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Future Plans (Going to)

What are your plans for the future?

(we use ‘going to,’ to talk about plans that we have already decided)

Questions (I, You, We They)

 Are you going to go to the concert next week?
 What time are we going to meet John and Mary?
 Where are they going to go for their holiday?
Responses (I, You, We They)
 Yes, I am. I’m going to go with my best friend.
 We are going to meet them at 7pm.
 They are going to go to Hawaii.

Questions (He, She, It)

 Is she going to have a birthday party?
 What is he going to study at University?
 What time is the game going to start?
Responses (He, She, It)
 No, she isn’t. She isn’t going to have a birthday party.
 He is going to study medicine. He wants to be a doctor.
 It’s going to start at 3pm.
Sounds Like...
1. Are you going to go abroad this year?
2. What time is he going to arrive?
3. I’m going to play tennis on Saturday afternoon.

Practice i Use the information below to practice asking, responding and adding information.
 She/Kyoto/this summer - No/Iwate
A) Is she going to go to Kyoto this summer?
B) No, she isn’t. She is going to go to Iwate.
1. They/the beach/on Saturday - Yes/Chiba
2. You/a new computer/this year - No/next year
3. We/the cinema/next weekend - Yes/Sunday afternoon
4. He/TV/tonight - No/homework
5. Annie/her Grandfather/tomorrow - Yes/tomorrow afternoon
6. It/cold/tonight - No/warm

go buy be watch do visit go

Practice ii Use the information below to practice making questions and responses. i.e.
 What/do/tomorrow? - friend
A) What are you going to do tomorrow?
B) I’m going to meet my friend.
1. Where/go/for your summer holiday? - my parents house
2. How long/stay? - for four days
3. How/get/there? - with JAL
4. Who/go with? - with my best friend
5. What/do/there? - hiking and onsen
6. When/leave? - Saturday next week
Exercise i Read Junko’s schedule and complete the sentences below.
Monday – Tea ceremony lesson, 10am. Tennis with Susie, 4pm.
Tuesday - Gym, 11am. Coffee with Jane 2pm.
Wednesday - Housework, am. Dinner with Jon and Mary, 7pm.
Thursday - Lunch with Tamami, 1pm. Tap dancing lesson, 5pm.
Friday - Homework, am. English lesson, 2pm (spelling test!).
Saturday - Grocery shopping, am. Write to Dad, pm.
Sunday - Free! Cook dinner (pasta?)

1. On Monday afternoon, ....................................................................................

2. At 11am on Tuesday morning, .......................................................................
3. On Wednesday evening, .................................................................................
4. On Thursday at 1pm, .......................................................................................
5. At 2pm on Friday, ............................................................................................
6. On Saturday morning, .....................................................................................

Exercise ii Use the information from Junko’s schedule to complete the following
1. What is Junko going to ______ on Monday morning?
2. What time is Junko going to ______Jane on Tuesday?
3. Who is Junko going to ______ dinner with on Wednesday?
4. When is Junko going to ______ a tap dancing lesson?
5. Where is Junko going to ______ a spelling test?
6. What is Junko going to ______ on Sunday?

Exercise iii Use the information below to make follow-up questions. i.e.
 Are you going to buy a new bag? No, I’m not. What...
What are you going to buy?
1. Is she going to go to the Post Office? Yes, she is. Why...
2. Are they going to play tennis? No, they aren’t. What...
3. Is Janet going to meet Peter? No, she isn’t. Who...
4. Are you going to stay with your Grandma? Yes, I am. How long...
5. Is he going to take a jacket? Yes, he is. Which jacket...
6. Are your parents going to leave tomorrow? No, they aren’t. When...

Reading Peter and Paul are talking about their plans for the summer..
Peter: Are you going to go anywhere this summer Paul?
Paul: No, I’m staying home this summer but I’m going to go to New Zealand in the Autumn –
I’m going to stay with some friends for a couple of weeks. How about you?
Peter: Jane and I are going to take a week off and visit Indonesia.
Paul: I’ve never been to Indonesia. When are you going to go?
Peter: At the end of July. We’re going to stay in a place called Nikoi Island. It’s an eco-tourist
Paul: That sounds nice. How long are you going to stay?
Peter: Just for 5 days. But it’s going to be so relaxing...
1. What is Paul going to do this summer?
2. Where is Peter going to go?
3. What is Peter going to do on his holiday?

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