EdTech2 - Chapter 6

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CHAPTER 6 INSTRUCTIONAL SOFTWARE FOR CLASSROOM USE A closer look on instructional software is the focus of this chapter which gives you the knowledge on selection, benefits, limitations and problems of the recognized software. Also, the purposes and benefits of other software support tools which are helpful in producing specific outputs such as creation of brochures, certificates, tests, presentations; web pages, and the like are described in this chapter. intended Learning Outcome At the end of this chapter, you are expected to: * Create an instructional software that can be used in teaching and learning. A CLOSER LOOK AT INSTRUCTIONAL SOFTWARE An overview of the different instructional software was earlier discussed in the previous chapter. In this chapter, selecting suitable instruction software, its benefits and limitations will be further discussed. Drill-and-Practice Software Selecting © Control Over the Drill-and-Practice - Answering the given questions or problems are given time limit, however, a good drill-and-practice software still gives users enough time to think and answer before proceeding to the next question. Users may be given signal to the software if he/she is ready to go to the next question by pressing/tapping a key or clicking on a mouse button. Answer Judging - A good drill-and-practice program must be able to discriminate correct answers from incorrect ones, especially if the user is required to enter a short answer rather than simply choosing from a selection. Gives Appropriate Feedback - Two errors must be avoided when programs give feedback. First, program display sample, readable and understandable feedbacks, not to overly design the feedback. Second, programs carelessly give more interesting feedback when the user answers incorrectly. This, therefore, encourages users to give false answers to see the interesting response from the program. Benefits Immediate Feedback - Paper and pencil drill-and-practice gives delayed feedback, thus, students would not know immediately how much they performed in their drill-and-practice. Having drill-and-practice software, students would know instantly their results and would be able to do immediate corrections if they gave incorrect answers. Motivation - Students are not simply motivated doing paper and pencil drill-and- practice for reasons that they do not like writing or they have poor writing skills. In drill-and-practice software, students get motivated not only because they will not write, but also because of the idea of being in front of the computer that they love to operate and manipulate. Saving Teacher Time - Teachers can attend to other student needs while their students spend time doing the drill-and-practice. Some areas that benefitted the drill-and- practice are: Math, typing skills, English and foreign language vocabulary, countries and its capitals, Limitations and Problems Perceived Misuse - Some teachers make use of the drill-and-practice as part of lesson introduction and not really for practicing the students’ skills. Criticism by Constructiveness - People consider this drill-and-practice as an outmoded approach to teaching for this contradicts the aim of restructured curriculum. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use @ See the following sites for sample drill-and-practice software: Vocabulary Practice by BrainPop - http://www.brainpopesl.com Chemistry formulas by Chemistry Drills.com - http://www.chemistry-drill.com Name the Note by Music Drills.com - http://www.musicdrills.com/ Tutorial Software Selecting + Extensive Interactivity - Regular and thorough responses to questions must be regularly given along the tutorial to continuously guide students’ Jearning. + Thorough User Control - Navigation buttons must always be present to allow students to go around the program and give them the freedom to return or move forward or even end the program at their own pace. + Appropriate Pedagogy - The instruction must provide complete and sufficient explanation, examples, and demonstration when necessary to enable the students to understand the lesson well. The lessons, examples, and exercises must be arranged logically and sequentially. * Adequate Answer-Judging and Feedback Capabilities - When students are asked to answer in short responses, all possible answers must be included in the program. Appropriate feedback must likewise be present wherein answers will be provided by the program after 2-3 tries rather than frustrating the students of requiring them to supply the answer which they do not know. + Appropriate Graphics - Graphics should always support the topic being discussed. These should always be i line and appropriate for the instruction. * Adequate Record Keeping - Summary of progress report of students must be present and can be easily accessed by the teacher to enable them to keep track of the students’ performance. Benefits ‘The benefits enumerated in the drill-and-practice software are also the same benefits of the tutorial software. Tutorials are self-contained and self-paced instruction which allows students to learn at their own time. . © chapter 6: Instructional Software fr Cassrom Use Limitations and Problems « Criticism by Constructivism - Tutorial contradicts the objective of constructivism learning since tutorial software delivers directed instruction rather than allowing students to construct and generate their own knowledge through hands-on projects. * Lack of Good Products - This is being encountered due to the difficulty and expense of designing and developing tutorial software. Difficulty in programming and including of suitable graphics to give appropriate pedagogy in teaching and demonstrating the concepts well are the dilemmas in producing well-packaged tutorial software. «Reflect Only One Instructional Approach - What should be taught for a given topic, how to teach the topic or lesson effectively, in what sequence the learning tasks will be presented are always the questions in producing an effective tutorial software. e the following sites for sample tutorial software: Trigonometry Challenge by ETCAI - http://www.etcai.com/page10.html Laws of Motion by The Physics Classroom - http://www.physicsclassroom.com/ Class/newtlaws The Constitution by Congress for Kids - http://congressforkids.net/Constitution_ writingconstitution.htm Simulation Software Selecting There is a realistic and accurate representation of a system. Clear set of directions must be present in the software; models a real or imaginary system. Can model physical phenomena, procedures, and hypothetical situations. The impact of actions must be clearly seen. Benefits * Compress Time - Students do not have to wait for the living thing to grow and develop its cycle in real time for this can be presented in the simulation software in just a couple of minutes. + Slow Down Processes - Events or processes that happen that is invisible to the human eye can actually be played in slow motion to enable the students to see how such event or process happens in reality. Chapter 6: Instructional Sofware for Classroom Use QD) * Get Students Involved - The participation of the students is necessary for them to be able to learn what may happen in a particular situation. + Make Experimentation Safe - Simulation software is best in keeping the students safe in learning some things like driving vehicles, handling volatile substances, search and rescue situations, etc. « Make the Impossible Possible - Walking on the moon, traveling to the universe, witnessing the volcanoes erupt, are just a few examples of allowing the students to experience the impossible and learn the possible. * Save Money and Other Resources - Though learning by doing is the best learning experience, simulation software may still give rightful learning experience at a fraction of the cost, like dissecting animals, hardware unit, and the like. «Allow Repetition with Variations - Simulations allow students to repeat events many times as they like until they master the lesson they wish to learn. + Allow Observation of Complex Processes - Simulation software makes learning and understanding of complex lessons and processes easier for students to see what is happening. Limitations and Problems * Criticism of Virtual Lab Software - Students may not get actual and quality learning if real experiments will be taken in substitute virtual labs than doing it in the hands-on- labs. Simulations can just be used as supplements to regular labs. * Accuracy of Models - Simulation software may give inaccurate or imprecise perspectives of the subject matter. Real experience is still better than being replaced by substituted learning experience. + Misuse of Simulations - There is a possibility that students would unlikely to develop effective problem-solving skills due to plainly mastering the activities given simulation. ee the following sites for sample simulation software: BioLab Fly by BioLab - http://www.biolabsoftware.com/bls/fly.html Stock Market Simulation by National SMS - http://www.nationalsms.com Digital Frog by Digital Frog International - http://www.digitalfrog.com @ Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use Instructional Games Selecting Appealing Formats and Activities - Adventure and levels of complexity that match learners’ abilities make fun learning. Instructional Value - Instructional game should serve as educational and motivational tools which give importance to the value of learning. Physical Dexterity is Reasonable - The purpose of motivating the students should be evident in the instructional game and not the other way around. However, if the object of the game is to learn physical dexterity (e.g, for students with physical challenges), the focus of the game should be learning content-area skills, rather than physical dexterity. The level of physical dexterity for content-area games should be untroublesome to all students. Social, Societal, and Cultural Considerations - Instructional games should highlight positive messages rather than war and violence among peoples of different nations, beliefs, and cultures. Benefits * Games are more interesting than traditional instruction (Randel et al. 1992) + Retention of information is longer * Assists teachers to get students to focus on the topic * Makes learning more engaging and motivational (Ash, 2011; Corbett, 2010; Squire, 2005) Limitations and Problems Learning versus Having Fun - Some schools disagree in incorporating games in instruction for they believe that games draw. away the attention of the students from the real purpose and that is learning the lesson. The focus of the students is toward winning the game instead of instruction/learning. Confusion of Game Rules and Real-Life Rules - Rules in games differ from rules in real- life. Game rules may give students difficulty in transferring the skills learned through games to real-life situations. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use @ + Inefficient Learning - Balance between motivation and learning must be maintained in the classroom so not to lose the value of education when using instructional games. * Classroom Barriers - Instructional games sometimes cannot be implemented in the classroom due to some difficulties encountered, such as requirements of the game software do not match with the specifications of computers in schools, some teachers have negative views toward computer games, time needed to complete the game is longer than the normal class hours, and others. ee the following sites for sample instructional game software:. Spore by Electronic Arts, Inc. - http://www.spore.com Lure of the Labyrinth by Thinkport - http://www.labyrinth.thinkport.org Jeopardy Review Generator by Super Teacher Tools - http://www. superteachertools.com/jeopardy Problem-Solving Software Selecting Teachers should see to it that the software should be able to develop the skills of the students in solving various kinds of content-area problems. The software should also have the feature that would keep the interest of the students in moving on in solving problems. The problems should be challenging to bring out the level best in the students. Benefits * Promotes visualization in mathematics problem solving. « Fosters better understanding in visualization of abstract concepts. + Improves interest and motivation in doing problem-solving activities. This will allow students to become more active and impulsive problem solvers. Limitations and Problems + Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Software - The problem-skills that students supposed to be developing through the use of the software may not actually be helping them to learn these skills though software catalog claims that it can foster problem skills. The students may be enjoying in solving problems using the software but they are not actually learning or developing the skills needed. Teachers have to use the problem- solving software first to confirm its effectiveness that it truly achieves the end-results of developing skills in problem-solving. eo ‘Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use * Suitability in Learning Strategy of Students - The instructional strategy of the problem- solving software may not suit the learning strategy of the students, thus will limit their learning and developing of problem-solving. The kind of instructional strategy of the software may bring negative effects in directed instruction. ee the following sites for sample problem-solving software: Memory Challenge by the Critical Thinking Co. - http://www.criticalthinking. com Sequences by the Tool Factory, Inc, - http://www.toolfactory.com Crazy Machines by Viva Media LLC - http://www.viva-media.com Software Support Tools It is undeniably true, as mentioned in the previous chapter, that the productivity software like word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and the like, are helpful for both teachers and students in accomplishing their respective tasks in supporting and meeting the requirements of teaching and learning. This time, you will learn other software support tools that would likewise benefit teachers in teaching and students in learning in various classroom situations. These software support tools offer the following advantages: + Improved efficiency and productivity + Enhanced product appearance + More precise and aptness of information * More support for collaboration Software Support Tool Categories Materials generators Data collection and analysis tools Graphics tools Planning and organizing tools Research and reference tools Content-area tools ay Poy Pp Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use @ Materials Generators Allow creation of documents, web pages, tests, and various lessons and activities. Pe Car Cree IS Sa Desktop Publishing Software Microsoft Publisher http://office.microsoft.com . Adobe InDesign and Pagemaker http://adobe.com Quark Express http://www.quark.com For creating letterheads, brochures, flyers/ posters, newsletters, newspapers, and books. Web Page Design Software * Adobe Dreamweaver http://adobe.com Microsoft WebMatrix http://www.microsoft.com For creating, editing, and updating web pages and websites for project work display and information dissemination of lessons with links like Webquests. Whiteboard Activity Software * Notebook (for use with Smart Boards) http://smarttech.com ActivStudio or Activinspire (for use with Prometheus Boards) http://www.prometheanworld.com For creating of lesson presentations and activities that students can interact with. Test and Rubric Generators Exam View Learning Series http://www.einstruction.com Test Creator http://www.centronsoftware.com Wondershare QuizCreator http://www.sameshow.com EasyTestMaker http://www.easytestmaker.com RubiStar (use program of pre-made rubrics) http://rubistar.4teachers.org Rubric Builder 7 http://www.rubricbuilder.on.ca Rubric Maker http://recipes.teach4learning.com For creating of tests and test item banks, administer tests online; Teachers may create or adopt rubrics for rating students’ projects and other performance assessments. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use Sea Cee Uc Worksheet and Puzzle Generators * Crossword Puzzle Maker ttp://armoredpenguin.com * Worksheet Works http://www.worksheetworks.com * Quia Web ttp://www.quia.com For creating of puzzle activities and worksheets to improve students’ skills. Graphic Document Makers * Print Shop Deluxe http://www.borderbund.com © Smart Draw http://www.smartdraw.com For creating of certificates for awards and recognition, flyers, cards, and other artistic and decorated documents. PDF and forms makers * Adobe Acrobat Pro http://adobe.com © PDF Maker pilot http://www.colorpilot.com © Cute PDF http://www.cutepdf.com * FormArtist Professional Attp://www.quask.com For creating of documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) and creating forms that can be accomplished online. Data Collection and Analysis Tools Roblyer, M. & Doering, A. (2013) Collect data from students; support decision making; analyze data from experiments and research. Seite Ceo Ua Database Software © FileMaker http://www. filemaker.com * Quickbase Attp://quickbase.intuit.com * Microsoft Access http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ access For storing of information that can be accessed and located easily by typing only the key words. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use @ eect] Electronic Gradebooks PinnacleGrade Gradebook http://www.globalscholar.com Teacher Planet listing of many gradebook packages http://www.gradebooks4teachers.com Ceca For keeping track of students’ record and computation of students’ grades. Statistical Packages SPSS http://www/spss.com SAS http://www.sas.com Analyse-it http://www.analyse-it.com xLStat http://www.xistat.com Ncss http://www.ncss.com Stata http://www.stata.com For data calculations which produces descriptive and inferential analysis that are needed in researches. Can be used by teachers in teaching statistical procedure. Online Survey Tools SurveyMonkey http://www.surveymonkey. com Zoomerang http://www.zoomerang.com For designing and implementation of surveys and questionnaires which can be used by both teachers and students. Student Information System PowerSchool http://www pearsonschoolsystems.com Pinnacle SiS http://www.globalscholar.com Tyler sis http://www.tylertech.com/solutions- products/school-solutions QuickSchools http://www.quickschools.com ‘Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use For keeping track of student, class, and school data that would eventually help in making decisions. Basically, the system can: * track and report student’s attendance * keep records on student demographic data * create class scheduling * track and report on test scores and achievement by objective * inform parents of their child’s grades and attendance via online Se Ear Cee Ur urd Computerized-Based Testing Systems + ExamBuilder http://www.exambuilder.com Easy Test http://www.easyteach.com/easytest. html ComputerTest 2.0 Attp://www.cubeapps.com This is also known as computer-assisted testing. This system allows students to take tests via online or on-screen computer which provide results afterwards. Student Response Systems or Clickers Student Response Solutions http://www.turningtechnologies.com Smart Response http://smarttech.com ActiVote, ActivExpression, ActivEngage http://www.prometheanworld.com iRespond http://www.irespond.com This is also called as personal response systems or classroom response systems. This allows teachers to display a question which can be simultaneously answered by students, and results can be seen by the teacher immediately. This system enhances students’ engagement in class instruction. Graphics Tools Allow teachers and students to enhan (flyers, brochures, newsletters, and the like) Roblyer, M. & Doering, A. (2013) ce the illustrations to be placed in documents and web pages. Se CRC Cee Uru Draw/Paint Programs Adobe Illustrator http://www.adobe.com CorelDraw http://www.corel.com KidPix : http://www.broderbund.com Used to create own graphics to be inserted into the documents or web pages. Image Editing Software Adobe Photoshop http://www.adobe.com ACDSee Pro Photo Manager http://www/directron.com Used to modify, enhance and format photos to be inserted into the documents and web pages. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use @ SC CR Dr eee aid Image Editing Software Adobe Photoshop http://www.adobe.com ACDSee Pro Photo Manager http://www/directron.com Used to modify, enhance and format photos to be inserted into the documents and web pages. Charting/Graphing Software SmartDraw http://www.smartdraw.com http://www/webopedia.com/ The Graph Club 2.0 http://www.tomsnyder.com List of plotting/graphing software http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ information_graphics_software Used to create charts and graphs to illustrate the data entries. Media Collections Graphics for Teachers http://www.teachingheart.net Microsoft Media Collections http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ images Istock Photos http://www/istockphoto.com Digital Sound Factory (musical instruments) http://www.digitalsoundfactory.com Flaming Text http://www.adobe.com/type/ collections.htm! Adobe Fonts Collection http://www.adobe.com/type/ collections.html Animation Factory http://www.animationfactory.com Clip Art, Photo, Animation, Sound, Video, and Font Collections add design to the documents and presentations which make the output more professional and artistic in appearance. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use Roblyer, M. & Doering, A. (2013) Planning and Organizing Tools Allow teachers and students to organize ideas and plan lessons and class schedules. ec mrly UCU Outlining and Concept Mapping Software * Inspiration http://www.inspiration.com * Kidspiration http://www.inspiration.com/ Kidspiration * SmartDraw http://www.smartdraw.com Helps students to develop their writing skills to accomplish well written reports, short stories, and other writing tasks. Concept mapping software helps an individual to explore and outline ideas to properly outline his/her thoughts in writing the intended output. Lesson Planners * PlanbookEdu http://planbookedu.com * ILessonPlan http:/ilessonplan.com © MylessonPlanner http://mylessonplanner.com Guides teachers in preparing lesson plans and activities in a standard format. Scheduling, Calendar, and Time Management Tools * FileBuzz Teacher Calendar Software http://www.filebuzz.com/ Educational/1.htm! http://www.webopedia.com * Reel Logix Calendar Software http://www.thecalendarplanner.com © Easy Schedule Maker http://www.patrena.com Help teachers and students to plan their activities and events daily, weekly, or monthly. This reminds the users of the events, duties, and responsibilities to be accomplished. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use Roblyer, M. & Doering, A. (2013) Research and Reference Tools Assist teachers and students in doing their research work. CROLL] reo ACCULUey Online Encyclopedia * Encyclopedia Brittanica http://www. britannica.com * Encyclopedia.com http://www.encyclopedia.com Helps both teachers and students in finding the facts and information in accomplishing their assignments, projects, and researches. Online Atlases and Mapping Tools * Worldatias http://www/worldatlas.com/atlas/ world.htm * Rand McNally http://www.randmcnally.com * Mapquest http://www.mapquest.com © The National Map (geological) http://nationalmap.gov * Atlas of the Universe http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com © Google Maps http://maps.google.com Helps users to know more about local, national, world, and celestial geography which are needed in their learning. Online Dictionaries and Thesauruses «Technology words: Webopedia http://www.webopedia.com ‘+ Any words/thesaurus: Merriam-Webster http://www.merriam-webster.com * Any words/thesaurus: Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com Helps teachers and students to widen their vocabulary © ‘Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use Roblyer, M. & Doering, A. (2013) Content Area Tools Assist teachers and students in enriching their knowledge in a specialized content area, such as reading, math, science, compute! and technology education. Se car CAD Systems ‘AutoCAD http://usa.autodesk.com Alibre http://www.alibre.com 1, art, music, language, social studies, drawing eee curled Help student in creating models of buildings, houses, cars, and other structures. Music Editors, Sequencers, and MIDI Tools iLike and Garageband http://www.ilike.com Listing of MIDI products http://www.midi.org Help students in developing their own musical piece and compositions. Reading Tools Readability calculation software http://www.readabilityformulas.com Accelerated Reader (AR) http://www.renlearn.com/ar Help teachers to select stories that may be related to the topic they will be teaching. Students’ motivation in reading would likely improve and have reading for enjoyment. Microcomputer-based Labs (MBL), Calculator-based labs (CBL), and Graphing Calculators * Vernier LabQuest http://www.vernier.com Also known as probeware. Assists teachers and students in accomplishing their experiments that might need measuring of light, temperature, voltage, and speed. Graphing calculators help in illustrating equations in graphs. Calculator-based labs allow connection of probes or sensors to a graphing calculator rather than to a computer. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positions Systems (GPS) ARCView GIS http://www.esri.com/software/arcview GIS allows the users to study geographic locations. Chapter 6: Instructional Software for Classroom Use ® SC OCC De eee a GPS curriculum GPS allows the users to find its way to their http://www.educaching.com destination with complete calculation of Magellan GPS positioning of places. http://www.magellangps.com Garmin GPS. http://www.garmin.com Online Foreign Language Dictionaries and | Allow users to understand other foreign Language Translators languages by looking up its meaning and © Listing of foreign language dictionaries | translation to their local language. http://www. foreignword.com © WorldLingo http://www.worldlingo.com * Babylon9 http://translation.babylon.com Roblyer, M. & Doering, A. (2013) @ Chapter 6: Instructional Softwore for Classroom Use

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