CIV3703 Transport Engineering (USQ)

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CIV3703 Transport Engineering

Source: Austroads

Module 3- Geometric design of roads

Part 3
3.13 Importance of Intersections
Intersection: Location at
which two traffic streams
cross or merge.
Capacity and safety – problems

Two basic types:

higher capacity
greater cost
Common forms of at-grade Intersections
Problems with At-grade Intersections

Vehicle conflicts – crash rates

Drainage problems
Surrounding land use (shops, etc)
Land acquisition costs higher
Roadway lighting – require additional pavement area
Pedestrian concentrations
Priority allocation (eg., directional traffic,
3.14 Types of Conflicting Manoeuvres

3.15 Types of Intersections [At-Grade]

Unchannelised, Unflared Intersections

Unchannelised and Flared Intersections

Channelised Intersections
3.15 Types of Intersections [At-Grade]

Unchannelised, Unflared Intersections

Intersection of minor roads
Intersection of minor roads and major roads
Priority handled by STOP and GIVE WAY signs.

Source: Google Earth

3.15 Types of Intersections [At-Grade]

Unchannelised and Flared Intersections

Provide additional capacity for turning traffic.

Source: Google Earth

3.15 Types of Intersections [At-Grade]

Channelised Intersections
Movement paths delineated by traffic islands.

Source: Google Earth

3.16 Factors Influencing Intersections Design

Need to consider all road users – freight, cyclists, peds.

Topography and Environment

Alignment, grade, drainage, pub. util., property access.

Economic Considerations
Cost benefit analysis

Human Factors
Driver behaviour, reaction time
3.17 Design Procedure

1. Obtain traffic data

Design hour volumes; through and turning.

2. Obtain physical data – topography, nearby building, etc.

3. Obtain road design data – existing & future
4. Prepare study sketches
5. Analyse alternatives
6. Prepare preliminary plans
7. Evaluate preliminary plans
Design features; capacity; operational characteristics; overall
adaptability; maintenance of traffic during construction; suitability of
stage construction.

8. Calculate preliminary cost estimates

Including land acquisition; clearing; construction; maintenance;
utility changes.

9. Calculate road user costs and benefits

10. Analyse data (7), (8) and (9) to give preferred plan.
11. Prepare final drawings, spec and estimate.
3.18 Principles of Intersection Design

Smallest design unit is the individual

maneouvre area.
Typical road intersection can be considered a
combination of a number of elemental
maneouvre areas.
Intersection design should consider the
following twelve fundamental principles.
1. Minimise number of conflicting points
Conflict analysis – Example

Before After

2. Control relative speed
3. Separate points of conflict

Source: Austroads 2013

4. Give priority to major traffic flow
5. Reduce area of conflict
6. Coordinate intersection and traffic control designs
7. Clearly define vehicle paths and conflict areas
8. Control the speed and angle of
conflicting traffic movements

Source: Austroads
9. Prohibit undesirable or unnecessary traffic movements
10. Provide adequate capacity
11. Consider the spacing of intersections
12. Consider the needs of all road users
3.19 Geometric Design Standards
for At-Grade Intersections
3.19.1 Design Vehicles
Provision made for vehicles of legal dimensions, to move
with adequate clearance to road furniture and other

3 design vehicles used:

Design car
Design single unit truck, or bus
Design semi-trailer
Which design vehicle should be used?

Depends on:

Location of Intersection

Expected traffic composition

Which design vehicle should be used?
Turning movements checked with use of turning templates.
3.19.2 Sight Distance
Adequate sight distance critical to safe

3 criteria used:
Approach sight distance, ASD (minimum – stop);
Safe intersection sight distance, SISD (major road
traffic observing minor road traffic).
Minimum gap sight distance, MGSD
Approach sight distance, ASD
Driver height = 1.1 m; object height = 0
ASD =RTV/3.6 + V2/254(d + 0.01a)

ASD = approach sight distance (m)

RT = reaction time (s)

V = operating (85th percentile) speed (km/hr)

d = Coefficient of deceleration (also fL)

a = Longitudinal grade in %
Safe Intersection Sight Distance (SISD)

SISD = DTV/3.6 + V2/254(d + 0.01a)

SISD = Safe intersection sight distance (m)

DT = decision time (s) = observation time

(3s) + reaction time

V = operating speed (km/hr)

d = Coefficient of deceleration (also fL)

a = Longitudinal grade in %

Frequently the minimum sight distance is

specified as 2xSD.

Source: Austroads
Example:Minimum gap sight distance, MGSD
Intersection Sight Distances (m)
Intersection sight distance based on driver
reaction time of 2 seconds
3.19.3 Horizontal & Vertical Alignment

Best location for intersections:

Straight roads with uniform grade.

Where straight horiz. alignment not available:

intersection within horiz. curve.

Where uniform grade not available: intersections

best in sag, not on crest.
3.19.4 Channelisation
Design of channelisation
individual for each
Uses of channelisation
Separating conflicting movements;
Reducing general area of conflict;
Merging traffic streams at small angles;
Controlling traffic streams by width;
Providing refuge for turning vehicles;
Prohibiting certain turns;
Improving efficiency and layout of signal systems;
Providing protection for pedestrians;
Providing installation areas for traffic signals and/or signs.

Source: Austroads
Source: Google maps
3.19.5 Provision for Left-turning Vehicles

Simple left turns – appropriate radius.

Left turn lanes – signalised intersections, where turning
volumes high, or high speeds.
Left turn slip lane – left turn lane with corner island. To
minimise delays.
3.19.6 Provision for Right-turning Vehicles

Auxiliary right turn lanes –

used to improve capacity
and/or safety.

Length? Sufficient storage

(predicted peak hour)

Right turn lanes must

appear as turn lanes so
drivers do not use them as
through lanes.

Source: Austroads 2010

3.19.7. Traffic Lane Widths
Ideal: lane widths same as approach roads.
Urban situations – often provision made for
turning by using narrower lanes.
Turning lanes: desirable width at least 3m.
Widths as low as 2.4m have been used.
3.20 Roundabouts
A channelised intersection in which all traffic
through the intersection circulates clockwise
around a central island.

Entering traffic required to give way to traffic

circulating on roundabout.
3.21 Grade Separations and Interchanges

Grade-separated intersection:
intersecting roads separated in level to eliminate
crossing conflict.

If intersection also allows turning movements from

one road to another, then the intersection is an
Advantages and Disadvantages
Capacity approaches that of normal road section;
Increased safety and driver comfort;
Design is flexible – adaptable to most situations;
Staged development often possible.
Large land area required;
May be confusing to drivers.
Standard Interchange Configurations

T or Trumpet (3 leg)
Y (3 leg)
Partial cloverleaf
T or Trumpet

Superhighway Shanghai with
pedestrian facilities

Source: CCO D. Nevohai via

Partial Cloverleaf

Source: Google
Magic roundabout, Swindon, UK

Source: Google
Hi-5 Interchange
Dallas, Texas, USA

Source: Google
ATSB 2015, Choose your speed, choose your consequences, Australian Transport Safety
Bureau, Commonwealth department of transport and regional services, Australia
Austroads 2009, Guide to road design part 3: geometric design, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2009, Guide to road design part 4: intersections and crossings, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2010, Guide to road design part 4A: unsignalised and signalised intersections,
Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2013, Guide to road design part 4B: roundabouts, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2009, Guide to road design part 4C: interchanges, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Commonwealth Department of Housing and Regional Development 1995, AMCORD – a
national resource document for residential development, Australian Government
Publishing Service, Canberra.
Institute of Transportation Engineers 2004, Toolbox on intersection safety and design,
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington.
Rogers, M 2003, Highway engineering, Blackwell Publishing, London.
Salter, RJ & Hounsell, NB 1996, Highway Traffic Analysis and Design, MacMillan Press Ltd,
Houndmillsm Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.
End of Module 3

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