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Ananda Hum - Day 1

Ananda represents the energy that generates the transcendental bliss of existence. Hum means “I
am,” so this mantra helps your individuality resonate with the inherent happiness of life.

Shum - Day 2
This mantra is often associated with the 6th chakra, the energy center for intuition, insight, and
inspiration. It is also connected with the goddess Lakshmi, the agency in Nature that bestows
abundance and all possibilities. This mantra helps activate your creative insight, inspiration, and
knowing that when you are connected to the Source, anything is possible.

Shanti Hum - Day 3

Shanti is the sound for peace. Peace in the mind, peace in the world, peace in all of nature. Hum
affirms that this is your identity, your true self. Repeating Shanti Hum is a quiet declaration that
universal peace is your essential nature.

Shreem - Day 6
Shreem is another mantra associated with the goddess Lakshmi. This is the divine essence of
abundance, happiness, beauty, and beneficence. When our awareness is filled with positivity and the
quality of infinite possibilities, it is filled with an empowered hope that can create change.

Sarvatva - Day 7
Sarva is the root of the Sanskrit word for wholeness, the All, or totality. This mantra declares that
the wholeness of the universe dwells within our individual consciousness. This gives reality to our
feeling of completeness in our being.

Shree Ram - Day 8

This mantra combines the energy of Shree, which is divine joy, auspiciousness, and abundance, with
the energy of Ram, a mantra which strongly draws those divine qualities directly into the physical
body and into the emotions. It has the effect of creating a surge of bliss. Traditionally it is also
considered a powerful healing mantra.

Dharma Hum - Day 9

Dharma is the life purpose that leads to our spiritual awakening. When we are following our
Dharma, we are following our bliss. We are aligned with the blissful flow of spiritual evolution.
Sampriya Hum - Day 10
Sampriya is spiritual love in action. It is affection, caring, and loving. This mantra brings the pure
love of our non-local, immortal self into our physical, localized self, making divine love into human

Om Mitraya - Day 11
Mitraya is the is god of friendliness and harmonious cooperation. Om Mitraya cultivates feelings of
kindness and helpfulness.

Kleem Upahasa - Day 12

Upahasa is the spirit of laughter. Kleem is a mantra that attracts whatever you are asking for. Kleem
Upahasa attracts mirth and laughter into your life.

Shreem Namah - Day 13

Shreem is the goddess of joy, abundance, and beauty. Namah means respect, by bringing our full
conscious being into appreciation or gratitude. This mantra cultivates a feeling of appreciation and
gratitude for the abundance in life.

Rabhasa Hum - Day 14

Rabhasa means the passion of living. It conveys the sense of a rushing or surging force of energy.
Rabhasa Hum means we identify our consciousness, or life force, with the powerful passionate
energy coursing through the universe. It gives us a passionate enthusiasm for life and growth.

Ravaye Hum - Day 15

Ravi means the radiance of the supreme spiritual light. It is the radiance of the spiritual sun. This
mantra activates the radiance of our spiritual light, expressing our true nature as bliss.

Prasada Hum - Day 16

Prasad is a divine gift or blessing. Prasad is also that state of divine generosity that uplifts and
blesses. Prasada Hum aligns our awareness to this state and the process of giving as well as
receiving blessings.

Seva Hum - Day 17

Seva is the Sanskrit word for service. Seva is action performed for the sake of others, but more
specifically it is action that is not motivated by individual desire. Instead, it is action prompted by
the impulse of spiritual growth and freedom. This is why wisdom traditions extol service as a path
to enlightenment. Seva Hum stirs this selfless impulse and instills the joy of helping others as its
own reward.

Karuna Hum - Day 18

Karuna is pure compassion borne of the knowledge of our absolute connection to everyone.
Karuna Hum elicits compassion for all from this place of shared consciousness in every person.

Vedohum - Day 19
Veda is the unmanifest wisdom of life underlying all creation. Vedohum affirms the reality of this
infinite knowledge within our awareness and encourages it to guide our thought and action. The
awakening to this knowledge brings an upsurge of bliss in consciousness.

Shanti Vira - Day 20

Shanti is universal peace, and Vira is infinite strength or power. Shanti Vira not only brings peace,
but it gives you the strength to be peaceful even in circumstances where it might be instinctive to
retaliate. It gives you the courage and clarity to be your true self in all situations.

Purnamidam - Day 21
Purna indicates the fullness or entirety of creation. It is a fullness that means Nature is
inexhaustible no matter how much it gives or creates. The mantra Purnamidam reveals that this
fullness of Nature exists within our essence. We are that same wholeness of Being.

Aham Brahmasmi - Day 22

Aham means “I am” and Brahmasmi refers to the pure existence, or Brahman. Together this mantra
means "the core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source
of all that exists."

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