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General and event-specific P Q ; ©bylAAF

12:2-3; 75-86, 1997

considerations in peaking
for the main competition
by KUius Banonielz ami Bill Lnrsoti

V W Starting from the well-known fact that \ Introduction: peaking under specific
success in international athletics is determined cnnditions
to a large extent by the ability to perform at
peak level in the major competition of the It is desirable to design the training pro-
seoson, this study presents basic considerations gramme so as to reach maximum performance at
for peaking the performance after the first the main competition of the year. Although there
competition series, illustrated with models for may be difficulties in achieving such a result
the throwing events. Because most of the work under the circumstances of the main competition
on this subject relates specifically to the (e.g. stress, climate, distractions) it is nevertheless
Northern hemisphere, this study also examines essential to develop an effective strategy for
the problems of the Southern hemisphere. The doing so.
importance of a high and stable performance In the European Championships in 1982 and
level during the first competition period as a key the World Championships in 1983 only S of the
indicator to success in the qualifying round of 42 medallists in the throwing events recorded
the main competition af the year is underlined. their season best performance in the main com-
It is also shown that peaking as the climax of petition (HINZ/BARTONIETZ 1985). More than 10
the entire preparation cannot be produced years later the problem remains the same: At the
independently and that the effectiveness of the World-Championships in 1995 only 1 7 of the 84
peaking period is determined by that af the finalists recorded their season's best performance
preparation as a whale. in the main competition (BAtiTONitT^/BoRHSiRöM
1996), but still only 9 of the 21 medallists t43o/o).
As shown by the data in Table I, the problem is
not confined to the throwing events but also
applies, for example, to the jumps and hurdles.
Also, in other sports with an objective perfor-
mance judgement such as swimming, weight-lift-
ing and shooting, only about 20% of all qualified

Table 1: Effectiveness of the preparation for

the Worid Championships 1995 in
selected events - WC results versus
season's best performance
Event Number of WC better than %
athletes season PB
all throws (finalists)
-men 48 8 tr
- women 36. 9 25
high Jump
-men 33 6 18
-women 35 9 26
fnpfe jump
Dr Klaus Bartonietz is a throws coach and works -men 43 7 16
as a biomechanies expert at the Olympic - women 32 8 25
Training Centre Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland - 110m and 100m hurdles
' -men 47 13 28
Schifferstadt. Germany.
- women 32 a 25
Bill Larsen is a throws coach, lecturer and editor. Note: Wind-assisted attempts al the WC are not included,
working through the lAAF Regional Development other variations in external conditions are not taken Into
Centre In Adelaide, Australia. account.
lAAF quarterly New Studies in Athletics • no, 2-3;i937 75
athletes reached their season's best result at the The problems associated w i t h the peaking p r o -
Olympic Games (LEHNERT 1994), Of all the finalists cess vary according t o the preparation e n v i r o n -
in the 1996 Olympics, the medallists showed the ment. At least the f o l l o w i n g variations in c o n d i -
results of the most effective training. In the tions can be identified:
throwing events, 8 of the 21 medalists (38%) • Selection in season: The requirement t o record
reached their season's best result during the a qualifying performance (e.g. Germany) or t o
Olympic finals. In addition, 4 athletes (the gold contest a selection trial (e.g. LISA) and the t i m -
medallists Kumbernuss, Barnes, Riedel, Kiss plus ing of such requirements.
Sadova and Zvereva) reached such a high level of • Selection o u t of season: The practice o f selec-
performance 2 to 7 weeks before the Olympics tion at the end of the domestic season in the
that an average decrease of about 2% did not
Southern hemisphere (e.g, Australia, New Zea-
detract from their leading position. In summary a
successful training process is noted for about two
thirds (67%) of the medallists. The training of the The peaking process requires o p t i m a l interac-
top athletes seems to be characterised by a high- tion of organisational factors and biological laws
er training efficacy compared with the results of adaptation and development:
reached 13-14 years ago. • The competiton period in which qualification is
required is subject to the long-term training
According to ZAISIORSKY (1995). the efficacy of effects of the realised training loads. A maxi-
the whole preparation can be judged with the mum performance normally can not be achieved
help of an "efficacy coefficient": under these conditions. If an athlete does re-
100 • cord his season's best performance at this time
efficacy coefficient
ttie total n u m b e r of athletes he has probably peaked unintentionally (e,g.
perhaps this could be the explanation for Ze-
('The number o( athletes who achieved their
best performance during the main competition,) lezny's season's best of 98,40m in May 1996).
• Given that the peak performance is the end
A c c o r d i n g t o ZATSIORSKY (1995), f o r Olympic result not only of the peaking period but of
teams an e f f i c a c y c o e f f i c i e n t of about 8 5 % is the entire preparation it is unlikely that further
considered excellent, 7 5 % is considered good and improvements can be produced simply by
6 5 % is considered acceptable (e.g, f o r the medal- repeating the same process. Therefore, peaking
lists in t h e t h r o w i n g events in 1996). for the selection procedure and then again for
Coaches and sports scientists have long recog- the major competition cannot be expected to
nised the problem of performance peaking, see, produce a higher performance.
for example:
VERCHOSHAMSKV 1988 elite sports, general
ScnNABEL/HA««E/Bo«Dt 1994 elite sports, track and
2 M a i n principles f o r peaking t h e
field events performance a f t e r t h e first
BoAs/OsBORWE 1981 track and field events competitiiin series: throwing events
ScHMouNSKv 1983 track and field events
2.1 Northern hemisphere
OzoLiN et al, 1989 track and field events
BD^OARCHuK 1992 track and field events Following the selection process there is a com-
BAIYI 1996 track and field events pact repetition of the preparation period (i.e.
HAMANN/ScHont 1979 throwing events mini-prep of 6 to 8 weeks, cf. Figures 1 and 2.
HINZ/BARTONIEIZ 1985 throwing events Table 4) during which the contents of the whole
YiMGBO 1994 t h r o w i n g events. preparation are repeated with the following char-
The a r t of peaking was based mostly on the
experience of leading coaches and was a part of • Weekly training volume of about 70-80% of
the "secret knowledge" of, f o r example. Eastern the weekly maximum volume during the
German coaching (therefore it was not included preparation period (e.g. see Figure I and 2. also
in t h e t e x t b o o k s o f BAUtRSFtiD/ScHROTER 1979, the data of LoscH/BoncHER 1994),
HARRt 1982). • Maximum loading m relation to the main c o m -
Until now, there has been a lack of knowledge p e t i t i o n (according t o UHNERT 1994 a n d SCHNA-

a b o u t peaking (see e.g, GAMRETTA 1989, SCHNABH/ B£L/HARRE/BORD£ 1994)

HARRE/BORDE 1994). This study will present basic - general training 5-4 weeks before,
considerations f o r performance peaking, illustrat- - m a x i m u m training volume 4 - 3 weeks before.
ed w i t h models f o r the t h r o w i n g events. Because - special training 3-2 weeks before.
most of the work on this subject relates specifi- - maximum training intensity 2-1 week be-
cally t o the Northern hemisphere, this study also fore.
examines the problems o f t h e S o u t h e r n h e m i - In summary, the maximum training loading is
sphere. reached 3-2 weeks before the main competition.

76 New Studies in Athletics • no. 2-3/1997 )AAF quarterly

This shows the need for intensity control t o - flexibility for full range of movement in the
gether with the gradual decrease of training vol- main joints.
ume. It is a fact that many world class throwers • The best training results of the preparation are
limit their throwing intensity to 90-95% of the achieved during the taper.
maximum 3-7 days before competition (YINGBO • Replication of the main competition lime in
1994), the throwing sessions, stable ritual during the
With throwing training intensity we are con- final days, especially the last 4-6 days (warm-
cerned not only with the weight of the imple- ups and workouts, meals, regeneration). Coaches
ment and the distance thrown but also, to a sub- should consider avoiding total rest days be-
stantial degree, with the quality of movement cause of the need to maintain all body systems
execution and the mental work. at a high level of activity, especially the central
• Maximum strength training is characterised by nervous system.
a low nutnber of repetitions at high intensity The data in Table!, taken from an unpublished
for a maximum recruitment of motor units. study of 1979, shows the principles of implement
• Special throwing training focused on tech- distribution during the entire preparation with
nique and movement quality, developing spe- the peaking period as a substantial part. The vari-
cial performance and including the limited use ous loadings represent the training philosophy
of light implements (see 2.4). current at that time. Although current trends
• High level of technique based on maximum place less emphasis on high volumes of maximum

Table 2; Distribution of throws with implements of different weight during throwing training [%]
(adapted from HAMANN/SCHOTTE 1979)
Event Implement [kg] Men Women
Men / Women prep. comp. peak. prep. comp. peak.
Shot put 7,26 / 4 62 85 87 48 55 52
8,25 / 5 27 8 7 37 29 31
6,26/31 6 7 6 10 10 ID
9,25 / 6.25 4.5 3 3 5
>9.25 / >6.25 0.5 2 3 2
Discus throw 2 / 1 discus 51 86 77 53 73 54
>3 / >2 shots. 19 10 12 23 19 27
Sticks, nngB
2-3/1-2 shots. 16 2 5 21 6 18
Sticks, rings
2-3/ 1,5-2 discus 13 2 d 2 2 1
1,75/0,75 discus 1 2 1
.Javelin throw 0,8 / 0,6 javelin 33 61 58 30 78 55
0.8-1,5/0.6-1-0 23 19 23 24 9 16
> 1 . 5 / > 1 , 0 shots 14 7 6 23 5 14
<0,8/<o,6 12 7 6 13 4 6
shots, stones
0.9 / 0.7-0.8 11 5 4 6 3 5
0.6-0.7/ 0,5 7 1 3 4 1 4
1 prep. = preparation pertod: comp, = compelHton peritxl: peak = peaking period
1 An increase in ihe range up to 6,75kg and 3,5kg would allow a greater volume ol throws with [jghl implements
because Ihe movemeni pattern would be closer to that used with competition implements.

Table 3: Training volume of the mesocycles during the preparation period


Event Complex of training

2 3 4 S 6
Shot maximum strength 3-5 n-13 17-19 29-31 21-23 13-15
special strength 1-3 13-15 17-19 22-24 30-32 11-13
1 throwing 3-5 9-11 13-15 19-21 22-24 28-30
Discus maximum strength 2-4 15-17 28-30 20-22 17-19 12-14
special strength 2-4 13-15 24-26 31-33 20-22 4-6
throwing 3-5 11-13 18-20 18-20 28-30 16-18
Javelin maximum strength 5-7 29-34 24-26 15-17 11-13 10-12
special strength 2-4 18-20 23-25 20-22 19-21 12-14
throwing 2-4 11-13 14-16 22-24 26-28 19-21
Hammer maximum strength 5-7 26-28 21-23 14-16 15-17 13-15
special strength 9-11 26-28 21-23 14-16 15-17 13-15
throwing 4-6 12-14 15-17 15-17 29-31 19-21
Sum of ttie entire preparalwn period = 100%

lAAF quarterly New Studies in Alliletics • no. 2-3/T997 77

strength training, nevertheless the general idea interpreting training data such as in Figure 3
of the loading structure remains viable. there is always the possibility that some of the
Table 3 gives an example of how to distribute discussed results could have been affected by
the entire volume during the mesocycles. other factors such as injury or illness, however
The performance development of Astrid Kum- we have to assume a normal uninterrupted pre-
bernuss shows the effect of a well-constructed paration,
double periodization. while Stephanie Storp
shows a similar level of improvement albeit from 2.2 Southern hemisphere
a significantly lower base. Each reached the sea-
sons best performance during the taper although The competition season in such countries as
not in the Ptiain competition (see Figure 3). When Australia. New Zealand and some of the island

shot put
I ^ '.•••?* '"A • •"• A


1st 2"*' 3rd 4th 5th GthMC

discus throw

hammer throw

;-..• A -..v V V \ .'A-. A-. ,>•*^
^' 'i'- V V ^vf V V

avelin throw


training content throws

special strength
maximum strength

Figure l a : Loading In the main training components during the preparation period for single peri-
odization (according to HAMANN/SCHOTTE 1979)

78 New Studies in Athletics • no. 2-3/1997 lAAF quarterly

States of Oceania has its climax in March and tion. In addition, the time-lag involved multiplies
selection for Olympic Games and World Cham- the possibility of injury to selected alhletes.
pionships generally takes place in about April -
To overcome this problem the Australian Fede-
anything from 18 to 23 weeks prior to the main
ration, for example, has developed prc-dcparture
international competition. In this case, instead of
a mini-prep of 6-8 weeks, there is available standards which selected athletes must reach
enough time for a full preparation. This gives a before leaving the country (Table S). However
decided planning advantage but also has its dis- this does not necessitate a mini-prep as the stan-
advantages. Selectors have no guarantee thai dards set are low enough to be achieved during
athletes selected in April-May will reproduce this the preparation period. Nevertheless, a mini-prep
level of performance in an entirely new prepara- is still recommended for those elite athletes who

shot put


yd 4th 5th 6th MC

discus throw


hammer throw


T • if ^^- V..-'

javelin throw


Figure 1 b: Loading in the main training components during the preparation period for double peri-
odization (according to HAMANN/SCHOTTE 1979)

IAAF quarterly New Studies in Athlelics • no. 2-3/1997 79

need to reach a high level of perfor-
shot put mance early so as to be competitive
early in the Northern season [see the
recommendations in 2.1).

-•-max, strengIh Australian javelin throwers Joanna
-<=- spec, sir eng Ih Stone (5th WC) and Louise McPaul
(2nd OG) provide good examples of
effective preparation in 1995 and
1996 respectively (seasons PB at the
main competition of the year, see
Figure 4). Hammer thrower Sean Carlin
was able to reach better than 99% of
his domestic season best within 10
wseics days of the Olympic Games but his
performance base was too low to be
competitive. In contrast, Andrew
discus throw
Currey set an Australian National
100 Record of 84.92m in the 4th week of
•»throws 1996 and was at 9 8 % of this 23
-^max, strength weeks later but by 27 weeks (OG) he
/ \ / ' \ -^spec. strength
was back to 9 1 % (Jan Zeiezny also
could only manage 89.6% of his sea-
I 50
son's best but was still able to take
the gold medal.). Similarly, the female
Australian discus throwers peaked
1 about 9-10 weeks early and New
/ ^ Zealander Beatrice Faumuina failed to
approach her best domestic result

javelin throw Figure 5 underlines for one of these

athletes the hypothesis that the ef-
fectiveness of the taper is determined
by the entire preparation period. The
significantly higher performance level
d u r i n g the 1996 domestic season
(61,30m vs 57.14m) resulted in a
higher starting level in the first
northern competitions. Athough the
level of performance fell during the
taper period in both years, the fall
was fifty percent less in 1996. The
level of performance stability was was
also higher; The standard deviation
hammer throw from the average value was ±3,10m
in 1995 and ±2.42m in 1996 by a sig-
•••throws nificant difference between the aver-
-^max. sirengWi age performances' values at the
A /X •^Spec. strength

K . A^\.^^

>^Z\ Z\ > < ^
2.3 Considerations for the
pealting process when the
main competition is in
: the Northern hemisphere

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (e.g. Atlanta 1996.

Athens 1997)

Because of the negative effects of

Figure 2: Loading in the main training components during travel, including jet-lag, coaches and
the peaking period (according to HAMANN/SCHOTTE 1979) their athletes in the Southern hemi-

80 New Studies m Athlelics • no, 2-3/1997 IAAF quarterly

Table 4; Planning of the entire training year (double periodization) and contents of the
mesocycles for young shot putters
(taken from DEUTSCHER LEICHTATHLETIK-VERBAND (1993), p. 91, adapted)
Week of ttie year Meso-cycles Training period Contents
41 1 general general athletic base:
42 training - conditioning
43 - general strength abilities
44 (Irunit muscles)
45 - co-ordination
46 2 maximum t>ar bell training
47 strength (snatcti, clean and ]erk, squat. 1
46 training bench press)
51 3 throwing main load in shot put:
52 training - technique-orientated
1 strengtri development.
Z - mostly use of the competition
3 implement and of heavy implements
4 <4 indoor development of form
5 competitions aiteralion load-rest
8 S general see 1st preparation
9 training period
13 intensification increase of training intensity
14 6 maximum high intensity
15 strength
16 training
18 special strength focus on technique
19 development
20 7 weekly throwing complex development
21 maximum of technical goals
22 (final acceleration)
23 form development
24 beginning of the
26 first competion
26 S competition increase ot training
27 series, intensity.
28 qualification for alteration load-rest
29 the Junior WC
3il ••«•• peaking mini-prep

39 main competition,
e.g. Junior WC
Table 5: Qualification standards (qs) and pre- optimal timing of the relocation should be at
departure standards (pds)for the least as early as the first week of the taper lo
Australian Olympic team throwers in minimise the negative effects of travel on high
1996 broadly based on lAAF intensity training and competition. The first part
B standards of the taper is characterised by work of a more
Men Women general nature (see Figure 2). which is less sensi-
Event qs pds qs pds tive to these effects.
Shot put 19.50 18,50 16,00 16,60
Discus throw 62.00 59,50 60,00 56,50 2.4 Considerations for the peaking
Javelm throw 80.00 74,50 60,00 56,50 process when the main competition
1 Hammer throw 74.00 69,50
I is in the Southern hemisphere
sphere must pay serious attention to the timing (e.g. Sydney 2000)
of their relocation to the Northern hemisphere This situation poses new problems. Does the
where this includes a substantial shift in longitude athlete travel to the Northern hemisphere for
(Southern hemisphere to Europe or North America, competitions ÜT not? If he chooses to travel he
and between Europe and North America), The faces all of the problems noted above (jet-lag

IAAF nuartcrly New Studies in Athletics • no, 2-3/1997 81

Kumbernuss • Neimke -»•Storp^
21 ^

E ^°'^
A A— —
8 20
^ ^ ^ y v^
• ^-—^
I 19.5 ^
V ^
„ - - - - ^ — — " ^
18,5 3^
1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1

18 49 51 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
50 52 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Weeks December 1995 - August 1996 (OG)
Figure 3: Performance development in 1996 of three female shot putters (double periodization)

[-•-Stone'95 ^McPaul'Qe - ^ N e r i u s ' 9 6 ^





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Weeks 1995 and 1996
Figure 4: Performance development of 3 female javelin throwers in 1995 and 1996

etc.), twice! The process of adaptation must be • One study (LARSEN 1995) has suggested that a
repeated on his return to Australia. The advan- high performance level during the first compe-
tages of having the main competition in the tition period is a key indicator to success in the
South will therefore be considerably reduced. The qualifying round of the main competition of
the year: At the 1995 WC only athletes with
alternative of remaining at home can only be
season's best performances of more than 77m
viable if satisfactory opportunities for high level qualified for the hammer throw final.
competition are available (e,g, a pre-Games com-
petition season involving high-ranking oppo- With few exeptions the results of the 1996
Olympic throwing finals support this view. Only
nents from the Northern hemisphere). The later
hammer throwers with a season's best of over
scheduling of Southern hemisphere Games (e.g,
78m qualified. Of the 70 top ten ranked athletes
Sydney / September, 2000) provides additional in the seven throwing events 58 qualified for the
time for a full preparation. finals [between 8 and 9 per event on average).
Only Vadim Chersonzev missed the hammer final,
2.5 The importance o f a high and stable Gavin Lovegrove the men's javelin final and
performance level during the compe- Oxana Ovchinnikova and Silke Renk (one isolated
t i t i o n period top 10 performance] the women's javelin final.

82 New Studies in Athletics • no, 2-3/1997 lAAF quarterly

• The major influence in filling the top places the competition performances during this time
was the ob///fy to improve on the season's best interval.
performance (LARSEN 1995). Al the Olympic • Successful peaking requires objective informa-
Games this finding was the case of 3 javelin tion about the technical level, A comparison of
medallists (Baekley. Räty. McPaul) and 2 ham- "debit" and "credit" is necessary to Figure out
mer medallists (Deal. Krykun), However, in the actual training goals (comparison between
determining the final order of the medal win- actual and required value, see Figure 7).
ners there was considerable variation between
• Positive orientation with motivational effect,
the throwing events. On the one hand the gold
clear goals for the workouts [Figure 7).
medal at the WC and OG was won with the
first throw (WC: javelin and discus throw Carry out a competition analysis 1-2 days after
women, shot put men, OG: all 3 women's each competition. The results of this analysis
events) and on the other hand with the last have to lead to an optimal attitude for the fol-
throw (WC; hammer throw, javelin throw men, lowing workouts:
OG: shot put men). A good performance has to be used to build up
The high intensity throwing training has to be confidence and the positive thinking of the ath-
directed to the ability to fight for better results lete. The data on which Figure 7 is based were
right through a series and also up to the end of a used for this reason (by comparison with a photo
workout. During training, normally the first sequence of the event's leading athlete). The pos-
throws are more relaxed and technically good itive elements of technique which have key func-
than the last, but efforts have to be directed tions for performance should be reinforced by
towards maintaining a high technical level up to special drills and simulations, using the interac-
the end of the session so as to finish the session tion between speaking, thinking and moving.
with a technically good throw. After an unsatisfactory competition perfor-
Competing several times during the taper mance, focus on the sources rather than just the
without special preparation in accordance with indications for such a result (e.g. avoid repeated
the planned training contents can result in a viewing of video faults). Athlete and coach must
decrease in performance due to the effects of work together to identify appropriate corrective
training load on the level of event-specific skills measures and build up confidence that problems
and abilities. Figure 6 shows the interaction are soluble.
between training load and performance develop- • Attempts to make major changes in technique
ment during the taper period. The increased during the taper should be avoided (YINGBO
number of throws with heavy implements (22"'^ 1994), The limited time during the taper neces-
week) and of special strength exercises (23"i sitates the development of the "fine tuning" of
week) seems to be related to an improvement in the technique before the peaking period (using

Domastic: Praparation Compsti eton paaking

ccn^iet 1. Ci on Sanaa pariod
pertod •varaaaa

• V. 1995/96
-e-V. 1994/95!

44 46 48 50 52 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
45 47 49 51 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Weeks November - August 1994/95 and 1995/96
Figure 5: Performance development in 1995 and 1996 of a female discus thrower

IAAF quarterly New Studies in Athlelics • no. 2-J/1997 83

T teat

ccai^etition Q

£ throws
— discus Ikg
— discus >lkg
• • sticksy shots

— E all throws
•• L reps special strength
— S reps maximum strengtJi

' t ' t ' '|l I I I 1 I

20 25 30 weeks
I 6th MC I peaking

Figure 6: Performance development of like Wyludda during the peaking period in 1992 (above)
and the training load during the last weeks before the Olympic Games in 1992 (in %, related to the
weekly repetition maximum of the preparation period)
- middle: parts of the throwing training
- below: sum of all throws, special strength and maximum strength training
(based on data of LQSCH/BOTTCHER 1994. adapted and supplemented)

84 New Studies in Athleti« • no. 2-3/1997 lAAF quarterly

kn«a anq!* ot
tha rront iBQ
• t l:h* monuHit
- of plantina leijo ISO»
- ot ralaaaa 145* lee»
JBWlln anglB
- of ralaaVQ 340
- of •tCaok -2°
- aldsalip 13"

ground contact

World Championships Competition Goal t e c h n i q u e

qualiricstior. ' vaska iMfora ths Olympic lax tha naxt yaara:
Auguat f. 199S CP G«i de pBEla
June 2S 199S 66-68m
59.30m 64.4em

Figure 7: Body positions at the moment of planting the front leg and at the moment of release
for a female javelin thrower
Left: In the qualifying round at the World Championships in 1995 {the athlete did not qualify).
Centre: Close to the technical demands at the competition during the peaking period. The athlete
reached the Olympic final and won the silver medal (result of the AIS/Track and Field competition
Right: Necessary body positions to reach a higher performance level and to form a base for assess-
ing the demands for the training of technique and special strength.

the competition period). If the technique-re- form at peak level in the major competition
lated problems are not solved in time, perfor- of the season,
mance-limiting effects are pre-programmed 2] Training programmes must be constructed so
for the main competition. that this goal may be reached, and must take
• In theory the use of light implements will into account the peculiarities of preparation
achieve an increase in movement speed and in the Northern and Soulhern hemispheres.
neuromuscular cu-ordination. In practice only 3} An effective training process has been diag-
a small number of throws with light imple- nosed for about two thirds of the medallists
ments is normal because of undesired effects in the throwing events based on the compar-
on the movement pattern (see the data in
ision "Season P8 vs resull at the Olympic
Table 2: about 3-4% in javelin throwing train-
Games". The training of the top athletes
ing up to 6-^(yh in shot put training). In fact,
seems to be characterised by a higher train-
light implements make lower power demands
ing effectiveness if compared with the results
compared to their mass (BARIONIEIZ 1987).
reached one-two decades ago,
• Active rest intervals are necessary especially at
4) Peaking is the climax of the entire prepara-
the beginning of the taper in spite of the
tion and can not be produced independently.
training load during the competition period
(physical and mental tiredness) and also after The effectiveness of the peaking period is
the load peaks. According to LEITNER (1992). determined by that of the preparation as a
10% of the tapering time has to be used for whole.
active rest (a taper of 8 weeks/56 days - 6 days 5) The main principle in constructing the taper
planned for active rest], requires a compact repetition of the prepara-
tion period (i.e. mini-prep).
6) It is clear that, in order to plan the taper
3 Summary period correctly, all details and loadings of
1) Success in international athletics is deter- the preparatitjn must be adequately docu-
mined to a large extent by the ability to per- mented (training protocols).

lAAFtjuarterlv New Studies in Athletics • no. 2-3/1997 85

7) The performance o f the leading athletes in FHIEWAN, W.H.:
the t h r o w i n g events is c h a r a c t e r i s e d by a Peak when it counts. Periodization for Amerrcan Track and
h i g h l e v e l o f s p o r t i n g t e c h n i q u e as o n e Field. Tafncws Press. 1991
inseparable part of the training efforts dur-
GAMBEnA. V, (ed.):
ing the entire preparation process. Because
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86 New Studies in Athletics • no. 2-3/1997 lAAF quarterly

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