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9/17/2019 Wi­Fi Quiz

 The Evolution of Cybersecurity

Started on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 10:35 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 10:36 PM
Time taken 1 min 14 secs
Points 4/5
Grade 80 out of 100
Feedback Congratulations, you have passed!

Question 1 Which of the following is required to enable a Wi‐Fi connection from an end‐user’s device?

1 points out of 1

Select one:
A contract with a mobile service provider

A subscription to an ISP

To be within range of a GSM mast

Connection to a Wireless Access Point 

Question 2 In what year did we see the rise of the first Wireless Local Access Network? 

0 points out of 1

Select one:


1991 


Question 3 What is Wi‐Fi?


1 points out of 1

Select one:
Technology for radio wireless local area networking 

A cable that is attached to a device to enable internet connectivity

A diplomatic protocol

A term associated with quality audio technology

Question 4 What does WPA stand for?


1 points out of 1

Select one:
Wi‐Fi Performance Attributes

Wi‐Fi Protected Access 

Wireless Proliferation Algorithm

Wireless Provisioning Agency

Question 5 What standard is Wi‐Fi based on? 1/2
9/17/2019 Wi­Fi Quiz
Question 5 What standard is Wi‐Fi based on?

1 points out of 1

Select one:
5‐4‐3 rule

IEEE 802.11 

ISO 5750

10Base‐T 2/2

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