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Closing the Divide

Smartphones are a great way to start closing the Divide. Most smartphones on the market
are becoming cheaper and cheaper every year, meaning that more people will be able to have
access to the internet, contacts, and most things a computer can do. Also, most smartphones
today have the ability to work from WIFI and do everything it’s made to do without a cellular

Technology from School to Home-

A big issue facing the Divide is doing school work at home without technology. Many
homes in the United States still don’t have WIFI or computers in the home. Most schools today
are reliant on technology in the classroom and often send home work to be done on a computer
or with a need to have access to WIFI. Many schools solved this Divide by giving students their
own computers to take home with them and to work outside of school. This gap wont fully be
closed until all schools provide access to technology for their students at school and at home.

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