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A Hot Day

By Lizbeth Martinez
It was morning.I woke up so the first thing I heard was let’s
go to the parade so i got in the shower I brushed my teeth
I put on my shirt then I ate breakfast I had toast i got
ready I waited for like a 1 hour waiting I was so bored that
I could go to sleep.

Then I heard vamonos so I was jumping up and down but

when I got outside it was so hot that I could take off my
clothes because it was like 100 degrees. We got in the car
my body got burned as I got in my car seat.As we were
driving I saw so many people walking to the parade.We
parked at my aunts sister house that lived close by the
parade we walked to the parade.We found a nice big tree
with some nice shade.The parade started.They started
throwing candy i was picking them up until boom a candy
hit my head.I said oww.My family started laughing at me.

1 hour later.Finally the parade is over i ran to the car with

my hand full with candy.I waited like 20 min for my dad to
drive.Buzzz aunt calling she said that there hungry so
were we.She said we should go to this place where there’s
a concert and food.So we said sure we got there I got of
the car.I saw a lama we saw people selling earrings and
more things.We found a shop that had food.My family
bought pina colada.

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