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Day: HISTORY Class: VI & Sec

Session 2017-18
Ch-10 Traders, Kings &Pilgrims

1. Choose the correct option

1 Which country was the first to make silk?

a) China b) Japan c) India d) Sri Lanka

2 Which Indian trade item was known as Black Gold in ancient times?

a) Stones b) Pepper c) Coal d) Silver

3 The idea of Bhakti is also present in the

a) Ramayana b) Bhagavad Gita c) Bible d) Tripitakas

4 The Nalanda University was famous centre for

a) Vedicstudies b) Jain Studies c) Buddist studies d) Secular studies

5 Which is the older form of Buddhism?

a) Hinayana b) Mahayana c) Jainism d) None

6 From which river the term India was derived?

a) Beas b) Indus c) Ganga d) Ravi

2. Match the following

1 Zuang Zang Devotion

2 Bhakti River valley

3 Kaveri Chinese Pilgrim

4 Black Gold Buddhist Monastery

5 Nalanda Pepper

3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word from the given box

Hindus Spices Sea

Deilty Hinayana

1 South India was famous for gold, and precious stones.

2 Traders explored several routes.

3 Bhagavad Gita is a sacred book of _________________________________ .

4 The two sects of Buddhism were and Mahayana.

5 Bhakti is person's devotion to his chosen __________________________ .

4. Answers the following questions in one word

1 Who was the most famous ruler of the Kushanas?


2 Who wrote Buddha charita?

3 Why the Kings wanted to control silk route?


4 Name the deities which were worshipped in Hinduism.


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