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A. Read about Elon’s habits that help him be as productive as possible.

Business Insider,
A look at the demanding schedule of Elon Musk June 28, 2018
Elon is one busy guy. By Áine Cain

He is the founder of Tesla and SpaceX where he works up to 100 hours per
week, wolfing down lunch in five minutes and skipping phone calls to be as
productive as possible.
So, it's not surprising that his daily life is pretty jam-packed.
Based on previous interviews, Business Insider pieced together an estimation
of what an average day looks like for this real-life Tony Stark.
Take a look at a day in the life of Elon Musk:
1. Musk’s day begins bright and early. He rises at about 7 a.m.
2. Musk usually skips breakfast. Occasionally, he will slow down long enough to grab a quick coffee and an omelet.
For lunch, he usually eats in five minutes during a meeting. At night, he usually eats a big meal during a business
3. One thing he always makes time for, no matter what? Showering. He says it’s his most important daily habit.
4. Once he gets up, Musk gets to work on his extreme schedule that breaks his time into a series of five-minute
periods. The entrepreneur is known to work 85 to 100 hours a week in his two companies.
5. To keep his work day on track, Musk avoids using phone calls. He prefers to use an obscure email or text
messages to only focus on the important messages.
6. On the weekends, Elon spends time with his five young sons. Speaking about his kids in 2013, he said: "What I
find is I'm able to be with them and still be on email. I can be with them and still be working at the same time ... If
I didn't, I wouldn't be able to get my job done."
7. When all is said and done, Musk usually doesn't crash until 1 a.m. That late bedtime isn't too surprising for a man
who's busy trying to do things like revolutionize the way we drive and send humans to Mars.

B. After reading about Elon’s habits, answer the following questions.

1. What word in the text is a synonym for “get up”? Which is the synonym for “go to sleep”?

2. The following sentences summarize Elon’s habits for success. Choose the sentence which does not correspond
to Elon’s habits.
a. Maximize your work time by multitasking (doing more than one activity at the same time).
b. Focus your attention on important matters to avoid distractions and wasting time.
c. Make sure to keep a healthy diet and eating habits.
d. Make time for family.
e. Keep a clean and presentable image.
f. Get enough rest to be productive the next day.

3. Do you think it’s possible for the average person to keep such a busy schedule? Why or why not? Give three
reasons to support your answer. Write a paragraph to explain your answer.

4. Elon can work up to 100 hours per week. What is the longest amount of time you have worked/studied in a week?
How did you feel at the end of the week? What did you do when you finished your long workweek? Write a
paragraph to explain your answer.
C. It’s time to maximize your productivity like billionaire Elon Musk. Plan your day in twenty-
minute periods, starting from when you wake up and finishing when you go to sleep. Remember
to follow Elon’s habits for success (see question 2).

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