Project On Customer Satisfaction On After Sales and Service at AutoFin PDF

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AUTOFIN LTD, Hyderabad

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of

Master’s Degree



P.KISHORE here by declare that this project report titled


Submitted by me to the department of Masters of Business Administration,

University is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any
other university or Institution for the award of any degree diploma /certificate
or published any time before.

Date :

Place: (signature)


The perfect way to document this project would be to start with

acknowledging all those people who directly or indirectly encouraged,
supported me with their value added inputs without them this project would
not have been this better.
To start with I would like to thank Mr. SATHISH KUMAR of
TATA MOTORS AUTOFINANCE PVT.LTD at Paradise for giving me an
opportunity to do my project work.

I would like to give special acknowledgement to MR.O.S.REDDY,

Director of KARUNA P.G. College for BUSINESS MANAGEMENT for
his consistent support and motivation.

My sincere thanks to my faculty Mr.E. S. RANGANADH sir, Associate

professor in marketing, for his technical expertise, advice and excellent
guidance. He not only gave my project scrupulous reading, but added many
examples and ideas to improve it.

I would like to express my appreciation towards my friends for their

encouragement and support throughout this project.

Finally I would like to owe my sincere appreciation to all the Employees of

the organization who provided a friendly environment and supported through
out my project.



The project work titled “customer satisfaction after sale service” is a detailed study on

the various methods that are applied to have better customer satisfaction in order to attain brand


The study is about after sales service provided to the customers of Tata motors at auto fin

ltd. After sales service is important to attain the satisfaction of the customers.

The main purpose of after sales service is to provide customers the services they require.

After sales service helps the companies to retain the existing customers and attract the new


The study is to know and understand the after sales service provided by the Tata motors at

auto fin ltd.

For the collection of primary data the survey method is used, which involved predetermined

questionnaire, Secondary data is obtained from the records, journals, annual reports and

company website.







14- 22

23 - 50

CHPTER-4 51 - 66


67 –70


CHAPTER-6 71 -77




Automobile Industry:

Industry that produces automobiles and other gasoline-powered vehicles, such as

buses, trucks, and motorcycles. The automobile industry is one of the most important
industries in the world, affecting not only the economy but also the cultures of the world.
It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide revenues,
and provides the basis for a multitude of related service and support industries.
Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way
people live, travel, and do business.

The automobile has enabled people to travel and transport goods farther and faster,
and has opened wider market areas for business and commerce. The auto industry has also
reduced the overall cost of transportation by using methods such as mass production
(making several products at once, rather than one at a time), mass marketing (selling
products nationally rather than locally), and globalization of production (assembling
products with parts made worldwide). From 1886 to 1898, about 300 automobiles were
built, but there was no real established industry. A century later, with automakers and auto
buyers expanding globally, auto making became the world's largest manufacturing activity,
with nearly 58 million new vehicles built each year worldwide.

Because of easier and faster transportation, the United States and world economies
have become dependent on the mobility that automobiles, trucks, and buses provide. This
mobility allowed remote populations to interact with one another, which increased
commerce. The transportation of goods to consumers and consumers to goods has become
an industry in itself. The automobile has also brought related problems, such as air
pollution, the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, congested
traffic, and highway fatalities. Nevertheless, the automobile industry continues to be an
important source of employment and transportation for millions of people worldwide.

Automobile India

The history of the automobile industry in India actually began about 4,000 years
ago when the first wheel was used for transportation. In the early 15th century, the
Portuguese arrived in China and the interaction of the two cultures led to a variety of new
technologies, including the creation of a wheel that turned under its own power. By the
1600s, small steam-powered engine models were developed, but it was another century
before a full-sized engine-powered automobile was created.

The dream a carriage that moved on its own was realized only in the 18th century
when the first car rolled on the streets. Steam, petroleum gas, electricity and petrol started
to be used in these cars.

The automobile, as it progressed, was a product of many hands, of revolutionary

concepts, and of simple, almost unnoticed upgrading. India's transport network is
developing at a fast pace and the automobile industry is growing too. The automobile
industry also provides employment to a large section of the population. Thus the role of
automobile industry cannot be overlooked in Indian Economy. All kinds of vehicles are
produced by the automobile industry. It includes the manufacture of trucks, buses,
passenger cars, defense vehicles, two-wheelers, etc. The industry can be broadly divided
into the car manufacturing, two-wheeler manufacturing and heavy vehicle-manufacturing

The major car manufacturers in India are Tata Motors, Hindustan Motors, Maruti
Udyog, Fiat India Private Ltd., Ford India Ltd., General Motors India Pvt. Ltd., Honda
Siel Cars India Ltd., Hyundai Motors India Ltd., Skoda India Private Ltd., Toyota
Kirloskar Motor Ltd., to name just a few.

Objectives of the study

 To know the factors influencing on after sales service of the TATA Motors in
 To know whether the dealer renders after sales service, how fat the consumer is
satisfied with it.
 To know the customer perception towards the service.
 To know the dealer performance.
 To know whether the problem is resolving completely at service station.
 To know whether the vehicle is delivering on time at service station.

Scope and limitations of the study

 The scope is very limited because attitude of the people change according to the
 The study is restricted to both Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Dist and that to among
100 respondents.
 The study is conducted for 45 days.
 The study is restricted to certain area. Therefore, it could not give an accurate
picture about Andhra Pradesh of India.


Research is the plan structure & strategy for investigation conceived to answer to
research question & control variance. It is the overall operation pattern to framework of
project that stipulated the information to be collected from which sources by word
procedure. What are the two possible sources of data for securing in the above mentioned
information in the primary & secondary data.

Research design: the study undertaken to access the after sales service of TATA owners
in Hyderabad and R.R.Dist.

Research procedure: the questionnaire designed for the study in the structured &
disguised in nature. It consists of multiple choice & short questions.

Data: information required for the project is mainly primary data. The information was
collected by survey method. With the help of questionnaire by meting various car owners

Secondary data is collected form the company journals, magazines, broachers & websites.

Sample design: the sampling unit was confined to end consumers of the product i.e.
TATA car owners to know there satisfaction level regarding performance of car
performance of car and service.

Sample universe: the survey was done in Hyderabad and only according to my
convenience. It is not giving the complete picture of Andhra Pradesh (or) India.
Sample frame/unit: professionals, business people, employees etc, who are using TATA

Sample size: the total sample size is 100 only.

Sample method: the information is planned to be collected by sample method, the
sample method followed is random sampling method. The probability random sampling
method is stratified random sampling.

Analytical Method: simple percentage method is used for the analysis purpose.

Period of study: study is during the month of March & April 2011.

Data collection
The information is collected through questionnaires and personal interviews. And the
information of customers is known by company’s service sheet and the free service sheet.

A Direct structure questionnaire has been asked to all the respondents in the sample
followed by direct personal interviews.

Duration of day: 45 days.

Descriptive Studies:

In descriptive studies, when the researcher is interested in knowing the characteristics of

certain groups such as age. Sex, educational level occupation of income, a descriptive
study is necessary. Descriptive studies are well structured. It is therefore, necessary that
the researcher gives sufficient thought to framing research questions and deciding the
types of data to he collected and the procedure to be used for this purpose-The objective of
such a study is to answer the “who, what and how” of the subject under investigation.


A classification of data is very important procedure in this concept. The collected data can
be classified into two types.

1. Primary data

The primary data is very important source for to make suggestions to the title
obtained. This data can be collected in various methods like survey, interviewing,
feedback, i.e. Group Discussion etc., for collection of primary data the survey method is
used, which involved predetermined questions. The structured questionnaire contained a
form list of question framed so as to get the facts. But it involves high risk and huge
expensive method to get the facts.

2. Secondary Data

Collection of secondary data is very easy compared with primary data. But this
data is also very important for the growth of an organization, to predict the future and will
help to make the future plan regarding sales and improve the measures of sales. This data
can be collected form the magazines. Annual reports of the organization and other
published data.

Sample procedure

The sample size consists of 100 consumers. The sample consists of Businessman,
Doctors, Engineers, Officers and Contractors etc.

The survey was conducted in the form of an interview among randomly chosen
sample of 100 consumers of TATA customers Sample size form the dealer randomly.

Need for the study

The Indian automobile industry is witnessing changes like never before. The
Indian consumer is changing with new players entering the market and increasing
availability of service, the consumer is demanding more. Now the question is where TATA
Motors stands in this scenario? TATA Motors is the only company that maintenance good
relationship with there customers and providing good service, well as presenting the
market with a range of cars by cars by introducing different models, and to provide better
after sales service to there customers. TATA Motors has increased its service stations all
over the country, and that’s why TATA Motors is ranked as No.1 in customer satisfaction.
And to maintain relationship with there customers TATA Motors is providing 24 hours
service to there customers after introducing may services, how fat the consumer is
satisfying with it, and to know after sales service of TATA car owners opinion on the
service and the performance of the dealer.



Definition of Customer Satisfaction

Kotler (1997) defines customer satisfaction as follows:

Satisfaction is a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing

a Product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.

Brown (1992) defines customer satisfaction as:

The state in which customer needs, wants and expectations throughout the product or
service's life are met or exceeded resulting in repeat purchase, loyalty and favorable
worth-of mouth.

According to Jones and Sasser (1995), four basic elements affect customer satisfaction.

They are the basic elements of the product or service, basic support services, a recovery
process for counteracting bad experiences, and extraordinary service. There are many
definitions of the key elements of the services, but this one is considered appropriate in the
context of care or after sales services.

Satisfaction is a function of perceived performance and expectation. If the

performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfied. If the performance
exceeds the expectation, the customer is highly satisfied and delighted. If the performance
does not match the expectations, the customer is dissatisfied. Satisfaction is a person’s
feelings of pleasure of disappointment resulting for comparing a products perceived
performance (out-come) in relation t his/her expectation.

The link between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is proportional.

Suppose customer satisfaction is rated on a scale from 1 – 5. At a very low levels of
customer satisfaction.

Level - 1, customers are likely to abandon.
Level - 2 to 4, customers are satisfied but still find tit easy to switch when a better
offer comes along.
Level - 5, the customer is very likely to repurchase an even spread good word of
mouth about the company.

Customers are very likely to repurchase LEVEL5

Customers are fairly satisfied LEVEL 2-4

Low level of customer satisfaction LEVEL 1

The key to generating high customer loyalty is to deliver high customer value. A
company’s value proposition is much more than it’s positioning on a single attribute. Most
of the successful companies are raising expectations and delivering performances to
match. These companies are aiming for TCS – Total Customer Satisfaction. Customer
satisfaction is both a goal and a marketing tool. Companies that achieve high customer
satisfaction ratings make sure that their target market is known.

After sales support management system is apart of ERP Enterprise Resource

Planning solution dealing with the support module after the sales of product. It creates an
advanced environment to the organization, which are in to technical support after sales e.g.
Companies offering electronic goods and motor vehicles etc.

The functional features include:

 Customer complaints tracking
 Service engineers information tracking
 Job scheduling for the complaints
 Spares management
 Online support

 Reports
Customer complaints tracking

Complaint is the start point of any technical support system. With out a client
request the technical support is not initiated. Complaint tracking is done as follows:

 Client may come down or make a phone call or complaint online

 The client is validated. The client may have an annual maintenance contract or
may have a product in warranty or of warranty.
 The intensity of the complaint is to be estimated to allocate resources.
 Expected service type has to be finalized. It may be online assistance indoor or
onsite assistance.

Service Engineers information tracking:

Information about the engineers is inevitable in job scheduling. Information about

the engineers has to be added, deleted or modified in the database. It may contain the
following: the name, id of the engineer; the skill set of the manager; the status of the

Job scheduling for the complaints:

Job scheduling means sequencing the request to its intensity, assignment of a

service engineer and creating a job card. It is done to optimize the technical resources and
to render the best service to the customer. Minor problem are processed by technicians
requests are handled by the expert team.

The job card includes the following:

The compliant id, the assigned engineer id, the data and time of service, the spare
details, no. of person-hours required etc.
 The spare part name and serial number
 The available quantity of each spare part

 The prize, warranty and other specifications
 The supplier information.
Online support:
The service is done online also. The client may visit the website to obtain basic
support information about the product and FAQ. He can chat with the service engineer on
phone or online.


The report reflects the current status of the system. The reports that can be generated are as

 Customer request report status of the system. The reports that can be requests.
 Service engineer report provides the information about the skills and strengths of
the support team.
 Job scheduling report states the allotment of engineers to jobs.
 Spares report discloses the availability of all the shapes in the system.
 Receipts and payments report gives information about the cash flow in the system.
 Bills generation.

Customer satisfaction tracking:

Customer satisfaction is the key concept to dictate the future of the organization. In
order to maximize the customer satisfaction along with quick response and efficient
service some other activities are to be performed.

They may be as follows:

 Reception of the customer with hospitality.

 Entertaining environment to the customer.
 Providing guidance about the usage and maintenance of the product.
 Offering gift and discounts.

Operationalisation of Customer Satisfaction:

As customer needs and expectations are changing all the time, this will lead to a
situation whereby customers keep setting ever higher standards, and therefore to achieve
perfection is impossible. Markets should be seen as a group of individual companies, and
each of them must be treated individually with different requirements, experiences,
commitments, and relationships. Implementing customer satisfaction philosophy means
identifying customers, then identifying their needs and expectations and finally, measuring
their perceptions. Knowing the needs of the customer makes it easier to anticipate the ideal
set of products and services. A major flaw for all the companies has proved to be their
inability to understand other ways that customers can be satisfied. By implementing direct
and continuous employee contacts with the customers, the customers' requirements and
expectations can be determined. This employee-customer connection additionally conveys
the message that the company cares about their customers.

Customer needs can be determined through marketing research, customer

interviews, reading customer concerns, or involving customers in the design of services
and service deliveries. In order to decide if the service can be provided at a profit, it is
necessary to link value equation to the strategic service vision. Working together with both
supplier and customer can increase profitability by expanding margin potential.

A customer satisfaction study should begin by asking about the factors affecting
customer satisfaction, how important those factors are for the whole, and the level of
customer satisfaction. A problem with customer satisfaction surveys (Naumann, 1994) is
that a poor customer satisfaction programme yields vague data and raises customer
expectations. If customer expectations are raised and a company's performance remains
the same, the customer's overall satisfaction will decrease.

Business Definition for: After-sales Service

 Customer support following the purchase of a product or service. In some cases,

after-sales service can be almost as important as the initial purchase. The
manufacturer, retailer, or service provider determines what is included in any
warranty (or guarantee) package. This will include the duration of the warranty
traditionally one year from the date of purchase, but increasingly two or more
year’s maintenance and/or replacement policy, items included/excluded, labor
costs, and speed of response. In the case of a service provider, after-sales service
might include additional training or helpdesk availability. Of equal importance is
the customer's perception of the degree of willingness with which a supplier deals
with a question or complaint, speed of response, and action taken.

After Sales Excellence

After Sales Excellence is a key driver for customer satisfaction and loyalty but also a very
important source of revenues and profits throughout a vehicle lifecycle. Our after sales
experts support our clients in all relevant areas of after sales service to improve the
internal cost base, the retail attractiveness as well as customer satisfaction. Our results are
measurable - significant improvements on key indicators such as warranty costs, service
quality, and fixed first visit rate.

Supply Chain Excellence

Our Supply Chain Excellence service enables you to realize substantial improvements in
your supply chain performance in terms of cost, efficiency, lead times, demand
management, customer service and working capital requirements. We measure, improve
and qualify supply chain organizations and processes and support our clients by
identifying and rapidly implementing cost and efficiency savings in the entire supply
chain. This can be achieved with the comprehensive, cross-functional redesign of all
logistics processes leveraging the entire supply chain including customers and suppliers.

With our proven Integrated Supply Chain Excellence Audit we quickly identify gaps to
proven best practices and benchmarks within, and beyond, the Automotive Industry.

Value Chain Design

Constantly reviewing the companies’ value chain in a rapidly evolving environment;

deriving required core competencies and partnerships is a key management responsibility.
We help our clients design their value chain in terms of a global engineering footprint,
production and service network, thereby improving efficiency and customer satisfaction in
alignment with corporate strategy.

Customer Contacts and Relationships

In all cases, the supplier had been involved with the customer since the beginning
of the network building. It is difficult to distinguish whether some of the changes in
customer-supplier relationship were due to the duration of the relationship between the
two parties and whether some of the changes were caused by changes in the customer's
needs resulting from the customer's new position in the network life cycle curve. For the
results of this research, that question in terms of the underlying factors has not addressed,
but for future studies, it would be relevant to clarify which of these two factors is the more
significant or in fact, whether they can be distinguished.

Relation of the Care to Customer Satisfaction

Innis and La Londe (1994) discovered that several customer satisfaction variables
significantly affect a customer's total customer satisfaction. Customer service attributes
received high ratings for the importance of customer satisfaction. Attributes for physical
distribution of customer service were rated higher than many marketing attributes.

Most Important Services

Barsky (1995) proposed that what is important for one customer may not be
important for another. Barsky proposes this in the area of priority marketing, and the idea
was applied to different services in general. When a buyer considers closer integration
with a supplier, they may consider that it will most likely limit the number of potential
suppliers and fear that the partner may take advantage of this by increasing prices or
delivering poorer quality or poorer service. Interlocking with the supplier can limit the
opportunity to acquire innovations if the supplier lacks the capability of being a leading-
edge supplier. Research has shown that there are frequently differences between the views
of the supplier's management on customer value and the customers' views on what they
say they value. This was studied in the present study as well.




Tata Motors Limited is India's largest automobile company,

with revenues of Rs. 32,426 crores (USD 7.2 billion) in 2010-11. It is the leader by far in
commercial vehicles in each segment, and the second largest in the passenger vehicles
market with winning products in the compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments.
The company is the world's fifth largest medium and heavy commercial vehicle
manufacturer, and the world's second largest medium and heavy bus manufacturer.

The company's 22,000 employees are guided by the vision to be "best in the
manner in which we operate, best in the products we deliver, and best in our value system
and ethics." Tata Motors helps its employees realise their potential through innovative HR
practices. The company's goal is to empower and provide employees with dynamic career
paths in congruence with corporate objectives. All-round potential development and
performance improvement is ensured by regular in-house and external training. The
company has won several awards recognising its training programmes.

Established in 1945, Tata Motors' presence indeed cuts across the length and
breadth of India. Over 4 million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out
in 1954. The company's manufacturing base is spread across India - Jamshedpur
(Jharkhand) in the east, Pune (Maharashtra) in the west, and in the north in Lucknow
(Uttar Pradesh) and Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). A new plant is being set up in Singur (close
to Kolkata in West Bengal) to manufacture the company's small car. The nation-wide
dealership, sales, services and spare parts network comprises over 2,000 touch points. The
company also has a strong auto finance operation, TML Financial Services Limited,
supporting customers to purchase Tata Motors vehicles.

Tata Motors, the first company from India's engineering sector to be listed in the
New York Stock Exchange (September 2005), has also emerged as an international
automobile company. In 2005, it acquired the Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company,

Korea's second largest truck maker. The rechristened Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles
Company has launched several new products in the Korean market, while also exporting
these products to several international markets. Today two-thirds of heavy commercial
vehicle exports out of South Korea are from Tata Daewoo. In 2006, Tata Motors acquired
a 21% stake in Hispano Carrocera, a reputed Spanish bus and coach manufacturer, with an
option to acquire the remaining stake as well. Hispano's presence is being expanded in
other markets. In 2007, it formed a joint venture with the Brazil-based Marcopolo, a global
leader in body-building for buses and coaches to manufacture fully-built buses and
coaches for India and select international markets. Tata Motors also entered into a joint
venture in 2007 with Thonburi Automotive Assembly Plant Company of Thailand to
manufacture and market the company's pickup vehicles in Thailand. In 2007, Tata Motors
and Fiat Auto formed an industrial joint venture at Ranjangaon (near Pune in Maharashtra,
India) to produce both Fiat and Tata cars and Fiat powertrains for the Indian and overseas
markets; Tata Motors already distributes and markets Fiat branded cars in India. In 2008,
Tata Motors and Fiat Auto entered into an agreement for a Tata license to build a pick-up
vehicle bearing the Fiat nameplate at Fiat Group Automobiles' Plant at Córdoba,
Argentina. The pick-up will be sold in South and Central America and select European

These linkages will further extend Tata Motors' international footprint,

established through exports since 1961. While currently about 18% of its revenues are
from international business, the company's objective is to expand its international
business, both through organic and inorganic growth routes. The company's commercial
and passenger vehicles are already being marketed in several countries in Europe, Africa,
the Middle East, Australia, South East Asia and South Asia. It has assembly operations in
Malaysia, Kenya, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Russia and Senegal.

The foundation of the company’s growth is a deep understanding of economic

stimuli and customer needs, and the ability to translate them into customer-desired
offerings through leading edge R&D. The R&D establishment includes a team of 1400
scientists and engineers. The company's Engineering Research Centre was established in
1966, and has facilities in Pune, Jamshedpur and Lucknow. The ERC has enabled
pioneering technologies and products. It was Tata Motors, which developed the first
indigenously developed Light Commercial Vehicle, India's first Sports Utility Vehicle and,

in 1998, the Tata Indica, India's first fully indigenous passenger car. Within two years of
launch, Tata Indica became India's largest selling car in its segment. The ERC in Pune,
among whose facilities are India's only certified crash-test facility and hemi-anechoic
chamber for testing of noise and vibration, has received several awards from
theGovernment of India. Some of the more prominent amongst them are the National
Award for Research and Development Efforts in Industry in the Mechanical Engineering
Industries sector in 1999, the National Award for Successful Commercialization of
Indigenous Technology by an Industrial Concern in 2000, and the CSIR Diamond Jubilee
Technology Award in 2005.
The company set up the Tata Motors European Technical Centre (TMETC) in
2006 in the UK. TMETC is engaged in design engineering and development of products,
supporting Tata Motors' skill sets. Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company and
Hispano Carrocera also have R&D establishments at Gunsan in South Korea and Zaragoza
in Spain.
The pace of new product development has quickened through an
organization-wide structured New Product Introduction (NPI) process. The process with
its formal structure for introducing new vehicles in the market, brings in greater discipline
in project execution. The NPI process helped Tata Motors create a new segment, in 2006,
by launching the Tata Ace, India’s first indigenously developed mini-truck. The years to
come will see the introduction of several other innovative vehicles, all rooted in emerging
customer needs. Besides product development, R&D is also focusing on environment-
friendly technologies in emissions and alternative fuels.

Through its subsidiaries, the company is engaged in engineering and automotive

solutions, construction equipment manufacturing, automotive vehicle components
manufacturing and supply chain activities, machine tools and factory automation
solutions, high-precision tooling and plastic and electronic components for automotive and
computer applications, and automotive retailing and service operations.

True to the tradition of the Tata Group, Tata Motors is committed in letter and spirit
to Corporate Social Responsibility. It is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact,
and is engaged in community and social initiatives on labour and environment standards in
compliance with the principles of the Global Compact. In accordance with this, it plays an
active role in community development, serving rural communities adjacent

to its manufacturing locations.With the foundation of its rich heritage, Tata Motors today
is etching a refulgent future.


Powered by a pioneering spirit and a chain of constant innovations for over 50
years, Tata Motors Limited (TML) has redefined the art of building motor vehicles. Today,
Tata Motors Limited is the sixth largest medium and heavy commercial vehicle
manufacturer in the world, with a significant presence in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin

World-class auto components are the backbone of all world-class vehicles. Keeping
this in mind, Tata Motors Limited has collaborated with major players in the Auto
Industry. The Joint Venture with Cummins, associations with companies like Johnson
Controls, Toyo Radiators, Chuo Springs, Ficosa, Yazaki, Yutaka-Giken, Sungwoo Hitech,
Owens Coring, Knorr-Bremse, Farurecia and Menzolit Fibron, reaffirm Tata Motors
commitment to delivering higher productivity and profitability to the transportation

Tata Motors Limited marked its emergence as a strong multi-national player with
the acquisition of the Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Plant in March 2005. The robotized
factory at Gunsan in South Korea, bus-body manufacturing plants in Ukraine and South
Africa and assembly plants in Bangladesh and Malaysia, are testimony to the strong
presence of Tata Motors Limited across the world.

The Company also gained enhanced credibility as a global powerhouse when the
Government of Senegal approached Tata Motors Limited for technological assistance in
setting up a bus- body plant at Thies.

Right from the earliest trucks that helped move goods around the country, to chassis for
buses that virtually form the backbone of the Indian public transport system today, Tata
vehicles have, quite literally, moved the nation ahead. Tata Motors is India's only fully
integrated automobile manufacturer with a portfolio that covers trucks, buses, utility
vehicles and passenger cars. With over 3 million.

Green Matters:

Tata Motors, a Company that cares about the future... True to the tradition of the
Tata Group, Tata Motors is committed in letter and spirit to Corporate Social
Responsibility. It is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, and is engaged in
community and social initiatives on labour and environment standards in compliance with
the principles of the Global Compact. In accordance with this, it plays an active role in
community development, serving rural communities around its manufacturing locations.

Tata Motors believes in technology for tomorrow. Our products stand testimony
to this. Our annual expenditure on R&D is approximately 2% of our turnover. We have
also set up two in-house Engineering Research Centers that house India's only Certified
Crash Test Facility. We ensure that our products are environmentally sound in a variety of
ways. These include reducing hazardous materials in vehicle components, developing
extended life lubricants, fluids and using ozone-friendly refrigerants. Tata Motors has been
making conscious effort in the implementation of several environmentally sensitive
technologies in manufacturing processes. The Company uses some of the world's most
advanced equipment for emission check and control.

Tata Motors concern is manifested by a dual approach-

1) Reduction of environmental pollution and regular pollution control drives
2) Restoration of ecological balance.

Our endeavors towards environment protection are soil and water conservation
programmers and extensive tree plantation drives. Tata Motors is committed to restoring
and preserving environmental balance, by reducing waste and pollutants, conserving
resources and recycling materials.

Reducing Pollution:
Tata Motors has been at the forefront of the Indian automobile industry's anti-
pollution efforts by introducing cleaner engines. It is the first Indian Company to introduce
vehicles with Euro norms well ahead of the mandated dates. Tata Motors’ joint venture

with Cummins Engine Company, USA, in 1992, was a pioneering effort to introduce
emission control technology for India. Over the years, Tata Motors has also made
investments in setting up of an advanced emission-testing laboratory.

With the intention of protecting the environment, Tata Motors has upgraded the
performance of its entire range of four and six cylinder engines to meet international
emission standards. This has been accomplished with the help of world-renowned engine
consultants like Ricardo and AVL. These engines are used in Tata Motors vehicles in the
Indian market, as well as in over 70 export markets.

Tata Motors is constantly working towards developing alternative fuel engine

technologies. It has manufactured CNG version of buses and followed it up with a CNG
version of its passenger car, the Indica.

Restoring Ecological Balance:

Tata Motors has set up effluent treatment facilities in its plants, to avoid release
of polluted water into the ecosystem. In Pune, the treated water is conserved in lakes
attracting various species of birds from around the world thus turning the space into a
green belt.

Tree plantation programmers involving villagers and Tata Motors employees;

have turned acres of barren village green. Tata Motors has planted as many as 80,000 trees
in the works and the township and more than 2.4 million trees have been planted in
Jamshedpur region. Over half a million trees have been planted in the Poona region. Tata
Motors has directed all its suppliers to package their products in alternate material instead
of wood.

End of Life Vehicle Treatment and Recycling:

India is a recycling society with many people making value out the recovery of
waste materials discarded from products at the end of their useful life.

However, Europe, and some other export markets, have recognized that they
have become a 'throwaway' society in recent decades, and are now introducing waste
prevention regimes in different industry sectors to collect and recycle valuable resource
rather than it ending up in landfill.

In the Automotive sector, the European End of Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive,
points responsibility for this issue to vehicle manufacturers, and the scrap car recovery
industry. Similar regulations are being introduced in Japan and Korea.

Naturally, Tata Motors has already met the 'producer responsibility' aspects of
the ELV Directive, such as compliance to Heavy metals and other hazardous substance
restrictions. Also, material code marking of plastic parts has been introduced to aid
achievement of demanding European recycling targets.

Central to this European regulation is for manufacturers to provide free take-

back networks for environmentally sound treatment of Elves. Last owner contacts for
access to Tata Motors subscribed take-back schemes can be found in:

Only specially authorized vehicle dismantler and shredder operators are

allowed to treat ELVs in Europe, and they have access to Tata Motors ELV treatment
information by registering on:

The Company's Community Service Division works through various societies to
improve the conditions of neighboring villages - encouraging economic independence
through self-initiated cottage industries and contributing to community and social forestry,
road construction, rural health, education, water supply and family planning.

Tata Motors has been making numerous well-planned efforts in the area of rural
development, with specific focus on the following:

Health & Sanitation:

Mobile health service staff provides preventive and curative health services

under the "Health for All" programme. They train village health workers in conducting the
same. Safe drinking water facilities are provided to ensure health of the villagers.

Employment Generation

Tata Motors encourages self-sufficiency with the aim to improving the

confidence, morale and lives of its employees and their dependents. The Company has
worked on some novel ideas around its townships. Employees' relatives at Pune have been
encouraged to form various industrial co-operatives engaged in activities such as re-
cycling of scrap wood into crates and furniture, welding, steel scrap baling, battery cable
assembly etc. The Tata Motors Grihini Social Welfare Society caters to employees' women
dependents'. The women folk make a variety of products, ranging from pickles and
uniforms to electrical cable harnesses etc.

Community Centers:
These centers are situated in various parts of Jamshedpur, Pune and some of their
neighboring towns. The centers regularly organize various programmers & neighboring
populations are encouraged to participate in these activities.

Some of our Services:

 Comprehensive AC repairs conducted using modern AC charging machines.
 Comprehensive accidental repairs done by experts in Body and Paint shop
 Value Added Services - Car Care Treatments, Anti Rust Applications, 18 + 18 / 18
+ 30 extended Warranty benefits, fuel additives, engine decarburizing, etc.
 Service Packages - Gold club member ship, Annual Maintenance contract, Annual
Scheduled Service contract, Vehicle Health checkup plan, etc.

Availability of “Value for Money” Reconditioned aggregates like engines, power steering,
AC compressors (Reconditioned by OEMs)

 workshops
 Qualified and trained Technicians, Service Advisors and Customer Relationships
 Use of special tools and quality parameters for repairs.
 Best in industry labor charges.
 24 hours helpline and a breakdown help line vehicle
 100% assurance of usage of genuine Tata Motors spare parts.
 Usage of specially blended lubricants and long lasting paints
 1-year warranty on workmanship on all kinds of repairs.

Dear Customer

As a valued Tata Motors' Customer, you are entitled to get following support from this

» Quality servicing / repairs of your car!

 Free repair of the complaint that reappears within 3000 kms or 1 month (whichever
is earlier) after being attended at this set-up.

» Quality washing of your car!

 If you are not satisfied with the washing quality of your car, we will clean it again
to your satisfaction!

» On-time delivery!

 If you do not get your car back on the promised day*; we will waive off 10% on
the labor bill of your car!

*In case of increase in job content / parts not available. Service Advisor will intimate
you the revised delivery date & time in advance

» Follow-up call after service!

 This workshop wills contact you on the 4th day after the delivery of the vehicle, to
ensure your satisfaction with the service. Hence, we request you to provide us your
latest phone number.


If you do not get the above services, please let us know through the
"Customer's Voice" form kept near the drop box. It has been our objective and our
Endeavour to introduce high quality lubricants and coolants time and again for the benefit
of esteemed customers like you. These quality lubricants are of superior quality and are
rigorously tested at our Engineering Research Centre, Pune. Use of the same in your
vehicles ensures superior engine and other aggregate performance and enhances its life.

We have tied up with M/s Castrol India Ltd, M/s Hindustan Petroleum Ltd,
M/s Exxon Mobil Lubricants Pvt Ltd & M/s SCCI India Pvt Ltd for supply of these
lubricants and Coolants in the Dealer / Tata Authorized Service Centre workshops.

Our Partners in this Endeavour



The AUTOFIN LIMITED was established in November, 05, 2006. They are the
authorized Dealers for all kinds of TATA Cars in the territory of Andhra Pradesh. The
chairman of AUTOFIN LIMITED is Gautham Jain, Managing Director is Varun Jain.
They have 3 sales outlets and 1 workshop in twin cities. The shorooms are located in
prime localities at:

 Medical Highway, Bowenpally, Secunderabad.

 Salem nagar colony, Malakpet, Hyderabad.
 Opp:Paradise Hotel, Paradise, Secunderabad.
The AUTOFIN LIMITED is Having 18,000 Sft workshop of high standards is
located in Bowen Pally. It is not only one of the largest in India, but also one of the
most well equipped and modern work shops. Manned with a team of technicians with
vast knowledge & experience, most of them are trained at TATA plant. All vehicles are
repaired & subsequently pass through internal quality check for workmanship. They
are assured of genuine spares and timely deliveries. And one work shop is located at
 Medical highway, Bowenpally, secunderabad.

The average fiscal sales for the year 2007-07 were approximately 4000
vehicles and turnover of around 120 crores. They received the following Awards
for Excellence.

 Rated as the best decorated show room for 3 times

 No. 1 in sales in South India.

Auto fin limited is today among the top 10 TATA dealers in customer satisfaction and


It has been a long and accelerated journey for Tata Motors, India's leading
automobile manufacturer. Some significant milestones in the company's journey towards
excellence and leadership.

1945 to 1950

 Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co. Ltd. was established to manufacture

locomotives and other engineering products.
 Steam road roller introduced in collaboration with Marshall Sons (UK).

1951 to 1960

 Collaboration with Daimler Benz AG, West Germany, for manufacture of

medium commercial vehicles. The first vehicle rolled out within 6 months of
the contract.
 Research and Development Centre set up at Jamshedpur.

1961 to 1970

 Exports begin with the first truck being shipped to Ceylon, now Sri Lanka.
 Setting up of the Engineering Research Centre at Pune to provide impetus to
automobile Research and Development.

1971 to 1980

 Introduction of DI engines.
 First commercial vehicle manufactured in Pune.

1981 to 1990

 Manufacture of Heavy Commercial Vehicle commences.

 First hydraulic excavator produced with Hitachi collaboration.
 Production of first light commercial vehicle, Tata 407, indigenously designed,
followed by Tata 608.

1991 to 2000

 Launch of the 1st indigenous passenger car Tata Sierra.
 TAC 20 crane produced.
 One millionth vehicle rolled out.
 Launch of the Tata Estate.
 Joint venture agreement signed with Cummins Engine Co. Inc. for the
manufacture of high horsepower and emission friendly diesel engines.
 Launch of Tata Sumo - the multi utility vehicle.
 Launch of LPT 709 - a full forward control, light commercial vehicle.
 Joint venture agreement signed with M/s Daimler - Benz /
Mercedes - Benz for manufacture of Mercedes Benz passenger cars in India.
 Joint venture agreement signed with Tata Holset Ltd., UK for manufacturing
turbochargers to be used on Cummins engines.
 Mercedes Benz car E220 launched.
 Tata Sumo deluxe launched.
 Tata Sierra Turbo launched.
 100,000th Tata Sumo rolled out.
 Tata Safari - India's first sports utility vehicle launched.
 2 millionth vehicles rolled out.
 Indica, India's first fully indigenous passenger car launched.
 115,000 bookings for Indica registered against full payment within a week.
 Commercial production of Indica commences in full swing.
 First consignment of 160 Indicas shipped to Malta.
 Indica with Bharat Stage 2 (Euro II) compliant diesel engine launched.
 Utility vehicles with Bharat 2 (Euro II) compliant engine launched.
 Indica 2000 (Euro II) with multi point fuel injection petrol engine launched.

2001 to 2006

 Indica V2 launched - 2nd generation Indica.

 100,000th Indica wheeled out.
 Launch of CNG Indica.
 Launch of the Tata Safari EX
 Indica V2 becomes India's number one car in its segment.
 Exits joint venture with Daimler Chrysler.
 Unveiling of the Tata Sedan at Auto Expo 2002.
 Petrol version of Indica V2 launched.
 Launch of the EX series in Commercial vehicles.
 Launch of the Tata 207 DI.
 2,00,000th Indica rolled out.
 5,00,000th passenger vehicle rolled out.
 Launch of the Tata Sumo'+' Series
 Launch of the Tata Indigo.
 Tata Engineering signed a product agreement with MG Rover of the UK.

 Launch of the Tata Safari Limited Edition.

 The Tata Indigo Station Wagon unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show.
 On 29th July, J. R. D. Tata's birth anniversary, Tata Engineering becomes Tata
Motors Limited.
 3 millionth vehicle produced.
 First City Rover rolled out
 135 PS Tata Safari EXi Petrol launched
 Tata SFC 407 EX Turbo launched
 Tata Motors unveils new product range at Auto Expo '04.
 New Tata Indica V2 launched
 Tata Motors and Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Co. Ltd. sign investment agreement
 Indigo Advent unveiled at Geneva Motor Show
 Tata Motors completes acquisition of Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company
 Tata LPT 909 EX launched
 Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Co. Ltd. (TDCV) launches the heavy duty truck
'NOVUS' , in Korea

 Sumo Victa launched
 Indigo Marina launched
 Tata Motors lists on the NYSE


 Tata Motors rolls out its 500,000th Passenger Vehicle

 The Tata Xover unveiled at the 75th Geneva Motor Show
 Branded buses and coaches - Starbus and Globus - launched
 Tata Motors acquires 21% stake in Hispano Carrocera SA, Spanish bus
manufacturing Company
 Tata Ace, India's first mini truck launched
 Tata Motors wins JRD QV award for business excellence.
 The power packed Safari Dicor is launched
 Introduction of Indigo SX series - luxury variant of Tata Indigo
 Tata Motors launches Indica V2 Turbo Diesel.
 One millionth passenger car produced and sold
 Inauguration of new factory at Jamshedpur for Novus
 Tata TL 4X4, India's first Sports Utility Truck (SUT) is launched Launch of Tata
 Launch of Novus range of medium trucks in Korea, by Tata
 Daewoo Commercial
 Vehicle Co. (TDCV)


 Tata Motors unveils new long wheel base premium Indigo & X-over concept at
Auto Expo 2008
 Indica V2 Xeta launched
 Passenger Vehicle sales in India cross one-million mark
 Tata Motors and Marco polo, Brazil, announce joint venture to manufacture fully
built buses & coaches for India & markets abroad
 Tata Motors first plant for small car to come up in West Bengal

 Tata Motors extends CNG options on its hatchback and estate range
 TDCV develops South Korea's first LNG-Powered Tractor- Trailer
 Tata Motors and Fiat Group announce three additional cooperation agreements
 Tata Motors introduces a new Indigo range.

 Construction of Small Car plant at Singur, West Bengal, begins on January 21
 New 2009 Indica V2 range is launched
 Tata Motors launches the long wheel base Indigo XL, India's first stretch limousine
 Common rail diesel (DICOR) engine extended to Indigo sedan and estate range
 Tata Motors and Thonburi Automotive Assembly Plant Co. (Thonburi), announce
formation of a joint venture company in Thailand to manufacture, assemble and
market pickup trucks.
 Roll out of 100,000th Ace
 Tata-Fiat plant at Ranjangaon inaugurated
 Launch of a new Upgraded range of its entry level utility vehicle offering, the Tata
 CRM-DMS initiative crosses the 1000th location milestone
 Launch of Magic, a comfortable, safe, four-wheeler public transportation mode,
developed on the Ace platform
 Launch of Winger, India’s only maxi-van
 Fiat Group and Tata Motors announce establishment of Joint Venture in India
 Launch of the Sumo Victa Turbo DI, the new upgraded range of its entry-level
utility vehicle, the Sumo Spacio
 Tata Motors launches Indica V2 Turbo with dual airbags and ABS
 Launch of new Safari DICOR 2.2 VTT range, powered by a new 2.2 L Direct
Injection Common Rail (DICOR) engine.
 Rollout of the one millionth passenger car off the Indica platform..

 Ace plant at Pantnagar (Uttarakhand) begins production.
 Indica Vista – the new generation Indica, is launched.
 Tata Motors' new plant for Nano to come up in Gujarat.
 Latest common rail diesel offering- the Indica V2 DICOR, launched.
 Indigo CS (Compact Sedan), world’s first sub four-metre sedan, launched.
 Launch of the new Sumo -- Sumo Grande, which combines the looks of an SUV
with the comforts of a family car.
 Tata Motors unveils its People's Car, Nano, at the ninth Auto Expo.
 Xenon, 1-tonne pick-up truck, launched in Thailand.
 Tata Motors signs definitive agreement with Ford Motor Company to purchase
Jaguar and Land Rover.
 Tata Motors completes acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover.
 Tata Motors introduces new Super Milo range of buses.
 Tata Motors is Official Vehicle Provider to Youth Baton Relay for The III
Commonwealth Youth Games Pune 2010.
 Indica Vista – the second generation Indica, is launched.
 Tata Motors launches passenger cars and the new pick-up in D.R. Congo.

 Tata Motors begins distribution of Prima World truck.
 Tata Motors launches the next generation all-new Indigo MANZA.
 FREELANDER to be launched in India.
 Tata Marcopolo Motors' Dharwad plant begins production.
 Tata Motors launches Nano - The People's Car.
 Introduction of new world standard truck range.
 Launch of premium luxury vehicles - Jaguar XF, XFR and XKR and Land Rover
Discovery 3, Range Rover Sport and Range Rover from Jaguar and Land Rover in


Mission, vision and values

Tata Motors constantly looks for ways to offer the customer the best value for
money. Beginning with a single truck model way back in the 1950s, today we have over
150 models and variants of vehicles, designed to transport goods and passengers. Our
commercial vehicles can haul loads ranging from 2 tonnes to 40 tonnes. Likewise we have
mini buses that can seat 12 people and buses that can accommodate as many as 60.
Tippers, Tractor-trailers, 4x4 off road vehicles, multi-utility vehicles-our range are vast.

A significant breakthrough has been the development and commercialization of the

truly Indian cars- Tata Indica and Tata Indigo.

Our vehicles are capable of meeting stringent Euro norms. And we have been able
to do so by using technology, which is environmentally sustainable.

Browse through our product range below to know more about our International market


Four models for Tata Indica V2:-

Indica V2 DLX:

Power steering, Central locking system, four-power window. About convenience of

driving, HVAC system provides good cooling effect. Door handles, body colored bumpers,
ORVM and wheel arch flair are few more advantages.

Indica V2 DLG:

This model have body colored bumpers, the wheel arch flairs, internally adjustable OVRM
and central locking system. Front windows are power windows. To avoid the scorching
heat in a summer days, HVAC system of cooling can soothe anybody inside the car.

Indica V2 DLS:

Power steering and other features like internally adjustable OVRM, sill valence, body
colored bumpers, and the wheel arch flair have made this car comfortable and secured for

Indica V2 DLE:

Adjustable internally OVRM on the driver's side, sill valence, grey wheel arch flairs add a
new touch in terms of security as well as elegance.

Indica V2 Xeta GLX:

Central locking system, Power steering , Four power windows. HVAC system gives nice
cold feelings. Body colored bumpers, OVRMs, door handles and the wheel arch flairs.

Indica V2 Xeta GLG:

With the different looks and almost with the alike features of the GLX. It has front power
window facility.

Indica V2 Xeta GLS:

Power steering, Body colored bumpers, internally adjustable OVRM, sill valence, wheel
arch flairs.

Indica V2 Xeta GLE:

Sill valence, grey wheel arch flairs and internally adjustable OVRM on the side of the

Four models for Tata Indica V2 Turbo:

Indica V2 Turbo DLG

DLG with its power steering and front power windows is a very comfortable car
with its HVAC system of cooling and, is reliable car with its central locking system.

Indica V2 Turbo DLX:

DLX is the most advanced version of Indica V2 Turbo for its added few features
along with the features of DLG. Its leathered wrapped steering, luxurious seats and
adjustable headrest provide total comfort of long driving.

Indica V2 Xeta

The new Indica Xeta. Its extra Efficiency Torque Advantage petrol engine
delivers 12.4 kgm torques, for a smoother and more responsive drive. With instant pick up
and fewer gear changes in stop-start city traffic.

The technologically superior MPFI engine comes with a 32-bit microprocessor, and sports
12 sensors, including a knock control sensor to reduce damage from adulterated fuel. The
result? Even more enjoyable long drives, with a frugal fuel consumption at 14 kmph.

Its spacious cabin - the biggest in its class, seats three people comfortably in the rear, with
ample elbowroom and generous legroom. The luxurious beige interiors come as a standard
feature Step into the Xeta. You will realize why the Indica Xeta is not just a common car.

Indica V2

Uniquely styled and innovatively packaged, the Indica is designed and engineered to meet
the highest standards of international quality and also to stand up to the tough demands of

Indian roads and weather conditions. Every feature of the car reflects a deep understanding
of the Indian market and promises much more than any other car in its category.

The Indica is brought to you by TATA Motors, the people who know India like no one else
does. So when you get behind the wheel of an Indica, you can feel proud about driving one
of the finest cars in the country.

Indica Turbo

The new Indica V2 Turbo is the only car in the B segment to offer a Turbo charger. The
car features a Turbo diesel engine that delivers an improved top speed and an enhanced
output of 68PS @ 4500 rpm. While the increased torque of 130Nm @ 2500 rpm is the
highest in its class. Apart from the changes in the engine, the car also features 14" wheels
among other class leading features.

It is available in 3-colour options including:

 The exclusive Cherry Red color, which is available in the European market.
 The Indica V2 Turbo is available in DLG and
 DLX models, at an incremental cost to the consumers.








The Tata Motors People's Car Luxury Version (Tata nano)

Upcoming products of Tata






Every comment of the customer is very important for the company,

And every answer of the customer is very valuable for the company. So basing on the

answer given by the customers, an analysis has been designed to each of the answers given

by the respondents and interpretations have been made on the basis of these analysis.

The sample size consists of 100 customers from twin cities of Hyderabad

and Secunderabad. The analysis and interpretation of each question is as follows:

1. What is the model of car used by you?

S.No Models No.of Percentage

1 Indica DLX 37 37

2 Indica V2 37 37

3 TATA Sumo 13 13

4 TATA Safari 10 10

5 TATA Dicor 03 03

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

It is observed that 37% of the total respondents use Indica DLX, 37% of the
respondents use Indica V2, 13% of the respondents use TATA Sumo, 10% of the
respondents use TATA Safari and last 03% of respondents use TATA Dicor model.

2. Which type of Car have you bought?

S.No Buyers No. of Respondents Percentage

1 New 94 94

2 Pre Owned 6 6

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

From the survey conducted, it is observed that 94% of the respondent has
purchased new cars and 6% of the respondent has purchased Pre Owned cars.

3. Whether the price of the Vehicle is?

S.No Price No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Affordable 85 85

2 Not Affordable 15 15

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

It is observed that 85% of the people feel that the price of vehicle is affordable, and
15% of people feel that the price of vehicle is not affordable.

4. What is the purpose of buying this Car?

S.No Purpose of buying No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Personal use 87 87

2 Rental use 10 10

3 Other use 3 3

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

From the data collected it is observed that 87% of the customers use their vehicle
for personal use, 10% of the customers use their vehicle for rental and 3 % of the buyers
for other use.

5. Who influenced in buying this Car?

S.No Influenced No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Your self 48 48

2 Family 32 32

3 Friends 12 12

4 Advertisement 8 8

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%


From the study, it is observed that 48% is influenced by themselves, 36% feel that the
family place a vital role to purchase their vehicle, and then comes to friends 12% and then
advertisement 8%.

6. What does this car convey?

S.No Car Conveys No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Status 24 24

2 Necessity 54 54

3 Comfort 18 18

4 Other 04 04

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

From the data collected it is concluded that 24% of the consumers purchase the
vehicle to maintain the status, whereas 54% of the consumers purchase the vehicle
because of their necessity. 18% of the consumer’s purchases it as it gives comfort, 12% of
the consumer purchase the vehicle for other reasons.

7. What are the reasons for buying this Car?

S.No Crucial No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Price 34 34

2 Mileage 53 53

3 Service 7 7

4 Brand Image 6 6

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

It is concluded from the study that 34% of them say that price is crucial, 53% of
them say mileage and 7% & 6% of them say service and brand image.

8. You use your Car mostly for.

S.No Car used for No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Office 44 44

2 Family 45 45

3 Long Drives 9 9

4 Shopping 2 2

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%


It is observed that 44% of the respondents use their vehicle for going to office, 45%
of the respondents use their vehicle to take their family out and 2% and 9% of the
respondents use their vehicle for shopping and long drives.

9. How long you will use this vehicle.

S.No How long you will No. of Respondents Percentage


1 1-2 years 5 5

2 2-4 years 15 15

3 4-8 years 68 68

4 8 years & above 12 12

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

From the study, it is observed that 5%and 15% of the consumer keep their vehicle
1-2 years and 2-4 years, 68%, and 12% of consumers keep their vehicle for 4-8 years and
8 years &above.

10. Rate your satisfaction for the service provided by the Organization?

S.No Satisfaction level at No. of Respondents Percentage

service station

1 Excellent 7 7

2 Good 61 61

3 O.K 24 24

4 Poor 8 8

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

From the survey conducted satisfied level at service center showed at X-axis and
No. of Respondents at Y-axis. 7 % of the consumers said excellent, 61% said good and
24% and 8% of the consumers said ok and poor.

11. Are you satisfied with mileage given by your Car?

S.No Satisfied with No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 81 81

2 NO 19 19
Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

It is observed that 81% of the respondents are satisfied with mileage given by their
car and 19% are not satisfied with mileage given by their cars.

12. Express your satisfaction level on performance of your Vehicle?

S.No Performance of No. of Respondents Percentage

your vehicle

1 Satisfied 80 80

2 O.K 20 20

3 Not satisfied 00 00

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

It is observed that 80% of customers are satisfied on the overall performance of the
vehicle and 20% of the customers are at constant (o.k.).

13. Comment on the prices charged at service station?

S.No Comment on prices No. of Respondents Percentage

1 High 8 8

2 Medium 38 38

3 Reasonable 56 56

4 Low 2 2

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

It was observed that 8% of the respondents feel that the prices charged at service
station is high and 38% feel it is medium and 56% of the respondents feel that the prices
are reasonable and 2% feel that the prices are low.

14. How is the performance of the executives?

S.No Performance of No. of Respondents Percentage


1 Excellent 8 8

2 Good 62 62

3 O.K 23 23

4 Poor 7 7

Total No. of Respondents 100 100%

It is observed that 8% of the respondents feel that performance of executives is
excellent, 62% of the respondents said that performance of the executives is good, 23%
the respondents said the performance of the executives is ok and 7% of the respondents
said that performance of the executives is poor.




 Most of the buyers are professionals and business people using the TATA cars.
 94% of the respondents purchase new cars only.
 Nearly about 85% of the customers feel that the price of vehicle is affordable.
 About 87% of the respondents use TATA cars for there personal use.
 The reason for purchase only TATA is necessity for 54% of the customers, 24% of
the consumers feels status and 18% feel comfortable.
 Many of the respondents are satisfied with regard to mileage, price.

 45% of the respondents use there vehicle to take there family out and 44% use for
going to office.
 61% of the respondents were satisfied with service provided by the dealer at the
service center, 24% and 7% of the respondents said ok and excellent, and 8% of
the respondents were not satisfied with service at service station.
 Above 56% of the respondents feel the prices are reasonable at the service center.
Where 8% and 38% of the respondents feel that the prize are high and medium
 62% of the respondents feel that the overall performance of the vehicle is good,
8% and 23% of the respondents feel that the performance of the vehicle is
excellent and o.k.


 It is suggested that some more place should be provided for luggage.

 To provide better service to customers at work shop
 To make the vehicle more spacious inside
 To improve the comfort ness in the vehicle
 Skilled and experienced persons should be provided at service center, so that
problems of the vehicle should be resolved completely.

 Engine capacity should be increase, this leads to increase mileage and pickup
once when A/C is on
 To increase the place of parking at workshop.


“The global business environment is buzzing with the single most important issue of
Building a competitive edge by creating and retaining a large number of customers than
their goods and services every organization is there fore seized of the task of establishing
sustaining its worth to the customer, who has been rendered unpredictable by competition”

Therefore, every business is making a continuous effort for achieving customer effort for
achieving customer loyalty

In short, it is total organizational culture and brand equity, which face challenge. So that
there is a perennial struggle amongst organizations to sustain their existence in the market
place, and hence in order to sustain the stiff competition the company has to take up
market Research frequently to know the changing needs & preference of the customers.

This helps the company to reframe the policies in providing cutting edge technology to
satisfy the customer & retain him for a life time



Customer Name:_______________________
Contact No:____________________________
Vehicle Model:_________________________

Vehicle make:__________________________
Registration No:_________________________

1. Customer Age?
a. Below 25years
b. 25-35 years
c. 35-50 years
d. 50 years and above

2. Relationship with vehicle?

a. Owner
b. Owner friend
c. Owner relative
d. Driver

3. How do you know about the dealership serive?

a. TV channels
b. Newspaper
c. Friends
d. Others

4. Why you choose dealership for services?

a. Nearest
b. Good service
c. Good response

d. Low cost

5. How long have you been a customer to the vehicle?

e. Less than 6 months
f. 1-2 years
g. More than 3 years

6. How long have you been a customer to the same dealership?

a. Less than 3 months
b. 3-6 months
c. 6-9 months
d. Above 9 months

7. Whether appointment was desire date and time?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable

8. Courtesy/ friendliness of the dealership?

a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor

9. Cleanliness comfortable of dealership?

a. Excellent
b. Good

c. Average
d. Poor

10. Whether the vehicle was delivered as per the promised

a. Yes
b. No

11. Whether the vehicle was delivered with cleanliness?

a. Yes
b. No

12. Whether the vehicle was delivered by satisfying your

a. Yes
b. No

13. Whether the actual cost is meet the estimation?

a. Yes
b. No
14. How satisfied with our service?
a. Yes
b. No

15. When you recommended your friends are relatives?

a. Dissatisfied recommended

b. Likely to recommended
c. Likely not recommended
d. Definitely not recommended

16. Do you provide any suggestions to improve the


Date: Customer Signature



Principles of Marketing : Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong

Marketing Research : G.C.Beri

Consumer Behavior : Leon G. Shiftman

Services Marketing : Adlarian Palmer

Magazines : Auto India

: Business Today

Journals : ICFAI General of Marketing

: Retail Marketing

Web Sites :



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