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Ade Muhamad Ramdan Malik

1804058 English Education

Extensive Listening Log
Source : Youtube TED talks
Author : Tomas Chamorro
Title : Why do so many incompetent men become leaders?
Part transcribed : 00-3.00 minutes

Have you ever worked with people who are not as good as they think/ I know this will
surprise you/ but statistically/ they are more likely to be male than female/ That's right//
hǽv yú ɛ́vər wə́rkt wɪð́ piṕ əl hú ár nát ǽz gʊ́d ǽz ðé θɪŋ́ k áy nó ðɪś wɪĺ sərpráyz yú bə́t
stətɪ́stɪkəli ðé ár mɔ́r láykli tú bí mél ðǽn fímèl ðǽts ráyt

Men are typically more deceived about their talents than women are/ they are also more
likely to succeed in their careers//
mɛ́n ár tɪṕ əkli mɔ́r dəsiv́ d əbáwt ðɛ́r tǽlənts ðǽn wɪm
́ ən ár ðé ár ɔ́lso mɔ́r láykli tú
səksíd ən ðɛ́r kərɪ́rz

That's because one of the best ways to fool other people into thinking that you're better
than you actually are is to fool yourself first//
ðǽts bɪkɔ́z wə́n ə́v ðə bɛ́st wéz tú fúl ə́ðər pípəl ɪ̀ntú θɪ́ŋkəŋ ðǽt yʊ́r bɛ́tər ðǽn yú
ǽkčəwəli ár ɪź tú fúl yərsɛ́lf fə́rst

This is why you may not just have worked with people who are not as good as they
think/ but also for them//
ðɪ́s ɪ́z wáy yú mé nát ǰə́st hǽv wə́rkt wɪ́ð pípəl hú ár nát ǽz gʊ́d ǽz ðé θɪŋ́ k bə́t ɔ́lso fɔ́r

Unfortunately/ being unaware of your limitations increases your probability of being a

boss/ I'm an organizational psychologist//
ənfɔ́rčənətli biɪ́ ŋ ə̀nəwɛ́r ə́v yɔ́r lɪm
̀ ətéšənz ɪǹ kriś əz yɔ́r pràbəbɪĺ əti ə́v biɪ́ ŋ é bɔ́s áym
ǽn ɔ̀rgənəzéšənəl saykáləǰəst

I use science and technology to predict and understand human behavior at work/ one
of the areas that fascinates me is the relationship between gender/ personality and
leadership/ more specifically/ how gender and personality shape our choices of leaders
and how those leaders then impact organizations//
áy yús sáyəns ǽnd tɛknálɪǰi tú prədɪḱ t ǽnd ə̀ndərstǽnd hyúmən bəhévyər ǽt wə́rk wə́n
ə́v ðə ɛ́riəz ðǽt fǽsənèts mí ɪ́z ðə riléšənšɪ̀p bətwín ǰɛ́ndər pə̀rsənǽləti ǽnd lídəršɪ̀p mɔ́r
spəsɪf́ ɪkli háw ǰɛ́ndər ǽnd pə̀rsənǽləti šép áwər čɔ̀ysəz ə́v lídərz ǽnd háw ðóz lid́ ərz
ðɛ́n ɪ̀mpǽkt ɔ̀rgənəzéšənz

Discussions on gender tend to focus on the under-representation of women in

leadership/ which is more or less universal//
dɪ̀skə́šənz án ǰɛ́ndər tɛ́nd tú fókəs án ðə ə́ndər rɛ̀prəzɛntéšən ə́v wɪ́mən ən lid́ əršɪ̀p wɪ́č
ɪź mɔ́r ɔ́r lɛ́s yùnɪvə́rsəl

Anywhere in the world – well/ outside Iceland perhaps - the vast majority of leaders
are male/ but a bigger problem is the fact that most of these leaders are incompetent//
ɛ́niwɛ̀r ən ðə wə́rld – wɛ́l áwtsáyd áyslənd pərhǽps ðə vǽst məǰɔ́rəti ə́v lid́ ərz ár mél
bə́t é bɪǵ ər prábləm ɪź ðə fǽkt ðǽt móst ə́v ðiź lid́ ərz ár ɪǹ kámpətənt

Indeed/ whether in business or politics/ most leaders have very negative effects on their
followers and subordinates/ causing low levels of engagement/ trust and productivity/
and high levels of burnout and stress//
ɪ̀ndid́ wɛ́ðər ən bɪ́znəs ɔ́r pálətɪ̀ks móst lídərz hǽv vɛ́ri nɛ́gətɪv əfɛ́kts án ðɛ́r fáloərz ǽnd
səbɔ́rdənèts kázɪŋ ló lɛ́vəlz ə́v ɛngéǰmənt trə́st ǽnd pròdəktɪv́ əti ǽnd háy lɛ́vəlz ə́v
bə́rnàwt ǽnd strɛ́s

Just google "my boss is" to see what most people think of their managers/ and maybe/
just maybe/ feel a bit better about your manager/ "Crazy/ "abusive"/ "unbearable"/
"toxic"/ and some other things that are just too rude to repeat here//
ǰə́st google máy bɔ́s ɪź tú sí wə́t móst piṕ əl θɪ́ŋk ə́v ðɛ́r mǽnəǰərz ǽnd mébi ǰə́st mébi
fíl é bɪt́ bɛ́tər əbáwt yɔ́r mǽnəǰər krézi əbyúsɪv ənbɛ́rəbəltáksɪk ǽnd sə́m ə́ðər θɪ́ŋz ðǽt
ár ǰə́st tú rúd tú rəpít hɪ́r

So the main question we should be asking is not why there aren't any more women
leaders/ but why so many incompetent men become leaders/ my research suggests there
are three main reasons for this//
só ðə mén kwɛ́sčən wí šʊ́d bí ǽskɪŋ ɪź nát wáy ðɛ́r árənt ɛ́ni mɔ́r wɪḿ ən lídərz bə́t wáy
só mɛ́ni ɪǹ kámpətənt mɛ́n bɪkə́m lid́ ərz máy risə́rč səgǰɛ́sts ðɛ́r ár θrí mén riź ənz fɔ́r ðɪś

the first is our inability to distinguish between confidence and competence/anywhere

in the world/ we assume that confident people have more potential for leadership/ but
in any area of talent/ including leadership there's just very little overlap between
confidence/ how good people think they are at something/ and competence/ how good
they actually are at something//
ðə fə́rst ɪ́z áwər ɪǹ əbɪ́ləti tú dɪ̀stɪ́ŋgwɪš̀ bətwín kánfədəns ǽnd kámpətəns ɛ́niwɛ̀r ən ðə
wə́rld wí əsúm ðǽt kánfədənt piṕ əl hǽv mɔ́r pətɛ́nšəl fɔ́r lid́ əršɪp̀ bə́t ən ɛ́ni ɛ́riə ə́v
tǽlənt ɪǹ klúdɪŋ lid́ əršɪp̀ ðɛ́rz ǰə́st vɛ́ri lɪt́ əl óvərlæ̀p bətwiń kánfədəns háw gʊ́d piṕ əl θɪŋ́ k
ðé ár ǽt sə́mθɪŋ ǽnd kámpətəns háw gʊ́d ðé ǽkčəwəli ár ǽt sə́mθɪŋ

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