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BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015 Paper II: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, Date Time 16 November 2015, : 2,00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. INSTRUCTION TO PPE CANDIDATE ‘There are 4 QUESTIONS in this Paper 1 Itis COMPULSORY to answer all 4 questions. Question 1 carries 10 marks, and questions 2, 3 and 4 each carry 30 marks (total 100 marks). Write your index number only at the top right hand corner of every sheet of your answer scripts. Do not write your name. Write your answers on one side of the paper only. Begin writing your answers to each question on a fresh sheet of paper. Write the question number clearly at the top left hand comer of your answer scripts. Write your answers clearly. Only handwritten answers are acceptable, Paste-on material and photocopy attachments are not allowed. Please staple your answer scripts for each question together — separate from other questions. “SIA Building Contract” means the SIA Articles and Conditions of Building Contract, 9” Edition September 2010, "SIA Conditions of Appointment’ means the SIA Conditions of Appointment and Architect's Services and Mode of Payment, 3" Edition, September 2002. “SIA Sub-Contract” means the SIA Conditions of Sub-Contract, 4" Edition December 2008. “SIA Minor Works Contract” means the SIA Articles and Conditions of Contract for ‘Minor Works 2012 “PSSCOC” means the Public Sector Standard Conditions of Contract for Construction Works, 7" Edition July 2014. “PSSCOC D&B” means the Public Sector Standard Conditions of Contract for Design and Build, 6" Edition July 2014. "REDAS D&B Contract" means the Real Estate Developers’ Association of Singapore Design and Build Conditions of Main Contract, Third Edition July 2013. BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015 Paper Il: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE QUESTION 1: These are COMPULSORY MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. Circle the correct answer on the separate Answer Sheet provided. 1.01 Under the REDAS D&B Contract, who can be appointed as the Employer's Representative? i) Am Architect ii) A Quantity Surveyor iii) ‘The Employer himself/herself iv) The Employer's relative a) i only b)i&iionly —¢)i,ii& ili only d) all of the avove (1 mark) 1.02 The Architect's powers as a contract administrator is defined in: i) The building contract which the Architect is administering ‘The Building Control Act ‘The Architects Act .ct’s Conditions of Appointment b)iiionly c)i&itionly —_)i, iii & ivonly (1 mark) 1.03 Under the SIA Building Contract, which of the following documents is the Contractor required to submit not later than 14 days before the stipulated date for the commencement of work? i) The Programme ii) ‘The Make-up of Contractor's Prices iii) ‘The Schedule of Rates ition Chart of the Contractor’s Key Site Staff iv) The Orga a) i only b)i&iionly —c)i,ii&iii only d) all of the above (mark) 2uil BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015, Paper Il: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 Under the PSSCOC, the Contractor is required to submit the Programmey for the Works to the Superintending Officer within: a) 14 days after the date of Letter of Acceptance b) 14 days before the date of Commencement in the Letter of Acceptance ©) 30 days after the date of Letter of Acceptance 4) 30 days before the date of Commencement in the Letter of Acceptance (1 mark) Which of the following standard forms of contract contain a specific clause on alternative proposals by the Contractor? i) SIA Building Contract i} PSscoc iii) SIA Minor Works Contract iv) REDAS D&B Contract a)i@iionly — b)ii&iliomly c)ii&ivonly —_d) none of the above (1 mark) Which of the following about the SIA Minor Works Contract is/are true? i) It is used asa lump sum contract only. ii) There is no fluctuation clause in the Contract. ii) Completion Certificate can only be issued when BCA TOP is obtained. iv) It is only used for projects that do not require authority submissions. a)i&iionly — b)iGiiionly c)ii, iii Rivonly d) ii &ivonly (J mark) Which of the following statements is/are true? The time frame for the condition precedent to an Extension of Time is the same for both the SLA Minor Works Contract and the SIA Building Contract. JB. The SIA Building Contract cannot be used as a measurement contract. as) Mediation is the only means of dispute resolution in the SIA Minor Works Contract. iv) For PSSCOC, only an architect can be named as the Superintending Officer. a) i only b)i&iionly — ¢)ili€ivonly —d) none of the above (1 mark) 3/11 BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015 Paper Il: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 1.08 1.09 1.10 Under the REDAS D&B Contract, what document is the Employer's Representative required to issue when the Works have been completed in accordance with the Contract? a) Completion Certificate b) Temporary Occupation Permit ©) Certificate of Substantial Completion é) Handing Over Certificate (1 mark) Which of the following standard forms of contract provide for the Contractor's design responsibilities? Q — REDAS D&B Contract iy PSScoc it) SIA Building Contract iv) SIA Minor Works Contract a)ionly b)iGiionly — c)i,ii &itionly d)all of the above (1 mark) Under the SIA Building Contract, which of the following certificates can be revised? a) Interim Certificate b) Delay Certificate c) Maintenance Certificate 4) Final Certificate (1 mark) aril BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AMINATION 2015 Paper I: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE QUESTION 2: 2.01 2.02 ‘You have been appointed by a first time house owner as the architect for Additions and Alterations to her house. You are in the process of carrying out tender documentation and considering the appropriate form of contract to use. a) Explain the difference between the SIA Minor Works Contract and the SIA Building Contract pertaining to the following items: i) Progress payment procedure and the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act (SOP Act) (4 marks) ii) Extension of Time, Delay and Liquidated Damages (4 marks) iii) The types of communication from the Architect with which the Contractor is contractually obliged to comply (2 marks) iv) Completion (2 marks) b) Make a recommendation to your client, with the appropriate justification, on which form of contract is suitable for her project. (4:marks) You have been appointed by a corporate client as the Architect to perform Basic Services, under the SIA Conditions of Appointment, for an industrial building with special facade features to reflect the company’s corporate image. As you are starting the Design Development stage, your client informs you that he wishes to consider design & build as a method of procurement, and to novate your appointment to the Contractor, and asks for your opinion a) What do you consider to be the pros and cons of design & build as a procurement method? (5 marks) b) Will your role, responsibilities and scope of service change under a design & build arrangement, and if so, how? (5 marks) ©) What is your recommendation to your client on how he can retain control over the architectural design of the special facade features should he decide to use the REDAS D&B Contract? (4 marks) s/t BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015 Paper Il: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE QUESTION 3: 3.01 3.02 You are the Architect administering a project under the SIA Building Contract. A Nominated Sub-Contractor (NSC) has informed you that the Contractor has not paid him the last two progress payments, and that the Contractor's reason is that the Contractor has not been paid by the Employer. The NSC requests that the Employer pay him directly. How would you advise: 1) the Nominated Sub-Contractor (3 marks) b) the Contractor 3 marks) ©) the Employer (3 marks) Assume that you are the Superintending Officer administering the same project above under the PSSCOC instead. How would you advise: 1) the Nominated Sub-Contractor (3 marks) b) the Contractor G3 marks) ©) the Employer 3 marks) 6/11 BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015, Paper Il: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE QUESTION 3 (Cont'd) 3.03 In a project where UPVC rainwater down pipes (rwdp) were designed to be encased in R.C. columns: © While the reinforcement bars of the columns were being placed, the Registered Plumber advised the Contractor that the specified grade of the UPVC rwdp was not suitable for encasement in R.C. columns, © In order not to delay the casting of the columns which was on the critical path of the approved Master Programme, the Contractor upgraded the UPVC rwdp to the grade snitable for encasement in R.C. columns, and proceeded to cast the columns. ‘© Within 14 days of completing the casting of the R.C. columns, the Contractor submitted a variation claim for the upgrading of the grade of the UPVC rwdp. a) Explain, with reference to the relevant clauses in the SIA Building Contract, how the Architect should administer the variation claim: i) If the Contractor had informed the Architect in writing that he intended to upgrade the grade of the UPVC rwdp before proceeding with the casting of ‘the columns, and there was no objection from the Architect. 3 marks) ii) If the Contractor had proceeded without informing the Architect prior to upgrading the grade of the UPVC rwdp. (3 marks) b) Explain, with reference to the relevant clauses in the PSSCOC, how the Superintending Officer (SO) should administer the variation claim: i) If the Contractor had informed the SO in writing that he intended to upgrade the grade of the UPVC rwdp before proceeding with the casting of the columns, and there was no objection from the SO. G marks) ii) If the Contractor had proceeded without informing the SO prior to upgrading the grade of the UPVC rwdp. (3 marks) TAM BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015, Paper Il: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE QUESTION 4: 4.01 Ina building contract, explain the rationale behind the requirement for a Contractor 4.02 to provide the following: a) Performance Bond (2 marks) b) Contractor’s All-Risk Insurance (2 marks) ©) Construction Programme (2 marks) d) Risk Assessment Reports (2 marks) You are the Architect for an 8-Storey office building with 2 basement carparks, administering the SIA Building Contract. During the piling stage, the Employer requested for various changes to the basement, which included a relocation of the basement carpark ramp. Out of goodwill, the Contractor formally agreed to make the changes without cost or time implications, However, during the next 6 months of the contract, the Contractor realized that he did not foresce that the changes would severely delay critical path works. ‘The Contractor then submitted a claim for Extension of Time (EOT) due to the changes to the basement. ‘The Employer has indicated to you that he has no objection for EOT to be granted. a) With reference to the relevant clauses in the SIA Building Contract, outline the contractual procedure from the occurrence of a delaying factor to the decision on EOT. (6 marks) b) Explain how you would address the above scenario. (5 marks) 8/11 BOARD OF ARCHITECTS PRO! SIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION 2015 Paper Il: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, QUESTION 4 (Cont'd) 4.03 ‘The works on site encountered further delays during the Contract Period, some of which ‘were due to changes to design. The Employer’s attitude towards the Contractor has also changed and become more confrontational. The Works were completed,130 days beyond the Contract Completion Date. Prior to the Contract Completion Date, the Contractor had written to you requesting for EDT, including brief explanations for the causes of delay ‘The Employer, unhappy with the performance of the Contractor, has instructed you to issue the Delay Certificate immediately. a) As the Architect, what are you obliged to do before the Delay Certificate can be issued? (4 marks) jer Clause 23.(4) when assessing the EOT. (4 marks) b) Comment on how you would admi ©) Would you issue the Delay Certificate immediately? State the reasons for your decision. (3 marks) - END OF PAPER - g/l

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