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University of San Jose Recoletos Senior High School

Department Science, Technology, Engineering and Math


This is an agreement between the Subject Teacher, the students and the parents or
guardians involved and thus it comprises of six different parts: Agreement Guidelines, Performance
Tasks and Rubrics, Classroom Policies, Late and Absences, Subject and Clearance Requirements, and
Grades and Sanctions.

I. Agreement Guidelines

1. The Subject Teacher shall provide and comprehensively discuss the guidelines to the students
the week of official start of classes. 2. The guidelines will be the minimum content that which
must be complied during the duration of the semester unless otherwise there are limitations which
may inevitably inhibit the students to conform to the guidelines. 3. This agreement shall be pasted on
the first pages of the student’s lecture notebook. 4. Deviations from the guidelines due to such
limitations shall only take effect upon endorsement by the
Subject Teacher and approval by the Cluster

II. Performance Tasks and


II.A PT #1 – Case Study Final

Submission: August 16, 2019, Friday

The University of San Jose Recoletos has established a program to strengthen its sports and
performance arts programs as it embarks its thrusts not only to become locally competitive but
globally as well. To initially attain this, the university has hired groups of physics experts in the
field of kinematics to analyze student’s performances in their respective areas under sports.
As a local physicist with expertise in the field, the university has hired you and your group’s
service to make a report and present a ​case study with deep analysis ​and comparison of a
non- professional athlete versus an amateur player of a specific sports with the objective of either
analyzing exemplary mechanisms for a more efficient execution or for constructive correction.
You are to present your findings to the athletics director. Your report will be assessed based
on understanding of the problem, data analysis, comprehensiveness of recommendations, data
supplementation, and report organization.
II.B Parts of the

The structure for the case study should contain the ff: Introduction, Methods, Results,
Discussion & Conclusion. Use the guide
types-papers/using-scientific-journal-article-write-critical-review ​for the critical paper review from
the first grading.

II.C PT #2 – Peer Paper Review Final

Submission: October 4, 2019, Friday

After your team’s deep analysis to the comparison of a non-professional athlete versus an
amateur player of a specific sports in the University of San Jose Recoletos’ programs, the
university now needs to verify and validate the said study in order to contest locally and globally
in the field of research and innovation.
As an outstanding researcher with expertise in the field of Physics, the university has hired
you and your group’s service to make a report and present a ​peer paper review ​of the other
team’s case study inculcating the comparison of a non-professional athlete versus an amateur
player of a specific sports with the objective of either analyzing exemplary mechanisms for a
more efficient execution or for constructive correction.
You are to present your paper review to the athletics director. Your report will be assessed
based on understanding of the problem, data analysis, comprehensiveness of recommendations,
data supplementation, and report organization.

STEM . SRA . V.1 .

II.D Rubrics (PT#1 and PT#2)
(4 pts.)
II.E Rubrics for Individual Assessment (PT#1 and PT#2)
(4 pts.)
Satisfactory (3pts.)
Developing (2 pts.)
Beginning (1 pt.) ​Identification of Main Issues/Problems (x2)
Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues/problems in the case study.
Identifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the issues/problems.
Identifies and demonstrates acceptable understanding of some of the issues/problems in the case study.
Problem cited didn’t show understanding of the issues/problems in the case study.
Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problem (x3)
Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all identified issues/problems; includes all necessary calculations.
Presents a complete analysis of most of the issues identified; all necessary calculations are presented.
Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis of some of the identified issues; omits necessary calculations.
Analysis presented was erroneous. Calculations were erroneous and didn’t support analysis at all.
Recommendation s on Effective Solutions/Strateg ies (x3)
Supports diagnosis and opinions with strong arguments and well documented evidence; presents a balanced and critical view;
interpretation is both reasonable and objective.
Supports diagnosis and opinions with reasoning and evidence; presents argument that demonstrates engagement with ideas
Supports diagnosis and opinions with limited reasoning and evidence; presents a somewhat one sided argument demonstrates little
engagement with ideas presented.
Little or no action suggested and/or inappropriate solutions proposed to the issues in the case study
Links to Course Readings and Additional Research (x2)
Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues/ problems and the strategic concepts studied in the course
readings and lectures; supplements case study with relevant and thoughtful research and documents all sources of information.
Makes correct connections between identified issues/ problems and the strategic concepts studied in the course readings and
lectures; supplements case study with relevant research and documents all sources of information.
Makes vague connections between identified issues/problems and concepts studied in readings and lectures; demonstrates limited
command of the analytical tools studied; supplements case study with limited research.
Makes inappropriate or little connection between issues identified and the concepts studied in the readings; supplements case
study, if at all, with incomplete research and documentation.
Report Organization (x1)
The concepts are communicated in an engaging and meaningful way. Ideas are presented clearly and orderly.
The concepts are communicated clearly. Ideas are presented in a manner that can be followed with no difficulty.
The concepts are not clearly established and communicated in the output.Information and ideas are presented in an order that the
audience can follow with minimum difficulty.
The concepts are not communicated in the output. Information and ideas are poorly sequenced. The audience has difficulty
following the thread of thought.
Developing (3pts.)
(2 pts.)
Beginning (1 pt.) ​Focus on the task ​Consistently stays focused
on the task and what needs to be done. Very self- directed.
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person.
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to
keep this person on-task.
Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Let others do the work.
Time- management
Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work
responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.
Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines
or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.
Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work
responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.
Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's
inadequate time management.
Quality of Work ​Provides work of the highest quality.
Provides high quality work. Provides work that
occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality.
Provides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by others to ensure quality.
Contributions ​Routinely provides useful
ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A definite leader who contributes a lot of effort.
Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A strong group member who tries hard!
Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A satisfactory group member who
does what is required.
Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. May refuse to participate
Problem-solving ​Actively looks for and
suggests solutions to problems.
Refines solutions suggested by others.
Does not suggest or refine solutions, but is willing to try out solutions suggested by others.
Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems. Lets others do the work.
STEM . SRA . V.1 . CLG
II.F Scoring

70% of total score = PT #1: Case Study

PT #2: Peer Paper

30% of total score = Individual

*Each team member is required to rate each

III. Classroom

III.A PowerPoint
1. The Subject Teacher is not allowed to send PPT via email, flash drive and other means to the
students. Students are responsible upon copying the notes while on discussion. 2. The students
are NOT ALLOWED to take pictures of the presentation unless told to do so by the
Subject Teacher. 3. The Subject Teacher has the discretion to send or not summarized
notes to the students.

III.B Examinations, Activities, and


1. The Subject Teacher has the authority to announce or not of the written works such as exams
seat works. 2. If a student is absent or excused during the scheduled and unscheduled written
works such as examinations, quiz bowls, seat works, assignments etc., the student has the
opportunity to submit activities or take the untaken quizzes provided that the student complies
the essential requirements not limited to ​letter of explanation​, ​attachments​, ​excuse letter with
principal’s approval ​and p ​ ermit from SDPC ​given that the student approaches the teacher with
an allowable of ​a day to a week after the exam ​or the written work activities had happen. If the
student fails to approach a day to a week after, the student will then ​NOT BE ALLOWED ​to
submit or take the untaken quiz. If everything is not complied, the student will be marked “zero” in
the record. 3. If the student is present during the scheduled and unscheduled written works such
as examinations, quiz bowls, seat works, assignments etc. but unfortunately didn’t pass the said
written works, there will be three procedures to be followed consecutively: 1) On the first
unpassed examination, the parent of the student will receive an ​Academic Update via Text
Message ​from the Subject Teacher expressing the score of the student and its remarks within
the week of the said exam 2) On its second unpassed examination, the parent will be given ​a
Subject Academic Notice ​from the Subject Teacher expressing the score of the student and its
remarks within the week of the said exam and the notice shall be returned to the Subject Teacher
with Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature ​the day after the notice was given​. If a student fails to
return the notice, the student will write a letter of explanation to the Subject Teacher as to
express the delay of the returned notice 3) On the third unpassed examination, the Subject
Teacher will refer the student to the Prefect of Discipline office for a parent’s conference. 4. If the
student is late during the scheduled and unscheduled written works such as examinations, quiz
bowls, seat works, assignments etc., he will not be allowed to participate in the written works
unless student complies the essential requirements not limited to ​letter of explanation​,
attachments​, ​excuse letter with principal’s approval ​and ​permit from SDPC. ​If everything is
not complied, the student will be marked “zero” in the record. 5. The Subject Teacher will not be
held responsible for any unmissed activities of the student. It is the
student’s responsibility to fulfill his obligations in his academic

III.C Classroom

1. The student is required to conform to the dress code set by the department. If the student fails
to conform, his ID shall be confiscated and he is obliged to report to the Prefect of the Discipline
office. 2. The student is not allowed to use his mobile phone, laptops, tablets etc. during class
discussions unless told to do so by the Subject Teacher. Once the student is caught using
gadgets without the Subject Teacher’s permission, the ID of the student involved shall be
confiscated and is required to report to the Prefect of the Discipline office. 3. Cheating is not
tolerable in any means. If a student is caught cheating, his ID shall be confiscated is
required to report to the Prefect of the Discipline office for a ​Parent’s

STEM . SRA . V.1 .

IV. Late and

1. The student has an allowable of 20% of the total number of classes to be absent in one
semester. If
the student exceeds the allowable number of absence, he is considered ​drop​. 2. A student is
already considered late if he arrives a minute after the start of the class. If a student is late, he
will ​not be allowed to enter ​the class and is required to report to the Prefect of the Discipline
office to get the ​permit to enter. ​If a student is late for three collective times, then he is already
considered of one absence.

V. Subject and Clearance


V.1 Subject

1. Google classroom involvement 2. Lecture notebook

3. Activity notebook 4. Scientific calculator 5. Book
(highly recommended) 6. Two copies of signed Subject
Requirements Agreement

V.2 Clearance

1. Two Monthly and Two Quarterly Test papers with parent’s/guardian’s signature 2. Minutes of
the meeting per team signed by the Subject Teacher during the course of the semester 3.
Complete Lecture and activity notebook

VI. Grades and


VI.A Grading

Written Works ​5% Knowledge

10% Process 10% Understanding
Quarterly Exams ​15% Knowledge
15% Process
Performance Task ​45%
% VI.B Sanctions
1. The student is not allowed to ask the Subject Teacher to give him a special project or activity to
his grades or scores if his grade is 75 or above regardless if the student is a scholar or not. 2.
Only the student with a challenging grade of ​below 75 ​has the opportunity to be given remedial
exams. The Subject Teacher should agree with the student on the date and time of the remedial
course and if the student fails to take the remedial action on the agreed date and time, the student
will automatically be given a failing mark. 3. The Subject Teacher is not allowed to give a written
grade to the student unless the Subject Teacher is certain there will be no more changes in the
student’s grade. The Subject Teacher may or may not allow the students to look at the own records
of the student involved.

Any student who is given a final grade of below 75 shall re-enroll this

I, ​Ashley B. Alvarez​, an STEM Student of University of San Jose Recoletos - Senior High School
Department currently enrolled in General Physics 1 hereby guarantee that I fully understand and shall
conform to the compliance requirements of the subject, its guidelines and sanctions.

Date: ______________________Time: ________

(Student’s Signature Over Printed


______________________________________________________ ​(Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature Over
Printed Name) (Subject Teacher’s Signature Over Printed Name)

STEM . SRA . V.1 .


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