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STEM-1B Lyra
Cierte, Ma. Dezalene G.

An open topped serving box will be made by cutting squares out of each corner of a 12
inches by 18 inches sheet of cardboard and folding the tabs up to form an box.

a. What size of the squares should be cut out to maximize the volume of the box?
b. What will be the volume of the box?

12 in 12 – 2x

18 in
18 - 2x
Length: 18-2x or 9-x
Width: 12-2x or 6-x
Height: x

Volume = lwh
V = (9-x)(6-x)(x)
V = x3– 15x2 + 54x V= (2.35)3-15(2.35)2+54(2.35)
V’= 3x2 -30x +54 V= 12.977875-82.8375+126.9
V’= x2 -10x +18 V= 57.04 in3

x2 -10x +18=0
x2 -10x = -18
x2 -10x + 25 = -18+25
(x-5)2 = 7
x-5 = ± √7
x = 5+√7 x=5-√7
x= 7.65 x=2.35

a. x= 2.35
Narag , Lance Eirich

Working with Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

Let s(t) be the position of the object.

sI = v(t) 1st derivative is velocity

sII = vI(t) 2nd derivative is acceleration


Let s(t) = t3 – 12t2 + 45t be the position of a particle in meters after t seconds.

1. What is the velocity at t = 0?

s(t) = t3 – 12t2 + 45t
sI(t) = v(t) = 3t2 – 24t + 45  velocity
v(0) = 3(0)2 – 24(0) + 45
= 0 – 0 + 45
v(0) = 45 m/s

2. What is the acceleration at t = 1?

sI(t) = v(t) = 3t2 – 24t + 45
sII(t) = vI(t) = a(t) = 6t – 24  acceleration
a(1) = 6(1) – 24
= 6 – 24
a(1) = -18 m/s2

3. What is the velocity when acceleration = 0?

a(t) = 6t – 24 v(t) = 3t2 – 24t + 45
0 = 6t – 24 = 3(4)2 – 24(4) + 45
24 6𝑡
= = 48 – 96 + 45
6 6
t=4 v(t) = -3 m/s
Dimaisip, Kharl Janzen

The equation of a rectilinear movement is: d(t) = t³ − 27t. At what moment is the
velocity zero? Also, what is the acceleration at this moment?

Solution :

At what moment is the velocity zero?

→t³-27t = 0






What is the acceleration at this moment?

Acceleration = 2nd derivative

→ 3t²-27

→ 6t

→ t=3

→ 6(3)

→ 18
Raya, Stephanie Claire

The displacement (in meters) of a particle moving in a straight linr is given by the
equation of motion s= 5t^3 + 3t + 8.

Where t is measured in seconds.

a. Find the velocity after t= 2 seconds

b. Find the acceleration after t= 2 seconds

s(t)= 5t3+3t+8

s'(t)= v(t)

v(t)= 5(3)t2+3

= 15t2+3

a. v(2)= 15(2)2+3

= 15×4+3

= 60+3

= 63 m/s

v'(t)= a (v)

a(t)= 15×2t

= 30t

b. a(2)= 30(2)

= 60 m/s2
Fernandez, Ydhelbize O.

Maximum and Minimum

A recently released film has its weekly revenue given by 𝑅(𝑡) = where R(t)
𝑡 2 +36
is in millions of pesos and t is in weeks. When will the revenue be maximized?


𝑅(𝑡) =
𝑡2 + 36

(𝑡 2 + 36)(50) − (50𝑡)(2𝑡)
(𝑡 2 + 36)2

−50𝑡 2 + 1800
(𝑡 2 + 36)2

−50𝑡 2 + 1800
0 =
(𝑡 2 + 36)2

−50𝑡 2 + 1800
[(𝑡 2 + 36) 2]
[0 = ] [(𝑡 2 + 36)2 ]
(𝑡 2 + 36)2
0 = −50𝑡 + 1800
50𝑡 = 1800
50𝑡 1800
50 50
𝑡 = 36

√ 𝑡2 = √36


The revenue of the film will be maximized in 6 weeks.

Avanzado, Ma. Christinne D.

Find the dimensions of a rectangle with an area of 1000m2 whose

perimeter is as small as possible.

Area of the rectangle: lw = 1000m2

Perimeter: 2l + 2w

1. Solve the value of w 3. Get the derivative of the Perimeter

4. To cancel the l2 in the denominator,

2. Substitute the value of w we need to multiply the equation in l2
P = 2l + 2w

5. Equate it to 0 to get the length

6. Substitute the value of length
We now have the dimensions
P = 2l + 2w which are:

𝒍 = √𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝒎

𝒘 = √𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝒎

7. Square the whole equation to

To check:
cancel the square root

**Based on the dimensions that

we get, it is not a rectangle. It is
a square

8. Solve for the width

Cosico, Anne Dominique Q.

A particle moves along the x-axis. The function of x(t) gives the particles position at any
3 2
t ≥ 0: 𝑡 − 4𝑡 + 3𝑡 − 2

a.) What is the particle’s velocity v(t) at 𝑡 = 2?

v(t) = x’(t) = 3𝑡 − 8𝑡 + 3 (1st derivative)
v(2) = 3(2)2 − 8(2) + 3
= 12 − 16 + 3
= −1

b.) What is the particle’s acceleration a(t) at 𝑡 = 3?

a(t) = v’(t)
x”(t) = 6𝑡 − 8 (2nd derivative)
a(3) = 6(3) − 8
= 10

c.) What is the direction of the particle’s motion at 𝑡 = 2 ?

To the left beause our velocity is negative.

d.) At 𝑡 = 3, is the particle’s speed increasing or decreasing?

v(3) = 3𝑡 − 8𝑡 + 3
= 3(2)2 8(2) + 3
= 27 − 24 − 3
Increasing because our velocity at 𝑡 = 3 and accelareation are both positive.
de Guzman, Angela Grace U.

Starting from the same point, Lex started walking towards the east at the speed of 4 m/s
and Randy ran towards the south at the speed of 3 m/s. Determine how fast is the
distance between Lex and Randy changing after 1 second.


xI = 4 m/s x = (4)(1) = 4 x
yI = 3 m/s y = (3)(1) = 3

zI = ? z=?

Step 1: Pythagorean Theorem

x2 + y2 = z2

42 + 32 = z2

16 + 9 = z2  √25 = √𝑡  z=5

Step 2: Differentiation

x2 + y2 = z2

2x(xI) + 2y(yI) = 2z(zI)

2(4)(4) + 2(3)(3) = 2(5)(zI)

32 + 18 = 10(zI)
50 10(𝑡 )
=  zI = 5
10 10
Celerio, John Erick

What is the smallest possible sum of squares of two numbers, if their product is -16?

S=x2+y2 xy=-16
−16 2 −16
S(x) = x2+ ( ) y=
𝑥 𝑥

S(x) = x2+ 256x-2

S’(x) = 2x -512x-3

2x -512x-3 = 0

(x3) 2x = 512x-3(x-3) S’’(x) = 2+ 1536x-4 concave upwards

2x4 = 512

x4 = 256

x2 = 16


y = -4

S = (4)2 + (-4)2

= 16 + 16

= 32
Maghirang, Arwin R.

A gardener wants to make a rectangular fence enclosure using a wall as one side
and 120m of fencing for the other three sides. Express the area in terms of x, and find
the value of x that gives the greatest area.


WALL 120 4𝑥
4 4
30 = x

A = lw
A = xy
A = x (120 - 2x)
A = 120 - 2x2
Pardiñas, Isaac Raphael

A farmer wants to fence a rectangular pasture adjacent to a river. The pasture

must contain 180,000m2 in order to provide enough grass for the herd. What
dimensions would require the least amount of fencing if no fencing is needed along the

𝐿𝑊 180,000
= A=LW
𝐿= 2W+L



𝑊 2 [2 − = 0] 𝑊 2
𝑊 2 180,000
2𝑊 180,000
2 2 L=600

√𝑊 2 = √90,000 300m x 600m

𝑊 = ±300
Pillosas, Richard C.

Two men are at an elevator. At the same

Elevator time, one person starts to walk away from the
elevator at a rate of 2ft/sec as the other person
starts going up in the elevator at a rate of 7ft/sec.
What rate is the distance between the two people
changing 15 sec. later?

𝑍 𝐼 =?
2z𝑧 𝐼 = 2x𝑥 𝐼 + 2y𝑦 𝐼
𝑋𝐼 = 2
𝑍 = 𝑌𝐼 = 7

X = (2) (15) =30 Z2 = X2 + Y2 (Pythagorean Theorem)

Y = (7) (15) =105

𝑍 = √(30)2 + (105)2
𝑍 = √11925 Y

𝑍𝐼 = =7.2801m/s2
Iranzo,John Nichol P.

A physic application involving position, velocity and acceleration.


A FUNCTION OF TIME, t AS GIVEN BY s=f(t)=8t²-4t+23




v=velocity v=s¹=f¹(t)

a=acceleration a=s¹¹= v¹=f¹¹ (t)

a) s=8t²-4t+23



b) a=v¹=16

Erlano, Redentor Jr.


A car braked with a constant deceleration of 16ft/𝑠 3 , producing skid marks measuring
200ft becoming to a stop. How fast was the car travelling when the breaks were first

𝑎(𝑡) = −16

𝑣(𝑡) ∫ 𝑎(𝑡) 𝑑𝑡

𝑣(𝑡) = ∫ −16 𝑑𝑡

𝑣(𝑡) = 16𝑡 + 𝑐

Use 𝑠(0) = 0
𝑠(𝑡) = ∫ 𝑣(𝑡) 𝑑𝑡 = ∫(−16𝑡 + 𝑐) 𝑑𝑡
0 = −8(0)2 + 𝐶(0) + 𝐷
−16𝑡 2
= +𝐶+𝐷 0=𝐷
𝑣(𝑡) = −16𝑡 + 𝐶
𝑣(𝑡) = −16𝑡 + 𝐶
𝑠(𝑡) = −8𝑡 2 + 𝐶(𝑡)
𝑠(𝑡) = −8𝑡 2 + 𝐶𝑡 + 𝐷

𝑣(𝑛) = 16(𝑛) + 𝐶 = 0

𝑠(𝑛) = −8𝑡 2 + 𝐶(𝑛) = 200

−16𝑛 + 𝐶 = 0

𝐶 = 16𝑛

−8𝑛2 + 16𝑛2 = 200

8𝑛2 200 𝑣(𝑡) = −16𝑡 + 80

8 8 𝑣(0) = 16(0) + 80
√𝑛2 = √25 = 80 𝑓𝑡 /𝑠𝑒𝑐

Arriola James Bernard, B

1.How much work is required to lift a 5kg book 2m high above the ground?

(g=9.8m/s^2). (b) How much work is required to lift a 30lb box 4feet off the ground.


W= F (d) , F= m (g)


W=(5kg) (9.8m/s^2) (2m)

W= 98J

(b) w=F (d) , F=mg

W=(30lbs) (4ft)

W= 120ft.lbs
Arinuelo, Lexuz

You decided to open a shoe factory. How many pair of shoes should you produce
in order to optimize your profit given that your cost is C(x)= x3-6x2+15x and you will be
paid 10$ per pair produced.

x = thousands pf pairs produced

R(x) = 10x <-------- thousands of $

C(x)= x3-6x2+15x

P(x) = R(x) - C(x)

= 10x - x3-6x2+15x

= -x3+6x2-5x

= (-x3+6x2-5x) -1

= x3-6x2+5x

P(x)’ = 3x2-12x+5

−𝑏±√𝑏 2 −4𝑎𝑐 12±√144−60

𝑥= ----- 𝑥 =
2𝑎 6

x= 3.5275

x= 0.4725

6x-12 = 6(3.5275)- 12 < 0

= 6(0.4725)- 12 > 0

X= 3.5725 thousands of pairs to

produce to optimize profit.
Sanchez, Famela
Cuentas, Mary Bea Nathalia C.

The combined perimeter of a circle and rectangle is 100 inches. The length of a
rectangleis twice its width. Find the dimension of each in to mininize the total area.


6.28r+6x=100 r


A= 3.14r2+2x2

A= 3.14r2+2(16.67-1.05r) 2

A'= 6.28r+4(16.67-1.05r)(-1.05)

= 6.28r-70.014+4.41r

= 10.69r-70.014=0

A'= 10.69r/10.69=70.014/10.69

A'= r = 6.55

X = 16.67-1.05r

= 16.67-1.05(6.55)

= 16.67-6.8775

X = 9.7925

Circle : r = 6.55
Rectangle: 19.585x 9.7925
length=2x or 19.585
Flores, John Carlo M.

Time Rates

A point moves on the curve y=x²+3x+5. How fast is "y" changing when x= -2 and x is
decreasing at a rate 3?


y= x²+3x+5

x= -2 dx= -3

dy= (2x+3)dx

dy= [(2(-2)+3)](-3)

dy= (-1)(-3)

dy= 3
Albano, Kael

We are going to fence in a rectangular field. If we look at the field from above the cost of the vertical
sides are $10/ft, the cost of the bottom is $2/ft and the cost of the top is $7/ft. If we have $700
determine the dimensions of the field that will maximize the enclosed area.

𝑦 = 35 − 20 𝑥

𝐴(𝑥) = 𝑥 (35 − 20 𝑥)

= 35𝑥 − 20 𝑥 2

𝐴′ (𝑥) = 35 − 20 𝑥 2

35 − 20 𝑥 2 = 0

𝑥= 9

𝐴′′ (𝑥) = − 10

9 350 35
𝑦 = 35 − 10 ( )=
9 2

350 35
𝑥= 𝑦=
9 2
Pansoy, Arjay

 The demand function for a product is p= $ 1000 - √𝑥. The cost to produce x units
is C = $50000+$100x. What price should be set to maximize the profit of the

R= P · x
P= R-C

= x( 1000-√𝒙) ) – (50000 + 100x)

P= 1000x – x 𝟑𝟐 – 50000 – 100x

P= 900x - X 𝟑𝟐 - 50000
𝟑 𝟏
P= 900 - 𝟐 x 𝟐 = 0
𝟐 𝟑 𝟏 𝟐
( 900 = 𝟐 x𝟐 )𝟑
(600)2 = (x 𝟑𝟐 )2
X= 360,000 units

+ -


P= 1000 –√𝟑𝟔𝟎 𝟎𝟎𝟎

= 1000 – 600

= $ 400
Romo, Neil John U.

The sales of a product "S" in thousand pesos are related to advertising expenses in
thousand of pesos by S=𝑥+10. Find the rate of change of sales with respect to advertising

expenses when x=10


S= 𝑥+10

𝑑𝑆 (𝑥+10)(200)−200𝑥(1)
𝑑𝑥 (𝑥+10)2

𝑑𝑆 (20)(200)−200(10)
𝑑𝑥 (20)2

Romero, John Christian


An object moves along a coordinate line that it's position y = 2t²-12t+8 where y is
measured in centimeters and t in seconds. Determine the velocity of the object when t =
6 sec.

Y = 2t²-2t+8

Dy/dt = 4t-12

Dy/dt = V

V = 4t-12

= 4(6)-12

V = 12cm/sec
Dangue, Sofia Bernadette

The equation of a rectilinear movement is: d(t)= t³-108t. At what movement is the
velocity zero? Also, what is the acceleration at this moment?


v(t)= v'= 3t²-108


3 3

√t² = √36


a(t) = a' = 3t²-108



Aranguren, Christian C.

Two people on bikes are at the same place. One of the bikers starts riding directly north
at a rate of 8 m/sec. Five seconds after the first biker started riding north the second
starts to ride directly east at a rate of 5 m/sec. At what rate is the distance between the
two riders increasing 20 seconds after the second person started riding?

𝑧2 = 𝑥2 + 𝑦2

 Differentiate this with respect to t and we can even solve it for z.

2𝑧𝑧 𝐼 = 2𝑥𝑥 𝐼 + 2𝑦𝑦 𝐼

𝑥𝑥1 + 𝑦𝑦 1
𝑧𝐼 =

x = (5)(20)=100

y = (8)(25)=200

z = √1002 + 2002 = √50000 = 223.6068

 The rate of change of the distance between the two people is then,
(100) (5) + (200)(8)
𝑧𝐼 = = 9.3915
Caballero, JC

∫𝑜 (200 − 4𝑥)𝑑𝑥

∫𝑜 (200 − 4𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = 800

800 = ∫𝑜 (200 − 4𝑥)𝑑𝑥

= [200𝑥 − 2𝑥 2

= [200ℎ − 2ℎ2 ] − [200(0)-2(0)2 ]

= 2ℎ2 − 200ℎ + 800 = 0 = ℎ2 − 100ℎ + 400 = 0

100±√1002 −4(1)(400)
ℎ= 2

= 50 ± 2 √10000 − 1600

= 50 ± 2 √8400

The 2 answers are:

50 + √8400 = 95.826
50 − √8400 = 4.174
Dorado, Kate Airielle Marie

A rectangular package must have a maximum combined length and girth (the perimeter
around the rectangle; this happens to be a square) of 144 inches. Find the dimensions of
the box that yields the maximum volume.

 Let x be the sides of the square end of the box, and y be the length of the box.
 Since we know the combined length (y) and girth (4x) can be 144, and we are
wanting a maximum volume, we can assume that we’ll use 144.
 Then, get the x in terms of y:
 4𝑥 + 𝑦 = 144
 𝑦 = 144 − 4𝑥
 To get the maximum volume, we have to take the derivatives of the volume of the
box and set to 0:
 𝑉 = 𝑙𝑤ℎ
 𝑉 = 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑦  𝑉 = 𝑥 2 ∙ (144 − 4𝑥)  𝑉 = 144𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 3
 𝑉 ′ = 288𝑥 − 12𝑥 2
 12𝑥 2 = 288𝑥  𝑥 = ±24 (use positive)
 𝑦 = 144 − 4(24) ≈ 48
 So to get the maximum area, the box should be 24 inches by 24 inches by 48
Reyes, Karla Marie
In marketing a certain item, a business has found that the demand for the item is
represented by the function: p= 55/√x. The cost of producing x items is given by the
function: . Find the price per unit that gives the maximum profit.
In able to find the price, we need to use this equation:
P= R (x) – C (x)
Since we have the value of C (x), we just need to find the value of R (x). In able to find
that, we need to multiply the fixed price (which is the demand function) to the number
of items (which is x).
R (x) = (55/√x) (x)
= 55√x

After we find the value of R (x), we can now substitute it to the given formula.
P = (55√x) – (0.4x + 700)
= 55√x – 0.4x – 700

Then, we need to find the derivatives.

P’ = 55/2√x of x – 0.4
Then, equate it to 0.
0 = 55/2√x – 0.4
0.4 = 55/2√x
√x = 55/0.8
√x = 68.75

NOTE: We don’t need to find the value of x since we’re finding the price per unit. We
can directly substitute it to the given fixed price.
p = 55/68.75
= 0.80
So the price per unit is $0.80.
Millares, Dave D.

The equation of a rectilinear movement is: d(t) = t³ − 27t. At what moment is the
velocity zero? Also, what is the acceleration at this moment?

v(t) = d′t) = 3t² − 27

3t² − 27 = 0

3t² = 27
3 3
√t² = √9


a(t) = d′'(t) = 6t

6(−3) = −18

6(3) = 18
De Guzman, Mark Anthony

How fast are you travelling if you took 5 hours to go 300 miles?

d=vt distance=velocity x time

d/t = vt/t

d/t =v or v=d/t


Balbalosa, Abigail M.

A rectangular page with 25 square inches of print has margins of 1 inch on each side.
Find the

dimensions of the page so that the least amount of paper is used.


Y+2 25 sq in


Let’s make x = the width of the print and y = the height of the print. Since there’s a 1
inch margin on
each side, it follows that x + 2 is the width of the piece of paper, and y + 2 is the height of
the paper. We
can relate the two variables, x and y, by using the are of the print:
xy = 25 ; y = 25/x .
Since we want minimum area, we have to take the derivatives of the area of the whole
piece of
paper and set to 0:
A = width x height; A = (x + 2)(y + 2); A = (x + 2) (25/x + 2) = 50x^-1 + 2x + 29
dA/dx = -50x^-2 + 2 y = 25/5
0 = -50x^-2 + 2 = 5
x^-2 = 1/25
So to get the minimum area, the width of print should be 5 inches, and the height should
be 5 inches.
This means the width and height of the paper should each be 7 inches.
Capulong, Andrea Mae
Sanchez, Jessel Joyce

Solving Optimization Problems using Derivatives

It is estimated that the cost of constructing an office building that is x floors high is
given by C(x)= 2x ²-48x+600. How many floors should the building have in order to
minimize cost?

Find: minimize C(x)= 2x ²-48x+600 (x= number of floors)

Constraints: x≥0

1st Derivative: C’(x)= 4x-48=0

4x=48 - +

X=12 12


Min of C(12)= Doesn’t need to solve because the problem only asking for the number of

Therefore, the building should have 12 floors to minimize cost.

Silva, Reymart

Joe wants to build a rectangular fence attached to his house. Joe has 400m of material
and wants the area enclosed in the fence to be a maximum. Find the dimensions of the
field enclosed by the fence.

x+x+y= 400

2x+y= 400

x(400-2x) y=400-2(100)

x x 400x-2x² y=400-200

400-4x y=200
y 400-4x=0


100m by 200m
x x

Lorenzo, Lance Rozenkran I.
Pasia, Adlin R.
Deangkinay, Mariane D.

Find two positive numbers such that the sum of the first and twice the second is 100 and

their product is a maximum.

x- 1st number 1st equation ; 2nd equation

y- 2nd number x+2y= 100 (x)(y)= maximized

x= 100-2y

f(x) = (x)(y) 100-4y = 0 x = 100-2y

= (100-2y)(y) 100 = 4y x = 100-2(25)

f(x) = 100y-2y² 25 = y x= 100-50

f'(x) = 100-4y x = 50
Amorao, Dianne P.

The position of an object at any time t is given by s(t)= 3t^4 - 40t^3 + 126t^2-9.

a. Determine the velocity of the object at any time t

S'(t)= 12t^3 - 120t^2 + 252t

b. Does the object ever stop changing?

12t(t^2 - 10t + 21) = 0

12t (t-3) (t-7) =0

12t=0 t-3=0 t-7=0

t=0 t= 3 t=7
Hitosis, Kamille Anne R.

Find a pair of non-negative numbers that have a product of 196 and minimize the sum
of four times the first number and the second number.

1st number = x 2nd number = y

xy = 196 S = 4x + y
196 196 196
𝑦= S = 4x + y=
x x 𝑥

S = 4x + 196𝑥 −1 y= 7

𝑆 𝐼 = 4 – 196𝑥 −2 y = 28
=4- x2

4x2 −196 =0
= x2 =0

4 x2 196
= =
𝑥 4

√𝑥 2 = √49 √𝑥 2 = √0

x = ±7 x=7
Lim, Princess Doryly

A water tank (inverted cone) with radius 2 m and height of 4 m. If water id pumped in at
a rate of 2m3/ min. Find the rate at which the level is rising when the water is 3m deep.

dh height dv = 2m3/ min

dt time dt

V = 1/3 ∏r2h

=1/3 ∏(h/2)2h

= (∏/12)h3

r = 2 r= h
h 4 2

dv = ∏h2 dh
dt 4 dt

2m3/ min = 4/∏(3)2 = dh/dt

dh 8 m/min
dt 9∏

The water is rising at the rate

of 0.28m/min

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