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At present time, most of our daily-used materials are made of polymers.

Styrofoams are highly used in developing the industry. Styrofoam contains the

properties such as Polypropylene, Polystyrene, and Polyethylene. Styrofoam is

expanded polystyrenes and they are highly useful and dangerous to the environment at

the same time. The presence of such polymer products is so high that its convenience

causes problems not only to the people but also to the animals and the rest of the

ecological environment. It takes a lot of time to degrade the materials. These inventions

are innovative but, at the same time, not suited to belong to our world, for their

biodegrading process will take from 500 to infinite years. The purpose of this study is to

utilize waste shells as alternative tiles with the help of styrofoam and acetone as an

alternative adhesive.

Background of the Study

Building commercial and residential infrastructures in our country is fast growing.

One of the building materials is ceramic tile that is used as floorings in bathrooms,

dining area and function halls. Because of this, there is a demand of ceramic tiles and
its industry is booming. On the other hand, every year, various solid wastes in our

country have been a great problem to our government. One example is the waste shells

found near the seashore. It makes the seashore look grimy and its foul odor, when

fresh, is disgusting. According to Espinosa (2006) It also serves as silt for

reproduction of flies and other oil-causing insects, which are carriers of disease-causing

bacteria and viruses. These shells are known fossil that contains ninety-seven and a

half percent (97.5%) calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which is a good source of calcium

oxide (CaO) that made these shells rigid and firm.

According to Agbayani (2006), the presence of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

would make it an ideal component for tiles. Thus, this information brought an idea to the

researchers to use the waste shells as raw material for ceramic tile making. Tiles are

hard and durable and are used since the Roman times. They are one of the most used

designs for house renovations. Here in our country, we use tiles as the overall flooring

because it feels colder especially during warm weather. Tiles are also able to remove

the heat from your feet very easily. They are classified into four main types: ceramic or

porcelain, glass, quarry, and stone but in this research study, we are only going to focus

on the ceramic type.

A ceramic tile is made up of clay (shale), gypsum, and sand and is workedinto a

material called bisque. The bisque is shaped into tiles and is heated up to 2500 degrees

Fahrenheit. Ceramic tiles are naturally porous if it is glazed so fire must be applied right

after glazing it to harden then glaze. Acetone is a colorless, volatile, flammable organic

solvent. Acetone occurs naturally in plants, trees, forest fires, vehicle exhaust and as a

breakdown product of animal fat metabolism. (“Ceramic Tiles,2019”).

This study aims to utilize blood clam shells as the main raw material for ceramic

tile making as an alternative to commercial materials such as concrete, glass, cork and

others. This study aids in getting rid of the unpleasant-looking, odorous shells scattered

in seashores and using them efficiently by converting them into quality, durable ceramic

tiles which matches the characteristics of the ones that can be bought in hardware and

construction stores. This study is also environment-friendly for the main adhesive that

will be used in this will be a mixture of acetone and Styrofoam.

Dipolog City is faced towards Sulu Sea which is a factor in the abundance of

waste sea shells being found in seashores, where the researchers will conduct this

study. The geographic features of the locale is advantageous in getting the resources

for this research.

Statement of the Problem

Pollution and global warming have been the biggest natural problem of our

developing country. The study aims to utilize waste shells as main ingredient for the

production of tiles. The study aims to answer the following questions:

1. Which mixtures of styrofoam, acetone and waste shells dry fastest?

A.) 25 g

B.) 50 g

C.) 75 g
2. Is there any significant difference between the properties of the tiles with varying

amount of acetone?

A.) 100 mL

B.) 200 mL

C.) 300 mL

3.) Are the waste shells effective as an alternative component of tiles?

4.) Is there a significant difference in characteristics between waste shell as an

alternative tiles and commercial ceramic tiles when analyze in terms of:

A.) Price and Affordability

B.) Durability

C.) Time of Production


• If tiles are made of materials containing calcium carbonate and shell contains calcium

carbonate, then shells ca be used as an alternative component in producing tiles.

• There is no significant difference on the characteristics of clam shell tiles and

commercial ceramic tiles when analyze in terms of price and affordability, durability,

appearance, brittleness, density and porosity.

Significance of the Study

Waste seashells such as oyster shells, mussel shells, and scallops, among

others are available in huge quantities in certain regions, and is usually dumped without

any re-use value. In this, the researchers aim to utilize waste shells as alternative tiles.

The findings of this research will redound to benefit the community, environment,

school, ceramic tile producers and consumers:

For the Community. This study shall benefit the community for it can also prevent the

rapid growth of population of insects like mosquitoes living in the shells, which are

carriers of disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

For the Environment. This study shall benefit the environment for the solid wastes

such as Styrofoam and waste shells will be put in to other use such as making it into

ceramic tiles.

For the School. This study shall benefit the school for the recognition of the study will

benefit the school.

For the ceramic tile producers. This study shall benefit the ceramic tile produces for

its cost of production is low.

For the Consumers. This study shall benefit the consumers for its high quality and


For the Future Researchers. This study shall benefit the future researchers for this

study can be the basis for the research studies.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The focus of the study is on the utilization of waste shells as raw material for

ceramic tiles. Researchers are looking for waste shells that are still reliable. The time

span of the experiment will be determined by the result of the experiment, but most not

exceed five days. The experiment will be conducted within Dipolog City. The study will

not integrate the use of machine that can alter room temperature, refrigerator and

heater. The process of ceramic tile making including tests on properties such as

appearance (water, alcohol, hydrochloric acid, detergents) flammability, effects of weigh

impact (heavy object and light object) porosity and brittleness. The mentioned test will

be incorporated in the study with observations excluding the temperature for the drying

of the mixture.
Theoretical Framework

The theory that the researchers will use is GenrichAltshuller's Theory of Inventive

Problem Solving, and it was aimed at the subject of engineering but Altshuller(1984)

noted that the principles can be transposed to the organization of creative thinking in

any sphere of human activity.He notes that people have been inventive for a long time

but that the technique which has been employed was that of selecting variantsto the

organization of creative thinking in any sphere of human activity.

This specific theory is applicable to our study on alternative tile making, wherein

the researchers are finding the variants to standard tile making materials. In our case,

we are using waste shells, acetone as well as Styrofoam which aims to replace the

standard materials used in ceramic tile making. The alteration of materials signifies that

the researchers correlate to the word “inventive”, in the sense we are finding ways to

replace standard raw materials with materials that can be gathered without spending too

much financial resources.

Below is a diagram that illustrates how GenrichAltshuller's Theory of Inventive

Problem Solving is applicable to our research:

Theory of
Standard Inventive Alteration of Alternative
Ceramic Tile Problem Materials Ceramic Tiles
Conceptual Framework

• Styrofoam
• Ceramic tile made
• Acetone from waste
• Waste shells shells
• Crushing ofwaste shells
•Synthesizing with
Input Styrofoam
• Molding and Drying
Input Output

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework of the Waste Shells as Alternative Tiles

This research diagram provides the materials and process in making the
alternative ceramic tiles. The first box represents the inputs or the materials of the
study. The second box represents the process that is needed to make the alternative
tiles. The third box represents the output of the study. The arrows show the
relationships between the boxes.
Definition of Terms

1.) Styrofoam - refers to a solid ingredient use to bind the waste shells.

2.) Acetone - refers to the liquid ingredient use to bind the waste shells.

3.) Polymer - substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a

large number of similar units bonded together.

4.) Alternative Ceramic tiles- the product after combining waste shells styrofoam and


5.) Waste Shells – any type of shells that can be seen in shore lines

6.) Price - the value of the alternative ceramic tiles to the market.

7.) Affordability – the amount of the alternative ceramic tiles that is reasonable to the


8.) Times of Production – the time that is needed to produce the alternative tile.

9.) Density – the solidness and the thickness of the alternative ceramic tiles.

10.) Brittleness- hardness and the rigidity of the alternative ceramic tiles.

11.) Porosity – the ability of alternative tiles of making any type of liquids to enter its

inner surface.

Review of Related Literature

This section includes literature concerning the topic that encompasses some

background on Waste Shells and the process of ceramic tiler making. Also, it includes

on tiles made from locally available materials.

Waste Shells: Chemical Components and Uses

According to Espinosa (2006), ninety seven and a half percent (97.5%) of the

chemical components of waste shells are calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) or limestone.It is

embedded between the layers of an organic substance known asconchiolin. Calcium

carbonate (CaCO3) is a compound used in brick making for its high compressive

strength and boiling point.The presence of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) in the shells

indicates that it could be used as a source of calcium oxide (CaO), which was shown to

strengthen blocks and dental fillings.

Additionally, the general uses of shells include synthetic/cultured marble, ceramic

floor tiles, stucco, caulking compound, building products, polishing compound, grouting

and thin set mortars, abrasive in powdered cleansers, sealants, adhesives, putty, and

glues, paints (water-based), animal feeds, insecticides, plastics, PVC pipes, carpet

under lays and paper. (Jamaica Export Trading Company, 2006)

In relation to this, previous study of Espinosa (2006) states that, “Other than

being a good ingredient in strengthening tiles, researchers in Florida, USA and Korea

have developed and successfully tested a new process to convert waste oyster shells

into a compound that cleanses water of phosphorus, a common pollutant in urban,

agricultural and industrial runoff. Heating the shells at very high temperatures in a

nitrogen-rich atmosphere for about an hour efficiently converts their contents into a form

of calcium oxide (CaO). Crushed-up oyster shell forces the phosphorus to leave the

solution, become small particles and precipitate out, or fall to the bottom of the tank,

where it can then be collected and discarded”.

Additionally, a study was conducted at the University of Florida where recycled

oyster shells were used as main raw material to form a permeable concrete tile. The

shells were gathered from local restaurants which were sending around 10,000 oyster

shells each week to the landfill. The test results showed that after drying, a concrete tile

made with oyster shell aggregate had a similar colour, texture and strength to that of a

commercial concrete tile. Moreover, waste shells are processed and made into oral

calcium supplement tablets because of its high calcium content. Studies show that thirty

nine percent (39%) of the chemical components of waste shells is calcium (“Oyster

Shell Aggregate”, 2013).

Furthermore, waste shells are crushed into fine particles to be used as an

organic fertilizer. Studies show that finely crushed oyster shells raises pH in acidic soils

(Espinosa, 2006)
According to Silva, (2019), calcium carbonate is one of the most used raw

materials in various industries, such as construction materials, food supplement,

pharmaceutics, animal feed, plastic production, and others. Marine wastes like

crustaceans and bivalve’s shells are some sources of calcium carbonate. The demand

for food supply has increased, thus resulting to enhanced production techniques such

as oyster farming. In 2016, 438 billion tons of oysters were produced. Most of the shells

were unnecessarily disposed which resulted in a public health problem. The presented

solution is an oyster shell by-product developed by a local company which produces

artificial stone. The main component of the artificial stone is a composite material made

of oyster shells incorporated in a polymeric resin. The mechanical properties, such as

its flexural strength, hardness, Weibull modulus, and fracture analysis, were held in the

artificial stone. The mechanical results of the new artificial stone were compared with

other natural stones, such as granite and marble, and other commercial artificial stones.

Using this product as an artificial stone represents an innovation in the development of

a new product and adds commercial value to local waste.

Properties and Uses of Styrofoam

According to a study conducted at Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College (2017),

Styrofoam can aid in binding the substances of powdered shells with the help of

gasoline. Making cheaper and eco-friendly products as substitute for commercial tiles is

beneficial to humans and the environment. Styrofoam is actually a trade name, used

generically to describe polystyrene foam, a polymer made of a long chain of molecules.

It is injected with gases during the manufacturing process and becomes extremely

lightweight, with about 95 percent air. Styrofoam often makes up drink holders and

insulating materials, as it is a poor conductor of heat. This study deals with the recycling

of polystyrene foam or foam polystyrene more popularly known as Styrofoam. Foam

polystyrene (FPS) was reused as an ingredient in making tiles. The tiles were made as

follows: FPS was mixed with ground talaba shells after being dissolved in premium

gasoline. This mixture was then placed into mold shaving 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm x 1.27 cm

dimensions and was left to air dry. Three mixtures of FPS and gasoline with ground

talaba shells were prepared. The mixtures have the ratios.

Styrofoam is the generic name of the plastic foam polystyrene. Polystyrene is

non-biodegradable and resists compression, making it a persistent part of landfill waste.

Polystyrene dissolves when it is combined with acetone. For the investigatory project,

the student could explore the effectiveness of acetone in reducing polystyrene for

recycling. The student could measure how much polystyrene is dissolved by a particular

volume of acetone. (Price, 2007)

Properties and Uses Acetone

According to Sravya (2016), acetone is an organic compound with the formula of

Propanone di-methyl ketone. (CH3)2CO. A colorless, flammable solvent, it mixes easily

with water and evaporates quickly in air. It is popular in plastics manufacturing,

industrial cleaning products and some household liquids, such as nail polish remover.

Acetone is not considered to be a hazardous air pollutant or volatile organic compound.

A lower surface tension also prevents the solution from beading up on a surface and
makes it easy to dissolve contaminants from hard to reach places. While an abundance

of benefits are provided with acetone cleaner, the substance is still considered to be a

chemical meaning safe handling practices need to be followed. Companies or

individuals using acetone cleaner should take the necessary precautions to prevent

inhalation, consumption, and absorption. The risk is minimal when protective gear is

part of defined handling practices (Gunathilake, 2016)

Ceramic Tile Production

Tiles are similar to bricks. They differ in uses, in shapes, and in finishing. While a

brick is in the form of a block, a tile is in the form of a sheet. Both are made from the

same process and materials but the tile may go through glazing which can give it a

smooth finish. Tiles are used for walls and flooring.

According to Monika (2018), Ceramic tiles are one of the most popular tiles and

they are used in building and construction activities all over the globe. Ceramic tiles is a

key building material used in the construction industry. Ceramic tiles are stylish,

durable, and versatile. They play an integral part in the décor of any space. Ceramic

tiles are manufactured from various minerals and clays such as feldspar, zircon,

bentonite, kaolin, and clay. Raw materials undergo various mechanical operations such

as mixing, drying, and forming to yield the ceramic tile body. The tile body is further

heated at elevated temperatures in order to improve the tile porosity. Thus, resilient

ceramic tiles are produced. Ceramic tiles is one of the key components used in the

construction industry for building interior and exterior floors, footpaths, swimming pools,
walls, partitions, and roofs. Ceramic tiles are highly durable. They offer protection from

abrasion and stains and they require less maintenance. Additionally, these tiles are

available in a wide range of sizes as well as colors. They are available at affordable

prices. Ceramic tiles are extensively employed in various concrete structures ranging

from residential houses such as flats, apartments, villas, and bungalows to commercial

complexes such as hospitals, educational institutions, and airports. Furthermore, these

tiles are used in the construction of industrial concrete structures such as food

processing factories and warehouses.

A study conducted by University of Brighton shows that a mixture of fired shells

"quick lime" and unfired crushed shells form an aggregate. When the mixture is press in

silicon castes a natural chemical reaction occur after a water is added and creating

some heat. The hydraulic reaction is almost the same with the 'curing' of concrete. 21

days later the tiles are hard enough to be hang on a building.

In a study conducted by Binag (2005), pulverized ceramic shells which were

previously used as investment materials in casting processes were sintered to scrutinize

if they are capable of being reused in the production of ceramic refractories. The

sintering function of the pulverized material, which are mainly containing silica and

mullet, were analyzed both in a heating run by conventional contact dilatometer and in

an isothermal process through dilatometer. The mechanical characteristics of sintered

composites combined with a matrix of fine powders and an inert coarse phase of the

same material are assessed and discussed regarding the possible use in the production

of refractory tiles.

In this chapter, information was provided about the materials involved in ceramic

tile production including as waste shells, Styrofoam and acetone respectively.

Information on ceramic tile making in general was also provided. All the necessary

information was taken from previous related studies and articles about the respective

variables used in this study.

Proper treatment such as heating at high temperature and crushing to achieve

appropriate fineness are desirable for a better quality material. Past research indicates

that while seashell waste has been used as a substitute for cement and aggregate,

there is still a lack of investigation concerning its durability, as well as the actual

influence of seashell powder as a cement replacement material. Despite the reduction

in the workability and strength, based on the review, it is suggested that seashell waste

could still be utilized as a partial replacement of concrete.



This chapter includes the research methodology of the dissertation. In this part,

the researchers outline the research design, materials and equipment used, treatments

and variables, general procedure and the data processing.


The researchers will use the experimental research design because this research

design suits best to the study. The experimental research design is used because the

study is conducted with a scientific approach wherein a set of variables are kept

constant while the other set of variables are being measured as the subject of

experiment. The true – experimental research design will be used, for the researchers

will manipulate the experimental variables, as well as the treatment and the subjects.

Materials and Equipment

½ sack waste shells Basin

2 kg styrofoams Durability Testing Equipment

3 liters acetone Triple beam balance

Ceramic tile molders Density Testing Equipment

Spatula Brittleness Testing Equipment

Pounding Steel

Treatments and Variables

Treatment1:Tiles: 25g waste shells, 25g Styrofoam, 100 mL acetone

25g waste shells, 25g Styrofoam, 200mL acetone

25g waste shells, 25g Styrofoam, 300mL acetone

Treatment 2: Tiles: 50g waste shells. 50g Styrofoam, 100mL acetone

50g waste shells, 50g Styrofoam, 200mL acetone

50g waste shells, 50g Styrofoam, 300mL acetone

Treatment 3: Tiles: 75g waste shells, 75g Styrofoam, 300mL acetone

75g waste shells, 75g Styrofoam, 300mL acetone

75g waste shells, 75g Styrofoam, 300mL acetone

General Procedure

The first step that the researchers will do for ceramic tile making is gathering the

materials including the waste shells, before doing anyprocess involved. Provided that

the materials are already acquired by the researchers, below is the flow chart,

describing the process of making the alternative ceramic tiles.

Data Gathering
Phase 1: Preparation of Alternative Ceramic Tiles from Waste Shells
The twelve kilograms (12kg) or half (½ ) sack of waste shells were obtained from
the public wet market of Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte last August 17.
After the shells were collected, it was washed of impurities by thorough

brushing. It will be done for 20 minutes and then air – dried and sun – dried for twenty

four (24) hours. After drying, the shells will be pounded by the use of pounding steel.

The pounded shells are subjected to a screen with fine holes (70 mesh sieve) to allow

only the passage of finer shell particles. Shells that were left on the screen will be

pounded again until such time that it pass through the screen with fine holes.

Mold Making

Each mixture of waste shells, styrofoams and acetone will carefully mixed for

three (3) to four (4) minutes until it is about to start setting. The mixture’s composition is

three hundred grams (25g) of waste shells added to (100mL) styrofoam and (100mL)


Phase II: Tests for Physical Properties


Porosity Test
Two (2) tiles from A1, A2, A3, B1, B3, C1, C2, C3, E1, E2 and E3 and two

commercially available tiles namely Mariwasa Ceramic Tiles and Floor Center

Ceramic Tiles which were referred to as F and G respectively are subjected to

Porosity Test.

Each tile was weighed using a triple beam balance to get its dry fired

mass (Wm). After weighing, each tile was dipped in water instantaneously to fill

the open pores then it was weighed again to get its unsaturated mass (W d). After

weighing, the tiles were submerged in water for five (5) hours and were weighed

again to get its saturated mass (W mm). To get the percent apparent porosity

(%Pa), the values gathered from weighing was then be substituted to the


% Pa = Wm – W d / Wm – Wmm x 100

Durability Test

In this test method, resistance of tile surfaces to visible surface abrasion is measured.

In this test method, ceramic tile are measured for static coefficient of friction under both

wet and dry conditions.


Each material was completely penetrated by a tungsten carbide cored projectile of

known kinetic energy and the residual penetration into a ductile aluminium alloy backing

material was measured. The energy transferred to the tile by the projectile has been
calculated and has been shown to vary linearly with the tile thickness. From the energy

transferred to the armour tile, the mean resisting stress that was offered to the

penetrator was calculated and for the materials tested, scaled with the material

hardness. This work shows that for DOP testing, where the projectile remains intact, the

measured DOP is merely a facet of the ceramic’s hardness and not its true ballistic

performance. The possibility of using this method to measure the strength of damaged

ceramic is also discussed.


This study addresses the technical feasibility of using a new method of

determining the bulk density distribution in ceramic tiles of all possible sizes. This new

technique is based on the measurement of pressure distribution inside the press die

cavity, using paper that is sensitive to the applied pressure, in addition to the

composition compaction diagram. The measurement procedure and methodology have

been fine-tuned, studying how this measurement, together with its precision and

reproducibility, is influenced by certain external factors. After the capability of the

method had been confirmed, it was used to obtain the bulk density distributions of

industrially processed ceramic tiles. This new measuring method is rapid, simple to use,

and neither destructive nor toxic. The developed computer application enables a bulk

density map to be obtained, defective areas to be readily detected, and allows complete

data analysis.

The affordability of the ceramic tiles will be measured by comparing its price to

the commercial tiles such as mariwasa tiles or roro ceramic tiles.

Time of Production

The time of production of the alternative tiles will be measured by the hours

needed to make the alternative tiles compared to the commercial tiles.


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