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International Journal of Strategic Property Management

ISSN 1648-715X / eISSN 1648-9179

2017  Volume  21(2): 212–224


Managing the Financial Risks affecting Construction

Contractors: Implementing Hedging in Sri Lanka
Charith Kaushalya FERNANDO a, M. Reza HOSSEINI b, Edmundas Kazimieras ZAVADSKAS c,*,
B. A. K. S. PERERA a, Raufdeen RAMEEZDEEN d
a Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Western Province 10400,
Sri Lanka
b School of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University, Locked Bag 20001, Geelong, Vic-

toria, 3220, Australia

c Department of Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,

Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

d School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia

5001, Australia

Received 1 February 2016; accepted 10 December 2016

ABSTRACT. The aim of this study is to ascertain the major financial risks affecting construction
contractors in Sri Lanka and to investigate the suitability of available hedging techniques as remedial
solutions in managing such financial risks. To this end, the study identifies the most serious financial
risks and the most commonplace hedging techniques to deal with the identified risks for Sri Lankan
contractors through three unstructured interviews and a questionnaire survey administered among
financial experts resulting in 33 duly completed responses. Analysis of the results is performed mainly
using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology. As per the findings, the most serious financial
risk affecting contractors was found to be associated with variations in material prices. The most com-
monplace hedging technique used by contractors to deal with the identified financial risks was ‘forward
contracts’. The study prioritises the hedging techniques with respect to their suitability for dealing
with financial risks in form of an integrated model. This study provides an illuminating insight into
financial risks and measures to mitigate them through implementing hedging techniques with a focus
on construction contracting in Sri Lanka. The findings can be held up as examples for other developing
countries suffering from similar issues.

KEYWORDS: Financial risk; Risk management; Hedging; Construction industry; Analytical hierarchy
process; Sri Lanka

1. Introduction
ticularly emphasised (Chen et al. 2012; Ginevičius,
The construction industry entails working in a Podvezko 2006). According to Chen et  al. (2010,
dynamic, highly risky and challenging businesses 6510) “safeguarding against financial risk is a
environment (Iqbal et  al. 2015). Projects in the critical factor for a company’s success. Such risks
construction sector are prone to more risk and un- can often be serious enough to drive a construction
certainty than any other sector (Zavadskas et  al. company to distress or even bankruptcy”. The se-
2010a). In such an environment, risks would in- verity of financial risks becomes doubly important
fluence every aspect of work and could obstruct for economies and markets in developing countries
the fulfilment of primary objectives (Perera et  al. that face high levels of inflation and uncertainty
2014). Consequently, the success of a construc- (Battermann, Broll 2001). In many developing
tion project heavily relies on proper management countries, financial shortcomings and cash flow
of risks (Banaitienė et  al. 2011). In this context, problems have contributed to the general underde-
the management of financial risks should be par- velopment and underperformance of the construc-
tion industry (Ghoddousi, Hosseini 2012).
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Copyright © 2017 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press
Managing the financial risks affecting construction contractors: implementing hedging in Sri Lanka 213

In sharp contrast to the noticeable impacts (2) investigating the potential of suitable hedging
of financial risks on contractors in developing techniques to mitigate such risks within the Sri
countries, studies focusing on financial risks and Lankan context.
strategies to deal with them are scarce (Iqbal The remainder of the paper is structured as
et  al. 2015). Besides, findings of studies on risk follows. Presenting a theoretical perspective of
on construction projects conducted within devel- financial risk management by hedging through
oped economies are not necessarily applicable to a comprehensive review of literature comes next.
the context of developing countries (Hosseini et al. This is followed by outlining the methods deployed
2016; Zhi 1995). That is because, “issues pertain- in conducting the present study and justifying the
ing to projects risks are subjective and highly sus- details of the sampling techniques. An account of
ceptible to the unique political, economic, environ- the results that came out of the analysis of the col-
mental and sociocultural conditions of a country” lected data is next. These results are interpreted
(Perera et  al. 2014: 3). As will be discussed, the in view of previous findings in the literature with-
emerging awareness of the necessity of proper in the discussion section. The paper concludes with
management of financial distresses in the con- highlighting the novelty of the findings, acknowl-
struction industry has motivated this study. The edging the limitations and suggesting future areas
reason for choosing hedging among other available for investigation on the topic.
methods has been the proven abilities of hedging
for managing risks associated with firm’s finance
2. Financial Risk Management
and investment (Campello et al. 2011), particularly by Hedging
for project-based environments which are exposed
to high levels of uncertainty (Ferguson et al. 2012). According to Iqbal et al. (2015: 66) “Risk is defined
Hedging is a widely accepted technique that can be as exposure to loss/gain or the probability of oc-
deployed to manage financial risks in a wide range currence of loss/gain multiplied by its respective
of industries (Hammoudeh et  al. 2010; Hofmann magnitude”. Risks in the construction context are
2011) including the construction industry (Ling, generally deemed as occurrences that influence the
Hoi 2006). primary objectives of a project, i.e. cost, time and
Knowledge on implementation of hedging to quality (Dai et  al. 2009). Moreover, the construc-
mitigate financial risks in the construction context tion industry is exposed to a wide range of risks
is very limited. Nevertheless, hedging has become (Tah, Carr 2000). Construction projects are inher-
a topical matter in the Sri Lankan construction in- ently delivered in dynamic environments, thus are
dustry thanks to the controversial hedging agree- affected by high uncertainty and influence of risks
ment between Ceylon Petroleum Corporation and due to the accumulation of a wide range of interre-
several banks. Added to this have been the finan- lated factors (Zavadskas et al. 2015). Such serious
cial issues faced by the construction industry due risk and uncertainty could be attributed to factors
to a sudden surge of activity resulting from the In- such as considerable technological and organisa-
dian Ocean tsunami of 2004 (Ruddock et al. 2010). tional complexity (Shevchenko et  al. 2008) and
Furthermore, construction is the fourth largest dynamic nature of construction projects (Hwang
sector within the national economy of Sri Lanka et al. 2013). This is exacerbated by the tight sched-
which contributes to 6–7% of the Gross Domestics uling (Olawale, Sun 2010) and the immense size
Product (GDP). The Sri Lankan construction in- and volume of projects in the construction industry
dustry plays a vital role in the national economy (Turskis et  al. 2012). Even more, involvement of
by generating 5–6% of employment (Ruddock et al. a large number of stakeholders in delivering pro-
2010). On top of that, financial aspects of constric- jects further complicates the situation (Piyadasa,
tion projects in Sri Lanka rely on Sri Lankan Hadikusumo 2014), because poor communication
government (30–40%) as well as foreign donors among the parties involved in delivering projects
(Perera et  al. 2014). The involved donor agen- is a common risk in the construction industry (Ce-
cies provide financial assistance in various forms ric 2014). On top of that, the “very strong link”
of funding on different projects (Yalegama et  al. between construction organisations’ operations
2016). This adds another layer of complication to and the performance of the economy and financial
financial risks affecting Sri Lankan construction institutions is another source of risks for construc-
projects. Therefore, the primary objective here is tion projects (Jiang, Liu 2015).
twofold. The study aims at (1) identifying the ma- Financial risks represent the group of risks af-
jor critical financial risks affecting contractors and fecting construction firms in delivering project out-
214 C. K. Fernando et al.

comes (Zou et al. 2007). As asserted by Iqbal et al. Within the context of developing economies,
(2015) financial risks are among the most influen- Mansfield et  al. (1994) named financial issues as
tial factors influencing construction projects. Some the biggest problem affecting the Nigerian con-
of the major financial risks of construction are struction industry. In the case of Kuwait, finan-
unavailability of funds from the client, exchange cial failure was ranked by Kartam and Kartam
rate fluctuations, inflation and financial default (2001) as the highest among a host of other risk
of a subcontractor (Perera et  al. 2009). Financial factors. In the same vein, contractors’ lack of fi-
risks are associated with the health of the con- nancial strength was one of the main challenges of
tractors’ cash flow (Akintoye, MacLeod 1997) and Iran’s construction industry (Ghoddousi, Hosseini
are affected by the effectiveness of decision-mak- 2012). Indeed financial risks are considered to be
ing procedures within construction organisations the most critical for Iranian contractors (Tadayon
(Zavadskas et  al. 2010b). Such risks are typically et  al. 2012). Likewise, financial risks emerged as
stemmed from the three main sources described the major factors affecting the construction in-
below (Jorion 2009): dustry in Malaysia (Goh, Abdul-Rahman 2013)
–– Market risk  – Losses due to movements in and Vietnam (Le-Hoai et al. 2008). Such evidence
financial market prices or volatilities. demonstrates that dealing with and overcoming
–– Credit risk – Losses because counterparties financial risks is crucial for construction contrac-
may be unwilling or unable to deliver their tors. Variations in foreign exchange rate, changes
contractual obligations. in interest rates, and material price fluctuations
–– Operational risk  – Losses resulting from have been considered to be important for contrac-
failed or inadequate internal processes, sys- tors in developing countries (Ke et al. 2011; Chen,
tems, people or from external events. Lin 2010; Derakhshanalavijeh, Teixeira 2017).
Many researchers have referred to financial Researchers have attempted to devise effective
risks as critical for construction organisations strategies to deal with financial risks. For exam-
(Hlaing et  al. 2008; Ke et  al. 2011). Fatemi and ple, Ling and Hoi (2006) identified several finan-
Glaum (2000) provided reasons for their evaluation cial risk factors and appropriate tools for mitigat-
of the criticality of financial risks while Sweis et al. ing them. They asserted that risks associated with
(2008) reflected the consensus among contractors, exchange rate and convertibility would be mitigat-
consultants and owners regarding the detrimen- ed by having dual currency contracts where a por-
tal effects of financial risks on the scheduling of tion can be paid with foreign currency while the
construction projects. Failure to address financial other is domestic. They argued that hedging tools
risks properly will end up in contractors refusing also can be used as a solution for profit repatria-
to rectify defects, asking for extra payments, de- tion. Likewise, Borgonovo and Peccati (2006) found
liberately filing for bankruptcy and falling behind that the risks of varying selling price of a commod-
planned schedule just to mention a number of po- ity could be minimised using hedging techniques.
tential adverse consequences (Li et al. 2015). Kaeck (2013) and Deng and Oren (2006) noted that

Table 1. Common hedging techniques (Hofmann 2011; Anderson et al. 2007; Brookes et al. 2000; Duangploy,
Helmi 2000; Fatemi, Glaum 2000)
Technique Description
Forward contracts Contracting today to buy or sell a foreign currency at a future date at an ex-
change rate agreed today.
Futures contracts Futures contracts allow participants to buy or sell on a public exchange where
they trade with detailed knowledge of the contract.
Swaps contracts An exchange of liabilities denominated in different currencies involving two par-
ties who agree to exchange specific amounts of different currencies at the outset
in the respective domestic currency.
Option contracts The buyer of an option contract has the right but not the obligation to buy (or
sell) a currency at a specified exchange rate on a given future date in exchange
for the payment of a premium.
Structural or balance sheet hedges A company has assets as well as liabilities in the same overseas currency, thus
any movement in exchange rates will be traded off by a movement in the values
of the asset in the same direction.
Invoicing in local currency Invoicing in local currency is used to manage exchange rate risk by passing it to
the trading counterparties.
Managing the financial risks affecting construction contractors: implementing hedging in Sri Lanka 215

financial derivatives are beneficial in controlling the perceptions of experts within the Sri Lankan
undesired risks through properly structured hedg- context. To select the interviewees, the “purposive
ing strategies. Huffman (2002) identified hedging sampling” strategy was used, with this referring to
as an effective strategy for financial risk, liquid- “…sampling in a deliberate way, with some purpos-
ity risk and foreign currency risk. Considering es or focus in mind” (Punch 2005: 187). The ulti-
the price escalations of construction materials in mate list of interviewees was finalised owing to the
Taiwan, Chen et  al. (2012) developed a model to willingness of experts to take part in the interviews.
mitigate financial risks for construction work in Implementing this approach enhanced the richness
markets experiencing high rates of inflation. Hedg- of data due to the strong motivation of interview-
ing for the present study has been considered as ees to contribute to the research. That is, in us-
“taking positions that lower the risk profile of a ing purposive sampling to obtain qualitative data,
portfolio” (Jorion 2009: 297). The most common respondents should be experts who have a special
hedging techniques that could be used in construc- insight into the topic and, at the same time, are
tion business are summarised in Table 1. genuinely interested and committed to contributing
to the study. This sampling strategy leads to iden-
tifying individuals who are very open and the most
3. Research Methods
interested in the topic (Robinson 2014). As shown
The primary method for conducting the present in Table 2, this resulted in having three practition-
study followed a qual → QUAN sequence as a ers as the interviewees with experience in financial
category of mixed methods research (Johnson, On- risks and with extensive involvement in dealing
wuegbuzie 2004). The mixed methods approach is with financial risks in the Sri Lankan construction
one of the most effectual methods for conducting context. As the interviews were seen as a part of a
research in various areas of management through qualitative mini study to complement the literature
combining qualitative and quantitative methods. and inform the quantitative phase, having three
The application of mixed methods has been widely interviewees based on purposive sampling criteria
recommended by researchers in the construction was deemed adequate. Even more, as argued by
context. According to Amaratunga et  al. (2002), Perera et al. (2016), the number of interviewees in
mixed methods research yields richer and deeper such qualitative mini studies is irrelevant because
insights and overcomes the weaknesses of using a the value of the study comes from the final quality
single method for doing research in the construction of data collated from the literature and enhanced
management field. Due to the novelty of the topic through the interviews.
in the context of the study and the lack of prior Items identified through the literature review
investigation on the subject, conducting a qualita- (financial risks and significant hedging techniques
tive approach as the first phase of a mixed methods to manage such risks) were presented to the inter-
research is recommended (Amaratunga et al. 2002). viewees. The interviewees were asked to comment
Hence, qual → QUAN was selected in which ‘a on whether these risks and hedging techniques
qualitative mini-study’ was conducted to initiate were within the scope of the Sri Lankan construc-
and inform the leading approach (i.e. the quantita- tion contractors. They had to expound on their
tive one) as recommended by Johnson and Onwue- statements and provide reasons and examples to
gbuzie (2004). Conducting a qualitative mini study support their views. The interviews lasted 45–60
as the first stage of a mixed methods study enables minutes and the proceedings were transcribed at
researchers of discovering additional factors beyond the end using Cognitive Mapping technique to gen-
those found in the existing literature and custom- eralise the views of the three interviewees.
ises the information collated from the literature Table 2. Interview participants
for the specific context of the study (Ijasan, Ahmed
ID Experience Role Organisation
2016). A common method for qualitative studies in (in years)
construction research is conducting interviews (Am-
Interviewee 1 24 years Contracts Grade C1
aratunga et al. 2002) as described next. manager construction
3.1. Interviews Interviewee 2 20 years Chief Grade C1
quantity construction
Three preliminary interviews were carried out to surveyor contractor
complement, contextualise and customise the find- Interviewee 3 15 years Financial Grade C1
ings of review of literature through incorporating controller construction
216 C. K. Fernando et al.

The outcome of the literature review and inter- method for fulfilling three central stages of AHP
views were aggregated to construct a framework in this study.
for the study. This resulted in identifying the ma- The first stage of AHP is to deconstruct the
jor financial risks applicable to contractors in Sri problem into a hierarchy consisting of major el-
Lanka alongside the potential hedging techniques ements categorised into different layers, these
to counter them as captured in Table 3. It should being goals, objectives/sub-objectives, and alter-
be noted that all six common hedging techniques natives (Forman, Selly 2001). For this study, the
extracted from the literature were corroborated model illustrated in Figure 1 breaks the problem
through the interviews as having a potential for down into a 3–layer AHP model. The constructed
countering the financial risks. model conforms to the principles introduced for
Table 3. Major financial risks and hedging techniques arranging the clusters symmetrically as described
for Sri Lanka by Ishizaka and Labib (2011). Because AHP mod-
els have some objectives that consist of more al-
Major financial risks facing Commonplace hedging
contractors techniques ternatives, this makes them prone to more errors
Variations in material prices Forward contracts
in distributing the weights. At this stage, a set
Interest rate fluctuations Futures contracts
of pairwise comparisons should be constructed in
Material shortages Options contracts
which elements in any level are compared against
Exchange rate fluctuations Swaps contracts each other with respect to the elements in the
Structural or balance immediate upper level. In this study, elements in
sheet hedges layer 2 (financial risks) were compared in terms
Invoicing in local currency of their severity for the upper level (level 1 i.e. the
goal of managing the financial risks effectively).
Nonetheless, the priority of the identified risks
In the same vein, hedging techniques in layer 3
in terms of severity and the relative effectiveness
were compared against each other with respect
of available hedging techniques had to be estab-
to their suitability for dealing with each risk in
lished in a systematic way to render the resource
layer 2. The maximum number of elements were
allocations efficient and optimised. This is sug-
in level 3 (i.e. 6 alternatives), hence the use of
gestive of a prioritise the objectives, sub-objectives,
absolute numbers for making comparisons were
and alternatives problem for which an effective
justified based on a 1–9 scale as recommended by
solution is the Analytical Hierarchy Process
Saaty (2008). The method selected for extracting
(AHP) (Forman, Selly 2001; Yazdani-Chamzini
the priorities out of each comparison matrix was
et al. 2014).
the well-known one developed by Saaty (1977)
according to which the principle eigenvector was
3.2. AHP
used as a tenable and popular measure for cal-
The AHP is a multi-criteria decision analysis culating the vector of priorities. Likewise, the
method that has been employed across various three-step mean of row approach was deployed
disciplines (Ishizaka, Labib 2011) to analyse a to calculate the vector of priorities by considering
wide range of complicated problems in engineer- Equation 1 as described by Ishizaka and Labib
ing management studies (Yazdani-Chamzini et al. (2011):
2014). An example of this is the construction in-
A × P = λ × P . (1)
dustry (Vidal et al. 2011), particularly for making
decisions concerning risks in many seminal studies In Equation 1, A represents the comparison
(Hosseini et  al. 2016) given the advantages pro- matrix while λ is the maximal eigenvalue and P
vided by AHP for making decisions with regard is the desired priorities vector. The maximum ac-
to complicated problems (Yazdani-Chamzini et al. ceptable consistency ratio (CR) for each comparison
2014). Apart from its widespread acceptance in matrix was considered to be 10% (Ishizaka, Labib
academia, AHP does not require a large sample 2011). For any CR greater than 10%, the pair-wise
size (Duke, Aull-Hyde 2002). As a result, AHP was comparison needs to be repeated in order to keep
deemed an effective method for analysing the data inconsistency to a minimum (Kildienė et al. 2014).
in this study. There are around 15 different ap- It should be mentioned that AHP is not a method
proaches for performing AHP which are delineated based on statistical techniques (Duke, Aull-Hyde
based on the selected alternative for completing 2002). Besides, “consistency in rating alternatives
each main stage of AHP (Ishizaka, Labib 2011). is rarely the case when subjectivity is involved”
The following sub-sections describe the selected in AHP, thus CR is the most common measure
Managing the financial risks affecting construction contractors: implementing hedging in Sri Lanka 217

Effective Management of Financial Risks through

Hedging Techniques Goal

Variations in material Exchange rate Interest rate Material

prices fluctuations fluctuations shortages

Structural or balance Invoicing in local

Forward contracts Future contracts Future contracts Options contracts
sheet hedges currency contracts


Fig. 1. The AHP model to deconstruct the problem in a hierarchy

to identify inconsistency among the respondents’ ing Sri Lankan contractors with a C1-C4 grading
rates (Duke, Aull-Hyde 2002: 136). The CR was in construction work headquartered in Colombo (In-
calculated for each comparison matrix based on stitute for Construction Training and Development
the responses of experts. 2008). As such, the sampling method followed the
Generally, there are two methods to aggregate principles of purposive sampling which “is typically
the judgments of respondents to achieve the results designed to pick a small number of cases that will
in a group-based AHP. These methods comprise yield the most information about a particular phe-
the Aggregation of Individuals Judgments (AIJ) nomenon” (Teddlie, Yu 2007: 83). Compared against
or the Aggregation of Individuals Priorities (AIP). probability sampling with a large sample size, pur-
Since the objective is to reach a response based on posive sampling leads to a greater depth of knowl-
the consensus of the group, the AIP approach was edge from a small number of experts on the topic
performed as recommended by Forman and Peni- (Teddlie, Yu 2007). Moreover, AHP as the primary
wati (1998). Likewise, the final priority vectors in analysis method of the present study is not statisti-
each case were calculated by considering Equation cally-based, thus even “a ‘sample size’ of 1 is enough
2 using the geometric mean of individuals’ priority to implement the AHP methodology” as articulated
vectors following Forman and Peniwati (1998) and by Duke and Aull-Hyde (2002: 134). AHP is utilised
Ishizaka and Labib (2011). to use a small group of experts to define a specific
33 problem based on these experts ‘own experience.
( ) ∏P ( A )
Pg A j = i j
(2) Deploying groups as small as five to twelve experts
i =1 are typical of AHP studies (Duke, Aull-Hyde 2002).
( )
In Equation 2, Pg A j represents the priority Therefore, to elicit the perceptions of these experts
on the usefulness of hedging techniques, 97 requests
identified based on the group of experts’ decision
( )
for alternative j while Pi A j refers to each in- were sent out. These 97 experts were identified by
the respective contractor organisations as involved
dividual  i ’s priority of alternative  j . It should be
noted that wi is applicable to cases in which differ- in financial decision-making of the firm or project
ent individuals have different weights in decision- sites. Eventually, 33 duly completed and returned
making. In such cases, wi  represents the weight of questionnaires formed the basis of the primary data
individual i that in this study was assumed equal for this study. The response rate was 34% while re-
for all the respondents. sponse rates around 10% are not untypical of con-
temporary construction management research (Bing
3.3. Data collection et al. 2005). In view of the above facts, the sample
size and the response rate of the present study were
To collect data, a questionnaire survey was conduct- deemed acceptable. Table 4 illustrates the profes-
ed targeting the financial decision-makers of lead- sional background of the respondents.
218 C. K. Fernando et al.

Table 4. Background of questionnaire respondents

Position of respondents Number Length of service in Organisation
the industry
Quantity surveyor/commercial manager 12 More than 10 years Construction contractor
Contracts manager 5 More than 10 years Construction contractor
Financial controller/accountant 5 More than 10 years Construction contractor
Project manager/project engineer/coordinator 11 More than 10 years Construction contractor
Total 33 – –

4. Results The overall perceived suitability of hedging

techniques i.e. the global priorities of AHP model
4.1. Major financial risks
are captured in Table 7.
The first section of the questionnaire was aimed at Table 7. The global priorities and ranks of hedging
eliciting perceptions from experts with respect to techniques
the severity of financial risks facing construction
Hedging techniques Overall Ranking
contractors in Sri Lanka. The second part encom- priorities
passed prioritising the hedging techniques based Forward contracts 0.396 1
on their perceived suitability in dealing with the Futures contracts 0.181 2
identified financial risks. Table  5 illustrates the Options contracts 0.142 3
priority vector gained from comparing alternatives Structural or balance 0.123 4
with respect to the goal of the model. The con- sheet hedges
sistency ratios (CR) for each respondent’s matrix Swaps contracts 0.121 5
were calculated of which the maximum was 0.102, Invoicing in local 0.038 6
which was deemed reliable based on the allowable currency
consistency ratio (0.10) as described.
Table 5. Aggregated priorities and ranks of financial risks
5. Discussions
Financial risk factor Aggregated priorities
(rank) Findings of the study could be summarised as
Variations in material prices 0.416 (1) the model illustrated in Figure 2. As for the most
Interest rate fluctuations 0.278 (2) important financial risks, the findings in Figure
Material shortages 0.223 (3) 2 demonstrate a consistency with observations in
Exchange rate fluctuations 0.084 (4) other developing countries. That is, according to
Ghahramanzadeh (2013: 100), for Iranian clients
4.2. Effective hedging techniques on construction projects “the first three risks in
The next stage of the questionnaire entailed as- terms of criticality are cost overrun, foreign ex-
sessing the suitability of hedging techniques in change and convertibility, and inflation and inter-
countering the four risk factors (i.e. extracting the est rate”. As shown in Table 5, the highest impor-
priority vector associated with level 3 with respect tant score has been secured by the financial risk
to level 2 of the model in Figure 1) as identified arising from variations in material prices. It is un-
and illustrated in Table 5. The priorities extracted derstandable as market instability is a rampant is-
from the aggregated results of the AHP analysis sue in developing countries (Beck et al. 2010; Iqbal
are illustrated in Table 6. et al. 2015). Heavy reliance on imported materials

Table 6. Priority vectors reflecting the perceived suitability of hedging techniques in

managing the identified financial risks
Financial risk factor VP IF MS EF
(0.416) (0.278) (0.223) (0.084)
Forward contracts 0.384 0.419 0.393 0.385
Futures contracts 0.170 0.187 0.176 0.231
Swaps contracts 0.069 0.154 0.168 0.145
Options contracts 0.158 0.111 0.163 0.103
Structural or balance sheet hedges 0.181 0.091 0.063 0.096
Invoicing in local currency 0.038 0.037 0.037 0.041
Managing the financial risks affecting construction contractors: implementing hedging in Sri Lanka 219

1st Option Forward Contracts

1 Variations in material prices

2nd Option Futures Contracts

2 Interest rate fluctuations

3rd Option Swaps Contracts
3 Material shortages

4th Option Options Contracts

4 Exchange rate fluctuations

5th Option Structural or balance sheet hedges

6th Option Invoicing in local currency

Fig. 2. Integrated model of financial risks and hedging techniques for developing countries

could also be a factor triggering the variances in problems they encounter (Baloi, Price 2003) and
material prices coupled with exchange rate fluc- a lack of financial strength (Ghoddousi, Hosseini
tuations (Giang, Sui Pheng 2011). Material price 2012). Exchange rate fluctuations can have an im-
fluctuations could also be attributed to inflation pact on prices of imported materials and equip-
in developing countries as identified by Ghahra- ment as well as fuel, which comprise a very high
manzadeh (2013) for Iran. It could be linked to proportion of the costs of constructed products in
material shortages in the local market as asserted Sri Lanka (Central Bank of Sri Lanka 2012). Ac-
by Perera et al. (2014) for Sri Lanka. In the same cording to the Board of Investment (BOI 2013) im-
vein, fluctuations of material prices were identified ported components used in a major infrastructure
by Chan et  al. (2011) as a critical risk factor for vary from 45–63% of the total cost.
contractors in Hong Kong, which emphasises such Generally, the risks identified in Figure 2 seem
detrimental effects even in countries that have to be tenable for a typical developing country such
been categorised as developed. as Sri Lanka. The instability of the overall econo-
Interest rate fluctuations ranked as the sec- my, currency fluctuations and changes in interest
ond while material shortages and exchange rate rates alongside shortage of materials emerged as
fluctuations the third and the fourth respective- the main causes of financial problems in develop-
ly. The fluctuations in interest rate might affect ing countries (Baloi, Price 2003). This is exacer-
many aspects of construction work, mainly the bated by the lack of financial facilities and the as-
cost of borrowing which is at the heart of every sociated complex supply chains in such countries
contractor’s cash flow (Maravas, Pantouvakis (El-Gohary, Aziz 2014). Literature acknowledges
2012). Shortage of materials is a serious issue in that most of the financial risks of contractors have
developing countries such as Palestine (Enshassi roots in the local economic conditions (Zhi 1995).
et al. 2009), Jordan (Sweis et al. 2008) and Nigeria Due to this vicious cycle, in most cases contrac-
(Okpala, Aniekwu 1988). Availability of materials tors might not have sufficient collateral to obtain
was identified as a major obstacle for Egyptian finances from commercial banks (Chiang, Cheng
contractors due to financial problems in a recent 2011).
study by El-Gohary and Aziz (2014). The authors In view of overcoming financial issues, con-
opined that materials shortage is a rampant is- struction companies in developing countries in-
sue for contractors in most developing countries. cluding Sri Lankan contractors normally resort to
One possible operational remedy would be to pur- trade credit, accrued expenses and even differed
chase materials early in lieu of purchasing them payments as highlighted by Perera et  al. (2014).
at higher prices during the course of the contract. In essence, one of the most pressing problems of
Stockpiling of steel and rebar prior to the Beijing small and medium scale contractors is obtaining
Olympics was a typical example of this strategy. the ‘working capital’ required for a project (Eyiah
This would not be the case for contractors in many 2001). While trade credit, accrued expenses, dif-
developing countries due to the endemic financial fered payments, advance payment and construction
220 C. K. Fernando et al.

guarantee fund are very useful for solving working mon financial risks for Sri Lanka and (3) present-
capital issues, the overall financial risks are not ing an integrated model to outline the most impor-
well shielded by these measures. In that sense, the tant financial risks and the most effective hedg-
use of hedging techniques will bolster the efforts of ing techniques to deal with each risk. In practical
contractors in developing countries to resolve some terms, the findings direct contractors and policy
of the major challenges stemmed from financial makers towards focusing their effort and allocat-
risks as endorsed by the respondents of the study. ing the resources in dealing with the issues of four
As far as the most suitable hedging techniques major risks as identified in the present study. The
are concerned, using forward contracts was iden- results would provide an insight for construction
tified as the most influential technique, thus was practitioners in any country with high levels of fi-
considered the first option to deal with identified nancial uncertainty in the industry and at project
financial risks and ameliorating the detrimen- level. The finding would be of particular interest
tal effects of financial risks. This was consistent for Sri Lanka but might be valuable for practition-
with the results of Chau et  al. (2007) who intro- ers in other developing countries in which imple-
duced forward contracts as a popular method to menting risk management initiatives and hedging
relieve financial risks of contractors. As shown in techniques might not be a common practice. Op-
Table  7, apart from forwards contracts technique erational remedies such as purchasing materials
that by far outperforms others, no glaring dif- and products within the initial stages of project
ferences could be observed among the other four lifecycle would not be viable due to the financial
techniques. It should be noted that although the weaknesses of contractors in Sri Lanka. Yet, the
suitability of forward contracts in dealing with findings revealed that a hedging technique such
exchange rate fluctuations is well established in as forward contracts is typically effective in eas-
the construction literature, some concerns have ing the adverse effects of different financial risks.
risen about the quality of products of these con- As a result, implementing forward contracts could
tracts in the market (Chau et al. 2007). Structural be regarded as a remedy for dealing with a wide
or balance sheet hedges, futures contracts, swaps range of financial risks adversely affecting contrac-
contracts, and options contracts are similar in tors in Sri Lanka.
their potential to manage financial risks and were Despite the valuable findings and consistency
ranked as the second to the fifth most influential with previous studies, the findings of the study
hedging techniques for tackling identified financial reflect the perceptions of a selected group of ex-
risks. However, invoicing in local currency held a perts who are responsible for making financial de-
noticeably low priority and could be deemed inef- cisions in contractor organisations in Sri Lanka.
fective in managing any financial risk associated While the perceptions are useful in understanding
with construction projects as illustrated in Fig- and categorising the critical risk factors and suit-
ure 2. In general, it could be construed that there able remedies, the fact that the sample comes only
is no major difference between the suitability of from a small group of experts in one country must
most hedging techniques in dealing with various be taken into account in applying the findings in
financial risks as inferred from Table  7. In other other contexts. Another limitation of the study is
words, contractors could use the same method for due to its explicit focus on hedging. The abilities of
different financial risks. This assumption has been hedging as an effective financial risk management
highlighted by Whaley (2006) stating that effective method has been acknowledged in the literature,
hedging techniques for currency exchange fluctua- yet hedging might not be the only or the best meth-
tions are not different from those regarding inter- od for dealing with financial risks. Even more, ex-
est rate fluctuations. perts in Sri Lanka identified four financial risks as
the most important ones. Practitioners intending
to utilise the findings in contexts different from Sri
6. Conclusion
Lanka should incorporate the impacts of particu-
The findings of the present study go beyond the lar socio-economic conditions on defining the risks
boundaries of the existing body of the knowledge for each country. Such limitations direct future
on financial risks and hedging techniques by (1) investigations of these issues to bolster financial
customising and contextualising the most impor- risk related research in developing countries. This
tant financial risks within the natural context includes, validating the findings of the study in
of Sri Lanka, (2) investigating the most effective other developing countries alongside investigating
hedging techniques in view of the nature of com- the most effective methods to deal with financial
Managing the financial risks affecting construction contractors: implementing hedging in Sri Lanka 221

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