First Quarter Exam DRRR (2019-2020)

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools of Division Office I Pangasinan



Name: ________________________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the sub-directions of each test below. Shade the letter with the
correct answer on your answer sheet. ALL FORMS OF ERASURES ARE CONSIDERED WRONG! Use
black or blue ink only.
I. Choose the best answer.
1. What do you call the dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of
life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic
disruption or environmental damage?
A. Disaster B. Hazard C. Risk D. Exposure
2. How would you portray a disaster?
A. A burning house with five family members who are all at work during the incident.
B. A community flooded because of typhoon and the citizens are staying in an evacuation center.
C. A grade one student who got food poison from the spoiled food he ate.
D. A couple who got involved in a vehicular accident on their way home and suffered minor injuries.
3. Which of the following is NOT a variable/factor that aggravates or mitigates the effects of hazards, affecting
the degree or scope of a disaster?
A. Physical B. Socio-cultural C. Economic D. None of the above
4. Which of the following statement is/are TRUE about disaster?
A. It is the product of exposure to hazard and vulnerability over the capacity of the community.
B. It could be aggravated by lack of knowledge and preparedness.
C. It can be lessen by capacitating the individuals and community on the possible hazards.
D. All of the above
5. How would you describe the psychological impact of a disaster?
A. The presence of grief and psychological trauma in the aftermath of a disaster.
B. The death of the people in a community.
C. The widespread loss of housing.
D. The loss of cultural identity among the community.
6. Which of the following instances does NOT make the Philippines more vulnerable to disasters?
A. The Philippines is comprised of islands.
B. Philippines is politically divided.
C. The country is near the pacific ring of fire.
D. Filipinos are resilient from disasters.
7. How would you elaborate the political perspective in disaster?
A. Preparedness had to include public health and hospital personnel in its responder definition.
B. Poorly governed societies and weak states are almost certain to exhibit deficiencies in disaster
C. A basic priority for a country is a unified emergency response to disaster.
D. A marketing approach should be based on an understanding of the factors that act as barriers to
people taking recommend self-protective actions.
8. How would you elaborate the biological perspective in disaster?
A. Preparedness had to include public health and hospital personnel in its responder definition.
B. Poorly governed societies and weak states are almost certain to exhibit deficiencies in disaster
C. A basic priority for a country is a unified emergency response to disaster.
D. A marketing approach should be based on an understanding of the factors that act as barriers to
people taking recommend self-protective actions.
9. How would you explain the impact of disaster in environment?
A. The loss of cultural identity among the community.
B. The presence of grief and psychological trauma in the aftermath of a disaster.
C. The death of the people in a community.
D. The loss of forest due to forest fires.
10. All of the following are elements at risk in a disaster, EXCEPT
I. People
II. Livelihood A. I and II C. None of the above
III. Facilities B. III and IV D. All of the above
IV. Services
V. Environment
11. How would you explain vulnerability?
A. It is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system, asset that make it
susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard.
B. It is the combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community,
society or organization that can be used to achieve goals.
C. It is the degree to which a community is likely to experiment hazard events of different magnitude.
D. It is the presence of grief and psychological trauma in the aftermath of a disaster.
12. How would you demonstrate vulnerability?
A. It is having a strong community organizations.
B. It is the unsafe housing design and construction of a building.
C. It is the local knowledge and skills of a community.
D. Having an adequate food and income sources of a community.
13. How does a normal citizen is more vulnerable during a disaster than trained first aid provider?
A. A trained first aid provider can work abroad than the untrained citizen.
B. A trained first aid provider can earn more money than the untrained citizen.
C. A trained first aid provider can give accurate first aid intervention than a normal citizen.
D. None of the above
14. How would you explain exposure?
A. It is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system, asset that make it susceptible to
the damaging effects of a hazard.
B. It is the combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community,
society or organization that can be used to achieve goals.
C. It is the degree to which a community is likely to experiment hazard events of different magnitude.
D. It is the presence of grief and psychological trauma in the aftermath of a disaster.
15. How would you demonstrate exposure?
A. It is having a strong community organizations.
B. A house near the beach is more exposed to tsunami and storm surge than a house in a city.
C. An unsafe housing design and construction of a building.
D. A community with trained first aid provider.
16. Which of the following is NOT a factor of vulnerability?
A. Poverty B. Religion
C. Physical Disability D. Mental State
17. Disasters frequently result in all of the following, EXCEPT
A. Displacement of populations.
B. Damage to the ecological environment.
C. Destruction of a population’s homeland.
D. Adequate supply of goods and services.
18. Natural resources depletion and degradation is an example of which vulnerability?
A. Physical B. Environmental
C. Social D. Economic
19. How would you differentiate exposure and vulnerability?
A. Vulnerability is the characteristics and circumstances that make a society susceptible to a
hazard while exposure is the degree to which a community is likely to experiment hazard events
of different magnitude.
B. Vulnerability is the characteristics and circumstances that make a society susceptible to a hazard
while exposure is the presence of grief and psychological trauma in the aftermath of a disaster.
C. Exposure is the degree to which a community is likely to experiment hazard events of different
magnitude while the vulnerability is the loss of cultural identity among the community.
D. None of the above
20. How would you explain hazard?
A. Hazard is the degree to which a community is likely to experiment events of different magnitude.
B. Hazard is the characteristics and circumstances that make a society susceptible to a disaster.
C. Hazard is a potentially damaging physical phenomenon or human activity that may cause the loss
of life or injury, property damage or social and economic disruption or environmental degradation.
D. Hazard is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of
life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and
economic disruption or environmental damage.
21. Which of the following situation best demonstrate hazard?
A. A trained senior high school student to provide first aid.
B. A room with furniture’s well arrange for disaster.
C. A house near a beach.
D. A slippery pathway in a school.
22. How can you classify a naturally occurring physical phenomena having atmospheric, geologic or
hydrologic origin according to types of hazard?
A. Natural Hazard
B. Manmade Hazard
C. Human Induced Hazard
D. None of the above
23. What would happen if a hazard is not properly managed?
A. There will be a displacement of population.
B. Ecological environment will be damaged.
C. Destruction of a population’s homeland.
D. All of the above
24. How would you differentiate kidnapping from hostage taking?
A. Hostage taking is the seizing of an individual coupled with a threat to kill or injure while kidnapping
is a crime where the victim is transported a substantial distance or held in a place to collect ransom.
B. Hostage taking is a crime where the victim is transported a substantial distance or held in a place to
collect ransom while kidnapping is the seizing of an individual coupled with a threat to kill or injure.
C. Hostage taking is a threat, usually verbal or written, to detonate an explosive or incendiary device
while kidnapping is a crime where the victim is transported a substantial distance or held in a place to
collect ransom.
D. None of the above
25. How would you explain structure collapse?
A. A structural collapse is an illness caused by eating contaminated food.
B. A structural collapse results when internal load bearing structural elements fail.
C. A structural collapse is a phenomenon caused by algal blooms during which algae become so
numerous that they discolor coastal waters.
D. A structural collapse defined as the seizing or detention of an individual coupled with a threat to
kill, injure
26. What would be the best thing to do if you suffered from food poisoning?
A. Call 911 and Security Services immediately.
B. Immediately seek medical attention to avoid dehydration.
C. Seek medical attention unless you experience neurological symptoms.
D. Self-medicate to feel better.
27. What would you do if the source of fire is electrical appliances/electricity?
A. Extinguish it with water.
B. Use fire extinguisher.
C. Switch off the main fuse.
D. Cover the appliance with wet cloth.
28. Why do we have to target the base of the fire during fire extinguishing?
A. To cool down the temperature.
B. To stop the fuel from burning.
C. To remove oxygen from the tetrahedron of fire.
D. All of the above
29. Which can’t be prevented but can be anticipated generally?
A. Human-made hazards B. Disasters
C. Natural Hazards D. Socio-cultural Hazards
30. What do you call the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities?
A. Food poisoning B. Water Pollution
C. Red Tide D. Chemical Spill
31. How would you explain ground shaking as a potential earthquake hazard?
A. It is the shaking of the earth with the passage of earthquake waves which radiate energy that
have been “stored” in stressed rocks.
B. It is an offset of the ground surface when fault rupture extends to the earth’s surface.
C. It is a phenomenon that in which the strength and stiffness of the soil is reduced by earthquake
shaking or rapid loading.
D. It is the lowering of the ground surface often occurs during an earthquake.
32. What do you call the lowering of the ground surface often occurs during an earthquake?
A. Earthquake induced landslides B. Liquefaction
C. Earthquake induced-ground subsidence D. Ground shaking
33. What sector in the Philippines is highly dependent on constant water supply and unpredictable growing
A. Coastal and Marine Resources B. Agriculture and Food
C. Human Health D. Watersheds
34. How would you explain tsunami as a potential earthquake hazard?
A. It is the seismic sea wave in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of
water generally in an ocean or a large lake.
B. It is the shaking of the earth with the passage of earthquake waves which radiate energy that have
been “stored” in stressed rocks.
C. It is a phenomenon that in which the strength and stiffness of the soil is reduced by earthquake
shaking or rapid loading.
D. It is the lowering of the ground surface often occurs during an earthquake.
35. Which among the following would be the LAST to do during an earthquake incident?
A. Do the “Duck, Cover and Hold”. B. Stay Calm.
C. Secure all your belongings. D. Run immediately to safe area.
36. What do you call the earthquake hazard map that has the expected number of occurrences of damaging
A. Frequency of Damaging Earthquake Map B. Seismic Hazard Map
C. Earthquake Potential Map D. Earthquake Hazard Distribution Map
37. How would you differentiate subsidence to liquefaction?
A. Subsidence is the phenomenon that in which the strength and stiffness of the soil is reduced by
earthquake shaking while liquefaction is the lowering of the ground surface often occurs during an
B. Subsidence is the lowering of the ground surface often occurs during an earthquake while
liquefaction is the phenomenon that in which the strength and stiffness of the soil is reduced by
earthquake shaking.
C. Liquefaction is the seismic sea wave in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume
of water generally in an ocean or a large lake while subsidence is the shaking of the earth with the
passage of earthquake waves which radiate energy that have been “stored” in stressed rocks.
D. Liquefaction is the shaking of the earth with the passage of earthquake waves which radiate energy
that have been “stored” in stressed rocks while subsidence is the seismic sea wave in a water body
caused by the displacement of a large volume of water generally in an ocean or a large lake.
38. How would you explain lava flow?
A. Lava flow is the voluminous quantities of loose, unconsolidated tephra which become deposited on
the landscape.
B. Lava flows are most damaging to property, as they can destroy anything in their path.
C. It happens when a volcanoes emit gases that are often poisonous to living organisms.
D. It consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass, created during volcanic
39. How would you differentiate mudflows from lava flow?
A. Mudflow consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass, created during
volcanic eruptions while lava flow happens when a volcanoes emit gases that are often poisonous to
living organisms.
B. Mudflow happens when a volcanoes emit gases that are often poisonous to living organisms while
lava flow consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass, created during volcanic
C. Mudflow is the most damaging to property, as they can destroy anything in their path while lava
flow is the emission of voluminous quantities of loose, unconsolidated tephra which become deposited
on the landscape.
D. Mudflow is the emission of voluminous quantities of loose, unconsolidated tephra which
become deposited on the landscape while lava flow is the most damaging to property, as they can
destroy anything in their path.
40. All of the following are impending signs of a volcanic eruption, EXCEPT
A. Steam-blast eruption B. Magmatic Eruptions
C. Changes in heat flow at a volcano. D. Volcanic dormancy

II. For number 41-50.

For number 41-45. Write five (5) appropriate measures/interventions before, during, and after a volcanic
For number 46-50. Write five (5) appropriate measures/interventions before, during, and after an

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