English Test Cls V 1

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English Test 1

I. Read and choose: (20 marks)

1. She’s from Brazil. She speaks ………………
a. Spanish b. Portuguese c. Brazilian
2. The capital of Turkey is …………….
a. Lisbon b. Athens c. Ankara
3. There are two ……….., four ………………and only one …………in the shop.
a. man, women,children b. men, women, children c. men, women, child
4. …………..’s that person with Mike?
a. who b. where c. what
5. I know she’s Susan. But where are …………parents?
a. his b. her c. their
6. It is Monday today. Yesterday was………………….
a. Tuesday b. Saturday c. Sunday
7. Alan is Betty’s uncle and Mary’s father. So Betty and Mary are:
a. sisters b. cousins c.sisters-in -law
8. They aren’t ……….home now, they are …………..town.
a. at, at b. at, in c. in, at
9. ………………….is our dog. It’s there under the tree.
a. That b. This c. These
10. Can I have one more sandwich? I am so ……………
a. thirsty b. hungry c. tired

II. Find the mistakes and correct them: (20 marks)

1. He’s name is Billy.
2. She speaks Poland.
3. I have got a orange umbrella.
4. Where are Bob from?
5. We have Romanian in Monday.
6. Her brother are John.
7. He is got short curly hair.
8. That is my book. It’s here.
9. She has eleven years old
10. Where are the mouses?

III. Complete the dialogue: (20 marks)

A: Hello!.........................................................................?
B: Daniel.
B: I’m from Canada.
A: …………………………………………………………..?
B: I’m Canadian
A: What ……………………………………………………..?
B:. I speak French and English. ………………………………?
A: No, I’m not American. I’m English.
B: …………………………………………………?
A: Yes, I am. I’m a student at a high school in Liverpool. ……………………………….?
B: I’m a student,too.
A: ………………………………………………………………..!
B: Nice to meet you, too! …………………………………………..!
A: ……………………………………..!

III. Write an article about you : (30 marks)

(Full name, age, nationality, town, location, look like, school, family
members ,favourite subjects ,hobbies, etc)

10 marks granted

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