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Combating terrorism, now being discredited by intolerant fanatics and opportunists politician, under whom ,the elite
citizen, responsible for the executive functioning and the Investigating agencies responsible to protect the sovereign
power of the State are knee down in anticipation of their posting for greasing their palm. This is the greatest problem of
the world. It has become the threat to the Nations, who encouraged it during the process of the struggle of cold war,
with fellow nation. The god of hated filled cult having its mandate to get the rid of the world of proclaimed ͞infidels͟ and
͞heretics͟, are themselves struggling against their own weaknesses The kingdom of Arabia was formulated on the
principles, that this world rejected all type of injustice, violence, breach of peace, bloodshed, murder and plunder. Jihad
was defined after the battle of Bard. It is written in the ͞Kitbag al Tauhid͟. The tomb of Prophet Muhammad was virtually
destroyed in 1803 at Medina and People Stripped the Kaba at Makah. These people were declared Blasphemous.
Virtually ͞Jihad͟, which was earlier known as the struggle against oppression and rather a struggle against their own
weakness, has started combating against their own people. There was the reformation. People disallowed ceremonies
for marriage and death. They prohibited the worship of the saints, adorning of graves, tomb and monuments. They
prohibited and provided the restriction upon holding religious processions, sharing art, music and dance and provided
the proper place to women as their god only exposes fickleness of their minds. Most of the Muslim m  are flourishing,
because of Hindus only, and will be shut if Hindus stop visiting them. The mosquitoes are flying in the air to drag the
blood from the body of the defenseless Non violent citizen. Mosquitoes, even lesser in number, will suck the blood of
Majority. They become the scorpions, if the number of carnivorous human being are proportionately increased to
insufficient numbers. These people are viper snake converted to Cobra. The number of these poisonous reptiles
Increased. Even, if they increased in quarter to the number of other community, they become pythons. Stop them from
doing So in India, otherwise we will be buttered, as Hindus are Buttered in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Pakistan. The
submissive nature of the Hindus is evident even today, even a single person of other faiths Hindus are credulous by
nature. They simply believed what others said without suspecting the ulterior designs of the enemy. There were
occasions when the idealist Hindu rulers sincerely honored a treaty or ceasefire in war but the crook enemy took undue
advantage of their credulousness and captured them. If there were Jai Chands in medieval times, there are Laloos,
Paswans, Mulayams, Arjuns in this era, who, for their momentary selfish motives, are selling the interests of the Hindus
in the name of   without realizing the irreparable loss being caused by them to their community. Gandhi͛s
  always aimed at destruction of Hindus at the hands of Muslims. Paswan͛s   advocates a Muslim
Chief-Minister in Bihar. Arjun͛s   believes in distorting our history. Numerous such pseudo secularists have
always been active to destroy the Hindus. Making films on Hindu Gods & Goddesses causes irreparable harm to the faith.
Human beings personifying Hindu Gods & Goddesses, pasteurization of vulgar scenes/songs in temples, showing Hindu
Gods & Goddesses smoking in ad films only lowers their respect in the eyes of people. . Inviting censure of Sikhs by films
like ͞Sava Lakh Se Ek Ladaoon͟, and ͞Jo Bole So Nihal͟ are live examples of the concern of the Sikh community for their
gurus, which regretfully is missing in the attitude of the Hindus. The beggars wearing masks of Hindu Gods and posing as
Gods for begging in bazaars & streets definitely reduces obeisance for the Gods. The Muslim invaders exercised every
atrocity on the native Hindus. They attacked us. They looted wealth, slaughtered innocent people, converted Hindus to
Islam at the point of sword. They kidnapped our women and raped them with pride. They broke temples and erected
mosques over them. They even decked idols of those temples in the stairs to humiliate Hindus. Famous historian late sri
P.N. Oak claims that the so called Muslim monuments in India were originally the Hindu buildings. The Muslim invaders
plundered them, captured them, broke them, sacrilege them and converted them into Muslim monuments. The Hindus,
instead of considering them a stigma on the National honor take pride in calling them

. Millions of
rupees are spent on their maintenance. Some have been given the status of heritage buildings. A community of self
honor would never accept such humiliation like this It is marriage within consanguinity. Though marriage within
consanguinity is against Hindu marriage Act, but the custom overrides the statutory provisions. This weakens the
uniformity of the custom at national level and makes us a subject of ridicule by others. I have seen Sikh leadership
fighting collectively on different issues like Delhi riots, turban issue in France, m
issue in Sweden, 

(ridiculing cartoons) issue in Mumbai, turban-scanning issue in America. All the Sikh leaders irrespective of their political
affiliation fought it collectively. Similarly, Prophet Mohammed͛s picture (cartoon) in a Danish newspaper attracted
protest from Muslims all over the world. Conversely, you can amply see Hindu leaders neutralising efforts of their own
brothers without doing something for Hindu welfare and blaming of violating secularism. It is nothing but a cheap effort
to earn momentary & transient acclaim from others. On the contrary, the leaders of other faiths are fighting collective,
forgetting their political differences, definitely fetches them tangible results. Mulayam͛s secularism impels him declare
holiday in U.P. on last Friday of Ramjan. Mulayam, Pasvan throwing   parties to Muslims and wearing Muslim caps
on their heads shamelessly is the burning example of pseudo secularism.  Conversion of Bangladesh from a secularist to
an Islamic nation in 1979 did not perturb these    nor did the planned elimination of Hindus in Bangladesh and
Pakistan caused qualms of conscience to them. Now the only Nepal Hindu Country is Extinguished. If the journalist has
started hurling the shoe on the face of Union Home Minister. It is the beginning of retaliating of the outrage emotion of
the people to thwart the govt. , which is continuing by sheer opportunism and will perish it existences, as the combating
the Islamic violence will come to an end. At least Mr. Jagdish Titaler and mr. Shajjan have been eliminated from the
Zone of the fight in this battle by their field set up by their own guardian, for whom these criminals participated in
Genocide and Murder of Khalsa Akhali People.

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The bar and the bench are meant to provide mutual assistance for dispensing the justice. A prominent Bar is always
considered to be of utmost requirement for imparting the duties assigned to the Judge, while deciding the case before
him. The opportunist Lawyers always get their position in the matter of Elevations of the Supreme Court and High Court
Judges. How , one may forget the Incident of the Supersession of the three Judges, When Justice A. N. Ray was elevated
as Chief Justice of India by Smt. Indira Gandhi. She purposely restricted the free speech of Indian Hindus, who were
subjected to atrocities by the fundamentalists Muslims and ultimately the Suppression of the Right of free expression,
Prohibition against resurrections and Suppression of the Right of Life came into Picture. It was the period worst than the
period of British Rule, When at least Hindus were given their due protection against atrocities committed by Muslims
and by Hindus upon the weaker Section Of Society. How one can forget the humiliation suffered by Justice H.R. Khana for
giving the minority Judgment in MISA preventive detention matter pertaining to ADM Jabalpur case .Judicial activism
was based upon accountability of the Executive action in the State. This was increased during the period , when Judges
Of High Integrity, and Potentials were being elevated to the Bench. It was just after taken over the process of selection
of Judges by The collegiums of The Judiciary. The system of Give And Take In the process of the Elevation Started. It was
during the period of adorning the crown by the Judge of the particular religion, that 20 judges of insignificant age were
elevated with the Idea of promoting the Jihad in the arena of the Judiciary also. Judicial activism abrogated just after
their elevation. It has been finally came to an end. It is well known that accountability is not wanted by the criminals and
when the foundation of their religion are it self based upon sex and crime, how does this situation , which promoted the
deception by falsehood, cheating, subjugation and abrogation of the means of innocent citizen for promoting Darul E
Islam may not be liken by them. Why these individual will invite the risk to have their Transparency and accountability.
There was the mission with political agenda to capture the entire world in dominance of a particular religion, while Hindu
judges remain satisfied with their lust for greed, power, favoritism and Corruption. Thus the beginning of opportunism
has gone to the extend that Kashmir Brahmins, who were uprooted from their motherland, but their representative,
after emergence of Gandhi- Nehru Nexus, for being them elevated to supreme Court and High Court of Delhi, have now
started declaring that Aurangzeb was the Secular and the painting of M. F. Hussein depicting the portraits of Ma Durga,
Ma Swarswati, Ma Parvati, Mata Laxmi and Even Naked Bharat Mata. The chapter of Judicial activism, which was once
started by the esteem respected Judges of Supreme Court was not only eroded, but the Judgment given BY Justice
Kuldeep Singh in Smt. Sheila Dixit, Mr. Kamal Nath cases ( In reM.C. Mehta Motal ʹ Bias River Water Diversion were
Reviewed by these Justices. . Smt. Indira Gandhi had taken the license to denounce the authority of Comptroller and
accountant General by getting the Expenditure disproportionate to its pre audit limit, which was not changed. Now the
Government is ruled by alien power. Sonia Gandhi has taken the command in her hand to mis-utilization the
investigating agency of Central Bureau Of Investigation to get her political empire remain intact, even if no confidence
motion passed by majority of political party. Now the Nation is Govern without any Ethics, that is , if you Show me the
man, I will make a Law to benefit him. The judicial Activism is Over. The people are ruled by alien power. They can not
Combat Islamic Jihad. Law does not talk with Justness. There is no accountability. Judges are elevated, having no
essential qualification, which is based upon rational classification. Opportunists are elevated. Supreme Court Stay the
entire proceedings, even beyond the scope of the adjudication placed before Them. Justice Nirmal Yadav elevated, who
are indulged in briary . Number of Judges remained involved in Provident Fund Scam, but who has been resigned till yet.
This idea may promote us of   Time and again Commissions have been constituted to convict, by hook or crook,
the accused of the 1984 Delhi riots. It is the matter of disgraceful event in the history of Judicial accountability, that
Justice, U. C. Banerjee may declare that there was no incident of Godhra Burning of Ram Kar Sevak and there after , even
after the acquittal of the innocent people in Post Godhra Violence, Which Provoked on Account Of the Arson Of Godhra
Mass Burning , the further trial in 2002 Gujarat riots even after their acquittal by the courts of law. On the other hand,
terrorists like Wassan Singh, Zaffarwal and Jagjit Singh Chauhan deserving severe punishment have gone scot-free for
want of proof and it did not impel any   to deplore such acquittal and seek re-trial. Mushrooming  in
the country indulging in anti-Indian activities. This does not worry these    but they have the audacity to term
the activities of RSS and VHP as anti-nationalists. For them, religion-based reservation for the Muslims in AMU is not an
anti-national act, but the alleged discrimination in relief-distribution to the quake-hit in Bhuj surely perturbs these
  . 5% reservation for Muslims in A.P. awaiting emulation by Bihar and many other   Governments is
another burning example of their   Pampering the Muslims at the cost of the Hindus is an unpardonable sin,
which cannot be forgiven by any rational and nationalist Indian. It is nothing but a political gimmickry for appeasement of
Muslims to garner their votes, which has rendered the Hindus orphans in their own land. The coming generations of ours
are being recklessly thrown to a disadvantageous position. The virtual slavery is inevitable for us. The irony is that their
  erupts only when the interests of the non-Hindus are involved. Thousands of Hindus being murdered in Mopla
and Naokhali riots before partition, lakhs of Hindus being butchered and cores suffering displacement during partition in
1947 did not make a dint on any of these    Thousands of Hindus being slain in Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir
and lakhs are being rendered refugees in their own motherland. This did not shake the soul of the    Conversion
of Bangladesh from a secularist to an Islamic nation in 1979 did not perturb these    nor did the planned
elimination of Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan caused qualms of conscience to them. The kar-sewaks burnt alive in
Godhra. This doesn͛t make any difference to these   , but its reaction in the form of Gujarat riots is termed as a
͞blot͟ on humanity and the heads are ͞lowered in shame͟. Muslim invaders looted & demolished thousands of temples
and erected mosques over them, but redeeming Ram Temple from underneath Babri mosque is the ͞blackest day͟ in
their life Secularism (or pseudo-secularism?) has done immeasurable harm to Hinduism. The selfish Hindu leadership,
both religious & political, is always eager to compromise the interest of Hindus for transient gains, in the name of
secularism, without realizing the harm caused to the religion in the long run. Is this secularism not applicable to Muslims?
Never does a Muslim ever talk of respect to the other faiths. Hindus are always eager to appease the other communities
(Muslims, Sikhs, Christians etc.) by following their customs/rituals. We may justify it as secularism, but actually it reflects
our wavering faith in our own Gods and Goddesses. On the contrary, rarely is a follower of other faiths seen in our
temples or practicing our rituals. The Hindus are not ready to bear pain involved in fighting for their own rights and
always look towards others to fight for them. This philosophy has made us cowards to such an extent that we did not
retaliate, even the invaders, who attacked us in our homeland. Just a handful of Muslim invaders attacked us, captured
us, slew us, converted many to Islam, outraged the modesty of our women, broke our temples and used every possible
atrocity to destroy Hinduism, but the philosophy of

 made the Hindus surrender every where. The Hindus,
who believe always in the existence of Gods and Goddesses as the symbolic representation of their faith in the form of
worshiping of trees meant for their own protection of life as synonymous to god like m m, 



  etc, as all having medicinal values and their cultural triggers. Their zoolatry is in worship to the
different form of animals, as their existence is required to maintain Eco- Environment- Ecological Balance for survival of
Human Race. Lack of faith has seriously affected unity among the Hindus and has lead to disorganization and weakening
of the Hinduism. On thousands of occasions, Hindus have miserably failed to protect the respect of their Gods and
Goddesses and religious This makes us unorganized and leads to lack of consensus on trivial issues like dates of Hindu
festivals. Our religious scholars seldom agree on single date for festivals leading to celebration of festivals on different
dates. This dilutes the devotion & enthusiasm and also impels a sense of ridicule for our religion in the minds of others.
This is solely because of non-availability of a centralized religious command. This gave the others an excuse to shy away
from the duty to sacrifice for the country. Whenever there was any attack, it was the Kshatriyas, who were to face the
brunt. Many a time, their short number or non-availability of fighter-Kshatriyas, lead us to their defeat in wars.

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