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Charlie E.


The Story of the Shy Boy

There is a boy named Charlie. He is living with his father named

Pablo and her mother named Merly. As he grow up he became shy. His first
day on his elementary is so very classic. When he enters his classroom with
his father, there is something on his face. It is like he is carrying a crux
because for him being shy is inevitable that is why he don’t want his father
to leave him or else he will cry. Because he thinks that when his father is not
around someone will taunt him. But then he realized that he need to be
adequate on his age, he realized that even though is an apprentice on his
school he need to be resilient and let his father to leave him to do his work
as a tricycle driver.
Charlie is amorous to school that’s why his mother is always
waking him up early in the morning and her mother is always there to prepare
for his food. After that he take a bath and his father is waiting for him to take
him to school. After a month he is still shy to his classmates but he can give
a brevity and discreet speech to them.
After 5 years he is still shy. But now that he is already grade 6
student, he already got a friends, friends that can be count using his 10
fingers. Charlie is so happy because he already have a friends but for him
being shy is still inevitable.
Charlie was already graduated as an elementary student. He is now
a high school so he tell himself that he need to be resilient and don’t be
shy again. But as he enters his first classroom in high school he also felt
what he had felt when he was in grade 1. Because even the school is
fascinating, there are so many undaunted, chaotic and perilous student
on his classroom. Years passed by, he did not expect that he can have
friends from the throng of students on his school. Those friends of him is
always making him dismay by their jokes. Those friends of him help him to
overcome his fear by exhilarating and thrusting him to become resilient.
As the time passed by , before he cannot talk to anyone but became of his
friends he can do it now.

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