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Traffic management

Intelligent traffic management system.

Project is based on the observation, the problems faced by

common people due to traffic ,and what are the solutions.

Kemi patel
Traffic management system.


Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science

A Project Report On


Under subject of
B. E. II, Semester – III
(IT Branch)

Submitted by:

Sr. Name of student Enrollment No

1. Kemi Patel 1500300116032

Deepak Upadhyay
(Faculty Guide)

Darshan Joshi
Head of the Department

Academic year


Prof. Darshan Joshi Prof. DEEPAK UPADHYAY

This is to certify that the project entitled TRAFFIC

MANAGEMANT SYSTEM is a bonafied report of the work
carried out by KEMI PATEL under the guidance and
supervision for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Information Technology at Atmiya Institute of
Technology and Science - Rajkot, Gujarat.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, this work embodies the
work of candidate himself, has duly been completed, fulfills the
requirement of the ordinance relating to the Bachelor degree of
the university and is up to the standard in respect of content,
presentation and language for being referred to the examiner.


Prof.Darshan Jani. Prof.deepak upadhayay
1. Introduction.
1.1. Observation.
2. Design thinking canvas:
2.1. AEIOU canvas
2.2. Mind mapping.
2.3. Empathy canvas.
2.4. Ideation.
2.5. Product development canvas.
2.6. Learning need matrix.
3. Feedback analysis with the user.
4. Prior art search.
5. Learning from design engineering.
6. Refinement in the rough prototype.
7. Conclusion.
8. Future work.
9. References.

 My main aim for this project is to build an intelligent traffic

management system .
 Intelligent transportation systems(ITS) are advanced
applications which, without embodying intelligence as such,
aim to provide innovative services relating to different modes
of transport and traffic management and enable various users
to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and
'smarter' use of transport networks.
 Because of such a huge traffic jams people are facing many
problems .
 By this system , people can reach to there work place without
waiting in traffic. And can take alternative route to reach
within with short time.
 Intelligent transport systems vary in technologies applied,
from basic management systems such as car navigation;
traffic signalcontrol systems; container management systems;
variable message signs; automatic number plate
recognitionorspeed camerasto monitor applications, such as
security CCTVsystems;and to more advanced applications
that integrate live data andfeedback from a number of other
sources, such asparking guidance and
informationsystems;weather information; bridge de-icing
(USdeicing) systems; and the like. Additionally, predictive
techniques are being developed to allow advanced modelling
and comparison with historical baseline data. Some of these
technologies are described in the following sections.
 This system will make people updated with the traffic
situation with the near by areas.
 This system provide a unique interface to every user to
interact with the system.

1.1 Observation.
Observation is done in five phases:
I have done my observation at kkv hall,indera circle,and at
gondal chockde.
I observed the traffic situations ,traffic police managing traffic ,
people facing problem in traffic jams etc.


ACTIVITES: This is the first phase of observation in this

,students observe what activites are going on like:
 How?
 What actually is going on?
 Why it is going on?
 What is involved? Etc,.
 Activities which were going on are:
 Driving vehicles.
 Taking.
 Waiting for signals.
 Animals seating on road /pedestrian road .
 Listening music and driving.
 Not showing indicators.
 Lifting the vehicles to service road in case of traffic
 Waiting for transportation.
 Towing the vehicles.
 Traffic police maintaining the traffic .
 Breaking rules in absence of traffic police.
ENVIRONMENT: This is the second phase of observation
which include:
 Where(activity) is happening?
 Time effects, any?
 Seasonal effects, any?
 Person effects, any?
 Operational effects, any?
The environment I observed:

 Noisy.
 Dusty.
 Polluted.
 Unpleasant.
 Traffic jams.
 Crowed.
 Humid.
 Sunny/cloudy.
 Day/night.
INTERACTIONS: This is the third phase of observation
.interactions are of two types:
1. People to people.
2. People to objects.
It includes

 Who are involved?why?how?

 How the contacts are in actions?
 Actions vs. Reactions
The interactions which were carried out:

 Traffic police interacting with other traffic police .

 Traffic police interacting with person.
 Talking to person who is on other vehicle.
 People interacting with traffic police.
 Loud communication.
 Reading newspapers.
 Man helping animals to cross the road.
OBJECTS: This is fourth phase of observation it includes What
are the objects and devices people have in their environments
and how do they relate to their activities?
There were many objects some of them are:

 Car/bus/trucks etc,.
 Hand stick of police.
 Fine recipts of police.
 Whistle of traffic police.
 Police van.
 Number plates on each vehicles.
 Traffic pylons.
 Traffic police cap.

USERS: This is the fifth phase of observation .it includes:

 Who is there?
 What are their roles and relationships?
 What are their values and prejudices.
There are many users some of them are:

 Students.
 Employees.
 Businessman.
 Politicians.
 Childrean
 Parents.
 Senior citizens.
 Animals.
 All other human beings
In mind mapping we classify our problem statement into many
parts ,like I have classified my problem statement into :

 Atmospheric conditions during:1.morning, 2.afternoon,

 End Users.
 Requirements.
 Actions.
 Communications.
 Objects.
 Empathy is the experience of understanding another
person’s condition from their prospective .
 Empathy mapping canvas is described as user ,
stakeholders and activites involved in my projects.
 The empathized mode is the work to understand people
,within the context of our design challenges.
 In general, empathy is nothing but understanding
someone’s problem and finding solutions for that problem,
without felling sympathy to that problem .

Empathy mapping canvas includes:

 Users: Main user are all citizens.

 Stakeholders: there are many stake holders like:

3.senior citizens.

 Activites .: The activities which are carried out:

3.towing vehicles.etc,.

 Sad story:
1.when I was sitting near highway I found one family
wanted to cross the road but couldn’t due to such huge
2.when I was waiting for signal I found ,there was only
one traffic police who was managing traffic with
difficulty ,and some were not listing to him and
breaking the traffic rules.

 Happy story:
1.eventhough there was only one traffic police he was
able to manage traffic properly.
2.when I was passing through an signal I found that
because of one traffic police there was difficult to
manage ,so some police hired some more traffic police
and traffic was cleared in short time.
Ideation is the creative process of generating ,developing, and ideas,where an idea is understood as a basic
element of thought that can be either visual, concrete ,or,
abstract . as such ,it is an essential part of the design process
,both in education and practice.
Many companies equate innovation management with idea
management .they have ideation sessions that results in lots of
ideas that must be catalogued ,filtered ,assessed,and acted upon
.the thinking goes something like this; “the more ideas we have
,the greater our chances are that one of them will be a big
idea.our goal then,is to fail fast; that is to filter our all the bad
ideas as quickly as possible so the big ideas will surface.”
As a result ,companies pursure,develop,and refine ideas they
find intuitively appealing ,and along the way they try to figure
out if those ideas address unment need in attractive markets .In
the end ,they find the most ideas donot. these ideation
techniques waste ,time,money, and resources.
Ideation consist of :
3. location/context/situation.
People /users:
 People
 Ladies
 Children
 Senior citizens
 Politicians.
 And many more..

There were lots of activites which were carried out some of
them are:
 Driving vehicles.
 Some of them were listing songs and driving vehicles.
 There was loud communication amog people.
The objects observed are:

 Police cap.
 Vehicles.
 Whistle.
 Signal light.
 Number plates.
 Traffic phylons.
 And many more.

Location / situation :

The location/situation means the place where is possibility of

having traffic.and the place where we need traafic management.
The locations I observed:

 A fork in the road.

 Festivals.
 Hospitals.
 In rainy season.
 Railway crossing.
 Accidents.
 School/college zones.
 Work places.


 Product development is the process of designing ,creating
and marketing new products or services to benefit
 Product design is a prototype mode.the prototype mode is
the iterative generation of artefacts intended to answer
questions that get you closer to your final solution. In these
early stages, you should create low-resolution prototypes
that are quick and cheap to make (think minutes and cents)
but can elicit useful feedback from users and colleagues.
 To manage traffic efficiently and build an intelligent
traffic mangment system.

The people who are going to be benefited with this app are:
 Businessman.
 Students.
 Workers.
 Government emplyoes.
 Politicians.
And many more,.
Product components:

 The component which I required are :

1. Intelligent traffic cloud.
2. Traffic detectors.
3. Holders.
4. Poles.
5. LED screens.
6. Microprocessors.
7. Intelligent navigations.
8. Bluetooth
9. Camera based traffic sensors.
10. Wireless GPS.

Product features:

 The feature my app gives are:

1. Friendly access to quality transportation services.
2. Will get updated with the traffic situations.
3. Incident management.
4. Reduce wastage of time.
5. Wireless acces..
And many more,.

Product functions:

 My app performs following functions:

1. Provide public safety.
2. Never get lost.
3. Travel to unknown destinations using short route.
4. Lower travel cost (reduce wastage of petrol, deisel etc)
5. Road users to choice best alternative routes.
 In learning need matrix the need for generic learning,
which may be required while developing my ideas? The
learning requirements will depend upon and may be
specific for the concept/ideas for my solution.
 After identifying the specific learning ,that will be required
to develop my ideas /concept,I need to make LNM and
include it in my should include:
1. Theories/methods/application/process
involved/mathematical requirement.
2. Application standards and design
3. Software/tools/simulation methods/skills required.
4. Components materials and strengths
criteria(exploration –varieties/testing requirements).

 when I interacted with the people I found that

there are many problems which need to be
 When I interacted with the people like with
students,workers,employees. The main problem I
observed was , they are unable to reach on time
to there work place or college , school etc.
 my webpage will help in solving the problem .
 It helps people to reach on time by knowing the
traffic situation.
 If there Is huge traffic jams then they can take
another alternative to reach to there place.
 This is totally friendly to all.
 The people of that area will get updated with the
traffic situation.
 The app include features like it friendly access to
the traffic system.
 Reduce interaction among people.

searching my learing.
From Search paper
 Recently, traffic jams and accidents increase due
to increase of traffic volume. Thus, intelligent
transport system (ITS) is developed to provide
efficient road situation and information is
actively studying.

 However, it is mainly focused on traffic jam and

management of traffic situation that a systematic
management is not provided when an accident
occurs. An action to prevent an accident
providing the reliable information and a
systematic management after accident is needed.
 In this paper we propose a service based
intelligent transportation system framework (s-
ITSF) to provide efficient and systematic
accident management. The s-ITSF provides an
efficient ITS service such as before/after accident
management using the accident prevention and
management and traffic information data through
provision of highly reliable information through
encryption and authentication based on vehicular
cloud computing (VCC) environment. In
addition, it provides systematic accident
management which may reduce loss of lives and
properties from the traffic accident by quick
 This paper proposed service based intelligent
transportation system framework (s-ITSF) to
provide an active and systematic accident
management. This chapter consists of s-ITSF
architecture, user authentication and service

 https://hcis-
 this is the url which will be helpful.
 this url is about traffic management (patent)
 this is a survey on traffic managment.


 AEIOU is a heuristic to help interpret observations

gathered by ethnographic practice in
industry. Its two primary functions are to code data,
and to develop building blocks of models
that will ultimately address the objectives and issues
of a client.
 One of our principal analytic frameworks for looking at and
understanding a situation is the
 AEIOU framework. What is important is not only
understanding and describing each element
of the framework, but also understanding the
interactions between the elements. [E-Lab


 AEIOU stands for 5 elements to be coded: Activity,

Environment, Interaction, Object, and
 Activities are goal-directed sets of actions—paths towards
things people want to
accomplish. What are the modes people work in, and
the specific activities and
processes they go through?
 Environments include the entire arena where activities take
place. What is the
character and function of the space overall, of each
individual's spaces, and of
shared spaces?
 Interactions are between a person and someone or
something else; they are the
building blocks of activities. What is the nature of
routine and special interactions
between people, between people and objects in their
environment, and across
 Objects are building blocks of the environment, key
elements sometimes put to
complex or unintended uses (thus changing their
function, meaning and context).
What are the objects and devices people have in their
environments and how do
they relate to their activities?
 Users are the people whose behaviours, preferences, and
needs are being observed.
Who is there? What are their roles and relationships?
What are their values and

 Materials are gathered via ethnographic methods:
notes, photos, videos, interviews,
field observation, etc.
 During field observation, use the AEIOU framework
as a lens to observe the
surrounding environment.
 Record observations under the appropriate headings.
 Supplement direct observations with photos or video
tape when appropriate.
 Review and cluster observations to disseminate
higher-level themes and patterns.

The AEIOU framework was originated in 1991 at
Doblin by Rick Robinson, Ilya Prokopoff,
John Cain, and Julie Pokorny. Its aim was to help
analyze Ethnomethodology data
and Conversation analysis with MECE categories.
‹ Methods up

 Introduction to mind mapping:

Definition of a Mind Map:

 A mind map is a visual representation of

hierarchical information that includes a
central idea
 surrounded by connected branches of
associated topics.
Benefits of Mind Maps :

 Help students brainstorm and explore any idea,

concept, or problem.
 Facilitate better understanding of relationships and
connections between ideas and concepts
 Make it Allow Help easy to communicate new ideas
and thought processes students to easily recall
information students take notes and plan tasks.

 Empathy Mapping:
The empathy map was created as a tool to help you
gain understanding for a targeted personal.
Thus you can use it when you want to deliver a better
user experience of your
product/service. In the process, the exercise can also
help you identify the things you don‘t
know about your users yet so you can carry out new
research to fill in those gaps.

Easy steps to create your first Empathy Map

1. Customer Segments. Before you start, you will need

to identify which customers you try to
serve and define general profiles. Select one candidate
for your first empathy map. Give this
customer a name and some demographics. You can
download our empathy map from the
website to use; alternatively it is simple to create your
own empathy map.

2. You can now start the map by asking and answering

the six questions in each section.

– What do they say and do? In this section, try to

imagine what the customer says or how they behave in
public. What could they tell other people? Try to
capture specific quotes or
unusual phrases you might remember from your
– Pain: what are their biggest frustrations? what
obstacles stand in their way? which risks
might they fear taking?
– Gain: What do they need to achieve? how do they
measure success?

3. Continue to fill all the sections trying to empathise

with your character‘s world.

– What do they see? Describe what your customer

sees in their environment. What does it
look like? Who surrounds them? In this case, images
speak louder than post-its! Take
advantage of your empathy map and use images that
convey meaning.

What do they hear? Describe how the environment

influences your customer. What do
friends say? Which media channels are influential?
You can add links to websites they might
frequently visit.
– What do they really think and feel? Imagine their
emotions, what moves them? What might
keep them up at night? Describe their dreams and

4. Identify needs and insights.

When the map is full, try to identify needs. Create a
list outside the map. Needs are activities
and desires with which your user could use help, so it
is better to use verbs to describe them.
Needs may arise directly from what you noticed or
from contradictions between the sections
in your empathy map.
You can also write down insights on the side. These
realisations may come up due to
contradictions between attributes or within
conversations among members while completing
the map. If you notice a strange behaviour, something
that stands out, ask ―why so that any
member can come up with remarkable realisations.

It‘s important to keep a record of your work. You can

come back to your map anytime and
keep adding insights and assumptions, especially after
observing or talking with customers
similar to your profile.

 Ideation Canvas:
Ideation is the creative process of generating,
developing, and communicating new
ideas, where an idea is understood as a basic element
of thought that can be either
visual, concrete, or abstract.
[1] Ideation comprises all stages of a thought
cycle,from innovation, to development, to
[2] As such, it is an essential part of
the design process, both in education and practice.

 In the first you need to login /sign in

 If u have already sign in then u must login, then
after the main webpage will be be opened with
the logo .
 Then u need to just access it.
 If u are nearby place you can use navigation.
 Or if you are going to any place you need to write
som detail of that place.\
 Then the traffic situation /condition of that place
will be displayed.
 If your work is done you can logout from the

 This is the just the animation picture of intelligent traffic

management system.
 Thus I conclude that from this projects under the guidance
of Deepak sir I reached this stage of my project work .
 In this project I described about traffic mangament
system,what actually it is and how to manage traffic.
 In this I described the complains of people due to such
huge traffic jams or traffic.
 Now by this app people can go there work place in time by
taking alternative route if there is a traffic jams.
 I hope this would be benefited to all the users.

 This project can be enhanced further by

adding feedback page so that people can
give there feedback like what need be
 The software is flexible enough to be
modified and implemented as per future
 I tried my best to pre-sent this free and user-
friendly website to the citizens.
 Messages and email alerts for various
happenings can be added to the system.

Here are some of the references which would be


here is the article about intelligent transportation

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