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TAELE A: EMS Resistance Module A {75Q, 100Q, 150*)



(THREE 75tl ] (THREE 100fi ) (THREE 150t: ) RESTSTANCE tfi)
Closed S*{tches Closed Switches Closecl Switches

Sx'L Sw2 Sx'3 Sw1 Srv2 Sw3 Sll'1 Sw? Sll'3

x plus in parallel with all
sections cf resistanee Module B 10
X x x x x x 14.3
x x X plus in parall d with 16.67
section in resistance Mt rdule B
x x x ?s
x x x x 30
X x x 33.33
x x x J I,i
x x x 50
plus in series with
5 100Q res. in // in B x x x 3'/.3
x x 60
x ?5
x 100
x 150
(the three sections of the resistance rn adule B sre in series
rvith one closetl switch per section) I
xl lx

x 325
(T he 3 sec tions a e in series)
Electronics and Communications Engineering
De La Salle University







1. To determine the values of resj-stors from their EfA (Electronic

Industries Association) col-or code. !E-.

2. To read the resistance vafue at a specified point on each of the

ohmmeter scales on an electronic voltmeter.
? To measure the resistance across each combination of two of the
three terminals of a potentiometer and observe the range of
resj-stance change as the shaft of the potentiometer is varied
throughout its enLire range.
4- To be fami.Iiar with the connectJ-on, use and operation of DC
voltmeter and ammeter.

Carbon Resistor Color-Coded

The OliM is the unii of resistance, one symbol for ohm is
O (Greek letter Ornega). Resistance values are indj-cated by a standard
color code adopted by manufacturers. This code involves the use of
cofor bands on the body of the resistor. The colors and their numerical
values are given in the resistor color code chart, Table 1.1. This code
is used fot 4 watt, \a waLt, 1 watt, 2 watts and 3 watts resistors.
The basic resistor is shown in Figure 1.1. Note the color bands.
The color of the first. band tells the first significant figure of the
resistance. The color of the second band tel-ls the second signj-ficant
figure. The color of the third band tells the multiplier (number of
zeros to be added or the placement of the decimal- point). A fourth
color band is used for the tol-erance designat.ion. The absence of the
fourth co.Ior band means 20? tolerance.
lst signiflcanu figure
2nd signlficant figure

hroTfn: ir15ulaLed
hlack: non-insulated
Figure 1.1
. Resistor Color Code

LBYEC11Experiment Manual
Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter
Page 1 o-f 11 1 e
fn Figure 1.1, the resistor i-s coded red, red, b1ack, go1d. Its
value woul-d be 22 ohms at 53 tol-erance. In the case of a resistor whose
value is less than 1 ohm, the mul-tipli-er is silver (band or dot) . In
the case of a resistor whose value is greater Lhan 1 ohm but less than
10 ohms, the'multiplier is go1d.

Table 1-1- Resistor Co.l-or Chart

Multiplier "; Tolerance Siqnificant Eisures
1 0 Bl-ack
10 1 Brown
100 2 Red
l-, 000 3 Oranqe
10,000 4 Yel1ow
100,000 5 Green
1,000,000 6 Bl-ue
10.000,000 1 Viol-et
100. 000, 000 I Grav
1,000,000,000 9 White
0.1 5>. Gold
0-01 10E Si.l-ver
202 No Color

Wire wound Resistor

Wire-wound, high voltage resistors usually are not color coded,
but have the ohmic value' and r^r-attage rating printe<t on the body -of'-Ehe
resistor. Resistors with brown color are insulated; those with black
body color are not insulated. In writing the vafues of resistors, the
following designation are employed:

K, a muJ.tiplier which stands for 11000

M, a muJ.tip1ier which stands for 1,0001000
For example, 33 ki.l-o ohms (33KO) stands for 33,000 ohms, 1.2 meg
ohms (1.zMQ) stands for 1-,200,000 ohms.
VariabLe Resistors
In addition to fixed-val-ue resistors, variabl-e resistors are used
extensiveJ-y in electronics. There are two types of variable resistors,
the rheostat, and the potentiometer. Volume control-s used in radio and
the contrast and brightness control-s of television receivers are
typical examples of potentiometers.
A Rtreostat is essentially a three-terminal- device whose circuit
symbol is shown in Figure 1.2. Points A and B connect into circuj-t. A
rheostat has maximum value of resistance, specified by the
manufacturer, and a minimum value usually zero ohm. The arrowhead in
Figure L.2 indicates a mechanical means of adjusting the rheostat' so
that the resistance, measured between poi-nts A and B can be set to any
intermediate value within the ranqe of variation.

LBYEC11Experiment Manual
Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voftmeter and Ammeter
The circuit symbol for a potentiometer, Figure 1.3 shows that it
is a three-terminal device. The resist.ance between points A and B is
fixed. Point C is the variab-l-e arm of the potent.iometer.

Figure 1.2H'

Rheostat. is a Variable Resistor with Three-Termi-nal- s

$: terniinalE

b) end view showing shaft and termina1s

Figure 1.3
Potentiometer is a Three-Terminal Device
The arm is a metal contactor which moves along the un-insu.Iated
surface of the resistance element, selecting different length of
resistj-ve surface. Thus, the longer between points A and C, the greater
j-s the ohms resistance between these two points. Similarly, the
resistance between points A and C varies as the length of the el-ement
included between points A and C.
The axiom which states that the whole is equal to the sum of its
parts applies to a potentiometer as well as it does in geometric
figures. In this case it is apparent that the resistance Rac from A to
C, plus the resistance Rcb from C to B make up the fixed resj-stance Rab
of the potentiometer.

A potentiometer maybe used as a rheostat if the center arm and

one of the end terminals are connected into the cj-rcuit, and the other
end terminals is feft disconnected. Another method of converting a
potentiometer into a rheostat is to connect a piece of hook wire
between the arm and one of the end terminals, for example C connected
to A. The points B and C now serve as the terminals of a rheostat.
(When two poj-nts in a circuit ar€ connected by hook up wire, these
points are shorLed together).
Itteasuring Resistance
This is one of the functions of an EVM. Each manufacturer
provides operating instructions for the use of this particular
instrument. Hence, it will be necessary. to refer to the instruction
manual- before using any electronic voltmeter. The student should be
thoroughly familiar with the operation of the ohmmeter function before
he attempts to use it in thi-s experiment.

LBYEC11 Experiment Manual

Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter. VoLtmeter and Ammeter
Page3of,l1 - a-
To measure resistance, the function switch shoul-d be set to ohms.
Next, before using the ohms function of an electronic meter, the
students should adjust to thelr proper settings the ohm zero controls
of the meter. Helshe is then ready to make resistance and continuity
checks. Now to measure the resistance between two points say A and B,
'one-of- tlre--ohmmeter -Ieads.' is corrnected'-'to point-A.--ttre. other to-poa'nt --
B. The meter pointer indicates, on the ohms scale the value of the
resist.anee between A and B if the meter reading is zero ohms, points A
and B are \SHORT-CIRCUITED". ff however, the meter pointer does not
move=(that is the indicator point.s to IIIIFINITY" on the ohms"vscale),
points A and B are \TOPEN-CIRCUITED,,, that is there is an infinite
resistance between them.
Reading the Ohnmeter Sca]e
A11 VOMs contain basic ohms which readi-ngs are made directly on
the Rx1 range of the meter. Usually, the ohms scale is nonlinear, that
is, the arc dj-stance between consecutive graduat.ions is not egua1.
Thus, the arc distance (between and 1) is much greater than the
dj-stance between 9 and 10, though each arc represents in this case a
change of 1 ohm-
Note: that the ohms scafe becomes fairly crowded to the right of
the 100 ohms division. If a resist.ance greater than 100 ohms is to be
measured with some degree of accuracy, the meter range should be
switched to Rx10. Rx100. Rx1000 wj-l-l- usually be found on the meter. In
the Rx10 range, any reading made on the basic scale must be multiplied
by 10. In the Rx100 range. any readj-ng must be multiplied by 100, etc.
NOTEI After switching from one range to another, the settings of
the zero ohms adjustment should be checked and reset, if necessary.
Dc Voltmeter and Aumeter

Difference of potential or voltage is the work necessary to move

a unit charge of electricity from one point to other of an el-ectric
circuit. The rate of fow an electric charge is called CURRENI. The
mechanical analogue of voJ-tage and current in a hydraulic system are
pressure and rate of water flow respectively.
Direct-current instruments work on the princi-p1e of motor action.
When a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic fie1d, force
is developed on the conductor. The direction of force is developed on
the conductor. The direction of force is governed by the law of
elecLromaginetic inducti-on. Current flow in the moving coils through the
spiral springs.
The permanent magnet produces the magnetic flux that causes force
to be developed in the moving coil when current flows through it. The
moving coil moves the pointer by means of the spiral spring when it
rotates. The pointer is pivoted on jeweled bearings. The scales are
cafibrated to indicate voltage or current. The zero adjustingr screw
adjusts t.he position of the pointer to exactly read zero on the scal-e.
The anti-parallax mirror enables one to read the meter accurately. For
correct reading, the pointer and its shadow on the mirror should

LBYEC11 Experiment Manual

Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter
Page4 of11 rE
.- Potential difference or voltage is ordinarily measured by a
voltmeter. In voltmeter, a very high resistance is connected in series
with the moving coil to limit the current. Thus, when a voltmeter is
connected across the lines or devices. the current that it takes is
very small and in most cases, negligibJ-e compared to current in the

. When measuring current in a 1ine, an ammeter is used. The

construction of the movi-ng coil assembly . of an ammeter is similar to
that of .-the voltmeter. ShunB resistors of very sma.l_L val_ues are
connected across the moving coi.I to bypass most of the current which
should otherwise flow through the coj-l. The resi-stance of an ammeter is
t.herefore very small. Because of this, ammet.ers cannot be connected
across a source of voltage.
As a general rule, a must be connected across the lines
or devices. while an ammeter must be connected in seri-es with t.he load.
The polarity of the meters must be considered when takj_ng DC
measurements. A wrong polarity will move the pointer backward and may
cause the pointer to be bent. The instruments must be handl-ed with care
since these are delicate. Rough handling may affect the accuracy of the
meter. If the guantities t.o be measured are not yet approximated, the
meter must be set at its highest range. The range of a voltmeter may be
extended by connecting an additional resistor in series with the
instrument. In the case of an ammeter, the range is extended by
connecting resistances across the instrument.

LBYEC11 Experiment Manual-

Experiment 1: Resistor Cofor Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter
Page 5 Of 1f ae

2 ---------- EMS Resist.ance Modu]es (A and B)

1 ---------- Digital DC Voltmeter
1 ----:----- Di-gita1 DC tunmeter
f r-:::==r--- - DC ?on er-,S.uppfy -tO-3o- vDC)
1 ---------- 10Kc Potentiometer
10 --------- Assorted Color-Coded Resistors

1: Color-Coded Resistors
1. Determine the value of each resistor supplied from the
color code. FilI in the information required in Tabl-e 1.2.
2_ Using the VOM, zero adjust the ohmmeter and measure each
resistor usj-ng the di-gitaI ohmmeter, and fill in the
results in the row \l'leasured va].uerr. The coded val-ue and
the measured value should agree within the tolerance range
of the resistor. Indicate percentage difference between
coded and measured val_ue.

* Differen.. : ___!:::i_::i::_:_5i:::::_::::___ x 1oo

Coded Va1ue

2z The Potentioueter
1. Examine the potentiometer asslgned to you. Orient j_t so
that the rotatabl-e shaft comes out toward you. Cafl_ the
termi-nals of the potentiometer A, B and C as in Figure
1.3b. Measure and record in TabLe L.3 the total resistance
Rab between A and B. Vary the arm of the potentiometer.
while keeping the ohmmeter connected across AB. Does the
total resisLance vary? lndicate effect in Tabl_e 1-3.
a Connect the ohmmeter terminal-s across AC. Turn the
potentiometer control completely clockwise. Measure and
record the resistance Rac (between points A and C), al-so
t.he resistance Rbc (between points B and C). Compute and
record the value of Rac + Rbc.
? Now observe how the resistance Rac varies as the
potentiometer is turned from its cl-ockwise position to
complete counterc.l-ockwise position and how Rbc varies over
this range. Record the clockwise and counterclockwise
values for Rac and Rbc. Compute and record Rac + Rbc in
each case.
4. Set the control one-quarter of the way to cl-ockwise.
Measure and record Rac and Rbc in Table 1.3. Compute and
record Rac + Rbc.
Set the control- of three-quarters of the way to clockwise.
Measure and record Rac and Rbc in Tab.l-e 1. 3. Compute and
record Rac + Rbc.

LBYEC1l Experiment Manuaf

Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter
Page 6 of 11
Run 3: Conneeting the VoJ-tmeter and Amrneter

1. Connect the cj-rcuit as shown in Figure 1.4. The value of

the resistor is 150 ohms.
' ' 2. ON -the switch" of the-power supply--and.'slowly-:adjust
the controf at 20 volts DC. Record in Tab1e 1.4 the voltage
and current as indicated by the voltmeter and ammeter.
3. Repeat step 2=tfor the 75Q, 50Q, 60() and 30e resistors.
4. Connect the DC supply, the voltmeter, ammeter and a
resistor in serj-es. Record the meter readi_ngs.

Figure 1.4
The Experimental Circuit

Run 4: Meter Resistances

Note: No connections to t.l-e cirsrrit and no 1>ower conneetions or

do not, switeh ON the pogrer to measure the meters.
1. Usj-ng VOM, measure the resistance of the aruneter modul-e at 2
ampere range and 500 milliampere range and record in Tab1e
2. Using VOM, measure the resistance of the voltmeter module at
-aOV range and 50tr range =nrl raanrA i n Table 1.5

LBYEC11 Experiment Manual

Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter
Pqge- 7 of 11
PREtIt"lnitARY REPORT Date Performed:
Experiment Number: 1

t:-o..11::t ritl_e : .AI.trvTETER

REsrsroR co-Lo1 coDE
1y or"__o_E., ory-11,_y?"ryT1 *"

."? Group Number: Signature:

Group Leader:
Group Members Present:


RUN 1: CoLor Coded resistors

Table 1.2
3 5 o
2 4 6 1 9 10
1"' Col-or
2"' Color
3'" Color
4"n color
Coded Value, ohms
Tolerance, ?
Measured Val-ue, ohms
% Difference

Run 2: Ihe Potentiometer

Tabl-e 1 .3
Pan + Pl-rn
Step Potenti-ometer Setting Rab Rac Rbc
Computed Value
1 varv over its range x
2 completelv Cli x
3 CW to CCW x
4 L/4 CW x
5 3/4 CW x

LBYEC11 Experiment Manual-

Experimenl.l: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voftmeter and
Page 8 of 11
Run 3: Connecting t,Le VoJ.tmeter and Amroeter

Table 1.4
Resistance 150 ohms 75 ohms 60 ohms 50 ohms 30 ohms

Step 4: Ammeter Reading:

Voltmeter Readin'!-:

Run 4: Meter Resistances

Table 1.5
Voltmeter Ammeter
Ranqe 30v 50v 2A 50Oma

Instructor's Signature:

LBYEC1l Experiment Manual

Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter
Page 9 of 11


In concise point form, draw appropriate conclusions from the

results of the experiment.

LBYEC11 Experiment Manual

Experiment 1: Resistor Col-or Code and Use of Ohmmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter
Page 10 of 11
\r'-rrr. QuEsTroNs To BE AlrsriERED:

1. For carbon resistors, what is the color code for:

a) 0.27 ohms?
- b) - 2.2 -ohms?
c) 39 ohms?
d) 560 ohms?
e) 33,000 ohms?
) What is meant by short circuit? Open circuit?
3. How does a potentiometer differ from a rheostat?
4- How can a potentiometer be used as a rheostat?
J, What will happen if an ammeter is connected across the line?
6. What will if a vol-tmeter is connected in seri-es with the load?
1. Most ammeter binding posts are made of heavy, bare netal_ whereas
voltmeter terminals are usually much lighter and well insulat.ed.
Expiain why this is desirable.
8. An aorneter and a voltmeter of suitable ranges are to be used to
Reasure the current and voltage of ah efectric 1amp. lf a
mistake rere made the meters- _interchanged, what will halnen?
9. Some types of fuses used to protect electric meters have
resistaoces of several ohms. Is this objecti-onable (a) in
ammeter circuits and (b) in voltmeter circuits? Why?

l0- An arnmeter has a resistance of 0.0090 ohm reads up to 10 amps.

What resistance shunt i-s needed to make fu1l-sca1e deflection of
the meter correspond to 100 amps?
11 A 50-mv meter has a resistance of 5 ohms. A multiplier has been
inserted to produce a voltmeter of range 3 volts. How can the
multiplier be modified so that the new meter will have the range
of 15 volts?

tBYECll Experi-ment HanuaJ.

Exper-in--at ,' : Resi stor. Color Code and Use of Oiemmeter, voltmeter and Ammeter
Page i1 or ii

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