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Danny Hardhiansyah Rukmana

ECG Case I

R : Sinus Rhytm

R: HR 75x/ menit

A: Normal Axis

H: Tidak ada

I: ST Depresi di lead III

I: ST elevasi di V2-V5

Kesimpulan: STEMI Anterior Extensive

ECG Case 2

R: Sinus Bradikardi

R: 50x/ menit

A : Normal Axis

H: Tidak ada

I: ST Deppresi di lead I, aVL

I: ST elevasi di lead II, III, aVF

Kesimpulan: STEMI Inferior

ECG Case 3


R: Sinus Rhytm

R: 60x/ menit

A: Normal Axis

H: Tidak ada Hipertropi

I: Tidak ada

I: Tidak ada

Kesimpulan: Normal resting EKG

ECG Case 4

R: Sinus Rhytm

R: 85x/ menit

A: Normal Axis

H: Tidak ada

I: ST depresi di Lead I, aVL, V1-V2

I: ST Elevasi di Lead II, III, aVF, V4-V6

Kesimpulan: STEMI Infero lateral

ECG Case 5
A 55 year old male with a history of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus presents to the emergency department with substernal chest pain radiating to
his left arm, diaphoresis and shortness of breath. He has vomited twice and now is intermittently feeling lightheaded.
His temperature is 37.4, heart rate 70, blood pressure 110/70, and respiratory rate 24. His physical exam reveals no JVD, mild bibasilar rales on lung exam, his heart
sounds are regularly irregular, and an S4 heart sound is present. His ECG is below.
What are the main findings on the below ECG tracing?
R: AV Block derajat 2 wenckebach

R: 70x/ menit

A: Normal Axis

H: Tidak ada

I: ST depresi di Lead I, aVL

I: ST elevasi lead II, III, aVF

Kesimpulan: AV Block derajat 2 wenckebach dengan STEMI Inferior

6. Based on the ECG, which coronary artery is most likely involved in this myocardial infarction? RCA

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