and controlling.

Your choice of "a" was incorrect. The correct answer is "b".

8-14. ____________ refers to the process of developing detailed, short term

strategies about what is the be done, who is to do it, and how it is to be done.

a. strategic planning
b. tactical planning
c. contingency planning
d. none of the above

Your choice of "c" was incorrect. The correct answer is "b".

8-15. An example of an effective standard for a control system would be:

a. deciding to hire 5 new employees.

b. renting new premises.
c. planning to increase sales of product A from 5,000 to 10,000 per
month by December of next year.
d. improving the quality of production.

You answered correctly!

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7/28/2019 Chapter 8 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz


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