Benefits of Green Beans2

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The Impact of Green Beans

One day, lulu was trying to mix medicine for she mother was badly
sick. All the ingredients to make the medicine was collected , except the most
important ingredient (thing) is the green beans . He been looking for
anywhere but didn't find it. Then , she asked to his friend named Elza.

Lulu: halo, assalamu’alaikum

Elza: wa’alaikumsalam. Long time no see.
Lulu: yeah, how are you?
Elza: Alhamdulillah im fine, how about you?
Lulu: I'm not good
Elza: What's wrong?
Lulu: My mother was badlysick, and I'm trying to make a
medicine. but I need one of the most important
Elza: what's that?
Lulu: Green beans, do you know where I can get it?
Elza: hmnnn…. You should ask ikrima, maybe she could
Lulu: Ikrima? Who is she?
Elza: she has a Largest garden green beans in this
city, try Only You Go Into his garden. The garden
located alongside the city
Lulu: Okay, thank you so much for the information.
Elza: Your welcome.
Lulu: oke goodbye, it's afternoon I have to keep my
mother at home.
Elza: Be careful, lulu
Lulu: Iya, wassalamu’alaikum,lulu.
Elza: Wa’alaikumsalam.
The next day , lulu look for garden of green beans were told by Elza.
after a quite far walk lulu finally found a big garden. He was sure that the
garden is a garden that be told by Elza . So she immediately went in and
looking for the owner of a garden. Then, lulu also seek the owner of a garden.
when around, suddenly come the owner of the garden.

Ikrima: Hey, what are you doing in my garden?

Lulu: I'm looking for the owner of this garden.
Ikrima: I'm the owner of this garden, what your need to come here ?

Lulu: I'm in need of green beans.

Ikrima: For what?

Lulu: My mother is badly sick and my mother need medicine, one of the
ingredients to make the medicine is green beans.
Ikrima: If so, please take green beans as much as you need.
Lulu: Are you serious? How much I pay for it?
Ikrima: Yes, I'm serious. don't need to pay. the money you got for the treatment
of your mother.
Lulu: Thank you very much.
Ikrima: Sure (Yes) , You're welcome

When lulu and ikrima was talking, Suddenly haris when walking around
the garden hear what they're saying. Then Haris have bad intent to steal the
green beans that brought by lulu. when the way home, Lulu blocked by haris.
and haris Suddenly grab the green beans were brought by lulu.

Lulu: What are you doing?!

Haris: Give it to me! (while pushing lulu, and then run away with the box that
brought by lulu)
Lulu: Oh,No!!
From a distance there are two people who saw lulu fell down the road

Novela: what's going on in there?

Risky: I don't know. do you go and ask what happened.
Novela: I go alone? let's go come with me.
Risky: you just, I'm afraid

They both came to lulu , and ask them what happened

Novela: Hey, are you okay?

Lulu: Yes I'm fine , but ......

Risky: But what? What happened?
Lulu: My stuff has been stolen, by that boy (appoint Haris has gone far enough)
Risky: Hey novella! you'd better wait here, and accompany her. I'll catch that boy.
Novela: All right, be careful!!
Risky: Yeah, hey! you stop!
Then , Risky pursue haris. a few moments later Risky get haris
Risky: How dare you! (close to Haris) It's not yours! (Take the lulu box , but Gave
the gun belonged to him)
Haris: take it to me. (While pointing a gun to risky)

Then, risky run.

Haris: Hey! You stop!

Risky: You think it's like in the movie ? Shoot me !

Then the pursuit continues, until they were both exhausted
Risky: Stop….. stop.…
Haris: You think this is a game? (While shooting Risky but failed Until the bullet
Risky : well it runs out.( while mockingly)
Haris: Well, we get this done with the way a man.
Risky: Well…. (while fix his pants)
Haris: it's not like that (while showing his fist hand)

Risky: That's it, okay!

The fight was going on, And finally win by risky. Then risky back to the lulu and
novella is.

Risky : It's your stuff

Lulu : Thank you very much, because both of you helped me out.

Novela: Yes You're welcome, both of us would like to say good bye.
Lulu:okay, be careful

Novela: sure, you too.

And finally Lulu take home the green beans and successfully medicate his


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