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English Test 4

I Put in the right form of the adjective: (14 marks)

1. Alice is …………………………..(smart) in her family.
2. The sky was…………………………(cloudy) yesterday than today.
3. His car is ……………………………(expensive) than mine.
4. Who is ………………………………..(crazy) man in town?
5. John has …………………………(bad) marks than Jack and Peter has
…………………….(bad) in the class.
6. Who is …………………..(old): Meg or her brother?

II.Put the verb wear in the correct tense: (12 marks)

1.I think she ………………….her new shoes tomorrow.
2. What ………………….she……………………at the party yesterday?
3.They …………………their black suits every day, but last week
4. A:…………………… ……………………..this dress tonight?
B: No, I’m not
5. Today he …………………………brown trousers and a white shirt.

III. Circle the correct answer: (10 marks)

1. A:What are your plans for the summer?
B: I …………………….to Paris.
a. will go b. go c. am going to go
2. I promise I……………….you in ten minutes.
a. will call b. call c. am going to call
3. She ……………….dinner at home last Sunday.
a. didn’t has b. hadn’t c. didn’t have
4. Ben is …………………..than his brother.
a. polite b. more polite c. most polite
5. …………………..some young women in the shop.
a. There was b. There were c. They were

IV. Fill in the grid: (14 marks)

Infinitive Past Past participle

V.Translate into English: ( 15marks)

1.Vremea devine din ce in ce mai calda.

2. Promit ca voi lua note mai bune anul acesta.
3. Noi am cheltuit mult mai multi bani decat dl. Parker ,dar nu la fel de multi ca Emily.
4. De ce esti incapatanat ca un catar?
5. Acum cinci zile cineva mi-a trimis cel mai mare si mai frumos buchet de trandafiri

VI. Follow the instructions and write a conversation: (25 marks)

A: Greet your friend and offer him/her a drink

B: Accept politely and say what you would like to drink.
A: Ask where B was last weekend
B: Say you were at the country
A: Ask what B did there
B: Say what you did(2 activities)
A: Ask how B felt
B: Say how you felt
A: Ask what time B came home
B: Say the time you came home. Ask what A did last weekend.
A: Say you stayed home and give your opinion about that. Suggest a place to go next
weekend and what you can do there .
B: Agree with A

10 marks granted

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