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ENTR2301 Innovation Mid Term Exam - Alternative

Entrepreneur Interview

The objective of this exercise is for you to identify, meet and briefly interview an entrepreneur that has started their

own business within the last ten years. The candidate CAN NOT be a current student, family member or family friend,

and must have graduated prior to the start of this school year. You must submit your target company for approval by

the professor in advance of meeting the company – only one person can interview each company – first come first


The interview is short, but you must prepare a TWO PAGE summary of your findings – Double spaced, Times New Roman

12 Font, 1 inch margins.

A template including the requirements and scoring for this paper is attached. The paper must be submitted via

BlackBoard assignment tool by March 31, 2107 EOD.

ENTR2301 Innovation Mid Term Exam - Alternative
Entrepreneur Interview

1. Company information: 10 points

Company Name
Date of Incorporation
Location of Business
Type of Business
Founders Name(s)
Founders Email Address
Founders Education
Founders Area of Expertise

Number of Employees

2. Illustrative Verification: Total 30 points (10 points each)

Insert a photo of you Insert a photo of the Insert a photo of the

and the founder here company headquarters product / service here
(10 points) here (10 points) (10 points)

3. The founders signature on their company letterhead: 10 points

Survey Questions: Ten points each
4. What is the pain point that the founder(s) are seeking to solve with their product or service and how

did you decide to resolve that pain point (minimum 100+ words)?

5. What was the most challenging part of starting their enterprise (minimum 100+ words)?

6. What was the most exciting event that has occurred during their startup process (minimum 100+


7. What is the most important characteristic that they look for in new employees / partners?

8. If he/she could do it again, what is the one thing that they would do differently?

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