Flowcharting and Algorithms

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Chapter 1 FLOWGHARTING ALGORITHMS CHAPTER 1: FLOWCHARTING AND ALGORITHMS 1.1 Flowchart Defined “Use of symbols and phrases to designate the logic of how a problem is solved” (sciives), = ‘A.common method for defining the logical steps of flow within a program by using a series of symbols to identify the basic Input, Process and Output (IPO's) function within a program” (TRAt99) - “A two-dimensional representation of an algorithm; the predefined graphic symbols of a flowchart are used to indicate the various operations and the flow of control” (swazae). - “A diagram representing the logical sequence in which a combination of steps or operations is to be performed. It is a blueprint of the program’ (APU). 4.2 Algorithm Defined “Algorithm is a finile set of instructions that specify a sequence of operations to be carried out in order to solve a specific problem or class of problems” ;swazes). 4.2 Basic Symbols Used in Flowcharting Symbols. What it represents [ = Used to signify the beginning and end of flowchart Terminal = Signifies the preparation of data - Used to select initial conditions Preparation / Initialization = Used to represent instructions or group of instructions that will alter or modify a program's course of execution. Flowcharting and Algorithms 2 Input / Output Processing Decision On-pagé Connector Off-page Connector Flowcharting and Algorithms “Shows input and output. Dala are to be read into the computer memory from an input device or data are to be passed from the memory to an output device” (swazas), Performs any calculations that are to be done Signifies any decisions that are to be done “Two altemative execution paths are possible. The path to be followed is selected during the execution by testing whether or not the condition specified within the outline is fulfilled” (Swazs9) “Shows the entry or exit point of the flowchart’ (swazeo), “A non-processing symbol used to connect one part of a flowchart to another without drawing flowlines” (LAPU8e), “Conserves space by keeping related blocks hear one another, reduces the number of flowlines in complex programs, and eliminates cross lines from taking place” (LAPUsé). “Designates entry to or exit from one page when a flowchart requires more than one page” (LAPus6). —_ Signifies the process that is to be executed next - Flowtin 1.4 Basic Gontrol Structures. J. Sequence ~ process is executed from one to another in a straightforward manner. Examples: 4. Design a flowchart that will accept and display a number. Write its equivalent algorithms. Algorithm: Step 1, Read in the vaiue of N. x Step 2. Print the value of N. ay Lome / cen Flowcharting and Algorith 2. Draw a flowchart that will compute and display the sum and product of two numbers. Write its equivalent algorithm, Sum =0 Product = 0 ‘Sum= A+B » Product = A*B [~—¥/ Algorithm: Step 1. Initialize Sum and Product into 0. Step 2. Read in the values of A and B. Step 3. Compute Sum by adding A and B then compute Product by multiplying A and B. Step 4. Print the computed value of Sum and Product. Print Sum, Product 3. Construct a flowchart that will convert an inputted number in Fahrenheit to its equivalent measure in Celsius. Formula: C = (5/9) x (F-32) C=) Fahrenheit Celsius = (5/9) * (F- Flowcharting and Algorithms Step 1. Initialize Celsius into 0. Step 2. Read in the value of Fahrenheit. Step 3. Compute the value of Celsius. Step 4. Print the computed value of Celsius. 1. Selection (if — then ~ else) - a choice is provided between two allernatives. < Va Noa Operators Commonly Used in Flowcharting Avithmetic Operators Operators Meaning : - Addition : - Subtraction _ = Multiplication ! - Division Relational Operators - Equal Greater than Less than - Not Equat - Greater than oF Equal to s - Less than or Equal to vAa § 88 AND i - OR ! - NOT Floweharting and Algorithms 6 Examples: 1. Draw a flowchart that will input values for A and B, Compare two values inputted and print which of the values is higher including the remark “Higher". White its equivalent algorithm. sen | Algorithm: Step 1. Read in the values of A and B. Step 2. Test if A is greater than B. Step 3. If Ais greater than B, A is higher. However, if A is less than B, B is higher. Step 4. Print the number and the remark “Higher”. ——»/ PrintA, “Higher” Print B, “Higher” 2. Draw a flowchart that will input @ grade of student and determine whether the grade is passed or failed. Print the name, grade and remarks of student. Write its equivalent algorithm. Flowcharting and Algorithms 1 — Algorithm: Step 1. Inilialize name and remarks into blanks. Name =" Step 2. Read in values for Grade and Remarks = “* Name, Step 3. Test if Grade is greater than or equal to 60, Step 4. If Grade is greater than or equal to 60, remark is “Passed” Read Name, / However, if Grade is below 60, Grade remark is “Failed”. Step 5. Print the name, grade, and ——_—_—/ remarks, Print Name, Grade, Remarks femarks = “Failed” 3. DEI Manufacturing Company plans to give a year-end bonus to each of ils employee. Draw a flowchart which will compute the bonus of an employee Consider the following conditions: If the employee's monthly salary is less than 2,000 pesos, the bonus is 50% of the salary; for employees with salaries greater than 2,000 pesos, the bonus is 1,500 pesos. Print the name and the corresponding bonus for each employee. Write each equivalent algorithms. Flowcharting and Algorithms 8 oo Algorithen: t Start T Step 1. Initialize bonus to 0. 7 Siep 2. Read in employee's name and Bonus =0 > salary. 4 Step 3. Test if employee's salary is tess than 2,000. . - Step 4. If salary < 2,000 then yf Bonus = salary * 50% Read Name, else Salary Bonus = 1,500, Step 8. Print the employee's name and bonus. 7,500 Bonus Flowcharting and Algorithms 9 Equivalent flowchart of sample 3 using On-page connector Read Name, Salary Print Name, Bonus L End Flowcharting and Algorithms 10 4, Construct a flowchart that will accept the evaluation score of a faculty and determine its equivalent remarks. Print the name of the faculty and the remarks obtained. Remarks (Rem) are based on the following criteria: Write its equivalent algorithms. 4.50-5.00 - Outstanding 400-449 - Very Satisfactory 350-399 - Satisfactory 300-349 - Needs Improvement 299 below = ~—- Poor Read Name, Score tf Rem Outstanding’ |-¥(a) Se i Very Satistactor a Rem = “Very Saloon” |+(a) Flowcharting and Algorithms " [a] +) Print Name, Rem Equivalent Algorithms Step 1. Initialize Rem into space or blanks. Step 2. Read in the values of Name and Score. Step 3. Test the score if itis greater than or equal to 4.50. Step 4. If the score is greater than or equal to 4.50, Rem is “Outstanding”. However, if the score is less than 4.50, do step 5. Siep 5. Test the score if itis greater than or equal to 4.00 Step 6. If the score is greater than or equal to 4.00, Rem is “Very Satisfactory’. However, if the score is less than 4.00, do step 7. Step 7. Test the score if itis greater than or equal to 3.50 Step 8. If the score is greater than or equal to 3.50, Rem is “Satisfactory” However, if the score is less than 3.50, do step 9. Step 9. Test the score if tis greater than or equal to 3.00 Step 10. If the score is greater than or equal to 3.00, Rem is Satisfactory’ However, if the score is less than 3.00, Rem is “Poor” Step 11. Print the name and Rem. Flowcharting and Algorithms 2 Mi, Repetition (Looping) Do ~ while ~ “this structure provides for the repetitive execution of an operation or routine while the condition is true. The condition is evaluated before executing any process statement. As long as the condition Is true, the process is executed, otherwise, control flows out of the structure” (i). Loop Examples: 1. Construct a flowchart that will count from 1 to 10 and print each number counted using the do-while-repetition structure. Write its equivalent algorithnn ( Start Algorithm: Y Step 1. Initialize the value of C to 0. Step 2. Test if C is less than 10. Step 3. If Cis less than 10, add 1 to the value of C, print the value then go back to Step 2. However, if is greater than 10, stop F ——— 3 : (ee a Flowcharting and Algorithms 3 2. The initial value of the radius (R) of @ circle is equal to 1 unit and each succeeding radius is 1 unit greater than the value before it. Draw a flowchart ‘to compute the Area of a circle starting with R= 1 up to R = 5, then print each radius and the corresponding area of a circle. Formula: Area = Pix R? Algorithm: Step 1. Initialize the value of R to 1 and the vaiue of Pi to 3.1416. Step 2. Compute area by multiplying Pi to the square of R Step 3. Print the value of R and the computed Area. Step 4. Increment the value of R by 4 Step 5. Testif R is less than or equal to 5. Step 6. If R is less than or equal to 5, loop back and repeat steps 2 to 5. However, if R is greater than 5, stop processing. Flowcharting and Algorithms. io ieee REVIEW EXERCISES 1 Fill in the blanks. : 1. Flowchart is a common method for defining the steps of flow within a program by using a serles of to identity the basic input, process and output functions within a program. 2 refers to a finite set of insiructions that specify @ sequence of operations to be caried out in orcer to solve a specific or class of problems. Flowchart is a dimensional representation of an algorithm. 4. Do - while structure provides for a repetitive execution of an operation or while the condition is 5 structure provides process execution first before the decision is tested. i. “Identify the following symbols: Review Exercises 6 FLOWCHARTING EXERCISES 1 a Draw a flowchart that will compute for the midterm grade of a student. The Iidterm grade is equal to one-third of the minor A exam and two-thirds of the midterm exam. Print the midterm grade. Construct a flowchart that will compute and print the sum and average of 3 numbers Draw a flowchart that will compute and display the Area of a rectangle using the formula: Area = Length x Width Construct a flowchart that will convert and display an inputted number in inches (in.) to its equivalent number in feet (f). Hint: 4 ft = 12 in. Draw a flowchart that accepts a number in kilowatts then display its equivalent number in watts. Hint: 4 watt = 0.0001 kilowatt Draw a flowchart that accepts a value for radius (R) and compute the corresponding area of a circle. Print the value of the radius and the computed area. Use the forr ula Area = Pix R Construct a flowchart that accepts a number in square meter (m*) and display its equivalent number in hectares (has). Hint: 1000 m? = 1 ha Read 2 records in a computer. The first record will contain unit price and the sec nd record will contain quantity. Draw a flowchart that will compute and display the amount by multiplying unit price and quantity Flowcharting Exercises 6 E | | 9. Given two numbers X and Y, draw a flowchart lo determine the difference I between X and Y. If X- Y is negative, compute R = X + Y; if X—~ ¥ is zero, compute R = 2X + 2Y; and if X ~ ¥ is positive, compute R = X* Y. Print the values of X, ¥, and R. 10. Draw a flowchart that will determine and display the largest number among 3 t numbers being inputted. 41. Draw a flowchart that displays 3 inputted numbers in ascending order. 12. Construct a flowchart that asks for the amount purchased by the customer. If the customer purchases more than 2,000 then a 5% discount is given. Display the net amount to be paid by the customer. 13. Construct a flowchart to determine the equivalent grade of each student in a class as follows: a. Read in the student's name, midterm grade, minor 6, and final exam ratings. b. Determine the final grade of the student by the formula: final grade = 0.30 of midterm grade + 0.10 of minor B + 0.60 of final exam. c. Determine the equivalent grade for the numerical value obtained by the following grading marks: 98-100 = 4.00 95-97 = 3.75 92-94 = 3.50 89-91 = 3.25 86-88 = 3.00 83-85 = 2.75 80~82 = 250 71-79 = 225 74-76 = 2.00 N-73 = 1.75 68-—-70 = 1.50 64-67 = 1.25 60-63 = 1.00 below 60 = 0.00 Flowcharting Exercises 0 14. Draw a flowchart that will read and print the names and individual score of 50 students for a particular examination. Also, determine the average score and print it. 15.Design a flowchart that will generate the sum and product of 20 input numbers, 16, Draw a flowchart that will input 20 integers. Output the number of negative values and the sum of positive numbers. 17.Construct a flowchart that will compute the evaluation rating of a teacher given by 32 students. Print the average. Flowcharting Exercises 8

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