Allama Iqbal

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Allama Iqbal


G.A Pervez

 “Iqbal was the real intellectual

force behind the notion of an
Islamic State &
 Jinnah was the key to implement
Iqbal’s idea”


Iqbal: ‘Reconstruction’ (1930)

 “Islam is neither Nationalism

nor Imperialism
 But a League of Nations that
recognizes artificial boundaries
& racial distinctions only for
facility of reference,
 Not for restricting the social
horizon of members”

Iqbal’s Essay: “The Spirit of

Muslim Culture”

Idea: While explaining the cultural

significance of the idea of abolition
of Prophet hood he said “With the
abolition of Prophet hood, hereditary
kinship & priesthood has also been

Syed Wahid: ‘Thoughts &

Reflections of Iqbal’ (1964)


 “The communal problem in

India is not that of an inter-
communal character
 But manifestly of an
international one & it must be
treated as such
 So the model of British
democracy cannot be of any use
in the land of many nations”

Allahabad Address (1930)

Muslim of India are a Nation

 “Muslims of India are the only

Indian people
 Who can fitly be described
 As a nation in the modern sense
of the word”

Goal of Pakistan

“A consolidated North-West
Indian Muslim State is the final
destiny of the Muslims at least of the
North-West India”


“I would like to see the Punjab,

NWFP, Sindh & Balochistan
amalgamated into a single-state”


“I, therefore, demand the formation

of a consolidated Muslim state in the
best interest of India & Islam”


“For India:

 Security & peace resulting from

an internal balance of power
For Islam:

 To mobilize its law, education &

 To bring it into closer contact
with its original spirit & spirit of
modern times”

Article in Hilal

Nationalistic & Pan-Islamic

 Muslim Nationalism is in b/w the


Intellectual Justification for a

Muslim State

 Islamic culture & ethics up the

social structure of Islam
 Muslim society has grown due to
its homogeneity & inner unity,
under the pressure of Islamic law
associated with Islamic culture

Problem 1

 So, the rejection of Islamic social

order means displacement of
Islamic solidarity, thus wouldn’t

Problem 2

 If under another social order,

Muslims would not be able to
practice pan-Islam as they would
be restricted by another national
polity i.e. Hindus

 Thus Iqbal bridged the gap b/w

Nationalistic & Pan-Islamism
with his intellectual exposition

Iqbal’s Allahabad Address (1930)


 1926 elections were the 1st time

when Muslims garnered mass
vote according to a separate

 But no party emerged as a

Muslim rep

 Further, the Nehru Report

(1928) abolished separate
 This wasn’t favorable for
Muslims, thus proposed a goal of
a separate state

The Struggle

 Along with Iqbal, Sir Syed also

said that India is a continent,
not a country

 From Sir Syed to Iqbal to Jinnah,

the founding fathers have
asserted, time and time again that
the India is an abode of many

 Since Muslims were the only

ones demanding separate
statehood, the several-nation was
properly known as the Two-
Nation Theory

 Imam-ul-Hind: Abdul Kalam

Azad & Ameerul Momineen
Ahmed Madni tried to keep India
united under the INC banner

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