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“Pk” Reflection Paper

“Money can’t bring me home.”, “There are two Gods, the one that created us and the
one you created” were the lines that hit me the most in the entire movie entitled “Pk”. Pk was a
movie about an alien who came to earth and lost the only way he could go back home. The movie
was about his journey on finding his remote which sends a signal to his people to come and get
him back, this was stolen from him when he arrived and he neither knows the language nor knows
anyone on this planet.

Pk’s story for me, was devastating, he came to this world without the knowledge of
how the world he entered moves and the only way he could go back home was stolen from him.
He even tried every religion he can just so he can find God and ask him to return his remote but
sadly every religion failed him to the point he broke down. There was this guy who befriended Pk,
his name was Bhairon, they became so close to the point they call each other brothers. They met
each other when Bhairon accidentally hit him. I liked how he wanted to abandon Pk and changed
his mind after leaving him and even tried his best to help Pk remember his memories and cared for
him as if his own family, He even went to Pk together with the one who stole his remote but sadly
he died after exiting the train due to an explosion and when Pk saw that he died he was even more
dedicated to go the TV show “wrong number’ where he was featured in to face “His Holiness”.
Pk also met a girl, whom he developed feelings for later in the movie, her name was Jagat Janani
but she prefers to be called Jaggu. She was also one of the people who helped Pk. She first thought
that Pk was a baloney or is psychologically ill until she saw it for herself and then promised to
help Pk get his remote back. I liked how tried to help Pk and even told their story of Sarfaraz
publicly which she was never comfortable of and even called him just for the sake of Pk. The scene
where Jaggu sent Pk off made me cry because that was the moment that Jaggu realized that Pk
loved her.

Overall, the movie for me was funny and at the same time sad but as watching I realized
that we were once like Pk, innocent and doesn’t know anything, like adam and eve, right before
they ate from tree of knowledge of good and evil and the remote was our way to go home to where
our father, God, to flee this world full of sins which has corrupted how we perceive things, where
there are Gods made by people, where inequality is present, where there is injustice, where people
will judge you because of your status in the economy and many more.

Kurt Yranne V. Pelayo SJ-05

Pk is about an alien who came to earth to do some tasked research but unfortunately when
he arrived, his only way back home was stolen from him and was sold by the thief to a person
labeled as “His Holiness” a person who is greatly worshiped by the people there. This movie is
about his journey in getting his remote back.

Pk was new to our planet which means he doesn’t know anything about how things are
done in our planet but somehow managed to survive by observing and later in the movie with the
help of Bhairon p and Jaggu. Bhairon was a guy that hit him in the road and decided to leave Pk
but failed to do so because he came back for him only after he left him. He treated him like a family
and was determined to help him gain his memories back because the doctor told him that Pk has
amnesia. One day he brought Pk to a brothel and that is when Pk knew everything he has to learn
in order to live here on Earth by holding a woman’s hands and that is when he explained everything
to Bhairon and bid each other farewell. Their relationship was good and I liked how Bhairon took
care of him as if his own family even he was a complete stranger, which in today’s time is very
rare because most people want something in exchange for something they do for you but Bhairon
didn’t have a single thought of making Pk repay him or something, which is very nice of him.
When Pk was in Delhi, he met a girl named Jaggu. Jaggu was a TV reporter who got interested in
Pk and labeled him as her “story”. He saw her while riding a train and saw him again after a week
and another after that, became curious of who Pk is and what is his story so she followed him to
the prison and asked the policeman to let her go in the cell and there she interviewed Pk. She didn’t
believe what Pk told her until she got to see it for herself, from that very point she started helping
Pk to get his remote back, which was stolen from him and was bought by “His Holiness” from the
thief, by asking her boss to let Pk be a part of a show which was later named “Wrong Number”. I
liked how she was determined to help Pk go home when she got the proof that Pk wasn’t a fraud
at all, and especially during the moment when her personal life got involved in the tv show “Wrong
number” where she could’ve agreed to “His Holiness” to avoid the topic but she still told
everything even though she wasn’t comfortable talking about it and even called Sarfaraz just for
the sake of Pk.

We enter this world just like PK- naked, without knowledge about what the world contains
or any understanding about right or wrong. We are taught everything as we grow up and start
believing what people tell us and what we see.

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