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A Reflection Paper

How Philosophy Helps me in Attaining
TIP Graduate Attributes

Mark Gil S. Alceso
March 15, 2011
Philosophy comes from the Greek words, philos and sophia which means lover of
wisdom. Philosophy is different thinking of such things like ideas, issues, nature of truths
and knowledge, a study of the world, principles of conduct etc. in which people needs to
confront in their everyday living. It helps humans to understand, clarifies and even
express ideas that enrich the lives of people through experience, sociability, observations
and gaining more wisdom. It also acts as an individual disposition to act according to
virtue and developing knowledge for further enriching the lives of people.

As we outreach our professions, it is indeed needed to develop such professional

competence, which can be use as a tool for the effective professional practice in the field
of specialization. From everyday experience, Philosophy enables us to understand things
to develop ourselves and become competent in what where doing. Thou Philosophy is a
difficult subject, it has been useful that it almost involved in what we do in our everyday
life. With this, we are able to work professionally, and give the utmost of our performance
in once profession. It basically develops our ability through analysis which constitute with
making decision, thus philosophy usually involves in it. Professional Competence always
depends upon professionals who believe in their abilities, thus, Philosophy is necessary in
performing actions to be professionally competent in understanding and applying the
relevant principles of man as a rational being in the roles of a good citizen.

Philosophy is very essential in developing an ability to think critically and solve

problems. It controls what we sense, how we interpret the sense and guides the decision
and actions in exercising critical and creative thinking by providing solutions to discipline
related problems. Philosophy develops critical thinking and problem solving of man. It also
provides strategy to resolve an issue which demands for using his intellectual zest in such
system of thinking according to his reasons. There always the time that one’s thinking
might be evaluated. Thinking is characterological, meaning it focus on learning and
developing the habitual intention in making judgments as well as the character of the
person who’ve done the thinking. When thinking never used Philosophy, such thinking
might be affected, for Philosophy states principles and causes of things that provide
corrective actions which can help in reasoning out and analyzing certain things.

To be a good communicator, one must also apply Philosophy. By Philosophy, you

are being aware on certain issues that provoke you to develop a proper and right way of
application of reasoning before communicating. Being a good communicator doesn’t
mean it is taken orally but it is written as well. Communicating with others must be
properly equipped with principles to make better-informed and properly considered
statement or decision and provide good advice.

Philosophy also develops lifelong learning to all individuals. This learning might be
in a form of skills and knowledge, but it also occurs through experiences encountered in
the course of lifetime. Such experience might be a successful or a failure in one’s life
however this experience teaches us so many values in life. It helps you to learn in every
failure that you make and learned to stand up even in the biggest mistakes of your life.
With the help of Philosophy, one can actually figure out that knowing philosophy is very
essential in dealing with the realities of life. These can be set as a bridge towards the goals
and purpose of living. Lifelong learning helps man to explore, served with coupled benefits
for the mind, body and spirit and makes it an incredible powerful tool for personal
transformation and enhancement. With Philosophy, lifelong learning can also be in the
development of skills, abilities and knowledge that it opens the mind to create such
curiosity. It increases one’s wisdom and fully developed such natural abilities of a person.
It also adapts changes, and finds meaning in life in order to have self fulfillment.

Social responsibility is a way of enhancing man awareness and accountability to

one another. It is important that as a person or a professional, wherever you will go, you
feel that you’ve express your thoughts properly and ethically. Philosophy also involves in
doing necessitive actions to what they are concerned about in every decision that is made
that created certain values and knowledge for our development. When Philosophy is not
used in every decision, it is certain to found some misbehavior and unproper decisions
which will affect the performance of a person and become socially irresponsible.
Philosophy is always in the part of analyzing decisions, beliefs and actions. It is important
to hold knowledge as well as values and beliefs as a person to act professionally in life. To
be socially responsible is needed in once life, and with the help of Philosophy, the person
will be more equip, consistent and conscientious.

Encompass to the national development of once country is the productivity goal of

individuals, groups and the nation. Philosophy encompasses knowledge, values and
principles are to be espoused to develop good governance, as this will drive productivity,
as a measure of growth to the fullest extent. Philosophy as we know it involves moral duty
and obligation. It is doing things that are intrinsically desirable within a given set of
circumstances. Philosophy also bound by certain universal principles such as truth, justice
and fairness. These principles have proved to the test of time. As what I’ve said Philosophy
had good relation to productivity. Philosophy gives a positive role for the stimulation of
productivity for the achievement of nation’s goal. For individuals and organizations,
philosophy motivates us to look inward and to apply our sense of thinking in what we do.
Productivity means being able to pursue their chosen roles to the fullest.

The ability to get along or interact with others is a talent that requires
interpersonal skills. It involves skills such as listening and communicating. Interpersonal
skills are a way how man handles himself through communication with others in further
development of their carries. One way to build someone’s interpersonal skills is to learn
how to handle problems and conflicts. Some disagreements are bound to rise whenever
people work together. Conflict may result for someone to feel bad, but it allows people to
understand themselves and the others as well. It is generally well understood that
communicating showing respect and values to other people or professionals will enable
one to reduce conflict and increase participation or assistance in obtaining information or
completing tasks. This is how Philosophy is related to interpersonal skills. By knowing the
principles of conduct with relation to the nature of truths and knowledge, one is capable
of communicating proficiently in difficult situation and responds appropriately.

As a final note, there is a sense of hope and opportunity for us and the future
generations. With Philosophy, such learning can be develop; professional competence,
critical thinking and problem solving skills, communications skills, lifelong learning, social
and ethical responsibility, productivity and interpersonal skills. Philosophy shapes man as
a rational being to use his intellectual zest to make decision and conclusion according to
his reason. Man uses his knowledge for understanding. Either analyzing his dealings with
the reality to live in a proper way.

In a world of super-complexity, pluralism, and global awareness, man must be

nurture enough with knowledge, values and principles to cope up with the changing
demands of it to reach out his or her goals in life.

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