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Ulangan Harian Kelas VI

Chapter I

A. Fill in the blank with the suitable answer about public places!
1. A place to see giraffe is in the …
2. A place for criminals is in the …
3. A place to send letters is in the …
4. In the school you can …
5. In the bookstore you can …
6. My father wants to save his money.
He goes to…
7. My sister is sick.
So my mother took her for medical treatment/check her health in the …
8. Mrs. Siti wants to eat meals.
She goes to…
9. Kiki and Salma go to cinema.
What the function of cinema? …
10. Miss Ilma goes to beach.
What the function of beach? …

B. Fill in the blank with the correct future “going to”!

Example My brother … play football in the backyard.
- My brother is going to play football in the backyard.
11. I … get up at six o’clock
12. He … get on the train
13. Milla is on a diet. She … have a dinner.
14. Chan and Chen … see a movie tonight. It starts at seven o’clock.
15. My father and I … go to the beach today because the weather is bad.
16. I am tired. So I … take a short nap.
(aku lelah. Aku … tidur siang)
17. Aan : it’s almost 7 o’clock.
Ahmad : I think we … come late. (terlambat)
18. Ilma : Look at those dark clouds!
Ilmi : I think it … rain soon.
19. Sinta : where is Alex?
Santi : he is sick. He … school today
20. They … travel next week.

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