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48 Special Milk & Lunch Programs, B.3.a.11_ Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Tintle and carried unanimously on roll call authorizing board secretary to execute appropriate agreements to participate in the Special Milk and National School Ly Programs. a ap School Calendar, B,3.a.12_ Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle a carried unanimously on roll call adopting the school calendar for the 1970-71 — school year, Page 48A, Attachment "8", of this minute book. Resignation, B.3.a.13 Motion by Mrs. Garfield, seconded by Mr. Horwath and carried unanimously on roll call accepting Mrs. Helne Bolick's resignation, with _ regret. Adjournment Motion by Mrs. Garfield, seconded by Mr. Harding and carried meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Secretary Regular Meeting August 26, 1970 The Regular Meeting of the Riverdale Board’ or Education, Borough of Riverdale, New Jersey, was held in the Riverdale School Teachers Room, on Wednesday, August 26,1970 at 8:00 P.M., Mr. Polo presiding. Members Present: Messrs. Edward R. Carlough, William R. Gardiner, Russell H. Harding, Milton E. Horwath, Robert H. Tintle, Re Peter J. Polo, President. un Se Members Absent: Mrs. Marte Garfield Re Also Present: Mrs, Shirley F, Shaw, Secretary to Mr. Herbert W. Irwin, Attorney There were three residents present. Mrs. Shirley Reuter questioned the bus routes to Kinnelon advertised in the newspapet Sus Route #4 as printed in newspaper is overloaded with 59 pupils listed. Mr. Polo assured Mrs. Reuter the transportation routes would be studied and if an overcrowded bus existed it would be corrected, Executive Session Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr, Tintle and carried meetiat adjourned to executive session at 8:15 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 8:45 P.M. Motion by M-. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle and Minutes Approved, B.1. q ating held on July 18+ carried, minutes were approved as submitted for the Regular Me A by ay] Cute gf gustodian's and Secretary's Reports, B.1.b.1,for the month ending July 31, 1970, were Lung, Dagpproved as submitted, Motion was made by Mr. Gardiner, seconded by Mr. Tintle, Receipts, Payments Balances band Current Expenses $52,495.08 $28,631.46 $23,863.62 Capital Outlay 3,075.78 0.00 3,075.78 Debt Service 0.00 3,075.00 ~3,075.00 and P.T.A. Donation 200.00 0.00 200.00 with E,S.E.A. Title IL 381.00 0.00 381.00 Reserve for Unpd. Ord, 7,335.62 4,306.82 3,028.80 TOTALS $63,487.48 $36,013.28 $27,474.20 fills, B.3.a.14 Motion by Mr. Carlough, seconded by Mr, Gardiner and carried manimously on roll call approving payment of bills, listed on Page 49A, Attachment "4 of this minute book, Request for Funds, B.3.a.15 Motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Carlough and carried unanimously on roll call adopting the following resolution: Resolved, that the amount of district taxes, exclusive of debt service requirements needed to meet the obligations of the Board for the next eight weeks is $50,000.00 and that the Borough Council is hereby requested to place in the hands of the Custodian of School Moneys that amount within the next thirty days in accordance with the statues hereto, 26,197) Resignation, B.3.a.16 Motion by Mr, Polo, seconded by Mr. Tintle and carried unanimously on roll call accepting Mrs. Shirley F, Shaw's resignation, effective September 30, 1970, with regret. esolution, B.3.a.17 Motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Gardiner and carried to adopt the following resolution: "Resolved, that Mrs. E. Lynne Di Angelis be offered the position of Secretary of the Board of Education, of the Borough of Riverdale, her appointment to be effective October 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971, but vapels her employment to begin September 14, 1970, under the direction of |) Mrs, Shirley F. Shaw from September 14, 1970, commencing September 30, 1970, at an annual salary of $6,300.00, in accordance with job description, two week vacation during first year and nine (9) paid holidays in accordance with @ directive of the Riverdale Board of Education. Be it further resolved that the president and secretary of the school board are authorized and empowered to enter into a contract with Mrs. E. Lynne Di Angelis, in accordance with the foregoing, YEAS: Carlough, Gardiner, Harding, Horwath, Polo NOES: Tintle 50 Use of School Property, B.3.a.18 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr, g, and carried unanimously on roll call approving application 70-03 for use of sch; Property from the Cadette Girl Scout Troop #456. Purchase Orders, B.3.a.19 Motion by Mr. Gardiner, Furchase Orders, B.3.a.19 seconded by Mr. Harding carried unanimously on roll call the issuance of the {o! Mowing purchase orders, 20-57 Fideler 161.44 70-58 Reader's Digest Service 108.00 70-83 McCormick Mathers Pub, 149.49 70-60 Harcourt, Brace & World 197.07 70-61 Lyons & Carnahan 76.05 70-62 Addison-Wesley Publ. 628.17 70-63 Poplar Subscriptions 84.85 70-64 ALN, Palmer Go. 213.63 70-65 —-Bro=Dart 31.35 Title Application, B.3.a.20 Motion by Mr. Gardiner, seconded by Mr, and carried unanimously on roll call authorizing the secretary of the Riverdale Boar of Education to file application for E.S.E.A., Title I, Gafeteria Deficit, B.3.a.21 Motion by Mr. Horwath, seconded by Mr. Harding ang carried unanimously on roll call the issuance of check in the amount of $1,700.09 to Riverdale Board of Education, Cafeteria Account, to cover deficit for the 1969-7 schoo! year, a8 recommeneded by Auditor ($1,000.00 transfered into "W" account, $700.00 to be reimbursed to Riverdale Board Qf Education, General Account after is receipt of State Reimbursement checks.) Substitute Teachers 381344422 Motion by’ Mr.) Tintlé, seconded by Mr. Harding and carried unanimously on roll call approving the foll: lowing substitute teachers. Gail Dedio Helen Bolick Angelina Fiorentino Elizabeth Warren Cheryl Weatherwalks Winifred Tintle (Nurse) Mundell Pisher (Nurse) Maxine Silber Gail Trujillo =2.23 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle and carried unanimously on roll call approving issuance of teaching contract to Mrs. Elizabeth Warrent (part-time speech), 74 days/year @ $40.54/day = $3,000.00. Transfer_of Funds, 8.3 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle fransfer_of Funds, 8.3 and carried unanimously on roll call to transfer $200 from J-410a3 to J-410a5, 1969-70 school budget, correcting error, agenda item B.3.a.135, May 20, 1970. Regular Mc Noven fhe Regular Mecting of the Riverdale Board of Education, Riverdale, New sey was held on Wednesday, November 18, 1970, 8:00 P.M. in the joo! Library, Mr. Polo, presiding. ‘iverdale yembers Present Messrs. Russell Harding, Peter Polo, Robert Tintle Members Absent: Messrs. Edward Carlough, William Gardiner, Milton Horwath. others Present: Mr. Edward Pruzinsky, Mrs. Lynne Di Angelis ‘tne from public present. One teacher present. dpproval of Minutes B.l.a.1. Motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Harding tat the minutes of October 21, 1970 be approved with correction of B.3.a.68. fecretary's and Custodian's Reports B.1.b.1, Motion by Mr. Harding and uconded by Mr, Tintle that the Secretary's and Custodian's reports be wproved as submitted for period ending October 31, 1970. Receipts Payments Balances Current Expenses 211,835.45 75,176.81 136,658.64 Gpttal Outlay 3,075.78 0.00 3,075.78 Debt Service 10,120.00 21,626.25 11,506.25 BT.A, Donation 200.00 0.00 200.00 £8,E,A, Title 381,00 0,00 381.00 Reserve for Unpd. Ord. 7,335.62 7,197.72 137.90 TorALs 232,947.85 104,000.78 128,947.07 Mr. Gardiner arrived at 8:02 P.M. Aequest for Funds B.3.a.76 Motion by Mr. Gardiney seconded by Mr. Tintle tnd carried unanimously on roll call that the following resolution be adopted. “RESOLVED, that the amount of district taxes exclusive of debt service requirements needed to meet the obligation of the Board of Education : for the next eight weeks is $50,000.00apxi that the Borough Council is thereby requested to place in the hands of the Custodian of School ; Moneys that amount within the next thirty days in accordance with the statutes relating thereto." 8, B.3.a.77 Motion by M . Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle and carried mmously on roll call that the following bills be approved. Attachment "A" these minutes. hase Orders B.3.a.78 Motion by Mr. Gardiner, seconded by Mr. Tintle Carried unanimously on roll call that the following purchase orders be foved., 70-139 Gerald La Sala ~ janitorial supplies 159.00 70-140 Thealan Assoc. Inc. - Board neg. handbook 20.00 70-142 Pompton Lakes Board of Ed. - tuition 3917.38 70-146 Houghton-Mifflin Co. - teaching suppl 43,00 i) 70-149 Anthony Grassi - electrical work 24 70-150 Board of Ed. = Passaic Go. Vocational ~ tuition 328° 70-151 Baker & Taylor Co. ~ Library Books 159; Title 1 Resignation 8.3.a.79 Motion by Mr. Harding and seconded by Mr. Tintle and 4 carried unanimously on roll call that Mrs. Renee Fetzer's resignation be accepted with regret. Effective January 1, 1971. Pfovisional Certiticate B.3.a.80 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. TINT and carried unanimously on roll call that a provisional certificate be requested for! Mrs. Elizabeth Warren in speech therapy. Salary Adjustment B.3.a.81 Motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Harding and carried unanimously on roll call that Miss Patricia Gerard's salary be adjusted to compensate extra credits, to read from BA+20 at $9,800.00 to BA+30 at $10,100.00 on Step 6 of the 1970-71 salary guide and to be retroactive to September 1, 1970, 1 t Mr. Carlough arrived at 8:20 P.M. Endorse Budget B.3.a.82 Motiorn by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Harding and carried unanimously on roll call that the board endorse the budget for the school a year 1971-72 and assessment of $366.00 as stated by the Commission of the Morris County Audio Visual Aids, attachment "B" of these minutes, d fy Mr. Herbert W. Irwin arrived at 8:25 P.M, Use of School Building Bi3.a.83 Motion by Mr, Gardiner, seconded by Mr. Harding and carried unanimously on roll call that the application for use of the school building be approved. 70-15 Girl Scout Troop 1436 Executive Session was called by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Harding at 8:30 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 8:40 P.M. Rescind Motion B.3.a.84 Motion by Mr, Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle and Carried unanimously on roll call that motion B.3.a.68 of the October 21, 1970 meeting be rescinded. Salary Adjustment B.3.a.85 Motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Harding and carried unanimously on roll call that an adjustment be made in Miss Gertrude Randall's salary to compensate extra credits; to be retroactive to September 1, 1970 and to reat Step 3, from BA+20 at $8,600.00 to MA, Step 3 of the 1970-71 salary guide at $9,100.00, Contract 8.3.a.86 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Gardiner and carried unanimously on roll call to issue a contract to Mr. Richard S$. Klein, as school psychologist, effective November 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971 at the salary of $90.00 per day, 40 days per school year for a total of $3,600.00. 24.09 32895 159.35 ais Contract B.3.a.87 Motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Harding and carried unanimously on roll call to issue a contract to Mrs. Nina Beatrice, effective November 18, 1970 to June 30, 1971 as partstime cafeteria help. Her hours to be 3 hours a day at salary of $1.75 per hour. ;Jncrease Salary B.3.a.88 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle and carried unanimously on roll call to adjust Mrs. Helene Scanlan's salary $200.00 retroactive to September 1, 1970 according to policy number 4124 of thel Riverdale Board of Education. SDiscussion on policy number 4124 followed. Mr. Irwin was asked to check this “on file card and make it known if an error should be corrected or if the ypolicy number should be revised, pertaining to years notification of retirement. “Mrs. Haye's of the Riverdale Parent-Teacher Associttion presented a letter to the Board Secretary requesting the Board to present the budget at their January "meeting. Discussion later held on request and decision of the Board is to sinvite the P.T.A, to the meeting when the biudget will be presented to the another program if they wish. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. on motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. Gardiner and carried unanimously on roll call. Re the public. Representatives of the Board will attend the January meeting of the P.T.A. w 82 carried unanimously on roll call, to hire Dr, Herman Blumhagen, 320 State Highway #10, Dover, New Jersey, as a consultant in the study Concerning return of 7th & 8th grade students to Riverdale. Payment for { Dr. Blumhagen's services not to exceed $1,000.00. A preliminary Consultant Hired B.3.a,133/ Motion by Mr, Tintle, seconded by Mr. Harding | outline will be presented to the Board of Education by April 21 1971, , Secretary 7 Regular Meeting April 21, Meeting adjourned at 9830 P.M, 1971 The regular meeting of the\Riverdale Board of Education was held, Wednesday, April 21, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. in the Riverdale School Library. Mr. Polo, presiding. Members Present: Messrs. William Gardiner, Russell Harding, | Louis O'Shea, Peter Polo. Members Absent: Messe@- Edward Carlough, Milton Horwath, Robert Tintle. Also Present: Mr. Edward Pruzinsky Lynne Di Angelis Mr. Emest Stuber B.1.a.1. Minutes Approved: Motion by Mr, Harding, seconded by Mr. O'Shea Minutes of the regular meeting, March 17, 1971 and Special meeting, Ami 6, 1971 were approved as submitted, Secretary's and Gustodian's Reports B.1.b.1. Motion by Mr. O'Shea, seconded by Mr. Gardiner, the reports for period ending March 31, 1971 were approved as submitted, Receipts Payments Balances Current Expense 598,527.37 537,587.68 60,939.69" Capital Outlay 3,075.78 0.00 3,075.78 P.T.A. Donation 200.00 0.00 2.00.00 .S.E.A, Titlelt 381.00 292.28 88.72 Debt Service 25,387.50 24,928.75, "| 20 33 Receipts Payments Balances e for Unpd. Ord. 7,335.62 7,213.42 122.20 TOTALS: 635,007.27 570,022.13 64,985.14 win, Board Attorney, arrived at 8:10 P.M. ‘sions and questions from public were heard as follows: ance at P.T.A, meeting was.discussed. Mr. Polo encourages all parents achers to make an effort to support the P.T.A, by attending as many 98 45 possible. Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 18, 1971. arléugh arrived 8:15 P.M. stion of a test given in fifth grade on Afro-Americans, Mr. Polo instructed uzinsky to look into the matter and call the parent, Iber questioned enrollment of the present first grades (31 in each class) neans are being taken to correct this situation if it should occur in st school year? He was informed the correct steps will be taken to te the problem of too many in a class if it warrants. lo answered questions on return of 7th & 8th grade students to, Riverdale. @ better knowledge will be available of the situation and in September latest it will be presented to the public, : for Funds B.3.a.134 Motion by Mr. Carlough, seconded by Mr. O'Shea the following resolution was adopted; RESOLVED: that the amount of district taxes, exclusive of debt service eduirements needed to meet the obligations of this Board for the next ight weeks Is $75,000.00 and that the Borough Council is hereby aquested to place in the hands of the Custodian of School Moneys that amount ithin the next thirty days in accordance with the statutes relating thereto," 5.a.195 Bills, Attachment "A" of these minutes were approved unanimously a motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. O'Shea, School Property B.3.a.136 Motion by Mr. O'Shea, seconded by Mr. ardiner and carried on roll ca, the following changes were approved: sholarship Committee - change dates from My 7 and 14, 1971 to May Jand 26, 1971. Use of teachers room, by Scout Troop permission to use Multi Purpose Room in addition to ‘ditorlum May 7, 1971, hours from 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. Music Program B.3.a.137 rlough , Motion by Mr. Gardiner, seconded by the summer music program under the direction of Mr. 84 Ernest Stuber was approved for four weeks in the summer at the salary of $700.00, (Purchase Order and Payment Schedule B.3.a.138 Motion by Mr. Carlough, seconded by Mr. O'Shea, Library books purchased from Responsive En- Vironments Corp. were approved unanimously. ,otal order is $929.40 payment schedule is: One payment per year of $232.35 each, beginning July 15, 1971 and three consecutive years followim on July 1S. Final payment to be July 15, 1974. Office Cabinets B.3.a.139 Motion by Mr, O'Shea, seconded by Mr. Gardiner, approving purchase of three machine cabinet stands for office use, not to exceed $400.00. Roll call vote, All aye. Substitute Teachers B,3,a,140 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr, Carlough, the following approved as sibititute teachers: Mrs. Maureen De Graw Mrs, Nancy, Blatterman Mrs, Elaine Dunn Mrs, Jane Roman Roll call vote, All aye. Resolution 8,3,a.141 Motion by Mr. Carlough, seconded by Mr. O'Shea, the application for County approval of kindergaftens adopted. Carried unanimously on roll call. Ad for Bids B.3.a,142 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Gardiwr, Board Secretary instructed to advertise in April 25, 1971 issue of Suburban Trends for sealed: bids to be received May 19, 1971 at 1:00 P.M. ~ Bids for General Supplies, Office Supplies, Art Supplies, Fuel Oil, Cafeteria Supplies, Janitorial Supplies, and Replacement of Windows. Roll call vote, All aye. Practice Teachers B,3,a.143 Motion by Mr. Gardiner, seconded by Mr. Carlough, approving the following practice teachers for the 1971-1972 school year: Mr. Kay De Angelo, Mrs. Angeline Piorentino, Miss Linda Van Kennen Mrs, Sandra Dandurand. Roll call vote, All aye. Issue Contract 8.3.a.144 Motion by Mr, Carlough, seconded by Mr, O'Shea approving issuance of contract as custodian to Mr. Lawrence Van Volkenburgh, Salary at $3.00 per hour for a 49 hour week, beginning May 3, 1971 to June 30, 1971, Carried on roll call vote, unanimously: Motion by Mr, Gardiner, seconded by Mr. O'Shea, meeting retired to Executive Session at 9:05 P,M, Meeting reconvened at 9:35 P.M., motion by Mr. Gardiner , seconded by Mr. O'Shea, yor Scaletti and Councilmen Garelli, De Velez, Di Angelis, and Smith attended the meeting. Inquiry to return of the 7th and 8th grade students reaarding facts and fiyures made by Mayor Scaletti, Mr. Polo related in June, the consultant Dr. Blumhagen should have a report to the a a Board, At that time the Board would like to meet with the Mayor and 40 Council and the public residents. ii iat jon-tenure Teachers B.3.a.145 Motion by Mr. Carlough, seconded by Mr. O'Shea approving issuance of contracts to the following non-tenure teachers: dine not and Year =Mr. Nicholas Del Re Mrs, Marguerite Maccagnano . Mrs, Helen Stoess Mrs. Gail Dedio Mrs. Elizabeth Warren - 2 days per week, Speech. ————— Mr, Richard Klein - 1 day per week, Psychologist 3rd Year Mrs. Naomi Davisson Mrs. Sharon Ercolano + the Mrs. Carole Dowd Mrs. Patricia Dashner - 4 days per week, Art. Miss Barbara Runz Mrs, Elda Goeller " Roll call vote. Aye: Messrs. Carlough, Harding, O'Shea, Polo. Noes: Mr. Gardiner Motion carried by unanimous vote. Resolution B.3.a.146 Motion by Mr, Harding, seconded by Mr. O'Shea, carried on roll cali vote, the following resolution adopted: “All non-tenure employees issued a contract, shall return to the Board Secretary within 10 consecutive days following issuance, signed or unsigned.” Meeting retired to Executive Session at 9:45 P.M. on motion by Mr, Gardiner, seconded by Mr, Carlough, Meeting reconvened and adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Motion by Mr. O'Shea seconded by Mr. Carlough, All ayes. : ll ge pe Vecap tle gd as ? / Secretary The regular meeting of tke Riverdale Board of Education was held 8:00 P.M, on Ttune 16, 1971, Mr. Gardiner, Vice-President, presiding, Members Present: Messrs. Edward Carlough, William Gardiner, Russell Harding, Louis O'Shea, Robert Tintle. Members Absent: Messrs, Milton Horwath, Peter Polo, Also Pres@at; Mr. Edward R. Pruzinsky Lynne Di Angelis, Secretary ‘Mr. Herbert Irwig, Attorney Mr. Emest Stuber “Mr. Gardiner welcomed the four residents and eleven teachers attending the meeting. Mr. Silber again questioned the size of the present first grade classes, stating all time was being devoted to the student slower in reading, while the rest are left on their own reading library books or drawing. Mr. Carlough Stated there are only a few days left of school, not too mish can be done now. Mr. Gardiner said the Board is aware of the problem and it will be “ironed” out before re-opening of school in September. Mr. Pruzinsky stated three second grad classes next year will solve the problem. He also explained towardd the end ofthe school year, recreational reading is part of the program, 5 P.M. on motion by Mr. Q;Shea, seconded by Mr, Tintle, all ayes, meeting edjourned to executive session. Mr, Polo, arrived at 8:50 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:18 P.M, Approved Minutes B.1.a.1. Minutes of May 19, 1971 meeting were approved on motion by Mr. Carlough, seconded by Mr. O;Shea, All ayes. Secretary's and Custodian’s Rebats B.1.b.1. were approved for period ending May 31, 1971 on motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle, all ayes, Attachment of these minutes "B" Request for Funds B,3.a.164 Motion by Mr. O'Shea, seconded by Mr. Tintle the following resolution adopted; "RESOLVED; that the amount of district taxes exclusive of debt service requirements needed to meet the obligations of the Board for the next eight weeks is $61,620.00 and that the Borough Council is hereby requested trenace in the hands of the Custodian of School Moneys that amount within the next thirty days in accordance with the statutes thereto." Roll call vote. All ayes. Use of School Property B.3.a.165 Following application was approved, mot Tintle, seconded by Mr. Carlough, Riverdale Recreation Committee to yggl building and grounds from June 28, 1971 to August 6, 1971 from 9:00 ay to 3:00 P.M, for Summer recreation program under the direction of Mr, Michael T. Di Angelis. Half-Day session B.3,a,166 Three half-day sessions approved, June 21,22, and 23, 1971. June 23, 1971 (080 days) closing date of school ‘Tran exercises to be held June 22, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Gardiner, Vice will present diplomas. Motion by Mr, Garlough, seconded by Mr, Tintle, carried on roll call vote. Bills B.3.a.167 Attachment "A" of these minutes approved on motion by Mr, Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle, Roll call vote. All ayes. Purchase of Standard Equipment Duplicator B,3.a.168 Motion by Mr. O'Shea seconded by Mr. Tintle, carried on roll call vote, the board authorized purchase of a duplicator with stand for the office, from Wm. H. Coleman Associates, at the cost of 715.00. signation 8.3.a,169 The resignation of Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, speech com ist effective June 30, 1971 was accepted with regret. Motion by Mr, Tintle, seconded by Mr. Carlough, Roll call vote, All ayes. Contract B.3.a.170 Motion by Mr, Carlough, seconded by Mr. ea, SPI issuance of contract to Miss Judy Linares, 4 Halsey Ave.. Riverdale, as speech corgectionist, 1971-1972, school year for 2 days per week ( (72 teaching days,) at a prorated salary of $3,200.00, Roll call vote. All ayes. School Calendar 8.3.a+171 School calendar for 1971-1972 school year, Attachnes| "O" of these minutes was approved, Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle. Roll call vote, All ayes. Student Insurance B.3.a,172 Motion by Mr. O'Shea, seconded by Mr. Carloughy C.w, Bollinger Co. appointed to supply student insurance for the 1971-1972 school year, (Students $2.50 school time, $15.00 round the Clock) Carried on roll call vote. Part_time Summer Custodian B.3.a.173 Approved employing Ronald Kajor, 4 Must Ave.,Riverdale, as part-time summer custodian, 40 hour work week at $lofi per hour, Motion by Mr. Tintle, seconded by Mr. O'Shea. Roll call vote All ayes. Award Bid B.3.a,174 Motion by Mr. Carlough, seconded by Mr. Harding, bid i] school supplies awarded to Cascade School Supplies, North Adams, Mas$« Low bid of $2,034.41, Roll call vote, All ayes. Reading Workshop B.3.a.175 Motion by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Tintle approving a work shop in reading for all classes, sessions held at clos® Of school day. Miss Patricia Gerard, a Riverdale Staff member (MA in reading) will conduct 19~one hour to one and one half hour sessions, (one Session every two weeks} at the salary rofmbursement of $300.00, Roll

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